I wonder what our disciples think about what they study it for?

Salidaev Ilya Student 7 B Class
" I love to study english. I learn him at school, studying at home, even sometimes in computer games. My English teacher - Valihmanova Lilia Anvarovna. She is a very good teacher.

I really need English. I study him because he will need me in the future to get a good education And then get a good job. I learn English to play computer games, because most of them are in English. I studied English so that in the future you could travel to other countries. And even in order to communicate with your friends in English, because it is so little more interesting and more diverse.
Now English is an international language.
I really need English and important. "

Rachmanaliev Zakhar student 7B class
Why do I study English?

"Hi! Today I want to tell you why I study English. Firstly, English is very popular in our time, secondly it is interesting, very interesting, thirdly it will be necessary for me in my future education and career. In the future I'm going to go abroad into English-speaking countries and for this, naturally need to know and well own English. I also study English because I want to watch movies, read books on it in the original, and how I have already said it is very necessary For travel. I want to make friends in different countries, for this I study English. Now English is studied in many countries. Many countries communicate in English, they write important letters on it. English is needed in almost all professions, especially For pilots and sailors. In general, learning English in our time is very useful and even need.!

Rachmanaliev Zakhar, 7b

MBO CEC No. 3 with WEOP

Bugulma 2014.

Gavryushenko Inna 7 B class

What do you need English? What is he studied for? Everyone has its own answer. So why do I teach him?
Many books are mainly far from the original of the best writers of England. There are "more close". But isn't it great - read books in the original, understand the meaning of the written, laugh at jokes and worry with the heroes?
I want to learn English also in order to ever see the world. Yes, England, really, the dream of many! Maybe someday, I can carry out my long-standing dream - go abroad to green lawns and suburban houses, to fresh air! And truly find there what I am looking for.
A very long time, maybe about six years ago, I dreamed of long journeys. The choice is definitely fell into England. Why? Maybe due to the fact that England is considered one of the most well-maintained countries of the world. But what is needed in order to go to England? Right. Learn English, know him flawless; Need the ability to easily and easily communicate in companies and learn more and more about the very first language of the world. That's why I teach English!

Gubaidullina Aliya 7b.
"I started learning English in the second grade and now I study this language for 6 years. English is a global language. About 20% of the world's population speak English. In modern world Most of the information is given to us in English. In many countries, this language is official. English is also an international language of businessmen, pilots and such professions a lot. For example, you want to become a stewardess or pilot, then you have to learn English, language of international communication. Many people ride rest abroad. If you are in behalf of English, you wonder your holidays. And if you do not know him, you will not be able to ask the way when you get lost, registersia in a hotel and so on. From early childhood, we read books of English writers. It seems to me that it is hard to find a person who does not know the works such as: "" Tom Sawyer, "" "Romeo and Juliet," "" "Robinson Cruzo." "I study English because he is useful in my future profession. I have not yet decided on the choice of profession, but it will definitely be associated with English. "

Why am I learning foreign languages?
English is very interesting language. And it is also very interesting to study it, and most importantly: this language is needed everywhere. In Africa, in India, in China ...
No Frenchman (without knowledge of Spanish) can not find the Argentine to find out where the obelisk is located in Buenos Aires, and English will help him figure out what. English-Interchange. It can talk almost the whole world.
English You need to know all self-respecting people. If you do not know the language, you just see you, and you will find yourself in a very stupid situation.
Why do I teach English?
I am a very developed personality and I believe that if a person says that he is smart and knows the language well, and there can not connect two words, he is stupid. Hanging language understands in my two favorite countries: the Netherlands and the UAE. I want to go there and, generally travel around the world. The second, I want to become a successful person. And they do not become if you do not know English.
English - very popular and I think he will be in the future

develop with even greater speed. Sitdikova Aigul

Beckmurzaev Emil,

student 7 B class

For what I study English.

There are many different languages \u200b\u200bin the world. The most popular one is English. He is the language of international communication. therefore modern man Be sure to know English.

English is one of my favorite items at school. I study him because it is very important. In addition, English is interesting and beautiful. I believe that knowledge of the language will come in handy to me in the future, since I want to travel a lot in different countries. I decided to become an engineer, and for this you need to know well and English, because many technical texts are written in English. Knowing language, you can learn the most advanced technical inventions. I also really want to read the works of foreign authors in the original. I really like to listen to music in English and I want to understand the meaning of the text of the songs.

Like everyone, I have a dream. I want to go to Jamaica, but without English I can not communicate with its inhabitants.

Since English is the language of international communication, then a person who owns them, in life there is more prospects and opportunities to succeed in studying, work.

Ustimova Ksenia 7 B class

I am very studying English. I have a lot now I see people who study it. I need English in my future so that I had a good education, I watch many films in English, and I read many books in the original. Learn languages \u200b\u200bare very important today. English is a global language in which many countries and nations say. Some teach English to work, and some for their interest. I know that English is used in some professions related to linguistics. Today, knowledge of a foreign language is the necessary thing to get a good profession. To be a famous public figure, you need to know English very well. In the future, I want to become a diplomat, for this you need to know English and many other languages \u200b\u200bperfectly.

Topic (writing) in English on the topic "English in life / English in the life"

Why is it so important to study foreign languages?

I Think, Nowadays It Is Very Important to Know Foreign Languages. Some People Learn Languages, Because The Need Them for Their Work, Others Travel Abroad, For the Third It`s Just a Hobby. People Want to Know Languages, to Write to their Pen-Friends or to Communicate with People from Different Countries, To Meet More People and Make New Friends. Also, They Wrt To Read Books of Famous Writers in Original, to Read Newspapers and Magazines. IT HELPS THERE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT DIFFERENT EVENTS, PEOPLE'S LIFE, CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS.

NowAdays, English Has Become An International Language. Over 300 Million People Speak It As A Mother Tongue. As for me, I learn English from 7 years Age. This Language Helps Me Very Much, to Speak Free with People From All Over The World, Make New Friends and Participate in International Contesss.

I Like One Proverb of Johann Goethe: "He Who Does Not Know Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bDoes Not Know Anything About His Own." I SPEAK UKRANIAN, Russian, English, A Little ITALIAN AND SPANISH. And I`m Very Proud of IT, Because Languages-It`s My Second Life. Also, I Would Like To Learn Germany, French and Serbian, But This Year I Dedicate Myself to Learning Italian. You know, Dream from My Childhood - To Be An An An Interpreter and I`m Sure, I Get It.

Personally, I Think That To Know Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bToday IS Absolutely Necessary for Every Wedecated Man, for Every Good Specialist. So Let`s to Learn Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Discover With Them Many Interesting Things In Our Life!


I think in our time, it is very important to know foreign languages. Some people teach languages, because they need them for robots, others travel abroad, and for third hundreds it's just a hobby. People want to know languages, write to the correspondence friends or communicate with people with different countries, meet more new people and make friends. In addition, they want to read books of famous writers in the original, read newspapers and magazines. It helps them to learn more about different events, the lives of people, customs and traditions.

Study foreign languages Expanding our horizons, people become more educated. In my opinion, languages \u200b\u200bare especially important for those who work in different spheres of science and technology, politicians. Foreign language helps learn native language it is better. People who know many languages \u200b\u200b- polyglots. We know some names of Polyglotov: German Professor Schlimman, famous writer Shakespeare, philosopher Socrates and many others.

Nowadays, English has become an international language. About 300 million people speak it as in their native language. As for me, I teach English from 7 years. This language helps me very much, speak freely with people from all over the world, to make new friends and take part in international competitions.

I like one proverb Yogan Goethe: "The one who does not know foreign languages \u200b\u200bdoes not know anything about his native language." I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, a little in Italian and Spanish. And I am very proud of it, because languages \u200b\u200bare my second life. Also, I would like to learn German, French and Serbian, but this year I dedicate myself to the study of Italian. You know, my childhood dream is to be a translator and I am sure I will.

Personally, I think that you know foreign languages \u200b\u200btoday is absolutely necessary for each educated person, for every good specialist. Therefore, let's learn foreign languages \u200b\u200band open a lot of interesting things in our lives with them!

Kuznetsova Milena

Topic in English Why I learn English (Why i learn English) Tell about the importance of learning foreign languages. After examining the topic in English, why I study English (Why I Learn English) you will know why it is English that is so important to know in our days. This topic will be useful both to schoolchildren and students studying English, as well as to the topic why I study English (Why I Learn English) can become an excellent motivation to the study of this beautiful language, as well as the culture and traditions of English-speaking countries.

----- Text -----

Why i learn English

Learning Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bIs Becoming More and More Important Nowadays. IT Trains Our Memory and Broadens Our Mind. I TriED Learning Different Languages, But My Favourite Is English. IT IS BECOMING A global Language.. All Over the World for Business and Friendly Conversation IT Wordely Used All Over The World for Business and Friendly Conversation


English IS The International Language Of Business People, Sportsmen, Engineers, Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers, Students and Scientists. If You Want to Be a Pilot or a Stepardess You Have to Learn English.

Some People Learn English Because The Travel A Lot, Others Need It For Work, and for some people, IT is Just a Hobby.

I Have Been Learning English Since I Was 8. Now it is a hobby for me, But in Future, It Will Help Me to Find A Good Job and To Meet People from Other Countries. I ALSO THINK THOT Learning English Helps Me to Understand My Native Language.

----- Translation -----

Why am I studying English

The study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis becoming increasingly popular today. It trains memory and expands the horizons. I tried to study different languages, but my favorite is English. It becomes international. It is widely used worldwide for business and friendly conversations.

Most of the problems of the 21st century - political, economic, environmental cannot be solved without English.

English - International language for business people, athletes, engineers. pilots, air traffic controllers, students and scientists. If you want to become a pilot or a stewardess, you need to learn English.

Some people teach English because they travel a lot, others are needed for work, and for some it is just a hobby.

I teach English from 8 years. So far, for me it's just a hobby, but in the future he will help me find a good job, and also to get acquainted with people from other countries. I also believe that English learning helps me understand your native language.

English is often called the language of possibilities. And this is the reason why English opens the doors to three important areas: in a professional sphere, hobbies and education. If you are still in doubt and wonder what is needed in English, or you do not have enough motivation to finally get to him, then here are another 27 reasons to do it.

25 reasons to learn English

  1. English opens great opportunities.

    Learn this language is still at least then that, knowing it, you can travel in English-speaking countries and do not worry about what you get lost, you will not be able to explain with the locals, cause yourself a taxi or just buy food. Also, English opens large for career and education. But we will talk about it further.

  2. He will make you more attractive in the eyes of the employer.

    Learn English to make an impression on the personnel manager or the head of the company in which you want to get a job. Free possession of the second language clearly demonstrates the ability to learn new and characterizes you as a person who has invested, determination and resources in education. This is perhaps one of the main arguments in a conversation about what is needed to learn English.

  3. English is one of the most common in the world.

    Although he is inferior chinese language By the number of carriers, English remains the first in the number of foreigners who speak it. This means that English will give you the maximum return for the efforts that you spend on studying it.

  4. Without English, the chances of getting to the international company seek to zero.

    Even if the International Company is not based in one of the English-speaking countries, it is probably the partners there. Therefore, if you want to work in international firms in the future, do not postpone training in a long box.

  5. English is an international language of business communication.

    It tells almost all businessmen who are doing with foreigners. In the era of globalization, when entrepreneurs support relations with partners from various countries, there is no need to learn the language of each of them. It is enough to learn English, and you will probably be explained with both representatives of the United States and businessmen from Japan.

  6. English opens the doors to the best universities.

    Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge and other universities who do not leave the first ten educational institutions Peace, speak English. To get into these institutions is very difficult, and without knowing the language and is not possible. Another reason to learn it is the opportunity to access free educational programswhich these universities are laying out for extensive use.

  7. In English, some of the greatest literary works are written.

    If you learn it, you can enjoy the original works of the greatest writers, poets and playwrights. The works of Shakespeare will play with new paints for you, you can experience all the beauty of English poetry and imbued with the grandeur and the strength of great American novels. Even the most qualitative translation is not able to reflect all the semantic shades, the game of words and the firm hints that the author invested in his work.

  8. English will help you get closer to the modern pop culture.

    The most cash and popular films are filmed today in Hollywood, the most popular music in the world - also from those places. Learn the language and watch movies and serials with such as the creators have thought. You do not have to suffer from localizer errors and endure the unpleasant voices of dubbing actors. Also, you will finally learn what is going on in your favorite song. Just warn - after that it can turn into an unloved.

  9. Language knowledge allows you to participate in international conferences, competitions and other events.

    Most sports competitions such as the Olympic Games or World Cup are held in English. Therefore, organizers, volunteers and just fans desirable to know this language to communicate with foreigners and understand what is happening around.

  10. It has a very simple alphabet.

    Understand and learn english Alphabet It is easier than the alphabet of most other languages, especially the eastern, where hieroglyphs are used. Here are only twenty-six letters that form all sounds.

  11. He gives you a wide access to knowledge.

    English is international language science. Most of the discoveries and advanced studies, if not occur in English-speaking countries, are necessarily transferred to English. Scientists from all over the world publish their work on it, and English-speaking scientific publications are one of the most authoritative in the world. If you work or learn in the field of pharmaceuticals, engineering, medicine and computer technology, you will hand over a lot of new and useful in original publications.

  12. Learning English is a serious challenge.

    If you like to compete with others or with yourself, learning English will bring you real pleasure, because this language is not easy and requires serious effort. To reinforce the motivation, let's bet with a friend: which of you will learn it faster or at least to reach a certain level in it.

  13. You will be able to get acquainted or even a relationship with a foreigner / foreign way.

    Teach English if you want to make friends with people from other countries or even find your "half". Create new acquaintances, communicate with foreigners on the Internet, find out about their culture and tell about yours.

  14. Become an example for present or future children.

    If you have children or you plan to ever start them, English can be very useful. If only because someday they go to school, and you can help them with homework on this subject.

  15. Learn English - fun.

    If stereotypes are alive in you that any studies are boring and uninteresting, throw them away. Classes can be truly fascinating if you know how to diversify them. For this, various games, movies, songs and communication on interesting topics are suitable.

  16. He will allow you to look at the world in a new way.

    The language largely determines the view of a person on the worldAnd there is nothing wrong with that. But for the sake of diversity it is interesting and useful to look at the world through the eyes of a person from another language environment and, therefore, culture. Learn English, and you can discover new horizons, look at the usual things at a different angle.

  17. English will help you develop a sense of time.

    In Russian, only three times - the present, which has passed and the future. And in English their whole twelve. Studying them, you will achieve a clear understanding, at what period of time there is something or another, and how it correlates with other actions and events.

  18. This is the language of the Internet.

    More than 50% of all sites on the Internet contain information in English. In order for you to understand the scale of its dominance in this area, we note that the Russian language, which is the second most popular, covers only 6.6% of sites. Therefore, if you want to get the latest information on the network, you should learn English.

  19. This is a language of tourism.

    It doesn't matter what side of the barricades are you - among holidaymakers or among service workers - in other countries you will definitely use English. If you travel around the world, you can learn only him and be sure that even in non-English-speaking countries you will understand. Well, if you work in this area, then without knowing the language it is definitely not to do.

  20. You will get access to objective information.
  21. This is a significant advantage in the labor market.

    Owing English, you can safely ask for a salary by 20-25% higher than your competitors who do not know him. Provided, of course, that English is useful in your specialty.

  22. It will help learn other languages.

    English has a long and fascinating story that covers the invasion of his carriers to countries around the globe. Cultures that contributed to the formation of modern English is the Romans, Vikings and French. For this reason, English has become a hybrid language consisting of Latin, German and Romanesque elements.

  23. This is a flexible language.

    Foreigners who are trying to teach it often noted that there are always several ways to express one and the same thing. This is due to the fact that the rules in modern English are sufficiently soft and allow you to speak on it as convenient.

  24. English has an impact on other languages.

    English Thanks to its international status, there is a rather aggressive expansion in other languages. In particular, more and more Britishism appears in Russian, words that are not translated, but simply translisible. Selfie, Blog, Website - All these words came to Russian (and in other languages) from there.

  25. Studying English develops self-discipline.

    To achieve noticeable results in English, you need to learn English long enough and without interruptions. And to do this without a developed self-discipline and self-control is very difficult, especially if you learn the language yourself, and not with the teacher.

If all these arguments did not convince you, then here's another reason why you need to learn English. Knowing it, you can easily support a polite conversation with Queen Elizabeth II and do not fall into the dirt face, if you suddenly meet her on the street. We are sure that now the scale of the scales for you probably bowed in favor of learning English.

Useful video on the topic:

English is considered world. He must know every self-respecting person in order to be able to communicate outside of his country. In addition, there are many reasons, why people should know English.

Why need to learn English: reasons

Studying a foreign language is needed not only to communicate abroad. You can also distinguish the following reasons:

  • When studying foreign languages, you train your brain. According to the latest research, people who know at least two languages \u200b\u200band own them own, have a much less chance of getting in old age Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer.
  • Social life. Knowledge helps us feel more confident. English is not an exception. You have much more chances not only to increase the self-conceit, but also add yourself a chance in finding more friends and interests, including abroad.
  • Work. Knowledge of English increases the likelihood that you are faster and easier to find the work of your dreams. People who have knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bare more in demand in the labor market and are rapidly obtained, especially if we are talking about large organizations, including international ones.
  • If you learn English, you will disappear in finding translations of books, lyrics and various programs or even movies. A huge world will open for you - culture of another country. Isn't it interesting?
  • Language knowledge will change your worldview and make a horizon wider, and the possibilities are more. You will learn to be more objective and mobile.
  • If a girl wants to marry a foreigner, without knowing the language it will be hard to do it. Therefore, those who expect to find their soul mate in another country, the English is just necessary to know English.

In fact, the reasons to learn English are endless, everyone finds something for himself. If you still decide to approach the study of English seriously, believe me, you will not regret. If you are very novice, you can work out with a tutor. Those who already have initial knowledge of English, you can do it yourself: learn from textbooks, read books in English, watch movies without translation.