The system of inequalities is customary to call a record of several inequalities under the sign of the figure bracket (at the same time the number and type of inequalities in the system can be arbitrary).

To solve the system, it is necessary to find the intersection of all inequality in it. The solution of inequalities in mathematics is called any value of the change in which this inequality is true. In other words, it is required to find many of all his solutions - it will be called the answer. As an example, let's try to learn to solve the system of inequalities by the interval method.

Properties of inequalities

To solve the task, it is important to know the basic properties inherent in inequalities that can be formulated as follows:

  • To both parts of inequality, you can add the same function defined in the field of permissible values \u200b\u200b(OTZ) of this inequality;
  • If f (x)\u003e g (x) and h (x) - any function defined in the odd inequality, then f (x) + h (x)\u003e g (x) + h (x);
  • If both parts of inequality are multiplied by a positive function defined in the OST of this inequality (or on a positive number), then we obtain inequality, equivalent to the original;
  • If both parts of inequality are multiplied by a negative function defined in the OTZ of this inequality (or on a negative number) and the sign of inequality to change to the opposite, then the resulting inequality is equivalent to this inequality;
  • Inequalities of the same sense can be reached by rear, and the inequalities of the opposite sense can be subtracted at least;
  • Inequalities of one sense with positive parts can be multiplied by replenishment, and inequalities formed by non-negative functions can be raised to a positive degree.

To solve the inequality system, you need to solve each inequality separately, and then compare them. As a result, a positive or negative answer will be obtained, which means whether the system has a solution or not.

Interval method

When solving a system of inequalities, mathematics often resort to the method of intervals as to one of the most efficient. It allows you to reduce the solution of inequality f (x)\u003e 0 (<, <, >) To solve the equation F (x) \u003d 0.

The essence of the method is as follows:

  • Find the area of \u200b\u200bpermissible inequality values;
  • Lead the inequality to the form f (x)\u003e 0 (<, <, >), that is, transfer the right side to the left and simplify;
  • Solve equation f (x) \u003d 0;
  • Picture on a numeric direct function. All points marked on OTZ and limiting it, divide this set for the so-called sign intervals. In each such interval, the F (X) function is determined;
  • Record the answer in the form of combining individual sets, on which F (x) has an appropriate sign. OTZ points, which are boundary, turn on (or not included) in response after additional check.

The field of valid numbers has an ordering property (clause 6, p. 35): For any numbers A, B take place one and only one of the three ratios: or. In this case, the record A\u003e B means that the difference is positive, and the recording difference is negative. Unlike the field of valid numbers, the field complex numbers It is not ordered: for complex numbers, the concepts of "more" and "less" are not determined; Therefore, this chapter discusses only actual numbers.

Relations We call inequalities, the number a and b - members (or parts) of inequality, signs\u003e (more) and inequalities A\u003e B and C\u003e D are called inequalities of the same (or one and the same) meaning; inequalities A\u003e B and from the definition of inequality immediately follows that

1) any positive number is greater than zero;

2) any negative number is less than zero;

3) any positive number is greater than any negative number;

4) of two negative numbers more then, the absolute value of which is less.

All these statements allow simply geometric interpretation. Let the positive direction of the numerical axis go to the right of the starting point; Then, what would be the signs of numbers, more of them are depicted by a point that is a right point depicting a smaller number.

Inequality possess the following basic properties.

1. Asymmetry (irreversibility): if, then, and back.

Indeed, if the difference is positive, then the difference is negative. It is said that when recalculating members of inequality, it is necessary to change the meaning of inequality to the opposite.

2. Transitivity: If, then. Indeed, from the positivity of differences and positivity

In addition to the signs of inequality, the signs of inequality are also applied as follows: the record means that either therefore, for example, you can write as well. Usually inequalities recorded using signs are called strict inequalities, and unstricted inequalities recorded using signs. Accordingly, the signs themselves call signs of strict or non-strict inequality. Properties 1 and 2, considered above, are true for incredible inequalities.

Consider now actions that can be made on one or more inequalities.

3. From adding to members of the inequality of the same number, the meaning of inequality does not change.

Evidence. Let the inequality and an arbitrary number be given. By definition, the difference is positive. Add two numbers two opposite numbers From what it will not change, i.e.

This equality can be rewritten so:

From this it follows that the difference is positive, i.e. what

and this was necessary to prove.

This is based on the possibility of skewing any member of inequality from one part of it to another with the opposite sign. For example, from inequality

follows that

4. When multiplying members of inequality per one and the same positive number, the meaning of inequality does not change; When multiplying members of inequality on the same negative number, the meaning of inequality varies to the opposite.

Evidence. Let then if since the product of positive numbers is positive. Opening a bracket in the left part of the last inequality, we obtain, i.e.. Similarly, the case is considered.

Exactly the same conclusion can be made regarding the division of parts of inequality to any different number from zero, since the division by the number is equivalent to multiplication by the number and the numbers have the same signs.

5. Let the members of the inequality are positive. Then, when erending his members in the same positive degree, the meaning of inequality does not change.

Evidence. Let this case, by the property of transitivity and. Then due to monotonous increase power function with and positive we will have

In particular, if where -natural number, then we get

i.e., when removing the root from both parts of inequality with positive member, the meaning of inequality does not change.

Let members of inequalities are negative. Then it is not difficult to prove that in the construction of his members in an odd natural degree of inequality will not change, and when it is erected into an even natural degree, it will change to the opposite. Of inequalities with negative members, you can also extract the root of an odd degree.

Let, further, members of inequality have different signs. Then, when it was erected into an odd degree, the meaning of inequality will not change, and when it is erected in an even degree of the meaning of the receiving inequality, nothing specified in general is impossible to say. In fact, when the number is erected into an odd degree, the number of the number is preserved and therefore the meaning of inequality does not change. If inequality is erected into an even degree, inequality with positive member is formed, and its meaning will depend on the absolute values \u200b\u200bof the members of the initial inequality, the inequality of the same meaning may be inequality as the initial, inequality of the opposite meaning and even equality!

All of the above-described inequality is useful to check the following example.

Example 1. Early the following inequalities to the specified degree, changing the sign of inequality to the opposite or on the sign of equality.

a) 3\u003e 2 into degree 4; b) to the extent 3;

c) to the degree 3; d) to the degree 2;

e) to the degree 5; e) to the degree 4;

g) 2\u003e -3 to the degree 2; h) to the degree 2

6. From inequality it is possible to move to inequality between if members of the inequality are both positive or both are negative, then there is an inequality of the opposite meaning between their reverse values:

Evidence. If a and b are one sign, then their work is positive. We divide into inequality

i.e., what was required to get.

If members of inequality have opposite signs, the inequality between their inverse values \u200b\u200bhas the same meaning, since the signs of the reverse values \u200b\u200bare the same as the signs of the values \u200b\u200bthemselves.

Example 2. Check the last property 6 on the following inequalities:

7. Logarithming inequalities can be performed only in the case when members of inequalities are positive (negative numbers and zero logarithms do not have).

Let be . Then when will be

and with will be

The correctness of these statements is based on the monotony of the logarithmic function, which increases, if the basis and decreases

So, in the logarithming of inequality consisting of positive members, based on the basis, a greater unit, an inequality of the same meaning is formed as this, and during its logarithming on a positive basis, a smaller unit - the inequality of the opposite meaning.

8. If, if, but, then.

It immediately follows from the properties of monotony indicative function (p. 42), which increases in case of decreasing if

When the inequality of the same meaning is formed in the early addition of inequality as the same sense as the data.

Evidence. We prove this statement for two inequalities, although it is true for any number of inequalities folded. Let the inequality be given

By definition, the number will be positive; Then their amount is also positive, i.e.

Grouping otherwise components, we get

and, therefore,

and this was necessary to prove.

It is impossible to say anything defined in the general case about the meaning of inequality obtained by the addition of two or several inequalities of different meaning.

10. If from one inequality to subtract the other inequality of the opposite sense, then the inequality is formed the same meaning as the first.

Evidence. Let two inequalities of different meaning given. The second of them by the ratio of irreversibility can be rewritten as follows: D\u003e s. Moving now two inequalities of the same sense and get inequality

of the same meaning. From the latter found

and this was necessary to prove.

It is impossible to say anything defined in the general case about the meaning of inequality obtained by subtracting from one inequality of other inequality of the same meaning.

Inequalities in mathematics play a prominent role. At school basically we are dealing with numerical inequalitiesWith the definition of which we will begin this article. And then list and justify properties of numerical inequalitieswhere all the principles of working with inequalities are based.

Immediately note that many properties of numerical inequalities are similar. Therefore, we will state the material according to the same scheme: we formulate the property, give it a justification and examples, after which we turn to the following property.

Navigating page.

Numeric inequalities: definition, examples

When we introduced the concept of inequality, they noticed that inequalities often determine their appearance. So inequalities we called having a meaning of algebraic expressions that contain signs are not equal to ≠, less<, больше >, less than or equal to ≤ or more or equal ≥. Based on the determination, it is convenient to define a numerical inequality:

Meeting with numerical inequalities occurs in mathematics lessons in the first grade immediately after acquaintance with the first natural numbers from 1 to 9, and acquaintance with the comparison operation. True, there they are called simply inequalities, lowering the definition of "numeric". For clarity, it will not prevent a couple of examples of the simplest numeric inequalities from that stage of their study: 1<2 , 5+2>3 .

And then Ot natural numbers Knowledge applies to other types of numbers (whole, rational, valid numbers), the rules of their comparison are studied, and this significantly expands the species diversity of numeric inequalities: -5\u003e -72, 3\u003e -0.275 · (7-5.6) ,.

Properties of numerical inequalities

In practice, working with inequalities allows a number properties of numerical inequalities. They arise from the concept of inequality that introduced by us. In relation to the numbers, this concept is given by the following statement, which can be considered the definition of "less" ratios and "more" on the set of numbers (it is often referred to as the difference definition of inequality):


  • number a. more numbers b Then and only if the difference A-B is a positive number;
  • the number A is less than the number B if and only if the difference A-B is a negative number;
  • the number A is equal to the number B if and only if the difference A-B is zero.

This definition can be removed into the definition of the relationship "less than or equal" and "greater than or equal." Here is its wording:


  • number a greater than or equal to the number B then and only if A-B is a non-negative number;
  • the number A is less than or equal to the number B if and only if A-B is an inability.

We will use these definitions in the proof of the properties of numerical inequalities, to which we go to the survey.

Basic properties

Review Let's start with the three main properties of inequalities. Why are they basic? Because they are a reflection of the properties of inequalities in the general sense, and not only in relation to numerical inequalities.

Numeric inequalities recorded using signs< и >Characteristic:

As for the numerical inequalities recorded using the signs of non-strict inequality ≤ and ≥, then they have the property of reflexivity (and not antireflexivity), since the inequalities A≤A and A≥A include the case of equality a \u003d a. Also, they are also characteristic of antisymmetry and transitivity.

So, numeric inequalities recorded with the signs of ≤ and ≥, possess the properties:

  • reflexiveness a≥a and a≤a - faithful inequalities;
  • antisymmetry, if A≤b, then b≥a, and if A≥B, then b≤a.
  • transitivity, if a≤b and b≤c, then a≤c, and also, if a≥b and b≥c, then A≥C.

Their proof is very similar to those already cited, so we will not stop at them, but we turn to other important properties of numerical inequalities.

Other important properties of numerical inequalities

Supplement the main properties of numerical inequalities of another series of results that are of great practical importance. They are based on the methods of assessing the values \u200b\u200bof expressions, they are based on principles solutions of inequalities etc. Therefore, it is advisable to deal well with them.

In this item, the properties of inequalities will be formulated only for one sign of strict inequality, but it is worth it in mind that similar properties will be fair and for the opposite sign to it, as well as for signs of non-strategic inequalities. Let us explain this on the example. Below we formulate and prove such an inequality property: if a

  • if a\u003e b, then A + C\u003e B + C;
  • if A≤b, then A + C≤B + C;
  • if A≥B, then A + C≥B + C.

For convenience, imagine the properties of numerical inequalities in the form of a list, with this we will give a corresponding statement, write it formally using letters, lead proof, after which it is possible to show examples of use. And at the end of the article we will reduce all the properties of numerical inequalities in the table. Go!

    The addition (or subtraction) of any number to both parts of the faithful numerical inequality gives the correct numerical inequality. In other words, if the numbers A and B are such that A

    For proof, we will make the difference between the left and right parts of the last numerical inequality, and we will show that it is negative, provided A (A + C) - (B + C) \u003d A + C-B - C \u003d A-B. As under condition a

    On the proof of this property of numerical inequalities to subtract the number C, do not stop, since the subtraction can be replaced by adding -C on a plurality of valid numbers.

    For example, if you add the number 15 to both parts of the correct numerical inequality 7\u003e 3, then the faithful numeric inequality is 7 + 15\u003e 3 + 15, which is the same, 22\u003e 18.

    If both parts of the correct numeric inequality multiply (or divided) per and the same positive number C, then the correct numeric inequality will be. If both parts of inequality multiply (or divided) to the negative number C, and change the sign of inequality to the opposite, then the correct inequality will be. In letterproof: If inequality A is performed for numbers a and b b · c.

    Evidence. Let's start with the case when C\u003e 0. Let's make the difference between the left and right parts of the numerical inequality proved: a · c-b · c \u003d (a-b) · c. As under condition a 0, then the product (A-B) · C will be a negative number as a product of a negative number A-B on a positive number C (which follows from). Consequently, A · C-B · C<0 , откуда a·c

    On the proof of the considered properties for dividing both parts of the correct numerical inequality to the same number C not stop, since the division can always be replaced by multiplication by 1 / c.

    Let us show an example of applying a disassembled property on specific numbers. For example, you can both parts of the faithful numerical inequality 4<6 умножить на положительное число 0,5 , что дает верное числовое неравенство −4·0,5<6·0,5 , откуда −2<3 . А если обе части верного числового неравенства −8≤12 разделить на отрицательное число −4 , и изменить знак неравенства ≤ на противоположный ≥, то получится верное числовое неравенство −8:(−4)≥12:(−4) , откуда 2≥−3 .

    From the newly disassembled property of multiplying both parts of numerical equality, two practically valuable results are followed. So they will formulate them in the form of consequences.

    All the properties disassembled above in this paragraph combines the fact that first the faithful numeric inequality is given, and from it, by some manipulations with parts of inequality, the other faithful numerical inequality is obtained. Now we present a block of properties in which it is originally given not one, but several faithful numeric inequalities, and the new result is obtained from their sharing after adding or multiplying their parts.

    If for numbers a, b, c and d are fair inequalities a

    We prove that (A + C) - (B + D) - a negative number, this will be proved that A + C

    By induction, this property applies to the soil addition of three, four, and, in general, any finite number of numerical inequalities. So, if for numbers a 1, a 2, ..., a n and b 1, b 2, ..., b n inequalities A 1 a 1 + a 2 + ... + a n .

    For example, we are given three faithful numeric inequalities of one sign -5<−2 , −1<12 и 3<4 . Рассмотренное свойство числовых неравенств позволяет нам констатировать, что неравенство −5+(−1)+3<−2+12+4 – тоже верное.

    You can multiply the numerical inequalities of one sign, both parts of which are represented by positive numbers. In particular, for two inequalities A

    To prove, you can multiply both parts of an inequal

    The specified property is valid for multiplying any finite number of faithful numerical inequalities with positive parts. That is, if a 1, a 2, ..., a n and b 1, b 2, ..., b n is positive numbers, and A 1 a 1 · a 2 · ... · a n .

    Separately, it is worth noting that if there is no default numbers in the recording of numerical inequalities, their depth multiplication can lead to incorrect numerical inequalities. For example, numerical inequalities 1<3 и −5<−4 – верные и одного знака, почленное умножение этих неравенств дает 1·(−5)<3·(−4) , что то же самое, −5<−12 , а это неверное неравенство.

    • Corollary. Soil multiplication of identical faithful inequalities of the form A

In conclusion, as promised, we will collect all the properties studied in table properties of numerical inequalities:


  • Moro M. I.. Mathematics. Studies. For 1 cl. nach shk. In 2 tsp 1. (first half of the year) / M. I. Moro, S. I. Volkov, S. V. Stepanova. - 6th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006. - 112 p.: Il. + Adj. (2 off. L. Il.). - ISBN 5-09-014951-8.
  • Mathematics: studies. for 5 cl. general education. Institutions / N. Ya. Vilenkin, V. I. Zhokhov, A. S. Chesnokov, S. I. Schwartzburg. - 21st ed., Ched. - M.: Mnemozina, 2007. - 280 p.: Il. ISBN 5-346-00699-0.
  • Algebra: studies. For 8 cl. general education. institutions / [Yu. N. Makarychev, N. G. Mindyuk, K. I. Neshkov, S. B. Suvorov]; Ed. S. A. Telikovsky. - 16th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008. - 271 p. : IL. - ISBN 978-5-09-019243-9.
  • Mordkovich A. G. Algebra. 8th grade. In 2 tsp. 1. Tutorial for students of general educational institutions / A. Mordkovich. - 11th ed., Ched. - M.: Mnemozina, 2009. - 215 p.: Il. ISBN 978-5-346-01155-2.

1 . If a a\u003e B.T. b.< a ; On the contrary, if but< b T. b\u003e A..

Example. If a 5x - 1\u003e 2x + 1T. 2x +1.< 5x — 1 .

2 . If a a\u003e B. and b\u003e S.T. a\u003e S.. Similar, but< b and b.< с T. a.< с .

Example. From inequalities x\u003e 2U., 2Y\u003e 10. follows that x\u003e 10..

3 . If a a\u003e B, that a + c\u003e b + with and a - C\u003e B - C. If but< b T. a + S. and a - C. , those. To both parts of inequality can be added (or subtract) the same amount

Example 1.. Danched inequality x + 8\u003e 3. Successful number 8 from both parts of inequality, we find x\u003e - 5.

Example 2.. Danched inequality x - 6.< — 2 . Adding both parts 6, we find h.< 4 .

4 . If a a\u003e B. and C\u003e D, that a + C\u003e B + D; just if but< b and from< d T. a + C.< b + d , i.e., two inequalities of the same meaning) can be reassembled. This is true for any number of inequalities, for example, if a1\u003e B1, A2\u003e B2, A3\u003e B3T. a1 + A2 + A3\u003e B1 + B2 + B3.

Example 1.. Inequalities — 8 > — 10 and 5 > 2 true. Folding them so far, find faithful inequality — 3 > — 8 .

Example 2.. Dana system of inequalities ( 1/2) x + (1/2)< 18 ; (1/2) x - (1/2)< 4 . Folding them so far we find x.< 22 .

Comment. Two inequalities of the same sense cannot be redemed to deduct from each other, as the result can be correct, but maybe incorrect. For example, if from inequality 10 > 8 2 > 1 then we get faithful inequality 8 > 7 But if from the same inequality 10 > 8 Mine subtracts inequality 6 > 1 , I get absurdity. Compare the next item.

5 . If a a\u003e B. and c.< d T. a - C\u003e B - D; if a but< b and c - D.T. a - S.< b — d , i.e., from one inequality can be reached by the other inequality of the opposite sense), leaving the sign of that inequality from which another was deducted.

Example 1.. Inequalities 12 < 20 and 15 > 7 true. Responted reinstate the second of the first and leaving the first sign, we get faithful inequality — 3 < 13 . Sulfate the first of the second and leaving the second sign, we find faithful inequality 3 > — 13 .

Example 2.. Dana system of inequality (1/2) x + (1/2)< 18; (1/2)х — (1/2)у > 8 . Subtracting from the first inequality second, we find y.< 10 .

6 . If a a\u003e B. and m. - positive number, then mA\u003e MB. and a / N\u003e B / N, i.e. both parts of inequality can be divided or multiplied to the same positive number (the sign of inequality remains the same). If the same a\u003e B. and n. - negative number, then na.< nb and a / N.< b/n , i.e. both parts of inequality can be multiplied or divided into one and the same negative number, but at the same time the sign of inequality should be changed to the opposite.

Example 1.. Sharing both parts of faithful inequality 25 > 20 on the 5 , get faithful inequality 5 > 4 . If we divide both parts of inequality 25 > 20 on the — 5 then you need to change the sign > on the < , and then we get faithful inequality — 5 < — 4 .

Example 2.. From inequality 2x< 12 follows that h.< 6 .

Example 3.. From inequality - (1/3) x - (1/3) x\u003e 4 follows that x.< — 12 .

Example 4.. Danched inequality x / k\u003e y / l; It follows from it that lX\u003e KY.if the signs of numbers l. and k. same and that lX< ky if the signs of numbers l. and k. Opposable.

Inequality - This is a record in which numbers, variables or expressions are connected by the sign<, >, or . That is, inequality can be called a comparison of numbers, variables or expressions. Signs < , > , and called signs of inequality.

Types of inequalities and how they are read:

As can be seen from examples, all inequalities consist of two parts: the left and right, connected by one of the signs of inequality. Depending on the sign connecting parts of inequalities, they are divided into strict and non-strategic.

Strict inequalities - inequalities that are connected by the sign< или >. Non-strict inequalities - Inequalities that are connected by a sign or.

Consider the basic rules of comparison in algebra:

  • Any positive number is greater than zero.
  • Any negative number is less than zero.
  • Of the two negative numbers, more which is the absolute value less. For example, -1\u003e -7.
  • a. and b. positive:

    a. - b. > 0,

    That a. more b. (a. > b.).

  • If the difference between two unequal numbers a. and b. Negative:

    a. - b. < 0,

    That a. less b. (a. < b.).

  • If the number is greater than zero, then it is positive:

    a. \u003e 0, then a. - Positive number.

  • If the number is less than zero, then it is negative:

    a. < 0, значит a. - a negative number.

Equivalent inequalities - inequalities that are a consequence of other inequality. For example, if a. less b.T. b. more a.:

a. < b. and b. > a. - equivalent inequalities

Properties of inequalities

  1. If you add the same number or subtract from both parts to both parts of the inequality, then the equivalent inequality will be, that is,

    if a a. > b. T. a. + c. > b. + c. and a. - c. > b. - c.

    From this it follows that you can transfer members of inequality from one part to another with the opposite sign. For example, adding to both parts of inequality a. - b. > c. - d. by d.We will get:

    a. - b. > c. - d.

    a. - b. + d. > c. - d. + d.

    a. - b. + d. > c.

  2. If both parts of inequality are multiplied or divided into one and the same positive number, then it will be equivalent to equivalent inequality, that is,
  3. If both parts of inequality are multiplied or divided into one and the same negative number, it will be inequality opposite to this, that is, therefore, when multiplying or dividing both parts of inequality to a negative number, it is necessary to change the sign of inequality to the opposite.

    This property can be used to change signs from all members of inequality, multiplying both parts of it on -1 and changing the sign of inequality to the opposite:

    -a. + b. > -c.

    (-a. + b.) · -one< (-c.) · -one

    a. - b. < c.

    Inequality -a. + b. > -c. equivalent to inequality a. - b. < c.