
I. Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the problem of teaching reading for younger students

1.1 Features of teaching in primary grades

1.2 Psychological approach to understanding the essence of reading

1.3 Psychophysiological characteristics of the reading process

II. Theoretical basis teaching reading for primary school children

2.1 Comparative-critical analysis of methods of teaching literacy in the history of pedagogy

2.2 Sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy

2.3 Overview of methods and principles of teaching reading





In order for a child to be able to successfully study at school, first of all, he needs to master basic educational skills: reading, writing and counting. We can say that they are the basis of all education.

Reading is a means of acquiring new knowledge necessary for further learning. A student who has not learned to read or is poorly able to do so cannot successfully acquire knowledge. After all, the process school education always presupposes independent work of children, above all work on a book. Insufficient mastery of the reading technique by students, and most importantly the ability to understand what has been read, will be accompanied by serious difficulties in educational work, which can lead to academic failure.

The problem of teaching reading is one of the most important problems of the pedagogical process and it has always attracted the attention of psychologists and teachers. Many Russian authors have dealt with the problems of the academic failure of primary schoolchildren and the problem of the development of the reading activity of students: P.P. Blonsky, D.B. Elkonin, N.A. Menchinskaya, L.S. Slavina, S.M. Trombach, T.G. Egorov, G.N. Kudin, G.A. Zuckerman. These problems were also considered by many foreign researchers M. Cole, J. Morton and others.

Despite the fact that diagnostic snapshots conducted in primary school imply an assessment of the formation of reading skills not only by means of a speed criterion (number of words per minute), but also an assessment of reading comprehension, for many teachers the first criterion is the main one. As the psychologist L.V. Shibaeva, the reading technique, which the teacher takes care of in elementary school, is considered to be established, and reading as a full-fledged activity with the status of cultural value does not develop. Meanwhile, modern world practice is focused on the criterion of understanding the text. Thus, regularly held in many countries tests of the formation of reading skills are based on the criterion of reading literacy, which is formulated as “a person's ability to comprehend written texts and reflect on them, to use their content to achieve their own goals, develop knowledge and opportunities, for active participation in life of society ".

The international study of educational achievements of students (PISA), conducted in 2000 according to this system, recorded a very sad result: in terms of reading literacy, Russian schoolchildren took 27th place. In particular, read at the "highest level" - i.e. Only 3% of the surveyed Russian schoolchildren were able to “understand complex texts, evaluate the information presented, formulate hypotheses and conclusions”. Students who showed a level below the first (includes basic skills: finding simple information in the text, given explicitly, interpreting the text in order to determine the main topic), in Russia turned out to be 9%, on average across countries - 6%.

This circumstance forces us to return to the development of criteria for assessing the formation of reading skills.

As a "worker" we propose to use the criterion "quality of reading". By reading quality, we mean the ability to read meaningfully.

From the above, problem further research: what techniques and teaching methods will improve the quality of reading of primary school children.

Object learning is the process of teaching younger students to read.

Thing: Features of teaching reading for younger students.

goal work: the implementation of purposeful work on teaching reading to children of primary school age using a variety of techniques and methods.

To achieve the set research goal, the following were formulated tasks:

1) To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of teaching reading for children of primary school age;

2) Determine the role of reading in the development of primary school children;

3) To study the influence of various techniques and methods on the quality of teaching reading for primary schoolchildren

4) Reveal the level

Hypothesis: we assumed that the quality of reading of primary school children will depend on the use of a variety of techniques and methods by the teacher in teaching reading.

Research methods.In accordance with the tasks set, the following research methods are used:

· Study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem;

· Individual conversations with children;

· Psychological and pedagogical experiment (ascertaining);

· Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained.

This work is not a deep scientific study, but, nevertheless, it claims to be a small guide to teaching children of primary school age to read.

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical substantiation of the problem of teaching reading for younger students

1. 1 Features of teaching in primary grades

"Younger school age is the period in a child's life, from six to ten years old, when he is studying in primary school." "During this period, teaching is the main activity in which a person is formed." In elementary grades, children begin to learn the beginning of the sciences. At this stage, the intellectual and cognitive sphere of the psyche is mainly developing. At this stage, many mental new formations appear, old ones are improved and developed. "The school period is characterized by intensive development of cognitive functions, sensory-perceptual, thinking, mnemonic, etc."

Usually an elementary school student willingly goes to this educational institution... For pupils of the first and fourth grades, it is characteristic to strive for the position of a student. ... In the early days of school, the experience a child has at home is of great importance. Previously, a small preschooler was the only and unique creature, but when he enters school, he finds himself in an environment where around him the same “unique and unique”. In addition to the need to adapt to the rhythm of school life and new requirements, to master the space of the school, to master the methods of self-organization and organization of his time, the younger student must learn to interact with classmates. But the main task of a younger student is to be successful in school.

It is also important to note that at the stage of primary school age, the child is going through the so-called crisis of seven years. The child's perception of his place in the system of relationships changes. "The social situation of development is changing, and the child is on the border of a new age period." The child realizes his place in the world of social relations and acquires a new social position of the student, which is directly related to educational activities. This process radically changes his self-awareness, which leads to a reassessment of values. Learning acquires tremendous importance for the student, therefore, for example, a child's chain of failures in this leading activity at this stage can lead to the formation of stable complexes or even a syndrome of chronic academic failure.

The most important personal characteristics of a younger student include: trusting submission to authority, increased sensitivity, attentiveness, a naive, playful attitude to much of what he encounters. " primary grades obedience, conformity and imitation are visible.

Education in school is a fairly new and therefore interesting activity for children, while they also face a number of difficulties. Initially, schoolchildren, of course, do not know how to independently formulate educational tasks and perform actions to solve them. For the time being, the teacher helps them in this, but gradually they acquire the appropriate skills themselves (it is in this process that they develop independently carried out educational activities, the ability to learn). ... Children at this age have a share of impulsiveness, moodiness, stubbornness. Volitional processes are not yet sufficiently developed in younger schoolchildren. Gradually, the ability to show volitional efforts appears in the mental activity and behavior of schoolchildren. In schoolchildren, voluntary mental actions are formed, for example, intentional memorization, volitional attention, directed and persistent observation, persistence in solving various problems. Therefore, the importance of assessing the results of a student's activity by adults is increasing. The educational and cognitive activity of the student, as socially and individually significant, essentially has dual stimulation: internal, when the student receives satisfaction, acquiring new knowledge and skills, and external, when his achievements in cognition are evaluated by the teacher.

Evaluation by the teacher is an incentive for the student. This assessment also strongly affects the student's self-esteem. Moreover, the need for assessment and the strength of experiences are much higher in weaker students. Evaluation acts as a reward. Teacher assessment helps your child learn to evaluate their own work over time. Moreover, this should be not just an assessment of the result, but also of the student's actions themselves, of the method chosen by him for solving a specific problem. A teacher in the elementary grades of school cannot limit himself to just a mark in a journal as an assessment of the student's performance. A meaningful assessment is important here, that is, the teacher needs to explain to the student why this particular assessment was given, to highlight the positive and negative aspects of the child's work. Subsequently, the teacher, evaluating the educational activity of children, its results and process, forms the assessment criteria for children. ...

To help children become readers, learning to read is designed with implementation of the following tasks:

  • Formation of a stable desire to read literature (motivational side of reading activity).
  • Improving students' reading skills: creativity, correctness, fluency, expressiveness (the technical basis of the reading process).
  • Formation of the ability for full-fledged (adequate and comprehensive) perception of the text (content side of reading: direct emotional response, pondering perception, comprehension of the text, the author's intention and own attitude to what is written and how).
  • Mastering various ways of creative interpretation of a literary text.
  • Teaching practical skills for transforming text: determining the main and secondary, finding key words, title, etc.
  • identify words and expressions in the text, the meaning of which is not clear, and realize the need to clarify their meaning;
  • use footnotes and school explanatory dictionary;
  • determine the emotional nature of the text;
  • highlight supporting (most important for reading comprehension) words;
  • determine the motives of the heroes' behavior by choosing the correct answer from a number of proposed ones;
  • be aware of the author's and own attitude towards the characters;
  • formulate the topic of the text;
  • find main ideaformulated in the text;
  • reading by role;
  • be able to use such means of intonational expressiveness as logical stress, strength and emotional coloring of the voice, tempo-rhythm, logical and psychological pauses;
  • be able to make a detailed description of the characters and their relationships, referring to the text;
  • be able to retell in detail, partially, selectively, creatively (from another person and according to a modified plan);
  • graphic and verbal illustration, mastering the technique of verbal drawing not only of the plot fragment of the text

Some techniques for teaching reading skills in primary school.

Experience shows that those students who read a lot read quickly. In the process of reading, working memory and attention span are improved. Mental performance in turn depends on these two indicators. It is impossible to read aloud for a long time, since loud reading as a means of extracting information is irrational. When reading "to oneself", the reading speed increases significantly. At the same time, scientists and practitioners agree that the reading speed of 120 words per minute is quite accessible to most students. Then the question arises: how to reach this level? How to teach a child to read consciously and correctly, to form the skill of working with different types of texts, to determine the level of reading comprehension? How to lead students in general to understand the meaning of the text? How can you make reading lesson and reading enjoyment for students? Probably every teacher has thought about this question and everyone is trying to solve the problem of improving reading skills.

We know that the formed reading skill includes at least two main components:

  • reading technique (correct and quick perception and pronunciation of words);
  • comprehension of the text.

It is well known that both components are closely related. At the same time, at the first stages of the formation of the reading skill, great importance is attached to its technique, at the subsequent stages - to understanding the text.

I used some of the techniques for improving reading skills by the method proposed by Zaika, Zaitsev, and used the manual "Help" by the author Jazhaly. We have developed our own system of working with children in reading lessons. What is this technique?

  • These are cards for every child.
  • Reading techniques.
  1. Reading lines in reverse.

What is written is read from right to left so that each word, starting with the last, is spelled out in reverse order. This exercise develops the ability to rigorously analyze each word by letter. For example: ball rush.

  1. Reading words one at a time is normal and vice versa.

The first word is read as usual; the second is from right to left; third, as usual; fourth - from right to left, etc.

  1. Reading only the second half of words.

This exercise leads to a decrease in extremely common mistakes when only the beginning of a word is read correctly, and the end of it is either conjectured or read with distortions. For example: -nie, -lko, -roy.

  1. Reading "noisy words"

This exercise fixes integral visual images of letters and their combination in the child's memory.

  1. Reading lines from the covered top half.
  2. Separation of words from pseudowords.

20-30 cards are given: on some of them words are written, on others - pseudowords, i.e. meaningless letter combinations. It is proposed to put cards with words in one group, and pseudowords in another.

This exercise develops the ability to quickly highlight the meaning of what you read.

  1. Reading upside-down text.
  2. Reading sentences from bottom to top.
  3. "Peekaboo".
  1. "Imaginary word".

During the reading, the teacher pronounces the wrong word, the children interrupt reading and read the word with corrections. This type of reading is attractive for children because they have the opportunity to correct the teacher himself, which raises their own authority and gives confidence in their abilities.

  1. "Reading for the announcer."

The announcer can be their teacher and a well-read student.

  1. "Reading in chorus".

All students work here on equal terms: both fast reading and slow reading.

Flashcard work includes the individual work of each child in reading lessons. This work is very effective during the alphabetical period when children are just starting to read. The card consists of a set of words, but in the process of learning the words become more complicated, and the task for each card also becomes more difficult.

For example: card number 1. Lesson topic: “Letter m and sound [m].

Read quickly and clearly words in columns. Speak clearly!

The task:

  • read words that begin with the letter m;
  • read words where the letter m is at the end of the word;
  • read words where the sound [m] is pronounced softly;
  • read words where the sound [m] is pronounced firmly;
  • read words where the consonant is soft at the end of the word;
  • read words of 2 letters, 3 letters, 4 letters;
  • turn the card over, what words you remember.

Card number 2. Lesson topic: "The letter s and the sound [s]".

The task:

  • read words, find unfamiliar words;
  • read words that start with the letter c;
  • read the words where the letter c is at the end of the word, in the middle;
  • read words where the sound [s] is pronounced softly;
  • read the words where the sound [s] is pronounced firmly;
  • read words consisting of 1 syllable, 2 syllables, 3 syllables;
  • read the words that mean animals, plants, parts of the face;
  • read words with a doubled consonant;
  • read words where all consonants are soft;
  • write out the words with an unstressed vowel.

Card number 3. Lesson topic: "The letter w and the sound [w]".

The task:

  • read words, find unfamiliar words;
  • read words that begin with the letter w;
  • read the words where the letter sh is in the middle of the word;
  • read the words that mean animals, plants, names, surnames, professions;
  • read words in diminutive form;
  • read the words in plural, in the singular;
  • find the same root words;
  • read the words denoting the actions of the subject;
  • write out the words with the combination shi.

Card number 4. Topic of the lesson: "Unstressed vowels."

job nettle alcove jar
guys feeder swamps wood
toys snowflake tickets a complaint
barbed whiskered sweets greedy
the Bears thank you beard goat
cow riddle chatterbox stairs
chamomile den pin ribbon
cabbage lamb newspaper skier
plate velvet carnation cosmonaut
happy whitewash animal ships
ducklings beluga solar traffic lights
shirt beret butterfly agreement
  • read words that begin with b, etc.
  • find words that mean animate objects, inanimate objects;
  • find words, where -ch-, for paired consonants in the middle of a word;
  • find an adjective;
  • find words in diminutive form;
  • find words in the plural, in the singular;
  • find a word that can be both a noun and a verb;
  • find words that mean animals, plants, names, insects, professions;
  • find words with the suffix -ushk-
  • find words with an unstressed vowel at the root that you can check;
  • find dictionary words;
  • make up the phrase adjective + noun;
  • find words where vowels have two sounds;
  • write in two columns the words with unstressed vowels in the root: 1 column - checked, 2 - dictionary words.

Reading exercises

  1. "Start with the same letter."

A famous game in which several people take turns calling words starting with the same letter, for example "M". This game enriches and replenishes vocabulary child.

  1. “Which one? Which one? What kind?"

This exercise develops imaginative thinking, helps to enrich the child's speech. The teacher calls the noun feminine, masculine or neuter, and the child picks up epithets for the word. For example: "grass". Green - soft - high, etc.

  1. "Guess the letter."

The teacher randomly chooses a letter and invites the students to find it. It is allowed to name words with at least five letters. In response to each word, the teacher answers “is” or “no”, depending on whether the named word contains the intended letter.

For example, the conceived letter "T". Fragment of a possible dialogue:

-There is.

It is advisable that children find a given letter, offering as few options as possible.

  1. "Five words".

Children choose a word in advance. Then each of the players selects 5 words, starting in turn with each of the letters that make up the original word. For example, we chose the words "rose". The five words could be:

  • radio, record, cancer, rocket, wound;
  • nut, autumn, window, mark, father;
  • winter, link, snake, sight, castle;
  • pharmacy, alley, army, astra, arch.
  1. "Ladder".

Children choose in advance the letter with which the words will begin. The game consists in writing a "ladder" of words starting with this letter in a certain time. The first word must be two-letter, the second three-letter, and so on.

For example:

  • Berry

The role of these exercises in the intellectual development of the child is very great.

  1. "Read-turn".

Choose a sentence in 1.5-2 lines. Read the first word, then read it again. Repeat first word quickly, read second, repeat first two-third etc. For example: "At one ..."; "At one peasant ..."; “One peasant had ...” etc. Such an exercise will allow the child to move from reading by syllables to reading in words and to understand the content of the text much better.

  1. "Learning to remember words."

Invite the children to remember as many different nouns as possible in one minute. Children pronounce a noun out loud and put a stick on the paper. At the end of one minute, the words are counted.

For example:

  • //////

The same exercise, but using verbs.

  1. "Making proposals".

Come up with a semantic series consisting of two nouns and a verb.

For example:

  • The kitten is drinking milk.
  • They write with a pen on paper.
  • The car drives along the road.
  1. "Learning to dream."

Take one word, for example "button". Take turns suggesting options for where and for what this item can be used

For example:

  • (Teacher: for attaching paper to the board).
  • (Pupil: draw a circle; put on a chair, etc.)
  1. "Snowball".

Let's take any noun. For example, the word "cat". We add the word "leaf" - the student repeats: "cat", "leaf". We offer one more word: "pear", and the student remembers: "cat", "leaf", "pear", etc.

  1. "Guess the words."

Build a semantic series and guess what the fourth word will be.

For example:pencil-paper; chalk- ... (board).

  • hammer nail; screw-…
  • roof house; book-…
  • bird egg; plant-…
  • square-cube; a circle-…
  • good is better; slow-…
  • fire-fire; water-…
  • grain barn; money-…
  • human child; dog-…
  • day Night; winter-…

To improve reading skills, it is very good to use speech warm-ups in reading lessons. During the warm-up, include exercises for the correct pronunciation of sounds, for practicing diction, for the development of the vocal apparatus (we pronounce it quietly, loudly, in a whisper), the rate of speech (we pronounce it quickly, moderately, slowly). The difficulty of the warm-up depends on the age and fitness of the children. In grade 1, the warm-up includes reading combinations of the trained sound by vowels: bi-be-ba-ba-bu-by, ri-re-ra-ru-ry, reading combinations of 2-3 consonants with vowels / st-a, o, u , s, and, e, e; p-a, o, y, s, and, e, e-reading of words containing the trained sound; reading words consisting of one syllable; reading short texts with a trained sound, reading tongue twisters.

All these tasks are solved in the classroom during articulatory gymnastics, which does not take much time and effort. It is carried out at the beginning of the lesson and at the end of the lesson as a physical break for 5-7 minutes. At the same time, much attention is paid to working on the tempo of speech, voice and breathing.

Receptions of speech warm-up.

  1. Reading in a whisper and slow:
  • Yes, yes, yes, water is running out of the pipe.
  • To-to-to-tree nest.
  • Dy-dy-dy-we went for berries.
  • Doo-doo-doo-with mama I'm going home.
  • Ta-ta-ta-in our class cleanliness.
  • Tu-tu-tu-we direct the beauty ourselves.
  • Yat-yat-yat-pirates are level.
  • Yut-yut-yut-we love comfort very much.
  • Lo-lo-lo-it's warm outside.
  • Lu-lu-lu-chair stands in the corner.
  • Ol-ol-ol-we bought salt.
  1. Reading quietly and moderately:
  • arch-arts
  • arta-arda
  • arla-archa
  • arsa-arzha
  1. Reading loudly and confidently:
  • smoke-steam-heat
  • door-beast-worm

Using onomatopoeia games, for example:

In the poultry yard.

Our duck in the morning ... Quack, quack, quack!
Our geese by the pond ... Ha, ha, ha!
Our chickens in the window ... To, to, to!
And how Petya the cockerel
Early early in the morning
We will sing ... Ku-ka-ke-ku!

A good effect in working on articulation is brought by exercises with tongue twisters, riddles, counting rhymes, proverbs, word games: “Read the word”, “The syllable is lost”, “Guess which letter is missing”, “Hen with chickens”. For example, how the games are conducted.

The game "Hen with Chickens". Work begins with reading a poem using a table.

The chicken went out for a walk
To pinch fresh grass,
And behind her are the little chickens.
- Chick, chick, chick! Here! Here!
I found you a letter!
The cheerful A came running, the children read ... (on).
Perky came running Oh, children read ... (but).
The stubborn Wu came running, the children read it ... (well).
The good-natured E came running, the children read it ... (not).

Then, according to this table, work is carried out on the development of speech: come up with names for the chickens, write stories about them.

Game "Duplo".

This is an oak tree, and there is a hollow in it,
Where the letter O settled,
This letter is a vowel.
But I am friendly with consonants
The acorn "El" fell into a hollow,
We read it together ... (lo).
The acorn "En" fell into a hollow,
We read it together ... (but).

In order to increase the technique and consciousness of reading, an unconventional method of teaching reading is used - the method of dynamic reading. Dynamic reading is when not letters, syllables or words are read, but whole groups of words, blocks: this is reading only with the eyes.

Therefore, you need to start working on speed reading with the development of visual memory and attention.

This is facilitated by the so-called "photographing": various kinds of pictures, cards, objects. Students should in one second remember everything that is shown in the picture, that is, “take a picture”. For example, an illustration for a fairy tale is shown. Children should remember everything that is depicted on it in a second and say what the fairy tale is called. Before showing the picture, it is necessary to warn the children that they must look very carefully. Then the command is given: “Get ready! Attention! Taking pictures! "

In the 1st grade, the following tasks are given:

  • Find "take a picture" of the extra letter: a, o, b, y, and.
  • Find an extra syllable: bo, but, ro, we, co, lo.
  • Find an extra word:

The field of clear vision (or "field of view") of the table is very well developed. The table is made by the children themselves or their parents. Each student has a card, syllables or letters are inscribed in each cell. Here is some of them.

Table # 1.

Table No. 2.

B M Have Z Th YU Have H U
Sh D X S A F C H I

The exercises are performed while standing or sitting. The student reads to himself, pointing with a pencil letters. A memo is used when working with the table.

  • As soon as possible, name all the letters in order, indicating them with a pencil.
  • Try to remember the location of two or three consecutive letters at once.
  • Remember: the eyes look at the center of the table and see the whole of it.

The syllables are arranged in a pyramid, at the base of which the distance between the letters is 45 mm, 50 mm; then, when children are already free to fix the syllable, it increases: 55 mm, 60 mm, etc. Systematic work with such tables makes it possible to develop in children peripheral vision, which is so necessary for the development of the field of vision.

In grades 2-3, when reading voluminous works, the middle line divides the words that need to be read from the blackboard and which, when working on the text on their own, are difficult to understand. Thus, in one type of work, two tasks are solved: expanding the field of clear vision and preliminary reading of difficult words, so that the perception of the text is more complete, more conscious. For example, in a fairy tale for the 3rd grade G.H. Andersen's "Five from one pod" are suitable for such work difficult words that are read with the eyes from top to bottom with a constant fixation of the midline:

Moreover, the words invigorated, blossoming are well suited for the development of the articulatory apparatus, and the word was felt for practicing the orthoepically correct pronunciation.

To master the skill of reading words that include syllables of such structures as SG, SSG, SSSG (S-consonant, G-vowel), the following tables are included in the work:

The following exercise is also carried out:

Reading the nest of related words written in a pyramid, based on the letter that denotes a vowel sound, on the stress in the word:

Only the text that is in the zone of clear vision is clearly perceived. But peripheral vision is running ahead, preparing the next part of the text for clear vision. By catching a glance at the outlines of the next word, based on the meaning of the read, the student can guess which word will be next. This foresight of the next word (for an experienced reader) or letter, syllable (for a beginner) is called anticipation, or semantic guess. The following exercises contribute to the development of anticipation:

  1. There are 2-3 proverbs written on the board. We need to finish them.
  • Business time is ___________ ____________.
  • Finished business - ____________ _________.
  1. Parts of the proverbs are written in two columns. Pupils are connected with arrows so that they fit each other in meaning.
  1. Read the riddle by substituting the missing words.

Look, the house is worth
To the brim with water ___________.
In this house, residents
All skillful ____________.

  1. For preliminary reading at the stage of preparation for independent perception of the text, children are offered not the whole word, but the word written in quasi-writing.
  • for ____ ___ ro ___ ____ to (frost)
  • le ____ n ___ ___ ___ th (forester).
  1. Children really like reading text with missing letters, with missing words.

There is a simple trick - reading with a bookmark. The bookmark moves not under the line, but along the line, covering the already read syllable to the left of the read one. For example, in a literacy class, the text "Cat" is read.

Nikita has perch. Anton has perch.
And the cat is right there!

The bookmark closes the read, the next syllable is read and closes by moving the bookmark with the left hand in the direction indicated by the arrow. This eliminates fleeting regression, speeds up reading, but does not help the perception of the text. Nevertheless, this technique is used for individuals who cannot get rid of the regression on their own.

To overcome repetitions and achieve full visual perception, you need to carefully study the text and select words that are difficult to understand and read. Before independent reading, the words are written on the board, the children read, then they find the word in the text and read them in the sentence. Particular attention is paid here to weak students, since they are the ones most prone to regression. The following sentence helps children:

  • Gradual build-up of the word.


  • Articulatory reading (without voice), reading in a whisper slowly, loudly slowly, loudly quickly.
  • Reading words written in an equal-sized font (Raked, got mad, teterevochek).
  • Division of words into syllables by vertical and horizontal lines.

Working on the text in reading lessons, the following exercises are used: reading "echo", reading "canon", reading "sprint", reading "exploration", reading with word count. Reading "echo" (at the first stage of learning to read and write): one word from a sentence begins to read a well-read student, and a poorly reading student reads the same word next. Goal: the strong one feels responsible, and the weak one is more confident in himself, because he has already heard the word. At a later stage in the reading, the strong and weak change roles. Goal: a strong student gives all his strength to expressive reading, while a weak student has time to read the next word. He is again more confident in himself.

Reading "canon": one student begins to read one paragraph of the text, another reads the same paragraph along with the first, but is three or four words late from it (as when singing the canon). Goal: keep a certain pace of reading, try to read expressively, without mistakes.

Reading "sprint": small passages of text several students begin to read at the same time - at speed. besides the speed of reading, they need to watch for expressiveness and infallibility.

Reading with word count means that students at maximum speed, counting the words of the text to themselves, must simultaneously understand its content, and after the end of counting the number of words, call this number and answer the questions posed to the text before reading. Purpose: to load students' ears with extraneous work - word counting. In this case, children are deprived of the opportunity to pronounce the text to themselves. They learn to read only with their eyes. In this case, use the memo:

  • Press your lips and teeth together.
  • Read only with your eyes.
  • Read as quickly as possible, count the words of the text to yourself.
  • Answer the questions of the text.

All these exercises are carried out with the involvement of an unfamiliar text, then the text is read aloud and the usual work on expressiveness, retelling, etc. is going on.

Each of these exercises takes 5-7 minutes to complete. The value of these exercises is that after the first independent acquaintance with the text, children read it out loud expressively, confidently using anticipation.

If at each lesson you use the following techniques and methods as:

  • reading behind the speaker;
  • reading in pairs;
  • reading at an accelerating rate;
  • buzzing readings;
  • five minutes;
  • self-measurement of reading speed,

then this is the best foundation for improving reading technique.

Any mother of a preschooler, even if he is not even a year old, is already getting accustomed to various methods of teaching reading. Indeed, some of them allow you to achieve results at a very young age. What are the advantages of the early methods, as well as what disadvantages they have, read in our article.

Sound (phonetic) method

This is the reading teaching system we were taught at school. It is based on the alphabetical principle. It is based on teaching the pronunciation of letters and sounds (phonetics), and when the child accumulates sufficient knowledge, he moves first to the syllables formed from the fusion of sounds, and then to whole words.

Advantages of the method

  • This method is usually used for teaching reading in schools, so the child does not have to "relearn".
  • Parents understand this principle of teaching very well, since they themselves studied this way.
  • The method develops the child's phonemic hearing, which allows you to hear and highlight sounds in words, which contributes to their correct pronunciation.
  • Speech therapists recommend this particular method of teaching reading, because it also helps children get rid of speech defects.
  • You can teach a child to read using the sound method in any convenient place; some exercises can be performed even outdoors. The kid will be happy to play word games at home, in the country, on the train, and in a long queue at the clinic.
Cons of the method
  • This method is not suitable for early childhood advocates who want a baby to learn to read fluently before age five or six. Since learning to read in this way is a rather lengthy process that requires a certain level of development of the child, it is simply pointless to start practicing this method too early.
  • Usually, at first, the child does not understand what he has read, since all his efforts will be aimed at reading and making out individual words. Reading comprehension will have to be given special attention.

Zaitsev's cubes teaching method

This method assumes warehouse-based reading training. A warehouse is a pair of a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or one letter. Learning to read with Zaitsev's cubes is carried out in the form of a fun, mobile and exciting game of cubes.

Advantages of the method

  • The child in a playful way immediately remembers the warehouse, the combination of letters. He does not stumble and quickly masters reading and the logic of constructing words.
  • On Zaitsev's cubes there are only those combinations of letters that are fundamentally possible in Russian. So, for example, in his system there are no combinations or ЖЫ. Therefore, the child will be immediately and for life insured against the stupidest mistakes (for example, he will never write “zhyraf” or “shyna” incorrectly).
  • Zaitsev's cubes allow you to teach a child to read even from the age of one. But even five-year-olds are not too late to start. The system is not tied to a specific age.
  • If the child does not keep up with the pace of modern school programs, the Zaitsev system can become a kind of "first aid". The author himself claims that, for example, a four-year-old will start reading after a few lessons.
  • Classes do not take much time, they are held as if between things.
  • Zaitsev's cubes affect many senses. They develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, musical memory, fine motor skills of hands, which in itself has a strong influence on the development of intelligence. Thanks to the multi-colored cubes, children develop spatial and color perception
Cons of the method
  • Children who have learned to read "according to Zaitsev" often "swallow" the endings, cannot figure out the composition of the word (after all, they are used to dividing it exclusively into warehouses and nothing else).
  • Children have to be retrained already in the first grade, when the phonemic analysis of the word begins to pass. The child may make mistakes when parsing audio.
  • On the cubes there is no combination of ЖЫ or ШЫ, but there are combinations of a consonant with the vowel E (BE, VE, GE, etc.). This means that the child gets used to this combination as possible in the language. Meanwhile, in the Russian language there are almost no words in which the letter E is written after a consonant (except for "sir", "mayor", "peer", "ude", "plein air").
  • Zaitsev's allowances are quite expensive. Or parents themselves have to make cubes from pieces of wood and cardboard blanks, which is a whole 52 cubes. Moreover, they are short-lived, the baby can easily crush or chew on them.

Doman cards training

This method teaches children to recognize words as whole units without breaking them down. In this method, neither letter names nor sounds are taught. A certain number of cards are shown to the child several times a day with a clear pronouncement of words. As a result, the child perceives and reads the word immediately, and learns to read very quickly and early.

Advantages of the technique

  • The ability to teach reading almost from birth. All training will be a game for him, an opportunity to communicate with his mother, learn something new and interesting.
  • The baby will develop a phenomenal memory. He will easily memorize and analyze a huge amount of information.
Cons of the technique
  • Labor intensity of the process. Parents will have to print a huge number of cards with words, and then take the time to show them to their child.
  • Children who have been trained in this method then have difficulty with school curriculum... They are more likely to have problems with literacy and word parsing.
  • Often, little ones who read words on home posters without problems could not read a word if it was spelled differently.

Maria Montessori Method

According to the Montessori system, kids first learn to write letters using inserts and outline frames and only then learn letters. Didactic material consists of letters cut from rough paper and pasted onto cardboard plates. The kid names the sound (repeats after adults), and then draws a finger around the outline of the letter. Further, children learn to add words, phrases, texts.

Advantages of the technique

  • There are no boring exercises and tedious lessons in the Montessori system. All learning is a game. Entertaining, with bright interesting toys. And the baby learns everything - reading, writing, and everyday skills - by playing.
  • Children who have learned to read by the Montessori method very quickly begin to read smoothly, without dividing words into syllables.
  • The child immediately learns to read independently and to himself.
  • Exercises and games develop analytical thinking and logic.
  • Many Montessori materials not only teach reading, but also develop fine motor skills - an important element overall development intelligence (for example, games with a rough alphabet contribute to this).
Cons of the technique
  • Classes are difficult to do at home, as it requires a colossal investment of time to prepare classes and expensive materials.
  • Bulk materials and manuals: you have to buy or make yourself a lot of frames, cards, books and other elements of the learning environment.
  • The technique is designed for classes in a kindergarten group, not at home.
  • Mom in this system plays the role of an observer, not a teacher.

Olga Soboleva's technique

This method is based on the "two-hemispheric" work of the brain. Learning a new letter, the child learns it through a recognizable image or character. The main goal of the method is not so much to teach how to read as to teach to love to read. All classes are built in the form of a game, so learning to read is imperceptible and exciting. There are 3 streams of information in the technique: for visuals, audials and kinesthetics. Mechanical memorization is minimized, since the associative memorization technique is used.

Advantages of the technique

  • As a result of this way of reading in children, the number of errors decreases, and speech becomes freer and more colorful, vocabulary expands, interest in creativity is activated, fear of the need for a written presentation of thoughts disappears.
  • Rules, laws, exercises are performed as if jokingly and involuntarily. The child learns to concentrate and relax, as this is useful for assimilating new information.
  • The technique develops imagination, fantasy very well, teaches to think logically, develops memory and attention.
  • You can start teaching almost from birth.
  • Suitable for children with different channels of information perception.
There is no familiar system for parents who need everything to be clear and consistent. More suitable for “creative” children.

Report on the topic: "Methods and techniques for improving the skills of productive reading in primary school."

A set of exercises.

Optimal reading technique S.G.Shvaiko, I.T. Fedorenko - Palchenko offers the most effective reserves for teaching reading. They have been worked out by teachers of creative groups, teachers of basic schools, have been experimentally tested for applicability in mass conditions and for usefulness.

Not duration, buttraining exercise frequency ... Human memory is arranged in such a way that what is remembered is not what is constantly in front of your eyes, but what flashes: that is, then no. It is this that creates irritation and is remembered. Therefore, if we want to master some skills, to bring them to automatism, to the level of skill, then we should not at all carry out long exercises, long in time; we should exercise in short portions, but with great frequency. For example, if a first grader who reads poorly is forced to read the whole story at home. This is an hour and a half of very difficult work. It would be much better if the home workout was done in three 5 minute servings. The child reads a small paragraph and retells its content. In an hour or two, another portion. One more portion before bed. The effectiveness of such training is much higher than training for an hour and a half at a time.

Whirring reading one of the main elements in teaching reading. Now this element is generally accepted, it is used in many schools by almost all teachers. What is humming reading? This is such reading, when all the students read aloud at the same time, in an undertone, so as not to interfere with their comrades, each with his own speed, some faster, and some slower.

Daily five-minute reading. Any lesson - be it reading, singing, drawing, math - begins with the children opening the book, reading for 5 minutes in buzzing reading mode, closing the book, and then the usual lesson continues.

Let's see what the daily five minutes give. Five minutes per lesson, four lessons a day, six days a week. A weekly exercise is obtained in the amount of 120 minutes.

Obviously, if the training time has increased 60 times, from two minutes to 120 minutes, then without any methodological tricks something good will turn out, undoubtedly, there will be a positive effect.

Gives good resultsreading before bed. The fact is that the last events of the day are recorded by emotional memory and those eight hours when a person sleeps, he is under their impression. The body gets used to this condition. An example of this pattern.

As early as 200 years ago it was said: "Student living in sciences, teach the psalter for the coming sleep", i.e.

If the child does not like to read, then it is necessarysparing reading mode ... Indeed, if a child does not like to read, then this means that he has difficulty reading. It is difficult for him to read, which is why he does not like to read.

The sparing reading mode is a mode when the child reads one or two lines and after that gets a short rest. This mode is automatically obtained if the child is watching filmstrips: he read two lines under the frame, looked at the picture - he rested. The next frame - I read two lines again, looked at the picture again ... It is quite possible to recommend this method of teaching to parents whose children are reluctant to read.

It would be nice to combine watching filmstrips before bed.

Numerous experiments show that even in the 5th grade, a child who does not like to read can be introduced to reading using film strips, using the gentle reading mode.

The development of reading technique is inhibited due to underdevelopedrandom access memory. What does it mean? Such a picture can often be observed. The child reads a sentence of 6-8 words. Having read to the third or fourth word, I forgot the first word. Therefore, he cannot grasp the meaning of the sentence, he cannot link all the words together. In this case, it is necessary to work on the RAM. This is done using the so-calledvisual dictations , the texts of which were developed and proposed by Professor I.T. Fedorenko. Each of the 18 sets proposed by Professor I.T. Fedorenko contains six proposals. The peculiarity of these sentences is as follows: if the first sentence contains only two words "The snow is melting" - 8 letters, then the last sentence of the eighteenth set already consists of 46 letters. The increase in the length of sentences occurs gradually, one or two letters at a time. Working time with all kits is approximately two months. Thus, in two months, the working memory develops so much that the child can already remember a sentence consisting of 46 letters, i.e. from eight to nine words. Now he easily grasps the meaning of the sentence, it becomes interesting to him to read, and therefore the process of learning to read goes much faster. What is the best way to conduct visual dictations? Six sentences of one of the sets are written out on the board and hung with a sheet of paper. After one of the sentences is highlighted, i.e. a sheet of paper is moved down, the guys for a certain time (for each sentence it is indicated) read silently and this sentence and try to remember. The exposure time of the proposal is usually short, ranging from 4 to 7 seconds. After the expiration of time, the teacher erases the sentence and invites the students to write it down in a notebook. This is followed by exposure, reading and memorization of the second sentence. It usually takes 6 sentences from the set in a Russian language lesson from 5 to 8 minutes. Only after almost all children have time to memorize the text, write it on their own, can you move on to the next set. Visual dictations should be written daily. This main condition must be observed without fail.

There are three exercises in the system of I.T. Fedorenko and I.G. Palchenko. It:repeated reading, reading at the pace of tongue twisters, expressive reading with a transition to an unfamiliar part of the text. All three of these exercises are conducted not individually, but collectively, i.e. all students read at the same time (each at their own pace), but in an undertone, so as not to interfere with their comrades. It is done practically in this way. After the beginning of a new story is read by the teacher and consciously, meaningfully by the children, the teacher suggests that everyone start reading at the same time and continue it for one minute. After a minute, each of the students notices to which word he has already read. This is followed by repeated reading of the same passage of the text. At the same time, the student again notices what word he has read, and compares with the results of the first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few more words. Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions in students, they want to read again. For the development of the articulation apparatus, the following exercises of the Fedorenko-Palchenko system are intended -reading at the pace of tongue twisters ... When reading at a pace, tongue twisters should not pay attention to the expressiveness of reading, but it is necessary to increase the requirements for the clarity of reading the endings of words. The endings of words should not be "swallowed" by the pupils, they should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds. Then you need to stop the students and start the third exercise, addressing the guys like this: "Now, guys, please read the text again, but a little slower, but beautifully, expressively." The children read the familiar part of the text to the end, and the teacher does not stop them. They jump to an unfamiliar part of the text. And here a little miracle happens. This miracle consists in the fact that a child who has read the same passage of the text several times, has already developed an increased reading rate, continues to read it at the same increased rate when switching to an unfamiliar part of the text. Its capabilities are not enough for long (half a line, a line), but if three such exercises are carried out daily in reading lessons, then, in the end, the duration of reading at an increased pace will increase. After two to three weeks, your child's reading will improve markedly.

Dynamic reading - high quality new method: not letters, syllables or words are read, but whole groups of words, blocks; the reader becomes, as it were, a co-author of the text. Dynamic reading is reading with the eyes. You can start work in any class at any time. The only condition is to work every day. Where to begin? First of all, we identify the factors that interfere with fast reading:

    Regression - recurrent eye movements.

    Small field of view, i.e. clear field of vision in line without pupil movement.

    Inability to find the main thing in the text (to pass redundant information through the “filter”, to quickly find what is needed).

    Insufficient use of semantic guesswork.

    Articulation. Words are spoken mentally during slow reading. The hearing aid (ears) is involved in the reading process. Some move their lips or whisper when reading. Thus, the reader not only sees, but also speaks and even hears a word, and the speed of speaking is four times less than the speed of thought. So it slows down reading too.

From this we can conclude that dynamic reading helps to overcome these difficulties. But how to do this, using what techniques and methods?

Dynamic reading - this is reading only with the eyes. Therefore, you need to start working on speed reading with the development of visual memory, attention, this is facilitated by the so-called "photographing" of various kinds of pictures, cards, objects. Students in one second must remember everything that is shown in the picture - “take a picture”. One second can be measured by saying the number twenty-one to yourself. For example, the teacher shows an illustration for a fairy tale. Children must remember everything that is depicted on it in 1 second and say what the fairy tale is called. Then after the commands “Get ready! Attention!" the command "Taking pictures!" is given.

Reading lines in reverse by words. What is written is read in such a way that the last word is the first, the penultimate second, etc. This exercise takes the child away from the usual stereotype of reading from left to right, develops the subtlety of eye movements and is preparatory for subsequent exercises.

Reading lines in reverse letter by letter. What is written is read from right to left so that each word, starting with the last, is spelled out in reverse order. This exercise develops the ability of strictly letter-by-letter analysis of each word, and also creates the prerequisites for eliminating fairly common mistakes of "mirror" reading (when, for example, the word ball is read like rush and the child does not notice the error; now, "having felt with his own hands" and straight, and the reverse order of words and clearly realizing their difference due to the transfer of reverse reading from the rank of a random operation to the rank of a conscious purposeful action, the child will no longer allow them).

Reading only the second half of words. When reading, the first half of each word is ignored and only the last is spoken; for of this name: -nie -lko -roy -wines the thought line of the section runs roughly in the middle of a word; absolute accuracy is optional. This exercise accentuates the end of a word for the child as an essential part of it, requiring the same accurate perception as the beginning, and forms the skill of letter-by-letter analysis. It leads to a sharp decrease in extremely common mistakes when only the beginning of a word is read correctly, and its end is either conjectured or read with distortions.

Reading lines with the bottom half covered ... A blank sheet of paper is superimposed on the line so that the upper parts of the letters are clearly visible, that is, open to the eye, and the lower ones are invisible and are under the sheet. After reading the first line, the sheet moves down so that the lower part of the second line is covered, then the third, etc. You can also cut an old book or newspaper into lines, and then cut off its lower part in each line. The child is invited, despite such a deformation, to still try to read the text. You can start by covering only the lower part of a quarter of the line, gradually increasing the covered to half or even more. Note that at the initial stages of training, this exercise is performed more easily and with great interest if text is used for this, with which the child is already a little familiar; at the subsequent stages, unfamiliar texts are more suitable.

Reading lines with the upper half covered. The exercise is similar to the previous one, only in this case a blank sheet is superimposed on the text so that the upper part of the line is covered, and the lower one is open. You only need to read the lower parts of the letters. After the first line has been read, the blank sheet is moved down to cover the top half of the second line, and so on.

Let me tell you a secret: this exercise is tricky! The fact is that any somewhat intelligent child will quickly notice that when the top line is read in half letters, at this time the bottom, next, is completely open, and will realize that it is much more profitable to have time to quickly read it while it is open, in order to then, when it is closed, it is easy to give a ready-made result! If at the same time the child does not have time to read some word or forgets it, then and only then will he have to restore it in halves. Many children quickly switch to this strategy, and this is exactly what is needed.

This exercise forms a strong game motivation, requiring quick reading, fluent grasping of several words at once (to have time to read at all costs, while the line is open), as well as reading not aloud, but to oneself (since this must be hidden), but In case of failure, it sets external supports (visible lower parts of letters), by which it is possible to clarify an incompletely seen word or correct an incorrectly read word. This exercise is also extremely important for the formation of verbal-logical memory (its volume, since it is necessary to hold several words at once, its strength, since it must be retained for several seconds, and its resistance to interference - such holding must be combined with reading another line). If an adult notices that the child is trying to act in this way, then this must be done in every possible way, imperceptibly for the child: to hesitate a little, moving the blank sheet down, not to notice the inclusions that the child brings from the bottom line to the top, etc.

The listed advantages of this exercise (with its extreme simplicity) give reason to believe that it is one of the strongest in the described complex and more time should be spent on it than on others.

Classification of words into groups ... 8-16 cards are given, each of which has one word printed. It is indicated that the words denote lost objects and now it is necessary to quickly put them in their places. It says, for example, that the left side of the table is the kitchen and there should be objects that have a place in the kitchen (pan, fork), and the right side is kindergarten and the kids should be placed there (Nina, Petya). Looking through the cards, the child should arrange them into groups. Depending on the level of the child's training, you can offer him a layout for 2, 3 or 4 groups and before the layout, these groups can either be indicated or not. Of course, the words must be selected in advance so that they are easily classified.

This exercise is extremely important for the development of the reading skill, since in it, almost for the first time in a child's life, reading appears not as an end in itself (read - and that's it, the goal is achieved), but as a means to achieve another goal (to correctly lay out the cards). This leads to the fact that the child, in the course of his own actions, begins to clearly realize one of the main meanings of reading - obtaining information to regulate his actions - and becomes convinced of the inadmissibility of mistakes (an error here appears not just as an unwanted inaccuracy, but as a direct cause of absurd actions, absurd actions, when, for example, an item of kitchen utensils is brought instead of a child to kindergarten!). This exercise also relieves the tension associated with the child's fixation on reading, which arose earlier due to repeated reproaches for mistakes, because here the child does not need to read, i.e. to perform an activity that is unpleasant to him, but you just need to lay out the cards, and reading in this case is an imperceptible, fleeting process, just one of many specially not accented moments of the layout process.

This exercise becomes especially valuable when the need for a strictly letter-by-letter analysis of words is introduced into it. This is achieved by the fact that pairs of words that are similar in spelling, but different in meaning are introduced into the classified material (for example, when laid out into two groups: transport and berries-fruits are pairs: car-raspberry, bus-apricot; into groups: boys and girls are pairs of names: Masha-Misha, Tonya-Tolya, Vitya-Vika, etc.), as well as very long words (such as a bicycle).

Saying each word twice ... The sentence (at first a short one - of two or three words, then gradually the length increases) should be read so that each of its words is pronounced twice, for example: Two times, two times pronouncing…. This exercise helps the child to understand the meaning of the perceived and spoken text. The fact is that a word read slowly, in syllables (especially if it is long), is not a word of living speech. This is just some sound education, not much like a spoken word of living speech, and therefore it is difficult for a child to recognize it, and even more so to extract meaning from it. In order for the originally read word stretched out over syllables to be recognized as a natural, living word, it must be repeated as one. Due to such double pronunciations of each word, the child forms their natural auditory images, which contributes to penetration into their meaning.

Application of the "dialogue with the text" method.

Dialogue with the text occurs as a result of active reading of textual information in order to understand the "riddles" of the text, to discern the position of the author, to realize one's attitude to this position. This method is known in hermeneutics - the science of interpreting texts. Psychologists who used the technique of "slow reading" (the text is presented according to sentences) described that an experienced reader, when working with a book, "talks" with it: he has questions, various assumptions, the correctness of which he verifies with the text. This dialogue often begins already at the acquaintance with the title of the work, and ends with an independent search for answers to questions that have remained unsolved in the text. The dialogue with the text proceeds so quickly that it is not realized by an experienced reader. If we talk about purposefulusing this method for educational purposes, it can be divided into several types of operations: 1) search for the incomprehensible in the text and the wording of questions; 2) probabilistic forecasting of answers to an arisen question or further content of the text; 3) self-control (verification of your assumptions in the text). If the reader owns the named operations, then he enters into conversation with even the shortest text.

Methodical techniquesBloom's cube

The remarkable American educator Benjamin Bloom is commonly referred to as the author of the famous Taxonomy of Learning Objectives. But he is also the author of several methods of pedagogical technique. One of them is Bloom's Cube.

The beginning of the questions is written on the sides of the cube:

"Why", "Explain", "Name", "Suggest", "Think up", "Share"

The teacher (or student) rolls the die. It is necessary to formulate a question to teaching material on the edge on which the die falls.

Using the Schulte table.

(exercises to increase the field of view)

Time the time, the child starts looking for numbers in the table from 1 to

30, while

showing them. With frequent use of these tables, the time is reduced, the account

can be done in reverse order, i.e. from 30 to 1.

And they can find an individual approach to the child in each case. Parents do not have such skills and knowledge, therefore they often make mistakes when organizing the process of teaching reading on their own, without prior preparation or consultation. Based on my many years of experience in elementary grades, I want to point out the main problems that arise if you do not know how to properly teach a child to read syllables.

The main mistake that is difficult to fix is letter by letter reading... Parents believe that it is the letters that are the main unit of reading and teach the child to first name the letters, and then try to combine them into a whole word. It is even worse if at the same time they practice using the full names of the letters ("em", "peh", etc.) or do not correct the baby when he pronounces "we", "py", naming consonants.

This approach is fundamentally wrong: with such training, the child does not master the mechanism of sound-letter fusion of a syllable, he learns to read only on the basis of memorizing and reproducing verbal formulations (such as "el" and "a" - there will be "la"), and this significantly slows down reading speed, the child often confuses syllables and makes mistakes.

To wean a "trained" child from using such an algorithm, it will take at least 4-6 months to retrain. Even when the teacher is able to explain and show the child that it is not necessary to pronounce such formulas, but to name the whole syllable at once, the child will continue to do it as before “in his mind” and only then pronounce the resulting combination.

One more problem - poorly developed phonemic hearing... Parents generally do not tend to pay attention to the use of various phonemic exercises. Therefore, a child only at school begins to get acquainted with the concept of sound, learn to highlight it in the speech stream, to determine its place in a word. But it is precisely the stable association "letter \u003d sound" that is the basis of continuous reading and correct spelling. Especially serious problems arise when studying the letters "y", "I", "yu", "e", "e", as well as the signs "b", "b", because their use is based only on the ability to determine what sounds they are denote (or share) at a specific position.

Do not forget that often parents achieve results due to perseverance and making constant demands on the childbecause they do not know a wide range of didactic games and exercises. Therefore, a preschooler can quickly lose interest in reading and perceive this process as a boring "obligation".

To avoid all the mistakes described and to teach the child to read correctly, we suggest that parents use our recommendations presented below.

Methodological foundations of teaching reading by syllables

Pedagogy describes several ways of teaching a child to read. The most effective method of reading by syllables, which is based on on the sound-letter approach... In this case, syllables are the main "building blocks" from which a word is composed. Consider how to teach a child to read syllables at home.

So, first you need to acquaint the child with the basic vowel sounds and the letters with which they are designated: "a", "o", "y". Each letter needs to be given 2-3 lessons. The algorithm for studying these and subsequent letters is as follows.

Stage number 1 Motivation

The lesson should begin with a playful moment that will arouse the child's interest in what will happen. You can show him a toy or a frame from a cartoon, let him listen to a song, etc. Your task is to draw the baby's attention to a specific subject. For example:

  • treat the child with an orange;
  • to show a cartoon about a donkey;
  • show the duck and let her swim in the bowl.

After such an action, ask the child a question (what he ate, what he played with, etc.), and then ask him to repeat the name of the object again.

Stage 2. Getting to know sound

Next, you need to select the first sound in the word. To do this, say the word and stretch the first sound, pronounce it louder and more clearly than others. Invite your child to repeat after you. He must determine and name the first sound in the word he heard.

Now you need to play with this sound:

  • pronounce with different voice strengths (quieter - louder);
  • sing along;
  • speak with different intonation.

It is important to pay attention to the articulation of the sound. Be sure to discuss with your child as it turns out to pronounce this sound, in what position are the lips, teeth and tongue. To do this, invite him to observe you or look at himself in the mirror. When studying vowel sounds, it is recommended to show the child the corresponding demonstration pictures.

Games for the development of phonetic hearing

When you have already learned a few sounds with your child, be sure to play the game "Guess the Sound" with him - by the position of the articulation organs, he must guess which sound you are going to make.

After these games, offer your child other exercises to develop phonetic hearing:

  • Name words that also begin with the desired sound.
  • “Catch the sound” - an adult must pronounce different words, and the baby repeats them, and if he hears the specified sound in it, he claps his hands.
  • "Set in a house" - make a cardboard template of a house with 3-4 windows and invite the child to place pictures with those objects in them, the name of which begins with the desired sound.
  • "Tell the word" - you name a part of the word, and the child must say it in full, adding a sound at the beginning (at the end) of the word.

Attention!You do not need to use more than 2 exercises in one lesson.

Stage 3. Acquaintance with the letter

Now it's time to learn the letter. To do this, you can invite the child to find the desired picture among the cubes or in the alphabet (for example, an orange). It should be explained that since the name of this object begins with the sound [a], a letter was written next to it, which designates this sound.

Examples of:

  • Myakishi cubes "ABC in Pictures" in the store.
  • Educational wooden toys Cubes ABC.
  • Cubes "ABC", 12 pcs.

Invite the baby to carefully consider the letter, determine what parts it consists of (sticks, ovals, hooks). Talk with him about what the letter looks like. It is recommended to use special pictures in which the letter is depicted as a real object. If possible, you can create such pictures yourself directly during the lesson. It will be very interesting for the child to watch the transformation of the letter.

You also need to ask the kid to write a letter. This can be done in different ways:

  • draw with chalk on a blackboard;
  • write with your finger in the sand;
  • mold from plasticine;
  • lay out with buttons;
  • twist out of wire, etc.

Such exercises will really please the child and will make it easier to remember the letter.

Stage 4. Composing a syllable

When the baby learns the first three vowel sounds, each subsequent sound (after getting to know the letter) is immediately included in the syllables. The main thing is to explain this so that the child understands the very mechanism of the fusion of two sounds into one single syllable. An adult must show two letters and say that now he will pronounce them together, without stopping or separating.

For additional effect, you can add visualization:

  • put two cubes side by side;
  • write letters on the parts of the constructor and connect them together;
  • put letters in one house, etc.

Having shown a syllable to a child, an adult must pronounce it clearly and drawn out, and then ask the child to repeat it. Further, it should be explained in words that in order to pronounce the syllable "ma", you must first close your lips for the sound [m] and immediately open your mouth and round your lips to pronounce the sound [a]. It is recommended to demonstrate this process several times, asking the child to do the same.

As practice shows, such detailed explanations and training will be needed only for the first 1-2 weeks of syllabic reading classes. As soon as the child understands and assimilates the principle of combining sounds into syllables, he will easily do this in any combination.

In addition to learning to read direct syllables (consonant + vowel), you need to offer him to read reverse (vowel + consonant) and complex (2-3 consonants + vowel) syllables. The technique is similar: demonstrate a sample, analyze articulation and perform training exercises.

We read by syllables

The presented technique on how to teach a child to read by syllables is suitable for practicing at home with a baby from 5 years old. After 2-3 weeks of classes, the child will be able to independently, looking at the written letters, name the syllable. There is no need to rush him, however, if he finds it difficult to pronounce a syllable after 30-60 seconds, you need to prompt him, help to compose a syllable. This should be done in a friendly manner, without irritation or reproaches.

When the child composes the first syllables "ma", "mu", it's time to show that by connecting some syllables together, you can get the whole word. It is better to explain this using syllable cubes (you can buy a special set or make them yourself) or constructor parts. The main thing is to show that to read a word you need to name the syllables and then combine them. Be sure to ask your child what word came out and what it means.

In the future, when it will no longer be necessary to spend a lot of time explaining all the described basics of reading by syllables, the main part of the lessons should be devoted to training exercises... Practical teachers say that there is no other way to learn to read well than reading constantly. The more often and more the child reads, the better it will be at it. Therefore, he needs to maintain a constant interest in reading classes. For this, it is recommended to use a variety of didactic games.


  • Speech therapy exercises.
  • From playing to reading. Didactic exercises.

Didactic reading games

The game "Sun"

The figure shows the sun with rays. The letter under study is placed in the center, and the rest of the letters at the ends of the rays. Moving from the center along the ray, you need to name the syllable that turns out. You can move in the opposite direction.

A similar game is called "Watch". The main letter is placed in the center of the hand, and the rest on the dial. By moving the arrow, we name the resulting syllable.

The game "Run along the path"

Pick up a picture with a short winding path. Place circles with printed syllables on it. The child receives a chip and begins to move it forward, naming syllables along the way. You can arrange a team game - who will go faster and will not make mistakes.

Dice game

For cubes with syllables, you can come up with many tasks:

  • read all the syllables on the cube;
  • choose cubes to form a word;
  • replace (add) one syllable in the composed word to get a new word;
  • select the syllable for the picture, which is the first in the name of the depicted object.

You can even just give your child a box with such cubes, and he can come up with a way to play with them.

Syllable table

Make an interactive syllable table. It is made according to the principle of the Pythagorean table. Lines should be added to the table as you learn new letters. Tasks for working with a table can be as follows:

  • find the indicated letter and read all syllables with it;
  • find the named syllable in the table;
  • show the named syllables in the table and make a word out of them;
  • draw rays between syllables to make a word.

Later, you need to make another table, which will consist of complex syllables.

As a result of constant training exercises, the ability to name syllables will be brought to automatism, and from this the reading speed will increase significantly. However, parents need to remember that this is not the only criterion that is important for good reading. Attention should also be paid to the development of such reading characteristics as awareness and expressiveness, that is, we are already talking about.