Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky
Years of life: May 13, 1220? - November 14, 1263
Years of the Board: 1252-1263

Alexander Nevsky - Biography

Years of the reign:

Prince Novgorod in 1236-51g., Grand Duke Vladimir since 1252.

Alexander Nevsky is one of the most prominent rulers of his time. Very accurately formulated his role and significance in the history of N. I. Kostomarov. "The XIII century was a period of the most terrible shocks for Russia," he wrote. - from the east, Mongols flooded with countless hordes of the conquered Tatar tribes, they were ravaged, they dismissed most of Russia and enslaved the rest of the people's people; From the north-west, a German tribe was threatened under the banner of Western Catholicism. The task of the political figure of that time was to put Russia as far as possible in such relations to different enemies, under which she could keep their existence. A person who took over this task and put a firm basis for future times to further execute this task, in fairness may be called the true ruler of its century. Such is in Russian history by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky. "(Kostomarov N. I. Russian history in the life writings of its main figures. M., 1991. P. 78.)

Alexander Nevsky was born on May 13, 1220 (1221?) G. Pereslavl-Zalessky. By decision of the father of His Yaroslav, the reasons for Pereyaslavl and Novgorod. The princely tonsure of the excuse of Alexander (the so-called dedication rite in the warriors) was performed in the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of Pereslavl Sin Simon, Bishop Suzdal, who was one of the compilers of Kiev-Pechersk. It was from the gracious elder-hierarch that he received his first blessing to the root service in the name of God, to defend the Russian Church and the Russian Earth.

The first information about Alexander Nevsky belongs to 1228th, when his father Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who reigned in Novgorod, quarreled with the citizens and was forced to go to Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, his own fever. But he left in the city of Novgorod to the attitude of trusted boyars of 2 of his juvenile sons of Alexander and Fyodor. After the death of his brother Fyodor in 1236, he was planted to the Novgorod table.

From an early age, he accompanied his father's campaigns. So, in 1235 he was a participant in the battle on the Emayigi River (in the current Estonia), in which Yaroslav's troops defeated the Germans. In the next, 1236 Yaroslav went to Kiev, and his son was planted independently to pronounce in the city of Novgorod.

In 1239, Alexander took the daughter of Polotsk Prince Bryachov. Some historians say that she was baptized by her spouse.

Alexander - Nevskaya Battle

Despite stretched relations with Novgorod, Glory Alexander is connected with the city of Novgorod. In 1240, Novgorod troops led by another young prince Alexander inflicted a crushing blow on the banks of the Neva Cvedam, who were sent to Rus with a crusade, in order to address its inhabitants to Catholicism.

Before the battle, Alexander prayed for a long time in the temple of St. Sofia, wisdom of God. And, remembering the Psalm Davidov, said: "Sudi, Lord, who offends me and drop me, fighting with me, accept weapons and a shield, to help me."

After the blessing by Archbishop Spiridon, the prince, coming out of the temple, strengthened the squad fulfilled faith with famous words: "God is not in force, but in the truth. Other - with weapons, other - on the horses, and we will call our Lord's name of our god! They laid and fell, we were restrained and firmly. " It was after this battle that ended with a brilliant victory, the young prince began to be united Alexander Nevsky.

Alexander Nevsky, a brief biography of which is represented in this article, was not only a great prince, but also a glorified commander, whose merits are honored so far. After all, thanks to his victories in such battles as the Nevsky Battle and Ice Battle, our country remained not only independent, but also self-affected among other states.

For their feats, Alexander Nevsky's firm Orthodox faith is glorified in the face of saints as the holy burglary prince.

Brief biography of Alexander Yaroslavich

Alexander Nevsky appeared on May 13, 1221 in the family of Vladimir Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Princess Rostislav Mstislavovna. He was the second of nine in the account of the child. Before nine, Knyazhich lived in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, and after, together with the elder brother Fedor, he left to rule in Velikiy Novgorod.

After 3 years, the elder brother died, and after 3 years the father of Prince moved to rule in Kiev. Therefore, Alexander Nevsky, by the age of 16, became an independent ruler of Novgorod - one of the richest and most influential cities of the 13th century.

Historic portrait of Alexander Nevsky

Alexander Yaroslavich Rules, starting from 1236 to 1263 in the Novgorod, Kiev and Vladimir Principal.

He began his story as a warrior. Being still very young, he fought on Izhora, flowing into the Neva, with German knights. A little later, he fought for Pskov with Teutonic knights and participated in the Ice Boy.

At the time of the board of Alexander Yaroslavich, the ancient Russian state fell out a difficult proportion, had to pay tribute to the Golden Horde and defend the state from Western interventionists. At that time, every prince wishing to get the title of the Great, had to go to the Horde for the Golden Label. Alexander Nevsky has not exceeded.

After the death of his father, he went to Mongolia to ask Vladimir Principality. In total, Alexander Yaroslavich visited Horde 2 times. For the second time, he went there because of the unsuccessful campaign of his brothers against the horde to save the Russian cities from the anger of Tatar-Mongol. He was able to convince Khan not to attack Russia, but on the way home passed away.

Childhood Alexander Nevsky

About childhood and the youth, Alexander Yaroslavich, almost nothing is known. When Alexander was 5 years old, his and brother Fedor father dedicated to the warriors. After 3 years, the brothers were sent to the Veliky Novgorod.

His worldview played a large role in Novgorod with his free and militant temper. Alexander knew since childhood that someday he would be to become a warrior and head the army, as his father once.

In 1237, Russia suffered the trouble - the Russian cities burned and robbed the warriors of Batya. At that time, many princes were killed, and the survivors were captured. To protect your lands and save the lives of your children, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich agreed with the battle about the payment of Dani.

However, the worst awaited Russian state ahead. Having learned about the plight of Russian princes, Pope decided to crucially baptized the Russian people into the Catholic faith, and the disheveled territories give the families of the Knights of the Order.

Just at this time, 17-year-old Alexander Nevsky was able to establish himself as a wise ruler and a good commander, putting several defensive points on the river and enhancing an unequal fight with the Crusaders.

Parents of the Grand Prince

The father of Alexander Nevsky was Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who was contacted in Vladimir. His grandfather was Vsevolod a big nest, and Praded - Yuri Dolgoruki, who were also kept in history as the great figures of Russia.

Father Alexander Nevsky Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich

About mother of the boy, except that she was a princely kind, nothing else is unknown. In some sources it is described that she was a daughter of Mstislav deleted (lucky) - one of the famous warriors and the princes of that time.

Marriage Alexander Yaroslavich

In 1239, the prince married Alexandra, the daughter of Polotsk Prince in Toroptz. They had 5 children - 4 Sons and 1 daughter.

Children Alexander Nevsky

The exact dates of the birth of the sons of Alexander Nevsky are unknown. The eldest son of Vasily was allegedly born until 1245. Inherited, he got the Novgorod lot.

The next son of Prince Dmitry was born in 1250. He was the ruler of Novgorod, Pereslavl and Vladimir. Andrei (1255) was the ruler of the Kostroma, Vladimir and Novgorod Principality after the death of the older brothers.

The most famous from his children was the younger son - Daniel, who was nicknamed by the first gathering of lands around Moscow and the first Moscow prince.

The daughter of Nevsky Evdokia married Prince Konstantin Rostislavich, who ruled in Smolensk.

Alexander Nevsky who fought with whom

For his short, but glorious life, Alexander Nevsky was able to commit a lot of victory important for the state. To do this, he had to fight with several ingenic invaders almost simultaneously.

His enemies were Swedes from the Livonian Order, which in 1240 appeared near the walls of the Great Novgorod. Also Alexander Nevsky in 1242 fought with German knights and in 1245 with Lithuanian detachments.

Briefly about the exploits of the Great Command

Today it is put in one row with the most outstanding commander in the history of Russia. And it is not by chance. He is immediately somewhat significant for the entire Russian world victories.

The first victory was observed on June 15, 1240 on the Izhore River against Swedish Conquerors. In the summer of that year, the Knights of the Levonsky and Teutonic Order appeared under the walls of Novgorod, who came to Russia to turn people into the Catholic faith.

The Swedish part of the united Order did not wait for the Germans and spoke. Alexander Nevsky without waiting for his father's help, spoke against the intervders and broke them.

The second feat of Alexander Yaroslavich is known in the history called the ice side. It happened on April 5, 1242 on the Chief of Lake, which by the time was already on the underlying territory of the German Knights-Crusaders.

The last victory of Nevsky refers to 1245. The battle against Lithuanian invaders was carried out for several days and ended the victory of the squad of Nevsky.

Ice clogging and victory by Alexander Nevsky

The Ice Bare or Battle against the Teutonic Order occurred on April 5, 1242 on the Church of the Lake. Thanks to the resourcefulness and inaccier tactics of the young prince, the troops of the Order were surrounded with flanks and broken.

The remains of the Tutons still catch up with the princely squad along the frozen lake. As a result of this battle, about 500 knights drowned in the lake, and another 50 was captured.

In recent years, lively discussions are increasingly being conducted regarding why so many knights drowned. According to one of the versions of the knights were closed in severe armor, because of which the ice on the Lake worship could not stand and crackled. However, according to other reports, this information has recently appeared and has nothing to do with actual events.

Anyway, this battle was of great importance for the state. After him, an agreement was concluded, which put the end of the crusaders raids.

Results of the Board of Alexander Yaroslavich

The time of the reign of Alexander Nevsky is recognized as one of the beneficial states for the state. After all, during the Nevsky, the country has strengthened its influence in the West, largely due to victories over the Order.

In addition, many Russian cities were able to sigh calmly, because the robber raids of Baskakov ceased due to the competent policy of Alexander towards the Golden Horde. He achieved the princes to once again collect tribute and disappear her in the Horde.

Death of Prince

Due to the prince during one of the trips to the land of Tatar-Mongol. It happened on November 14, 1262 on the way back from Horde. There are several versions of his death. The most popular assumptions are a disease or poisoning.

It is known that the prince adopted Christianity before death and took the name Alexey. It was about 42 years old. Buried him in the Vladimir Christmas monastery.

The image of Alexander Nevsky in art

The genuine image with the prince is not left to this day. Its image was restored according to descriptions from different sources, which was reflected in Russian literature, art, cinema. The verbal portrait of the prince can be found in his life, the content of which tells about its numerous exploits.

One of the most popular portraits of Alexander Nevsky is written from the actor from the eponymous painting director Sergey Eisenstein. It also takes a preammission for the Order of the Grand Duke.

In addition, named Prince called many streets and temples not only in our country, but also abroad. In many cities of Russia, you can meet the monuments and monuments dedicated to him.

There is no one dozen interesting facts about the activities of this famous person. The most interesting and topical of them in this selection.

Why did the prince called Alexander Nevsky?

Nursery - Nevsky, Alexander received for a brilliant victory over German knights on the Neva. It not only glorified him, but for a long time he beat off the wish to the Western states to attack Russia.

What was the growth of Alexander Nevsky?

It is noteworthy that Alexander Nevsky was a small, even small in modern growth standards - no more than 156 cm. Such conclusions, scientists made on the basis of the white-name tomb, which allegedly belongs to Nevsky.

When is the day of memory Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Church notice?

Orthodox Christians recognize at once two memorable dates of the Blessed Prince - September 12 and December 6. The first date indicates the transfer of the saints of the power from the Vladimir Land in St. Petersburg. The second date indicates the solemn funeral of the prince, which in the old style occurred on November 23, 1263.

When did the princess first went to war?

Nevsky began to fight for a long time how he himself got up at the head of the army. His first fight passed when he was 13 years old. Then the father took him on the battle against the Lithuanians in Derpt. It was then that young Knazhich understood who his enemies really.


Alexander Nevsky is an outstanding prince and a commander who deserves a special place in history. After all, if not this holy warrior, it is not known what our state would be today.

Yaroslav (Feodor) Vsevolodovich, the third son of Vsevolod a big nest, was born in Vladimir-on-Klyazem on February 8, 1190. His mother Maria was the Yask Poggy. Under 1194, in the chronicle, we celebrate the mention of the solemn "posts" of Knyazhich Yaroslav on April 27 (according to the ancient custom, having accepted a boy from maternal hands, his father cut off his hair strand and saved him in the saddle). "And the brightness is great in Volodimier." From now on, the child was entrusted with "Uncle" - so began military education. The early deadlines are noteworthy - in this case, already in the fourth year: the princes of the Vladimir house hurried with the preparation of assistants.
The childhood of rulers then ended early. Yuri Dolgoruky arrived to pronomize Rostov Earth barely coming out of infancy. Vsevolod sent his ten-year-old son in the distant Pereyaslavl, and in 1203 the young prince is already a member of the participants in the vote in the Polovtsy Roman Mstislavich Kiev.
In his youth, Yaroslav did not blame himself a noticeable military glory. However, it can be assumed that the hereditary honor did not drop. In 1206, residents of the Carpathian Galich invited him to their reign. This was opposed to Ryric Rostislavich Kiev. Not expensive with more related relations with the Mighty Zalessky Savolya (Snooch Ususlav Vsevolodovich - Behind the son Rostislav), he, together with Chernigov allies, forced Yaroslav to leave back. Soon the last of Pereyaslavl was knocked out by the troops of the Vsevolod of the Cherry, Grand Duke Chernigov.
After leaving the Father, Yaroslav, two years later, he participated in the war with Ryazan princes, after which he remained a governor in conquered Ryazan, where he failed to cope with the uprising. I had to resort to extreme measures, and as a result of the punitive raid, Vladimirtsev Ryazan was burned.
Soon, at the return of troops from the shores of Oki, Vsevolod sent his sons to a campaign to Novgorod, in order to prevent the vaults there Mstislava Mstislavich a remote (deleted). The trip ended with the negotiations, and the Novgorod residents have achieved - a good prince sat on the Novgorod table.
After the death of his father, Yaroslav, who received Pereyaslav Zalessky, was supported by Yuri in his graveston against Senior Brother Constantine. The fighting at first was conducted without a large fierce and intermitted by truce, while the bloody battle was not broken down by Rostov, somewhat sobering Vsevolodovich.
However, in the same in 1215, Mr. Veliky Novgorod called Yaroslav Vsevolodovich to the reign. Edit the new prince (together with the brother Svyatoslav) became unusually powerful and rigid, even severely, and in the material (fiscal) attitude he had been worse than his own subjects.
There were excitements that ended with the fact that the "head of the administration" - Posadan Yakov Zullomich - was arrested and, chained "in iron", sent to Tver. Of course, to stop after this in the Volnoye Novgorod, Yaroslav would hardly have managed, and he, coming out of the city, became in Torzhok, breaking the coverage of bread from the "lower land".
He began hunger. Twice Novgorod died for negotiations "the best husbands, but they just replenished the number of hostages sent to Pereyaslavl, where they were quite cool with them. It continued until Mstislav was performed on the side of the townspeople.
This conflict pretended to Vladimir's gravest. The famous commander, being in Novgorod, entered into an alliance with Konstantin and, having enlisted the support of militant brothers from Pskov and Smolensk, convened the Novgorod militia, who became the desire to count with Yaroslav. Vsevolodovichi in response was collected by a huge army, where, in addition to druzes and millenniums, the Uppervalzhya and Opolya entered the detachments of Murom Vassalov, as well as the steppe boards of half-rod - "sponsors", that is, Cossacks1. In addition to collecting a rural militia, it has not been practiced in these relatively calm edges for a very long time, even the kestops put into operation.
In March there were avant-gardes. Mstislavov Voorvod Yarun (at Kullet, he will also command the avant-garde of his prince), taking the town of Rzhevka, fell away from Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, after which it was a good time to take off the teeth and from here sent people to Yaroslav to Torzok, trying to agree on the world. That in arrogant and causing expressions rejected negotiations, starting to arrange on the road to Novgorod and even on the river hard impassable sites ("Ochinish Tver").
Novgorod residents offered to the princes another path to Tver, where Yarun distinguished himself again, defeating Yaroslavl "Watchman" (combat cooling). Then the Allies ruined all the upper Volga with the cities of Ksnyatin, Dubna and Shoshei. Connecting with Constantine, came to Pereyaslavly, but Yaroslav in the city did not turn out.
Finally, in mid-April 1216, the unable rati focused on hilly fields near Yuryev Polish, on the lipic river. Here gathered the color of the Russian man. As part of the squad, or, as recently, they began to say, "the courtyard" of Mstislava Goodbly was "the men of the workers of the bearer and grand hedgehogs, Yako Lions and Yako Bears, do not hear Bo in their wounds." Among them were distinguished "two brave, Dobrynya Golden belt Yes, Alexander Popovich with a servant Topop, glorious warriors" 2.
Such were our first nobles - "servants of the Parish". However, at the same time, as applied to the uncomfortable part of the "yard", in contrast to the Boyars, the ancient term "men" was again included.
Vladimir Princes became a camp at Avdova Mountain, a steep slope to the valley of the tunge stream. Behind the stream began the common Yurian Mountain. It was built on the battle of the regions of Novgorod, Rostovtsev, Smolyan and Pskovichi.
Noble Mstislav, to whom Konstantin gave way to the coalition, tried to graduate from the world, but received a sense of refusal. At the juicy ancient Russian ambassador, it was stated: "Far away and went out, Aki fish at dry." It is possible that these words belong to Yaroslav as the Boykom himself among the brothers. Nevertheless, Vsevolodovichi was not going to adopted. They surrounded their camp on the edges of the breakdown and stakes and refused to leave him. The features of the already specifically Russian (northeastern) military art began to manifest themselves here - the preference of defense at a fortified position of active attacking actions.
It also felt that among the brothers was not a volitional leader. Yuri was not suitable for this role, and Yaroslav did not pass by age. This circumstance, however, did not interfere with Suzdal Boyars in a drunken form to brag that they would cry for their opponents.
Cold, gloomy and rainy day April 20 trace in small skirmishes, skirmishes and moves. The coalition troops with small forces sluggishly attacked - rather, they were intelligence in battle: Mstislav Mstislavich felt weaknesses in the defense of the enemy, which later allowed him to make effective decisions.
The main blow was decided to inflict the detachments of Novgorod with the support of Smolyan on the right flank of Vsevolodovich, where they stood steaks of a consolidated regiment of Yaroslav. It was true and psychologically - to put against him Novgorod, who had grown up with the desire to take revenge on hunger, defeats, "offense" ambassadors. Mstislav briefly managed to turn the power of the enemy - the security of the position and the superiority in the number - in its weakness. Focusing the troops along the edges of the horseshoe cliff, and in the center there is a placement, Vsevolodovichi deprived themselves the possibilities of maneuver. Vladimir-Suzdal squads could now beat in turn, concentrating selected parts on the chosen direction.
The next morning, Mstislav, "Hanging the shelves", inspired them with a fiery speech. Novgorod, according to the customs of grandfathers, chose to go into battle. Draised and Smolyan. Overcoming the swampy, overgrown with a shrub of the valley of the stream, under the sort of arrows climbed the steep slope and hit Yaroslavl soldiers. They managed to slightly press Yaroslav from the edge of the mountain. One of the seventeen of his stags was shaken. However, Zaroslav's subordinate to Yaroslav, Muroms and Porodnikov continued to be desperately resist. The noise of the battle was broadcast far - in Yuryev, for a few verst from here, heard "the cry of living and the preyment".
Mstislav threatened to Mstislav's imagine to the Smolensk cavalry of Ivor Mikhailovich. At rough terrain, the cavalry could not use its advantages, only farther the regiment of Yaroslav. Fed one more stale. But it did not bring the welcome fracture. The battle acquired a protracted character. Then Mstislav led the best forces in the attack - his "courtyard".
Charactered into the steel "Brave", having passed on the bodies of Pereyaslav and Murom vigornikov, "Jallets as the ears of" Church of the militia. Mstislav Topor and Alexander Popovich sword did bloody seeks in their ranks and, faced near the enemy's ages, almost defeated each other. In the end, the regiment of Yaroslav could not stand and "away the shoulders", condemned to the extermination of the regiment of Yuri, Svyatoslav and Ivan Vsevolodovich, who continued to hold their positions.
The battle turned into beating. Captures did not take. Running sinks under swords and arrows, drowned wounded in the rivers. More than nine thousand of their sons lost Russia in that terrible day.
Vsevolodovichi fled from the battlefield in different directions. Yuri last a few hours was under the walls of Vladimir. Yaroslav, taped four horses, she fell into his Pereyaslavl and, burning revenge, ordered to grab Smolensk and Novgorod merchants. Many of them, abandoned in a close ullation, they suffocated there.
The winners came to Vladimir and put on Konstantin's father's table (Yuri went to the Volga, to a small town of radlis), after which they moved to Pereyaslavl, where Yaroslav tried to sit down, "still in anger and breathing anger." To save the lot from ruin, he had to travel to the eldest brother and ask him for forgiveness and protection against Mstislav. In front of the city broke the tents; Yaroslav, treated and gave "expensive guests." Mstislav, accepting gifts, sent people to the city, freed the surviving Novgorod and Smolyan and took the princess to Yaroslavl - her daughter. Yaroslav repeatedly died ("in the truth of the cross Obil"), I prayed to let me go at least by princess - in vain. For about three years, Mstislav did not return her husband, forcing Vsevolodovich to humble pride to humiliation. Pereyaslavl remained untouched mainly due to the intercession of Constantine.
Meanwhile, Novgorod handed over Estonian submitted to him one position after another, especially after leaving from there Mstislava remote. It was not enough for the fight against the Order4 of their own forces, and in 1221 Yaroslav again became the Novgorod Prince. That was, undoubtedly, already another, a lot of experienced and changed his mind. A new stage begins in his military and political career. The fate entrusted Yaroslav Vsevolodovich to lead the defenses of the North-Western Lights of the country against the expansion of Catholicism. Soon, upon arrival in Novgorod, he and a twenty thousandth army made a campaign and besieged Venden - the residence of Master Order. Take the stone castle failed - there was no need for this. I had to return - albeit with great prey.
Next year, a powerful anti-tolic uprising fasted throughout Estonia. In Novgorod sent mesmen with a request for help. The tog was hastily assembled and directed, but it turned out to be insufficient. The whole first half of 1223 passed in battles. The knights brothers were tested by the Baltic pagans and their Orthodox allies. Only by the end of August in Novgorod finally profits the grand permanent shelves, before that they probably went hiking on the rolling, but were prompted and therefore surviving. The combined army under the start of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich entered the limits of Estonia.
Yaroslav strengthened Garniszon Yuryev, took Odenpe - the most important Estonian fortress, who was already captured by the Order by that time. Initially, it was assumed to go to Riga - the residence of the bishop and the center of German influence in the Baltic States, but Ezelian ambassadors persuaded Novgorod to take root and end the Danes. Four weeks Russian army, carrying tangible losses from the kamnometov, was precipitated roof, but to no avail. Novgorod residents retreated: Yaroslav was too occupied by the situation that prevailed in Russia after the battle at Kalka, and he hurried home, throwing allies. Soon after return, he left Novgorod.
In winter, 1225 on Russia, just survived the Kalky catastrophe, got a new trouble. The force that has long been copied in the prime-old forests and no longer one decade who worried the most far-sighted Russian princes, finally splashed out. "Be Bo to Raint is great, I was not the beginning of the world," the Novgorod chronicler commented on the invasion of the Lithuanian Horde to the very center of Russia: riders in the animal skins on small skates rushed through deserted watersheds, rapidly covering huge distances. Having flooding the whole edge from Polotsk to Novgorod and Toroptz, they have already intercepted merchants on the roads near Smolensky!
From Pereyaslavl to the rescue, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich hurried to help. To hurt him, Novotorgers and part of the Novgorod residents. Lithuanians overtaken under conside. Those built in the battle order on the ice of the lake and had fierce resistance. Handing into the Lithuanian ranks, Vasily - Zasinoosha Yaroslav and Toropetsky Prince Davyd - Mustlaw's nephew is good. But the enemy was defeated. Litters of Lithuanians made up two thousand killed and prisoners. They were captured by their princes.
This victory, of course, very much raised the authority of Pereyaslav Prince. Novgorod again began to call him onto their table. Returning in 1226, Yaroslav immediately conceived a campaign to Riga in order to destroy Catholic influence in the Baltic States. However, it was not possible to implement this intent. A campaign to Riga, who has already done a noticeable mediation center of the Baltic trading, was not supported in Novgorod, nor in Pskov. The trade interests of not only boyar groups, but also wide merchant and handicraft layers, who, but also wide merchant and handicraft layers, suffered from wars.
Instead of Riga in the winter of 1227, Yaroslav led the Novgorod residents on the Emer - in the "Country of Mraka". Hiking to the ground Emi occasionally accounted for and earlier, but not in winter, according to the on-line layer of snow, Finnish forests, where "is not the same from the princes of Russians, it is not possible to be all the land of their spill." Russians got rich prey, and the threat of Karelia from Sweden was eliminated. Especially pleased the chronicler that "all zoodle groved."
Next year, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich rushed with Novgorod. Now - because of his desire to subordinate Pskov. Having left the city from the city, he left two sons here - Fyodor and Alexandra, he himself soon took part in the campaign of Yuri Vsevolodovich on Mordvo, after which he captured the wolves and, as in his youth, began to threaten the free city with hunger, throwing arrivals of ambassadors to the dungeon.
Meanwhile, the state of affairs in the Baltics made Novgorod residents once again apply for military assistance to the Pereyaslav prince as the strongest ruler and the experienced commander. There was practically no choice: the invitation of another candidate threatened the war not only with Yaroslav, but also with all Vladimir "Brother" and their vassals from Ryazan and Murom. In addition, the Chernihiv princes were all deeper in the South Russian political "mouse" around Galicia and the thorough duded Kiev, and Smolensk established so close trade relations with Riga, which as an ally against the Germans became dubious. In addition, Lithuania, which fastened every day and completely almost tortured the thoroughly, the extended Polotsk, took all the attention and strength from local princes. I ruined Lithuania and Novgorod volosts (in 1229 - Lobnia, Moraz, Seliger). Yaroslav was simply indispensable as the guarantor of the most powerful - Vladimir support in the fight against the Order and the young raging people.
So in 1230, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich again returned to the "City of his dreams".
The War of the Novgorod residents against the Order resumed in 1233. German knights, taking in 1224, Yuriev, and with him Eastern Estonia, were not going to stop on the achieved - captured the Izborsk, staged a raid on Tesovo near Novgorod. The prisoners were planted "in iron", requiring redemption for them. Pskovichi Izborsk returned and now burned with a desire to be up.
A year later, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich led his shelves from Pereyaslavl to Novgorod and, "co-joint", joined the mud. In this campaign, Alexander, future Nevsky, and his son, most likely participated. The army of Yaroslav faced German disloisions and stopped, without reaching Yuriev. The information received soon about the approaching enemy forced the Russians to advocate.
The battle occurred on the ice of the Embach River - "on the washy", under the walls of Yuryev-Dorptea. The "Great Pig" - a column of a heavy cavalry, who wake up in front of the Russians, "crushing" under the ice "and their extortose." The surviving teutons fled to the city and got in it. The Yaroslav did not starve the knights, did not seem to be the main danger at that time, and therefore the prince concluded the world with them "on the whole of his truth", forcing himself in humans and the region to pay the annual tribute, which symbolized the supreme power of Novgorod over Eastern Estonia.
In 1234, the Lithuanians attacked Rus and seized Posted, but were repulsed by the local feudal militia ("Gryba", "Floating") and armed merchants. Robing a nearby monastery, raiders retreated. Prince Yaroslav with horsemented Novgorod caught up with their "on Dubrovna", in Toropetskaya parish, and scattered, having lost ten people.
In 1236, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich at the request of Daniel Galitsky and Brother Yuri took the Kiev table and nominally became a great prince, without applying absolutely no effort to this. But, it seems, so he did not show himself in the south. Obviously, all his interests and addiction remained connected with Novgorod, where Alexander's son reigned for him.
With a lot of confidence, although not having direct instructions in the sources, we can assume that in February-March of the fateful 1237 yaroslav Vsevolodovich was in Novgorod and organized his defense in the Vladimir direction. Why did he responded to the call of his brother and did not help Yuriya either on the city or earlier? Apparently, to the Ryazan tragedy, Vladimir's great prince expected for his strength, and after the fall of Vladimir, Novgorod did not allow Yaroslav to dispose of the Zemsky militia. Assessing the invasion and realizing that the time to unite the forces was missed, they decided to defend their land in Novgorod to defend their land in the Seliger route. Going to the revenue of the trading and then meant to put on the fate of his fatherland. You can imagine how the dealerslav warriors were torn to protect (add to it that Tver was defended by one of the sons of Yaroslav, whose name is unknown, who died when taking a city in February), but the appearance in the "lower land" of the Novgorod forces in the conditions when the best Her troops have already been laid under Kolomna and in Vladimir, hardly anything would change. As a result, the cruel feasibility won.
Why did the Novgorod Prince not spoke to the rescue in December-January? Did not have time to return to Novgorod from Kiev? The "cleaned" and more than once-edited during the years of Tatar-Mongolian IGA chronicles do not tell us about the actions of Yaroslav - probably, from fear to compromise him in the eyes of the winner and Süster. One thing is undoubtedly one thing: any personal motives could not be decisive in this case. The relationship between Yaroslav and Yuri Vsevolodovichi, although they worsened in the thirties (it came to the open assist in 1232, however, without bloodshed), but not enough to prevent the Novgorod prince to help his stepfather in a godine of terrible trouble.
In the spring, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich returned to the ash region of a capital. The ruins of Vladimir were still dulled by thousands of corpses, and the first concern was to collect them and bury them. For the prince, the residents hung back through the forests. Castled axes on new buildings.
The passage turned out to be short. The next year the Lithuanians were again attacked, raving most of the principality and threatening Smolensk. Yaroslav rushed with all the cash inway and released the city, but at that time he fired with a huge bone with a huge bortstage - there was no one to repel the Tatar raid. From Oki, the Tatars moved to the lower klyazma, fire and sword walked along the surviving volathes to the east of Vladimir and took the Gorokhovets. The population was horrified, not thinking about resistance.
In 1243, Bati demanded Yaroslav Vsevolodovich to his new capital on the Volga. He arrived in the barn, and Konstantin's son had to be sent to Karakorum. The new Vladyka of the Russian Land met his Vassal with honor and graciously released, issuing a label to the Vladimir prince.
In 1245, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was forced to immediately go to the Horde. Now he himself had to go from the barn to the Far East. "Many Tomny" he survived there. Anti-Old Prince was an intrigue with the participation of his neighbor Boyarin Fyodor Yarunovich. In front of the departure, the prince took from the hands of Khanshi the bowl with poison and went back to the opposite way to the patient. On September 30, 1246, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich died on the road, "Put the soul for my other and for Russian land." His body was brought to Vladimir and buried in the Assumption Cathedral.
So the father and forerunner of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky lived and died.

1. The "Cossack" in Turkic means not only the "rider", "Warrior of Light Cavalry", but also "Broadcasting".
Given the contents of our chroniclers to write foreign-speaking terms in Russian, it can be assumed that the spontaneums called themselves in Kipchaksky - "Cossacks".
There is a well-founded hypothesis: spontaneums lived on the Danube, and their name itself means a man leading a water lifestyle. But in this case it is difficult to assume that the inhabitants of the Far South-West will be climbed so far - to the opposite edge of Russia. Probably, these were the inhabitants of the Middle Tip - the so-called scrambled egg.
2. Tver collection. Source of the XV century. PSRL. T.5. P. Here, at S.72, Dobrynya is called Ryazant, and with him also mentioned another outstanding warrior - Savely Dikun.
3. The so-called "Epinaminda principle": "uneven distribution of forces on the front", otherwise "massage of forces in the direction of the main strike".
4. The Order of the Swordsman. From 1188 to 1237, the "Brotherhood of Christ Milites Dei" was named "Fratris Milites Dei"). In the spring of 1237, united with the Prussian Order of the Virgin Mary called Teutonic. From the XVI century - Livonian Order.

2. Ancestors of Alexander Yaroslavlich Nevsky.

Father St. Alexandra - Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich - Son of Vsevoloda Great nest and grandson Yuri Dolgoruky - was a typical Sudal Prince. The appearance of the future Skopidomous Gatherers of the Earth - Moscow Princes has already been made in its image. Some features are especially bringing Yaroslav with his uncle Andrey Bogolyubsky. In their character and in all their image there is a blood, generic relationship. They both brighterly embodied the features of a kind.

Yuri Dolgoruky (? -1157) - Prince Suzdalsky from 1125, Grand Duke Kiev in 1149-1151, 1155-1157. Son Vladimir Monomakh. During his reign, the boundaries of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality occurred. Since the beginning of the 30s, fought for the South Pereyaslavl and Kiev, for which he received the nickname "Dolgoruky". Under Yuri, the Dolgoruk was first mentioned in the annals Moscow (1147). In 1156, he strengthened Moscow with new wooden walls and moat.

Vsevolod III Yuryevich Great Nest (1154-1212) - Son of Yuri Dolgoruky, grandson Vladimir Monomakh, Grandfather Alexander Nevsky Great Prince Vladimir from 1176. He received his nickname for a numerous family (eight sons, four daughters). Defeating the princes claimed to Vladimir, and Rostov boyars, opposed to strengthening his power, Vsevolod III confiscated their land and property. Actively fought for the strengthening of his power over the Russian lands, subordinated to Ryazan, Kiev, Chernigov. During his reign, the flowering of the culture of the Vladimir Principality continued.

Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich (1191-1246) Grand Prince Vladimirsky in 1238-1246, the third son of Vsevolod is a big nest. In 1200, he began to pronounce in Pereyaslavl South, took an active part in the struggle against the Polovtsy and the internecasters of South Russian princes. After the death of the father received the ownership of Pereyaslav Zalessky. In 20-30 years of the XIII century. Yaroslav II has repeatedly rejected in Novgorod a great, actively fought with his neighbors. In 1238, after the death of his brother, the Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri, Yaroslav was taken by the Vladimirsky Various Tatter in the battle with Tatars.

The main feature of the Suzdal princes was deep and indigenous piety. They deeply felt the beauty of church services, church singing and temple construction. Each of them left the temples that he loved strong love as his creation and as his gift to God.

Suzdal princes-hosts kept the land with a strong hand, and for many, this hand was heavy. They feel heavy, but the right thing knowing where she directs the steps. They knew how to humble and wait. But, waiting, they did not forget. They are distinguished not forgetfulness, sometimes evil. In their wars, they preferred to slow, tiring the enemy, use the rivers, river spills, cold. But, since unsubscribed in the victory, they walked decisively and became merciless to enemies. On most of the Suzdal Princes and, mostly, on Andrei and Yaroslav, there is a seal of slowness, gravity of a shattered look.

But this slowness was not indifference or apaticity. Under this restraint lies great passionism, great power. Andrei in his youth loved breaking into the most thick of the Sash and baked, not noticing that he was shot down with his helmet. All his life is passionland breakthroughs and ambition through the outer shell of excerpts. Flashes of unbridled nature and thwart it.

Yaroslav distinguishes the same passion. In his young years, he was completely given to her, went to Mstislava with Novgorod and her older brother, who did not listen to the arguments of his boyars and self-administratively rejected the proposal of the world. Lipetsk defeat and expulsion from the lotus served him a lesson for life. He became weathered and calcined.

A deeply believer, pious, stern and closed, with anger and mercy breakthroughs - the image of St. Alexander's father stands up before us.

About his mother - the princess of Feodosia - very little is known. The chronicles are contradictory, even in the instructions, whose she was a daughter. Her name is occasionally and briefly mentioned in the chronicle and is always only due to the name of her husband or son. Life calls her "blissful and wonderful." She had nine people of children. Through the lives of St. Alexandra, she passes quiet and humble, who gave himself to his female ministry.

3. Life and activity of Alexander Yaroslavlich Nevsky.

St. Alexander grows out of a kind. Instead of the stationary, slow severity of the character of the father and grandfathers in it there is clarity, lightness of the heart, the speed of thoughts and movements. But he inherited from them the seriousness of the view, restraint and ability to worry and hire their Duma in themselves. In all its activities, he is the successor of the Suzdal princes, none breaks the genital traditions, only by transforming them with the fragrance of his holiness.

Saint Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30th, 1219 in the fourth of his father - Pereyaslavl Zalessky.

Over the shift of the pipe in deep and wavy Pleasses Lake Pereyaslavl Belayls his stone cathedral of the transfiguration - the building of Yuri Dolgoruky - four-deeds with a heavy glamor on a thin drum, with high narrow windows, massive and heavy, but in which the future harness of Suzdal temples is already schoing. The city was surrounded by earthen trees and wooden walls. Behind the walls, the view was captured by a light circle of lakes, the kaima of worshed meadows and forests and armor, which were advancing on lowlands and swampy shores. The city on the hill stood Nikitsky Monastery. For three quarters of the century before the birth of St. Alexander Nevsky, Pereyaslavsky merchant Nikita, who had the wrong richness, redeemed in the created false and resentment, left the house and property and went to this monastery to save on the pillar. There he became famous under the name of Nikita Stalnnik.

Direct information about the childhood of St. Alexandra is very scarce. But the chronicles that plan the external milestones of his life, the story of living and the information about the upbringing of Princely restore the situation of his childhood.

Until three years old Alexander, like all the princes of his time, lived in Tereme, with Mother. In these years, it seems that there was a children's silence, density of the world. There were only princess chambers, the domestic life of the family and the church.

At the achievement of a three-year-old age over St. Alexander, a rite of tonsure was committed. After my prayer, the priest, and maybe himself, the bishop himself, the first time he climbs his hair, and his father, withdraw from the church, first planted on the horse. From this day, he was taken from Knyaginin Tereme and put on the care of the breadwinner or uncle - near boyar.

After the post, the upbringing began, which led the breadwinner. Education concluded two sides: learning a letter and writing on the Bible and Psalti and the development of strength, dexterity and courage. Prince of Sysman was taken to fish. From his horse he saw the clouds on the tours, deer and elk. Then, when he smashed, he was taught to lift with a horror bear from the age. It was a dangerous hunting. But ahead of Knyazhich was waiting for a dangerous life. Young princes early learned life with all its severity and rudeness. Sometimes six-year-old princely took a hike. Therefore, for them from the younger years, along with the games, the goodness of the church life and the silence of the terme, were the war, blood and murder.

That gradual cognition of life, which is committed during the childhood, has an indelible value for the entire subsequent human life. Mirosozenya begins to develop in childhood.

Two sides of Suzdal Life had to have a special impact on the production of young princes.

First, it was a church and church life. Princely rubbed the inner move communicated with the church. From the earliest years, the princes went daily to early lunch and all other church services. The whole life of the princely family was determined by the circle of worship. Church notpie was the main concern. All the beauty of life focused in the church. Therefore, for the young prince, the church was the first revelation of a different world, which was different from the whole of the surrounding life. "The church is soaked in the church" - this is characteristic of the entire ancient Russia, the feeling of the church was conscious of the consciousness from an early age. The entire external situation of the church is the beauty of the temple and icons, burning candles and lamps, the vestments, smoking Fimiam - was for the prince's most vivid impression of childhood.

Subsequent education did not destroy this first childhood impression. Knyazhich studied writing and literacy in the Bible and Psalter. He constantly heard the lives of saints. Ancient Russian writing indicates how much the biblical world was real for Russia. On the ancient icons, the events of the Old and New Testaments are depicted against the background of Russian cities and Russian nature. The same was the Russian worldview. There was no separation of life from the Bible. With the emergence of something incomprehensible and new, ancient Russia tried to find an explanation in Scripture. So, for example, it is unknown from where the Tatars who came to Russia were biblical peoples who came out of the "Efrovsky desert, their Hydameon" desert).

This wholeness of the church world has affected the views on the life and debt of Prince. The church was a measure of life. Many of the princes most rudely trampled church teachings. But nevertheless they had the church consciousness of good and evil. Ancient Russia did not create extincing values. The church was part of childhood as a higher value and so accompanied the person to his very death.

The second feature of the Suzdal life, imposing a mark on the prince from the younger years and gave him a special perception of the upcoming state activity and power to him, was the rapprochement of the princely courtyard with all the principality.

By the time St. Alexander Suzdal Spelling Princely Courtyard has already combined the farm and life of the Princely family with the management of the principality. The line between the state affairs and the deeds of the landowner-marker was already erased. Therefore, the princess, gradually leaving the closetness of the Terema on the Princely Courtyard, began to learn the life of not only the yard, but also the entire principality. For him, all the principality, with a boyars who were sitting on wakes and tyuses, seemed an expanded princely yard.

This first child perception to a certain extent remained for life. The princes developed a new one, for Kievan Rus, an unknown understanding of his power over the principality as over his economy and heritage. In them, a solid will to unique and to the tie of the earth, which so brightly manifested itself from the Moscow princes.

These two major influence of Suzdal Life imposed a strong imprint and in St. Alexander Nevsky. In all his life, he not only does not violate, but on the contrary, the Old Russian Suzdal Mirosoznaya is most pronounced and fully. And the beginning of this world rises to the first childhood in Pereyaslavl.

Life indicates the ability of St. Alexander, who manifested in childhood. He quickly learned to read and write, was addicted to reading and sitting on books. He was strong, cleft and beautiful. Therefore, in all games, on fishing, and then in war, he was always the first, as for reading the psaltiri.

Life tells that he was more serious, he was serious, did not like the games and preferred to them the Sacred Scripture. This damn stayed for his life. St. Alexander is a clever hunter, a brave warrior, a bogatyr for strength and addition. But at the same time there is a constant reference to inside. From the words of life it can be seen that this sharply distinguishing feature - the combination of two, it would seem that conflicting character traits - began to manifest themselves during early childhood.

But these childhood years in Pereyaslav were very brief. St. Alexander I had to go out early. The reason for this was the movement of him with his father from Pereyaslavl to Novgorod.

In 1220, Novgorod "Showing the way" to their prince Vsevolod Mstislavovich - the South Russian Prince - and sent Lords and Planting to the Great Prince Suzdal Yuri, the older brother Yaroslav, asking him about Prince. The Grand Duke sent his young son of Vsevolod to Novgorod.

The position of the young Suzdal Prince in Novgorod was very difficult. He had to simultaneously execute the orders of his father and get along with Novgorod. In addition, his Western neighbors rose from all sides to Novgorod. Tempired by the orders of the Father, the rebellion of Novgorod and the upcoming enemy, from which he had to defend Novgorod, Vsevolod came to despair. In 1220, in the winter at night, he secretly from Novgorods with all his yard and a friend ran away from Novgorod to Suzdal. In view of the events of the enemies, the flight of Vsevolod puzzled and seal the Novgorod residents. They should again ask themselves the prince from the strongest neighbor - the Grand Duke Suzdal. Their elders arrived at Yuri Vsevolodovich, saying: "It is not a key to hold our son's son, then give us your brother." Yuri agreed. In 1222, Yaroslav with the princesses of Feodosia, the sons of Feodor and St. Alexander and a friend came from Pereyaslavl to the Novgorod reign.

Novgorod Prince lived with his family and a friend not in Novgorod itself, but in the princess village of the town, in three versts from the walls of the city. This new situation of the settlement in which St. Alexander lived, a little differed from Pereyaslavl. The settlement was a piece of Suzdal Earth transferred to Novgorod. The prince was here the owner and managed in the village of his will, without asking Novgorod. He was surrounded by his yard and his squad. Therefore, the life of young princely walked on the old. Continued learning started in Pereyaslav; fishing in the forests, on MST and Lovati; Departures in Hunting villages and a mantis on numerous monasteries scattered around Novgorod: to the Holy Anthony of Roman, on Khutyn, to Sava, in Saint-Varvarinsky, in Perensky, in Saint-Yuryevsky, to Arkazhsky.

Still, moving to Novgorod was a big change in St. Alexander's life. In Pereyaslavl, the whole day was an extended princely yard. Leaving him, the prince everywhere was the owner. The princely yard was transferred to the parish, and the parish came to the princesses. Here, in Novgorod, the Suzdal Dvor ended outside the town and the other world, who lived in his own, begins, began. Life in the settlement was for the princely continuation of Suzdal Life, but heights to the city and sometimes the brown invasion of the city in the town and the very kind of rich and fierce Mr. Veliky Novgorod were deeply different from the Zalesski silence Pereyaslavl.

The reign of Yaroslav in Novgorod was restless. On the very first year, at his arrival, he went on a trip to Chud. Since then, the chronicle is pissed by the stories about his campaigns on Lithuania, on All and on Chud, on all sides of the victory in the Novgorod limits.

The gaps between the hike were filled with straightening with Novgorod. Only the war united Novgorod with his prince. The reign of Yaroslav in Novgorod itself was ambiguous. Forced to get along with Suzdalem and look for support from him, Novgorod suited to the reign of their enemies. For all the reign in Novgorod, Yaroslav never ceased to be a Suzdal Prince, who thought about the benefit of his land. He could not reconcile with the position of the temporary leader of Novgorod Rati. And his character itself, the domineering and steady, rebelled against the Novgorod peppervilia.

For seven years, Yaroslav left the Novgorod to Pereyaslav and returned to him four times. All these four departures and return took place almost the same. Yaroslav, angry at Novgorod, and his older brother Yuri began to press Novgorod from Suzdal. They detained the Novgorod caravans, have grabbed and stabbed the Novgorod merchants who came to Suzdal, and seized border Novgorod possessions, according to the chronicles, "there are many pamility pamility." (During Yaroslav Yuri's departure, Yuri tried to keep the son of Vsevolod in Novgorod. But Vsevolod was secretly taught in Suzdal, without having demolished the Novgorod rebellion. Then the angry Yury seized the Torzhok, demanding from Novgorod issuing permanent adjusts of anticorce rearmen. He sent them ambassador to the Terrible Caution : "Estate Yakima Ivankovich, gray Sovinich, Vyatka, Ivanta, Rablika; and whether they still do not give out, and I saw the horse Tfechi, but I will not give you a whale." But the Novgorod residents kissed the cross not to give anyone and die for St. Sophia. Then Yuri went A campaign on Torzhok and ruined the Novgorod regions.)

His arranged straightening of Novgorod with Suzdalell Lithuania, Chud and the swords began to make raids to Novgorod possessions. In these attacks, the Suzdal Party took the top and appealed to Suzdal for help. Yaroslav and during the quarrel with Novgorod, he considered himself a Novgorod prince. Novgorod was for him Russian land. Therefore, in the attack of Inrogen, he came with the Suzdal Low Reli, Nastaligi the enemy, chased him and returned to Novgorod. Delighted by the prince from enemies, Novgorod met him with joy and honor. Yaroslav was waging in a settlement. But only the world occurred, all the long-stayed resentment began to break into the outside.

In 1228, Yaroslav again quarreled with Novgorod and went in autumn with his princes to Pereyaslavl, leaving the sons in Novgorod with the boyar feodorm Danilovich and Tioune Akim.

So the nine-year-old Alexander remained with his brother alone without the support of his father among stolen Novgorod. Young princes could not rule themselves. For them, Tiuna ruled. But still, it was the first reign of St. Alexander together with his brother.

After all the time of his life in a settlement with his father and mother, St. Alexander gradually recognized Novgorod as a restless sea that needs to be curled. He saw a distinguished hatred of Suzdal squad and Chelyadi against Novgorod. Princes, catching sons to management, early took them to the court or evening. St. Alexander, probably, more than once saw fierce spores of the father in a dominal room with persistent, directly cutting the truth in the eyes, Novgorod boyars. He then began to recognize the plexuses of political intrigues - the struggle of adherents of the Suzdal authorities, on which Yaroslav was relied, with the South Russian Party. It was a difficult management school that could teach a lot.

Novgorod, who argued with a strong Yaroslav and who forced him to leave, was considered little with the princely tyuses left him. A long fight against the prince ended with the victory caused open rebellion in Novgorod against those who held the side of Yaroslav. Then Yaroslav left Novgorod.

On December 30, 1231, Yaroslav drove into Novgorod and in St. Sophia gave a promise - "Change of St. Virgin" - the Blisses of Novgorod liberty.

This time he did not stay in Novgorod and, having stayed there for two weeks for the device, in mid-January returned to Pereyaslavl, leaving his governors of Theodore and St. Alexander with boyars in Novgorod.

Young princes again found themselves in Novgorod between the will of the Father and the will of Novgorod, in that difficult position, which twice forced the young Vsevolod secretly to escape to Suzdal. But this time the reign was even harder: during these years, Novgorod and all of Russia visited one after another different misfortunes and troubles.

Much. Significantly less is aware of other campaigns of Alexander Nevsky against German, Swedish and Lithuanian feudalists. According to the storm chronicle information Academician B.A. Fishermen tried to restore the route of the polar campaign of Alexander Nevsky in 1256 from Novgord to Corgana, from Corgana on the ice of the Finnish bay on the Skiing in Finland, at the Finnish forests and frozen lakes, through the "Mountains impassable" in "...

Russians from the obligation to supply the Tatars auxiliary army. It would be hard to fight for the Tatars, shed your blood for their worst enemies! .. vi. The death of Alexander Nevsky and his role in the history of Russia: Alexander returned from Horde to the patient. His strong health was adapted by constant anxieties and works. With difficulty, barely witched, he continued his way. He reached the town. ...

The first prince in the Russian land, Rurik, who came from German.
Rurik gave birth to Igor.
Igor gave birth to Svyatoslav, who walked to the Tsaruygrad Rady.
Svyatoslav gave birth to Vladimir the Great, who baptized the whole Russian land.
Vladimir gave birth to Yaroslav, his gram in Veliky Novgorod.
Yaroslav gave birth to Vsevolod.
Vsevolod gave birth to Vladimir ... Monomakh.
Monomah gave birth to Yuri.
Yuri gave birth to Vsevolod a big nest.
Vsevolod gave birth to Yaroslav.
Yaroslav gave birth to the great Alexander Brave.
Alexander gave birth to Danil Moscow.
Danil gave birth to Ivan, who corrected the Russian land from Tata and from the robbers.
Ivan gave birth ... Ivan.
Ivan gave birth to Dmitry.
Dmitry gave birth to Vasily.
Vasily gave birth to Vasily.

(24. p. 465)

This source of the princes Rurikovich is obvious, in the imitation of the evangelical genealogy of Jesus Christ ( MF. 1: 1-16.) - It was drawn up in Novgorod in the second quarter of the XV century (the latest in the list was mentioned by the Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich Dark, Rule in 1425-1462, with interruptions). Prince Alexander "Brave", or Alexander Nevsky, as they will call him later, takes a central, key place in this list. And this is true: he, a direct heir to the Great Kiev Princes - the Baptist of Russia Vladimir Saint, Yaroslav Wise and others, became the ancestor of the great princes of Moscow, the rulers of the new, Moscow Rus. But first - about his great ancestors.

Praded Alexander, Prince Yuri Vladimirovich, who received a nickname Dolgoruky, one of the younger sons of the famous Vladimir Monomakh, entered the story as the authentic founder of the Suzdal Principality, who became one of the strongest in Russian land. Builder of Moscow, as well as many other cities - Pereyaslavl-Zalessky (Motherland Alexander Nevsky), Yuryev-Polish, Dmitrov, Prince Yuri Vladimirovich, until the end of his life, was not satisfied with his father from his father and sought to take possession of so many Kiev, to recreate Kiev The throne. (It is this desire to distant from him Kiev Yuri, as they believed, and shall be obliged to his nickname.) He took it into one, then to another coalition of the princes, constantly fought with his recent allies, willingly led Polovtsev to Russia - in a word, he behaved like this As many other Russian princes of that time, only maybe acted more vigorously. In 1135, Yuri even abandoned the Suzdal principality for the sake of Pereyaslavl South (near Kiev), but soon returned to Suzdal. His relationships with Novgorod were unstable, where Yury sometimes managed to put on the reign of his sons - first the older, Rostislav (in 1138/39 and 1141/42), and then Mstislava (in 1155-1157).

From 1146, a long-term war of Yuri was started with his nephew Izyaslav Mstislavich, a representative of the senior line of the Prince of Monomashic, who made the Grand Duke of Kiev this year. Twice along the war, Yuri managed to master Kiev, but both times not long (the end of August 1149 - Spring 1150 and the end of August 1150 - March 1151). Only after the death of Izyaslav (November 13, 1154), as well as the older brother Yuri Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (December 1154th or beginning of January 1155) Yuri seized Kiev, driven from him Chernigov Prince Iaslav Davydovich (March 20, 1155). He distributed his sons to the neighbor to Kiev of the city - Vyshgorod, Pereyaslavl South and others. However, its position in Kiev remained unstable. In 1156, Yuri made an unsuccessful campaign against Volyn against the son of Iaslav Mstislavich Mstislav. The southern outskirts of the Kiev land were attacked by Polovtsy, with whom Yuri did not manage to agree on the world. In 1157, Novgorod people expelled the son of Yuri. In the spring of the same year there was a strong coalition of princes directed against him; In this coalition, Izyaslav Davydovich Chernigovsky, as well as the nephew of Yuri Rostislav Mstislavich Smolensky and Mstislav Iaslavivich. During the preparation for the new big war, Yuri suddenly fell ill and died suddenly on May 15. It is believed that he was poisoned by the Kievans, because on the eve of his illness, Petrila was dressed and, according to the chronicler, "on the same day, for the night, he was painful" (39. STB. 489). On the day of his funeral (May 16), riots began in Kiev: the princely palaces were defeated, and many szdals who came to Kiev were robbed and killed together with the prince.

Yuri left behind nine sons: Andrei, Boris, Gleb, Mstislava, Vasilka, Yaroslav, Mikhail, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod. (Two senior, Rostislav and Ivan, died in his life.) He died the Grand Duke of Kiev, fulfilling the dream of life, but his sons - and above all the most outstanding of them, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, - they refused the claims to Kiev, more worrying about Princess, strengthening and embellishing it. It was during the reign of Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) the Suzdal principality turned into a strongest in Russian land. The capital of the Principality Andrei made a slight before that Vladimir (on the Klyazma River), and not more ancient Suzdal or Rostov.

Grandfather Alexander Nevsky, Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich (in the baptism of Dmitry), who received a large nest on the numerous offspring of his offspring, was the younger son of Yuri Dolgoruky (he was born in 1154). Around 1161, Vsevolod, together with other brothers and mother, the second wife of Yuri Dolgoruky (presumably, Grechanka), was expelled by Andrey from Vladimir-Suzdal Land and lived for a while in Byzantium. Then he returned to Rus and from 1169 he took part in the wars, who led Andrei and other brothers. During the short time (the beginning of spring 1172 or 1173), Vsevolod, the printed in Kiev, planted there with an all-powerful Andrey. After the death of Andrey Bogolyubsky (June 29, 1174), Vsevolod took part in the civil war, which began in the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality; He fought on the side of his brother Mikhail (Mikhalka) against nephews - the older grandchildren of Yuri Dolgoruky Mstislav and Yaropolk Rostyslavich. The war ended in June 1175 by the victory of Mikhail. A year later, on June 20, 1176, Mikhail died, and the residents of Vladimir proclaimed Vsevolod to their prince. Then the War against Vsevolod began the Rostovtsy, inviting Rostislavich to the reign of Mstislav. On June 27, the Battle of Yuryev-Polish occurred, in which Vsevolod won a decisive victory.

During his 37-year-old replacement, Vsevolod became the strongest prince in all of Russia. He undolocked in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, subjugated to his influence Novgorod; Ryazan and Murom princes were dependent on him. Vsevolod firmly held in his hands Pereyaslav South and thereby influenced the events that took place in Kiev. Vsevolod's authority was recognized in all Russian society. "The Grand Prince in Vsevolod! - his contemporary was mentally addressed to him, the author of the brilliant "word about the regiment of Igor." - ... You are more than a Volga in the oral swallow (spill. - A.K.), and don oloma to clutch (delete. - A.K.) "(68. P. 60). The author of the Lavrentievsky chronicle dedicated to him such an enthusiastic praise:

Many courage and keenness revealed in the battles, decorated with all virtues, evil execution, and prudent Miluya: For the prince is not a fishing sword wearing, but in the ignition of the villains and in the praise makes good. From one name, all countries fluttered him, and across the land was rumored about him, and all the malfaction gave him to him in his hands, because he did not undertake, did not exalted himself, but he kept his hopes on God, and God conquered him under his feet His enemies ... Therefore, he gave him the God of children of prudent, which was brought up in rigor, the true image of thoughts, up to the distress ...

(38. STB. 436-437)

The Grand Duke Vsevolod Yuryevich erected a lot of churches and monasteries: both in the capital Vladimir, and in other cities of their principality. Among them, the famous Dmitrovsky Cathedral, decorated with excellent carvings, as well as the Nativity Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who took the first place among all monasteries of Northeast Russia. The time will pass, and the grandson of Vsevolod will be buried in this monastery, the Grand Prince Vladimir Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky will be buried.

Vsevolod died on April 13, 1212 and was buried in the main temple of Vladimir - the Belokamenn Assumption Cathedral.

And they cried on him the sons of his crying great, and all the boyars and men, and the whole earth volost ...

(38. STB. 437)

All the children of Prince Vsevolod Yurevich appeared in the world in one marriage - with the princess of Maria, by the origin of "Yasnya", that is, Ossetian. Maria died on March 19, 1205, having lacquered for this seven years in illness and adopting a tonsure a few days before death. She also left a marked mark in the history of the city of Vladimir, founding the women's monastery in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the so-called Prinigenin); Many representatives of the female half of the grandparent family will be buried in this monastery, including the spouse and daughter of Prince Alexander Nevsky. After the death of the first wife, Vsevolod married once again - on the daughter of the Vitebsky Prince Vasilka, but this short marriage turned out to be childless.

In total, Vsevolod had eight sons: Konstantin, Boris (deceased at the life of the father), Yuri, Yaroslav, Gleb, Vladimir, Ivan and Svyatoslav, as well as four daughters. Despite the fact that all sons were born from one mother, the sources are not detected by special cohesion between them.

So, almost immediately after the death of Vsevolod, a civil war began between the brothers, which protracted for several years. The origins of the hosts of the brothers are primarily the eldest, Constantine, on the one hand, and Yuri and Yaroslav, on the other hand, go to the last years of life of Vsevolod: Shortly before the death, he made a will, according to which the Grand Diction and the city of Vladimir must go to his eldest son Konstantin, who was contacted then in Rostov, Rostov went out to Yuri. Konstantin did not agree with this and demanded both cities. An angry Vsevolod changed the will: Now Yuri had to get Vladimir and the Grand Diction, and Konstantin remained Rostov. This decision of the Father arranged even less Constantine. He was not present at his father's fourth in Vladimir and rejected the proposal of Yuri to change with him by reigns. Konstantin himself wanted to sit in Vladimir, Yury offered Suzdal, and his sons should have printed in Rostov.

Until 1216, in the war between the brothers, an unstable balance was maintained, which was violated by the intervention of the strong Novgorod Prince Mstislav Mstislavich Toropetsky, novelly (that is, lucky). The latter, together with his own parents, the descendants of Prince Rostislav Mstislavich Smolensky, spoke in support of Constantine. On April 21, 1216, Konstantin's troops, Mstislav and their allies of the head crushed Yuri and Yaroslav on the Lipica River, near Yuryev-Polish. Yuri was forced to give in Konstantin Vladimir and Suzdal, having received insignificant radar devils in return on the Volga. The following year, the brothers concluded a new agreement: Konstantin returned Yuri Suzdal and bequeathed after his death Vladimir and the Grand Diction; Rostov became the hereditary possession of Konstantin and his descendants. After the death of Konstantin (February 2, 1218), Yuri secondly became the Grand Duke Vladimirsky and remained to them before his tragic death on the City River on March 4, 1238.

Prince Yaroslav (in the baptism of Fedor) Vsevolodovich, Father Alexander Nevsky, received from the father to possession of the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, who has become one of the main cities in Northeast Russia from this time. He showed himself a very energetic and active prince, although not all his actions, especially at the beginning of his independent political career, cause the approval of the chronicles and later historians.

Yaroslav was born on February 8, 1190. In 1200, his father sent him to the reign in South Pereyaslavl, where Yaroslav remained until 1206, when he was expelled from the city of Knyazem Vsevolod, Svyatoslavikh Smemny (from the genus Chernihiv princes). Subsequently, before the death of the father - he has repeatedly tried to take the princely tables in different cities, for example, in Galich and Ryazan, but whenever unsuccessful. In the civil war 1212-1216, Yaroslav played a prominent role, actively supporting his brother Yuri, with whom was very friendly. In 1212 and 1213, the brothers performed twice to Rostov against Constantine, but both times did not reach direct military collision and ended in a truce. At the beginning of 1215, the prince of Mstislav Mstislavich Toropetsky, Novgorod, "a lot of gadavesha" left from Novgorod to South Rus, suggested the reign of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Maybe it was promoted by related relations established between Mstislav and Yaroslav: in 1213, the Pereyaslav Prince married the Princess Rostislava, the daughter of Mstislava is good. (Rostislav Mstislavna was not the first wife of Yaroslav. Back in 1206, he married Polovtsy Princess, the daughter of Polovtsy Khan Yuri Konchakovich, but this childless marriage was short-lived.)

So, the father of Alexander Nevsky for the first time became the Novgorod Prince. However, he almost immediately laughed with Novgorod boyars, and, most importantly, with his test, Prince Mustislav Mstislavich. Yaroslav grabbed in Novgorod many supporters of Mstislava and sent them into imprisonment to Tver, and himself, feeling a detrimental attitude towards himself, left Novgorod in Torzhok and installed the trade and food blockade of the city, in which the cruel hunger began due to the incidentally .

From the Novgorod first chronicle of older

The same autumn has a lot of evil: broke a frost harvest by parish, and everything survived on Torzhok. And took the prince all the bread in Torzhok, did not let into the city or the war; and sent to the prince of Semyon Borisovich, Vyacheslav Klymytich, Yakuna, and those grabbed; And whom they sent, all the prince enough. And in Novgorod, evil was a big one: I bought Rya for 10 hryvnias, and OUTS 3 hryvnia, and WHO turnips of 2 hryvnias; Shot people pine bark, and leaf linden, and moss. Oh, the grief was then, the brothers: their children were sold, and put the Scandesman, and all her was filled ... at a bargaining the corpses, through the streets of the corpses, in the body of the corpses, so that the dogs could not eat all ... and so Our sins, depletion of our parish and our city. The Novgorod residents, survivors, sent landing Yuri Ivanovich and Stepan Tverdislavich and other husbands to Prince; And he grabbed them and sent to Novgorod Ivor and Chaponos, brought his princess to himself, the daughter of Mstislavov; And then sent [Novgorodians] Manuil Yagolchevich with the last speech: "Go to my stepfast, to the Hagia Sophia, and not go, so tell us." Yaroslav and those did not let go, and merchants Novgorod all grabbed. And were in Novgorod sadness and scream ...

(24. p. 54)

In February 1216, Mstislav has returned to Novgorod, arrested the governor of Yaroslav and all his servants. An attempt to settle the sorry by the world was not crowned with success, Yaroslav refused negotiations. The war began between the test and the son-in-law, in which many other Russian princes were very soon involved, including the Brothers Yaroslav Yuri and Konstantin, were still engaged in each other. Despite the fact that Yaroslav, Yuri and Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich who joined them had obvious superiority in the power, war, as mentioned above, ended with their catastrophic defeat. According to the testimony of sources, 9,233 people died in the Lipick Battle of Yuri and Yaroslav, while their opponents lost only 6 people.

The behavior of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich himself during Lipitsky, and especially after him, at least, in the presentation of the Smolensky and Novgorod chronicles hostile to him - does not cause the shadows of sympathy. Together with his regiment, he first fled from the battlefield and at the same time so hurry that he drove the four horses on the way to Pereyaslavly.

And it was not enough for him to be the first evil, he did not rush to human blood, beating many people in Novgorod, and in Torzhok, and on the hair, but also here, fighting [in the city], grabbed Novgorod and Smolyan, which they came to the land of trade affairs , and commanded all that neither Novgorod residents to throw in the cellars, and others in the Gridnitsa, and here suffocated in a variety; And others have led to locate in a close hut, where their congestion suffered. And Smolyan 15 people locked separately, those everyone remained alive.

When the Allied Princes approached Pereyaslavly (by that time, Yuri had already capitulated and Konstantin occupied Vladimir), Yaroslav, "Come to confusion, began to send people to them, praying for the world." Then he left the city himself and hit his older brother Konstantin, begging himself not to give it to the test.

Konstantin also reconciled Mstislav with Yaroslav, son-in-law, and reconciled, not reaching Pereyaslavl ... Yaroslav knew and princes, and Novgorod residents are great. And Mstislav, without entering the city, took the gifts and, sent to the city, took his daughter, Wife Yaroslav, and those Novgorod, that they were alive and that were with Yaroslav in the regiment, and left for the city. Yaroslav has sent a moggy to Mstislav with a prayer, asking him to return him to him ... Mstislav did not let her daughter for him. And, standing around the night, the princes diverged: Konstantin went to Vladimir, and Mstislav to Novgorod ...

(40. P. 194-197)

Yaroslav retained the Pereyaslav Principality. As for his negotiations with the test of the spouse, the princes of Rostislav Mstislavna, then the chronicles do not return to this plot, and therefore we do not know how soon Rostislava returned to her husband, and, and, strictly, whether she returned to him at all. Meanwhile, this issue seems to be extremely important for us, because we are talking about the origin of the mother of Alexander Nevsky.

The lives of the Holy and Blessed Great Prince Alexander calls only the baptismal name of his mother - Feodosia. Most historians, however, believe that we are talking about the second spouse Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Princess Rostislava Mstislavna. Probably her father, the father-in-law of Yaroslav Mstislav, nevertheless could not forcibly separate the spouses connected by church marriage, and after the time Rostislav returned to her husband. However, another point of view was expressed in the literature, based on the testimony of late pedigree books. According to him, the mother of Alexander Nevsky and all other sons of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich could be a certain third spouse of Prince, perhaps the daughter of Ryazan Prince Igor Glebovich († before 1195) and the sister of Prince Yuri Igorevich (who took the Ryazan table earlier than 1237): Presumably, the prince joined It was married in 1218, after he broke up with Rostislav Mstislavnaya. This hypothesis has undergoing certain bases and also finds its supporters. Therefore, it is necessary to state that the question of the origin of Mother Alexander Nevsky still remains open and whom she was, we, strictly speaking, do not know exactly.

The firstborn of Yaroslav Fedor was born in 1219th or early 1220, and from that time the spouse regularly brought her husband a healthy and full offspring. In total, Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was eight or nine sons: Fedor, Alexander, Andrey, Konstantin, Yaroslav (in the baptism of Athanasius), Daniel, Mikhail, Vasily and, probably, unknown to us named during Batueva invasion in 1238 year in Tver; As well as two daughters - Maria and one more, unknown by name.

Late editors of Alexander's lives are characterized by Princess Feodosia as a woman "Blessed and Wonderful", fully dedicated to his spouse and children. She died in 1244 in Novgorod, adopting a break with the name of Euphrosynia in the Novgorod Monastery in Novgorod, where he was buried.

About the grandfather Alexander Nevsky for Mother, Prince Mstislava Mstislavich Toropetsk (if, of course, it is true that it was his daughter who was the mother of all the sons of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich), we already talked a little. Like its father, the Smolensky and Novgorod prince, Mstislav Rostislavich Herbrome (T 1180), Mstislav Udatnaya became famous primarily as a wonderful commander and fearless warrior. During his reign in Novgorod (1208 - Winter 1214/15 and February 11, 1216 - July 1217), he committed several successful trips to the Baltic States, to some extent anticipating future campaigns of his son-in-law Yaroslav and the grandson of Alexander: to the Estonian fortress of the bear head ( Odea) in 1210, "Through the land of the wish to the sea" in 1212, in Riga in 1216th and others. In the summer of 1212, on the call of his parents, Rostislavlich grandchildren, Mstislav, together with Novgorod, spoke to Kiev, against Prince Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Cherry, and won a complete victory, as a result of which Kiev took his cousin Mstislav Romanovich. Twice Mstislav, a good won Galich, begging from him Hungarian troops: in 1218 and 1221; After the second victory, he remained on the Galician throne for six years.

Prince Mstislav Mstislavich was married to the Polivotsky Princess, the daughter of Polovtsy Khan Kotyan. At the request of the test, he called on the princes of South Rus to oppose Mongols, first invaded in South Russian Steppes in 1223. In the unfortunate battle on the river Kalka Mstislav Galitsky survived (unlike his cousin Mstislav Romanovich Kiev and Mstislav Svyatoslavich Chernigovsky), However, the chronicles are called the main culprit of failure: Mstislav, along with his son-in-law, Prince Daniel Romanovich, entered the battle, without saying anything about the two other Mstislavam, "envy for the sake of happening, Be Bo Kotor (dressed. - A.K.) Great in between Ima "( 39. STB. 743.); The inconsistency of the actions of the princes, as well as the inconsistency of the Allied Polovtsy and led to a catastrophe.

Subsequently, Mstislav gave way to another his son-in-law - Hungarian King Andrew (he later regretted), and he himself had to pronomize in Tescheko, the city on the Rose River, in the subnet. He died in 1228, in the way, heading towards Kiev, and, according to the evidence of the chronicles, he accepted before his death to the monota rank and schima (43. P. 94).

Such were the ancestors of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich. Like any prince, he had to continue their politics. But fate voted him to rule Russia in completely different conditions, in the era of terrible, nothing with the comparable ruin of the whole Russian land.


In the original erroneous: "Vsevolod Roma Volodimer. Volodimer is the birth of Monomakh. "

In the original erroneous: "Ivan the parents of Sememon (proud. - A.K.). Sememon Rogue Ivan. "

In another list of the same "genealogy", the list of princes ends with the son of Prince Dmitry Donskoy Yury, Prince Galichsky and Zvenigorodsky († 1434), which in Novgorod recognized the Grand Prince instead of his nephew, the grandson of Dmitry Don Vasily (Future Dark) (24. p. 560 -561).

However, the information of the sources will differ on this score. Yasnya native sister of Princess Mary, "Variety", that is, the Sobyachnyets, Vsevolod, a big nest, married in 1183 for Prince Mstislava Svyatoslavich (39. STB. 624-625). In a different way, the article "A CE Prince of Russia" is reported, reading in the same manuscript as the Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie (XV century): According to this source, "Princess Voslevight" Maria was the daughter of Czech Prince Schwarna (24. p. 468 ). Perhaps the source of this message served as an inscription in the tomb of Princess Mary (in the monocurity of Martha) in the Vladimir Assumption Princess Monastery. There is another point of view, according to which Mary was the daughter of Russian Boyarin Schwarna (108. P. 368-381).

The news of this marriage is contained in the only source - the chronicler Pereyaslavlvalvalvalvsky (actually the court chipper of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich): "In summer 6722 (1213). The bridge of Rostislav from Noovagoda, the degree of Mistislavl Māstislavich, for Yaroslav, the son of the Grand Duke Vsevolod, in Pereyaslavl Sudaly, "(53. P. 131). The year in this chronicle article is marked according to ultraphartov style (83. P. 103; 102. P. 74).

Scandard - fraternal, general grave.

The indications of the chronicles on this score, of course, differ. The above digits are contained in the most complete description of the Lipick's battle in the Novgorod fourth and Sofia first chronicles (40. S. 193; 41. P. 270-271). According to the later Nikonovsky chronicle, 17,200 people were killed at Yuri and Yaroslav, "except for the pawns", and Mstislav, Konstantin and their allies - 550, "except for the pawnts" (43. P. 75). In the "History of the Russian" V.N. Tatishchev - respectively, 17 250 and 2550 people (70. P. 198).

In addition to the testimony of pedigrees, the author of this hypothesis N.A. Baumgarten (79. P. 21-23) referred to the fact that, according to the chronicles in the winter of 1250/51, the son of Yaroslav Andrei married the daughter of Prince Daniel Romanovich Galitsky (38. Stb. 472), which, in turn, was married On the daughter of Mstislav Mstislavich good. It turns out that Andrei married a cousin (according to the mother) that a blatant contradicted church canons. In addition, the Chronicles of 1232 Shurin Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, a certain Yuri, who this year Yaroslav put on the reign in Pskov (23. P. 72); Of all those who are known at the time, the chronicles of Yuriyev are suitable for this role only by Ryazan Prince Yuri Igorevich, who until 1237 did not have his own lot. It turns out that the chronicle of the news of 1232 confirms the information of the later genealogians. However, V.A. Kuchkin in a special article dedicated to the origin of Mother Alexander Nevsky (102. P. 71-80), showed that Hypothesis N.A. Baumgarten has no stringent evidence. In particular, the sources are not known about the existence of the daughter of Prince Igor Glebovich, and the testimony of the sources of the XVIII century looks confused and contradictory ones. As for Shurin Yaroslav Yuri, it is not necessary to identify it with any of the princes whose names are known to us. So, in the chronicles are not mentioned by the Son of Mstislav successful, "shy" Prince Daniel Galitsky (and therefore Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Yaroslav Vsevolodovich?), Who did not have to start the 1930s of the XIII century of their devices (39. STB. 766); One of them could be identified with the very Yuri, whom Yaroslav put on the reign in Pskov. Main Argument N.A. Baumgarten - about the non-canonicity of Marriage Andrei Yaroslavich with Daniel Galitsky's daughter (if we recognize the mother of Andrei Rostislav Mstislavna) - undoubtedly, it remains its strength, but perhaps you can agree that the political feasibility could force the princes to conclude a dynasty union contrary to church canons. At the same time, Arguments V.A. Kuchkina does not take doubts about the possibility of a new marriage of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. So, we are too little known about the life of Mother Alexander Nevsky to do some conclusions about her origin; The fact of her burial in Novgorod, where her son contacted, of course, cannot serve as a testimony in favor of her belonging to the genus Mstislava of a successful associated with this city. Arrival Alexander Wedding Peter in Toroptz in 1239 (24. P. 77) that V.A. Kuchkin considers the most important argument in favor of identifying Mother Alexander with Princess Rostislav Mstislavnaya, is also not necessarily associated with the former reign in this city of Mstislava. The city of Toropets, the most important and nearest point in the Novgorod on the border of Smolensk Land, is mentioned in the annals primarily in connection with the danger of Lithuanian raids. Considering that in the same 1239, Alexander Yaroslav's father made a campaign against Smolensk against Lithuanians, took the city and planted in him to the reign of his ally of Vsevolod Mstislavich (38. STB. 469), and also, in many respects, the Lithuanian threat is explained by Alexander Union with Polotsk, fastened by his marriage with the daughter of Polotsk Prince Bryachcholava, the statement of Alexander in Toroptz can be explained and without resorting to the analysis of his related ties of the mother. The impossibility of the third marriage for Yaroslav, to which V.A. Kuchkin also draws special attention, it seems imaginary. Especially since the prince in any case was married at least three times: after the death of Princess Feodosia in 1244, Carpini's plan (under 1246) mentions his wife, not known to Russian sources (32. P. 84). History generally shows that the church ban on the third marriage could be bypassed very easily (it seems much easier than marriage with a close relative).