Businessman, investor, patternants, co-owner of the SD Ventures Holding and Trustees of the Support Fund of the State Tretyakov Gallery Dmitry Volkov took part in the Program "Secret Millionaire". He spent 5 days in Nizhny Novgorod in the image of the "intelligent homeless", in his pocket who had only one thousand rubles. This tells the NEWSNN portal.

"Nizhny Novgorod is a great place. I was there. There are fighters MiG, in which I flew to the stratosphere, just from Nizhny Novgorod, "said wolves.

Random passers-by millionaire said that he was involved in the show. Supposedly he arrived in an unfamiliar city to start new life After his business partners substituted.

He had to find those people who really needed help.

"The purpose of my participation in this project was to find potential contacts for charity," said Dmitry Volkov.

During the participation in the program, the millionaire managed to work at the factory and courier in Arsenal, spent the night in a dirty household trailer.

In total, in 5 days, the millionaire crossed more than 12 million rubles.

According to the results of the days spent in Nizhny Novgorod, the days of wolves a total of crushed more than 12 million rubles.

So, 277.3 thousand rubles received a barman of one of the Nizhny Novgorod clubs. Together with the administrator of the club, the Bartender will go to the Millionaire a cruise journey on a yacht worth 7.2 million rubles. 750 thousand were donated to the artist for rent a workshop. An employee of one of the plants of Volkov gave 500 thousand rubles. For the owner of the "House with suspended toys", he arranged a photo session with leading models of Nizhny Novgorod. The chief specialist of the Public Relations Department "Arsenal" received tickets to Paris worth 410 thousand rubles from a millionaire. Moreover, a certain amount of wolves presented the grandmother standing at the Moscow railway station.

Now Dmitry Volkov plans to create a Board of Trustees for the Nizhny Novgorod State Center modern art "Arsenal". He reported this during the show of the TV channel "Friday".

"I want to create a guardianship for Arsenal. I would be one of his trustees. And I want to transfer 2.5 million rubles as a contribution to this Fund, "the millionaire said.

30.03.2017 Correspondent Site talked with the heroes of the "Secret Millionaire", which Bogach presented money and gifts Parennino.

"Charming, modest, educated - that should be real not only materially, but also spiritually rich people." Transfer with Dmitry Volkovov, which was filmed in Nizhny Novgorod, caused a storm of positive emotions from the viewers. True, the choice of a millionaire, who to give money, seemed strange. Social network users argue about the correctness of the choice. The site correspondent talked to Nizhny Novgorod who received "gifts" from Dmitry Volkov and found out how they ordered money received from a millionaire.

Millionaire visiting "Uncle Leshi".

Uncle Lesha

The first stop is big cross, 44. It is here that "Uncle Lesha" lives. It can be called urban crazy, in a good sense.

Alexey Shuvalov 74 years old. His house is the center of contemporary art. The territory near the house is decorated with sculptures made by their own hands. As a material, Alexey Ivanovich uses beers from under beer, plastic cups and other things that usually fall into a trash can.

Alexey Ivanovich turned out to be a very positive person. On our correspondent, he met jokes-booms. Drinking a little wine, he told how Dmitry Volkov was located. "Uncle Lesha" did not even guessed that his guest was a millionaire.

The "secret millionaire" turned out to be an excellent interlocutor, however, according to Alexei Ivanovich, "he refused from Samogon."

The Millionaire from Moscow presented "Uncle Leshe" not only a photo session with half-or-old girls, but also a collection of Vysotsky plates and two heaters.

Denis and Vasilisa from the Striptease Club

Then our correspondent went to the strip club, where wolves worked. His doors were closed. He starts his work only at 21.00. By phone, specified on the official website of the Striptease-Club, no one answered.

TV viewers are still perplexed, for which the club employees received "gifts" from a millionaire. Vadim Galitsky, Colleague Denis and Vasilisa, told in social networkthat the program did not show a lot. "When there was a complete landing of the hall, Denis helped Dmitry all night to cope with the work, he spent all night with him, told, helped, etc., it was simply visible in transmission. And the most important attitude, the whole team led by the administrator of Vasilisa, really entered his position and helped him. I say again, this simply did not transfer the transfer as it was, "Vadim Galitsky stressed.

Artem Filatov

Artem Artem Filatov barely missed Dmitry Volkov.

When we met Dmitry, he appeared in the role of a ruined entrepreneur who had a bagent workshop. We communicated with him for two evenings, I showed the workshop and my work, talked with him about the topics important for me. It happened that I quoted something, and Dmitry picked up this quotation and continued it. While we sat and drank tea, lately, I felt that the film crew was delivering to Dmitry, when he spoke about trips to prepare materials as part of the study of philosophy of consciousness when he said that he was familiar with Oleg Kulik - he left the image. When shooting ended, but I still did not know who Dmitry is in fact, I really wanted to continue communication, it seemed to me an amazing person, very close in spirit, "Nizhny Novgorod artist told the correspondent.

Artem has already determined how he orders the money obtained from the millionaire.

Part of the funds will allow us to rent a workshop at least a year that will give some economic freedom of seven artists who gathered under the common roof. I plan to direct another part to implement the exhibition project in the building of the former Museum of the Nizhny Novgorod intelligentsia this fall. Since the beginning of the year, we agree on renting the entire historic building and are close to signing the contract. The future exhibition can be an important step towards the formation of a strategy for sustainable development Historic Nizhny Novgorod.

Ani Kobalyan

But for the employee of the Arsenal Museum, participation in the show became a complete surprise.

My participation in this realistic show is absolutely random. I, as a person who does not watch the TV since the end of the school, and as a PR, who, communicating with the press, almost always remains in the shade, did not seek to get to the expanses of a TV show and even more so he becomes the heroine of the Secret Millionaire program TV channel "Friday" ... however, as you can see!

In addition to public relations, in Arsenal I lead the volunteer club. And this work mostly keeps on the enthusiasm of the guys and volunteers, which are infinitely passionate about modern art and without exception to the projects of Arsenal.

So, Dmitry and became an Arsenal volunteer, according to legend, as a person who starts life from scratch in a foreign city. Speeding bills to our partners and received a bonus in the form of sandwich with sea buckthorn tea and express excursions on exhibitions. There, I also mentioned the lacquer, "In the center of Pompidou, I, of course, was not, but I attend Russian museums of contemporary art often." This is where the trip to Paris and Vip-excursion from Curator Pompidou came from, Dmitry's gift.

My reaction? Surprise. In my opinion, in the final frames, the expression of my face only about it and shouts!

Moreover, surprise is positive for the most part. It is affecting the fact that it is in this way that the situation has reduced me with Dmitry Volkov (a person who perfectly dismantled in contemporary art, who made performances with the famous modern artist Oleg Kulik, in the private collection of Dmitry work Kavarga and Morozova, besides, he is the third tires and " Garage "). Moreover. I did not know anything about him before.

This is an amazing person. And true patron. I think that he crosses many stereotypes of millionaires, their snobs and ache. As you can see, being rich you can be smart and generous. And Dmitry, in addition, it turns out to be creative and volv. And so accurately read people. Isn't it amazing?

By the way, in Paris Ani already visited.

How has my life changed? I learned that there is a philosopher Daniel Dennet! And Dmitry wrote about him and his theory of consciousness of the book. That the coast of Greenland passed the philosophical expedition dedicated to freedom of will. And what do you mean?!

And I also visited Paris on my birthday. I managed to bypass 17 museums seven days before the spring and get acquainted with the curators of the Pompidou Center, and all the raised hay, and books Marhe, and Baget Montparnasses. Is not that great?

Ekaterina Emelyanova

The last stop of the correspondent site was the address: Monastery, 5a. It is here that the production of insulation. It was here that Dmitry Volkov "was engaged in cotton."

To get to this place was not easy. It is behind the railway and fenced with a high fence. There are no tablets on the building.

Alas, Ekaterina Emelyanova, whom Volkov awarded half a million rubles, was not in place .. the shooting of the program took place in February. Byetovka, where Dmitry lived, demolished.

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A worried jacket from second-hand, an old push-button phone and a thousand rubles - with such a well-known Skarba in Nizhny Novgorod visited the famous Moscow millionaire Dmitry Volkov. Having become a member of the new reality show "Secret Millioner" on the TV channel "Friday", oligarch on our own skull experienced all the burden of the Gorky "bottom".

In fact, I have long been living in a kind of cocoon, "Moscow businessman explained his participation in the program. - I fence myself with people with whom I have been working for a long time, and which create a comfortable lifestyle for me. I lost contact with people outside of my circle. Therefore, it is important for me to ship five days in conditions when this contact will be possible.

Under the terms of the program, Dmitry Volkov was supposed to travel in the lower Novgorod incognito. He told all his new acquaintances and the same legend: he was a businessman, then the partners "threw" for money, broke and found himself without a penny. For fun, he was forced to be interrupted by random earnings and spending the night, where he would have to - and simply found five "lucky shoes" at once, which then ozit.

Dmitry Volkov arrived in Nizhny Novgorod incognito here in this form. Photo: Stop-frame from the program "Secret Millioner" TV channel "Friday".

In Nizhny Novgorod, I have already been once, - a businessman honestly admitted. - I know that the MiG planes are made here. On one of them I flew into the stratosphere. The flight lasted about 40 minutes and cost me 1 million 200 thousand rubles. This time the trip will clearly be completely different.

Old as the world is a story about the transformation of a prince in a beggar, at the Nizhny Novgorod land he played with completely new paints. Where Dmitry all these five days wandered: he worked at the plant for the manufacture of thermal insulation, spent advertising booklets "Arsenal", conducted inventive conversations with a novice artist Artem Filatov, cared for the elderly Christian of Uncle Leshey and even ... Introduced bulls for strippers in a nightclub. During this time, he managed to see Nizhny Novgorod in all shine and poverty - from the dirty cabinet of migrant workers to the sophisticated halls of the center of contemporary art. And in the end I found my heroes!

Different people gained support from me, "Dmitry Volkov rejoices. - I believe that I managed to contribute to the fact that their life is more interesting. For me, this is a kind of school survival, and take a look at yourself from the side. I think. Five to ten years I will remember this adventure with great interest.

The wolves turned out to be so generous that he gave this bartender (right) more than 7 million rubles! Photo: Stop-frame from the program "Secret Millioner" TV channel "Friday".

Current "KP"

In total, Dmitry Volkov crossed in Nizhny Novgorod over 12 million rubles:

277 thousand 300 rubles - bartender from the nightclub, where he worked as a cleaner

7 million 200 thousand rubles - a seven-day cruise on the yacht Bartender and the administrator of the nightclub.

750 thousand rubles - for payment of the lease of a workshop for a novice artist Artem Filatova

500 thousand rubles - His partner Catherine from the heat-insulation plant

150 thousand - on a photo session with strippers for elderly uncle Leshi

410 thousand rubles - on a trip to Paris and a meeting with the curator of the Pompidou Center for an employee of Arsenal Anna.

2.5 million rubles - a contribution to the Board of Trustees for the Center for Contemporary Art "Arsenal".

Help "KP"

Dmitry Volkov, 40 years old. Russian entrepreneur, philosopher, patronage and actual art. Creator of the Internet Holding of Sdventures, whose offices are presented worldwide. Holder of country houses and apartments in Moscow, Penthouse in Manhattan, Chalet in the French Alps and a huge estate under Riga 550 thousand square meters. Host, has a 9-year-old daughter.

And you wanted to live the life of another person? Dmitry Volkov - the Russian entrepreneur, the philosopher, the patron and the actual art agreed to the adventure and risked the participant of the television show. Dmitry changed the expensive suit on simple clothes, left in his pocket only a thousand rubles and came to an unfamiliar city - try to start life from pure sheet. For what it is necessary for a successful businessman, "Thirst" was sought.

- Dmitry, why did you need to participate in the TV show "Secret Millionaire"?

- It was an attempt to destroy a comfortable "case", in which I live quite a long time. Look at the world with inside. So it turns out that I usually give some kind of help, and here I needed the help of other people for survival. It was a new and valuable experience. The experience of confidence in the world. You know, there is such an exercise on trust: you close your eyes and fall back, and people catch you from behind. It was something like that. I usually rely on my capabilities or my team, and here it took to rely on completely unfamiliar people.

- Do you remember your childhood? What are you dreamed of, and who wanted to become?

- In early childhood, my parents left Moscow to Kamchatka. So many did, in order to at least take a separate accommodation for a while. There, the Koryak Sopka produced on me an indelicant impression on me - this is a volcano, which was visible from everywhere, but it was impossible to walk on foot. I immediately decided that I would become a volcanologist, that is, I would definitely get to volcanoes and will explore them.

- You have many projects. What do you do in this moment? What do spent the most time?

- I have now returned to business management. In general, it has always been a class that occupied the most time. But lately I ended the dissertation, so now you have to crash.

- You have very unusual hobbies: piloting, heli-ski. Tell us how to get involved in this?

- Perhaps it began with the same Kamchatka. We lived in the village of Krurtogorovsky, and there almost no transport. I often sat in a music school and waited for mom to finish classes with a student. And sometimes a helicopter arrived directly to school and sat in the yard. These were Mi-8. I did not know where they arrive, but it was amazing. Then some time passed, and I almost forgot about helicopters. But I remembered them when I began to shoot in the film "To survive" in the role of the son of a veteran of the Afghan War. This boy knew everything: shoot, drive a car, ride a horse. My hero was behind the wheel of the car, on which there is a fire with a helicopter of a gangster (which Alexander Rosenbaum played). Then, being under fire from the air, I remembered Mi-8. Yes, the helicopter has many advantages over the machine. And then, probably, I decided - it means I will fly too. Therefore, my hobbies are now associated with helicopters. Piloting, and even on the mountains for riding a helicopter throws me.

- Is it important for you to be a famous person, or, on the contrary, publicity interferes?

- Remember the poem of Pasternak "Being famous ugly"? There are such lines: "But you have to live without impostor, so to live, in the end, to attract the love of space to yourself, hear the future call." I really inspire me. And fame has simply some utilitarian meaning. Sometimes, for example, it helps to quickly establish contact with a person - do not need some things to tell several times.

- What qualities help you in work, and what are they hindering?

- I can see goals. And I have a "passion": to work, to philosophy, music. This gives the dynamics of movement. And what prevents? Sometimes there is not enough courage to put some superficials. I often focus on achievable goals. Sometimes there is not enough freedom or imagination. Spontanes can sometimes miss.

- What could you advise novice entrepreneurs?

- Do not be afraid of mistakes. If the error is analyzed and understood - then this is a victory.

- What errors can be avoided when building a business?

- You know when I registered my first company, I spent a lot of time to choose a logo. It seemed to me that the company's logo is like a family coat of arms and will be with me all my life. After that, I changed the names of the companies and logos many times too. It is better to focus on the product or service.

- What do you understand under such an expression, like "thirst for business"?

- Thirst for business is probably thirst for adventure. Business is one of the most exciting adventures. Here are some say: you work in the office, you come to the office, sit in the office. And I do not understand what it means. As soon as I come to work, I continue to feel that I am somewhere in. I live among plans, some managerial and engineering tasks. They are all outside the household space. This is life in the future, with what is not yet, but what begins to somehow come from the future. Therefore, I do not understand what it means "work in the office" or "work outside the office".

- What is the competitive advantage of your SDVentures?

- We are not only an investment company. We have a very strong technological examination. That is, we participate in projects not only as an investor, but also as a potential performer of difficult technological problems.

- You are actively engaged in charity. Does it inspire you?

"I try to help in those areas where you understand." Or rather, I chose the directions that interest me. And in these areas, I try to use my capabilities. So, I am interested in technological art, and I am ready to support artists working in this area. I am also interested in philosophy, analytical philosophy, first of all, and I support the Center for Research. It was in these areas that I would like to do something meaningful.

- I can not not ask about your scientific activity. Share your success.

- Over the past two years, I have published almost 15 scientific articles. But the work on them was carried out the last 5 years. These articles are mainly on the topic of free freedom. The problem of freedom of will is one of the classic philosophical problems. Philosophers are trying to find out if there can be freedom in a world where all events, including our behavior, is a consequence of the laws of nature and the events independent of us. But recently, scientists who explore the brain, neurophysiologists have been included in the dialogue. Some of them began to argue that a person cannot be free, and all our decisions are not coming from us. It seems to me that a big mistake is considered. Why such an error is allowed and how to avoid it in reflections - this is what I do.

- What are your goals in front of you for the next year?

- I'm going to strengthen the investment destination Sdventures. Improve some of our products in the mobile segment - there are still many calls. Build a better relationship with Google and Facebook. Well, and otherwise - to protect the doctoral thesis, to finish the second monograph and bring a daughter in National Park Sequoia.

29.03.2017 One of the richest people in Russia became a hero of reality show Parennino.

Overnight in the household, buying food and firing frost. One of the most famous millionaires of Russia Dmitry Volkov felt all the delights of poor life in Nizhny Novgorod. The rich is the hero of the new show "Friday" TV channel - "Secret Millioner".

Under the terms of the show, the Hero of Realvest must voluntarily refuse the previous wealthy life and try to establish life in new harsh realities, without a gold card, personal assistant and status dating. Five days in a row, the milliona will have to spend the night in the shelters, work at the factories and ask for alms on the street. At the disposal of a former businessman will be only 1000 rubles, an old mobile phone and clothing from Sond-Hand.

Dmitry Volkov - "Secret Millioner".

Millionaire cannot open his real life. For Dmitry Volkova, the program creators came up with the legend that he came to Nizhny Novgorod to earn money after his friends-businessmen rushed. Before traveling, Dmitry was given two envelopes. You can open them only in extreme cases. In letters, information on where you can find a job and overnight.

As soon as Dmitry stepped up to the Nizhny Novgorod Earth, he went to collapse with printing publications. There he bought newspapers with job offers. Suitable offers there Dmitry did not find.

Then the millionaire went to look for work at large enterprises of the capital of the Volga region. So, he was on the monastery, 5. As the millionaire said, he will remember this address forever.

At this address is the production of thermal insulation. Dmitry to work took. He was so glad that he did not even ask about earnings. As a result, in two hours, the "secret millionaire" earned 250 rubles.

The first night in Nizhny Novgorod, Dmitry Volkov spent the day in the hostel, and the next thing - in "Motovka". After dinner, which consisted of saury and cheese banks, a millionaire had poisoning. Despite this, he continued participation in the project.

In Nizhny Novgorod, Dmitry Volkov managed to work at the Museum of Contemporary Art Arsenal, Artem Filatov artist helped Udal Leshe, as well as to work as a nightclub to Barmen's assistant.

At the end of the show, Dmitry Volkov distributed to Nizhny Novgorod, whom he met in the capital of the Volga region, gifts and money. So, the staff of the nightclub Denis and Vasilis received from a millionaire 4,700 dollars and a cruise on the yacht. The Nizhny Novgorod artist a millionaire handed 750 thousand rubles (this money will be paid to the rental of the premises).

The businessman for the first time eats "Friendship" cheese.

Half a million rubles Dmitry Volkov was handed over to Ekaterina's partner, which he met at the production of thermal insulation. The most unusual gift from the metropolitan millionaire received Uncle Lesha. Dmitry Volkov presented a pensioner photo session with striptears.

The most luxurious gift was received by the employee of Arsenal and the Museum itself. Dmitry Volkov gave a journey to Paris, and the museum is 2.5 million rubles.

Dmitry Volkov admitted that it was very difficult to participate in this show, but despite this, he got a lot of pleasure from the project.

Sometimes it seems to me that I live as a person in a case. And it's not even that I, like a rack, or that I do not communicate with people. Just every God's day I will communicate with people at work and I am very accustomed to this everything. This is my personal case. That is why I wanted to open it, agreeing to participate in this project, "said Millionaire.

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