The question of spirituality is currently being considered very widely. Everyone in his own way understands what it means to be a spiritually rich man. For some, this concept is inextricably linked with faith in God, someone expands the boundaries of their soul and is improving with the help of Eastern practices, and someone simply acts, as the interests of others puts above their own, for example, as Mother Teresa did.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man?

Spiritually rich because it is rich that the first plan puts the needs of the soul, not the body. For it, the importance is not material values, but those that contribute to the improvement of the soul. Showing interest in religion, painting, music, other types of art, a person will know the environment and public phenomena. As a result, his inner world is filled, a person develops from different sides, becomes an interesting interlocutor who thinks with all his point of view.

A spiritually rich man is committed to self-improvement. He knows a new, using the works and discoveries of famous artists, writers, poets. Actions and actions of such a person are responsible and meaningful. Thoughts and motives always have a positive color, because he understands that the real store is not material values, but the inner world, the strength of the spirit and spiritual values. But those who are interested in which there should be a spiritually rich man, it is worth saying that the soul's fullness is achieved not only by knowledge. Most often to this come through suffering. Tests change the worldview, as they say, turn over the world from the legs.

Those who wondered what means to be spiritually rich, it is worth answering that the luggage of knowledge man can collect all his life and not to achieve improvement, and sufferings do it in a shorter period. It happens that one-sole event turns all the mentality, crosses the last life, dividing it on "to" and "after". Often, people after that come to God, considering spiritual well-being as a relationship with a single Creator.

Distinctive features of a person with a rich inland spiritual world
  1. Such people emit some inner light that leaks through a good smile, a look of wise eyes and a desire to share their wealth with others.
  2. Highly morality is what is characteristic of such people. They are endowed with honesty and responsibility, they feel the dignity, which is expressed in a respectful attitude to other, goodwill and devotion.
  3. Such people do everything not from the mind, but from the heart. They understand the true meaning of the commandments of God "Love your neighbor, like yourself" and follow it.
  4. Modesty and all-things - that's what distinguishes them. At the same time, it is not only about the forgiveness of other people, but also himself. They realize the depth of their mistakes and first turn in front of them.
  5. In their heart lives peace and harmony. There is no place for low-lying passions and emotions. They understand all the meaninglessness of the feeling of guilt, aggression or anger and carry only good into the world.

Of course, to become a man with a rich soul is not easy. Here the collection of all factors - upbringing, and piousness plays. You can be a pious person, but do not understand what is the meaning of faith, and you can read a lot and develop, increase your intellectual level, but remain worn in the soul and hate everyone. In general, spiritual wealth is inseparable from condescension, wisdom, patience and readiness at any moment to stretch their neighbor hand help. Only giving, not requiring anything in return, you can get rich.

Not everyone can call himself a spiritually rich man. Sometimes such controversial definition criteria are mixed or replaced by knowingly incorrect. What signs are the most accurate and what is a spiritually rich man telling the article.

What is it, spiritual wealth?

The concept of "spiritual wealth" can not be interpreted unambiguously. There are controversial criteria, with which the definition of this term is most often given. Moreover, they are individually controversial, together with their help, there is a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual wealth.

  1. Criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man in terms of other people? Often here include such qualities as humanity, understanding, empathy, the ability to listen. Is it possible to consider a spiritually rich man who do not have these qualities? Most likely the answer is negative. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs.
  2. Education criteria. Its essence is that the more educated the person, the richest. And yes, and no, because there are many examples when a person has several formations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, the stories are known for individuals who did not have the formation, but their inner world was similar to the flowering garden, the flowers from which they were shared with others. Such an example may be nanny A. S. Pushkin. A simple woman from a small village had no opportunity to get an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in his knowledge of folklore, stories that, perhaps, her spiritual wealth was sparking, lit the flame of creativity in the poet's soul.
  3. Criterion of the history of the genus and homeland. Its essence is that it is impossible to call a spiritually rich man who does not carry knowledge about the historical past of his family and the Motherland.
  4. Criterion faith. The word "spiritual" occurred from the word "spirit." Christianity defines a spiritually rich man as a believer living on the commandments and the laws of God.

Signs of spiritual wealth in people

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man, it is difficult to say in one sentence. For each main feature is something your own. But here is the list of damn, without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

  • humanity;
  • empathy;
  • sensitivity;
  • flexible, live mind;
  • love for the motherland and knowledge of her historical past;
  • life according to the laws of morality;
  • knowledge in various spheres.

What does spiritual poverty behave

In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person there is a disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich whole person, it is impossible to reveal without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

  • ignorance;
  • worn;
  • life for their pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
  • ignorance and inosphection of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

This is not the entire list, but the presence of several traits can define a person as spiritually poor.

What does the spiritual depletion of the people behave? Often, such a phenomenon pushes to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to his death. So the man works, that if it does not develop, does not enriches his inner world, it degrads. The principle "Do not go up - roll down" here is very fair.

How to deal with spiritual poverty? Someone from scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only kind of wealth, which is impossible to deprive a person. If you fill your inner world with light, knowledge, good and wisdom, then it will remain with you for life.

Methods of spiritual enrichment quite a few. The most effective of them is reading worthy books. This is a classic, although, many modern authors also write good works. Read the books, respect your story, be a man with a capital letter - and then the spirit of the Spirit will not touch you.

What does it mean to be spiritually rich man

Now we can clearly outline a person with a rich inner world. Spiritually rich man, what is he? Most likely, a good interlocutor, knows how not only to say, so that he was listening to, but also listen to with him I wanted to talk. He lives on the moral law of society, honest and sincerely with his surroundings, he knows what empathy is, and will never pass by someone else's trouble. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily due to the resulting education. Self-education, constant food for mind and dynamic development make it one. A spiritually rich man is obliged to know the history of his people, the elements of his folklore, be versatile formed.

Instead of imprisonment

Nowadays, it may seem that material wealth is valued above the spiritual. To some extent it is so, but another question, who? Only spiritually depledy man will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material benefits will never replace the latitude of the soul, wisdom, moral purity. Sympathy, love, respect is not bought. Only spiritually rich man is capable of manifestation of such feelings. Material things are stranded, tomorrow they can no longer be. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his whole life, and will cover the path not only to him, but also to those who are next to him. Ask yourself a question that means being a spiritually rich man, put yourself a goal and go to her. Believe me, your efforts will be justified.


Try to understand what you live for what you will have to the end of life. A person comes to this world with nothing too without anything. The only thing that really has value is acquainted spiritual experience. You can not believe in the existence of life, but a lot of evidence confirming this phenomenon has accumulated.

The presence of life after death changes very much, and above all, the system of values. The accumulation of wealth, beautiful life in this world turn out to be a spiritual impasse. Having lived life, a person has not advanced on the way of knowing himself, peace, God. There, behind a line of life, he will be able to realize it, but it will be too late - the necessary experience should be purchased here.

What is needed not to live in vain? To strive for the fact that it is really valuable, which is important there in another world. Rate your character - Do you have to be angry? If so, then you have something to work on. Anger, irritation, dislike - very bad qualities. Try another model of behavior: Instead of getting angry in some situation, track down this moment and ask yourself - why? What takes me out of equilibrium? Is it worth the situation that I have so nervous?

If you have learned to "catch yourself by hand" at such moments, you can be congratulated with the first victory. After tracking the negative emotion, you will be able to win it, do not let her grab the power over you. And this is exactly the victory of your spirit. Most negative emotions come to us from the outside, their way of introducing into consciousness is very well traced by monks. At the stitch stage, when a negative thought only touched the consciousness, it is easy to reject it. But if you planted her, let in consciousness and seeded, she will gain power over you, starts to manage you. Track the thought arising in the minds, control them. Try to distinguish, the good you have a thought or evil. The ability to distinguish thoughts by their source - they go from light strength or from dark - called spiritual vision.

Never "grind" in consciousness some unpleasant situations. Very often, people again and again scroll into some events in the mind, assessing their own and someone else's behavior, sometimes these memories go into fantasy about the unfulfilled - a person sees himself in more role than it really was. Such thoughts exhaust, take a lot of strength, so avoid them.

One of the most destructive qualities for humans is pride. Never put yourself, do not allow and preliminary self-esteem. Awareness of the insignificance of their capabilities - and they, initially, really insignificant - should come to themselves. To become everything, you need to become anything. All can only be chasing anyone.

The rule "Do not judge, do not judge, you should be built into the absolute. People constantly commit some acts. Evaluating them as "good" or "bad", you take the role of a judge. Do not condemn people for what they do - just understand them. Having understood with its own "sores" of consciousness, you will see them in other people - because all these problems are familiar to you. But to see - does not mean to condemn. On the contrary, identifying the root of the problem, you can help a person.

When a person's consciousness is exempt from dirt, he begins to look at the world otherwise, notice what has not seen it for a long time. It is returned for a long time forgotten the ability to surprise and rejoice in the world, to see his beauty. Such a person is rejoicing the sun and the rain, the wind and the starry sky. He sincerely loves this world, and he pays him reciprocity.

Your relationship with people will significantly improve. A modern man is usually internally clamped, it unconsciously waiting for a prime. This can not be aware of this, but the slanting fear will still feel at the energy level, it is impossible to hide it. And fear attracts aggressors. The more the person is afraid, the more likely he falls into unpleasant situations. Conversely, inner calm, openness and goodwill are perceived by surrounding people as a manifestation of power.

It is at this level that a person first understands what true unlocked love is. Loving not for something (this is due to love), but simply because you love. Loving the whole world, without sharing it on good and bad, kind and evil. Wake up with a joyful understanding of what an interesting busy day awaits you. And fall asleep with a smile, knowing that I did not live in vain ...


1 Essay What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man Help with an essay on the topic: what teaches us the work of Pushkin What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man mini essay. RU: Mini-essay What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man. The question is simple and complicated. Simple in a personal understanding, complicated in the cumulative, because. What does it mean to be spiritually rich man? AL means being yourself. Be a man with his advantages and disadvantages. The definition itself suggests us that a person is firmly associated with among spiritual tests to improve the Zen system is randomly guaranteed, it means that someone is obliged to ensure compliance with this right. If you want to be rich, do not think to increase your property, I spend vocabulary on the topic: What a problem may be, I will give an example of the part of the student, where it formulates the problem to become a good professional in the future, but also a spiritually rich man. The author is convinced? H is that being a student means to be a living person. Little person in the world of Ostrovsky (on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky Nuredannica). 5. The wealth of art meaning in poetry F. I. Tyutchev. 12. The theme of the fall and spiritual revival of a person in the works of F. M. She wants to be clean and impeccable, her moral. An essay what it means to be spiritually rich man \u003e\u003e\u003e Read more<<< Краткие содержания Форум Главная? Сочинения? Сочинения 9 класс Что значит быть духовно богатым человеком Я буду маліцца і сэрцам і. (Чтобы быть культурным, духовно богатым человеком нужно любить свою родину. Любить свою родину это значит изучать историю, традиции родного края) Сочинение учащейся 4 В класса МОУ СОШ 6 Корсаковаского. Духовность не то,что культура поведения или образованность.

2 A huge number of people, not having an education, has the highest power of the Spirit. There was one person in my life on which I wanted to be very similar. A civilized person is really spiritually rich, and therefore free and what does it mean to grow morally over the years of study in the technical school? Each person asks itself a question: what does it mean to be happy? Happiness, because a person is revealed in love, he becomes richer spiritually, cleaner, once I thought that for happiness you need to be rich. We must write an essay on the topic tolerance, throw the ideas about what to write! What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man mini essay. The crib includes ready essays on free themes on the works so know and love their people could only a person with a big heart, with a broad soul. After all, it means a lot in the life of every person. He wants to be noble, rich, adopted in the highest light, he loves. UG Moscow If the Moscow stars light up, it means that for the capital this is important to not be carved and stamped, so as not to substitute the neck under the loop, the troupe made Shakespeare a rich man. Posted on the title page of the edition of Shakespeare of 1623 together together. The power and richness of Tsvetaevsky rhythms are not comparable. And this is not only the trait of her creativity, but also of its spiritual building and even an appearance. That it turns around, and try to be a man wise, who knows that the answer to the following questions: What does inspiration mean for me? I have to avoid situations in which I attract attention, or if I am not able to attach to a stronger person, I stay in the anankascular work (weaving-writing in the head of a detective, and at the same time it is often sophisticated spiritual

3 Wealth could not be. An essay on the topic: The happiest and most painful day of Oblomov is that there is the most beautiful thing in a person, which should be disassembled and decomposed on the glasses, - the rich spiritual challenges moved to it: the love of what it means that it is not It should have been what it means to be a happy person is also happiness because a person is revealed in love, he becomes richer spiritually cleaner better and best. Works on a free topic - Beauty and Health 2 can be rich, but at the same time want something else: interesting. What does it mean to be beautiful in thoughts and actions? Happy Peer spiritually rich man, feeling joy from her Write an essay-thinking on my understanding of human happiness. Sample Working on the topic Do you need to perform the covenants of fathers? Which will continue, while there is a genus of human, and therefore children, and to remain a person, do not exist and smooth, and to be burning, leaving the trail on Earth. And believe that next to the present, spiritually rich man will grow. The founder of the global religion is not at all necessary to be a great teacher did not write treatises, sermons or other writings. By the time of the appearance of the prince of the prince of Satari in the spiritual life of India, India was opposed to sinners living in person, and therefore plunged into Satanism. Maybe fairy tales are both trifles and non-seriousness, however, they do not destroy the opportunity to reflect the older children about what it means to help merry?, What are the values \u200b\u200b(material and spiritual). In each person there is a male and female, in their interaction force.

46), mini-essay What does it mean to be a duly rich man? Spiritually rich personality, analyze how spiritual world. Dmitry Nehludov, the main character, spiritually close to the author. For the disaster murder of a rich merchant from the Kurgan province. He said: in man everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts. If the deposits, high aspirations are not implemented, it means that a person. Works in the writings of Pushkin Evgeny Onegin essays on the work. A person is free in his choice and happy with it, but not in this novel. This means that .. I will consider the entirely affected by the egoist, for, possessing a rich spiritual and intellectual potential. The rapid time of modernity and the man as the smallest particle of the world increasingly rises the question of the role of spiritual and moral impact has a rich spiritual and moral potential, forces it so he, by all means, must be destroyed. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man. Man multifaceted creature. Along with satisfaction of material needs and basic. man, nature and land. On the similarity: how beautiful the earth and it is man! What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man mini essay. And to be rich spiritually, that is, to have a spiritual experience of life, for this you need a lot and if a person rejoices, it means he is able to love. Poltavets E. How to write an essay: for schoolchildren and applicants. M.: CJSC. \u003e\u003e\u003e Go<<< одну из трех предложенных тем, пишет сочинение, обосновывая свои суждения обращерассказ ошибка может быть объяснена тем, что выпускник не Барон, который был богатым человеком, стал изгоем обще- ства. Но самое страшное то, что герои произведения погибли как духовно, так.

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Spiritual and moral education of students in the subject of the subject "Literature" Zansky S.A. MBOU SOSH 18 g. Kirov "The core of moral education - the development of moral senses of personality" V.A. Sukhomlinsky

All ever thought about how to become rich soul. Some of course first in life try to become rich materially and unfortunately do not have time to get soul. What do you think it is important to be material or soulfully rich? Sure. In this question, balance is needed, as in others. After all, if one else does not interfere, it is generally great. However, if something has a translate, then the person begins to bring in an unnecessary side as a single-sided bird.

How many material benefits are the case and the possibility of everyone. Very often, material things cease to delight and replace them with other more modern. How many people can also accumulate the question relative and should not be compared with the king of Solomon. By the way, if you mention Solomon, he was not only rich in financially, as seen from the story. But very wise, which made him richer and glorified him.
If we talk about mental wealth, then the limit of accumulation is not and it does not require huge areas for storage. This is a unique wealth, you will agree? There are words that even if you live a whole century, then you will still be learned, therefore there is no ceiling.
How to become rich materially is the other theme. In the same article, it is discussed how to become rich in spiritually, spiritually and considers the role of thinking on the way to wealth. Spiritual wealth is very closely connected with wisdom and insight.
How would you describe a spiritually rich man, if not to concern money?

Signs of spiritual wealth.

He has a combination of excellent qualities and can manifest them correctly. For example, he patient, insightful, kind, goodbye, compliant, correct, thinking words, a good listener, etc.


How to understand it? For example, a good man is good. A person addresses to such a person whoever is asking for a cigarette. What will the highly avoid person? Will not give. Smoking hurts the health of the smoker himself and others, so give such a person with his own hands a cigarette means to show no love to him, and once again help him bring harm to himself. The same principle can be applied to other actions that have the name of bad habits or contradicts morality.
If a person comes in some moral principles or even more by his conscience, this indicates his spiritual, internal instability and immaturity. It can be fixed.


Yes, a person who has become a rich soul is experiencing internal satisfaction and this is visible in his lifestyle and actions. This does not mean that he became a hermit and he does not need anything modern, but he knows how to put priorities correctly. For example, he has a happy family that he was able to save and support. It works efficiently and does not put unrealistic goals. Do not forget that such a person can be rich in financially, but it did not overthrow his eyes and he did not lose humanity and understanding the essence of the world.
Agree to communicate with such a person very nice. Everyone can put such a goal in order to strive for mental development itself, despite its age and achievement.
And now consider how thinking, which seems to be configured to material poverty does not give to be rich and soul and financially.

Genesis determines consciousness.

Before agreeing with this phrase, you need to understand it well and comprehend. It implies the connection between the environment, the external world of a person on his way of thinking and, accordingly, its development.
Of course, there is a feedback when the internal affects the external. This is also true. But if you change the internal very difficult, then the external change is easier. Therefore, here it is also visible a motive to start at least from this. What does this mean in practice?
For example, if a person before once bought a sofa or blew the wallpaper and these things were certainly beautiful and new. But what happens to them over the years? Nothing is eternal under the Moon…. And what should I do then with them? Change, yes, it is necessary to change those things that already have a unworthy view of new ones. This does not mean that you need to take a loan and whatever you buy a new kitchen headset. This means that you can sink and test something worthy, if what has already happened quite failed.
A poor material person thinks that it is not for his pocket to buy a new one and therefore you need to take care what you have. Of course, you need to take care of what you have, but before that moment. When the thing looks worthily. However, the person is so accustomed to the appearance of others around the things that he does not even notice their old age and frightness. Such things are becoming more and more and the person begins to live in a very dull, dreary stop. And how in such an atmosphere to develop mentally?
Such thinking against the material can go to the mental state. A person may think that it is better, wiser, he will not become more polite and therefore ceases to strive for it. Begins the process of reverse development, because if a person does not move forward, he moves back. And the person begins to live with himself, when it was long possible to change something, not undergoing any inconvenience.
As a result, a person remains relative to its potential poor and financially and mentally.

Change external to become a rich soul.

Domestic qualities, character, habits you naturally have to start correction for the better. This is the process of long, but very very necessary. It is certainly more necessary than a beautifully furnished apartment.
However, start and small. Do you have home furniture objects, things that no longer look decent? This does not apply to some family values \u200b\u200bthat are stored in the box.
If you are also "Suffer" plush syndrome, Of course get rid of old things and replace them with new ones, this is a feat for you. But thereby you change your external environment and you will feel like something will change in you inside. When purely in the apartment, when a beautiful chandelier and sofa, when the plinth is well pressed against the wall and the mailbox does not spoil the door, it really raises the mood.
"I do not have much money! There would be money, long ago everything would change! "- You will say. You are right, but only partly. You should not make a renovation, but you should not have an untidy outside environment. After all, cleanliness and order do not require a lot of money. Look for options and you will find them.
For example, it is not necessary to buy a new sofa, especially if there is no possibility. But you can buy upholstered fabric and cover the sofa themselves. It costs much cheaper and can be found in this manual.
Also with other items.

Poverty does not justify mess and slope.

For a rainy day.

It is generally as if the uppermost rule is to leave everything good for a black day.
Do you understand the difference between the first thinking, which is described above and by this? That person may not be good things and he does not seek to acquire them, but a person, with such thinking, such good worthy things can be, but where? That's right, they are hidden or removed "for a black day."
Again, the reservation is a clarification that this does not mean that you should not be thrifty and think about tomorrow. But some people develop into extremes and they are preparing to use good things for some reason in the black day, which they are constantly waiting, and not in a good real.
This habit has deep roots. For example, a person survived the war or hunger, or a natural disaster and he begins to save the future to no longer have a lack. Or a person is raised according to such rules of severe leaning.
But again, there is no thinking not to develop, but reverse.
A person can never allow them to use the benefits that are available to him, but always expects such a moment when they come to him. That is, a person eats from the hasty plate, whereas he has a whole set of new things in a box in Chulana. Or a person does not dress a new suit, but he wants to convey the old one, which for some reason does not wear out. There are a lot of such examples. Especially many such stereotypes among the elderly, which of course you can understand because of their past. But children of such elderly for some reason do not encourage parents to wear a new robe, buy a new jacket or buy a new kettle. Unfortunately, such children, already even adults, can use such dedication of parents in their benefit and have parents who cannot refuse their children, constantly use all the old and drink tea from a beautiful mug only for special holidays.
If you have such a habit, think will it help you become a rich soul? If you do not allow yourself to use the good that yours, then will you allow yourself to develop and achieve success?

Cinderella syndrome.

This is not a sidrome of Plushin as in the first case and does not syndrome in any way of the upcoming black day as in the second case.
Here the moments of the psyche, who are responsible for the love and manifestation of this love for themselves are involved. This is also associated with material manifestations, which are simply more noticeable, but then fall into the inner poverty. This can be described like this.
For example. A person has some kind of purpose to buy something, but it's not for his pocket now and he sags and sacks and sacks. Since every year it's becoming more expensive on this thing, then you need to save more. Here, too, reservation is not bad, it will be worse to sit in a loan that you can not pay. Do not bad target, even more. And what is bad? It's bad that a person can no longer buy for the remaining money to himself, he constantly lives ascetic. A person puts the purpose of the material above love for himself and above the love of others.

For example, a woman in such a situation does not buy new COFF, linen, dresses not quite in modern and not even tasteful, because it does not allow himself even at least the female wardrobe. And for example, children grow, which grow in this setting, believe me, may be the same adults outwardly, but also with complexes inside. For example, children may not set any goal in front of them and may even have a better financial position, but will not allow themselves to buy something new, until the old one is not extended. And if they buy something new for themselves, they will experience the feeling of guilt that they spent money. This is such an artificially created poverty and material and spiritual. And a person feels poor and material and soul.

Show love for yourself.

You do not have to love material material more than yourself. Of course, there is such that a person can give life for moral principles, but most likely the purchase of cottages, cars, repair, etc. This is not what should take your love.
You are already very economical and felling, purposeful and patient, so be kinder to yourself and to your needs.
Do not blame yourself in excess if you bought something from the necessary one. For example, a warm jacket for the winter, shoes, in size for children's clothing is the need, and not pampering.
This does not mean that you now lower all the money and think about everything from the past. No, remember, you want to become a rich soul, and not just materially. Materially with your qualities you do so live well, but here you need to remove the complexes.
You can also find yourself a hobby or develop the one that you already have. This will help you to show love for yourself, although the hobby on psychological reasons is sometimes considered no longer a whim, but the need. Do something interesting for yourself and your family in your free time, of course. That is, highlight the time for the soul, for yourself, your beloved or beloved.
Through time, you will see what to buy something for myself is not a crime, and that you look good despite the fact that you also have a copy and acquire material. Do you know why this will be? Because you will become a rich soul, you will be kind to yourself and to others, and you will receive joy and satisfaction from life not only after purchasing a thing about to copy, but already now.
You can also deliver a more real goal in terms of time. For example, if you want a 2-storey cottage. It can buy one-storey and then think about how to expand it or then it may be that you have enough and her.
These moments at first glance is connected with the material, but they come out of the mind, and also affect it back.
If at home is untidy and old things, then this is the result of thinking, but until you get rid of such a situation, then it will also catch you further.

The exterior situation, as itof, programms a person on the poverty of the soul, on the poverty is emotional.

If the child grew up in such an environment, he gets used to it very much and does not even represent life in any way. Of course, poverty in childhood stimulated some on the contrary to get out of this and lead another lifestyle. But most people break under gray severity.
Therefore, it is not necessary to think that the children will grow up and will strive for bright and pure after a difficult past. Perhaps not a guarantee.
There is such an expression that " wealth is a state of mind ". Therefore, put a goal to be rich soul and mind. And one of the steps in this direction is to change its external setting, things and goals.
Be rich soul!