About university

The North Caucasus Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is formed on the basis of the infantry department of the Novo-Peterhof Military School of NKVD. K.E. Voroshilova, which on May 3, 1938 was translated into the city of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz) and received the name "Ordzhonikidze Military School of Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD. CM. Kirov. " Day May 2 is an annual holiday of the university. The first edition of officers from the Summy's walls was carried out on September 18, 1938.

In November 1942 - January 1943, the staff of the School took part in the battles for the city of Ordzhonikidze and the North Caucasus, during which 138 of his honorable pupils were presented to state awards. During the war years, more than 5 thousand officers were prepared by the school. In 1951-1953, the training of future officers was carried out for 2 years, since 1954 - 3 years. In 1961 - 1973, the university was preparing officers with an average military and secondary legal education. On February 22, 1968, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In 1974, it was transformed into a higher educational institution with a 4-year period of study, and since 1992 he passed on a 5-year term of study.

On July 2, 1999, the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, on the basis of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the School was transformed into the North Caucasus Military Red Banner Institute.

The personnel of the Institute took an active part in the special courses for the resolution of interethnic conflicts in Fergana, Samarkand, Sukhumi, Tbilisi, Karabakh, twice in Sumgait, Baku and Yerevan, performed and continues to carry out service-combat missions in the grouping of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Chechen Republic.

For courage and heroism 7 pupils of the university was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them: Lieutenant Lieutenant General, Colonel Leonov D.V., Lieutenant Colonel Karasev V.A., Major Voronkov N.S., Lieutenants Moranin F.V. And Spirin V.R., and Major General Fesin I.M. This title is assigned twice. In the post-war period, performing responsible service-combat missions, the heroes of Russia were 13 graduates of the Institute: Colonel-General Labanets M.I., Majora Majora General, Svipnik N.V. (posthumously), Colonel Lyyuk S.I., lieutenant colonels Peasantsov A.V., and Savchenko A.R. (posthumously), Major Gritsyuk S.A. (posthumously), Major Velichko V.V., Major Zadorozhnaya I.S., Senior Lieutenants Varlakov O.E. (posthumously), Ostrukhov E.V., Lieutenants Zozulu A.S. (posthumously), Mardin E.Yu. (posthumously).

For 69 years of existence, 136 issues were produced in the Military Institute, of which 102 are the main, 26 - external and 8 courses for the preparation of junior officers, as well as 18 issues of improvement courses of the officer. During this period, over 29 thousand officers were prepared in troops. During the period of service in the troops, more than 150 graduates of the institute assigned the highest officer rank - "General".

The North Caucasus Military Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is one of the oldest military-educational institutions of the internal troops and is located in Vladikavkaz, the capital of the Republic of North Ossetia - Ala. The educational and material base of the institute includes training classes, lecture halls, military shooting range, autodrome, tankodrome, tactical field, training facility for engineering and technical support and tactical training of internal troops, sports town, stadium, dining room, clinic, Club, typography, rifle shooting, large and small industrial plants, training place for mining training, barren rooms, hostel for senior cadets, household service enterprises, shop, mail, buffet, boiler houses and warehouses.

The scientific potential of the Military Institute meets all the requirements of state accreditation for military educational institutions of higher professional education.

In the process of study, future officers of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia take an active part in the work of a military-scientific society, conferences, seminars, round tables, acquainted with the history and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the city of Vladikavkaz and the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya, other republics of the North Caucasus, are found with famous Caucasus by scientists, writers, poets, graduates of the institute, holding responsible state posts, representatives of security bodies, military justice, courts, prosecutors. The cadets are the creative teams of the Republican Academic Russian Theater named after E.B. Vakhtangov, North Ossetian State Academic Theater named after V.S. Thapsaeva, the North Ossetian musical theater and state philharmonic, the state ensemble "Alan", the ensembles "Highlander" and the TERSK Cossack troops.

The Center for Cultural Leisure is the Institute Club, where together with students of universities of the city hosts holidays, disputes, kvs, contests and youth discos. At the Institute, the University of Culture works, cadets are engaged in the circles of poetry lovers, authentic songs, artistic amateur activities.

In the process of learning and upbringing future officers of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, much attention is paid to physical training and sports. Among the officers and cadets of the institute there are prize-winners of the All-Russian competitions, the chairs of the internal troops and the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania on various types of struggle, athletics, hand-to-hand combat, officer all-around, athletic gymnastics, manual ball, mountaineering and other sports. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Training and Sports Lieutenant Colonel Kornkov V.A. Twice conquered the highest peak of the world Everest (8847 m).

The university pays great attention to the upbringing of future officer personnel on combat and official traditions of the internal troops and the institute. Since 1954, the Institute has been operating "Museum of Military Glory and the History of the Institute", which from December 23, 1978 has been transformed into a branch of the Central Museum of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The museum's exposition reveal the history and combat path of the internal troops and the military institute, the contribution of each generation of the university to the formation and development of traditions, shows examples of bold and decisive actions of personnel when performing official-combat missions in various "hot spots" of the former USSR, Afghanistan and the Chechen Republic . For the period of time, more than 100 thousand people visited the museum.

The Military Institute has developed glorious traditions, a highly professional scientific and pedagogical team has been formed, capable of preparing qualified officer personnel for the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which meet modern requirements.

It is necessary to restore the North Caucasian BCU in the same status - under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense

Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on national security issues and socio-economic conditions for the life of military personnel, members of their families and veterans conducted a hearing on the topic "On the prospects for the development of Suvorian military schools in the Russian Federation". We publish excerpts from those who sounded performances.

The main question is to recreate the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School (JVE) in the system of the Ministry of Defense on the basis of the current Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps.

In line of the main policy

In 1918, 36th Tula infantry courses of red commanders were created, which posted the beginning of the Ordzhonikidzevsky Higher Communarily Communist Command Double-Gonnamentan School named after Marshal Soviet Union A. I. Eremenko (OVOCA). In May 1924, the 17th Tula infantry school (former 36th courses) was redesigned to Vladikavkaz and became referred to as the 17th Vladikavkaz infantry school. I, graduate of Ordzhonikidzevsky Woku, I know the city. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps was created there, a unique building was built. All this is the evidence of the once right policies to strengthen the region.

I remember that in our school there were guys of all the peoples of the Soviet Union. We were different. Four years received a higher education, but most importantly - studied the traditions of the North Caucasus and in general the peoples of the USSR. We were taught to be friends, culture, history. Then, leaving after the end of the school abroad, to other republics, edges, regions, we, possessing such potential, worked with soldiers, the local population, introduced this culture, developed it. We were actually educators and guides of the right interethnic policy. Our and other colleagues in Vladikavkaz played a huge role in the upbringing of our people tolerance, tolerance, formed a feeling of friendship, respect for the peoples of different nationalities, to people in general.

The officer and in the Russian Empire, and in the USSR carried state ideas, retained the integrity of the country. Today, somehow we are gradually leaving from the North Caucasus, including due to the fact that we reduce military schools. OVOCA, Ordzhonikidzevskie Higher Military Command Red Banner School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR named after S. M. Kirov (OVVKKU, later the North Caucasus Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), the Ordzhonikidze Higher Anti-aircraft Rocket Command School of Air Defense (OVRCU).

This year celebrated 70 years of Stalingrad battle. There is a book about OVOK. She says: In the hardest period in November 1942, when Gashtein was sent for a breakthrough - to discharge Paulus, all Vladikavkaz schools were thrown to the front. The boys raised anxiety, unloaded at the Chirsk station. All three schools died in the snow to prevent the breakthrough of the tank column of Manstein. We can imagine what preparations had cadets and what kind of militias with two-weekly learning. Cadets for months, and sometimes over the years were preparing for this war. They played a crucial role in the Battle of Stalingrad. No wonder our school, Oshok, was awarded the Order of the Martial Red Banner, and many graduates became the heroes of the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Vladikavkaz school became the only base of mining training officers. Look at our borders. How many mountainous territories we have, ranging from the Far East and ending with the North. Everywhere need mining preparation. Such a base, which was in OVOCA, no more. There were colleges in Alma-Ata, Tbilisi, but the best - in Vladikavkaz. I say it as a former headquarters officer of the land forces, which inspected all the general-friendly colleges. They were in the Soviet Union eight, and the best mining preparation - it is in Vladikavkaz.

Finishing the historical part, I will note: if we achieved the legal status of the Suvorovsky school owned by the Ministry of Defense, they would not only transfer glorious traditions to the current Vladikavkaz Cadet Cabinet, but also would strengthen our state. It is necessary to take into account the political situation and the significance of the region, as well as the role of training officer personnel. I propose on the basis of the current Cadet Corps to revive the history and traditions of OVOCA. Another option: Let the corps remain the Cadet (Suvorov) school of the Ministry of Education, but at the same time as a successor and the Imperial Cadet Corps, and the Supreme Command Command School of the USSR.

Alexander Kanshin,
chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber on the problems of national security and socio-economic conditions for the life of military personnel, members of their families and veterans

The Ministry of Defense is not self-confident

We relate very precisely to what is. We are talking about the pre-university educational institutions of the Suvorov school system, Nakhimov School, Cadet Corps. The same applies to the highest military educational institutions. The ministry of defense is now being revived by traditions and military-patriotic education. It's no secret that one of the first decisions of the Minister of Defense is the reassembly in 2013 of Suvorov and Cadets on the parades. In all cities where platoon educational institutions are located, such events were held.

The next step is the order of the Minister of Defense Suvorov and Nakhimovsky School, the Cadet Corps are subordinate to the relevant commander-in-chief, that is, heads, in the interests of which will later be trained. Basically, all IAC is the commander-in-chief of ground forces. Ulyanovsk School - Commander Airborne Forces. St. Petersburg Cadet Corps - Deputy Minister of Defense General of the Army Bulgakov. Sea preiuzovsky educational institutions, primarily St. Petersburg Nakhimovskoye, is the commander-in-chief of the Navy.

Next, we made a departmental system of pre-university education more open and understood. Currently, we have a set of minor citizens in Dovevoison educational institutions. Over 1700 people are selected. Competition in the pre-welcoming educational institutions this year is much higher than in the past. This contributes to the fact that the Minister of Defense has expanded the categories of citizens to enter departmental educational institutions. The privilege was lifted to enter only children of military personnel and civilian personnel, orphans, children left without parental care. With the current receiving campaign, all minor citizens come.

It was decided to restore the military component of learning. From September 1, we plan to introduce the subject of the "Basics of Military Service", including building and fire training. In the 10-11th grades - military school. In a summer period, at least two weeks, and in some educational institutions and three weeks for Suvorov, Nakhimovtsev, the cadets are planned to travel to specialized military schools. There they will be able to familiarize themselves with the life of cadets, get primary knowledge about the chosen military specialties.

This year, about 90 percent of graduates of pre-university educational institutions, MO decided to enter the universities of the Ministry of Defense. The rest preferred the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Essentially the question.

In 2010-2011, the North Caucasus Suvorov military school was submitted to the reference of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya. However, I repeat, each school is unique for us, so any such institution we accompany even when it is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. We still do not lose touch.

Until 2011, the SCSU was kept in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Defense and the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. The authority to manage an educational institution was divided. Later, the Parliament of the Republic adopted a decision on the transfer of the SV region. The corresponding appeals to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the head of the republic are directed. Next: The legislation of the Russian Federation did not allow to keep an institution under co-financing conditions. The Budget Code introduced two articles in the new edition (38.1 and 60). In order to decide this problem, the military department reported to the country's president and suggested that either make changes to the Budget Code to return to co-financing, or to look for new ways to co-found up educational institutions of cadet type.

Igor Muravlyannikov,
vrio Chief Department of Military Education GUK MO RF, Colonel

Only government interests

It is necessary to move from the language of financial to state-political. Basic is the provision that is proposed to society in many public speeches of the Supreme Commander. When we took the recreation of this historic military school, the situation in the North Caucasus was better. However, there was little money and response in state structures.

Now the situation is not perfect, but much more understanding at different levels. We are talking about the preservation of continuity and military intelligentsia, which are peculiar to the Russian and generally the Great Caucasus as part of historical Russia. Military school departments from the region, their abolition is political myopia.

Last fall, I performed at the Big International Forum in Bulgaria dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Victory in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. I told about the fights of the two Vladikavkaz regiments of the advanced line on the chip. It caused great interest. Thus, we have a glorious military past. The fact that there is no Suvorov School, universities are eliminated by the MO, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Border Guard, - a mistake.

The approach to solving this issue should not go through numbers. If there is a state will, it does not matter, on the staff of 600 or 800 students (the question raised how much the cadets should be in the school). To correct the problem, do not ask for two or three years. Some decisions are accepted quickly as on the battlefield, if it meets political feasibility.

From my personal conversations in 1998, with the president and the chairman of the government, the filling of the newly discovered with everything necessary. We were not interested in money then. We pulled these things on ourselves in the hope that later give him to the Ministry of Defense. It is now voiced completely inverse information.

So, the presidential disposal of the School of School, the Deployed Government Decision of March 2, 2000, the Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of August 18, 1999, the order of the Minister of Defense dated April 11, 2000. A license was obtained No. 1342 of April 2, 2010, operating on April 3, 2015, in accordance with which the JVE should function in the system of the Ministry of Defense.

In 2008, we managed, using primarily political arguments, to defend the school. Former Defense Minister Serdyukov assured that there will be no liquidation. However, later, in 2011, all instances were ignored. The decision made did not bring even to the level of verbal approval. This is an elementary, housing procedure in the state. Military political aspects were forgotten. The main thing was the property, inventory.

The school disappeared. Today you need to create a precedent: seeking to correct erroneous solutions of the times of Serdyukov, it is necessary to cancel completely inexplicable - the elimination of the JVT.

So far, the traditions are not forgotten, there is an aspiration, a mood, it is important to focus on restoring a unique educational institution. A public chamber, which has special authority among a huge multitude of organizations, should solve this issue.

Now there is a hard work on a single story. The solidness of adolescent schools launches the reverse process. Incorrectly take the Suvorian schools. The contest of power departments creates an image of not all-Russian. In each of them, it is proved that it is their federal agency the most excellent that without them the country will simply disappear. This is absurd.

Alexander Dzasokhov,
deputy Chairman of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO

Decisions made

Following the meeting and public hearings, which were held on the territory of the republic, as well as given the public and political significance of this educational institution in the preparation of military personnel from the people of the Republic of North Caucasus, the Commission will apply to a letter to the Minister of Defense with a request to consider the possibility of restoring the North Caucasian Suvorovsky Military School in former status - under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. The Commission of the Public Chamber creates a working group headed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Commission Vladimir Lagkuyev, which will track the situation associated with the restoration of the JVT in Vladikavkaz.

Alexander Kanshin


On September 26, 1901, the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps (1901-1917) was established by the registered decree of Emperor Nikolai II (1901-1917).

1919 - The Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps is restored in the Armed Forces of the South of Russia.

On March 4, 1920, he retreated in a hiking order to Georgia, from where he was moved to the Crimea. In the Russian army, the Crimean Cadava Corps was created from the remnants of his and the Poltavsky Cadet Corps, located in Oreand, and then evacuated to Yugoslavia.

In August 1947, three Railway Echelons, the School was replied to the capital of North Ossetia - the city of Dzoudzhikau (from 1954 - Ordzhonikidze, since 1990 - Vladikavkaz) and began to be called the North Caucasian SCP.

1948 - the first issue of the JSC.

1948-1958 - Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Officer School (Suvorov and Cadets).

1958-1965 - Caucasian Red Band (only Suvorovtsy).

1965-1968 - Ordzhonikidze Zve.

1968-1988 - On the basis of Suvorovsky and general-official schools, the Officers of Ordzhonikidzevskoe Higher Communist Party Command Double-Gallennaya School named after Marshal Soviet Union A. I. Eremenko (OVOCA) was created and issued.

2000 - the discovery of a new JVT (2000-2011) restored on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2000 with the active support of the President of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Alexander Zasokhova.

On April 2, 2010, the Skv received license No. 1342, in accordance with which the school should function in the system of the Ministry of Defense until April 3, 2015.

2011 - JVE closed, property in 2012 transferred to the Ministry of Education of the Republic.

2012 - Opening of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps outside the System of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

On October 24, 25 and 26, 1981, the capital of North Ossetia - Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz) was shaken by large-scale anti-government performances of extremist and hooligan groups of local residents. To combat them in the city, whose population barely exceeded 250 thousand people, concentrated consolidated detachments and units of 3 military schools, 13 parts of the internal troops, 2 compounds of the Soviet Army, internal affairs bodies and state security - only 7160 bayonets (by data on October 27, 1981).

The cause of the events that occurred in Ordzhonikidze in the fall of the 81st, should be sought in a further distant 1957. It was then that, on the territory of the suburban area of \u200b\u200bthe North Ossetian ASSR, conflicts broke out between the Ingush, returning from the thirteen-year-old Kazakhstan reference, and migrating here after their deportation with people from South Ossetia.

The decision of the Soviet Government on the provision of former special settlements, in this case Ingusham, the right to elect the places of its former residence as permanent turned the suburban area, one of the most densely populated in the republic, to the source of constant headaches from district and regional leaders. The situation was aggravated by the pretentious behavior of the Ingush, who returned from remote places forced to stay by evil and gloomy, but in the status of illegally repressed and quite a trusty people.

The result of criminally illiterate solutions at the highest level, multiplied by an explosive ethnopsychological factor and elementary human aggressiveness, gave itself to know about herself in the period "Tishi and the Glad" of the Board of the most serene Soviet leadership headed by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev ...

From the report of the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the North Ossetian ASSR B.B. Dziz at the meeting of the College of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs on December 23, 1981:

"The events witnessed which you were, are a consequence of a shallow analysis, not enough critical attitudes towards events that happened in previous years. The operational situation in Ordzhonikidze and some settlements of the suburban district aggravated in 1972-1973. At that time, the active processing of the Ingush part of the population was active (of course, not internationalists) to raise the issue of separating the suburban area and accession to the Chechen-Ingush ASSR.

... Subsequently, the situation has changed after a series of murders. Information about sentiment was, but ... foggy.

... and a new murder was accomplished ... Here's the result. "

Former in the period of the described events by the head of the suburban ROVD of the North-Ossetian ASSR V.G. Gritsan in the same meeting reported:

"On October 21, 1981, at night, on the territory of the village of Clay, the Nazranovsky district of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR, in the courtyard of Makhriev's house by unspecified persons was killed by Chauffeur Taxi Opap-1 Cities of Ordzhonikidze Gagloev Kazbek Ivanovich, born in 1953, Ossetian, who lived in the village of Cambileevsky suburban district North Ossetian ASSR. October 22, after the opening produced in Grozny, Corpse Gagloev K.I. Was delivered to Cambileevskoye. The funeral was scheduled for October 24, 1981. "

... at about 10 am On October 24, 1981, the operational duty officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the North-Ossetian ASSR informed the temporarily acting chief of the Ordzhonikidze-Higher Military Command Red Banner School (OVVKU) named after S.M. Kirov MVD of the USSR (now - North Caucasian Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) Colonel N.T. Nabatova (Head of School General Major N.I. Ivanov was on vacation) on the likelihood of attracting cadets to curb the possible mass riots on the territory of a number of settlements of the suburban region and the Ordzhonikidze itself in connection with the funeral of K.I. Gagloeva.

The forces and means of the school were listed in the corresponding state of readiness. It did not occupy a lot of time, taking into account the fact that the personnel of two of the four battalions of OVVKKU (2nd and 3rd courses) was located in the Iraf district, where she assisted the workers of the villagers to harvest corn.

In addition to the Ovkka named after S.M. Kirov of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, not a single part of the internal troops was not stationed in the territory of the republic. The divisions of the protection of local correctional and medical and labor institutions in the account did not go.

... Further events of the day took an unexpected and extremely bad turn.

"At 14 o'clock October 24, 1981, - reported by V.G. Gritsan, - the funeral procession in the amount of about 1000 people headed towards the cemetery. However, some women began to call men, especially young, carry a coffin with the body of K.I. Gagloeva to the community of the party. Inclineal appeals led to the fact that the procession did turned toward Ordzhonikidze.

In the order of the funeral procession, there were changes, unacceptable in North Ossetia: women and children went ahead ...

This in a certain extent was the reason that the barrier from the police officers was broken, and the column continued to move towards Ordzhonikidze.

... The male part of the column in a breakthrough through the barrier behaved aggressively, expressed threats, allowed obscene abdomen, applied physical force against police officers and old people from Gagloev's surname, which prevented the procession to the capital of the Republic. "

After leaving other few police cordons on the way, the crowd, the number is already about 3,000 people, to 15 o'clock reached the northern outskirts of Ordzhonikidze - the village of satellite, where she was blocked by the road cadets of the 8th and 9th mouth of the 3rd battalion (4th Course) Ovvkka under the command of Lieutenant Colonel MS Mina and a small detachment of employees of Leninsky ROVD. Neither those nor others had even rubber sticks.

... After a few minutes, the cadets and policemen got the cadets and policemen to return to Ordzhonikidze, where she was straightforwarded by anyone now and did not hold back the "funeral procession", herself herself to the evil, a broken herd.

Head of the SM Ovcom Kirov General Major N.I. Ivanov, interrupting his incompressive vacation, at 14.50 arrived at the School directly from the emergency Meeting of the members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the Assery, from where he said on the phone that happened to the duty officer (Chief Department of Internal Forces) of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Anxious news about the breakthrough of participants "Cambileevsky Marsha" through the police-cadet barrier from the satellite and their unhindered follow-up to the Central, Leninsky district of Ordzhonikidze, of course, forced the republican leadership to take urgent, but, as soon as it turned out, not enough adequate measures.

... About 15.40, the crowd increased to the central part of Ordzhonikidze increased to the central part of Ordzhonikidze and, overthrowing the barrier ranks of the two mouth of the 3rd and 4th battalions of the Ovkkka on the approaches to the Freedom Square, the VMI filled it. The building of the Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the North Ossetian ASSR has been located. And the meters of fifteen from him rummaged gray stone romance Ovvkka.

Wellev Install the coffin with the body of an unfortunate taxi driver on the marble tribune, the organizers of the gathering headed in the obligations of the party to convey the first secretary of B.E. Balewood requirement to go to protesters. One of the main requirements of the participants of the excessively protracted funeral was to evict persons of the Ingush nationality from the North Ossetian ASSR, at least from the territory of the suburban area.

Where exactly, and most importantly, guided by any regulatory acts, B.E. The balewood was to deport the Ingush, the "protesters", angry residents of the glood district, as well as almost a thousand "patriotically" zawak, who had already joined them already in Ordzhonikidze, seemed to have been interested in the least.

... Time to go. The first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU in the door of entrusted to him the institution did not show everything, and the patience of the crowd began to grow threateningly: she had no longer ropat, but wildly roared.

The secondary cadets squeeze all with great difficulty were able to restrain the inflow to the "rally" replenishment, mainly numerous groups of youth in the center of youth.

... Perhaps Bilara Emazayevich Kabalaev was worth it earlier. Although, as it turned out later, it would change little.

What happened a few minutes later, during this and the next two days on the area of \u200b\u200bfreedom and not only on it?

... unexpectedly fierce storming of the building of the regional committee by the distraught crowd. "Crowd of Browsing" - such words will be found in the records of the combat operation magazine OVVKKU 24-26 October 1981 more than once. The rapid throw of the specialvzvode "Kirovtsev", literally broken by B.E. The baleeva from the squeezing rings of completely unmanaged fools, a truly chakalia russely over the cadet of Lipov, thrown out of the window of the second floor of the Volume.

... The drowning malice of Vataga left the regional community building together with the balewood, which was in a dense environment of the cadets of the Special Bus.

Turning to relatives, friends and fellow villagers K.I. Gagloeva, the first secretary encourages them to prudence: to stop the inconsistency, to show respect, finally, compassion for the deceased, return to the village and betray his body to the earth, as it has long been relied to do in accordance with Orthodox, and and universal traditions. In response, evil shouts, whistling, gogot, threats are heard. At this time, from the school, the additional forces of Kirovtsev are hurried and dispersed around the perimeter of the area - already in protective helmets, with rubber sticks and shields. The reaction of the already predictable electrical crowd is completely predictable - now its rage was concentrated on the only one able to withstand her strength ...

One of the mouths of the undergraduates and the special suite, forced to resolve B.E. again at that moment. Baleeva from the finally crushed "manifestations", grabbing the head of the republic almost in an oakha, managed to be returned to the building of the regional committee, where barricaded. The remaining divisions of the 3rd battalion and the 4th battalion were pressed against the walls of their college at the beginning of the sidewalls (stacks lying here, nearby, on the eve of the eve of the world's prospectus), and soon and soon superior opponent. The crowd of the cadets of cadets and sticks who participated in this terrible Shabash numerous women spread their face nails.

Ivanov immediately ordered urgently to let the personnel of both battalions in the HVVKU. Multiple Orava, pursuing cadets, "on their shoulders" tried to break into the school, but to no avail and compensated for its tactical failure of the bombardment of window glass "team red-known" the same in the abundance of a paving slave. Ovvuk answered "Cherrykhoye" and explosion-packages, aroused, however, among the precipitated only short-term confusion. And soon "cherry" one after another flew back, that is, in the windows of the school, most of whose glasses were already broken. The windows had to obscure from the inside with bed grids, cabinets, stands - they served more or less reliable protection from still flying from the streets of a paving slaves, the stocks of which the crowd, fortunately, soon dried up ...

Ivanov gives three more orders. After a few minutes, the officers together with the ensigns received tablet weapons and ammunition. In the lobby, opposite the doors of the central checkpoint, took the position of the machine gunner. And in the "gateway" of the cargo gearbox hung out of ammunted by ammunition and refilled by the BTR stronger. His crew had to take the banner of Kirovs from the building.

... The annuncations mostly went to search for "shells" in the neighborhood of the city Park of Culture, the remaining multi-agricultural hooligan, dispersed along the alley of the world prospectus, methodically laid out the bars from a few surviving benches, without immediately reacted by the truck schools in the gate.

These were the cadets of the 2nd and 3rd Ovvkku courses, in the Avralian procedure withdrawn from the harvest from the collective farms of the Iraf region ...

... after a minute, forty, around 01.15, on October 25, the 1st, 2nd battalions and two companies of the 3rd battalion of the "Kirovtsev" simultaneously poured into the area from the gate of the cargo and doors of the Central PPC of the School, crashed into a crowded crowd Her with the go was sunny, then drove all this gathering into the departure of the Park of Culture, to the Ossetian Slobodka and the cast iron bridge.

The area was cleaned for 5-7 minutes. Coffin with body k.I. Gagloeva reinforced militia outfit delivered to Cambileevskoe.

Almost half of the cadets participating in this attack did not have CASS, more than 500 (out of 800 with a little) instead of special rubber clubs in their hands were wooden bars, legs of armies and chairs or thick wood bumps.

The sharpest shortage of the shields had to fill them with "copies" of plywood, backs and seats, again, chairs, trays for bilbo-bakery products (justice it should be noted that these "neetable means of protection" were more reliable than a certain plexiglass shields as Rule fleeing into pieces from a strong hit by a large stone).

It is not worth making from this, the "conflict" time of military-school institutions of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were provided by special protective and other professional funds in the amount necessary for practical exercises and the laid stock.

By 2.00, a column of several ZIL-131 was drove on the square with the personnel of the 1st motorized rifle battalion of the Grozny Konvoye Regiment - "Kirovtsy" received a long-awaited reinforcement.

... Starting next day until October 28, units and military equipment of the Ordzhonikidzeian senior combat equipment and anti-aircraft missile schools, motorized rifle parts of the North Caucasus Military District, internal troops: Tbilisi Motorized Relief Regiment, separate motorized Motorized Militan Battalions, Rostov-on-Don, Donetsk and Astrakhan, Pyatigorsk Separate military commandant, Donetsk separate motorized rifle battalion. Special group of the 54th convoy division, a special purpose company OmMD named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, 8 senior officers of the main management of internal troops, divisions of the KGB, "Externacists" and Kuzovtsov Ovvkku. And even ... "Oblast", "subcomarded" from the next fees. Higher political leadership, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Defense of the USSR will send in Ordzhonikidze Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR MS Solomentseva, generals Yu.M. Curbanova, F.V. Bubenchikova, A.G. Sidorova, F.I. Belousova, Yu.I. Bogunova, V.V. Dubanina, as well as Deputy Prosecutor General of the USSR N.A. Bazhenova.

In these two days - Yezhutennaya Natisk and ultimately a breakthrough on the area of \u200b\u200bfreedom is already almost 6 thousandth (A 26th - or more) Orava, then - repeated and vain pursuations (disperse) and, finally, continued to deep night fierce contractions .

The crowd of the crowd is a young burrow, loafers, drunkards, drug addicts, in a word, those who are usually actively involved in such "events". Almost all with sticks, many metal rods and knives.

The mercy no longer gives the mercy, nor the other side: they beat evil, stubbornly, sometimes so ... everything swears in the crazy rhythm: a fury, striking even the "kirovs" counterattack of cadets, "rackets", indescribable joy in an HVVKKU - from the general-official school hastily delivered several "Parties" of straightened pieces of thick transformer cable - a decent substitution of the Table PR-73, and the late arrival in Beslan on the side of the board with hundreds of units of the most necessary specialists: the same rubber sticks, durable shields, protective helmets. ... the secondary throw of the crowd on the Obmah and School, attempts to capture the SIZO, the buildings of the National Drumteater, the filtration point in the suburb of Ordzhonikidze, arson of the Central Bank, the hotel "Vladikavkaz", the cinema "Komsomolets" ...

Hooligans can not stop the water jets either to stop - they break down to fire trucks and cut the sleeves of the hydrants, nor the armored personnel carriers - they simply ignite, breaking about their body bottles with gasoline, burst batteries from power compartments, cooling hoses Radiators are blocked.

People can only stop people. Noon on the 26th: the decisive phase of the special operation according to the plan "Misel". In fact, the first deputy head of the headquarters of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR Major General F.Vd Bubenchikov orders act quickly and decisively.

And here is Ryiv BTR, and with him rhythmic blows about the shields of shot-up then up the clubs - in the crowd, the dispersal groups, unperturbed externally soldiers of the famous Tbilisi regiment of the internal troops, are cut into the crowd. A group of seizures are broken into the babysitters punched by Tbilisies - fighters from Rostov, Terrible, Ovvkku cadets.

... Brittered the defeat of the conjunction group of the fibers of the "seized" to the auto plates. Those approached one after another ... Careful search - and to the filtration point, in the country.

The hundreds fled from the Square of Bosyachyoye was fixed in other quarters and often "reformed" in New Vatagi, the number of which was rapidly increased - "arms comrades" still flocked from the entire city. Replenishment at the expense of residents of the rest of the republics was excluded: Stationary and movable DPS posts in the morning of the 26th were pretext of any attempts to enter the territory of Ordzhonikidze suspiciously numerous groups of citizens, except for, of course, passengers of buses that performed inter-district and long-distance flights.

However, their own "reserves" was enough for urban confused for a long time, almost until 11.00 on the 26th, although in the morning of the same day they resorted to a kind of way to send additional forces "to the forefront": blocked the path of buses, trolley buses, trams and a route taxi, kicked out Of these, passengers, the majority of which rushed, as befits on Monday, to work, then, calling apolitic orders to the need to realize their civil debt, convinced them to follow them in a "voluntary-forced" order. Needlessly add that this recruitment did not bring any practical results ...

In the evening of October 26, numerous operational and military groups began to be methodically smashed to the defense of the "rebels". The most fierce resistance was rendered on the hotel bridge and at the house of political visiting, where because of the barricades built on the ambulance hand in the armored personnel carriers and the military flew bricks and lit bottle with gasoline, besides, the BTR could not overcome rather high dilutions. I had to call BMP participating in the operation of army motorized rifle units ...

Oblas were carried out by divisions of internal troops, state security and police to the morning on October 27. For three days detained about 800 the most rye participants of the riots.

According to official data, one person died from among those who took part in mass riots as a result of the injured. Silovikov registered 328 injured servicemen, the overwhelming majority of which (226) accounted for an OVVKU. CM. Kirov. Injuries of various species and degrees received 28 servicemen of other parts of the internal troops. It was alloles (74 of the victims among cadets and officers of Ordzhonikidzese general and anti-aircraft missile schools).

328 - applied for medical help. How many "ignorant" - who were sent to those who were herself, who considered ample or unnecessary?

Most of the affected servicemen had heads were broken, the lower and upper limbs were damaged, the face was worried.

"... if not our School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we would not have suffered many," the head of the public order protection department of the Ministry of Internal Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was summarized at the end of the special operation. Balelays.

Timur Makoev

The North Caucasus Suvorov Military School, opened in 2000 in the capital of North Ossetia-Alanya, the city of Military Glory Vladikavkaz, is intended to continue the glorious traditions of its predecessors.

More than 100 years ago by the registered decree of Emperor Nikolai II of September 26, 1901 for the sons of military personnel undergoing or served in the Caucasus, local nobles and children "on the election of the commander of the troops" was created by the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps.

On September 1, 1902, the solemn opening of the corps was held, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Georgia's accession to Russia. Classes of pupils of the first recruit began in temporary premises, abhorrently re-equipped barracks of the 81st Apsheron Regiment. By the 1903/4 school year, classes were held in a building specially built for the leader of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Catada (now the headquarters of the 58th Army is located here).

WLKK spent nine issues. Graduates of the Cadet Corps with honor carried the title of Cadert-Vladikavkaz. During the First World War, a graduate of the corps of I. Gusakov (1912) was awarded the George weapons and the St. George Cross of the 4th degree. The St. George Cross was awarded the pupils of the corps of the companion K. Vakulovsky, Horunzhi V. Skorobogoy.

During the Civil War, the number of pupils of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps has increased from 500 to 900 people: in November 1919, the Cadets of the Petrovsky-Poltava Cadet Cabinet were brought to the corps. In the spring of 1920, it was decided to evacuate the Cadet Corps from Vladikavkaz to the Crimea, and in October, at the initiative of General Wrangel, the Crimean Cadet Corps was created from the Cadet of Vladikavkaz and Poltava corps.

The KKK settled in Slovenia, in the city of White Church. The Military Ministry of Serbia provided the corpus two stone three-story buildings. The Crimean Cadet Corps existed for 10 years. Large engineers, technicians, architects, doctors, teachers, professors, writers, journalists and other figures in all areas of culture emerged from its environment.

During the Great Patriotic War, the idea arose to revive the tradition of breeding young people. The author of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating Suvorov school is the famous Russian, Soviet military leader, General Alexey Alekseevich Ignatiev.

On August 21, 1943, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) take the decision "On urgent measures to restore the economy in areas liberated from the German occupation", where the launched program of priority measures to eliminate the severe consequences of occupation was given. The decision stressed that Suvorov schools are created by the type of old cadet buildings, the need to create a wide network of special institutions for children, disadvantaged war, was indicated.

In 1943, nine schools were opened, including the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School. Of the 3.5 thousand applicants were selected 540 young men aged 8 to 13 years. Most students were children of the dead warriors and front-line, including three - the sons of the heroes of the Soviet Union. 58 Of them - the sons of the regiments and young partisans, 11 are awarded orders and medals.

The place of deployment of the school should have become the city of Krasnodar. But in the regional center there was no suitable building, and the Suvorov school was placed temporarily in Maykop - the center of the Adygea Autonomous Region.

The head of the school was appointed Major General Narchenko Alexey Ivanovich, a participant in the civil and great domestic wars. He graduated from the Military Political Academy, was the Military Commissioner of the Special Cavalry Brigade, the head of the Orlovsky Military Infantry School. From September 1943 to January 1949 - Head of Krasnodar, subsequently the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorovsky Officer School.

December 19, 1943 in all nine schools, including in the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School, held a large holiday, which went down in history as the opening day of Suvorov School of Country.

In January 1944, the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School was awarded a banner, in front of which Suvorians gave an oath to loyalty to the Motherland. In August 1947, three Railway echelons the school was redesigned to the capital of North Ossetia, Dzoudzhikau (from 1954 - Ordzhonikidze since 1990 - Vladikavkaz). The school is located in the building of the former Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps, in which by that time the 1st Ordzhonikidze red-known infantry school was placed.

On September 4, 1947, the order of the Minister of Armed Forces of the USSR 1st Ordzhonikidzevsky Red-known Infantry School was renamed to the North Caucasian Red Banner Infantry School, and in the same year the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School is renamed to the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School.

In 1948, the first edition of Suvorov residents took place, the school graduated from 41 pupils. In the same year, the Suvorov School was associated with the North Caucasus Red Banner Infantry School. It is reorganized into the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorovsky Officer School, which was headed by Lieutenant-General I.F. Barinov. After graduating from the Suvorov school, the pupil automatically became a cadet of his own column and two years later (later - after three) was produced in the rank of lieutenant.

In 1958, the School reorganized again and became only Suvorovsky, accordingly, the name was changed to the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School (QC VSU), and in 1966 it was renamed the Ordzhonikidze Suvorovsky Military Red Banner School. In 1968, the last release of Suvorov residents took place.

Chiefs of Kxv:
1. Major General Narchenko Alexey Ivanovich (September 1943 - January 1949)
2. Lieutenant General Barinov Joseph Fedorovich (February 1949- February 1955)
3. Major General Busarov Mikhail Mikhailovich (March 1955 - December 1955)
4. Major General Philippov Mikhail Mikhailovich (December 1955 - November 1957)
5. Major Major Rakov Stepan Semenovich (January 1958 - October 1966)
6.German-major Saratin Nikolai Adamovich (October 1966 - August 1967)

The Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School existed a quarter of a century. 20 issues took place. The number of graduates was 1,862 people, of which 204 were graduated with a gold medal, 179 - with silver.

On the basis of Suvorov Military School, the Ordzhonikidzevskie Higher Communist Party Command Double-Gallennaya School named after Marshal Soviet Union A.I. Eremenko. For the successful implementation of the task of providing international assistance in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the courage and the heroism of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded a graduate of the KK Svu General Major V.V. Chariot. Order No. 494 of November 17, 2005 Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Hero of the Soviet Union General-Major V.V. Kolesnik forever enrolled in the lists of the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School.

For courage and heroism, manifested in the Chechen Republic, the title of Hero of Russia was awarded graduates of the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School: Head of the Coastal Forces of the Northern Fleet General Major A.I. Relikovsky (posthumous), Deputy Commander of the Archors of the North Caucasus Military District, General-Polkovnik V.V. Bulgakov.

The North Caucasus Suvorov Military School was recreated by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation, of March 2, 2000. № 522-p. Based on the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation from April 16, 2000 No. 165.

The school is located in Vladikavkaz at the corner of V. Chkalov and international in the building built at the beginning of the twentieth century. In him, before the revolution, the military gymnasium was placed. Colonel Managarov Yuri Georgievich was appointed head of SKU. He commanded the school from 2000 to 2004. Born on December 5, 1949. In Novokuznetsk, in 1968 he graduated from the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School and entered the Leningrad Higher Command Command Communication School. He graduated from the M. Frunze Military Academy.

In 2001, the threshold of Suvorov School crossed 349 young men aged 10-17 years, representatives of 19 nationalities from North Ossetia, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, Volgograd and Rostov region. More than 30 Suvorov residents remained without fathers who died as a result of local wars in the Caucasus. The same amount of Suvorov was round orphans.

In order to increase the efficiency of learning and education of future officers, a timely decision of educational and business problems was created by the Board of Trustees led by the RSO President A. Zasokhov, who had done a huge work on the organization and comprehensive provision of the educational process.

In 2003, the first issue of Suvorov SCU was held. The school graduated from 54 Suvorovtsy. The leadership of the Suvorov military school pays great attention to the education of future officers on the traditions of the preceding generations of the military intelligentsia. For this purpose, a well-equipped museum was issued, which reflects the history of the educational institution since the beginning of the last century.

In 2004, General Major Havzhokov, Boris Hubbasovich, was appointed chief of school. He commanded the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School from 2004 to 2006. On August 6, 1956 in the city of Narzala Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. In 1978 he graduated from Ordzhonikidzevskoe Higher Communist Party Command Double-Gonnamental School named after Marshal Soviet Union A.I. Eremenko. In 1988 he graduated from the MV Military Academy. Frunze.

Since 2006, Colonel Tavitov Ruslan Sergeevich has been appointed Chief of SCH. Born on September 12, 1955. In 1977 he graduated from the Ordzhonikidzevskie Higher Officer Command School, Military Academy. M.V. Frunze in 1991

According to the results of the 2006/2007 academic year, the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School took the third place among the 18 Suvorov schools and the Cadet Corps of Russia.

Based on the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 21, 2011, the SCC was transferred from the reference of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Northern Ossetia-Alanya with renaming to the State Public Administration "Cadet School-boarding school:" Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps ". Two years later, the success of the success in school, sports, creative life, the school again experiences the stage of reorganization.

In 2014, at the initiative of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Government of North Ossetia - Alanya "Cadet School - boarding school:" The Vladikavkaz Cadet Corpus "was renamed FGOU" North Caucasian Suvorov Military School "and was accepted by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

On September 1, 2014, a solemn event was held dedicated to the opening of the School and the beginning of the school year. Refurbished school adopted 220 students-students of grades 6-11. The event was attended by representatives of the command of the Southern Military District, the 58th Army, the Government and Parliament of the RSO - Alania, the administration of Vladikavkaz, public and veteran organizations.

VETERS-graduates of the QC Svu - Representatives of the Rostov Regional Organization "Suvorov-Nakhimovsky-Cadet Union" transferred to the school, a copy of the combat border of the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School. A copy of the banner was awarded to the head of the Suvorov School of R. Tavitov, the hero of Russia, Colonel-General Vladimir Bulgakov.

On May 31, 2015, in the framework of the All-Russian action "Wachta Heroes", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the institution of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the 23rd anniversary of the title of Hero of Russia, the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, a large star landing land was landed in SCU. The heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of Russia, among which the glorified cosmonaut's heroes are the glorified cosmonaut pilots, and the world record holder to stay in space, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, Alexander Ivanchenkov twice. He headed the delegation of the hero of the Russian Federation, commander of the airborne troops of Russia, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov.

December 18, 2015 on the eve of the education day of Suvorov school, commander of the troops of the Southern Military District, Colonel General A.V. Galkin in a solemn atmosphere handed the banner to the North Caucasian Suvorov Military School. In the response word, the head of the school of R. Tavitov on behalf of the whole team of SCS, the command of the SUVO assured the SUVOROV, who will always be true to Suvorov, duty and oath, will honor and keep the shrine as a symbol of the confidence of our country.

Twice in 2016,2017 SUVOROVETS School became laureates of the Prize of the All-Russian Social and State Initiative "Hot Heart" and inscribed in the Book of Honor "Hot Heart".

Three times, September 1, 2016, 2017, 2017, with the day of knowledge, the students of the SCC congratulated the hero of the Russian Federation, the commander of the Southern Military District Commander A.V. Janitor, graduate of the Ussuri Suvorov Military School. Visiting the School, the commander of Yuvo repeatedly noted the high awards for the work of the educators and the administration of the School.

In September 2017, Colonel General A.V. Janitors presented to teachers officers: Major Kashenko V.V., Lieutenant Colonel Oleynikov V.A., Major Tavasiev E.H. Breasting signs "For service in the Caucasus".

In September 2018, from the hands of the commander of Officers-educators Maliev A. I., Fedorchenko N. N. and Gritsenko S. E., received signs of the differences "For merit".

In September 2019, Deputy Commander of Yuvo Lieutenant General Avdeev A.Yu. Awarded the sign of the Difference of the SMVO "For Merit" of the Deputy Head (on Academic Affairs) Zmailov I.V., Deputy Head of the School (on MTO) Ghataeva S.Yu., Educator Oleikov V.A.

The school is rightly proud of the achievements of his pupils.

Double, in 2018 and 2019. SUVOROVTSES Schools occupied I place in the qualifying stage of the "Cadet Games", among students of the pre-unitary educational institutions of the Southern Military District; SUVOROVETS Schools repeated winners of the regional competition of young researchers "Stage to Science" of the All-Russian competition of young researchers "Start to Science", International Scientific and Technical Conferences "Young Robototechnology", All-Russian competition of achievements of talented youth "National Treasibility of Russia".

During its existence, the school conducted 17 issues, released - 822 Suvorovtsy. Eleven Suvorov, graduated from SCU with Golden Medal: K. Zatinatsky (2011); V. Schoolchildren (2011); J. Schoolchildren (2011); O. Tkachenko (2011); Z. Aladzhikov (2016); K. Rei (2016); R. Karsanov (2017), c. Gabaraev (2018); A. Alekseev (2018), .A.A. Dzetsov (2019); B. Kasayev (2019). Three Suvorovtsy graduated from the School with the Silver Medal.

April 20, 2019 with the participation of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Ivanova T.V. The solemn ceremony of opening a memorable stone at the site of the construction of a new complex of buildings of the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School was held.


higher General Command Twice Red Banner School

named after Marshal Soviet Union A.I. Eremenko

R it was in the fire of civil war and foreign military intervention.

November 16, 1918the order of the All-Russian General Staff L 212 in the city of Tula was created by the 36th Tula Infantry Courses of the Red Commanders, which began the beginning of OVOCA.

On October 2, 1919, the chairman of the VTCIK M.I. was present on the release of the courses of the Red Commanders. Kalinin.

On December 31, 1920, the order of the Reviable Council of the Republic of the 36th Tula infantry courses, which had a great combat experience and a good practice for the preparation of the team composition for the Red Army were transformed into the 17th Tula Infantry School of the Command Makeup of the Red Army.

In May 1924, on the orders of the USSR, the 17th Tula infantry school was redesigned in Vladikavkaz and became referred to as the 17th Vladikavkaz infantry school.

In August 1925, the next issue of the commanders already in Vladikavkaz.

In August 1928, the cadets of the school met with an outstanding Soviet writer A.M. Gorky.

From 1919 to 1930, the cadets of the school participate in the civil war and suppressing counter-revolutionary reges on the Don and the North Caucasus.

On September 15, 1930, the 17th Vladikavkaz infantry school for active participation in the Civil War, the elimination of counter-revolutionary gangs in the mountains of the North Caucasus and good preparation of the command formulation for the Red Army by the Central Executive Committee of the USSR was awarded a revolutionary red banner. The school began to be called reddish.

In 1931 by the decision of the Central Committee of the USSR, the 17th Vladikavkaz red-known infantry scale was awarded the Honorary Revolutionary Banner of the USSR Central Russian Emergency and Revolutionary Merita to Socialist Motherland.

Directive Gwuz RKKA dated January 1, 1932. Vladikavkaz Red Banner Infantry School was renamed the Ordzhonikidzevsky Red Banner Infantry School.

According to the order of the CCWER troops of October 16, 1935, the Ordzhonikidze red-known infantry school was transformed into the Ordzhonikidze United Red Banner Military School. In it was preparing infantry and artillery commanders.

Order of the NGO of March 16, 1937, the Ordzhonikidze United Red Banner Military School was renamed the Ordzhonikidze Red Band-valued Military School. It began to prepare commander of rifle, machine gun and mortar platforms.

In September 1938, the School has passed on a 2-year training program.

By order of the commander of the SCW dated January 10, 1940, the Ordzhonikidze Red Banner Military School was renamed the 1st Ordzhonikidzevsky Red Banner Infantry School.

In May 1941, on combat and political training, the School took 1st place in the SCW and the 3rd place in the Red Army.

During the Great Patriotic War, in July 1942, the School on the orders of the Supreme Command was loss in the Stalingrad Front, where the School Cadet Regiment in the 64th Army was heroic, fought with the German-fascist invaders.

After the departure of the personnel of the school to the front, it did not cease its existence. By order of the commander of the SCWA on the basis of the remainder of the officer, the school again was restored and formed under the old name and on the same state. By the end of January, new cadets were gained, and the school of proceedings to prepare commanders for the existing army.

In August 1942, the school was redeployed in Georgia in Lagoduekhi. Here at the beginning of September, 2 fighter-anti-tank battalions were created from two cadet battalions and were directed to the front, in Areas of Tuapse, Gelezic and Novorossiysk.

At the end of September, the 1st Cadet Battalion, along with his commanders and political workers, was aimed at the defense of the Zabataral Pass. Later he became part of the 103rd separate Classic Brigade, which in January 1943 led heavy fighting against German troops near Novorossiysk.

In October 1942, one cadet battalion of the school was in the 164th Cadet Brigade. This brigade in the structure of the 10th Informant Corps, 4 Arms at the end of October and November 1942 heroically fought with the German-fascist invaders in North Ossetia.

In October 1943, the School again sent a cadet battalion to the front, which participated in the brutal battles of West Kiev and in the Korsun-Shevchenko battle as part of the 38th Rifle Division.

In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the 1st Ordzhonikidze, red-known infantry school on November 18, 1943 for outstanding progress in the preparation of officer personnel and direct participation in the battles for their homeland was awarded the combat order of the Red Banner.

Since the beginning of its existence, by the end of the Great Patriotic War, the school has released thousands of well-prepared, devoted to the communist party, commanders for the Red Army. And when there was a particularly difficult atmosphere on the front, the school sent over 5 thousand cadets to the front and over 2000 polit. fighters.

Skillfully, persistently and heroically fought with the German-fascist invaders graduates of the school, defending the honor, freedom and independence by their beloved socialist homeland. Many Pets of the School in the harsh years of war became the largest military leaders. Among them, the hero of the Soviet Union Marshal of the Armored Troops of P.Poluboyarov, the hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General S.N. Perevertkin, Colonel-General V.D.Sozinov, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General I.M. Chistikov, Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant-General Tank Troops V.I. Baranov, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General P.L.Ramanenko, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General D.I. Smirnov, Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant-General N.M. Filipenko, Major General B.N.Abashkin, Major General V.T.Artsilence, Major General B.I.Vasilenko, twice Hero of the Soviet Union K.K.Fesin, Major General P.N.chekmazov and others.

In September 1945, the first post-war release of young officers was produced.

On September 4, 1947, the Order of the Minister of Armed Forces of the USSR, the 1st Ordzhonikidze, Red-known Infantry School was renamed to the North Caucasian Red Banner Infantry School.

In September 1948, the order of the Minister of Armed Forces of the USSR, the North Caucasian Red Banner Infantry School reorganizes to the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorovsky Officer School. Suvorov trained in it and officers were preparing at the same time.

In August 1958, the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorovsky Officer School, was reformed into the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School. This year, the school visited the Marshals of the Soviet Union R.Ya. Malinovsky, A.A. Grechko, General Army I.M. Popov.

In August 1964, the order of the Deputy Minister of Defense for success in studies, the school was awarded by a turning red banner and sculptural bust A.V. Suvorov.

In 1967, on the basis of the Suvorov Military School, the Ordzhonikidzevskaya Higher Communist Party Command Twice Red Banner School named after Marshal Soviet Union A. I. Yeremenko was opened.

The school began to prepare highly qualified officers with secondary military and higher special education.

October 20, 1967 For merits in the protection of Soviet Motherland and high rates in combat and political preparation in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the School was awarded the Honorary Meaning of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

In June 1968, 21 (and last) release of Suvorovtsev was produced.

July 23, 1970 produced the first edition of officers with higher education Ordzhonikidzevsky Higher Communist Party Command Double-Candy School.

On January 13, 1971, the Honorary Name of the name was awarded to the Council of Ministers of the USSR Marshal Soviet Union A.I. Eremenko.

December 13, 1972 for high rates in combat and political training, the successes achieved in the socialist competition, and in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the USSR education, the School was awarded the anniversary honorary sign of the Central Committee of the CPSU Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

On September 17, 1974, the School, as one of the oldest schools in North Ossetia, for the great military-patriotic work was awarded the anniversary memorable red banner of the Commander of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Council and the ASSR of Ministers from the ASSR in honor of the accession of Ossetia to Russia.

September 24, 1976 In connection with the transformation of the School of School in Higher and the change in the name of the school, a combat banner was awarded with the name "Ordzhonikidzevskaya Higher Communist Party Command Double-Grand School named after Marshal Soviet Union A.I. Yeremenko".

From 1977 to 1978, the School was awarded the passing banner of the regional community of the SBCMM with the ASSR for the Great Military Patriotic Work.

In 1978 and in 1983, the Military Council of the district of the School was awarded the Switching Prize of the Military Council of SCW "Best Military School of District" and a memorable diploma.

On November 16, 1978, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the School for outstanding success in the preparation of officer personnel awarded the Certificate of Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Council from the ASSR.

November 15, 1983 - the Second Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Council from the ASSR to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the School.

On July 4, 1985, by order of the USSR Defense Minister forever enrolled in the list of first company schools Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant G.A. Demchenko .

On November 16, 1988, the School was the last time before disbanding, solemnly noted the 70-year anniversary from the date of creation.

More seventy Pets of Our School has become generals, 31 Pupils of the School for tallets in the fight against the German-fascist invaders in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War and other combat services in front of the birthplace are awarded the Hero Hero of the Soviet Union.

Nowadays, graduates of the famous Ordzhonikidzevsky Higher Communication Command Double-Gone Marshal Soviet Soviet School A.I. Eremenko. With their merit before the Fatherland, continue to glorify, received by glory, his native school.