Most words of modern slang have several features: they are mainly abbreviated and borrowed words. Moreover, many of them came to the conversation oral speech from the Internet.

Ava- a shortened version of the word "avatar"; user's photo in the social network profile.

Aggressive- get angry, swear at someone.

Bombs- infuriates, irritates, stresses.

Butthurt, b urgurt - the state of a person who is indignant, experiencing anger; often used as a synonym for the word "buhurt"; came from English word butthurt (butt pain).

Bra, bro- a respectful and friendly form of address from the abbreviated English word brother (brother).

Babetsl - adult woman, which teenage boys do not find sexually attractive.

Varick- short for the word "option".

Go- let's go, start, come on; from the English verb go (come on, let's go).

Zhiza- Truth, life situation, close to the reader.

Zashkvar- shame, unworthy, bad, not fashionable.

Lalka- a girl who found herself in an awkward situation, causing others to laugh; from English abbreviation LOL ( laughing out loud - laugh loudly out loud).

PM- personal messages.

LP/LD- best friend, best friend.

Loys- “like”, from the English word like (like). Used to mean "to evaluate". Most often used in the phrases “lois ava” (positively evaluate the avatar) or “lois meme” (appreciate a joke, funny picture).

Poch- short for adverb, pronominal interrogative union word"Why".

Pal- fake; most often used in relation to clothes, shoes, bags. (Example: “she has a bag, not a Louis Vuitton.”)

By dehe- a little bit, a little bit.

Podik- short for the word "entrance".

Roflit- laugh until you cry, roll on the floor laughing; from the English abbreviation ROFL (r olling on floor laughing - roll on the floor laughing).

Sorry- sorry, sorry; from the English word sorry (sorry, I apologize).

Sasny- sexy.

Tumblr girl- a girl or girl who adheres to a rebellious, informal style in clothing and makeup. One of distinctive features tumblr girl - definitely stand out with your appearance in the same name social network Tumbler.

Top- the most current, best, fashionable.

Fake- fake, untruth, deception.

Hare, stop- that's enough, stop.

Hate (haters)- from English words hate (hate, hatred), haters. Used to mean "those who leave bad comments are hateful."

Shmot- fashionable, cool clothes.

Gaming slang

“Gank”, “imba”, “nerf” - are your ears withering? And this is just gaming slang, used here and now by millions of children, teenagers and adults. Is it really that bad and how to distinguish an “achievement” from an “ability”? We'll help you figure it out.

Abilka- ability, property of a person or object. For example, “The new iPhone has a lot of cool abilities.”

Agro, aggro- behave aggressively, often in response to the actions of others. It comes from the behavior model of game monsters that react to the appearance of a player at a certain distance.

Achievement- achievement. It comes from the mechanism of issuing rewards to the player for achieving certain goals. For example: “I completed all the tasks at work on time this month - consider it an achievement.

Buff, buff- get temporary benefits. For example: “I need to go have a coffee to buff myself up and not fall asleep.”

Gank, gank- achieve your goals using vile methods.

Grind ( possible grind)- monotonous and tedious work necessary to achieve a goal.

Imba, imbalance- an unbalanced, illiterate solution that strengthens one element.

Quest- a task, often multi-stage. For example: “I completed the quest today - I handed in all the documents for my passport.”

Level-up- improving a skill, moving to a new level. Can also be used in a more figurative sense to refer to a birthday.

Loot- prey, valuable or not. Often used with the word "drop".

Noob- newbie, sucker.

Leveling up- development and improvement of a specific skill. For example: “I improved my typing skills.”

Paladin- a fierce defender of an idea or phenomenon. Often used ironically.

Frag- murder or number of people killed.

Expa- experience gained as a result of completing the quest.

Mobs- opponents (regular, not bosses).

Boss- designation of a strong enemy.

Private- make it yours, take a place; from the English word private (secluded, personal, personal).

Craft- create, make; from the English word craft (create).

Owl- a typical computer... ahem, nerd.

Dangerous slang

If you hear the following words from your child (on the phone, in dialogue with friends, but not with you), then there are serious reasons for concern: the child is talking about drugs. The potent synthetic cannabinoid has many names that are worth paying attention to in a teenager’s speech:

Dzhivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, scattering, rega, smoke, green flag, blooper, plop - all this code names drug.

Salt, mix, legal, speed, white, sk, flour, rega, ross- a dangerous synthetic drug.

Bookmark, treasure- a place where a drug is hidden that can be bought online.

Clear mines- find the treasure and use the drug.

Bong, bubble, bubbler, pipe, bottle, battle, bulbik- a device for smoking drugs, usually made with your own hands or purchased in a store.

Chickens, chickens, chickens- couriers making bookmarks.

Seagulls- people who steal treasures before they reach the recipient.

Trip report- a description on a forum or website where the drug is sold of the effect obtained after using the drug. Usually done as a "thank you" for a free trial dose.

Language substitute

Sometimes a teenager’s speech becomes so incomprehensible that it causes disgust and rejection. But most often, “word substitutes” are used by those children with whom their parents never really communicated, ignored their states and moods, asked them to shut up and not interfere. In addition, as the child grows up, it becomes necessary to belong to a certain subculture. Neuropsychologist Ekaterina Shchatskova says that at this age it is incredibly important to feel like part of a group.

Often this is what achieves such an important new development of this period as strengthening, expanding and delineating the boundaries of the “I”, although it may be illusory. On initial stage In the development of a teenager’s personality, one can note denial and delay in growing up. Hence such manifestations as special music, style of clothing and behavior, vocabulary. All this can symbolize distance from the world of adults, especially if there are some difficulties in family relationships, the specialist clarifies.

The reason for using slang is the desire for independence. Often for teenagers, “adulthood” is presented as freedom, but they cannot yet realize that in “adulthood” there is also responsibility.

The neuropsychologist also notes that it is still not worth prohibiting the use of new words and scolding the child, since this is a temporary phenomenon.

However, if the use of specific vocabulary is not situational, but constant, and the teenager seems to be speaking a foreign language, then it is worth paying attention to family relationships: this may signal the presence of problems with trust, with the separation of the teenager from the family, the specialist notes.

It is very important from childhood to instill in a child good taste - for books, music, films, games. Spend time together watching films and reading books, pay attention to cultural leisure, go to theaters and exhibitions. If a child hears beautiful and correct speech, he will not have a desire to vulgarize her, but, on the contrary, he will try to talk in the same way.

And first of all, parents need to be an example for their child in terms of speech: if you yourself don’t understand how to speak, then what do you want to hear from your child?

Teenagers clearly understand when and where they can say certain substitute words, and when they need to switch to regular speech, says psychologist Ekaterina Koksharova. “To reduce the level of “contamination” of children’s speech, adults can offer various generally accepted options for substitute words, so that children enrich their vocabulary.

Sooner or later, the teenager will no longer need to “be his own” in the circle of his peers; he will truly choose his own circle, corresponding to his level of development and intelligence, where he will feel comfortable and understandable and will not need to simplify his speech just for the sake of being understood and understood. accepted.

IN modern world it becomes increasingly difficult for a teenager to gain popularity, attention and recognition from their peers. One has a gadget of the latest model, another bought a newly released computer game, the third is a permanent winner of the Olympiads, to whom everyone turns for help and advice. What to do, how to express yourself? There is a way out - these are cool phrases, using which you can declare yourself as a progressive young man, well acquainted with modern culture.

Cool Words for Teens

Children and teenagers often use some kind of “secret” language, as if they specifically want adults not to understand them. Non-standard words and expressions are present in the speech of young people, teenagers, people of certain professions and social classes. Modern sources of information contribute to the widespread dissemination of slang in society, making it popular and in demand.

Are you in a bad mood? And you try to say without smiling: “Misha-target, bear! Teach me to fart!”

You must believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts...

On the slippery porch quantity cultured people is shrinking sharply...

The person who says he understands me is lying! Because even I don’t understand myself, let alone others.

Take risks! If you win, you will be happy, and if you lose, you will be wise.

It's easy to be brave when it's not your fears.

Try to say to my face what you say behind my back.

Even if you are alone against everyone, this does not mean that you are wrong...

Shut your mouth, otherwise it smells like yesterday's soup...

Even the coolest guy will look stupid in shoe covers with a urine test in his hands.

Some go to people as if they were going to war - with rudeness at the ready. And they often win! But then they have to live with a scorched soul on a scorched earth...

The boy said it, the boy did it! The guy didn’t do it - the guy was joking!

When do women experience critical days, men begin to have critical nights.

Everything is great with me, I have nothing to please you with.

My mirror, shut up! I came to comb my hair!

They say that when people lose something, they gain something else. I hope that after losing me, you will finally find some brains.

Cool expressions of youth

Be stronger than circumstances and whining!

Don’t you think... that you are losing weight... without the letter D.

If you can't bring a woman to orgasm, at least bring her home.

The amount of happiness depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart...

Marina, I have loved you for a very long time, and let me kiss your gums on this bright evening!

I would like the self-esteem of those women who wear leopard print leggings on their fat legs.

It is better to be late where you are expected than to show up on time where you were not invited.

The strong one is not the one who does not cry. The strong one is the one who smiles through his tears.

Don't shed tears in vain, screw it all - life is wonderful!

Stay strong even if you feel like everything is falling apart.

Nothing spoils good mood just like bad...

One careless move and you are a father.

A woman should be like honey! On the one hand - soft and sweet! On the other hand, I'm so screwed!

Everyone ruins their life as they see fit.

This person called you 50 times. Conclusion: don't give your number to idiots.

Willpower is always needed in order to step over something important for the sake of something priceless...

Modern art is so strange. If you rush into an exhibition and piss on all the paintings, they will only become more expensive.

The show-offs are through the roof, but I don’t give a damn, I don’t hear such people.

Some think they have risen. In fact, they just popped up!!!

Jerking off and cuddling. Just what the doctor ordered.

A wisdom tooth is not a certificate of intelligence.

You can't be good to everyone.

Teen fashion phrases

Only mountains, whales and eggs can be steep. Everything else is an impostor!

Who is in favor of creating a button in contact “Fuck you”?

It’s such an unusual feeling when you don’t really know a person, but you’re already dreaming about your mind-blowing future.

I live opposite the cemetery. If you show off, you will live opposite me!!!

What makes me stronger would have destroyed you long ago...

In this world I am a queen, if you don’t like it, live in another!

The truly cool person is not the one who buys a car to go to work, but the one who buys an apartment near work so that he can walk there.

It's better to be a simple ace than a trump six.

When I'm in a bad mood, everyone else's self-esteem drops sharply.

Now you are driven by pride, and then you will bite your elbows.

One more “Vyak” in my direction... and your dad was sweating in vain...

My kindness ends where your insolence crosses the border.

It seemed that things couldn't get any worse... It turned out that it didn't seem so.

I'm a simple person, so I wipe my crown only once a day!

If you're completely screwed, don't be sad or worry... Find a skinny one.

I keep the room in chaos so that those who come to kill me will get lost in the chaos and die.

He is such an educated and well-read person that he even beat women with books.

I’m not hysterical, I’m not a psychopath, just one asshole radically changed my attitude towards life.

It’s very easy to turn a sweet girl into a hellish bitch. We take her trusting heart, a couple of assholes and voila, voila!

It's cool when someone cares about you, misses you and forgives you for being a bad person. In general, it's cool when people love you.

That cool feeling when you wake up and know that you don’t have to go anywhere.

I fall asleep with tearing pain. Waking up ready to fight.

Cool words and phrases

It is very unusual to meet people from the past in the present. But it’s even more unusual to understand that the past will again be the present, and then the future...

The called party has not yet come up with an excuse.

You want to go to heaven, but knowing that one dude borrowed a fortune from you and was sent to hell, you follow him...

My dad and mom are normal, they don’t drink, my legs and arms are intact, I have you... How happy I am!

I love you, I know for sure, although before I simply hated you... But now, something has changed in you?

Virtue is courageous and goodness never fears.

Be careful - fucked up is possible!

Don't flatter yourself by sleeping with a hot chick. Maybe she's just wondering... what it's like... with a sucker.

As one wonderful poet said: “And everything seems to be pretty fucked up, but it’s all some kind of bullshit!”

A person can not only die from non-compliance with safety precautions, but also be born.

Don't wait for the Last Judgment. The Last Judgment occurs daily.

Close the vent so it doesn't blow.

With me you can find common language, while biting his own.

The main surprise for Russians in this whole story is that our army now looks so cool.

Rules are made to make you want to make mistakes...

Not everyone in our lives is a monogamist. After all, some of us were doused with resin in order to catch fire one more time.

Few people will remember the naked king by sight.

Shut up your mitten! Don't waste air!

Remember this phrase: everything will happen, but not right away.

Vodka was created to prevent Russians from ruling the world...

Don't shut my mouth! I'll put the freckles in the box! I'll drill new holes in the nose...

There is no TV, so I eat mushrooms and watch the carpet.

Take care of the keyboard - the organ of communication with the outside world.

Listen here, victim of a drunken midwife!

Love... Love is... In general, Love is such a feminine name...

Do you have anything for tomorrow's exam???
- Faith, hope, optimism.

So that all your teeth fall out, and one remains - for toothache!

Listen, rose! The tulip is out of here, otherwise you’ll turn gray like a dahlia!

Honey, take the corkscrew out of your ass and put it in your head so that there is at least something twisty there.

They love not for something, but in spite of it!

Of course, we have collected these phrases only to introduce you to them, but we still do not recommend using them in everyday speech. We encourage you to learn “decent” vocabulary, which you can show off in an official setting and at the same conferences.

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Youth slang changes over the years, many words are forgotten, and new ones are invented. Moreover, lately this has been happening so rapidly that 30-40 year olds, those who were young just recently, have difficulty understanding today’s schoolchildren and students. For example, if for you the words “chan”, “chill”, “kek” are just a set of funny sounds, then you can safely cross yourself out of the ranks of young people.

website I found out what words those who are now between 12 and 25 years old use in their speech.


There is an application for smartphones that determines what song is playing in at the moment. It's called Shazam. Hence “shazam” - “find out the name of a song using this or an application similar in function.”


Derived from the English easy - “simple, easy.” Most often it means some incredibly simple action or attitude of a person to different life situations. This is also what they say when they ask someone to “be simpler” or “calm down.”


"Zhiza" is a contraction of the common word "life". Young people use it when they need to say something like “life situation, vital.”


There are 2 versions of the origin of this word: from the English angry (“angry, indignant”) or aggression (“aggression, scandal”). Teenagers use this word as a synonym for the words “to be angry”, “to rage”, “to hate”, “to be irritated”.


IN English verb to go (“go”) sounds like “go”. But today's youth are lazy and like to use short words in their speech or correspondence. And even “go” turned out to be too long for them, so it was shortened to “go”. This word is used when calling someone somewhere.


Shame is translated as “shame,” and the word “shame” is used when they want to shame a person for something. For example, for style of clothing or behavior. A derivative of this word is “shamers”. These are the ones who judge other people.


Derived from the English sorry - “regretful”. That's what they say when they ask for forgiveness awkward situation. It’s funny that the word “sorri” has been used in Russian speech for many years along with the word “sorry”. But for some reason this same “sorry” mutated and turned into an even more careless “sorry.”


ROFL is an English abbreviation, an abbreviation of the phrase rolling on the floor laughing (“rolling on the floor laughing”). Previously, when communicating through some instant messengers, instead of this abbreviation, an emoticon was used that rolled on the floor laughing. Nowadays, “ruffling” means “to laugh out loud” or “to make fun of someone.” Among teenagers, the word “rofl” is also used to mean “some kind of crazy funny joke or story.”


This is what people who love to eat are now called (from the English food - “food”). Moreover, food for them is more significant things than simply satisfying physical needs. They understand the intricacies of preparing fashionable dishes, keep an eye on all the gastronomic innovations and disdain ordinary dishes like naval pasta. Foodie is a kind of subculture that is actively gaining popularity today. Food is a hobby for them.


This is an interjection expressing ironic, malicious laughter. Almost the same as "lol", the only difference is that "lol" is almost always used in a positive sense, and "kek" - in a negative sense. Depending on the context, a person who finds himself in an awkward position while gloating can also be called a kek. According to one version, this word came from the gaming environment and was an abbreviation of the expression Kekeke, meaning laughter and something similar to “heh” (chuckle).


This word comes from the English binge ("binge") and watching ("view"). This is the name for the process when a person watches an entire series or an entire season in one sitting, without stopping. Roughly speaking, “bingewatching” is “binge watching of TV series.”


This word came to us from anime, and in Japanese used as a prefix to a girl's name. Means "sweet, beautiful." Often used in the phrase “lamp chan”, which means “the ideal girl who is almost impossible to meet in real life.”


From the English game - “game”. Teenagers use this word to mean “spending time playing a computer game.”


The word means “to check, to find out information about something or someone.” Derived from the English word check, which translates as “check, clarify, get information.”


From English hate - “hatred”. “Hate” - “to express indignation at any reason.” And people who actively hate are called haters. For example, haters can often be found among commentators who don’t feed them bread - just give them something or someone to criticize.


This word comes from criminal slang, but young people perceive it in their own way. For example, this word can be interpreted as “shame, shame.” It could also be something out of fashion, out of popularity, or something stupid (in the opinion of teenagers). Let's say if a guy puts on socks and sandals, it's a mess.

Of course, we do not at all like this full-scale dominance of Anglicisms in the Russian language, but, alas, there is no escape from this: language is a living and changing phenomenon. Some words will disappear into oblivion in a few years, and new ones will also appear. Despite this, we hope that we will still be able to preserve the culture of the Russian language.