The degree of "Candidate of Science" allows the applicant to qualify for the title of "Associate Professor" in the future. For her graduate student, several years writes a thesis on the chosen topics with a detailed description of the studies. Successful defense scientific will help further advance the career ladder.

Who is the candidate of science?

Qualified specialists who have worked as a specialty received from four years have been qualified for the "candidate of science" - the industry does not matter. Such specialists are interested in research work, they have several published scientific articles in specialized magazines.

How to become a candidate of science

Basic requirements for the applicant:

  • a diploma on top education;
  • good passing score after the "candidate minimum";
  • availability of own developments in the necessary industry research;
  • publication of scientific works in publications of the Higher Certification Commission (VAC);
  • value of the extended ideas;
  • successful defense of the physician dissertation.

Forms of study in graduate school

Before preparing for a dissertation, applicant and chooses a way of learning in it. There are two forms of training - correspondence (5 years), full-time (4 years). Pass entry examsThe student is enrolled in the university.

Note. It is possible without the need for a mandatory visit to the university. Such a form of preparation of the dissertation is awareness. The curator acts as a supervisor of the chosen department.

What gives the title of Candidate of Science

Advantages of the scientific degree "Candidate of Science":

  • the ability to become an associate professor, a senior researcher;
  • preparations for the title "Doctor of Science";
  • increased salary of current wages by 15%

After successful protection of the candidate thesis under the control of the WAK, the applicant is given a diploma confirming the scientific degree obtained. Further development is carried out in two directions - or research / discoveries in the chosen scientific industry.

Features of the scientific degree of candidate of science in some industries

The candidate depends on the specialization of the applicant and the industry of its research. IN Russian Federation This title is awarded 23 sectors. Their list can be viewed on the official website of the highest attestation commission.

Candidate of Economic Sciences

One of the sought-after scientists of degrees in the trade and financial sector. The main requirement for applicants is the availability of higher economic education. The graduate school can be made after the end of the university or by working with a specialty 3-4 years. You can get the title "Candidate of Science" in your native university or other educational institution.

Students of graduate schools are obliged to regularly attend classes, be participants in the scientific and teaching activities of the university. The report on the results of the studies is annually provided to the supervisor of the chosen department.

Note. The Moscow Academic Postgraduate Studies of HSE offers its students a few learning programs in the economic industry. Students receive an academic scholarship, undergoing mandatory internships in other states, prepare their own scientific work According to international education standards.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

The applicant may receive a candidate degree in pedagogy in a specialized educational institution. If the higher education of the future candidate of science is not related to this area, it is recommended to become a student of the Pedagogical Faculty. After graduating from studying, the applicant enters the graduate school of the same university and is preparing for writing / defense of the candidate dissertation.

Note! In Moscow pedagogical State University It is possible to improve the knowledge of any foreign language. Postgraduates regularly participate in scientific congresses and conferences, write articles and monographs in different languages. Students granted access to all scientific publications of the pedagogical industry.
Candidate technical Sciences

Need help writing scientific work?

doctor of Biological Sciences - Dr. Biol. Science
doctor of Veterinary Sciences - dr. Veterinarian. Science
dr. Military Science - Dr. Military. Science
doctor of Geographic Sciences - Dr. Geogr. Science
doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Dr. Geol.-Mineral. Science
doctor of Art History - Dr. Art History
doctor historical sciences - Dr. East. Science
doctor Culturologists - Dr. Cultural Studies
doctor of Medical Sciences - dr. Honey. Science
doctor pedagogical Sciences - Dr. Ped. Science
dr. Political Science - Dr. Pour Polit. Science
doctor of psychological sciences - Dr. Psychol. Science
doctor of Agricultural Sciences - Dr. S.-H. Science
doctor of Sociological Sciences - Dr. Sociol. Science
doctor of Technical Sciences - Dr. Tehn. Science
doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Dr. Pharmacist. Science
doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Dr. Fiz.-Mat. Science
doctor of Philological Sciences - Dr. Philol. Science
doctor of Philosophical Sciences - Dr. Firos. Science
doctor chemical Sciences - dr. Chem. Science
doctor economic Sciences - Dr. econ. Science
doctor of Legal Science - Dr. Jerical. Science
candidate of Biological Sciences - Cand. biol. Science
candidate of veterinary sciences - Cand. vet. Science
candidate of Military Sciences - Cand. military. Science
candidate of Geographical Sciences - Cand. geogr. Science
candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - Cand. Geol. Mineral. Science
candidate of art history - Cand. Art historian
candidate of Historical Sciences - Cand. East. Science
candidate Culturologists - Cand. Culturalology
candidate of Medical Sciences - Cand. honey. Science
candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Cand. Ped. Science
candidate of Political Science - Cand. Polit. Science
candidate of Psychological Sciences - Cand. psychol. Science
candidate of Agricultural Sciences - Cand. S.-H. Science
candidate of Sociological Sciences - Cand. Sociol. Science
candidate of Technical Sciences - Cand. tehn Science
candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Cand. pharmacist. Science
candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Cand. physical mat. Science
candidate of Philological Sciences - Cand. Philol. Science
candidate of Philosophical Sciences - Cand. Form Science
candidate of Chemical Sciences - Cand. Chem. Science
candidate of Economic Sciences - Cand. ECON. Science
candidate of Legal Sciences - Cand. jurid Science

There are also more brief, unofficial reductions of academic degrees:

doctor of Architectural Sciences - D.Arm.n.;

candidate of Architectural Sciences - K.Arkh.n.

doctor of Biological Sciences - D.B.;

candidate of Biological Sciences - KB N.

doctor of Veterinary Sciences - D.V.N.;

candidate of Veterinary Sciences - K.V.N.

dr. Military Science - D.Ven.n.;

candidate of Military Sciences - K.Ven.n.

doctor of Geographic Sciences - D.G.N.;

candidate of Geographical Sciences - K.G.N.

doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - D.G.-M.N.;

candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences - K.G.-M.N.

doctor of Art History - D.S.;

candidate of Art History - Ph.D.

doctor of Historical Sciences - D.I.N.;

candidate of Historical Sciences - K.I.N.

doctor of Medical Sciences - D.M.;

candidate of Medical Sciences - Ph.D.

doctor of Pedagogical Sciences - DP;

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - Ph.D.

doctor of Political Science - D.Pol.n.;

candidate of Political Science - K.Pol.n.

doctor of Psychological Sciences - D.PSH.N.;

candidate of Psychological Sciences - K.PSh.n.

doctor of Agricultural Sciences - D.S.-H.N.;

candidate of Agricultural Sciences - K.S.-H.N.

doctor of Sociological Sciences - D.Sots.n.;

candidate of Sociological Sciences - K.Sotz.n.

doctor of Technical Sciences - D.T.N.;

candidate of Technical Sciences - K.T.N.

doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences - D. Farm.n.;

candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences - K. Farm.n.

doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - D.F.-M.N.;

candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - K.F.-M.N.

doctor of Philological Sciences - D.Fil.n.;

candidate of Philological Sciences - K.Fil.n.

doctor of Philosophical Sciences - Ph.D.;

candidate of Philosophical Sciences - Ph.D.

doctor of Chemical Sciences - D.H.N.;

candidate of Chemical Sciences - K.Kh.n.

doctor of Economic Sciences - Doctor of Economics;

candidate of Economic Sciences - Ph.D.

doctor of Legal Sciences - D.Y.n.;

candidate of Legal Sciences - K.Yu.N.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ Associate Professor, Professor, Academician, Doctor of Science. What does it mean?

    ✪ What gives the degree of a candidate of science in life? // The greed of knowledge

    ✪ Why do we need a candidate degree? // The greed of knowledge

    ✪ PhD or Canditate Sciences? Is it worth getting phd already having candidate. Oxford University.

    ✪ Dagestan has become the youngest doctor of science


Professional portrait of a candidate of science

Candidates of science are highly qualified specialists with professional experience gained during at least three or four years after the end of the university (magistracy or specialist). Most often they become faces at the age of a little younger than thirty, prone to research work And necessarily having published scientific works. Most of these specialists are employees of various (academic, industrial) or university teachers.

Usually the applicant for a scientific degree is aimed at a further scientific and pedagogical career. Receiving a degree of candidate of science (or its foreign equivalents) greatly contributes to official growth in the Russian Federation, and abroad. In Russia, the possession of this degree makes it easier to occupy the position of the associate professor at a university or a senior researcher in research institutes, and is also taken into account outside the scientific and educational sphere. The presence of a degree is absolutely necessary to obtain the duty academic title. Candidate of Sciences in Russia, continuing as active research activitiesIn the future, you can become a doctor of science and professor.

Scientists with the status equivalent to the Candidate of Sciences make up the basis for the staffing of many scientific organizations and universities in the world. According to the 2010 census, in Russia there were 595526 persons who had a degree of candidate of science. Their largest number lived in Moscow (197897 people).

History of the degree of "Candidate" in Russia

Immediately after October revolution 1917, all degrees, ranks and ranks were canceled. The degree of candidate of science - already in a modern understanding - established together with other scientists and the titles of the USSR Council of January 13, 1934 and inherited the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet period.

Procedure for awarding the degree of candidate of science in the Russian Federation


The most important requirement of pre-procurement preparation is the presence of scientific articles published in the reviewed journals from the list of scientific articles containing the results of the discretion of the dissertation and reflecting the research novelty of the study.

The dissertation study is carried out by the applicant under the guidance of the supervisor who has a scientist degree of a doctor or candidate of science for this specialty, usually (but not necessarily) during study in graduate school (adjuncture).

The typical volume of the text of the candidate thesis is about 150 pages, but there are no hard limits.

Protection procedure for dissertation

Before the protection of the degree, a number of examinations should be passed (the so-called candidate minimum): on the history and philosophy of science, foreign language and specialty.

The applicant is published by the dissertation author's abstract (circulation of about 100 copies), which a month before protection is sent by major scientific libraries and universities of Russia, as well as members of the dissertation council and specialists in this industry of science. In addition, the texts of the thesis and the author's abstract are posted on the website of the organization, at which the dissertation council, who adopted the dissertation for protection.

The dissertation itself is also a month - it is transmitted to free access to the institution's library, where protection will occur, and two official opponents that are pre-writing, and on the day of protection announced their feedback. Opponents cannot be associated with co-authorship or job as a applicant; One of them must be a doctor of science.

During the defense of the dissertant makes a message on the results of the dissertation work, answers the questions of the dissertation council on his report, thesis and abstract. Further read reviews of the leading organization, as well as reviews received by the author's abstract. The applicant responds to the comments contained in these reviews. Following this, official opponents act and follow the answers to questions from feedback from opponents. The final part of the protection is a free discussion, to perform during which anyone present is entitled. The applicant then responds to questions and comments that sounded during this discussion, following what the members of the dissertation council take part in which the Dissertation Council participates.

Approximately the same procedure for awarding existence existed in the USSR and continues to exist in some CIS countries.

Issuance of a document on degree

In the case of a positive outcome of the voting, the documents (T. Naz. "Attestation case") are sent to VAC under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, where the decision to issue a diploma of the candidate of science is made. Usually, the consideration of the case in VAC takes several months.

Persons who are awarded degrees are awarded with a violation of the established procedure, can be deprived of these degrees of WAK, as a rule, on the basis of the applications of the dissertation councils, at a meeting of the dissertations took place.

Varieties of candidate degree by branches of science

Depending on the specialty, according to which the candidate dissertation is protected, one of the following scientists is awarded to the applicant in Russia:

There is, but at present, the degree of candidate of naval sciences is not awarded (awarded from the 1930s to the end of the 1970s). For some time (in the 1940s), the scientific degree of candidate of art history was called "Candidate of Art and Science". The scientific degree of candidate of political science existed in the 1940s., It was then canceled in the 1990s. re-introduced.

In the pedagogical sciences until 1950, a description of a narrow specialization was necessarily added to the name of a scientific extent ("... by the method of history", "... physical culture" etc.). Sporadically, in the title of the scientific specialty, such clarifications were present until the end of the 1960s. The scientific degree in psychological sciences began to be awarded since 1968. Before that (since 1953), a scientific degree "Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Psychology)" was awarded.

On September 25, 2015, the Higher Attestation Commission approved the passport of the new scientific specialty "Theology". Now in this specialty you can protect dissertation work and receive scientists from the degree of candidate and doctors of science.

Many specialties admit to the award to the degree applicants for several variants of the sciences depending on the predominant subject area of \u200b\u200ba specific dissertation. For example, in the specialty 02.00.04 (physical chemistry) may be awarded the degrees of a candidate of physical and mathematical, technical or chemical sciences. At the same time, however, the principle of "One Thesis is one branch of sciences" regardless of the number of the dissertation and sectors of the sciences of the specialty. Also, a specific dissertation council may be limited to the nomenclature of awarded degrees, depending on the industry.

The list of degrees awarded by Ukrainian scientists is mainly repeated by the Russian, following the following exceptions:

  • Geological and mineralogical sciences in the titles of degrees are replaced by geological sciences;
  • The degrees of candidate of science on physical education and sports, candidate science on state administration, candidate science on social communications. The Branch of Sciences "National Security" is also allocated, but it is awarded to the degrees of candidates of military, technical, legal and other sciences - the degrees of candidate of science on national Security not.

International Aspects

Analogs of the degree of candidate of science abroad

The most common analogue of the Soviet and Russian degree candidate of science is the degree of doctor of philosophy (ph.d.). This degree exists in the USA, Canada and other states.

In Germany, an analogue of the Russian Candidate degree is the degree of a doctor (Doktor), despite its name.

In many European countries, the degree was previously awarded, the name of which in the local language contained the concept of "candidate", abolished during the Bologna process. At the same time, the abolition does not mean the elimination of the corresponding level, but to replace the name on Ph.d. This happened in a number of CEV countries - Bulgaria (Bulg. Candidate on Nauquita, abolished in the mid-1990s), Czechoslovakia (Cesh. Kandidát Věd, Slovak. Kandidát Vied, abolished in the Czech Republic in 1998, in Slovakia in 1996). In 2014, with the adoption of the new law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the degree of candidate of science there is also abolished and equated to the degree of doctor of philosophy. Such a degree preceding the degree of Doctor of Science and called Latin Lat. Candidatus / Candidata with the addition of science name, also existed in Denmark, Norway, Iceland. In Yugoslavia, the degree of candidate of science answered the degree of Magister Science (Magister Scientiæ, Mr. SCI, now abolished), as it was in Russian Empire In the XIX century.


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, whose competence includes academic qualifications, recognizes the German academic qualifications of "Habilitation" at the level of the Russian scientific degree "Doctor of Science", and the German academic degree "Doktor" at the level of the Russian scientific degree "candidate of science". In the Federal Republic of Germany, recognition is within the competence of ministries of land, when it comes to issuing permission to use academic degrees in society, and the competence of the higher educational institutionsWhen it comes to an academic field, including research activities. These bodies recognize the Russian scientific degree "Doctor of Science" at the level of the German academic qualifications "Habilitation", and the Russian scientific degree "candidate of science" at the level of the German academic degree "Doktor".

see also


  1. Candidate of science / M. N. Volkov // Italy - Quarks. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1973. - (Big Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 tons] / ch. Ed.

Word " chair.", often used in russian translations In the meaning of the "Department", there is no such importance, but means a guideline ("head") or a professorship at the university.

Here is the definition of the dictionary "Macmillan": "Chair - The Position or Job of Being A Professor in a University - He Held The Chair of Botany At Cambridge for 30 years" - What can be translated: "He was 30 years old was the main specialist in Botanic in Cambridge ").

Another example, where it is said that "Chair" is a title, title ("title"): "University Research Chairs: The University of Waterlolo Owes Much of Its ProPutation and Stature to the Quality of Its Professors and Their Scholarly Accomplishments. University Of Waterloo Recognizes Exceptional Achievement and Pre-Eminence Inside a Particular Field of Knowledge of Through the Designation "University Research Chair" - A Title Which May Be Held for Up to Seven Years, With the Possibility of a Re-Nomination. A FACULTY Member With this this title will receive either a teaching reduction of one course per year or an annual stipend of $ 10,000, which will be allocated to the Department / School if teaching reduction is chosen. the University Research Chair title and benefits will be relinquished if a Canada Research Chair or Other Major Research Chair Is Awarded. "

From the following example, it can be seen that the position of "Department Chair" approximately corresponds to the post of head of the department: "What a department chair can-and can" T-do: The Responsibilities and Limits of Power for Heads of College Departments Vary Greatly. Every Department At A College Has One: A Chair Who, Typically, IS A Faculty Member In That Department, Assigned by The Dean to Manage The Department. "

Responsibilities "Department Chair" (head of the department) are described on the University of Wisconsin University: "Department Chair Role and Responsibilities: The Chair Is Responsible for Facilitating The Operation of A Department, The Fundamental ACADEMIC UNIT WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY. Description of the chair" S Roles And Responsibilities Must Be Understood in The Overall Context of Responsibility and Accountability. ... The Chair Facilitates The Management of the Department. To Carry Out This Responsibility, The Chair Oversees, Directly or Indirectly, The Daily Progress Toward Achieving Teaching, Research, And Service Goals as Set Out in the Department "S Plan. With the chair" S Leadership and Facilitation, Faculty Members Provide Students The Educational Opportunity Necessary to Be Prepared for Meaningful Personal and Professional Lives. To This End, The Chair Plays An Important Role in Providing the Dean / Probost, the Budget and Planning Process, With Class Schedules, Program Plans and Estimates of Resources Needed to Carry Out Department Functions. "

Thus, all the above examples prove that "Chair" in the context of higher education refers to the position or rank of a person and cannot translate into Russian as the "Department" (Department).