Co school years we know that man supposedly descended from apes. No one remembers how it really happened, but everyone repeats Darwin’s words. There are theories about the extraterrestrial origin of man, including the Divine, but we won’t talk about metaphysics now.

After much thought, I came to the conclusion that man descended from the pig. The theory of origin from monkeys is a lie! The pig is closer to humans not only in biological, but also in sociocultural aspects.

Biological similarities

Scientists have found that the human and pig bodies are largely similar in structure and a number of physiological characteristics. Thus, the blood vessels, especially the arteries, in pigs are very similar to those in humans. The content of hemoglobin and proteins in the blood, the sizes of red blood cells are also almost the same. The structure of the skin is also surprisingly similar, thanks to which pigs - the only domestic animals - can sunbathe. It has great similarities in the structure of the dental system, the morphology and physiology of the kidneys, the structure of the eyes, the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and digestion. For example, a pig's heart weighs 320 g, a human's - 300, lungs - 800 and 700, respectively, kidneys - 260 and 280, liver - 1600 and 1800 g.

Insulin for the treatment of diabetes has in the past been isolated from the pancreas of cattle and pigs. It is curious that beef insulin differs from human insulin by 3 amino acids, and pork insulin by only one. But nowhere is it written that insulin is obtained from the glands of monkeys.

The pig is one of the best models in biomedical research for the study of human cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, nervous system and digestion. The effects of radiation and alcohol, drugs and drug dosing are being studied in pigs.

Sociocultural similarities

Pigs have the same problems as people - laziness, gluttony, excess weight, untidiness, physical inactivity, excessive desire for comfort. No one forces pigs to eat to their fullest. Have you ever seen obese monkeys happily rolling around in the mud?

Laziness, excess weight, untidiness, physical inactivity, excessive desire for comfort.


The absence of intermediate stages of the transition between pigs and humans cannot serve as a refutation of the theory of swine genesis, since such stages have not been found in monkeys (as far as I know). Currently, apes do not transform into humans.

Indirect evidence of the theory of swine genesis comes from the results of observations of people exposed to alcohol intoxication. It is known that alcohol suppresses the mechanisms of control and self-criticism on the part of consciousness, bringing us closer in level of organization to our distant ancestors.

Pigs lie in the mud.

People are like pigs under the influence of alcohol.


At a joint meeting of the scientific society of janitors and the society of cleaners, the concept of pigogenesis was unanimously approved and recommended for further study.

A pig bathes in mud.

People create garbage.
Perhaps this is a subconscious need to bathe in it.

It is safe to say that the theory of swine genesis was hushed up in the literature for many years. scientific world. It is possible that this is a worldwide conspiracy. There is also reason to believe that the swine flu virus was specially synthesized in secret laboratories in order to distance us from our ancestors. However, it will not be possible to hide the historical truth.

In ancient times, in China and Egypt, pigs were considered saints, a symbol of prosperity and happiness. To this day, ancient sculptures of the Indian deity Vishnu in the form of a boar raising the earth have been preserved. In ancient Italy, the pig was considered a symbol of fertility and was a sacrificial animal. IN greek city Milete still has a monument to a boar, erected 2000 years ago; a monument to a pig is also installed in the Danish port of Aarhus and in the center of the capital of Thailand.

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The human species is the result of copulation between a wild boar and a female chimpanzee, this assumption was recently put forward by one of the leading geneticists of our time.

The sensational announcement was made by Eugene McCarthy from the University of Georgia, who is also one of the world's leading researchers in the field of animal hybridization. He points out that while humans have many similarities to chimpanzees, the human genotype has many traits not found in other primates.

Dr McCarthy says these characteristics are most likely the result of interspecies interbreeding that occurred at the dawn of time. Moreover, he believes, there is one animal that has all the traits that distinguish humans from our primate cousins.

“What is this other animal that has all these traits?” - he asks a rhetorical question. “An ordinary pig,” he answers to himself.

Dr. McCarthy develops his surprising hypothesis in an article published on a website he curates. The geneticist is at pains to emphasize that this is just a hypothesis, but he imagines convincing evidence in her support.

Scientists currently believe that chimpanzees are the closest living evolutionary relatives of humans. This theory is convincingly supported by genetic evidence. However, as Dr. McCarthy points out, despite these genetic similarities, there are quite a number of different anatomical characteristics that distinguish the two species. These distinctive characteristics, including bare skin, a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, light eyes, prominent noses and heavy eyelashes, are distinctive features pigs.

There are also a number of less obvious, but no less mysterious similarities between humans and pigs in the structure of the skin and organs.

In fact, pig skin and heart valves can be used in medicine due to their similarity and compatibility with the human body. Dr. McCarthy says humans may be the result of successive generations of "backcrossing" with chimpanzees, since humans are more like chimpanzees than pigs.

This also helps explain the problem of infertility in hybrids. Dr. McCarthy points out that the belief that all hybrids are infertile is in fact false, and in many cases hybrid animals are able to breed with members of the same species as one of their parents.

After several generations, the hybrid strain could become strong enough for members of the new species to begin reproducing among themselves, McCarthy says.

There is such a profession - a pigologist. She is revered in Poltava. The roots of the profession are in Tsarist Russia. That’s when the Poltava Experimental Station for Pig Breeding was opened. After the revolution, it grew into the All-Union NIIS. Thanks to enthusiasts, the institute survived the years of the collapse of the USSR. Now he is breeding new breeds of pigs under the wing of the Ukrainian Academy agricultural sciences. Two academicians, one corresponding member, five doctors of science and 28 candidates work here. They know everything about pigs! And they claim (either jokingly or seriously) that man descended... from a pig.

- Circulatory system of this animal, especially the arteries, are an exact copy of human vessels, says academician of the Ukrainian and Russian Academies Agricultural Sciences, Director of the Institute of Pig Breeding of the UAAS Valentin Rybalko. - The content of hemoglobin and proteins in the blood is almost completely the same. The structure of the skin is surprisingly similar. The pig can even “sunbathe.” A pig's milk teeth, like ours, are replaced by molars. It's even similar nervous system, not to mention the digestive organs. The heart of a pig weighs on average 320 g, and a person - 300, the weight of the lungs is 800 and 790, respectively, the kidneys are 250 and 280, the liver is 1600 and 1800. The number of heart beats per minute in a person is 60 - 90, in a pig 62 - 80. Dimensions and internal organs pigs are the size of humans. And how many millions of people the pig saved the lives of! The skin of young piglets is the best material for transplantation for burns. Collagen threads made from pig skin connective tissue are indispensable in operating rooms; they are harmless and completely absorbable!
- When dangerous toxins accumulate in human blood, it is purified by passing it through the pig’s body.
- Today, sensational research is being conducted in leading countries. Pig tissue is being prepared for transplantation into humans. Several generations of transgenic animals have already been obtained, some of whose histocompatibility genes have been replaced with human ones.
- Brrr, even a little scary. What, is the pig being “humanized”?
- You can say so. In the near future, it will become the main donor for humans.
One of the Cairo newspapers asked theologians a question: “Can a Mohammedan agree to a pig organ transplant?” Theologians - Sheikhs Ahmad Hared and Mahamed el Hatzali answered: “Eating pig meat is prohibited by the Koran. But transplanting its organs is permissible if it saves the life of a believer.”
-Have you ever seen colorful pigs? - asks academician Rybalko, proudly showing his possessions. - This year was called the year of the Red Pig. This one really exists, and even with white stripes. Look at the long body and well-defined hams. The pig seems to be wrapped in a red and white flag! We have been working on the selection of this breed for 30 years! When Marshal Kurkotkin, deputy. Minister of Defense of the USSR Yazov in the rear, saw these beauties, he was inspired to breed exclusively red pigs in all army farms. There’s a lot of meat and it’s patriotic. Belovezhskaya Pushcha ruined the plans.
- Don’t you take portraits of your pets with you? - we ask, looking at how lovingly the academician scratches the pigs’ ears.
- Why carry them, if in Moscow, and in Kyiv, and in Minsk, almost every newsstand sticks out a native spot? Piggy is a fertile topic for publishers, especially now. No matter how I look at such a postcard, I recognize the Poltava breed. Do you know that the world’s first pig monument was erected in Holland, the second in the Sumy region, and the third and fourth in Poltava?
The inscription on the Poltava monument is laconic, but eloquent: “View of the vast Ukrainians!” Historians believe that the pig saved the Ukrainian nation during the Mongol-Tatar yoke. After all, pork remained the only product that the conquerors did not covet.
- Where do the sayings come from - to plant a pig, to behave like a pig?
- These are people who behave like pigs towards a pig! - the academician exclaims warmly. - The poor pig was simply trampled into the mud! What other animal has so many offensive epithets? And she doesn't deserve it. Take, for example, the myth that a pig is unclean. Why does a pig love dirt so much - it is a kind of bathhouse for it. This is how the pig gets rid of parasites, and the dried dirt that has fallen off like plaster, oddly enough, cleans the pig well.
- They also say that he got drunk like a pig...
“But this is close to the truth,” Rybalko admits. - Pigs quickly become drunk. American scientists have found that pigs are the most suitable animals for studying alcoholism. Children especially love alcohol. Piglets enjoy drinking beer and mash, this is due to the compensation of energy costs. Babies, especially in the first weeks of life, are very sensitive to lack of food and warmth.
The pig is one of the smartest animals. Scientists conducted an interesting study: they identified so-called “mind points” in humans and animals. There were 214 such points in humans, 112 in dolphins, 92 in monkeys, 63 in pigs, 60 in dogs, 51 in cats...
- Yes, but a dog and a cat have a soul, they are attached to a person!
- And the pig has it! Are you aware that the Israelis have been trying for over a year to develop a breed of “fighting” pigs trained to attack terrorists? It was assumed that fanatics would be afraid to carry out operations where pigs might attack them, so as not to lose their place in heaven. But the peaceful nature of the pigs prevented the project from being implemented. “They are not like working dogs that enjoy attacking the enemy,” said Yekutiel Ben-Yaakov, the author of the original idea.
- They feel sorry for us, and we eat them...
- And you don’t eat! - Valentin Pavlovich laughs. - In Southeast Asia, piglets are considered full members of the family. Their meat is not eaten and is used only for sale and exchange. This is explained by the fact that no one has the right to eat the meat of their son or brother. In some Papuan tribes, women nurse piglets with their own milk. But why go far - in the past, in Ukrainian villages, piglets were taken into the house in winter.
And we hope that scientists will figure out how to extract lard without killing the wet nurses. We offer you a drink for this on Piglet’s birthday!