I was inspired to write this article by the president of our training company, Yuri Nikolaevich Kuznetsov.

What are your dreams?

What did you dream about as a child? As a rule, in childhood we all wanted to become police officers, firefighters, doctors, teachers, educators kindergarten, astronauts...

We all wanted to be useful to other people! There was a period when my daughter, in response to the question “What do you want to become?” answered “Assistant!” And at the same time, she did not particularly specify what exactly she wanted to do. Simple - helping someone. Be useful.

What did you want to become as a child?

What attracted you to this profession? Personally, I dreamed of being a teacher and singer for a very long time. What attracted me to teaching was the opportunity to share knowledge with others. Share experience, wisdom ( wise man differs from a smart person in that he uses his knowledge in life).

Sing about inspiring hope or sad parting, oh happy love or about irretrievable loss, about a joyful circle of friends or about melancholy loneliness.

What I am doing now is my dream. By conducting trainings, I share knowledge, experience, the wisdom that I have, and feelings.

What about you? How does what you do now reflect your childhood aspirations?

How do you keep your childhood dream alive?

See how you are supporting your childhood dream right now?

  • So what are you dreaming about now?
  • Do you want to have a house?
  • An apartment?
  • Family?
  • Have children?
  • Travel a lot?
  • Should I buy a car or live separately from my parents?
  • Enroll in a prestigious university?

Each of us has his own list of what he wants. And just imagine: you have this car. You are living in the house of your dreams. You have a family, children, you travel...

How does this make you feel? Joy, inspiration, happiness, love? So what are you dreaming about? About the car? Or is it your dream to experience these feelings?

What is the meaning of our life?

The meaning of our life is to move towards our dreams. After all, there is no limit to happiness, love, joy. In a sense, a dream is always unattainable. We are happy, but it is important to maintain this state.

What will you do to ensure that love and mutual understanding continue to reign in your family? How will you support your dream? A dream is a process. This is not a stop.

A dream is like a guiding thread, like a magnet that leads and attracts us through life. And we follow this star. And if you always remember this, then there is no point in changing your partner or leaving your job.

There is no need to prove anything to your parents. After all, we are ALREADY on the way to our dream. We are definitely moving towards it. True, sometimes this road is not very straight. Often we turn away from it in order to show some wonderful side of ourselves (to show our ideal image).

Or we go the other way: when we fail to be ideal, we fall into our catastrophic image.

You can understand these three components of our life at the training “Ideal Image: The Key to Managing Life.”

When we go towards a dream, we feel comfort in our souls. Yes, there were, are and will be difficulties along the way. But let these difficulties be on this road, on the road that we want and that we have chosen, and not on someone else’s path.

I dreamed (and dream) of being happy, sharing knowledge and feelings. And will the moment ever come when I will give it all away? Will there ever come a time when there is nothing left? No. Such a moment will not come. That is why the dream is unattainable. We are approaching her, but she is always a little ahead.

What is a dream?

A dream is our inner core. He always makes himself known! It is important to simply understand that we never betray our dreams. And everything we have done in our lives up to this point has been towards it. And we will continue to get closer to it.

Or with pain that we still don’t have this. And this pain slows us down, distances us from our desires. Therefore, it is important to fill your dream with joy. And then the dream will pull us on its own!

The path to your dream is every step

Every step, our every thought, our every movement, our every action is the path to a dream. See this! Do you dream of intimacy, unity, being loved and loving, but you don’t have a family?

How else can you experience these feelings? Maybe this is the kind of relationship you have with your friends? Or is the team at work just like that? And in these areas of life have you already come very close to your dream?

We talk about how to support children, how to help them form an inner core, how to become an integral person at the training “Secrets of Children’s Behavior”

It all starts with a dream

Waking up in the morning, taking a shower, having breakfast, getting dressed... - you can’t imagine how many people took care of you! So you can do it! We don't know the name of the person who invented the bed.

Or the inventor of buttons. Someone once thought about how to sew clothes. All of this is someone’s dreams that have come true! Are you ready to give up your dreams?????

Don't give up. Follow your dreams.

Once upon a time there lived one man on earth

Once upon a time there lived one person on earth. And he considered himself very lucky and happy. He finished school and entered the college of his choice. There he met a beautiful girl, and their relationship was very sincere, they truly loved each other.

Soon the young man was drafted into the army, and the girl promised to wait for him. During his service, fate threw him into the war with the Japanese. But even here he was lucky: he was soon lightly wounded and returned home. The wedding did not take long to arrive.

And in his family everything was again as he had dreamed. He earned enough money, he was happy, his wife was happy, their children grew up in an atmosphere of love, support, care, joy... And everything was just wonderful, until one day this man’s wife got cancer.

They did not give up: they tried all known treatment methods. We tried something that at first glance seemed absurd. Classical medicine, unconventional methods - they did everything! But all this was to no avail.

The disease only became stronger, and there was less and less time to live. In despair, this man turned to God: “Lord! I always believed that you were on my side! My life was so lucky and happy! I can't believe you turned your back on me! Help! Tell me what to do!!!"

And God answered him: “I know what you are asking me to do. More than anything, you would like to have a cure for cancer. And you know, there is a person who dreamed of inventing this medicine.

Since childhood, he had only thought about this: how wonderful life would be when he succeeded and people stopped dying from this disease. And he did everything to make his dream come true. This man lived in Japan. And during the war you killed him..."

Don't give up. Follow your dream. Don’t deprive the world of a beautiful amazing gift - your DREAM...

About dreams and goals... about feelings and emotions... about knowledge and wisdom... we talk about all this and let it pass through us at the amazing training “understanding ourselves and others.”
To see and realize that we are beautiful just the way we are, to feel closeness with other people, to feel part of this amazing life– this training helps with this. We're fine.
And with our loved ones too. It is important to start respecting each other and cooperating. The biggest problem is that each of us no longer feels loved.
And an even bigger problem is that we have stopped giving our love. The training “understanding yourself and others” is about love. That love simply permeates our entire lives.

Dream … Dictionary of Russian synonyms

DREAM, dreams, family. pl. not used, female 1. Creation of imagination, something imagined, mentally imagined. “Dreams are boiling, in the mind, suppressed by melancholy, an excess of heavy thoughts is crowded.” Pushkin. || original Ghost, vision. “I saw terrible... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Mystery of feelings * Memory * Desire * Dream * Enjoyment * Loneliness * Waiting * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Dreaming, nonsense, reverie, thought, vision, apparition, illusion, specter, whim, self-deception, self-delusion, utopia, fantasy, chimera, castle in the air, play of imagination, dream, delusion, unfulfilled desire. Shattered illusions.. Wed. . See ideal,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

- “DREAM”, USSR, MOSFILM, 1941, b/w, 100 min. Historical socio-psychological drama. After working on two political ones; With biased films about Lenin, Mikhail Romm turns to the social tragicomedy about... ... which is close to him in theme and genre. Encyclopedia of Cinema

dream- DREAM - an image created by the imagination of something valuable and desirable, but in at the moment inaccessible. In psychology, imagination is often interpreted as a type of imagination directed toward the sphere of the desired distant future. Category M... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

Dream, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

DREAM, s, meaning. genus. pl. used dreams, women 1. Something created by the imagination, mentally imagined. M. about happiness. M. came true. 2. units An object of desire, aspiration. M. all my life. 3. dream, meaning tale What's n about? very good (colloquial joke) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

DREAM. The etymology of the word dream is unclear. Dissatisfied with the explanations of Matzenauer, Miklosic, Goryaev and Preobrazhensky, prof. G. A. Ilyinsky assumed the root *mĭk in the word mčьta and compared it with cumikat, mìcnut, vl. mikać blink, mik... ... History of words

dream- a necessary condition for the transformation of reality, the motivating reason, the motive for activity, the final completion of which turned out to be delayed; a special form of imagination, localized in a fairly distant future and uniting... ... Great psychological encyclopedia


  • Dream, Maria Lodi. The action of the novels takes place in France in the 60s of the 19th century, during the era of the dictatorial regime of Napoleon III. Parisian boulevards, cafes, embankments, salons and... appear before the reader’s eyes.

From a scientific point of view, a dream is a special type of imagination that contains cherished wish person. If a dream comes true, he, to one degree or another, becomes happy. The definition of “dream” has its own characteristics: first of all, the image of a dream is emotionally rich, moreover, our desires have a close connection with the confidence in their fulfillment.

Is there any benefit to daydreaming?

A dream is what you want to live for; it is what gives you a full life, filled with bright emotions. A dream is purely individual, that is, everyone has their own, with characteristic differences and features.

If a person makes plans for the future and dreams, it means that he has an incentive to grow and improve.

The life of a person who strives for something will never be devoid of meaning. A dream helps strengthen the spirit, promotes improvement moral qualities. The presence of a goal helps you strive for it and look for ways to realize it. A dream undoubtedly gives joy and lifts your spirits. If a person plans something for the future, he definitely sees meaning in his existence.

Some people believe that dreams are not useful: why dream if you can live? real life? This is where they are wrong. A person who does not have a specific goal and lives one day at a time is not as happy as someone who dreams. People who see no meaning in the future may be upset or disappointed about something, and there may be a bit of bitterness in them. But it is worth noting that even the most desperate person has his own dream: without desires, a person would be like a robot.

A dream drives us, it forces us to work and improve, it allows us to competently plan our lives. This or that goal may require a lot of time, physical and moral strength from us, but we will still come to it because we really want it.

A dream can be completely different: someone wants to spend a vacation in a colorful corner of the planet, someone wants to buy a comfortable home, someone dreams of meeting a soul mate with whom they want to create a strong family. A dream distinguishes us from animals, for whom the main thing is needs.

On the way to making your dreams come true

To make our wish come true, we need to make some efforts. It cannot be said with certainty that few succeed in making their dreams come true. People plan, work, show persistence, patience, and their plans come true! To make your dream come true, you must first compare your capabilities, rationally calculate them, weighing all the pros and cons. A person who does not have sufficient determination may retreat on the path to his dream, and as a result, it will never come true.

A person with a strong spirit will be able to step over himself if required. life goal, in the end he will get what he wanted. What is a dream and what is the line between it and an illusion? The question is quite complicated. An illusion is something that a person has imagined, which has nothing to do with a dream. The main feature of illusion is that it does not give a positive outlook on the future; a person does not receive moral nourishment from it. However, if we dream all the time and do nothing, our desires will turn into illusions, they can become obsessive thought, which will only irritate. A person lives at the moment when he moves towards his goal.

Any dream can come true, it all depends on how strongly a person strives for this realization. Some people believe that very few wishes come true in life; everything is hindered by external circumstances that are not favorable to us. If something is really destined to happen, higher powers will definitely help, but this will not happen without the participation of the person himself - the creator of his own destiny. There are very good rule psychologists: if you can’t change your circumstances, change your attitude towards them.

Sometimes circumstances are not the best, but if we really live our dream, truly want something, there will be no obstacles for us, we will try to find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. The main thing is to listen to your inner voice, which will certainly never deceive you. It’s worth repeating: a dream is purely individual, it is what our heart wants.

Intuition is an assistant in making your desires come true

When implementing this or that idea, you need to listen to your heart, it will tell you how to act correctly, it is very important to listen to your inner voice, which can sometimes contradict your mind.

Quite often, reason and intuition come into conflict; who will win in it depends only on your personal characteristics, in particular, on what you tend to trust more: reason or intuition. If a person always follows the lead of reason, his life turns out to be not so rich, not so joyful and pleasant, and in the end it can lead to disappointment. The inner voice is what is given to us from God, sometimes we cannot really explain why it tells us to do this and not otherwise, but we feel that way. Brave, wise and prudent people will definitely listen to their own intuition; they do not follow the lead of cold reason. Dreaming is always useful; in any case, desire makes our life brighter and more beautiful.

Sometimes a person believes that he should not have a dream; perhaps such people are tired of life, turmoil, and tired to such an extent that they are ready to be disappointed in everything. But strong, stable, strong-willed people who dream and actually achieve their goals do not ignore what their inner voice tells them. The desires of some people can cause ridicule from others. Having voiced his plans publicly, a person can expect any reaction, including disapproval.

Don’t despair if your plans are not understood; you need to remember that a dream is a reflection inner world. First of all, you need to love your dream. It should evoke delight, the brightest and brightest feelings. If it is not destined to come true, you should not despair, you need to gradually move forward to something new, leaving your cherished desire in the innermost corners of your soul.

, about someone or something. Imagining, indulging in dreams about someone or something. “...What millions of honest people in capitalist countries dreamed and continue to dream about has already been accomplished in the USSR.” Stalin. Dream about traveling. Dream about fame. Dream about an artistic career.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what “DREAM” is in other dictionaries:

    Genres Brit pop, melodic rock Years 1995 1999 since 2008 Country ... Wikipedia

    To rave, imagine, dream, think, soar through the air, build castles in the air, fantasize; imagine, immerse yourself in dreams. Wed... Dictionary of synonyms

    What, or about what, to play with the imagination, indulge in the play of thoughts, imagine, think, imagine something that is not in the present; It’s nice to think, to think about the impossible. Dream about yourself, become arrogant. imagine, imagine, think. Do you dream... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    DREAM, oh, oh; uncertain, about whom (what) and with uncertain. Indulge in dreams about someone or something. M. about the future. M. about travel. M. become a musician. Only m. can you talk about anything n. (about something n. very good; colloquial). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    dream- Dream about yourself with adv. (a lot, highly, etc.; colloquially disapproves) to have too high an opinion of oneself. It’s in vain that you dream so much about yourself. Krylov... Phrasebook Russian language

    Verb., nsv., used. compare often Morphology: I dream, you dream, he/she/it dreams, we dream, you dream, they dream, dream, dream, dreamed, dreamed, dreamed, dreamed, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming 1. When you dream, you are mentally … … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    dream- dream passionately... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    dream- want, wish, dream, crave Page. 1247 Page 1248 Page 1249 Page 1250 Page 1251 Page 1252 Page 1253 Page 1254… New explanatory dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

    Nesov. nepereh. 1. Indulge in dreams and fantasies. Ott. Create mental image what you want, strive for it in your dreams. 2. decompression To hope, to have an intention, a strong desire. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming,... ... Word forms


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Hello site readers. In this article I will answer the question:

The dream is secret desires something very specific, the fulfillment of which will bring a person enormous benefits. Thanks to the ability of our imagination, which can paint absolutely any picture in our mind, regardless of the current situation, all dreams become truly real. Our dreams are those imaginary pictures, the thought of which excites us very much and evokes very powerful positive emotions. They take possession of us and take us away from reality. Please note that these imaginary pictures are different and individual for all people, and if someone does not support your dream, do not be offended.

Remember your childhood, how we enthusiastically dreamed that one day we would become an astronaut and fly into space, or a jet pilot or the owner of a large business, and we would live in our dream house near the ocean. As a child, there were simply no boundaries for dreams. We had pictures of our future taped to the walls: beautiful luxury houses, super-powerful airplanes, the latest cars, sandy beaches with sunshine sea ​​water. But what happened then? Time passed and these pictures disappeared from the walls. People began to realize the harsh "reality", began to understand that nothing comes simple and easy. To do this, you need to work hard. And people abandoned their dreams and simply forgot about them. So much easier, I forgot - and you don’t have to do anything. And the world requires very little, just to remain devoted to your dreams. It is for this reason that dreams remain memories from childhood.

For some reason, adults have the word "dream" is associated with distant childhood, and when they are told what is simply necessary in order to achieve (here is an article for you), they immediately fall into bewilderment. Adults have completely forgotten how to dream, and it is for this reason that there are so many unsuccessful people in our world. To achieve anything meaningful, you need a huge supply of energy. Moreover, it is necessary to maintain this energy reserve at all times. high level. Without a dream it is simply unrealistic. Many adults do not dream only because they think that dreams are unrealistic. This means that they do not understand at all what a dream is.

Dreams are the most important value of a person. They inspire a person, charge him with energy, and evoke a burning passion in his soul. Thanks to dreams, people are able to work 18 hours a day and sleep only 6 hours without feeling tired. All gifts modern civilization, which surround you and which you use, were once simple dreams of some people. Dreams encourage a person to create miracles. Many people say: "This is impossible". But I assure you, if this is your true dream, and you are ready to make it come true, then nothing is impossible for you. If something you dream of does not yet exist in nature, then it will be created for you.

Whatever you can imagine, you can realize in reality.

This is why we are given our imagination, to be the basis for. A person with a dream is distinguished by energy and enthusiasm for life, his eyes sparkle, he clearly sees where he is moving, what needs to be accomplished, his consciousness is always occupied with constructive thoughts about. Such a person always smiles and on his face you can see the clear meaning of life. This emotion is difficult to describe in words, but if you ask “What is your biggest dream in life?” A clear image quickly appears in your head, evoking powerful emotions, which means you have a dream. Ask this question to other people! Most likely, they will either not understand it or will start to think for a very long time. In exceptional cases, someone will tell you something specific, but looking into their eyes, you will see only longing. Know that this is not a dream.