Today in Russia there is a huge number of schools and courses for the study of English, that is why wishing usually not easy to navigate in their choice. This article will let that how to choose English courses Right and how to distinguish amateurs from professionals. Before looking for a school search, you need to put a clear goal and decide what results you expect from these classes. Modern English-language courses in St. Petersburg today offer several programs to choose from: English for tourism, for business, for learning in foreign educational institutions and to prepare for international English exams. However, despite the abundance of the most tempting proposals, we all understand that, first of all, a foreign language is needed to communicate.

How to choose English courses?

When choosing courses for English language, it is best to give preference to those that have unified methodical centers. Such, as a rule, exist with international language schools or under higher educational institutions. Here, each teacher is focused on a single balanced program and a spent learning technique. In addition, such courses most often have a good material and technical base (library, computer classes, facilities for classes). They are always stable and with any scenario you can be sure that they are finished, moreover, large training centers have more conditions for the survival in the world of tough competition.

How to choose English courses to communicate

The most optimal solution for people wishing to increase their vocabulary will become "spoken English", it does not require the study of grammar and the construction of complex lexical designs. The main task of such a course is to assist the student in overcoming the linguistic barrier, which is why the bulk of the time in class you will pay the expansion of the vocabulary and the development of the basic rules of grammar. Specialists are quite reasonably thinking that it is not worth spending precious time to memorize complex rules and special terms that you will never be useful in life. In this regard, most likely you will need certain skills, so that after a while you could talk in English, as in your own. At the same time, keep in mind that learn a foreign language in two weeks is unreal even for a very gifted person. Short-term online English learning courses are based on knowledge already acquired and are intended for the development and strengthening of spoken skills.

What English courses choose?

Free ownership of English is not only the ability to read with the dictionary, but the ability to correctly state your thoughts in English, as well as the ability to perceive a quick foreign speech by ear. In order to learn this, you need to deal with a competent teacher, it is best if it is one of the English speakers. The pros is accurately known that in which case can be said where to put the emphasis and thereby contribute to the learning process of the "living" language atmosphere, which allows you to make classes in interesting and effective.

Nonprofessional will need a lot of time to figure out the principles of work of various courses or English schools for children. In this situation, the easiest way to confes the assessment of experts or those people who know the services market well and have experience with different language schools. Now you know how to choose English courses. A similar approach will allow you and your children to get highly qualified education and will give joy from communicating with each other in English!

It would seem that foreign language courses remain an effective way to simulate natural communication and immersion on Wednesday, and the help of a qualified teacher will always give the right direction. But is it always?
Today, in almost every city, many schools and studios are represented, which invite everyone to pass their studies. Unfortunately, not every of them meets high requirements. What are guided by choosing a language school? How to choose the course? What you need to know to avoid disappointment? Today we suggest you talk about the most important points in the choice of educational program.

1. Goals and timing.What exactly would you like to study and practice (grammar, colloquial practice, specialized training courses for international exams or exams exam, professional (technical) English, business English, intensive English courses, corporate English, English courses for preschool children / school age).

2. Time is money. Classic foreign language courses offer an average of 2-3 hours a week (academic hour for children and schoolchildren / dual academic hour for adults). The course is usually designed for 8 months. Here, as in sports, regularity and systematics are important.
By virtue of the peculiarities of the rhythm of modern life and catastrophic lack of time from those who want to study, some schools offer more rare visits - once a week. In this case, the features of their perception should be taken into account. Week a long time and new information may simply forget without practicing and repetition.
There are intensive learning courses, where students attend classes 5 - 7 days a week. Of course, the term deadlines are also compressed for up to 2-3 months.

3. Trial lesson. After you have successfully set a goal, you calculated the time that can be allocated to study the language, we chose the direction, go to action. Most modern studios offer their listeners to undergo a free trial occupation, in which everyone can make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe style of the teacher, to get acquainted with the group and in practice to estimate the advantages of the language school described on the site. Unfortunately, not all companies offer such a lesson, but if it is, be sure to visit it. It is important to take into account a small difference between trial activity and open lesson. The first is usually held in the group of students already learning the course, you are offered to join the conversation. Most often, in the open lesson, you will get acquainted with people who, like you, for the first time came for the lesson.

4. Testing. All competent language courses will surely offer you to take testing to determine the level of your knowledge.
The fact is that most schools are diagnosed with their listeners to prevent the formation of a group where people with different levels of knowledge will be trained. In the future, such a omission can lead to a lack of understanding of some other, linguistic conflicts and the breakdown of the group itself.

5. Choosing a teacher. It is very important that the learning process gives you pleasure and joy. When choosing a teacher, pay attention not only to his graduate qualifications (this is without discussion), but also for a friendly attitude and the ability to properly submit the material.

Many teachers are highly qualified specialists in the theoretical region, have many articles, but they cannot completely access and logically explain the difference between, for example, Past Simple and Present Perfect.

6. Group size.The ideal group consists of 5 - 8 people, however, if you want to undergo specific training (for example, for exams), we advise you to choose more chamber groups. In such conditions, the teacher will be able to pay more personal attention to each of the listeners.

7. What is the course?
The first thing you should understand is the choice of techniques - classical or communicative.
Classical technique It implies classes according to the level of the material (Beginner / Elementary - A1, Pre-Intermediate - A2, Intermediate - B1, Upper-Intermediate - B2, Advanced - C1, Proficiency - C2).

The advantage of such a technique will be a phased logical study of grammatical and lexical categories. You can give sufficient attention and phonetics, and writing words, learn to express your thoughts, join the dialogue. One of the main mines of such a process is a prolonged period of basic training if you start learning English with Azov. After all, a sufficient number of practice, the listener will be able to receive only at the Pre-Intermediate / Intermediate stage.
The classic method of teaching involves long-term training, as each course is designed for several months.

Communicative technique Oriented to communicate and maintain dialogue. A significant advantage of such an organization of the educational process is a focus on the development of communicative skills. Classes are built on the principle of "minimum theory, maximum spoken practice." Mastering the main tools for building proposals, the listeners from the first lessons will be able to enter into dialogue and express their opinions. This technique is ideal for those who cannot distinguish a sufficient amount of time to study a foreign language. However, the disadvantage of such a course will be the lack of concentration on the development of lexical and grammatical aspects. Mastering elementary schemes, the listeners practically will not move from place in terms of the vocabulary and more complex grammatical structures. Here to help on-line resources and sites for self-studying English, for example, begin english. In addition, the communicative technique is more interactive and interesting.

8. Signing a contract.In conclusion, we want to give advice on the legal side of the issue. By signing the contract, pay attention to all items, especially for the conditions for reimbursement of funds during the passage of classes (for a valid reason). It is not necessary to agree on the course if the school forces you to pay the entire cost of learning immediately. You always have a choice to debate the payment monthly or parts. Some schools carry out shares in the form of free lessons or discounts, which you can find out if you ask about them or look at the site!
An important point is the presence of state registration of language school and permission to educational activities. Be sure to ask if diplomas or certificates are issued at the end of training.

Feel free to learn how much useful information for yourself. Competent administrators will not be annoyed and tell you with a smile about all the favorable offers, if you want to get you.
We wish you success and in no way question your abilities!

Victoria Tetkin

When you make a decision to learn English, you get up to a difficult choice - where to go to learn? Now there are a huge number of different courses, and it is very important for you to make the right choice, wherever you will study the language. How to do it?

Error when choosing courses can entail not the most pleasant consequences: the loss of your time and money, and perhaps interest in learning a language. Today we will tell about 7 errors when choosing courses. As a result, you can understand what criteria should not be relying when choosing a school of English.

7 Basic Errors when choosing English courses

So let's see what mistakes do people do with the difficulty choices of training.

Error No. 1: Selecting courses by location

Some people choose courses solely on the principle of location: closer to home or work. This is a huge mistake. Not always courses that are near you are really suitable for you. After all, all courses are different.

Therefore, it is sometimes better to spend 30-60 minutes on the road, but to learn English for 6 months than to go to the nearest school, but to teach it 3 years.

Recommendation: Of course, you must choose courses to which you will be convenient to get. But this criterion should not be basic. Agree, much better spend a little more time on the road, but get the result that will really satisfy you.

Error number 2: rare classes on courses

We learn English and learn to speak on it, doing 1 - 2 times a week to 1.5 hours, it is impossible. English is a skill that needs to be constantly trained. If you want to get the result, you should be ready to spend your time for training.

Taking 1-2 times a week to 1.5 hours, you will not get anything except the confidence that English is impossible to learn. For example, by visiting the occupation on Monday, for the next Monday you will not remember anything. You will have to repeat the same material from the lesson to the lesson in order to remember anything. Such training can stretch for many years.

Recommendation: Choose English courses that can offer you a schedule with frequent and long-term classes. For example, classes in a day with a duration of at least 2 hours. At the same time, performing homework in the intervals between classes, it turns out that the English is engaged in English every day.

Error number 3: Search for the cheapest courses

Everyone has a desire to save all, but almost always low prices mean low quality. For example, the cheapest sausage to taste will differ from more expensive.

The course of study on courses usually depends on:

  • Duration and frequency of classes (number of hours per week)
  • Qualifications of teachers

Accordingly, if the courses are cheap, they save either on 1, or at 2. Most often, paying a low price, you will learn rarely.

For example, take the average price in one hour of group classes of 400 rubles. If you study 1 time a week for 3 hours, in a month you pay 6,000 rubles for 5 lessons granted to you. But will such classes be effective?

Recommendation: Soberly evaluate the price / quality ratio. Focus on the number of hours and learning schedule. The more hours and the more often the classes, the better. Be sure to learn how much costs 1 AK. Hour lessons and how many hours includes the level / program you paid.

Error number 4: choose courses in the number of people in the group

There is an opinion that the more people in the group, the less effective classes. It was formed on the basis of learning experience in ordinary school. by classical technique. We all learned English, but 89% of people English does not know.

However, not always a large number of people in the group - a negative indicator. For example, in English courses that suggest constant spoken practice, a large number of people are an advantage, not a disadvantage.

First, you get used to communicating with new people. Imagine that in one lesson you can talk with 10 completely different people. If you get used to constantly communicate with people with different speech features, pronunciation, speed and loudness of speaking, there will be no trace from your language barrier, and the audience and speaking skills will significantly improve.

Secondly, large groups are always fun. Just imagine how many different people have gathered together. Among them you can easily find friends and like-minded people.

Recommendation: The number of people in the group is not an indicator of the effectiveness of classes. However, it is very important that all people in the group are with about the same knowledge. Always pay attention to whether the courses are tested to the level of knowledge and form a group according to certain levels.

If you are planning to study on the classic methodology, then look for courses, where few people in the group are or individually. But this technique is not so effective.

Error number 5: incorrect choice of learning techniques

Only you know why you need English, and where you will apply it: someone wants to communicate, someone - prepare for the international exam, someone needs to be able to read and translate specific literature.

Courses are also different, with different techniques and the result of classes. With all their manifolds, you can easily choose those that will help you achieve your goal.

Sometimes the technique does not match your goal. For example, if your goal is to speak - then in the language you need to talk. And 80% of the time of classes you must communicate in the language, and not study the theory. While you yourself will not start talking, you will not learn how to do it right and quickly. After all, no one thinks that you can learn how to drive a car in 2 months, studying the rules of the road.

Recommendation: Pay attention to the course methodology and the result that students receive after training. If you need spoken English, then classes built on reading the textbook and performing exercises to theory will be ineffective for you. You need to search for courses on which you will communicate a lot.

If you want to pass TOEFL, it is better to find specialized courses.

Now many courses say that they are engaged in the communicative methodology (people are immediately beginning to talk in the language), because they realized that people need it. But, unfortunately, practice shows that in its approach many courses have not changed anything, except the very name of the technique.

How to find out what will really happen in class? About this in the following two errors.

Also, several negative feedback are not an indication that the courses are bad. People are different - everyone has their own perception and desire, something comes to one, but does not fit the other. And there are also special "marketing of competitors."

Check the total number of bad and good reviews. If the first more than the second, then this is a disturbing sign.

Error number 7: Buy "Cat in a bag"

None feedback or even the Council of Familiar will replace their own understanding that this is exactly what you need. After all, people are different and all have different preferences.

It happens that a person, having listened to the advice or reading the reviews, pays for training, but coming to a lesson, understands that it does not suit him at all. How to avoid this?

Now all successful English courses have a service as a free trial lesson.

A trial lesson is a free lesson on which you not only tell about the learning technique, but also demonstrate it. After such a lesson, you will understand how training is going on, what result you can get if the technique is suitable for you.

Recommendation: It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Be sure to go to the introductory lessons of courses that you choose. After visiting such classes, you will have a clear idea: this technique suits you or not.

Please note that now many courses are invited to a free lesson, but, in fact, there is no lesson. You just come to test and communicate with the manager. Such a "free lesson" is unlikely to help you decide.

So, to make the right choice of language courses, with all the variety of services offered, it is not easy. I hope after this article you will learn from other people's mistakes, and not to make your own. After all, the wrong choice of English courses is a rock mistake that you can accomplish at the very beginning of your learning.

It so happened that today English is a mandatory "attribute" of the secretary, referent, modern manager, financier, technical specialist. Also often hear from parents, as they teach their children about the importance of learning English. They believe that knowledge of English will help their children find decent work and, accordingly, well paid.

There are a lot of various schools and English courses. How to choose a good school right, among such an abundance, your child?

What do you pay attention to?

Before parents, when choosing a school, the mass of the questions they want to get answers immediately.

The most defining factors when choosing a school are: cost and quality.

When choosing a school, we draw attention to the presence of a license in the educational institution or any courses. It is the presence of a license that automatically confirms that all school learning programs are based on methodologically correctly, there are all the necessary textbooks and textbooks, the training itself is carried out in decent rooms, teachers need the necessary level of training, the school is entitled to evaluate the level of training and, as a result, to issue Relevant evidence.

Note that the license is not issued forever. Schools and courses, periodically, somewhere once every 3-5 years undergo the appropriate licensing procedure. Accordingly, it will not be superfluous to see when the last time the license was issued. Share when they established a school that her graduates think about her.

Some are interested, and what kind of document is this - a license? We answer, this is the official confirmation of the status of school or courses.

Note that the success of training depends on the teacher. As a rule, they are graduates of faculties of foreign languages, but there are also foreign teachers who come to us to study the language and at this time teach foreign language. Which teacher you will prefer for your child - to decide, of course, you. The main thing is not to have arisen between the child and the teacher (especially a foreigner) strip of alienation. From such teaching may occur the opposite effect.

The following important parameter is the learning technique. What do we offer in this regard?

Currently, courses are particularly popular, where training passes through the communicative technique. The essence of this method is learned during communication. You need to know the minimum set of words, and then the knowledge come by themselves, from texts, movies, dialogues. In this case, the study of grammatical rules is not paying special attention. The student, as if himself, should understand the patterns of the tongue, and learn how to use it.

There is also a classic technique to use the rules to use. For this method, the correctness of the construction and speech pronunciation in a foreign language play a fundamental role.

Parents when choosing a school should visit the institution personally and see the conditions in which will be held with your child. It is quite possible in the room uncomfortable, uncomfortable furniture, bad light. Under such conditions, no training, especially foreign languages, will not give the result. Again, how far is the school. Agree, if you get a fairly long time, then your child will definitely get tired.

Find out what the number in groups is optimal is 10-18 students. Agree, in classes with great numbers, it is quite difficult to pay attention to each student.

To develop a foreign language, it is important to develop 4 skills - speech, reading, letter, listening. Therefore, choose schools where all listed skills are paid to increased attention.

Studying foreign languages \u200b\u200b- the task is not the lungs. If your child is not in nature, "polyglot", he will have difficult to him. Remember only how many years and strength you have spent on learning your native language. Therefore, bring patience and excerpts.

Now there are many English schools. In this whole variety, people are very difficult to determine and make a choice. Not everyone knows how to choose to choose English courses And what to navigate at the same time. Some people, as the main criterion, choose the location of courses, others - the cost. But many understand that the courses first must be effective! Therefore, many often ask friends / acquaintances to advise English courses.

The purpose of the article: Help you know what to pay attention to when choosing courses and how to make the right choice to get a good and high-quality result.

Initially, you need to decide on English, that is, with how you want to use the language.
1. If you want to communicate (orally and writing) in English and use it in work, travel, in business, then you need to choose spoken courses.
2. If the language you will use only reading, correspondence, then you will fully "classic" courses, where classes are held on textbooks. As in school, the main time is given to the study of the theory.

Unfortunately, the classical technique, where the theory of English is studied, showed inefficiency (after 10 years of study at school, units can talk). We are interested in the result is the practical application of English In life: English for communication, work, business and travel, so we will focus on spoken courses.

Below are the most important points that you should pay attention and which will help you determine which English courses to choose better.

1. What will be the result and how long to wait for him?

This is the most important thing to navigate when choosing a course. Let's remind you that our goal - learn to speak, not knowledge of all grammar by heart.

First you need to know:

  • What successes are students in the course;
  • How much time it is required;
  • What is the result from the passage of at least one (first) level.

The last item is very important! After allthe result should be visible during training, a couple of weeks. At the end of even the first level, you must be able to speak English within the framework of the material. Naturally, the lower level, the easier your speech. But tell about yourself, family, apartment, hobby, without having difficulties, you should already after one level. With each level, your conversational language should become "harder" and "adult". If you tell you that you can speak only after passing the entire program and that for this you need to study grammar, know that such courses are unlikely to be effective to you!

2. What technique is used and how are the classes?

The advantage will be if this technique is international and used in other countries of the world. This suggests that the technique gives results.
Find out how long the classroom has collaborative practices, and how much is the study of the theory. If you promise that you will speak freely at the end of the training, while the theory is being studied most of the classes, then you know that you will most likely spend not only money, but also do not get this result. Why? The fact is that studying theory, never give you skill. Even if you leave all grammar, you will never be able to use it in speech. To do this, you need to train - speak English. In the perfect version, the ratio of practice to theory should be 80%: 20%.

Effective courses are those where the emphasis is placed on the development of conversational skills. The lesson should explain the theory, which is immediately implemented in practice. When you speak the rules in colloquial form, you learn to think in English, develop spoken skills and learn to distinguish between speech!

3. Classes are held on computers or with a teacher?

If you decide to spend your money, then put them with benefit - demand yourself a living teacher, go to the group, chat! Only so you will learn to speak and understand English speech. It is impossible to learn to speak, studying grammar on the computer ...
Why go to the course, where will you sit at a computer or watch a video? You can download video lessons and programs to teach English for free from the Internet! Another thing, if it were effectively, no groups and courses would exist ...

4. Is there a trial lesson?

Now many courses offer trial lessons. They need to go to "not buy a cat in a bag." The lesson should demonstrate the technique. You must show how you will be learned, and not just check your level. Do not be lazy, visit these lessons and form your opinion! No one better than you know whether the course is suitable for you or not. It's like a test drive when buying a car. Until you go, you will not understand, whether the car is good or not, she likes her interior or not.

5. How often are classes?

Success in the language depends largely on the time he is given. If you want to learn language less than a yearYou will need to give him time. How much to pay? The bigger, the better. But at least 7 hours a week in spoken practice and at least 2 hours on the theory. Spoken English - skill in need of permanent training. Paying tongue only 3-4 hours a week, you stretch the time of study for many years.

6. What will happen if I miss the lesson or go?

When filling out the contract, this issue should be paid special attention. Usually you pay for a certain number of hours on the course. For unrequited by Anyone Reasons Watch Courses must either return money in full, or provide individual classes on this topic. And in the event that you move to another city and so on, the courses should return money for the unreought-up hours.
It often happens that the contract is spelled out that money is not returned for indispensable classes. It is dishonest - pick up your money and not compensate for classes, or take the% of your money if you suddenly decide to stop learning!

7. Is the certificate issued at the end of the course?

Only schools that work on the state. Standards, issue certificates. Courses working on copyright techniques (even international) do not give a certificate at the end of the course. This is completely normal, as courses use their developed programs, not state.
Choosing a school, it is necessary to understand that your goal is to learn to speak freely, and not get a certificate. The presence of a certificate is absolutely not talking about whether a person can use his knowledge. For example, employers in good companies never take people to work on the basis of only a certificate. Interview is required in English.
After graduating from a good course, you will be able to pass the exam in Moscow without any problems, get a certificate and confirm that you not only know the theory, but also know how to use it.

8. And your teachers are native speakers or not?

It makes sense to deal with the carrier if you speak English very well. Thanks to this, you will improve your pronunciation and enrich the vocabulary.
If you do not speak freely in English, you have problems with grammar, understanding of rumor, with a Russian-language teacher, your progress will be much faster than with a carrier, since everything is incomprehensible to you explains in Russian, and it will be easy for you to understand. Imagine that English and its structure is a dark forest for you, because the British "think differently". But Susanin knows ideally how to go. And you? What task do you have? Look at how beautiful the forest looks like or learn how to pass through it? After all, if the teacher knows the English and Russian well, then he will be able to explain the grammar of English in examples from the Russian language and then it will be clear to you, like where foreigners use grammar, and how they think.
And here there is another moment: not all native speakers are teachers, that is, people who can put their knowledge to you. After all, we all, for example, carriers of the Russian language, but could we teach someone else Russian?

9. And what is the price of courses?

This is, though the most unavailable moment, but not tell about it is impossible. When choosing courses, it is not necessary to navigate the price for the course (level), but the price for the academic hour. Some courses can cost 6 tr. For 15 AK. hours, and the other 15 TR for 72 AK. hour. On the first 1 AK / h \u003d 400 r., And on the second 208 p. At the same time, the main thing is to understand that the more hours of classes and practices, the faster your progress will be.