Trieste (Italian: Trieste) is a city and port in the north-east of Italy. In the past - a free imperial city, the capital of the Austrian Primorye, a separate free territory.

Trieste is mentioned by Caesar in the "Notes on the Gallic War" as Tergest. The first city walls were built under Octavian, who in 33 BC. NS. also ordered to adapt the bay for receiving ships. Later Tergest found himself in the shadow of nearby Aquileia.

Roman amphitheater

(excavations were carried out in the 30s). The amphitheater itself, formed by steps of brick (almost entirely replaced during the restoration), rests on a hillside and is surrounded by an imposing authentic Roman wall. In the lower part, a few remains of a scaffold and a monumental scene facing the sea are visible.

In the Middle Ages, Trieste was a significant trade center, for which there was a struggle of various states. The Italian king Lothair II in 947 made it a free community. In 1202, Trieste was captured by the Venetian Republic, for a long time he tried to free himself, appealing for the help of the emperor and the Habsburgs. The last townspeople swore allegiance in 1382.

The small Romanesque basilica of San Silvestro, which, according to tradition, arose on the site of the dwelling of the Christian Holy Martyrs Eufemia and Tekla.

In contrast to it, next to it stands the majestic Baroque building of the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, erected by the Order of the Jesuit Fathers between 1627 and the beginning of the 18th century.

Interior view of the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore

Cathedral of San Giusto. The simple façade features a graceful Gothic rosette of white stone and a central portal formed by a Roman tombstone. The imposing bell tower is adorned with Roman reliefs and a statue of St. Giusto, the patron saint of the city. To the left of the bell tower is a baptistery with a hexagonal font from the 9th century.

Remains of a Roman Basilica and a Castle. The imposing bulk of the Castle, erected between 1470 and 1630. The rectangular structure that forms the oldest part of the building, the so-called. "House of the Captain", later became part of a fortified structure with a triangular base and three bastions at the corners: a round or Venetian bastion towering over the city (1508); the Lalio bastion (1553 - 1561) and the flowery or Pomis bastion (completed in 1630).

Castle until the end of the 18th century. was the residence of captains - the heads of the Austrian imperial administration in Trieste, then - a barracks and, finally, in the 30s of the 20th century. became the property of the Municipality and became a venue for performances and other cultural events.

Although for centuries Trieste remained the main (and sometimes the only) port of the Habsburg monarchy, its development proceeded so slowly that even at the beginning of the 18th century it was a little remarkable, sleepy town with a population of 5,700 inhabitants. Charles VI of Habsburg, having attended to the arrangement of maritime communication with the newly acquired possessions in southern Italy, in 1719 declared Trieste a free imperial city.

The privileges bestowed by the emperor laid the foundation for the rapid growth of Trieste. By 1891, when the rights of a free city were revoked, Trieste had grown 27 times. Two thirds of the population at that time were Italians. Austro-Hungarian Trieste at the turn of the century is one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean, and moreover, the pearl of the so-called. Austrian Riviera, where the upper classes of Viennese society spent the winter months.

From the moment of its formation (1860) the Italian kingdom considered the acquisition of Trieste as one of its goals. foreign policy and under the guarantees of the London Pact (according to which the Entente countries promised Trieste to the Italians) entered the First world war... As a result of the war, not only Trieste, but also almost the entire Austrian Primorye, from which the Venezia Giulia region was formed, went to Italy.

Piazza Dell "Unita D" Italy.

This most extensive square of the city opens on one side to the sea, offering a view of a unique beauty picture. Gradually taking shape during the Middle Ages, it initially had an elongated shape, following the coastline, and more than half of its present surface was occupied by a port or "mandrakchio". By the middle of the 19th century. the square acquired the monumental appearance that has survived to this day: a regular quadrangle, framed by stylistically harmonizing facades, represents, as it were, a wonderful theatrical stage with the majestic Palace of the Municipality in the back and side curtains of the palazzo.

Municipal Palace.

Facing the sea, the Municipal Palace (G. Bruni, 1875) combines elements of various historical styles in its eclectic manner.

The tower clock and the time-beating figures are reminiscent of the Moors of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice.

The square is adorned with the Fountain of the Four Continents (J. B. Mazzoleni, 1754), allegorically representing Trieste to the world as a favorite of Destiny, thanks to its status as a free harbor and Austrian politics. The figures, personifying the four then known continents (Europe, Asia, Africa and America), are overshadowed by Glory, towering over the young figure of Trieste, facing a merchant in oriental clothes.

House No. 1 - the majestic Palazzo del Lloyd Trieste, formerly Lloyd Austrienko (architect H. Firstel), erected in 1883; it now houses the board of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region.

Government Palace

The Palazzo del Governo sparkling with gold of its mosaic cladding (Government Palace; architect E. Hartman, 1905).

Throughout its history, Trieste accumulated great wealth, but was forced to give them to the Austrian emperor as payment for the patronage of the city back in the XIV century. And no sooner had the city become Italian in the first half of the 20th century, when it almost changed its citizenship, having spent several years in the status of the Free Territory of Trieste, for which Italy and Yugoslavia fought.


For many centuries Trieste lived under the rule of the Austrian Habsburg dynasty, flourished, but secretly dreamed of independence.

The Italian city of Trieste is located in the northwest of the Balkan Peninsula, on the shores of the Gulf of Trieste, on the northern coast of the Adriatic Sea. It is a large port with a convenient harbor, rising from the coastline up the steep slope of the Colle li San Giusto hill. This hill and the neighboring ones are the end of the Karst Plateau, which drops off into the sea. The surrounding hills are riddled with many caves formed by rainwater and streams.

Trieste is one of the historical centers of northeastern Italy, formed under the influence of Latin, Slavic and Germanic cultures.

People have been building their settlements here since the 2nd millennium BC. NS. The most famous are the Illyrians, in the X-IX centuries. BC NS. - Adriatic Veneti, who named their settlement Tergeste (trading place).

The history and the current administrative-political state of Trieste is determined by its geographical position between two enemies from the early Middle Ages to World War II - Austria and Italy.


In Trieste, dozens of languages ​​and peoples have mixed in the most bizarre way, and each of the representatives of these peoples has every right to claim that he is the indigenous inhabitant of Trieste.

Being a part of Austria-Hungary affected the appearance of Trieste, which retained the external features of a typical Austrian city (after all, Trieste was part of Austria for almost 600 years) with artsy-style houses that form a whole area called the Austrian Quarter. In Italy itself, Trieste is considered the most "non-Italian" city in the country, citing two facts in confirmation: central part The city was built up according to the plan of the Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa (1717-1780), and Trieste officially became part of modern Italy later than all other cities in the country - only in 1954.

Another striking detail is the large, even by Mediterranean standards, variety of coffee shops. The townspeople who call themselves "triestini" claim that it was from their city that coffee began to be imported into Europe.

For the inhabitants of Eastern Europe, Trieste is Italy's northern gateway, and it is not surprising that so many people from the Balkan countries live here. And the state border with Slovenia is not far from the city, and it is quite possible to reach it on foot. The proximity to the border is also expressed in the fact that, despite the fact that official language here - Italian, on street signs and signs in Trieste, the inscriptions are usually made in two languages: Italian and Slovenian.

Due to the extremely beneficial in terms of commodity exchange geographic location Trieste has become the center foreign trade countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe. The city is the most important point of the so-called "Corridor 5" transport linking Western and Eastern Europe through Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Ukraine and Bosnia.

Today Trieste is one of the richest regions in the country.

In addition to a large seaport, there is an oil terminal in Trieste, from which the Transalpine pipeline stretches to Germany, through which imported oil is transported, as well as oil products obtained at city oil refineries.

Trieste is a large industrial center of the Adriatic, where they produce ship engines, build and repair ships, produce glass, paper and jute products.

The main and most romantic attraction of Trieste is the Miramare Castle (Castello Miramare). The castle was built on a cliff protruding into the Adriatic Sea in the vicinity of Trieste by the extremely gifted architect Karl Juncker. The style of the castle is difficult to define, sometimes it is called historical romanticism: here you can see the motives of the Gothic, Arabian, Byzantine, Romanesque and Renaissance styles. The construction customers and owners were the Austrian Archduke Maximilian (future emperor of Mexico) and his wife Charlotte of Belgium. All the halls of the castle face the sea (and the name translates as "Looking into the sea") and are illuminated by the sun all day. The castle has survived, and the fate of its owners is tragic: being the emperor of Mexico, Maximilian was shot by the Republicans, and Charlotte had lost her mind even before that.

The pride of all Triesteins is the main branches of the largest international scientific organizations located in the city: The International Center theoretical physics, International Center genetic engineering and Biotechnology, as well as a branch of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics.


■ The builder of Miramare Castle, Austrian Karl Juncker (1827-1882) was a very wealthy man and an unusually talented architect, whose creative life was overshadowed by an incurable disease: Juncker suffered from schizophrenia, which left an imprint on the appearance of the last architectural creations of his life.

■ Archduke Maximilian found the site for the construction of the Miramare castle by accident. In the spring of 1855, he was on a boat trip when a strong wind suddenly blew in and had to seek shelter in the Grignano Bay, protected from the north by a rocky ledge. The Archduke was so struck by the sheer, pristine beauty of the coastline and the hilly shores that he immediately decided to build his dream castle here.

■ In Trieste, the only active beach in Europe has survived, divided into male and female halves by a wall that goes into the sea called Pedocin.

■ In 1882 in Trieste, an Italian irredentist (activist of the Austrian resistance movement) named Guillermo Oberdan attempted the life of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I (1830-1916). Surprisingly, at that time the city bore the honorary title urbs fidelissima (the most faithful city) for refusing to participate in the revolutionary upheavals of the 1840s. Oberdan was arrested, tried and executed. Emperor Franz Joseph I ruled Austria-Hungary for another 35 years, but never came to Trieste again.

■ Trieste was incredibly lucky in 1470, when, by pure chance, the Ottoman Turks passed through, burning everything in their path, just seven kilometers from Trieste: their main goal was the Friuli region.

■ In the 1st century. Pliny the Elder (22 / 24-79) wrote about Trieste as a large port and commercial city in his Natural History.

■ On May 1-2, 1945, Trieste was liberated and occupied by units of the Yugoslav People's Liberation Army. A week later, on June 9, 1945, Anglo-American troops entered the city with the intention of preventing Yugoslavia from occupying the regions surrounding Trieste. The fate of Trieste, through an incredibly difficult and intricate diplomatic game, was decided in favor of Italy.

■ The Free Territory of Trieste (Free State of Trieste) from 1947 to 1954 was officially considered a UN mandate territory. The UN Security Council thus tried to maintain a balance in this multinational region and reduce the risk of territorial conflicts between Italy and Yugoslavia. The territory was ruled by military governors: an American, an Englishman and a Yugoslav. The territory was divided by the so-called "Morgan Line" (named after British General William Morgan) into Anglo-American Zone A (Trieste and adjacent coastal areas) and Yugoslavian Zone B (part of the Istrian coast). On October 5, 1954, an agreement was signed in London, according to which Zone A was annexed to Italy, and Zone B to Yugoslavia. For all eight years of its existence, the territory, not being an independent state, had its own currency (Trieste lira) and postage stamps.

K: Introduced in 1849 K: Disappeared in 1919

Austrian Littoral was a multinational entity. Here they spoke Italian, Slovenian, Croatian, German, Friulian and Istro-Romanesque. In 1910, the area of ​​Kyustenland was 7969 km², and the population exceeded 894 thousand people. The main industrial center was Trieste - the main seaport of Austria-Hungary. The economy of other coastal areas was tied to agriculture and tourism ( coastal strip The Adriatic was dubbed the Austrian Riviera).

After the loss of these provinces, Austria finally lost its access to the sea.

see also

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing the Austrian Littoral

- Non, Andre, je dis que vous avez tellement, tellement change ... [No, Andrei, I say: you have changed so much ...]
“Your doctor tells you to go to bed earlier,” said Prince Andrew. - You should go to sleep.
The princess said nothing, and suddenly the short, mustache-like sponge trembled; Prince Andrey, getting up and shrugging his shoulders, walked across the room.
Pierre looked in surprise and naivety through his spectacles first at him, then at the princess and stirred, as if he also wanted to get up, but again hesitated.
“What does it matter to me that Monsieur Pierre is here,” said the little princess suddenly, and her pretty face suddenly dissolved into a tearful grimace. - I wanted to tell you for a long time, Andre: why did you change so much to me? What did I do to you? You go to the army, you do not pity me. For what?
- Lise! - just said Prince Andrew; but this word contained both a request and a threat, and, most importantly, an assurance that she herself would repent of her words; but she hastily continued:
“You treat me like a sick person or a child. I see everything. Were you like that six months ago?
“Lise, I ask you to stop,” said Prince Andrey even more expressively.
Pierre, more and more agitated during this conversation, got up and went up to the princess. He seemed unable to bear the sight of tears and was ready to cry himself.
- Calm down, princess. It seems so to you, because I assure you, I myself experienced ... why ... because ... No, excuse me, a stranger is superfluous here ... No, calm down ... Goodbye ...
Prince Andrew stopped him by the hand.
- No, wait, Pierre. The princess is so kind that she will not want to deprive me of the pleasure of spending the evening with you.
- No, he only thinks of himself, - said the princess, not holding back angry tears.
“Lise,” said Prince Andrey dryly, raising his tone to the degree that shows that patience is exhausted.
Suddenly the angry squirrel expression of the princess's beautiful face was replaced by an attractive and compassionate expression of fear; she glanced from under her brows with her beautiful eyes at her husband, and her face showed that timid and confessing expression which is the case with a dog, which quickly but weakly wags its lowered tail.
- Mon Dieu, mon Dieu! [My God, my God!] - said the princess and, picking up the fold of her dress with one hand, she went up to her husband and kissed him on the forehead.
- Bonsoir, Lise, [Good night, Liza,] - said Prince Andrew, getting up and courteously, like a stranger, kissing his hand.

The friends were silent. Neither one nor the other began to speak. Pierre glanced at Prince Andrew, Prince Andrew rubbed his forehead with his small hand.
“Let's go to supper,” he said with a sigh, getting up and heading for the door.
They entered an elegantly, newly, richly decorated dining room. Everything, from napkins to silver, earthenware and crystal, bore that special imprint of novelty that occurs in the household of young spouses. In the middle of dinner, Prince Andrew leaned his elbows and, like a man who had something in his heart for a long time and suddenly decided to speak out, with an expression of nervous irritation in which Pierre had never seen his friend, began to say:
- Never, never marry, my friend; Here is my advice to you: do not marry until you tell yourself that you have done everything you could, and until you stop loving the woman you have chosen, until you see her clearly; otherwise you will be mistaken cruelly and irreparably. Marry an old man, worthless ... Otherwise everything that is good and high in you will be lost. Everything will be spent on trifles. Yes Yes Yes! Don't look at me with such surprise. If you expect something from yourself ahead, then at every step you will feel that everything is over for you, everything is closed, except for the drawing-room, where you will stand on the same board with the court lackey and the idiot ... But what! ...
He waved his hand energetically.
Pierre took off his glasses, which made his face change, showing even more kindness, and looked at his friend in surprise.
“My wife,” continued Prince Andrey, “is a wonderful woman. This is one of those rare women with whom you can be deceased for your honor; but, my God, what would I not give now, so as not to be married! I tell you this one and the first, because I love you.
Prince Andrew, saying this, was even less like that Bolkonsky, who was lounging in the armchairs of Anna Pavlovna and through his teeth, squinting, spoke French phrases... His dry face trembled all over with the nervous revival of every muscle; the eyes, in which the fire of life had previously seemed to be extinguished, now shone with a radiant, bright brilliance. It was evident that the more lifeless he seemed in ordinary times, the more energetic he was in those moments of almost painful irritation.

In the endless Moscow winter, Italian memories more and more often "overwhelm". I also remembered the sunny Italian port of Trieste, and in the past - a free imperial city, the capital of the Austrian Primorye, a separate free territory.
Trieste is located in the depths of the Gulf of Trieste of the Adriatic Sea, 145 km east of Venice, next to the Slovenian border. The first city walls of Trieste were built under Octavian in 33 BC. NS. for receiving ships. Austro-Hungarian Trieste at the turn of the century is one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean, the pearl of the Austrian Riviera. The Italian kingdom from the moment of its formation (1860) considered the acquisition of Trieste as one of the goals of its foreign policy. Under the Italian-Yugoslav Treaty of 1954 (with the participation of Great Britain and the United States), Trieste and the territories north of it were eventually transferred to Italy.

We were traveling to Italy from Slovenia and the main goal was to visit the Miramare Palace on the outskirts of Trieste. We landed at the Unity Square of Italy. The huge square facing the sea is one of the main attractions of Trieste. This square is considered not only one of the most beautiful squares in Italy. It is known that in Europe there are only three squares with direct access to the sea: in Venice, Trieste and Lisbon. The square was designed in 1879 by the architect Bruni, but in 1999 it was completely modernized. In fact, the idea to "turn the city to face the sea" came to mind back in the eighteenth century by Maria Theresa, the Austrian Archduchess, the mother of Marie Antoinette, who personally oversaw the construction of Trieste.
The center of Trieste, which combines the features of Austrian and Italian influences, pleased with its elegance, festivity and free sea breeze. As usual, the photos and videos taken are edited as impressions of this city - this is the main square of the Unity of Italy, and the remains of ancient Roman buildings - the ruins of the theater, Orthodox Church St. Spyridon, the Church of San Antonio Nuovo at the end of the Grand Canal, a monument to James Joyce at the bridge over the Grand Canal, the romantic Miramare castle of the mid-19th century.

Unfortunately, the video about Trieste was blocked on YouTube by the recording copyright holder -Percy Faith & His Orchestra... It's a pity, of course, the music was very suitable. We'll have to re-edit the video.

The sad and beautiful castle of Miramare left an unforgettable impression. It is located on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, at the tip of Cape Grignano in the Gulf of Trieste, and is surrounded by a luxurious park with valuable species plants. The castle building was built of Istrian stone and follows the shape of the rock outcropping. Everything here admires: the beautiful landscape, the decoration of the castle, the thoughtfulness of landscape solutions, a small pier. The castle was conceived in the middle of the nineteenth century by Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Habsburg (1822-1867), younger brother of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph, to live there with his wife, Charlotte of Belgium (1840-1927), daughter Belgian king Leopold I. They lived in the castle for only 4 years ...
More romantic history of Miramare castle and its interiors in the video

A city in the Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, administrative center the province of the same name. In the past - a free imperial city, the capital of the Austrian Primorye, a separate free territory. Trieste is located in northeastern Italy on the border with Slovenia. This is a large port, operating since 1719, and the only place in the Adriatic where the natural depth of the sea allows it to receive the largest ships.

Trieste is mentioned by Caesar in the "Notes on the Gallic War" as Tergest. The first city walls were built during the reign of Octavian, who in 33 BC. also ordered to adapt the bay for receiving ships. Later Tergest found himself in the shadow of nearby Aquileia. In the Middle Ages, it was a significant trade center, for which there was a struggle of various states. In the V-IX centuries. Trieste was conquered by the Ostrogoths, Byzantium, Lombards, Franks. The Italian king Lothair II in 947 made it a free community headed by a bishop-count. In 1202 he was captured by the Venetian Republic, for a long time he tried to free himself, appealing for the help of the emperor and the Habsburgs. The last townspeople swore allegiance in 1382.

Although for centuries it remained the main (and sometimes the only) port of the Habsburg monarchy, its development went so slowly that even at the beginning of the 18th century it was a little remarkable, sleepy town with a population of 5,700 inhabitants. Charles VI of Habsburg, having attended to the arrangement of maritime communication with the newly acquired possessions in southern Italy, in 1719 declared Trieste a free imperial city.

The privileges bestowed by the emperor laid the foundation for the rapid growth of Trieste. In 1797 and 1805 it was occupied by French troops, in 1809 it was annexed by France and until 1813 was part of the Illyrian provinces. By 1891, when the rights of a free city were revoked, Trieste had grown 27 times. Two thirds of the population at that time were Italians. Austro-Hungarian Trieste at the turn of the century is one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean, and moreover, the pearl of the so-called. Austrian Riviera, where the upper classes of Viennese society spent the winter months.

After the 1st World War 1914-1918, it became part of Italy. In 1943, during the 2nd World War 1939-1945, it was occupied fascist Germany... On May 1-2, 1945, liberated by the Yugoslav People's Liberation Army, on June 9, 1945, the Anglo-American troops entered the city (they stayed there until 1954).

The fate of Trieste has long been the object of diplomatic strife. According to the peace treaty with Italy (February 10, 1947), Trieste with a small district was allocated to the "Free Territory of Trieste" and received the statute of a free port. However, the conditions for the existence of the "Free Territory of Trieste" determined by the peace treaty (demilitarization, withdrawal of foreign troops, democratization, etc.) were not respected. According to the Italian-Yugoslav agreement of 1954 (negotiations were conducted with the participation of Great Britain and the United States), the area of ​​the "Free Territory of Trieste" was liquidated, Trieste and the territory adjacent to it in the west (223 km 2) were transferred to Italy, the territory east of Trieste (about 520 km 2) passed to Yugoslavia. In 1975 Yugoslavia and Italy signed the Treaty on the State Border in the Trieste region.

One of the city's landmarks is the San Giusto Castle, which crowns the hill of the same name. It was built in the XIV century by order of Frederick III of Austria for his governor in these lands. Now behind the thick, green fortified walls, which offer a fantastic view of the city, there is a weapons museum.

For a person keen on history, walking around Trieste is a delight. Although this city is largely medieval, earlier civilizations have also left their mark here. There is a mini-Romanesque forum here, right at the foot of the fortress on the same hill. In the old town, an arch has been preserved - a fragment of a Romanesque wall dating from the 1st century BC. In the 30s of the XX century, an entire Romanesque theater was discovered during excavations. Now it is located at a sufficient distance from the sea, and once it was built almost at the water's edge. Since ancient times, the sea gave way to land, on which the port was founded.

The city center is the main Piazza Unity of Italy, facing the sea in the old port area, and behind it is the main shopping street Corso Italia. Initially, this square was simply called Grande, or "large". It began to acquire its present appearance in the 19th century, when luxurious palaces - palazzo - were built around its perimeter one after another. Today they house the governor's palace, the building of the government of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, to which Trieste belongs, and the building of the government of the province of Trieste.

The church of Sant'Antonio Taumaturgo, crowning the Canale Grande, is somewhat reminiscent of the buildings of the Mussolini era. All the bulky buildings of Borgo Tereziano ( new town) contrast strongly with the old town, which descends from the castle along the hill of San Giusto to the sea. Old city although small, but very cozy and cute with its own narrow streets, each of which, even one door long, has its own name. In the vicinity of the city there is a large grotto ("Grotta Jigante" in the natural park "Val Rosandra"), the romantic Miramare castle (mid-19th century), the medieval Duino castle. And also the house in which James Joyce wrote "Ulysses", the German concentration camp "Risiera de San Sabba".