Anti-aircraft gunners defended the skies of Moscow

On the territory of the Zyuzinsky village council there was a military town of Strelka, so named because it was stationed next to the territory allocated in 1927 to the Strelka housing and construction cooperative of employees of the Ryazan-Ural Railway near the Kolomenskoye junction for the construction of individual residential buildings. Here, on the eve of the war, the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regiment appeared. Major Seredin was appointed the first commander of the regiment. The formation of the regiment was completed by September 5, 1939, and this date has since become the unit's Annual Holiday.

The regiment then included five divisions of SZA (medium-caliber anti-aircraft artillery), each with three batteries, which on the eve of the war were deployed on the territory of five military camps: Strelka, Annino, Mamyri (Nizhnie Teply Stany), Cheryomushki, Konkovo; the headquarters of the regiment - in the military town of Strelka, located on the lands allocated by the Zyuzinsky collective farm to them. January 9.

By the directive of the headquarters of the 1st Air Defense Corps, from 04.00 on 22.06.41, the regiment was declared a combat alert and the task was set: to take up the battle order provided for by the deployment plan and provide air defense of the southwestern and southern approaches to Moscow. Already during June 22, the main part of the assigned reserve staff from the Moskvoretsky, Proletarsky, Krasnogvardeisky and Kirovsky district military registration and enlistment offices of the city of Moscow arrived in the regiment.

By the end of June 22, 1941, medium-caliber divisions took up battle formation in the combat deployment sector on the southwestern approaches to Moscow (see diagram). During June 23-24, each division posted 3-5 observation posts (16 in total), united in common system(two lines) shelf.

1941 Scheme of anti-tank defense of the 329th zen. art. shelf

The division of small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery (MZA) consisting of two MZA batteries was operationally subordinated to the Central Air Defense Group (Moscow) and received the task of defending from air attack: the 1st battery - the Kremlin and the British Embassy and the 2nd battery - the combined heat and power plant of the automobile plant named after . Stalin. After 10 days, the 3rd MZA battery was also installed on the northern outskirts of the plant to defend the plant's facilities.

The searchlight battalion also took up battle formation in front of the firing positions of the ZA batteries, having the task of light defense of the southern and southwestern approaches to Moscow. By the beginning of the enemy air raids on Moscow, the searchlight battalion had 40 searchlight stations, by August 1941 - 45, by the end of 1941 - 59.

By July 4, 1941, the 237th Separate Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion (OZAD) of small caliber was formed, given operational subordination to the regiment and taking up battle formation in the Butovo - Stary Yam - Vatutinki area (south of the regiment's sector) with the task of air defense Butovo radio centers. For the entire period of hostilities, the change in the configuration of the battle formation was insignificant.

The first massive raid on Moscow was undertaken by the enemy on the night of July 21-22, 1941. The circumstances of this event are indicative of all subsequent raids. On the afternoon of July 21, the VNOS post (air surveillance, warning and communications) transmitted to the units that single enemy reconnaissance aircraft appeared in the area of ​​Serpukhov, Tula, Podolsk, Naro-Fominsk, operating on these approaches for several hours. At 22.00 on July 21, a combat alert was announced, and soon enemy aircraft began to approach the forward edge of the sector. They approached in groups from a link or more at altitudes of 3000–6000 m. Visibility that night was good, and individual groups enemy planes stood out clearly against the background of the evening sky. Despite the rare cloudiness, when the first enemy aircraft entered the sector, all searchlights entered the battle. At the same time, the regiment opened barrage fire on the data of the NP (observation posts). A solid wall of fire stood in the way of enemy aircraft, and they turned off course, went in a northwesterly direction. No enemy planes were let through to Moscow.

Following the first group of aircraft, new ones continuously, one after another, with an interval of 10–20 minutes, approached. The first enemy plane was shot down by fire from the 1st battery and crashed south of Butovo, burying the entire crew under its debris. On the same night, another plane was shot down. In conditions of strong fire impact, enemy aircraft randomly dropped high-explosive, incendiary and lighting bombs on villages near Moscow on the outskirts of Moscow and in the areas of combat formations of the batteries of the 329th ZENAP.

Pictures from the regimental album: tank attack; anti-aircraft gunners hit the tanks; anti-aircraft gunners hit the planes

The following night, the enemy raided with even greater forces; the bombing continued from 23.50 to 3.00. The planes followed low clouds at an altitude of 3000-4000 m. And again they failed to break through to Moscow, again they randomly dropped bombs on the battle formations of the regiment and suburban settlements.

All the last July nights, the planes tried to break through to Moscow. The raids were massive and prolonged. The planes arrived from different sides, at different heights - from 1500 to 7000 m, they used dispersal in the zone of fire of anti-aircraft artillery, walked with muffled engines, carried out bombing on battle formations, during raids they adhered to clearly defined local landmarks: Kievskoye, Kashirskoye, Borovskoye and Podolskoye highways, railways, Moscow River, etc.

On the night of July 24-25, another enemy aircraft was shot down (by the 8th battery of the 2nd division). In total, three aircraft were shot down in July. While repelling raids in August, three more aircraft were shot down.

However, already in August, in connection with the approach of the front line to Moscow, preparations for anti-tank and ground defense began in case of a fight against enemy tanks and infantry. Fighter teams were formed in the batteries, armed with anti-tank grenades and bottles of incendiary liquid. Minefields were laid in the areas of firing positions.

With the deterioration of the situation at the front and the enemy's breakthrough to the near approaches to Moscow on October 10, 1941, the regiment was ordered, continuing to carry out the defense task, by October 12 to prepare an effective anti-tank and ground defense. To this end, up to 40% of all guns (1-2 guns from each battery) with their own crews were deployed to specially reconnoitered anti-tank positions. By October 26, almost all weapons (up to 80% of medium-caliber guns) were placed in anti-tank positions. But then, with the increased activity of enemy aviation, part of the anti-tank guns were returned to the main firing positions of the air defense. Anti-tank positions were left with 2 guns from each battery. Only on December 18, 1941

all anti-tank guns were returned to their main firing positions.

It should be noted that all the tasks of anti-tank and ground defense in the sector of the regiment were solved in cooperation with the subdivisions of the Moscow defense zone that took up the defense and the 332nd rifle division, which took up a line in the center of the sector of the regiment.

The enemy was on close approaches to Moscow, so the VNOS posts were removed and could not provide preliminary information. Planes appeared unexpectedly and at different heights. For the success of military operations in these conditions, constant combat readiness day and night was required. The crews of guns and instruments did not leave the materiel for days, and during calm hours they rested in their places without undressing. Round-the-clock duty was carried by anti-tank gun crews.

During December, up to 200 enemy aircraft participated in raids on Moscow. Using the clouds, 9 planes broke through to the city, which are in disarray with high altitude dropped about 115 high-explosive bombs weighing a total of about 5-6 tons and 135 pcs. incendiary air bombs that did not cause much damage to the city. In the sectors of the artillery regiments, about 600 high-explosive aerial bombs of various calibers were dropped on the firing positions of the batteries. In total, 17 raids on Moscow were carried out in December, of which 5 during the day and 2 at night.

Barrage balloons played a huge role in the defense of Moscow. During December 1941, balloons took to the air 20 times (230 posts), which is 4600 balloon ascents. In total, all together were in the air for 240 hours, or 55,620 balloon hours. The ascent ceiling reached from 4500 to 6000 m, which is an increase in the ceiling by 1500–2000 m compared to November. The following is explained by a decrease in air temperature. Accidents in December are sharply reduced due to the strengthening of discipline and the acquisition of experience by personnel. 3 balloons broke off due to the fault of the personnel, 9 pieces were hit by anti-aircraft artillery fire. But all the balloons were found, repaired and re-commissioned.

In January 1942, there were 260 balloon points on the defense of Moscow and individual objects, of which 90 were tandems, and 170 single ones. There were 26 lifting days during the month. All ascents were made at night - from dark to dawn. Five heavy days were due to bad weather conditions. The average ascent height of the tandem is 4500 m, single - 2500 m. There were 9 cliffs per month due to the fault of the personnel, 4 balloons were found, repaired and put into operation.

On March 4, 1942, the last enemy plane was shot down. In total, 14 enemy aircraft were shot down by the batteries of the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regiment.

The period from the beginning of the war to the spring of 1942 was the most intense, and all changes in the deployment and use of own and attached funds were caused primarily by the combat missions that arose. In the future, the basis was the improvement and effectiveness of the air defense system, with the exception of a number of cases of the operational use of individual units that received independent tasks or in groups.

On April 8, 1942, in accordance with the decision of the State Defense Committee, a replenishment of 1,050 Komsomol girls arrived in the regiment to train in various specialties and replace male military personnel seconded to staff the 82nd and 1201st anti-aircraft artillery regiments of air defense, as well as to the field troops of the active army. In 1943 and early 1944, separate units and subunits were formed, intended for air defense of the liberated territories of the country.

On June 15, 1943, the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regiment of air defense was reorganized into the 54th anti-aircraft artillery division of air defense, which was included in the 2nd sector of the Special Moscow Air Defense Army. The commander of the division was appointed commander of the regiment G.I. Iofik. The division included:

- 5 anti-aircraft artillery regiments (each with five batteries);

- A separate anti-aircraft artillery division of the MZA (three batteries);

- anti-aircraft searchlight regiment.

All of the listed units of the division and services were created from the corresponding units of the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regiment of air defense and historically continued to perform the tasks previously assigned to the 329th ZENAP. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5th divisions of medium caliber were reorganized respectively into regiments - 1745, 1747, 1749, 1751, 1753rd; MZA division - to the 338th Separate anti-aircraft artillery division of small caliber, searchlight battalion - to the 8th anti-aircraft searchlight regiment.

Beginning in August 1943, the batteries of the division took part in all salutes in honor of the victories of the Red Army at the front. In 1944, a large group of officers, sergeants and privates - over 150 people - were awarded orders and medals of the USSR.

In April and June 1945, the Consolidated Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment was trained, which participated in the May Day parade of the Red Army troops on Red Square in Moscow and in the Victory Parade on June 24th. On May 30, 1945, Colonel P.A. took command of the division. Valuev.

Until 1950, the 54th Air Defense Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division was merged with another unit. The new unit was named: the 80th anti-aircraft artillery division, and was redeployed to the military town of Nikulino, and disbanded in 1957.

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13. Tsar-Grad of the 13th century, like the "ancient" Troy, was defended by the allied troops. Tsar-Grad was defended not only by local residents, but also by numerous mercenary troops. So, for example, Choniates mentions the Pisans and especially the "ax-bearing barbarians" who defended Tsar-Grad, see above. Homer in the Iliad

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1.2. The Sosna and Brasheva rivers = Borovitskaya road to Kulikovo field - this is the Sosenka river on the outskirts of Moscow and the old Borovskaya road to the center of Moscow 137–194, it is reported that Dmitry

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23. The ascension of Romulus to heaven is the ascension of Christ to heaven Romulus ascended to heaven. Titus Livius and Plutarch directly report this. Concluding his meeting with Proculus, Romulus says: “By the will of the gods, Proculus,” the king answered him, “AFTER A LONG STAY AMONG PEOPLE, I founded

How many girls and women, along with men, defended our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War! Pilots and anti-aircraft gunners, nurses, doctors, medical instructors, sailors and snipers, officers and privates ... You can’t count everyone! Someone returned, and someone stayed there, in the war ... I want to tell you about one of them, my aunt, Korzunina Natalya Afanasyevna,

a native of the village of B.Polom of the former Belsky district. An ordinary Russian woman-worker and warrior. She was born in 1918 and was the youngest in a large family (besides her, three sisters and a brother). Her father died in civilian life soon after her birth. She grew up like all peasant children. She studied only one winter, helped with the housework, then worked on a collective farm. Was the head worked in a collective farm nursery (she completed a two-week course in the village of Belaya), worked in the field and as a cowgirl. In 1940 she came to Kirov and soon got a job in the artel "Kirov Harmonica", began to study at an evening school.

The war started and everything changed. School was over, they were sent to work at a brick factory, where the girls manually rolled carts with raw bricks. And this is with the growth of "a meter with a hat" and "lamb weight", at forty-odd kilograms!

And in the spring of 1942 they mobilized for railway. She worked as a wagon lubricator. A 12-hour shift, and then they still remained to equip freight cars for transporting people. There was not always enough strength and time before the next shift to go home, the girls fell on the floor in the change house and fell asleep. There were cases when, through negligence, they fell under the wheels of wagons. Once I lost bread cards at the beginning of the month. How to survive, the thought came, I would throw myself under the car! But then she sold something from her simple clothes in the market and bought a children's card (300 g of bread per day!). She survived! Fashion girls worked with her. It was hard for adults, and this doubly wanted to go home to my mother. Once the girls boasted that they had written an application to the military registration and enlistment office. "We'll eat our fill of bread in the army!" She thought, maybe I should go to the army? The girls ran for paper and wrote her a statement. On the way home, having folded it into a triangle, I threw it into the mailbox and forgot it. It was in the autumn of 1943.
And at the end of October I received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. And already on November 1, 1943, we left for the front. We met in the car, there were girls from different regions of the region, there were also countrywomen. We drove for almost a month, it was cold and hungry, and there was nowhere to wash. They sold at the stations what they could from their little things, bought edibles. On November 28, they arrived in Poltava, enlisted them in the 1575th anti-aircraft artillery regiment of the 9th Stalingrad Red Banner Air Defense Corps, and received uniforms. And the service began.
In the Red Army book it is written:

Rank and position - Red Army soldier, gun number.

The name of the unit is 3 battery.

I took the oath on December 20, 1943.

Later she received the rank of corporal.

In May 1944, the regiment was transferred to Kharkov, where anti-aircraft gunners guarded the tractor plant.
Then there was Budapest. On the Internet I found materials from the history of air defense "Protecting the Sky of Ukraine". It says that: "1575 ZAP MZA with a medium-caliber division attached to it and a searchlight company took part in the liquidation of the enemy grouping in the Budapest area, cargo for which was delivered by air. From 28.01 to 16.02.45, the regiment shot down 28 aircraft, including .h 14 transport Yu-52s (on account of the aunt's calculation there is one of them!). Having suffered heavy losses, enemy aircraft almost ceased their operations in mid-February. The commander of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Goran, was awarded the order Alexander Nevsky, and all personnel regiment-medal "For the capture of Budapest". Here, on the banks of the Danube, the combat path of the 9th Stalingrad Red Banner Air Defense Corps ended.

In my aunt’s notes I read: “On January 26, we arrived in Budapest. On February 27, we moved to the island. On March 25, to the bridge. On July 27, at 7 o’clock in the morning, we left the battery and went home.
The war ended and Corporal Korzunina, who was awarded the medals "For Military Merit", "For

Victory over Germany "and the badge "Excellent artilleryman", returned home. But she never received the medal "For the capture of Budapest". All that remained was a certificate "on the subject of receiving a medal", signed by the regiment commander and chief of staff. And a record of some worker military registration and enlistment office across the certificate "in the list of the unit does not appear" ...

In June 1946, she again came to work in the artel "Kirov Harmony" (later "Kirov Bayan Factory"), where she worked for almost 20 years as an assembler of the left mechanism. And before retiring, she worked for 8 years at the Krasny Toolmaker factory. Personal life did not work out. The war left youth and those who could become fate. I don’t know if her betrothed died in the battles or she didn’t have time to meet him ... She never spoke about it. So she lived her life alone, not "returning from the war" from her youth. At the age of 84, I was overtaken by a terrible disease, a stroke. We were able to put her on her feet, for about 2 years she could still walk, then she completely fell ill ... But her mind faded gradually, only her youth remained in her memory, and then childhood ... She called me mom, and I was younger than her by 30 years old., was going to the village, from which she left more than 60 years ago and which had not existed for a long time ... And one day ... "We must go!" Where, I ask. "Where to go? Hand over your overcoat and rifle! Yesterday the war ended..." Overcoat! In an overcoat she came from the front and returned to her native village. She worked at the school for a year, conducted military training. In the same overcoat, a year later, she came back to Kirov, returned to her "Accordion". And the overcoat also served her as both clothes and a blanket ...
Helped raise nephews and their children. She was a beloved aunt and grandmother.
From the stories of my aunt about the war, I remember the case, "how the hair on the head moved." Yes, that's what she said. It was in the late autumn of the 44th. She was on duty at night. The steppe is all around, the platoon is sleeping in the dugout, the darkness is terrible. And such a HORROR! She closed her eyes, clung to the rifle and stood. And he feels the hair moving on his head, lifting his hat. Never in my life was it so scary as I defended the shift, I don’t remember. She woke up the shift, but she began to talk about her fears. And in the morning, a friend asks: "Natasha, confess, it was scary at night!" Later we learned that at that time the Germans cut out the same platoon, which was a few kilometers from them!

Historical formulary

521st anti-aircraft missile regiment

(military unit 51838)

1804th anti-aircraft artillery regiment of small caliber (04/03/1955)
521st Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (08/09/1960)

04/28/1944 the regiment was awarded the Red Banner


In Leningrad on June 16, 1943, the commander of the 243rd regiment of the MZA, lieutenant colonel Kutaev the formation of 1804 small caliber zenap(small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery).

The basis of the formation were:

  • 243rd Directorate of the MZA regiment;
  • divisions MZA 115, 169, 189, 192, 194, 351 zenap of the Leningrad Air Defense Army ( Dir. Org of the Directorate of the General Staff).

Assigned field mail number 51838.

Participation in battles and campaigns

War time


From the day it was formed, the regiment took part in the Great Patriotic War as part of the Leningrad Air Defense Army.

The regiment defended the most important objects of Leningrad:

  • Smolny,
  • 5th HPP,
  • Kirov plant,
  • plant them. marty,
  • plant them. Stalin
  • plant "Red Vyborzhets",
  • factory "Bolshevik",
  • plant GOMZ,
  • factory "Krasnaya Zarya"
  • airfields: Uglovo, Yanino, Smolnaya, Kasimovo.

Regiment Command Post: Leningrad, New lane, 6.

Rear of the regiment: Leningrad, st. Herzen, 55.

During the raid on St. Ladoga lake our aviation fought with enemy aircraft, when returning to the airfield, the 12th FV-190 was attacked. The 12th battery opened fire and knocked out one FV-190.

06/23/1943 during a raid on st. Lake Ladoga, our aircraft fought with enemy aircraft, when returning to the airfield, the 12th FV-190 was attacked. The 12th battery opened fire and knocked out one FV-190.

In the period 16.10-24.10.1943 from the air. The 10th and 12th batteries were removed at an angle, from the aer. Kasimovo - 4th battery and redeployed to cover the City reservoir, Kirovsky bridge, 2nd hydroelectric power station, instead of them, the 13th and 14th batteries were placed to cover the airfields. The 3rd battery was relocated: the 1st platoon - to a strong point near the Finland Station, the 2nd platoon - to a strong point near the 5th hydroelectric power station. 12/23/1943 The 12th battery was placed to cover the loading of troops to break through the blockade in the area of ​​​​the village of Lisiy Nos.


On January 17, the 13th, 15th batteries and DKP-5 were relocated to the area of ​​the railway bridge in Shlisselburg.

04/28/1944 the regiment was awarded Red flag.

In March 1944, the second platoons of the 1st, 2nd, 9th batteries were included in the nomadic platoons to cover airfields and communications with operational subordination to the commander of the 77th air defense.

During the first half of 1944, the batteries of the regiment fought to destroy small groups of enemy aircraft. 55 combat firings were carried out.

In August, all 15 batteries were reorganized from 4 to 6 gun batteries.

post-war period


In August 1945, the batteries of the regiment were removed from the air defense facilities and transferred to the barracks (Leningrad, Izmailovsky Prospekt, 13).

In September, the regiment was reorganized into 3 divisions, of which one was training and two were linear (923 people).


The regiment switched to peacetime states.


4 gun batteries were understaffed to 8 gun batteries.


The 1804th small caliber zenap was assigned the number 521st zenap.



Changed name to 521st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment letter "A" and transferred to the 28th Air Defense Corps.

Since May 22, 1960, it has been part of the 28th air defense and is based in the city of Borshchev, Ternopil region.

Name changed 521st Air Defense Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (DGSh VPVO dated 08/09/1960).


The chief of staff of the regiment is called Chief of Staff - Deputy Commander of the Regiment. In divisions, the senior adjutant is the chief of staff, deputy. division commander, in divisions groups are called divisions, in technical divisions (tdn) the first group is the second division, the second group is the third division, the third division is the first division.


Two framed divisions are deployed in the regiment to the full strength.


A group of specialists for the S-200 air defense system has been formed.


The S-75 division of the 312th srp was introduced into the 521st srp.


The 4th S-75 and 1 S-200 battalions were disbanded.


Regiment disbanded November 30, 1999.


Regiment commanders:

  • post office Kutaev Konstantin Konstantinovich (1943-1945)
  • p/p-to Bliznyuk Vasily Mikhailovich (1945-1946)
  • colonel Nakashidze Anton Mikhailovich (1946-1951)
  • colonel Nosov Boris Anatolyevich (1951-1954)
  • p/p-to Semyonov Semyon Ivanovich (1954-1960)
  • p/p-to Shulyakovsky Konstantin Stepanovich (1960-1963)
  • p/p-to Yakovlev Nikolai Vasilyevich (1963-1966)
  • colonel Zeynalov Mantur Abdulalievich (1966-1971)
  • p/p Shashkov Anatoly Yakovlevich (1971-1973)
  • p/p Davidenko Stanislav Vladimirovich (1973-1974)
  • p/p Fomenko Vasily Ivanovich (1974-1977)
  • p/c Matveev Anatoly Alexandrovich (1977-1982)
  • colonel Urgachev Vladimir Demyanovich (1982-1987)
  • p/p-to Skarkov Oleksandr Vasilyevich (1987-1989).

Chiefs of Staff:

Political officers:

  • Mr. Rakitchenko Nikolai Kondratievich (1943)
  • Mr. Tyrov Sergey Nikolaevich (1943-1944)
  • p/p-to Petrov Andrey Ivanovich (1944)
  • Mr. Tarasov Nikolai Alekseevich (1944-1946)
  • p/p Sazhin Panteleimon Mikhailovich (1946-19...)
  • p / p-to Shirokov Petr Ivanovich (1949)
  • p/p-to Reshetnyak Georgy Eliseevich (1950)
  • p/p Klyuchko Andrey Aleksandrovich (1958)
  • Mr. Yakovlev Nikolai Vasilyevich (1960)
  • Mr. Fedyanin Ivan Petrovich
  • p/p-to Chebaturkin Victor Efimovich (1966)
  • Mr. Lyubimsky Leonid Alexandrovich (1967)
  • Mr. Korenitsky Alexander Alexandrovich (1970)
  • p/p-to Zadahya Ivan Romanovich (1974)
  • Mr. Firsov Fedor Frolovich (1976)
  • Mr. Shabunevich Bronislav Bronislavovich (1978)
  • Mr. Novgorodsky Anatoly Dmitrievich (1979)
  • Mr. Usoltsev Alexander Leonidovich (1985)
  • Mr. Kardash Alexander Viktorovich (1987).

We rushed to the front

I was drafted into the Red Army on May 10, 1943, by which time I was already 17 years old. The course of a young soldier, along with other conscripts, took place near Stalingrad in the 46th reserve rifle regiment. After completing the course, together with his colleagues, he was sent for further service in the 281st OZAD (separate anti-aircraft artillery division), which was stationed in Kazan. We were assigned to gun crews. I hit the third gun as a gunner, and Fedya Reshetnyak, my friend and countryman, hit the first gun, also as a gunner. The first thing we did was dug out caponiers (shelters) for guns, built dugouts for gun crews.
Intensive training began, the division was armed with 85 mm heavy guns, gun weight - 5 tons, vertical firing range - 10 km, horizontal - 15 km, projectile weight - 16 kg, gun crew - 7 people. This equipment entered service with the Red Army on the eve of the war in 1940.
There were 18 girls in the division on the battery, who performed the duties assigned to them on an equal basis with us, steadfastly endured hardships military service. Their task was to service the PUAZO locators (anti-aircraft artillery fire control device). The calculation of this device consisted of 7 people. There were girls in the positions of nurses, medical instructors and telegraph operators.
At the battery, we all took part in amateur performances with pleasure. The boys are 17-18 years old and the girls are 18-20 years old. Here, on the battery, we took the military oath and joined the Komsomol, despite the fact that each of us joined the Komsomol at school.
They gave us a small book from the series "Library of a Red Army Soldier", which contained poems by the poet Vasily Lebedev-Kumach. Here they are:
Komsomol ticket,
You are warm in the heart
Faithful companion of courage and honor.
You call for a feat
Komsomol ticket,
Relentlessly crying out for revenge.
After intensive training for six months State Commission a decision was made: to conduct exams, including with live firing. Which is what was done. The conclusion of the commission: the division is prepared to carry out a combat mission at the front. We began to prepare for sending to the front. In the meantime, we carried out the task of air defense. At that time, two aircraft factories, evacuated from Moscow, were working in Kazan, which produced PE-2 dive bombers, we called them pawns.

First battle baptism e

In December 1943, the battalion was alerted at night, and they began loading guns with combat kits into echelons. The path lay through Saransk, Liski, Voronezh, Kharkov, approaching the front, and echelons with the wounded were moving towards us. At the stops, we willingly talked and exchanged with them. We crossed the Dnieper on a pontoon bridge. Artillery cannonades were already heard, the ominous breath of the front was felt. Then they proceeded by car. We determined a firing position for our division not far from Zhytomyr, on the outskirts of Berdichev. Specifically, our division was tasked with protecting the Berdichev railway junction, as it provided supplies for two fronts - the 1st Ukrainian and 1st Belorussian. Here, near Zhytomyr, we received our first baptism of fire. Before they had time to dig in properly, an ominous rumble of German Junkers was heard somewhere very close by. They quickly brought the guns into combat position, and as soon as enemy planes appeared over the city, they opened fire on them. For us it was the first baptism of fire. Our girls from the instrumentation department fought boldly and bravely, fulfilling their duties, this gave us strength and courage.
After the new year 1944, enemy air raids became more frequent, the Germans made every effort to restore their position. They bombed mainly at night, they were afraid of our anti-aircraft guns. I especially remember the evening of February 22, 1944, on the eve of the 26th anniversary of the Red Army. That evening, a whole armada of enemy aircraft rushed to our object. Our 85 mm guns roared, and next to it was an anti-aircraft regiment with 37 mm guns, they were abbreviated as MZA - small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery. Colored the whole sky with tracer shells. Together with us, many other anti-aircraft divisions, regiments and pulbats repelled the attacks of the vultures. Every now and then, the air pirates left flaming trails in the black sky and crashed into the ground. Those shells that lay in the ditch near the gun ran out. There was a continuous roar of anti-aircraft artillery and enemy bombs. It was necessary to bring shells from a warehouse located a few meters from the battery. All personnel who did not directly participate in repelling the attack of German vultures were mobilized on their tray - cooks, telephone operators, scouts, radio operators, instrumentation girls and even nurses. As you know, the shell weighed 16 kg, and during the battle it was not easy for the girls to bring these shells. The cannons, like furious animals, turned their muzzles in one direction or the other, or even 360 degrees, spitting out fiery flames. Nothing could be seen near the gun because of the powder smoke. The Junkers flew away, and fires blazed around, but the station and others important objects were slightly affected.
In this battle, the instrumentation girls Lida Krylova, Valya Lapochkina, Lida Privalova, Lyuda Filatova were especially remembered, who, led by the Komsomol organizer of the battery, Zoya Korzunova, brought shells to the guns. The fact is that the mandatory set of 72 shells was constantly at the gun. It ended a long time ago, and the battle flared up serious. It must be said that in this battle not a single enemy bomb fell on our battery. After the fight, I always, as a rule, discussed various moments of the fight with my friend Fedya Reshetnyak. We often recalled our school, where we studied with him in the same class.

Victory Day

Enemy planes often appeared at night, especially when visibility was poor, then we fired barrage fire. On the battery, we had a cannon master Dudin, who adapted the PTR (anti-tank gun) for firing at low-flying aircraft.
In mid-June 1944, enemy planes began to appear less frequently, the front moved far to the west, and our division was relocated to Moldova, in the city of Bender, where they set the task of protecting the crossing across the Dniester and the field airfield from enemy air raids.
Less than a year remained before the end of the war, we had a very high morale, we sincerely rejoiced at the successes of the Red Army on the fronts, firmly believed that the enemy would be defeated, victory would be ours. With the removal of the front, we were constantly relocated to new important facilities.
Further, the combat path of our division passed partly through the territory of Romania. Iasi, Bontoshany, through Western Ukraine, gg. Stanislav, Stry Sambor. On the territory of Poland, Krosno, Jaslo, Krakow, Katowice, Auschwitz, Bielsko-Biala. The last base point of our division was the Polish city of Bielsko-Biala. I met Victory Day at the firing position of our battery, in the vicinity of the city of Bielsko-Biala, not far from the Czechoslovak border. Here our battery performed combat mission for the protection of the field airfield, on which the IL-2 attack aircraft were based.
I consider my main merit to the Motherland to be participation in the Great Patriotic War from May 10, 1943 to May 10, 1945.

Front friends

I would like to tell separately about my front-line friend Fyodor Reshetnyak. He studied with him at the same school, we are the same age, we were drafted into the Red Army together on the same day, we fought together on the same battery. It was a true friend - a guy from the Salsky steppes. Unchildish trials fell on our lives of teenagers at that time before the war: studying and working on a collective farm, all the difficulties of rural labor, the famine of 1933, the capture of the village by the Nazis and the good news - on January 21, 1943 - the liberation after a five-month occupation of our village Shablievka as a result of bloody fights.
I remember how, at the age of 17, with our peers, we collected and buried the dead Red Army soldiers, how we took the wounded to the hospital of our military stud farm named after S.M. Budyonny.
After serving in the army in 1950, F. Reshetnyak became a staff member of the Salsky Bolshevik newspaper. In 1971 he published the book "A ticket to life" about the Proletarian orphanage. In 2006 he published the book "Nabat over Russia", in which he described fighting of our 281st separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion. The book is quite impressive - 423 pages. I received this book as a gift from him with the inscription: “To my dear friend of front-line youth Vasily Martynovich Vasilchenkov and his faithful friend in life Annushka from the author of this book. With deep respect, Fedor Reshetnyak. 26.10.06"

born June 29, 1900 in Donbass (Shubin mine).

Father - a miner (died in 1920), mother - a housewife (died in 1924). In 1901, the father was laid off from work and the whole family (including the elder brother born in 1896) moved to the village of Dmitryashovka, Zadonsky district, Voronezh region(in those days - provinces), where part of the economy was received from the father's brother, and parents began to engage in agriculture. The economy was poor, so the father was forced to leave for the winter to work on the landowners' estates.

From 1910 to 1913 studied at the Dmitryashevskaya rural school (finished 3rd grade), later received only a military education.

From 1914 to 1917 he worked for hire, at first (until 1916) as a farm laborer on the estate of the landowner Bunin, then as a laborer at the Ramon sugar factory (Voronezh region).

From 1917 to 1919 was in the village of Dmitryashovka, worked in agriculture.

May 15, 1919 drafted (on mobilization) by the Zemlyansky District Military Commissariat to the Red Army, where he served for 38 years (until 1957), having gone a glorious path from an ordinary Red Army soldier to a colonel, regiment commander. Member of three wars - Civil, Soviet-Finnish and the Great Patriotic War.

Service in the Red Army (Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army) and SA ( Soviet army - renamed 1946 )

May - October 1919- Red Army soldier of the 31st Valuysky Rifle Regiment.

October 1919 - April 1921- Red Army soldier of the 80th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Don Division. Participated in battles on the Southern Front ( Civil War, 1917 - 1922) against the gangs of ULUGAY and WRANGEL, as well as in the elimination of banditry in the mountains (Chechnya).

April 1921 - September 1922(EDUCATION) - cadet of the 54th Petrovsky courses of red commanders, Port-Petrovsk (later Makhachkala, Dagestan). Upon their completion, he was promoted to the “Red Commanders of the Red Army”.

In February 1922 joined the ranks of the CPSU (b)- All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

September 1922 - September 1923- junior commander of the 37th infantry regiment of the 13th Dagestan division, Derbent.

September 1923 - September 1924(EDUCATION) - cadet of the 8th Infantry School of the Petrograd Command Staff, Leningrad, which in 1924 became part of the Kyiv United Military School.

September 1924 - August 1925(EDUCATION) - cadet of the Kyiv United Military School (artillery department), housed in the building of the Suvorov Military School, Pechersky district of Kyiv.

August 1925 - October 1926- platoon commander, head of communications division 9 artillery regiment 9 rifle division, Rostov-on-Don.

October 1926 - August 1927(EDUCATION) - cadet of the Radiotelegraph, telephone courses of the command staff of the Red Army, Moscow.

September 1927 - December 1931- head of intelligence of the division (until May 1928), commander of the headquarters battery of the 9th artillery regiment of the 9th rifle corps, Kamensk. While serving in the city of Kamensk (since 1929 - the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region) met and married a native of this city, Anna Matveevna ANTONOVA. Two sons were born in the same city - Vladimir (born 1932), Nikolai (born 1937).

December 1931 - December 1933- commander of the battery of the 13th artillery regiment of the 13th rifle division, Taganrog.

December 1933 - August 1936(STUDY) - student of the Leningrad Artillery Academy named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, Leningrad. Completed 2 courses.

August 1936 - September 1939- assistant division commander (until January 1939), division commander of the 2nd Air Defense Regiment of the Belarusian Special Military District (Kalinin Military District), Velikie Luki.

September - December 1939- commander of a separate anti-aircraft artillery battalion of the 138th rifle division of the Kalinin military district.

December 1939 - April 1940- Head of anti-aircraft artillery of the air defense department of the 7th Army of the North-Western Front (Soviet-Finnish war, 11/30/1939 - 03/13/1940). In total, the front had four armies (7, 8, 9 and 14). The 7th army advanced on the Karelian Isthmus, fought the most difficult and bloody battles. For the successful fulfillment of the assigned combat missions, personal courage and courage SUShKOV P.P. awarded the Order of the Red Star(handed in the Kremlin personally by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M.I.KALININ).

April - May 1940- commander of the 372nd separate air defense division of the Kalinin military district.

May - June 1940- assistant commander of the 454th anti-aircraft defense regiment of the North Caucasian Military District (SKVO), Novorossiysk.

June 6, 1941 - March 15, 1942- Chief of Staff (until December 1941), deputy commander of the 734th anti-aircraft artillery regiment of air defense, North Caucasian air defense zone (Southern Front, Great Patriotic War, 06/22/1941 - 05/09/1945, 1418 days), Rostov-on-Don. Here, near Rostov-on-Don, he took the first "baptism of fire" in repelling Nazi air raids, awarded a medal "For courage." The family (wife with two children aged 9 and 4) was evacuated to Baku, Azerbaijan SSR. On the way, the echelon came under severe bombing, but everything worked out.

March 15 - July 13, 1942- commander of the 32nd reserve anti-aircraft artillery regiment of air defense (Southern Front), Maykop.

July 13, 1942 - April 24, 1943- Chief of Staff of the Ryazhsko-Tambovsky artillery divisional air defense area.

April 24, 1943 - April 22, 1950- commander of the 1572 anti-aircraft artillery regiment of small caliber (zenap MK), field mail 44703. The regiment was formed on the basis of the 96 separate anti-aircraft division of small caliber in the period from April 25 to June 20, 1943 in the Voronezh region, consisting of five divisions, 3 batteries (a total of 1330 people in the regiment, a significant part of them are women). The armament consisted of 37-mm and 25-mm anti-aircraft guns (15 batteries of 6 guns in a battery, a total of 90 guns). The formation took place in the conditions of ongoing intense hostilities.

Reference: On May 5, 1943, an enemy raid on the railway bridge near the Cheremisino station repulsed the 2nd division, consisting of two batteries under the command of senior lieutenant BELOSTOKOV. 18 Yu-87 and 4 Yu-88 took part in it under the cover of a group of Me-109 fighters. The raid began at 19:00. 35 min. When approaching the object, the aircraft reorganized into a "column of links" and from one direction began bombing from a dive. At the time of the bombing of the bridge, the Me-109 flew at low altitudes above the battle formations of the batteries, firing at them from machine guns. The fight lasted 10 minutes. The planes managed to drop over a hundred bombs. Anti-aircraft gunners disrupted the enemy's battle formation with barrage fire, the bridge remained unscathed.

For personal courage and heroism shown in the battles near Voronezh, Sushkov P.P. awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

From November 12 1943 divisions of the regiment occupied the air defense of the bridges under construction across the Dnieper River near the city of Kyiv.

December 7, 1943 the headquarters of the regiment was relocated to the city of Kyiv and stood up for the defense of administrative facilities (the house of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR, the house of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus (U)), bridges, railway stations (Vasilkov, Boyarka, Motovilovka, Darnitsa), Boryspil airfield.

Total regiment shot down: aircraft - 11, SAB (luminous aerial bombs) - 145.

Regiment commander (lieutenant colonel Sushkov P.P.), was appointed head of one of the three combat sectors of air defense in Kyiv. The command post was located on the slopes of the Dnieper - in Anosovsky Park (Park of Glory). For the successful completion of these combat missions awarded the Order of the Red Banner(03.11.1944)and the Order of Lenin(21.02.1945).

He has eight combat awards in total., including order"Lenin" two orders"Red Banner" order"Red Star" order"Patriotic War" 1st degree, medals"For Courage", "For Military Merit", "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".

After the war, the regiment remained in Kyiv, carried out the tasks of combat and political training according to peacetime plans, carried out combat duty to cover important objects from air strikes.

April 30, 1955 1572 zenap MK redesignated 276 zenap SK(medium-caliber anti-aircraft artillery regiment), which was armed with S-60 complexes (57-mm AZP - automatic anti-aircraft guns and RPK-2 radio instrumentation systems).

He was elected a deputy of the Kyiv City Council of Workers' Deputies of the 2nd convocation ( 1948).

April 1950 transferred to serve in the headquarters of the 7th Air Defense Corps (Kyiv), but then, at his personal request, he was appointed head of the air defense range(Oster, Chernihiv region, military unit 25994). From the "general" position (in Moscow) refused, he loved the city of Kyiv and thought about children. The Soldier's Word says: "It's better to sit backwards in the fire than to get to serve in Auster!". Apparently, the service there was not sugar, but Pavel Polikarpovich preferred it to a cozy general's office in Moscow, and this is his whole life credo.

fired from active military service in reserve in 1957 in rank "Colonel".

Lived in Kyiv on the street. Moscow, 23 (from 1944 to 1979), after the demolition of the house, he received an apartment on Lesnoy, st. Bratislava. Last years lived in Vinogradar, st. Svetlitsky (moved closer to his daughter).

was engaged social activities and a garden at their summer cottage, chubinsky railway station (by train, yagotinsky direction, 40 minutes to go).

Pavel Polikarpovich had a brother and two sisters.

Brother (born 1896)- before the start of the Great Patriotic War, he worked in the Donbass at a mine (mine) as a simple worker. After the war, no information about his fate was established.

Sister (born 1911)- in 1946 she lived in the village of Dmitryashovka, a collective farmer. Further fate unknown.

Sister (born 1920)- in 1946 she lived in the Donbass. Further fate is unknown.

Died August 17, 1984. He was buried at the Berkovets cemetery in Kyiv (plot No. 82, row 17, place 21).