The stronger a person’s character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love. Loyalty, constancy

You cannot be called a politician if you do not have patience and the ability to control your anger. Power, politics, management

Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed. Pride, dignity, self-respect

To die for a friend under some exceptional circumstances is less sublime than to daily and secretly sacrifice oneself for him. Friendship, friends

Even the severity of the beloved is full of endless charm. Women, men

The firmness of a woman fighting her love is the most magnificent thing that exists in the world. Women, men

Painting is an art through which the artist depicts passion through facial features and body position and excites the viewer with his attitude to the subject, sympathetic or ironic. Painting, architecture

The point is not to learn to draw, but to learn to think. Painting, architecture

In all forms of art, you yourself need to experience the sensations that you want to evoke in others. Art

In art, only that which constantly brings pleasure is alive. Art

Art is a product of the physical state of a people, on the one hand, and of its entire civilization, that is, several hundred of its habits, on the other. Art

Art lives only by passions. You need to feel the consuming fire of passions in order to succeed in art. Art

Since the time of Voltaire, the French Church has realized that its true enemies are books. Book, print

Beauty is nothing more than a promise of happiness. Beauty, perfection

A writer needs the same courage as a soldier: the former must think as little about critics as the latter does about the hospital. Literature

A novel is a mirror with which you walk along the high road. It reflects either the azure sky, or dirty puddles and potholes. Literature

Romanticism is the art of giving people such literary works, which at current state their customs and beliefs can give them the greatest pleasure. Literature

Yes, half, and moreover, the most beautiful half of life remains hidden to a person who has not loved with passion. Love

To love means to experience pleasure when you see, touch, feel with all your senses and at the closest possible distance the being that you love and who loves you. Love

Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to come and pluck it from the edge of a terrible abyss. Love

Love is the only passion that is paid with the same coin that it mints. Love

A very small degree of hope is enough to bring love to life. After two or three days, hope may disappear; nevertheless, love has already been born. Love

Having fallen in love, the most reasonable person no longer sees a single object as it really is. A woman, mostly ordinary, becomes unrecognizable and turns into an exceptional being. Love

Great is the art of instilling in people wonderful ideas that teach them to sacrifice everything for the happiness of the human race. Worldview, ideals, principles, beliefs

Courage lies in the ability to choose the least evil, no matter how terrible it may be. Courage, heroism, valor

Notes are just the art of writing down ideas, the main thing is to have them. Music

Every person has responsibilities towards himself. Responsibility, duty

Idleness is the mother of boredom.

Stendhal (Henri-Marie Bayle), (1783-1842) writer

The architectural appearance of a building, which evokes in us a feeling corresponding to its purpose, is style.

Let us work, because work is the father of pleasure.

In love-passion, perfect happiness lies not so much in intimacy as in last step to her.

In the world of feelings there is only one law - to create the happiness of the one you love.

Great is the art of instilling in people wonderful ideas that teach them to sacrifice everything for the happiness of the human race.

The greater the artist, the more strongly he should desire the ranks and orders that serve as his protection.

Any uprising against foreign invaders is a legitimate matter and is the first duty of every people.

Flexibility of mind can replace beauty.

The main advantage of language is clarity.

Yes, half - and, moreover, the most beautiful half - of life remains hidden to a person who has not loved with passion.

Even the severity of the woman we love is full of endless charm, which we do not find in our happiest moments in other women.

The point is not to learn to draw, but to learn to think.

Painting is an art through which the artist depicts passion through facial features and body position and excites the viewer with his sympathetic and ironic attitude towards the subject.

The only excuse for God is that he does not exist.

When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing.

In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter.

The ship of life succumbs to all winds and storms if it does not have labor ballast.

To love means to experience pleasure when you see, touch, feel with all your senses and at the closest possible distance the being that you love and who loves you.

Love in the style of Werther opens the soul to all the arts, to all sweet and romantic impressions: to moonlight, to the beauty of forests, to the beauty of painting - in a word, to every sense of beauty...

Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to come and pluck it from the edge of a terrible abyss.

The world will become more just if it becomes more chaste.

My happiness would be complete if it were not victory, which is the only happiness of a fool.

Don't neglect anything that can make you great.

It is not enough that there are gifts; it is also necessary that public opinion contemporaries indicated truly beautiful things for their creative efforts.

You cannot be called a politician if you do not have patience and the ability to control your anger.

Notes are just the art of writing down ideas, the main thing is to have them.

The strength of one passion must be judged by the strength of another, which is sacrificed for it.

One of the most beautiful advantages of intelligence is that it gives a person respect in old age.

It is not possible for one person to combine all the talents.

A very small degree of hope is enough to bring love to life. After two or three days, hope may disappear; nevertheless, love has already been born.

A writer needs the same courage as a soldier: the former must think as little about critics as the latter does about the hospital.

Until I fell in love, I was insignificant precisely because sometimes I really wanted to consider myself great.

Having fallen in love, the most intelligent person no longer sees a single object as it really is... A woman, mostly ordinary, becomes unrecognizable and turns into an exceptional being.

Almost all misfortunes in life come from a false idea of ​​what happens to us. Consequently, deep knowledge of people and sound judgment about events bring us closer to happiness.

Idleness is the mother of boredom.

A novel is a mirror with which you walk along the high road. It reflects either the azure sky, or dirty puddles and potholes.

Romanticism is the art of giving people such literary works as, given the current state of their customs and beliefs, can give them the greatest pleasure.

Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed.

Passions cannot be seen directly with the eyes, such as fire or funeral games. Only their manifestations are visible. They can be found in your own heart.

The desire for something new is the first need of the human imagination.

Shyness is the mother of the most beautiful of all passions of the human heart - love.

Labor is the father of pleasure.

The ability to carry on a conversation is a talent.

To die for a friend under some exceptional circumstances is less sublime than to daily and secretly sacrifice oneself for him.

The fate of extreme old age in both sexes depends on how one’s youth was spent.

The artist's goal of personal gain kills every work of art.

Man lives on earth not to become rich, but to become happy.

The stronger a person’s character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love.

Youth is a time of courage.

I will not do anything for my personal happiness until I stop suffering from looking bad in someone else's eyes.

The anecdotes of the circles in which he lived are unknown to the public, and it would take a huge number of pages to reproduce them with all the necessary nuances.

Most men ask for proof of love, which, in their opinion, dispels all doubts; For women, unfortunately, such evidence does not exist.

In any party, the smarter a person is, the less he belongs to his own party.

In solitude you can acquire anything except character.

You can say everything with a look, and yet you can always renounce a look, since it cannot be repeated exactly.

Lovers are very reckless, thinking about how to dress better; In the presence of a loved one, a woman is busy with something completely different than thinking about his toilet.

Every reasonable argument causes offense.

Having gone out of fashion, music does not become any worse, and yet it no longer makes an impression on the simple-minded hearts of young girls. Perhaps they only liked her because she delighted young people.

For a lover there are no friends.

God's only excuse is that he does not exist.

Women's charm does not come from ignorance.

Melanie once told me: “If women weren’t coquettes, you would force us to become them.” Today I say: “If we weren’t veils, women would make us into them.”

When we are confident in the love of a woman, we are interested in the degree of her beauty; when we doubt her heart, we have no time to think about her face.

When you think that there are men so brave that they look into a woman’s face, come up to her, shake her hand and say without horror: Do you want to marry me, be my wife? - then one cannot help but be amazed at the lengths to which human courage can reach.

Beauty is only a promise of happiness.

Love is the only passion that is paid with the same coin that it mints.

Lovers often doubt what they believe in most.

Mademoiselle de Sommery, having been caught by her lover in the act, bravely denied it, and when he began to get excited, she declared: “Oh, I see perfectly well that you have stopped loving me; you believe more in what you see than in what I say.”

A fashionable building will lose its youth and become obsolete in ten years. It will become less unpleasant to the eye in two hundred years, when fashion has been forgotten.

You can know everything except yourself.

A man cannot say almost anything useful about what is happening in the heart of a tender woman; a coquette is another matter: sensuality and vanity are inherent in us.

We are pleased with the jealousy only of those whom we ourselves could be jealous. (With reference to Madame de Coulanges.)

Spelling doesn't create geniuses.

The one who has failed to surrender herself manages to sell herself.

Weak passion sharpens the mind, strong passion dulls it.

Tears - highest degree smiles.

Shyness is one of the sources of love for clothes; By dressing this way and not otherwise, a woman promises herself to a greater or lesser extent. This is why dresses are inappropriate in old age.

A provincial woman, trying to follow fashion in Paris, promises herself in the most absurd form and thereby makes herself laugh. Provincial women coming to Paris should first dress as if they were already thirty years old.

It is difficult not to exaggerate the happiness that you are not given the opportunity to enjoy.

Extremely beautiful women cause not so much amazement at the second meeting.

Aphorisms and quotes from Stendhal

French writer and critic Stendhal (real name Marie-Henri Bayle) is the founder of literary realism. Possessing natural insight and observation, Stendhal reveals in his novels and short stories the secret mechanisms of the vices of society in the mid-19th century, showing that under the mask of piety and chastity, liars, intriguers and debauchees are often hidden. Below are some aphorisms and quotes from Stendhal.

“Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed”

“Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to come and pluck it from the edge of a terrible abyss.”

“One of the most beautiful advantages of intelligence is that it gives a person respect in old age.”

“In the world of feelings there is only one law - to create the happiness of the one you love”

“The fate of extreme old age in both sexes depends on how one’s youth is spent.”

“Man lives on earth not to become rich, but to become happy”

“When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water except that which you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, in less than two months the water of the spring becomes bitter.”

“A novel is a mirror with which you walk along the high road. It reflects either the azure sky, or dirty puddles and potholes.”

“The desire for something new is the first need of the human imagination”

“The strength of one passion must be judged by the strength of another that was sacrificed for it.”

“The stronger a person’s character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love”

“In love-passion, perfect happiness lies not so much in intimacy as in the last step towards it”

“Having fallen in love, the most intelligent person no longer sees a single object as it really is... A woman, mostly ordinary, becomes unrecognizable and turns into an exceptional being”

In addition to Stendhal's aphorisms and quotes, our website contains many sayings and other famous people. To find them, use the alphabet at the beginning of the page.

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Stendhal (Henri-Marie Bayle)

The architectural appearance of a building, which evokes in us a feeling corresponding to its purpose, is style.
Let us work, because work is the father of pleasure.
In love-passion, perfect happiness lies not so much in intimacy as in the last step towards it.
In the world of feelings there is only one law - to create the happiness of the one you love.
Great is the art of instilling in people wonderful ideas that teach them to sacrifice everything for the happiness of the human race.
The greater the artist, the more strongly he should desire the ranks and orders that serve as his protection.
Any uprising against foreign invaders is a legitimate matter and is the first duty of every people.
Flexibility of mind can replace beauty.
The main advantage of language is clarity.
Yes, half - and, moreover, the most beautiful half - of life remains hidden to a person who has not loved with passion.
Even the severity of the woman we love is full of endless charm, which we do not find in our happiest moments in other women.
The point is not to learn to draw, but to learn to think.
Painting is an art through which the artist depicts passion through facial features and body position and excites the viewer with his sympathetic and ironic attitude towards the subject.
The only excuse for God is that he does not exist.
When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing.
In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter.
The ship of life succumbs to all winds and storms if it does not have labor ballast.
To love means to experience pleasure when you see, touch, feel with all your senses and at the closest possible distance the being that you love and who loves you.
Love in the style of Werther opens the soul to all the arts, to all sweet and romantic impressions: to moonlight, to the beauty of forests, to the beauty of painting - in a word, to every sense of beauty...
Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to come and pluck it from the edge of a terrible abyss.
The world will become more just if it becomes more chaste.
My happiness would be complete if it were not victory - which is the only happiness of a fool.
Don't neglect anything that can make you great.
It is not enough that there are gifts; It is also necessary that the public opinion of contemporaries indicate what is truly beautiful for their creative efforts.
You cannot be called a politician if you do not have patience and the ability to control your anger.
Sheet music is just the art of writing down ideas, the main thing is to have them.
The strength of one passion must be judged by the strength of another, which is sacrificed for it.
One of the most beautiful advantages of intelligence is that it gives a person respect in old age.
It is not possible for one person to combine all the talents.
A very small degree of hope is enough to bring love to life. After two or three days, hope may disappear; nevertheless, love has already been born.
A writer needs the same courage as a soldier: the former must think as little about critics as the latter does about the hospital.
Until I fell in love, I was insignificant precisely because sometimes I really wanted to consider myself great.
Having fallen in love, the most intelligent person no longer sees a single object as it really is... A woman, mostly ordinary, becomes unrecognizable and turns into an exceptional being.
Almost all misfortunes in life come from a false idea of ​​what happens to us. Consequently, deep knowledge of people and sound judgment about events bring us closer to happiness.
Idleness is the mother of boredom.
A novel is a mirror with which you walk along the high road. It reflects either the azure sky, or dirty puddles and potholes.
Romanticism is the art of giving people such literary works as, given the current state of their customs and beliefs, can give them the greatest pleasure.
Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed.
Passions cannot be seen directly with the eyes, such as fire or funeral games. Only their manifestations are visible... They can be found in your own heart.
The desire for something new is the first need of the human imagination.
Shyness is the mother of the most beautiful of all passions of the human heart - love.
Labor is the father of pleasure.
The ability to carry on a conversation is a talent.
To die for a friend under some exceptional circumstances is less sublime than to daily and secretly sacrifice oneself for him.
The fate of extreme old age in both sexes depends on how one’s youth was spent.
The artist's goal of personal gain kills every work of art.
Man lives on earth not to become rich, but to become happy.
The stronger a person’s character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love.
Youth is a time of courage.
I will not do anything for my personal happiness until I stop suffering from looking bad in someone else's eyes.
The anecdotes of the circles in which he lived are unknown to the public, and it would take a huge number of pages to reproduce them with all the necessary nuances.
Most men ask for proof of love, which, in their opinion, dispels all doubts; For women, unfortunately, such evidence does not exist.
In any party, the smarter a person is, the less he belongs to his own party.
In solitude you can acquire anything except character.
You can say everything with a look, and yet you can always renounce a look, since it cannot be repeated exactly.
Lovers are very reckless, thinking about how to dress better; In the presence of a loved one, a woman is busy with something completely different than thinking about his toilet.
Every reasonable argument causes offense.
Having gone out of fashion, music does not become any worse, and yet it no longer makes an impression on the simple-minded hearts of young girls. Perhaps they only liked her because she delighted young people.
For a lover there are no friends.
God's only excuse is that he does not exist.
Women's charm does not come from ignorance.
Melanie once told me: “If women weren’t coquettes, you would force us to become them.” Today I say: “If we weren’t veils, women would make us into them.”
When we are confident in the love of a woman, we are interested in the degree of her beauty; when we doubt her heart, we have no time to think about her face.
When you think that there are men so brave that they look into a woman’s face, come up to her, shake her hand and say without horror: Do you want to marry me, be my wife? – then one cannot help but be amazed at the lengths to which human courage can reach.
Beauty is only a promise of happiness.
The woman you love radiates more charm than she has.
Love is the only passion that is paid with the same coin that it mints.
Lovers often doubt what they believe in most.
Mademoiselle de Sommery, having been caught by her lover in the act, bravely denied it, and when he began to get excited, she declared: “Oh, I see perfectly well that you have stopped loving me; you believe more in what you see than in what I say.”
A fashionable building will lose its youth and become obsolete in ten years. It will become less unpleasant to the eye in two hundred years, when fashion has been forgotten.
You can know everything except yourself.
A man cannot say almost anything useful about what is happening in the heart of a tender woman; a coquette is another matter: sensuality and vanity are inherent in us.
We are pleased with the jealousy only of those whom we ourselves could be jealous. (With reference to Madame de Coulanges.)
Spelling doesn't create geniuses.
The one who has failed to surrender herself manages to sell herself.
Weak passion sharpens the mind, strong passion dulls it.
Tears are the highest degree of smiling.
Shyness is one of the sources of love for clothes; By dressing this way and not otherwise, a woman promises herself to a greater or lesser extent. This is why dresses are inappropriate in old age.
A provincial woman, trying to follow fashion in Paris, promises herself in the most absurd form and thereby makes herself laugh. Provincial women coming to Paris should first dress as if they were already thirty years old.
It is difficult not to exaggerate the happiness that you are not given the opportunity to enjoy.
Extremely beautiful women are not so surprising the second time you meet them.

Stendhal - Sayings, quotes and aphorisms

In love-passion, perfect happiness lies not so much in intimacy as in the last step towards it.
- Love is a delightful flower, but it takes courage to come and pick it on the edge of a terrible abyss.
- Love in the style of Werther opens the soul to all the arts, to all sweet and romantic impressions: to moonlight, to the beauty of forests, to the beauty of painting - in a word, to every sense of beauty.
- The world will become more just if it becomes more chaste.
- One of the most beautiful advantages of intelligence is that it gives a person respect in old age.
- The point is not to learn to draw, but to learn to think.
- The only excuse for God is that he does not exist.
- When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water except the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter.
- The ship of life succumbs to all winds and storms if it does not have labor ballast.
- To love means to experience pleasure when you see, touch, feel with all your senses and at the closest possible distance the creature that you love and who loves you.
- The strength of one passion must be judged by the strength of another, which was sacrificed for it.
- A very small degree of hope is enough to bring love to life. After two or three days, hope may disappear; nevertheless, love has already been born.
- A writer needs the same courage as a soldier: the former should think as little about critics as the latter does about the hospital.
- Until I fell in love, I was insignificant precisely because sometimes I really wanted to consider myself great.
- Trying to be yourself is the only way to succeed.
- Labor is the father of pleasure.
- The ability to carry on a conversation is a talent.
- To die for a friend under some exceptional circumstances is less sublime than to sacrifice oneself daily and secretly.
- Passions cannot be seen directly with the eyes, such as fire or funeral games. Only their manifestations are visible. They can be found in your own heart.
- The desire for something new is the first need of the human imagination.
- Shyness is the mother of the most beautiful of all passions of the human heart - love.
- The fate of extreme old age in both sexes depends on what one spends one’s youth on.
- The artist’s goal of personal gain kills every work of art.
- Man lives on earth not in order to become rich, but in order to become happy.
- The stronger a person’s character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love.
- Youth is a time of courage.
“I won’t do anything for my personal happiness until I stop suffering because I look bad in someone’s eyes.”
- Idleness is the mother of boredom.
- A novel is a mirror with which you walk along the high road. It reflects either the azure sky, or dirty puddles and potholes.
- Having fallen in love, the most intelligent person no longer sees a single object as it really is... A woman, mostly ordinary, becomes unrecognizable and turns into an exceptional being.
- Even the severity of the woman we love is full of endless charm, which we do not find in our happiest moments in other women.
- Yes, half - and, moreover, the most beautiful half - of life remains hidden for a person who has not loved with passion.
- Almost all misfortunes in life come from a false idea of ​​​​what happens to us. Consequently, deep knowledge of people and sound judgment about events bring us closer to happiness.
- In the world of feelings there is only one law - to create the happiness of the one you love.
- Any uprising against foreign invaders is a legitimate matter and is the first duty of every people.
- The architectural appearance of a building, which evokes in us a feeling corresponding to its purpose, is style.
- Let's work, because work is the father of pleasure.
“Great is the art of instilling in people wonderful ideas that teach them to sacrifice everything for the happiness of the human race.