On April 20, 2017, at the age of 84, after a serious and long illness, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, entomologist, sociobiologist, full member of the Academy died humanities, Chairman of the Ural Branch of the Russian Entomological Society Yuri Ivanovich Novozhenov.

Yuri Ivanovich lived a long, fruitful, creative life. After graduation Ural University in 1956 he worked in the Ilmensky Nature Reserve, then studied at the graduate school of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. After defending his Ph.D. thesis in 1963, he went to work in the laboratory of population ecology of vertebrate animals at the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the USSR Federal Academy of Sciences. From 1971 to 1986 he headed the Department of Zoology of Sverdlovsk pedagogical institute. In 1974 he successfully defended doctoral dissertation“A population is an elementary chorogenetic unit of evolution, its variability and boundaries.” From 1986 to 2001 he headed the Department of Zoology at Ural University. Yu.I. Novozhenov was awarded the N.V. medal. Timofeev-Resovsky and badge"Honorary worker of the highest vocational education RF". Yu.I. Novozhenov is a member of the International Society of Human Ethology and the founder of the Institute of Man at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Yu.I. Novozhenov is the author of more than 200 published works, including 10 monographs on zoology, ecology, population genetics, phenetics, polymorphism, evolution, and sociobiology. For a series of articles on environmental geopolitics and sociobiology, he was awarded the 1st Governor's Prize Sverdlovsk region in 1999

Professionalism Yu.I. Novozhenov as a scientist and teacher, discipline, dignity, hard work, dedication to the University, attentive attitude towards students - have always been an example to follow and evoke deep respect from colleagues and students.

Yuri Ivanovich Novozhenov(b. 10/24/1933, Sverdlovsk). Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Ural University, full member of the Academy of Humanities, student of N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky. Region scientific interests: entomology, population ecology, genetics, microevolution, polymorphism, human evolution, sociobiology. Has over 200 publications.

Brief biographical information:

Born on October 24, 1933 in Sverdlovsk. Graduated from the Ural State University. A.M. Gorky in 1956, majoring in zoology. From 1956 to 1959, junior researcher at the Ilmen State Reserve of the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Miass). Since 1959, postgraduate student at the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1965 he defended his thesis “Insects – pests of larch in the Urals and their role in the history of the development and renewal of this species.”

From 1963 to 1971, junior researcher at the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1974 he defended his doctoral dissertation “Population – the elementary chorogenetic unit of evolution, its variability and boundaries.”

From 1971 to 1986 he worked as head of the Department of Zoology of the Faculty of Geography and Biology of the Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute.

From 1986 to 1996, he headed the Department of Zoology at the Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky. From 1977 to the present, professor at the Department of Zoology at Ural State University.

Membership in scientific societies:

Chairman of the Ural branch of the Russian Entomological Society since 1983. Member of the International Society of Human Ethology (Int. Soc. For Human Ethology).

Teaching activities:

From 1963 to present.


Theory of evolution, Sociobiology, Ecology, Genetics.

Area of ​​scientific interests:

Entomology, population genetics, polymorphism, sociobiology, environmental geopolitics.

Major achievements:

  • The reasons for the poor regeneration of larch in the Urals have been clarified. More than 100 species of pests of all larch tissues, especially its generative organs, have been discovered.
  • For the first time, population boundaries in nature have been discovered in insects across the entire range of the species using polymorphism.
  • The evolutionary significance of polymorphism and its role in speciation have been clarified.
  • The role of selection and genetic drift in the formation of the population gene pool and phenotype has been established, using the May Khrushchev as an example.
  • The role of population dynamics in changes in the coefficients of variation of a number of traits and the effect different forms selection at different stages of mass reproduction of insects. The obtained facts contradict generally accepted ideas about the connection between forms of selection and population dynamics.
  • For more than 40 years, the dynamics of chronographic variability in a number of insect populations and the relationship between the sexual and genetic structure of the population have been traced.
  • The concept of interpopulation selection and the concept of population as a systemic unit of selection were created. Eight interacting population structures have been identified.
  • An idea of ​​the polytypic capacity of the species has been developed.
  • Geographical variability of polymorphism was studied. For a number of insect species, differences between central and peripheral populations have been established.
  • The program was published and the course “Human Biology” or “Sociobiology” was taught for the first time in 1980. Since then every year new course read at the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute and since 1986 at the Ural University.
  • A biological concept of human origin was created (as opposed to social theory Engels).
  • The concept of human phyletic evolution was created and the features of human evolution at the present stage were studied.
  • The main paradigms and priorities of sociobiology have been developed.
  • The method of sociobiological analysis was founded.
  • Created Ural branch Russian Entomological Society. The insect fauna of the Urals (beetles, sawflies, bees, bumblebees) has been studied. The results were published in a number of issues of the Journal general biology, in monographs on human evolution and other publications.
  • More than 15 articles have been published in journals and collections in the direction called “Ecological Geopolitics” (Region-Ural No. 3, 1997, Yu.I. Novozhenov “Sociobiology and Environmental Geopolitics”).

Main publications:

  • Main results of the study of polymorphism in insects // Advances in entomology in the Urals // Sat. scientific tr. Ekaterinburg, 1997.
  • Selection at the population level // Journal of General Biology 1976, v. 37 No. 6.
  • Population structure and polytypic capacity of the species // Ecology 1983 No. 2.
  • Polymorphism and microevolution // Ontogenesis, evolution, biosphere // M. Science 1989.
  • Chronographic variability of populations // Journal of General Biology 1989, v. 50, no. 2.
  • Sexual dimorphism of color polymorphism in some insect species // Journal of General Biology 1997, v. 58, no. 1.
  • Phyletic evolution of man // Sverdlovsk, Sverdl. Pedagogical Institute 1983, Second edition 2005 123 pp.
  • Status-sex and human evolution // Sverdlovsk Ural University Publishing House, 1991, 161 pp.
  • Biological theory origin of man // Ekaterinburg Bank of cultural information 1997, 147 pp.
  • Mysterious libido. Sociobiological analysis of human sexuality // Ekaterinburg Bank of cultural information 1999, 768 pp.
  • Adaptability of beauty. Sociobiological analysis of beauty // Ekaterinburg Bank of cultural information 2005, 479 pp.

On April 20 at 7 a.m. in Yekaterinburg, at the age of 84, a famous domestic scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Ural State University (now UrFU), full member of the Academy of Humanities, student of N.V., died. Timofeev-Resovsky, researcher in the field of microevolution, entomology (insect polymorphism), population and evolutionary genetics, human evolution and sociobiology Yuri Ivanovich Novozhenov.

Novozhenov Yu.I., Department of Zoology, SGPI, GBF, 1970s.

Yuri Novozhenov was born on October 24, 1933 in Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg). Graduated from the Ural State University. A.M. Gorky in 1956, majoring in zoology.

After graduating from USU, from 1956 to 1959, Yuri Novozhenov worked as a junior researcher at the Ilmensky State Nature Reserve of the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Miass, Chelyabinsk region), where, among other things, I listened to a course of lectures on the synthetic theory of evolution from the mouth of “Zubr” himself - Nikolai Timofeev-Resovsky, a once disgraced world-famous scientist, the founder of population genetics. He studied at the graduate school of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Novozhenov Yu.I. on a field expedition in the Tavdinsky district, village. Azanka, 1960s

In 1963 Yu.I. Novozhenov defended his PhD thesis on larch pests in the Urals and went to work in the laboratory of Academician S.S. Schwartz to the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he worked until 1971.

His research interests are population ecology, genetics, microevolution and polymorphism. In 1974, Yuri Ivanovich defended his doctoral dissertation “Population is an elementary chorogenetic unit of evolution, its variability and boundaries.”

Yuri Ivanovich Novozhenov with students of group 23 of the State Budgetary Fund of the State Pedagogical Institute at the spring field practice in the vicinity of Sverdlovsk, 1981

In 1971 Yu.I. Novozhenov headed the Department of Zoology at the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute (until 1986). He taught courses on genetics, Darwinism, zoogeography, ecology, and developed the course “Human Biology”. In addition to numerous expeditions to different regions of the USSR, Yuri Ivanovich worked in Cuba in 1984, where he gave a series of lectures on genetics and evolution at the National Institute for Advanced Studies.

From 1986 to 1996, he headed the Department of Zoology at the Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky, having been a professor at the Department of Zoology at the Ural State University (Ural Federal University) since 1977.

Yuri Ivanovich Novozhenov (third from left) at a meeting with his students (from left to right: Yuri Evstratov, Sergei Timorin, Rodion Gilmanov, Sergei Novopashin, Renat Aglyamzyanov), 2011. Photo: Elena Aglyamzyanova (Elenskaya).

He wrote and published several monographs, including “Phyletic Evolution of Man” (1983), “Status-Sex and Human Evolution” (1991), “Biological Theory of Human Origins” (1997), “Mysterious Libido: A Sociobiological Analysis of Human Sexuality” ( 1999), “Sociobiology and Environmental Geopolitics” (2008) and others.

Has about 200 scientific publications. In 1986 he went to work at the Ural State University Head of the Department of Zoology.

Novozhenov Yu.I. in his home office, 2008. Photo: Sergey Novopashin.

For a series of articles on environmental geopolitics and sociobiology Novozhenov Yu.I. awarded the first prize from the governor of the Sverdlovsk region (1999).

As a participant in scientific societies, Yuri Novozhenov has been Chairman of the Ural Branch of the Russian Entomological Society since 1983, and a member of the International Society of Human Ethology (Int. Soc. For Human Ethology).

Part of the spiritual heritage of Novozhenov Yu.I. - monographs and textbooks.

  • The reasons for the poor regeneration of larch in the Urals have been clarified. More than 100 species of pests of all larch tissues, especially its generative organs, have been discovered.
  • For the first time, population boundaries in nature have been discovered in insects across the entire range of the species using polymorphism.
  • The evolutionary significance of polymorphism and its role in speciation have been clarified.
  • The role of selection and genetic drift in the formation of the population gene pool and phenotype has been established, using the May Khrushchev as an example.
  • The role of population dynamics in changes in the coefficients of variation of a number of traits and the effect of different forms of selection at different stages of mass reproduction of insects have been studied. The obtained facts contradict generally accepted ideas about the connection between forms of selection and population dynamics.
  • For more than 40 years, the dynamics of chronographic variability in a number of insect populations and the relationship between the sexual and genetic structure of the population have been traced.
  • The concept of interpopulation selection and the concept of population as a systemic unit of selection were created. Eight interacting population structures have been identified.
  • An idea of ​​the polytypic capacity of the species has been developed.
  • Geographical variability of polymorphism was studied. For a number of insect species, differences between central and peripheral populations have been established.
  • The program was published and the course “Human Biology” or “Sociobiology” was taught for the first time in 1980. Since then, a new course has been taught annually at the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute and since 1986 at the Ural University.
  • A biological concept of human origin was created (as opposed to Engels' social theory).
  • The concept of human phyletic evolution was created and the features of human evolution at the present stage were studied.
  • The main paradigms and priorities of sociobiology have been developed.
  • The method of sociobiological analysis was founded.
  • The Ural branch of the Russian Entomological Society was created. The insect fauna of the Urals (beetles, sawflies, bees, bumblebees) has been studied. The results were published in a number of issues of the Journal of General Biology, in monographs on human evolution and other publications.
  • More than 15 articles have been published in journals and collections in the direction called “Ecological Geopolitics” (Region-Ural No. 3, 1997, Yu.I. Novozhenov “Sociobiology and Environmental Geopolitics”).

Funeral service: April 24, 2017, at 11-00. Address: Ekaterinburg, st. Kuibsheva, 48, foyer of the UrFU building.

Material prepared by Sergey Novopashin

Novozhenov Yu. I. Meet the Bison// N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky in the Urals. - Ekaterinburg: Ekaterinburg, 1998. - P. 21-32.

Yu.I. Novozhenov


The Urals were lucky: fate brought the great and amazing person. It is unlikely that a thinker of such caliber as Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky has ever lived and worked, taught and broadcast in Yekaterinburg. Not everyone knows about this, not everyone understands it, not everyone wants to admit it, so as not to obscure his own authoritative silhouette. And our administrative-clan Academy has produced enough such silhouettes, but they will all disappear as soon as the curtain of corruption falls. Science does not recognize phony authorities.

The Urals initially did not perceive the appearance of this outstanding researcher - biologist as an event worthy of attention. The minds of the youth were befuddled by Lysenko's nonsense, generously poured onto their heads by philosophizing mediocrities. People who knew the truth preferred not to get involved with them, especially since there were already victims of their vile intrigues, for example prof. IN AND. Patrushev. The Urals were forced to pay attention to Timofeev-Resovsky by the omnipresent Moscow, which knew and remembered him, and where the Khrushchev thaw had already begun.

The year was 1956. I graduated from USU, although I was expelled from the Communist Youth League in 1955 for “breaking away from the collective and opposing myself to the collective,” but still, contrary to the then existing rules, I received a diploma in biology. After much debate at the department and faculty, they still risked assigning me to the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences: prof. B.P. Kolesnikov needed an entomologist for the forest biological group he was creating in the Ilmensky Nature Reserve. At this time, fate brought the “Bison” to the reserve. The released Bison liked the reserve and he decided to establish his later world-famous biological station here on the shore of the amazing Lake Bolshoye Miassovo. Here I graduated from my second university, the rector, dean and founder of which was N.V. Timofe-

Ev-Resovsky is a scientist without a title, but with encyclopedic knowledge. Here I became acquainted with genetics (not the Michurin type, for which I received a C from A.T. Mokronosov), and learned the theory of evolution. But I graduated from the second university without any moral trauma or loss. This was a true education, and not the surrogate of Soviet creative Darwinism and Michurin biology that all universities in the country provided in those days.

Timofeev’s revelation helped shape not only me, but also all biologists of the Urals from Academician S.S. Schwartz and academician A.T. Mokronosov to laboratory assistant N.M. Korobitsin and many others who have become competent specialists and real, self-respecting people. Diogenes unsuccessfully searched for Man: I found him in the person of Timofeev-Resovsky. Only thanks to him did I understand that I was not some self-taught biologist, a flawed lover of “cockroaches and fleas,” but a representative of science, which is the leader of the natural sciences of the 20th century. Among my generation and the generation of my parents, studying biology was considered the property of spies, like “Uncle Kolya the Flycatcher” or the Duremars and other stupid or abnormal Paganels ridiculed by everyone. It was still forgiven to girls, but all boys had to enter technical or military schools or institutes if they did not want to work with their hands. Thanks to Timofeev, I realized that what I was doing earlier was nothing more than naturalism, but there is also biological science, the pursuit of which requires raising it to a new intellectual and general educational level.

One of Timofeev-Resovsky’s striking qualities was his engaging sociability. He could talk on equal terms with both a taxi driver and a venerable, unapproachable academician like General E.N. Pavlovsky, director of the monumental ZIN. This quality is inherent in true aristocrats of the spirit, as A. Sturtevant writes, who noted it in Thomas Morgan. Having met a new person, Timofeev is always the first to call him for a frank conversation, testing with an impartial “who you are on this earth.” At the first

Meeting with my companion, Doctor of Biological Sciences Yu.Z. For the sake of respectability, Kulagin introduced himself as an ecologist. “What is this,” said Timofeev, “I don’t know such people. I know zoologists and botanists, but what is an ecologist?” A conversation-dispute ensued about the role of basic education for studying ecology. At that time, the word ecologist was just entering the biological lexicon. I called myself an entomologist, and Nikolai Vladimirovich quickly became convinced that I did not know genetics, because I am not familiar with its main objects from the world of insects. After some slight embarrassment, we were invited to his daily seminar at 5 pm. I saw his famous office with many books, an easy chair and a collection of unknown photographs of scientists on the wall, among which there was one lady in a hat. As it turned out later, she was a famous ballerina. For the first time I heard his signature lectures on microevolution, his funny and desperate arguments with Alexei Andreevich Lyapunov, for the first time I saw “tea or coffee” at meetings, which was served as in restaurants in England; for the first time I looked into books previously unknown to me and heard many unfamiliar words. At night, apparently having come to his senses from the argument doomed to lose, A.A. Lyapunov led everyone to look at the comet, the path of which he commented on with great knowledge of the matter. This comet was a kind of symbol of the path that began so unexpectedly for me with the Miass colloquia. How many people in our country began their journey into big science with these evening seminars on the shore of a beautiful lake - the pearl of the Ural nature! How many people have changed their ideals, their views, their attitude towards science and truth thanks to their meeting with Timofeev-Resovsky and his wonderful environment, his scientific aura, his inspiration and thirst for the new!

Nikolai Vladimirovich learned from his teachers N.K. Koltsova and S.S. Chetverikov and approved and tested a completely new form scientific research- “informal free colloquia”, or circles where people gathered

Those who bark listen to scientific reports, usually original ones, discuss them, shout and show themselves, put forward new ideas, give their own interpretation of facts, develop hypotheses, crush dogmas. These were not boring and forced, ostentatious and formal meetings and scientific councils, where speakers and speakers “had the floor”; these were sometimes spontaneous meetings of lovers and representatives of natural history, science, art, literature and music, all branches of culture, where the participants themselves took the floor . He organized such “collections” everywhere where he lived and worked: in Moscow, in Germany and other European countries, in Sverdlovsk, Obninsk, even in Butyrka prison, where A.I. was a participant in the seminar, among others. Solzhenitsyn, as well as the holy fathers who were serving prison terms.

The most famous of these seminars were the “Miass chatter”. We can safely say that from 1956 to 1964, in the center of the Ilmensky Nature Reserve there was an Institute for retraining and advanced training of researchers, scientists, teachers and students. This unique summer University trained and retrained hundreds of specialists and researchers, many of whom became academicians, doctors, “candibobers” and simply good, competent intellectuals. The contribution of this University to the development of science and education in Russia in the field of biology and natural science in many ways exceeded the contribution of Moscow University, not to mention other universities in the country, at least during the post-war period of the existence of science. Many interested in science, proactive, seeking biologists of a high theoretical level visited here and received Miass baptism from the Bison (see article by N.A. Lyapunova “Miassov Seminars.” Readings in memory of N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky. Yerevan, 1983).

I don't know who else could create such free, voluntary meetings. E. Rutherford, I.P. had something similar. Pavlova and P.L. Kapitsa, but these were purely professional scientific seminars - “kapitsa” of a narrow profile. People of different views gathered at Timofeev’s

And professions. These were always individuals or became such under his influence.

To conduct such colloquiums and make them viable, an extremely versatile person is needed, which Nikolai Vladimirovich was. From his youth he had a thirst for knowledge and accumulated it like an ever-growing modern public library. He worked professionally and made a great contribution to biology at all its levels: molecular genetic, ontogenetic, population and biosphere. To do this, it was necessary to have a good understanding of all related sciences - physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology, forestry, soil science, etc. His first works in the field of hydrobiology already contributed to an integrated approach to nature, which he later developed into “Vernadskology with a Sukachev bias.”

Representatives of many sciences consider him their luminary. For example, it seems to me that the most huge contribution N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky was responsible for the creation of the modern synthetic theory of evolution. It was he who summarized the achievements of classical Darwinism and modern genetics, building a coherent logical system of mechanisms of the evolutionary process (microevolution).

A.N. Tyuryukanov will say that N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky was the founder of experimental biogeocenology and radiobiology. L.A. Blumenfeld and other biophysicists will name him among the founders of their science, and each of them will be right. Someday, many years later, he will be named among the first creators of theoretical biology, and they will not be mistaken. Famous physicist Academician S.V. Vonsovsky and his students recall with great enthusiasm the lectures, performances and “infighting” at the Chebarkul “Kourovka” - a physics seminar where topical issues of physics, biology, philosophy and culture were lively discussed. The soul of these unofficial “infighters” was, naturally, Timofeev-Resovsky (Collected articles by N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky. Essays. Memoirs, materials. M. “Nauka” 1993).

The remarkableness of Timofey's meetings lies not only in the search for scientific truth, but also in communication as an emotional stimulus for life. In this regard, it is impossible not to mention that at the Miass “collections”, Obninsk “Saturday chatter” and other meetings, not only scientific problems were discussed, but also issues of art, philosophy, history, music, culture in all its forms and manifestations. As A.A. recalls Yarilin (N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky: Essays. Memoirs. Materials. M. “Nauka” 1993), the owner did a lot during the “Saturday chatter” at the Timofeevs’ apartment interesting messages: “Chaliapin’s concert works”, “Rachmaninov’s piano concertos”, “Leonardo da Vinci”, etc.

I have always been amazed by the energy and selfless dedication of the Timofeev couple. Nikolai Vladimirovich never refused lectures, which he gave to schoolchildren, professors and students in all universities of Sverdlovsk, and from speaking at all kinds of seminars, councils, and societies, which usually gathered after a hard day of work. Moreover, the entire Timofeev family was involved in these meetings, especially when they took place in his apartment, where tea with cookies or gingerbread was always served. Quite a lot of people of different ages came and everyone felt comfortable, like welcome guests, like honorary participants, friends and like-minded people. It is difficult to understand all this, given the age of the Timofeevs and the stress that you experience after receiving guests at home, for example on holidays, and the worries that fall on your wife, the mistress of the house.

Remembering the life and work of Nikolai Vladimirovich, many forget that as a scientist and a person, he was largely successful thanks to his faithful life partner and collaborator in all his research, Elena Alexandrovna. Their entire life together was a wonderful testimony of love, devotion, and selfless service to people.

But life has prepared many trials for Timofeev; his fate is connected with all the events of the century. He witnessed

The First World War and all Russian revolutions, fought in the Red Army and beat the Germans with the anarchist Father Gavrilenko, survived Hitler, sat in Stalin's Gulag, worked in the First Circle and was a consultant to the first Russian cosmonauts. He had confidential, friendly conversations with the Danish king Christian and sorted out relations “through scuffles” with the aborigines of the underworld, discussed with Niels Bohr and Thomas Morgan and taught genetics to prisoners and guards.

Wherever fate took him, no matter what conflicts he found himself in, but thanks to his naturalness he always remained himself. This is what saved him. His truthful sincerity made him free and independent. Enemies and ill-wishers were powerless against her; she attracted people to him as a righteous messiah.

I remember how he defended his doctoral dissertation. After a formal reading of his biography, one of the scientific functionaries asked him a provocative question: “They say you were full member German Academy of Sciences? The provocateur did not know a more precise name for it. “It was, is and will be, the Germans elect their academicians forever,” the dissertation candidate answered sharply, and the questioner fell silent. Timofeev-Resovsky's doctoral report sounded like a lecture on the biosphere and its evolution. He did not feel at all like some kind of applicant; he was indifferent to how the members of the academic council would treat him, whether they would consider confirming him in the title. He thought out loud, shared his thoughts, taught young people, asserted the truth and defended his concept, which was far from trivial.

At the beginning of Gorbachev's perestroika, the ideological rehabilitation of dissidence took place in our long-suffering fatherland. The name of N.V. was added to this campaign. Timofeev-Resovsky, although he himself never needed this, because he did not feel any guilt before his Motherland and his people, and, especially, before humanity. The publication of D. Granin’s book “Bison” and E. Sakanyan’s films further intensified this struggle, which ended with donations to him.

Mortally absolved by a government that was itself soon outlawed.

All this turmoil did not change the essence: Timofeev-Resovsky was in Germany as a plenipotentiary representative of Russian culture. His high immortal spirit, the highest intellectual level and unyielding internal independence existed outside the unfolding ideological national struggle. They turned out to be stronger than historical cataclysms. The decade of National Socialism in Europe is not even a moment or a flash of history. Hitlers and Napoleons come and go, but peoples with their culture remain and continue to live for thousands of years. Only the seeds are carried by the wind and, carried into a foreign environment, die without taking root. Oak trees require replanting, survive if there are roots, and produce seeds themselves. Such an oak was Timofeev-Resovsky, temporarily transplanted to Germany, where the cultural European soil was not alien to his Russian roots.

The fierce ideological fuss around his name is meaningless in its insignificance. A giant man, doomed by fate, God and genes to selfless love for truth, gives his life to all humanity. Culture is national by its nature, since it is born and preserved by the population, but its individual representatives create the highest human values ​​that belong to and are intended not only for the population, but also for the benefit of all species Homo sapiens. Few people reach the species level of values, but this level is higher than national and ideological barriers. The Germans can be proud of Beethoven and Goethe, the Russians can be proud of Tchaikovsky and Dostoevsky, the British can be proud of Newton and Darwin, but both of them know that these names belong to all of humanity. Maybe it is not D. Granin who is right, but V. Ratner, who associates the image of N.V. Timofeev not with the Bison, but with the Mammoth. Modern paleogeneticists promised to revive the mammoth if at least one living cell this giant frozen in the ice. The nucleus can be extracted from this cell, transplanted into the egg of an elephant, and she will give birth to a mammoth. Every cell in our body has a complete set of chromosomes and genes. Spielberg's heroes are already

Dinosaurs were revived from blood cells once drunk by a mosquito, frozen in the resin of ancient trees.

N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky is a giant of the golden age of science, who outlived his time and brought his brain cells into our era of moral glaciation. Both of his talented hemispheres preserved for us the culture of bygone times, and he himself was the link between two generations, the first and third; the second intermediate generation was not given the opportunity to understand him. It was absorbed in the construction of socialism and in vain lost not only faith, but also truth.

A huge number of people revolved around Timofeev-Resovsky all his life. I once tried to count their number in order to assess its role in the verbal transmission of culture, but I soon realized the futility of my attempt: I was faced with a chain reaction of the spread of energy-information. His rayism was amazing; it was a radiation of thought, a biofield of ideas, knowledge and feelings. Everyone was drawn to him, feeling the need to be irradiated, to receive baptism, to join something high, holy and sublime, to visit the Olympus of science, to talk with God. Probably Socrates and Plato had the same gift.

Feature N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky is that he did not like, and then, after Karlag, he could no longer write. Therefore, his written legacy is not as great as, say, that of academician L.S. Berg, but his verbal legacy is enormous, which he passed on to many people. Everyone who heard his lectures, memoirs, and conversations remembered them for the rest of their lives. How many ideas he gave to people, how many thoughts he aroused, how many emotions he conveyed to those around him!

Timofeev-Resovsky, along with the brothers L.I. and I.I. Mechnikov, Pitirim Sorokin, N.A. Berdyaev, S.P. Diaghilev, S.V. Rachmaninov, F.I. Shalyapin, V.I. Ipatiev adequately represented the Russian population and Russian culture in the West.

Possessing an analytical mind and extensive life experience, he could objectively judge the events taking place, which

Sometimes I did it with close people. His judgments have always amazed us with their depth, revelation and exceptional originality. He was not only a teacher, but also a prophet. His prophecies were not abstract, like those of Nostradamus and other mystical personalities, but quite concrete and, as a rule, coming true. Consider, for example, his vision of democracy, which was expressed even before the start of perestroika: “There are all these progressive youth who are buzzing if we suddenly have democracy. Indeed, the masses... they will be given the opportunity for self-government. After all, this will be the dominance of the most demagogic scum! What the hell! Worse than the Stalinist regime. They will finish off any reasonable methods of management, plunder everything they can, and then sell off Russia piece by piece. They will turn it into a colony” (Memoirs. M. “Progress”. 1995).

Now it has become fashionable to talk and think about the immortality of the soul. It is not for us, people, to judge this; there is Providence for this, there is the Judgment of God. One thing is clear to us: the immortality of a person is in the genes he left behind or in the culture he created, for a person has two heredities - biological and social. Pushkin will be immortal as long as Rus' has “a language that exists in it.” Timofeev-Resovsky will live as long as there are and live people who listened and learned from him, as long as the students of his students are alive, as long as there is someone to read memories of him, while Russian science, Russian culture and the Russian population that created it are alive.


Soviet national and foreign cuisine (Tityunnik A.I., Novozhenov Yu.M.)

ISBN: Vocational education. Catering
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Tityunnik A.I., Novozhenov Yu.M.
Year of release: 1981 (2nd ed.)
Genre: Cooking
Russian language
Number of pages: 380
Description: The book reveals the features of national cuisine Soviet Union and various countries of the world, recipes are given for making cold, hot and sweet dishes, as well as drinks.
The manual is intended for students of vocational schools, preparing cooks, public and catering workers, and those undergoing industrial training.

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Soviet History in Speeches and Documents (Collection)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 32-200 kbps
Author: Collection
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Gosteleradiofond
Performer: Joseph Stalin, Vyacheslav Molotov, Maxim Malenkov, Nikita Khrushchev, Leon Trotsky, Castro Fidel, Yuri Levitan, Lavrenty Beria, Klim Voroshilov, Leonid Brezhnev and others.
Duration: 06:54:06
Description: Speeches and speeches of Soviet government and party leaders, negotiations and audio archives. There are unique recordings from the archives and funds of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 12) (Vladimir Lenin)

Author: Vladimir Lenin
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: History, audio archive

Performer: Vladimir Lenin
Compiled by: Astarot
Duration: 00:33:28
Add. information: Release from Astarot Sode...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 10) (A. Lunocharsky, R. Malinovsky, A. Mikoyan, etc.)

Author: S. Kirov, S. Kollontai, N. Krupskaya and others.
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: S. Kirov, N. Krupskaya, A. Kosygin, Konev I. and others.
Duration: 00:57:57
Description: Speeches and performances by the leaders of the Soviet state in different years. CONTENTKatukov about Rokossovsky Mikhail Efimovich Katukov, Marshal of the Armored Forces, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, remembers K.K. Rokossovsky. Recording of the first half of the 70s. Execution 1970 Kirov - Report on the work of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) It seems to me that S. M. Kirov’s records are not yet on the website in 1930.
Performed by: S. M...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 13) (Leonid Brezhnev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 32-192kbps
Author: Leonid Brezhnev
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: Leonid Brezhnev
Compiled by: Astarot
Duration: 03:01:30
Description: These are like casts, like death masks from history. Speeches and performances of politicians, terrible and monstrous, patriots and fanatics, cynics and hypocrites, believers in the victory of the revolution and simply opportunists. But they all created the history of a country that occupied 1/6 of the landmass, a country that was called the USSR... Here are their voices, this is history itself.
Add. information:
Release from: Astarot...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 11) (Nikita Khrushchev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Nikita Khrushchev
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: N. Khrushchev
Compiled by: Astarot
Duration: 00:46:43
Description: These are like casts, like death masks from history. Speeches and performances of politicians, terrible and monstrous, patriots and fanatics, cynics and hypocrites, believers in the victory of the revolution and simply opportunists. But they all created the history of a country that occupied 1/6 of the landmass, a country that was called the USSR... Here are their voices, this is history itself. Description01 Khrushchev - from a speech about the third flight...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 8)

Author: G. Zhukov, L. Kaganovich and others.
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: M. Kalinin, L. Kaganovich and others.
Compiled by: Astarot
Duration: 00:57:30
Description: Speeches and speeches by the leaders of the Soviet state in different years. CONTENTSZhukov - about the battle near Moscow Marshal Zhukov recalls the battle near Moscow. Recording of the late 60s Zhukov - speech at a rally after the liberation of Kyiv “From the Red Army soldiers, officers, generals, units of the Red Army, I convey my ardent greetings to you...” November 1943
Performed by: G. K. Zhukov Performed in 1943. Zhukov - ...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 2) (Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks))

Format: audio archive, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: Yuri Levitan
Duration: 00:27:56
Compiled by: Astarot
Description: Speeches of the most famous Soviet commentator Yuri Levitan, author of the words: “From the Soviet Information Bureau...” Contents Levitan - Act on unconditional surrender German Armed Forces - “...we agree to the unconditional surrender of all German armed forces on land, at sea and in the air...” Levitan reads the text of the act of unconditional surrender of 1945.
Performed by: Yu. Levitan I...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 7)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Kliment Voroshilov, Maxim Gorky, Georgy Dimitrov and others.
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: Ibarruri Dolores, Dunaevsky Isaac, Zhdanov Andrey, Zhivkov Todor and others.
Compiled by: Astarot
Duration: 00:59:58
Description: Speeches and speeches by Soviet and foreign statesmen And famous people. CONTENTSVoroshilov - From a speech at the parade on November 7, 1937 Towards the 90th anniversary of the Great October Revolution socialist revolution! Voroshilov - about V.I. Lenin
Performed by: K.E. Voroshilov Voroshilov...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 4) (Joseph Stalin)

Author: Joseph Stalin
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: Joseph Stalin
Duration: 01:46:27
Compiled by: Astarot
Description: Speeches and performances by I. Stalin dedicated to various events from 1936 to 1952. At the congress, about the Constitution, at the parade, etc. ContentsStalin - report on the 27th anniversary October revolution“During the war, the Nazis suffered not only military, but also moral and political defeat...” 1944. Stalin - final speech at the 19th Party Congress The last congress of Comrade Stalin. Very interesting post - Stalin...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 3)

Author: V.M. Molotov, G.M. Malenkov and others.
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: Yu. Levitan, V. Molotova, G. Zhukeov and others.
Duration: 00:43:31
Compiled by: Astarot
Description: Speeches and speeches of Soviet government and party leaders, negotiations and audio archives. ContentsMalenkov - Speech at Stalin's funeral on March 9, 1953 “In these difficult days, deep sorrow Soviet people shared by all advanced and progressive humanity." The beginning and end of the speech.
Words: G.M. Malenkov 1953
Performed by: G.M. Malenkov Minute of silence “Listen...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 1)

Format: audio archive, MP3, 64kbps
Author: L. P. Beria, K. E. Voroshilov, L. I. Brezhnev and others.
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: History
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: L. P. Beria, K. E. Voroshilov and others.
Duration: 00:37:39
Compiled by: Astarot
Description: Speeches and speeches of Soviet government and party leaders. There are unique recordings from the archives and funds of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. ContentsAudio report from besieged Sevastopol - “In the most critical sectors of the front, in the most intense moments of the battle for our hometown, our units did not flinch, did not retreat even a step...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 6)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: L. I. Brezhnev
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: L. I. Brezhnev
Duration: 02:43:21
Compiled by: Astarot
Description: Speeches and performances Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (stormy and prolonged applause...) ContentsBrezhnev - In the name of happiness Soviet people“I perceive your trust as trust in the CPSU...” An excellent fragment from Brezhnev on issues of ideology in 1979. Brezhnev - speeches...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 14) (Leon Trotsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 24-192kbps
Author: Leon Trotsky
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performer: Leon Trotsky
Compiled by: Astarot
Duration: 00:10:16
Description: These are like casts, like death masks from history. Speeches and performances of politicians, terrible and monstrous, patriots and fanatics, cynics and hypocrites, believers in the victory of the revolution and simply opportunists. But they all created the history of a country that occupied 1/6 of the landmass, a country that was called the USSR... Here are their voices, this is history itself. L. Trotsky's speech was extremely...


Soviet history in speeches and audio documents (part No. 5)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: N. Khrushchev, L. Trotsky, F. Castro and others.
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: History, audio archive
Publisher: Archive of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
Performers: S. Allende, D. Ustinov, N. Khrushchev, L. Trotsky, E. Honecker and others.
Duration: 00:33:32
Compiled by: Astarot
Description: Speeches and speeches by government and party leaders of the USSR and the countries of the socialist bloc. ContentsSalvador Allende - From the last radio address to the nation The speech of the legendary revolutionary Salvador Allende on September 11, 1973, filled with tragic pathos. Leon Trotsky - Speech about the union...