Published 09/28/17 00:13

Today, September 28, 2017, is also celebrated Director General Day, Nuclear Worker Day, World Rabies Day and other holidays.

On September 28, 2017, Orthodox believers remember Nikita of Gotha, who was elevated to the rank of Great Martyr. Nikita lived on the banks of the Danube in the 4th century. Having been baptized, he began to preach Christianity. Having learned about this, the pagans sentenced him to death.

On Nikita, the slaughter of geese began in the villages. At the same time, wild geese flew to warmer climes, and hunters went out for the last hunt. Poultry was also sold. Baked intkbbee goose was the main dish of the table.

On this day, our ancestors treated the water goose to a baked goose, as they believed that the spirit protected waterfowl. According to tradition, the best bird was given to the merman, and the head was cut off. And on this day it was necessary to remove turnips from the beds and cut off their tops. So the celebration also had a name - Reporez. This vegetable could often be seen on peasant tables, because it was very loved and revered.

On September 28, Russia celebrates CEO Day. This holiday has an unofficial status. It is administered by general directors of private and state-owned enterprises and business founders.

CEO Day began to gain popularity with the development of entrepreneurial activity in Russia and the emergence of many new companies and managers. It was initiated by the editorial staff of the General Director magazine.

Nuclear Industry Worker Day in Russia

Nuclear Industry Worker's Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on September 28. In 2017, he completed it for the 13th time. It is celebrated by employees of nuclear industry enterprises and research institutes: engineers, designers, workers.

The event was formalized by the Presidential Decree Russian Federation V. Putin dated June 3, 2005 No. 633 “On Nuclear Industry Worker Day.”

The date of the celebration has a symbolic meaning and is dedicated to the order of the State Defense Committee of the USSR dated September 28, 1942 “On the organization of work on uranium.” The document ordered the institutions of the Academy of Sciences to conduct research work. Scientists pledged to answer the question about the possibility of creating new weapons. The fission processes of radioactive nuclei were to be used as its warhead. The task was also set to use uranium as fuel. Since then, the nuclear industry has begun to develop rapidly.

World Rabies Day

Today is World Rabies Day. In 2017, the date is celebrated for the 11th time. Russia joins the international celebration.

This day was established in 2007 in the United States at the initiative of the Global Rabies Control Alliance. The date of celebration was the date of death (09/28/1895) of L. Pasteur, a microbiologist, one of the creators of the rabies vaccine.

Business Book Day in Russia

Every year on September 28, Business Book Day is celebrated in Russia. The holiday was initiated by the Russian publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. The date of the event was chosen because the birthday of the MIF publishing house is celebrated on such a day.

Andrey, Vissarion, Gerasim, Grigory, Dmitry, Evdokia, Ivan, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Lyudmila, Makar, Maxim, Maria, Nikita, Nikolai, Peter, Porfiry, Semyon, Stepan, Fedot, Yakov.

  • 1618 - The world's first pawnshop opened in Brussels.
  • 1864 - The First International is created in London.
  • 1939 - The USSR and Germany entered into an agreement “On Friendship and Borders”, which formalized the liquidation of Poland.
  • 1953 - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was elected first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
  • 1992 - celebration of Air Fleet Day in Russia is set on the third Sunday of August.
  • 1994 - the cargo-passenger ferry Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea.
  • Michelangelo da Caravaggio 1573 - Italian painter.
  • John French 1852 - British military leader.
  • Henri Moissan 1852 - French chemist.
  • Boris Efimov 1900 - Soviet graphic artist.
  • Irakli Andronikov 1908 - Soviet writer.
  • Georgy Tovstonogov 1915 - Soviet theater director.
  • Peter Finch 1916 - Australian film actor.
  • Marcello Mastroianni 1924 - Italian actor.
  • Bridget Bardot 1934 - French actress.

IN 1803 The outstanding French writer Prosper Mérimée was born in Paris. From foreign literature for Merimee there were only two - Spanish and Russian. He knew Pushkin’s work well and admired the “Russian genius.” Merimee's translations of Russian classics have not lost their cultural significance to this day.
IN 1066 Duke's fleet Norman William I the Conqueror landed on the shores of England. Having stepped on the ground, Wilhelm slipped and fell. So that this would not seem to the soldiers a bad omen, the Duke said: “Thank God, the English land is in my hands.” On the same day, the Battle of Hastings began, William's victory in which marked the beginning of Norman rule in England and marked the end of the Anglo-Saxon era. Already at night, King Harold and his army surrendered.

William's coronation took place on Christmas Day. Westminster Abbey. The Norman conquest of England made William the richest landowner in Europe at the time.

IN 1918 Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky was born. A talented teacher and thinker, he devoted more than 30 years of his life to children. His books “I Give My Heart to the Children”, “A Conversation with the Young Director”, “Three Letters of Love” were a rare example of humane pedagogy in the 60-70s of the twentieth century, which was brilliantly embodied in the practice of his “School of Joy”. “The alpha and omega of my pedagogical faith is the deep belief that a person is what his idea of ​​​​happiness is,” he asserted.

IN 1984 The Moscow Department of Culture issued a resolution with a recommendation to “prohibit the playing in the city of records, compact cassettes, videos and other products reflecting the work of the following foreign groups and performers: Sex Pistols, Pink Floyd, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode” ... In total, there were 75 titles and names on the list. Of the domestic ensembles and rock bands, it was recommended to ban “Bravo”, “Aquarium”, “Kino”, “DDT” - a total of 38 groups.

On the night of September 28 1994 V Gulf of Finland The ferry Estonia, heading from Tallinn to Stockholm, sank 100 kilometers from the Swedish coast. There were 776 passengers and 189 crew members on board. The crew on the fateful voyage consisted entirely of Estonians, and the passengers were mostly elderly Swedes. The giant ship, built in 1980 in Germany, became the grave for 852 people.

Judging by the number of secrets that the holds and decks of the ferry keep, the Estonia still remains one of the darkest and most mysterious maritime disasters of the past century. Dead crew members suddenly “resurrect” in third countries, and the survivors die under mysterious circumstances. Any diving work is prohibited at the site where the ferry sank. There are several versions of what happened, including the most incredible. The official one is this: the design flaws of the bow hatch could not withstand a strong storm.

271st day of 2019 in Gregorian calendar. There are 94 days left until the end of the year. the site invites you to find out what events this date is remembered for.

September 28 in history

In 1745, the first performance of the English anthem in the history of the country, “God save the King,” took place, which historians have reliably dated.

In 1904, the Academic drama theater named after Vera Fedorovna Komissarzhevskaya in the city of St. Petersburg. The first performance on stage was the production of “Uriel Acosta” by K. Gutskov.

In 1968, the song of the famous Fab Four “The Beatles” called “Hey Jude”, which Paul McCartney dedicated to John Lennon’s son, Julian, topped the charts in America for as much as 9 weeks.

In 2001, Gerard Mos, a 46-year-old Brazilian pilot, landed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Thus, he completed the world's first flight around the world, which lasted 100 days on a motor glider.

In 2008, the first night race in Formula 1 history took place.

In 2009, the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft from India discovered water on the surface of the Moon.

Born on September 28

1803 - French writer, historian, ethnographer and translator Prosper Merimee, author of "Carmen".

1918 - Soviet teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

1934 - famous French film actress Brigitte Bardot.

1963 - Russian athlete, showman and actor Vladimir Turchinsky.

1968 - famous English producer and actress, Naomi Watts.

Photo: Instagram naomiwatts

1968 - Finnish Formula 1 racing driver Mika Hakkinen. Winner of two championship titles in 1998 and 1999.

1972 - American actress, model and singer Dita Von Teese.

19871 - American singer and actress Hilary Duff.

Photo: Instagram hilaryduff

We think you will also be interested in learning about which ones promise more than they can deliver. Unfortunately, there are many such people around us.

What happened in the history of the world and Russia on September twenty-eighth? Significant dates And historical events September 28.

♦ 480 BC e. - Battle of Salamis.

♦ 1066 - Normans led by Duke William landed in England.

♦ 1106 - Battle of Tanchebre.

♦ 1542 - a subject of the Spanish crown, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, became the first European to sail along the California coast.

♦ 1618 - the world's first pawnshop opened in Brussels.

♦ 1745 - the first reliably dated performance of the English anthem “God save the King” took place.

♦ 1759 - before the eyes of many eyewitnesses, the Horullo volcano was born in the Mexican state of Michoacan.

♦ 1760 - capture of Berlin by Russian and Austrian troops during the Seven Years' War.

♦ 1773 - from the Budarinsky outpost 85 kilometers down the Yaik from the Yaitsky town Peasants' War 1773-1775 under the leadership of E.I. Pugachev.

♦ 1791 - National Assembly granted the Jews of France full civil rights.

♦ 1793 - Canada declared that all children of slaves born after this date would become free upon reaching the age of 25.

♦ 1864 - The First International - the International Working Men's Association - was formed.

♦ 1904 - the Academic Drama Theater named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya opened in St. Petersburg with the play “Uriel Acosta” by K. Gutskov.

♦ 1919 - The University of Latvia was opened.

♦ 1925 - the USSR adopted a regulation on the Workers' and Peasants' Militia.

♦ 1937 - By resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Altai Territory and the Novosibirsk Region.

♦ 1939 - Second world war: Capitulation of Warsaw.

♦ 1939 - The “Treaty of Friendship and Border between the USSR and Germany” was concluded.

♦ 1944 - beginning of the Belgrade strategic offensive operation, which led to the defeat of the German Army Group Serbia and the liberation of Yugoslavia.

♦ 1953 - elected First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

♦ 1958 - a referendum was held in France, at which the Constitution of the Fifth Republic was adopted.

♦ 1961 - a military coup was carried out in Syria, as a result of which secession from the United Arab Republic was announced and the Syrian Arab Republic was proclaimed.

♦ 1968 - the Beatles’ song “Hey Jude,” dedicated to their son Julian, topped the US hit parade for 9 weeks.

♦ 1972 - . During a television broadcast of the USSR-Canada hockey match, the commentator uttered his famous phrase “We don’t need this kind of hockey!”(The Canadians scored the winning goal 34 seconds before the end of the game, winning the series 6:5).

♦ 1973 - The decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine on the creation of a state reserve on the island of Khortytsia in Zaporozhye was canceled.

♦ 1973 - A bomb was detonated at the ITT Corporation Latin American office building on Madison Avenue to protest the corporation's involvement in the September 11, 1973 coup in Chile.

♦ 1979 - the military-political bloc CENTO officially ceased to exist.

♦ 1991 - Monsters of Rock concert with the participation of Metallica, Pantera, AC/DC in Moscow, at the Tushino airfield. Subsequently it was called the Tushino Massacre due to the beating of a crowd of fans by police forces.

♦ 1994 - the ferry Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea, killing 852 people.

♦ 2000 - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak first acknowledged the possibility of dividing Jerusalem. According to him, peace agreement with the Palestinians, if concluded, will contain an agreement that the Western part of the city remains the capital of Israel, and the Eastern part will become the capital of the Palestinian state.

♦ 2001 - Brazilian pilot 46-year-old Gerard Moss, landing in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), completed the world's first flight around the world on a motor glider "Ximango", which lasted 100 days.

♦ 2003 - power grid failure in Italy.

♦ 2009 - Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-1 discovered water on the Moon.

♦ 2010 - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.


World Rabies Day. World Rabies Day was established by the Global Rabies Control Alliance and has been celebrated annually on September 28 since 2007.

St. Wenceslas Day is the Day of Czech Statehood.

Day of Nuclear Industry Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Birthday of Confucius in China. On this day, China celebrates the Birthday of Confucius, or National Teacher's Day. Confucius, an ancient philosopher who had a huge influence on the worldview of the entire Chinese civilization, has been revered by the Chinese for more than two and a half thousand years.

Vintage Festival in Switzerland.

Festival of crafts in Tuscany.

In 1618 The world's first pawnshop opened in Brussels. Pawnshop is one of the oldest financial institutions in human history and has a rich history. The first written mentions of it can be found even in Greek and Roman sources.

In 1864 The First International was created in London. In the mid-19th century, an economic crisis began in the world, affecting many countries. Due to unemployment and poverty of the population, strikes and revolutionary actions of the working class became more frequent.

In 1939 The USSR and Germany concluded a treaty “On Friendship and Borders”, which consolidated the liquidation of Poland. German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop arrived in Moscow on an official visit on September 27, 1939, to participate in negotiations on the conclusion of a German-Soviet treaty “On Friendship and Borders” "between Germany and the USSR.

In 1994 The cargo-passenger ferry Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea. On the night of September 28, 1994, during a storm in the Baltic waters near the Finnish island of Ute, the cargo-passenger ferry Estonia sank on a voyage between Tallinn and Stockholm. This is the largest disaster in the Baltic Sea.


Nuclear Industry Worker Day in Russia.

Business Book Day in Russia. On September 28, Russia celebrates a new holiday - Business Book Day. Its establishment in 2015 was initiated by the project and the Russian publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

CEO Day in Russia. He always has a lot to do, he makes deals, looks for and finds new sources of profit. The mood of every employee of the enterprise depends on his activities. He - general manager(as well as a top manager), and every year on September 28 we celebrate his day.

In 1953 Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was elected First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. On September 28, 1953, Nikita Khrushchev was elected first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The era of Khrushchev in history is known as the era of the “thaw” in domestic and foreign policy USSR.

In 1992 The celebration of Air Fleet Day in Russia is set for the third Sunday in August. On September 28, 1992, the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation was adopted on the celebration of Russian Air Fleet Day on the third Sunday in August. Previously (since 1933) the holiday was celebrated on August 18.

Name day. Andrey, Vissarion, Gerasim, Grigory, Dmitry, Evdokia, Ivan, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Lyudmila, Makar, Maxim, Maria, Nikita, Nikolai, Peter, Porfiry, Semyon, Stepan, Fedot, Yakov.

Born on this day.(1573) Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Italian painter, one of the greatest masters of the Baroque. (1900) Boris Efimov, Soviet graphic artist, master of political caricature, People's Artist of the USSR. (1908) Irakli Andronikov, Soviet writer, literary critic, master fiction story, TV presenter. (1915) Georgy Tovstonogov, Soviet theater director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR. (1924) Marcello Mastroianni, Italian film and theater actor. (1934) Brigitte Bardot, French actress, singer and public figure.

According to the folk calendar. Nikita Gusyatnik. Wild geese at the same time they flew to warmer climes, and the hunters went out for their last hunt. The bird went both for sale and for the peasant table. The main dish that day was, of course, baked goose.

By lunar calendar . Moon phase: Third quarter, waning moon. It is believed that the day carries heavy, tense and dangerous energy; it simply hovers in the air. Often, one careless word or look is enough to find yourself in the center of a conflict. Therefore, in order to maintain your balance as much as possible, be careful to maintain a state of rest. Look back, remember with whom you were unfair and who hurt you, forgive the offenders and ask for forgiveness from the offended. This is how on this day we can correct mistakes made in the past, which distort our present and create problems.