The ability to perform such a procedure is extremely necessary in many topics in mathematics related to quadratic trinomialax 2 + bx + c . The most common:

1) Drawing parabolas y= ax 2 + bx+ c;

2) Solving many problems on the quadratic trinomial ( quadratic equations and inequalities, problems with parameters, etc.);

3) Work with some functions containing a quadratic trinomial, as well as work with second-order curves (for students).

A useful thing, in short! Are you aiming for an A? Then let's master it!)

What does it mean to isolate the perfect square of a binomial in a square trinomial?

This task means that the original quadratic trinomial must be transformed to this form:

Number a what's on the left, what's on the right - same thing. Coefficient of x squared. That's why it's designated one letter. Multiplied on the right by the square of brackets. In the brackets themselves sits the very binomial that is discussed in this topic. The sum of pure X and some number m. Yes, please pay attention, exactly pure X! This is important.

And here are the letters m And n on the right - some new numbers. What will happen as a result of our transformations? They can turn out to be positive, negative, integer, fractional - all sorts of things! You will see for yourself in the examples below. These numbers depend from oddsa, bAndc. They have their own special general formulas. Quite cumbersome, with fractions. Therefore, I will not give them right here and now. Why do your bright minds need extra garbage? Yes, and it’s not interesting. Let's work creatively.)

What do you need to know and understand?

First of all, you need to know it by heart. At least two of them - square of the sum And squared difference.

These ones:

Without these couple of formulas, you can’t go anywhere. Not only in this lesson, but in almost all the rest of mathematics in general. Got the hint?)

But mere mechanically memorized formulas are not enough here. It also needs to be done competently be able to apply these formulas. And not so much directly, from left to right, but vice versa, from right to left. Those. using the original quadratic trinomial, be able to decipher the square of the sum/difference. This means you should easily, automatically, recognize equalities like:

x 2 +4 x+4 = (x+2) 2

x 2 -10 x+25 = (x-5) 2

x 2 + x+0,25 = (x+0,5) 2

Without this useful skill, it’s also impossible... So if you have problems with these simple things, then close this page. It's too early for you to come here.) First, go to the link above. She is for you!

Oh, how long have you been on this topic? Great! Then read on.)


How to isolate the perfect square of a binomial in a square trinomial?

Let's start, of course, with something simple.

Level 1. Coefficient at x2 equals 1

This is the simplest situation, requiring a minimum of additional transformations.

For example, given a quadratic trinomial:

X 2 +4x+6

Externally, the expression is very similar to the square of the sum. We know that the square of the sum contains the pure squares of the first and second expressions ( a 2 And b 2 ), as well as double the product 2 ab these same expressions.

Well, we already have the square of the first expression in its pure form. This X 2 . Actually, this is precisely the simplicity of the examples at this level. We need to get the square of the second expression b 2 . Those. find b. And it will serve as a clue expression with x to the first power, i.e. 4x. After all 4x can be represented in the form twice the product X for two. Like this:

4 x = 2 ́ x 2

So if 2 ab=2·x·2 And a= x, That b=2 . You can write:

X 2 +4x+6 = x 2 +2 ́ x 2+2 2 ….

So us I want to. But! Mathematics I want our actions to capture the essence of the original expression hasn't changed. That's the way it's built. We added to twice the product 2 2 , thereby changing the original expression. So, so as not to offend mathematics, this is the most 2 2 need it right away take away. Like this:

…= x 2 +2 ́ x 2+ 2 2 -2 2 ….

Almost everything. All that remains is to add 6, in accordance with the original trinomial. Six is ​​still here! We write:

= X 2 +2 ́ x 2+2 2 - 2 2 +6 = …

Now the first three terms give pure (or - full) square binomial x+2 . Or (x+2) 2 . This is what we are trying to achieve.) I won’t even be lazy and put parentheses:

… = (x 2 +2 ́ x 2+2 2 ) - 2 2 +6 =…

The parentheses do not change the essence of the expression, but they clearly indicate what, how and why. It remains to fold these three terms into a complete square according to the formula, count the remaining tail in numbers -2 2 +6 (this will be 2) and write:

X 2 +4x+6 = (x+2) 2 +2

All. We allocated square brackets (x+2) 2 from the original quadratic trinomial X 2 +4x+6. Turned it into a sum perfect square binomial (x+2) 2 and some constant number (two). And now I will write down the entire chain of our transformations in a compact form. For clarity.

And that’s it.) That’s the whole point of the procedure for selecting a complete square.

By the way, what do the numbers equal here? m And n? Yes. Each of them is equal to two: m=2, n=2 . This is what happened during the selection process.

Another example:

Select the perfect square of the binomial:

X 2 -6x+8

And again the first glance is at the term with X. We turn 6x into twice the product of an x ​​and a three. Before doubled there is a minus. So, let's highlight squared difference. We add (to obtain a complete square) and immediately subtract (to compensate) the three squared, i.e. 9. Well, don’t forget about the eight. We get:

Here m=-3 And n=-1 . Both are negative.

Do you get the principle? Then it’s time to master and general algorithm. Everything is the same, but through letters. So, we have a quadratic trinomial x 2 + bx+ c (a=1) . What we do:

bx b /2 :

b With.

Is it clear? The first two examples were very simple, with integers. For dating. It’s worse when fractions come out during the transformation process. The main thing here is not to be afraid! And in order not to be afraid, you need to know all the operations with fractions, yes...) But this is a five-level level, isn’t it? Let's complicate the task.

Let's say the following trinomial is given:

X 2 +x+1

How to organize the square of the sum in this trinomial? No question! Exactly the same. We work point by point.

1. We look at the term with X to the first power ( bx) and turn it into twice the product of x byb /2 .

Our term with X is simply X. And what? How can we turn a lonely X into double product? Yes, very simple! Directly according to the instructions. Like this:

Number b in the original trinomial there is one. Therefore, b/2 turns out to be fractional. One second. 1/2. Oh well. Not small anymore.)

2. We add to the double product and immediately subtract the square of the number b/2. Add to complete the square. We take it away for compensation. At the very end we add free member With.

Let's continue:

3. The first three terms are folded into the square of the sum/difference using the appropriate formula. We carefully calculate the remaining expression in numbers.

The first three terms are separated by brackets. You don't have to separate it, of course. This is done purely for the convenience and clarity of our transformations. Now you can clearly see that the complete square of the sum is in the brackets (x+1/2) 2 . And everything remaining outside the square of the sum (if you count) gives +3/4. Finish line:


Here m=1/2 , A n=3/4 . Fractional numbers. Happens. I got such a trinomial...

This is the technology. Got it? Can I move it to the next level?)

Level 2. The coefficient of x 2 is not equal to 1 - what to do?

This is a more general case compared to the case a=1. The volume of calculations, of course, increases. It's upsetting, yes... But general course of decision generally remains the same. Just one new step is added to it. This makes me happy.)

For now, let’s consider a harmless case, without any fractions or other pitfalls. For example:

2 x 2 -4 x+6

There is a minus in the middle. So, we will fit the difference to the square. But the coefficient of x squared is two. It’s easier to work with just one. With pure X. What to do? Let’s take this two out of the equation! So as not to interfere. We have the right! We get:

2(x 2 -2 x+3)

Like this. Now the trinomial in brackets is already with clean X squared! As required by the level 1 algorithm. And now you can work with this new trinomial according to the old proven scheme. So we act. Let's write it out separately and transform it:

x 2 -2 x+3 = x 2 -2·x·1+1 2 -1 2 +3 = (x 2 -2·x·1+1 2 ) -1 2 +3 = (x-1) 2 +2

Half the battle is done. All that remains is to insert the resulting expression inside the brackets and expand them back. It will turn out:

2(x 2 -2 x+3) = 2((x-1) 2 +2) = 2(x-1) 2 +4



2 x 2 -4 x+6 = 2( x -1) 2 +4

Let's fix it in our heads:

If the coefficient of x squared is not equal to one, then we take this coefficient out of brackets. With the trinomial remaining inside the brackets, we work according to the usual algorithm for a=1. Having selected the complete square in it, we paste the result into place, and open the outer brackets back.

What if the coefficients b and c are not evenly divisible by a? This is the most common and at the same time the worst case. Then only fractions, yes... Nothing can be done. For example:

3 x 2 +2 x-5

Everything is the same, we put the three out of brackets and get:

Unfortunately, neither two nor five are completely divisible by three, so the coefficients of the new (reduced) trinomial are fractional. Well, that's okay. We work directly with fractions: two turn thirds of X into doubled product of x by one third, add the square of one third (i.e. 1/9), subtract it, subtract 5/3...

In general, you understand!

Decide what's going on. The result should be:

And another rake. Many students smartly deal with positive integer and even fractional coefficients, but get stuck on negative ones. For example:

- x 2 +2 x-3

What to do with the minus beforex 2 ? In the formula for the square of a sum/difference, every plus is needed... No question! Everything is the same. Let's take this minus out of the equation. Those. minus one. Like this:

- x 2 +2 x-3 = -(x 2 -2 x+3) = (-1)·(x 2 -2 x+3)

And that's all. And with the trinomial in brackets - again along the knurled track.

x 2 -2 x+3 = (x 2 -2 x+1) -1+3 = (x-1) 2 +2

Total, taking into account the minus:

- x 2 +2 x-3 = -((x-1) 2 +2) = -(x-1) 2 -2

That's it. What? Don't know how to put a minus out of brackets? Well, this is a question for elementary seventh grade algebra, not for quadratic trinomials...

Remember: working with a negative coefficient A is essentially no different from working with positive. We take out the negative A out of brackets, and then - according to all the rules.

Why do you need to be able to select a complete square?

The first useful thing is to draw parabolas quickly and without errors!

For example, this task:

Graph the function:y=- x 2 +2 x+3

What are we going to do? Build by points? It's possible, of course. Small steps along a long road. Quite stupid and uninteresting...

First of all, I remind you that when constructing any parabolas, we always present her with a standard set of questions. There are two of them. Namely:

1) Where are the branches of the parabola directed?

2) At what point is the vertex?

Everything is clear about the direction of the branches right from the original expression. The branches will be directed down, because the coefficient beforex 2 – negative. Minus one. Minus sign in front of the x square Always flips the parabola.

But with the location of the peak, everything is not so obvious. There is, of course, a general formula for calculating its abscissa through the coefficients a And b.

This one:

But not everyone remembers this formula, oh, not everyone... And 50% of those who do remember stumble out of the blue and mess up in banal arithmetic (usually when counting a game). It's a shame, isn't it?)

Now you will learn how to find the coordinates of the vertex of any parabola in my mind in one minute! Both X and Y. In one fell swoop and without any formulas. How? By selecting a complete square!

So, let's isolate the perfect square in our expression. We get:

y=-x 2 +2 x+3 = -(x-1) 2 +4

Who is well versed in general information about functions and have mastered the topic well" transformation of function graphs ", he will easily understand that our desired parabola is obtained from an ordinary parabola y= x 2 using three transformations. This:

1) Changing the direction of the branches.

This is indicated by the minus sign before the square of brackets ( a=-1). Was y= x 2 , it became y=- x 2 .

Conversion: f ( x ) -> - f ( x ) .

2) Parallel transfer of a parabola y=- x 2 X by 1 unit to the RIGHT.

This is how we get the intermediate graph y=-(x-1 ) 2 .

Conversion: - f ( x ) -> - f ( x + m ) (m=-1).

Why is the shift to the right and not to the left, although there is a minus in brackets? This is the theory of graph transformations. This is a separate topic.

And finally,

3) Parallel transfer parabolas y=-( x -1) 2 by 4 units UP.

This is how the final parabola is obtained y= -(x-1) 2 +4 .

Conversion: - f ( x + m ) -> - f ( x + m )+ n (n=+4)

Now we look at our chain of transformations and realize: where does the vertex of the parabola move?y=x 2 ? It was at the point (0; 0), after the first transformation the vertex did not move anywhere (the parabola simply turned over), after the second it moved along the X by +1, and after the third - along the Y by +4. In total, the top hit the spot (1; 4) . That's the whole secret!

The picture will be as follows:

Actually, it is for this reason that I so insistently focused your attention on the numbers m And n, obtained in the process of isolating a complete square. Can't guess why? Yes. The point is that the point with coordinates (- m ; n ) - it's always vertex of parabola y = a ( x + m ) 2 + n . Just look at the numbers in the transformed trinomial and in my mind We give the correct answer where the vertex is. Convenient, right?)

Drawing parabolas is the first useful thing. Let's move on to the second.

The second useful thing is solving quadratic equations and inequalities.

Yes, yes! Selecting a complete square in many cases turns out to be much faster and more efficient traditional methods for solving such tasks. Do you have any doubts? Please! Here's a task for you:

Solve inequality:

x 2 +4 x+5 > 0

Did you find out? Yes! It's classic quadratic inequality . All such inequalities are solved using a standard algorithm. For this we need:

1) Make an equation of standard form from the inequality and solve it, find the roots.

2) Draw the X axis and mark the roots of the equation with dots.

3) Schematically depict the parabola using the original expression.

4) Identify the +/- areas in the figure. Select the required areas based on the original inequality and write down the answer.

Actually, this whole process is annoying, yes...) And, moreover, it does not always save you from mistakes in non-standard situations like this example. Shall we try the template first?

So, let's do point one. We make the equation from the inequality:

x 2 +4 x+5 = 0

Standard quadratic equation, no tricks. Let's decide! We calculate the discriminant:

D = b 2 -4 ac = 4 2 - 4∙1∙5 = -4

That's it! But the discriminant is negative! The equation has no roots! And there is nothing to draw on the axis... What to do?

Here some may conclude that the original inequality also has no solutions. This is a fatal misconception, yes... But by selecting a complete square, the correct answer to this inequality can be given in half a minute! Do you have any doubts? Well, you can time it.

So, we select the perfect square in our expression. We get:

x 2 +4 x+5 = (x+2) 2 +1

The original inequality began to look like this:

(x+2) 2 +1 > 0

And now, without solving or transforming anything further, we simply turn on elementary logic and think: if to the square of some expression (the value is obviously non-negative!) add another one, then what number will we get in the end? Yes! Strictly positive!

Now let's look at the inequality:

(x+2) 2 +1 > 0

Translating the entry from mathematical language into Russian: under which X is strictly positive the expression will be strictly more zero? Didn't you guess? Yes! For any!

Here's your answer: x – any number.

Now let's return to the algorithm. Still, understanding the essence and simple mechanical memorization are two different things.)

The essence of the algorithm is that we make a parabola from the left side of the standard inequality, and see where it is above the X axis and where below. Those. Where positive values the left side, where the negative ones.

If we make our left side into a parabola:

y =x 2 +4 x+5

And let's draw a graph of it, we will see that all whole parabola passes above the X axis. The picture will look like this:

The parabola is crooked, yes... That's why it's schematic. But at the same time, everything we need is visible in the picture. The parabola has no points of intersection with the X axis, and there are no zero values ​​for the game. AND negative values, of course, not either. Which is shown by shading the entire X axis. By the way, I depicted the Y axis and the coordinates of the vertex here for a reason. Compare the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola (-2; 1) and our transformed expression!

y =x 2 +4 x+5 = ( x +2) 2 +1

And how do you like it? Yes! In our case m=2 And n=1 . Therefore, the vertex of the parabola has the coordinates: (- m; n) = (-2; 1) . Everything is logical.)

Another task:

Solve the equation:

x 2 +4 x+3 = 0

Simple quadratic equation. You can solve it the old fashioned way. It is possible through. Whatever. Mathematics doesn't mind.)

Let's get the roots: x 1 =-3 x 2 =-1

And if we don’t remember either one or the other way of doing it? Well, you'll get a deuce, in a good way, but... So be it, I'll save you! I will show how you can solve some quadratic equations using only seventh grade methods. Again select a complete square!)

x 2 +4 x+3 = (x+2) 2 -1

Now let’s write down the resulting expression as... difference of squares! Yes, yes, there is one in seventh grade:

a 2 -b 2 = (a-b)(a+b)

In the role A brackets protrude(x+2) , and in the role b- one. We get:

(x+2) 2 -1 = (x+2) 2 -1 2 = ((x+2)-1)((x+2)+1) = (x+1)(x+3)

We insert this expansion into the equation instead of the quadratic trinomial:


It remains to realize that the product of factors is equal to zero then and only then, when any of them is zero. So we equate (in our minds!) each bracket to zero.

We get: x 1 =-3 x 2 =-1

That's it. The same two roots. Such a skillful trick. In addition to the discriminant.)

By the way, about the discriminant and the general formula for the roots of a quadratic equation:

In my lesson, the derivation of this cumbersome formula was omitted. As unnecessary. But this is the place for him.) Would you like to know how this formula turns out? Where does the expression for the discriminant come from and why exactly?b 2 -4ac, and not some other way? Still, a complete understanding of the essence of what is happening is much more useful than mindless scribbling of all sorts of letters and symbols, right?)

The third useful thing is the derivation of the formula for the roots of a quadratic equation.

Well, let's go! We take the quadratic trinomial in general form ax 2 + bx+ c And… Let's start selecting a complete square! Yes, straight through letters! There was arithmetic, now it’s algebra.) First, as usual, we take out the letter a out of brackets, and divide all other coefficients by a:

Like this. This is a completely legal transformation: A not equal to zero, and you can divide by it. And with brackets we again work according to the usual algorithm: from the term with X we do double the product, add/subtract the square of the second number...

Everything is the same, but with letters.) Try to finish it yourself! Healthy!)

After all the transformations you should get this:

And why do we need to build such piles out of a harmless trinomial - you ask? Nothing, now it will be interesting! And now, we know the deal, let’s equate this thing to zero:

We solve as an ordinary equation, we work according to all the rules, only with letters. Let's do the basics:

1) Move the larger fraction to the right. When transferring, we change the plus to a minus. In order not to draw a minus before the fraction itself, I will simply change all the signs in the numerator. On the left in the numerator there was4ac-b 2 , and after the transfer it will become -( 4ac-b 2 ) , i.e. b 2 -4 ac. Something familiar, don't you think? Yes! Discriminator, he is the most...) It will be like this:

2) Clear the square of brackets from the coefficient. Divide both sides by " A". On the left, before the brackets, is the letter A disappears, and on the right goes into the denominator of the large fraction, turning it into 4 a 2 .

It turns out this equality:

Didn't it work out for you? Then the topic "" is for you. Get there immediately!

Next step extract the root. We're interested in X, right? And the X sits under the square... We extract it according to the rules for extracting roots, of course. After extraction you will get this:

On the left is the square of the sum disappears and what remains is simply this amount itself. Which is what is required.) But on the right appears plus/minus. For our hefty shot, despite its terrifying appearance, is just some number. Fractional number. Odds dependent a, b, c. In this case, the root of the numerator of this fraction is not extracted beautifully; there is a difference between two expressions. And here is the root of the denominator 4 a 2 It works out quite well! It'll be easy 2 a.

A “tricky” question to ask: did I have the right to extract the root from the expression 4 a2, give an answer just 2a? After all, the extraction rule square root obliges to put a module sign, i.e.2|a| !

Think about why I omitted the modulus sign. Very helpful. Hint: the answer lies in the sign plus/minus before the fraction.)

There are mere trifles left. We provide a clean X on the left. To do this, move the small fraction to the right. With a change of sign, pepper is clear. Let me remind you that the sign in a fraction can be changed anywhere and in any way. We want to change it in front of the fraction, we want it in the denominator, we want it in the numerator. I'll change the sign in the numerator. Was + b, it became b. I hope there are no objections?) After the transfer it will look like this:

We add two fractions with the same denominators and get (finally!):

Well? What can I say? Wow!)

Useful thing fourth - note for students!

And now let’s smoothly move from school to university. You won’t believe it, but isolating a complete square in higher mathematics is also necessary!

For example, this task:

Find the indefinite integral:

Where to start? Direct application does not work. Only selecting a complete square saves, yes...)

Anyone who does not know how to select a complete square will forever be stuck on this simple example. And whoever knows how, allocates and receives:

x 2 +4 x+8 = (x+2) 2 +4

And now the integral (for those in the know) is taken with one left hand!

Great, right? And these are not only integrals! I’m already silent about analytical geometry, with its second order curvesellipse, hyperbola, parabola and circle.

For example:

Determine the type of curve, given by the equation:

x 2 + y 2 -6 x-8 y+16 = 0

Without the ability to isolate a complete square, the task cannot be solved, yes... But the example couldn’t be simpler! For those in the know, of course.

We group terms with X and Y into groups and select complete squares for each variable. It will turn out:

(x 2 -6x) + (y 2 -8 y) = -16

(x 2 -6x+9)-9 + (y 2 -8 y+16)-16 = -16

(x-3) 2 + (y-4) 2 = 9

(x-3) 2 + (y-4) 2 = 3 2

So how? Did you find out what kind of animal it is?) Well, of course! Circle of radius three with center at point (3; 4).

And that’s it.) A useful thing is to select a complete square!)

As I already noted, in integral calculus there is no convenient formula for integrating a fraction. And therefore, there is a sad trend: the more sophisticated the fraction, the more difficult it is to find its integral. In this regard, you have to resort to various tricks, which I will now tell you about. Prepared readers can immediately take advantage of table of contents:

  • Method of subsuming the differential sign for simple fractions

Artificial numerator conversion method

Example 1

By the way, the considered integral can also be solved by the change of variable method, denoting , but writing the solution will be much longer.

Example 2

Find indefinite integral. Perform check.

This is an example for independent decision. It should be noted that the variable replacement method will no longer work here.

Attention, important! Examples No. 1, 2 are typical and occur frequently. In particular, such integrals often arise during the solution of other integrals, in particular, when integrating irrational functions (roots).

The considered technique also works in the case if the highest degree of the numerator is greater than the highest degree of the denominator.

Example 3

Find the indefinite integral. Perform check.

We begin to select the numerator.

The algorithm for selecting the numerator is something like this:

1) In the numerator I need to organize , but there . What to do? I put it in brackets and multiply by: .

2) Now I try to open these brackets, what happens? . Hmm... that’s better, but there’s no two in the numerator initially. What to do? You need to multiply by:

3) I open the brackets again: . And here is the first success! It turned out just right! But the problem is that an extra term has appeared. What to do? To prevent the expression from changing, I must add the same to my construction:
. Life has become easier. Is it possible to organize again in the numerator?

4) It is possible. Let's try: . Open the brackets of the second term:
. Sorry, but in the previous step I actually had , not . What to do? You need to multiply the second term by:

5) Again, to check, I open the brackets in the second term:
. Now it's normal: derived from the final construction of point 3! But again there is a small “but”, an extra term has appeared, which means I must add to my expression:

If everything is done correctly, then when we open all the brackets we should get the original numerator of the integrand. We check:


Ready. In the last term, I used the method of subsuming a function under a differential.

If we find the derivative of the answer and reduce the expression to a common denominator, then we will get exactly the original integrand function. The considered method of decomposition into a sum is nothing more than the reverse action of bringing an expression to a common denominator.

The algorithm for selecting the numerator in such examples is best done in a draft. With some skills it will work mentally. I remember a record-breaking case when I was performing a selection for the 11th power, and the expansion of the numerator took up almost two lines of Verd.

Example 4

Find the indefinite integral. Perform check.

This is an example for you to solve on your own.

Method of subsuming the differential sign for simple fractions

Let's move on to consider the next type of fractions.
, , , (coefficients and are not equal to zero).

In fact, a couple of cases with arcsine and arctangent have already been mentioned in the lesson Variable change method in indefinite integral. Such examples are solved by subsuming the function under the differential sign and further integrating using a table. Here are more typical examples with long and high logarithm:

Example 5

Example 6

Here it is advisable to pick up a table of integrals and see what formulas and How transformation takes place. Please note how and why The squares in these examples are highlighted. In particular, in Example 6 we first need to represent the denominator in the form , then bring it under the differential sign. And all this needs to be done in order to use the standard tabular formula .

Why look, try to solve examples No. 7, 8 yourself, especially since they are quite short:

Example 7

Example 8

Find the indefinite integral:

If you also manage to check these examples, then great respect - your differentiation skills are excellent.

Full square selection method

Integrals of the form (coefficients and are not equal to zero) are solved complete square extraction method, which has already appeared in the lesson Geometric transformations of graphs.

In fact, such integrals reduce to one of the four table integrals we just looked at. And this is achieved using familiar abbreviated multiplication formulas:

The formulas are applied precisely in this direction, that is, the idea of ​​the method is to artificially organize the expressions either in the denominator, and then convert them accordingly to either.

Example 9

Find the indefinite integral

This simplest example, in which with the term – unit coefficient(and not some number or minus).

Let's look at the denominator, here the whole matter clearly comes down to chance. Let's start converting the denominator:

Obviously, you need to add 4. And, so that the expression does not change, subtract the same four:

Now you can apply the formula:

After the conversion is complete ALWAYS It is advisable to perform the reverse move: everything is fine, there are no errors.

The final design of the example in question should look something like this:

Ready. Summarizing "freebie" complex function under the differential sign: , in principle, could be neglected

Example 10

Find the indefinite integral:

This is an example for you to solve on your own, the answer is at the end of the lesson

Example 11

Find the indefinite integral:

What to do when there is a minus in front? In this case, we need to take the minus out of brackets and arrange the terms in the order we need: . Constant(“two” in this case) don't touch!

Now we add one in parentheses. Analyzing the expression, we come to the conclusion that we need to add one outside the brackets:

Here we get the formula, apply:

ALWAYS We check the draft:
, which was what needed to be checked.

The clean example looks something like this:

Making the task more difficult

Example 12

Find the indefinite integral:

Here the term is no longer a unit coefficient, but a “five”.

(1) If there is a constant at, then we immediately take it out of brackets.

(2) In general, it is always better to move this constant outside the integral so that it does not get in the way.

(3) Obviously, everything will come down to the formula. We need to understand the term, namely, get the “two”

(4) Yeah, . This means that we add to the expression and subtract the same fraction.

(5) Now select a complete square. In the general case, we also need to calculate , but here we have the formula for a long logarithm , and there is no point in performing the action; why will become clear below.

(6) Actually, we can apply the formula , only instead of “X” we have , which does not negate the validity of the table integral. Strictly speaking, one step was missed - before integration, the function should have been subsumed under the differential sign: , but, as I have repeatedly noted, this is often neglected.

(7) In the answer under the root, it is advisable to expand all the brackets back:

Difficult? This is not the most difficult part of integral calculus. Although, the examples under consideration are not so much complex as they require good computing techniques.

Example 13

Find the indefinite integral:

This is an example for you to solve on your own. The answer is at the end of the lesson.

There are integrals with roots in the denominator, which, using a substitution, are reduced to integrals of the type considered; you can read about them in the article Complex integrals, but it is designed for very prepared students.

Subsuming the numerator under the differential sign

This is the final part of the lesson, however, integrals of this type are quite common! If you're tired, maybe it's better to read tomorrow? ;)

The integrals that we will consider are similar to the integrals of the previous paragraph, they have the form: or (coefficients , and are not equal to zero).

That is, in our numerator we have linear function. How to solve such integrals?


Expressions of the form 2 x 2 + 3 x + 5 are called quadratic trinomials. In general, a square trinomial is an expression of the form a x 2 + b x + c, where a, b, c a, b, c are arbitrary numbers, and a ≠ 0.

Consider the quadratic trinomial x 2 - 4 x + 5. Let's write it in this form: x 2 - 2 · 2 · x + 5. Let's add 2 2 to this expression and subtract 2 2, we get: x 2 - 2 · 2 · x + 2 2 - 2 2 + 5. Note that x 2 - 2 2 x + 2 2 = (x - 2) 2, so x 2 - 4 x + 5 = (x - 2) 2 - 4 + 5 = (x - 2) 2 + 1 . The transformation we made is called “isolating a perfect square from a quadratic trinomial”.

Determine the perfect square from the quadratic trinomial 9 x 2 + 3 x + 1.

Note that 9 x 2 = (3 x) 2 , `3x=2*1/2*3x`. Then `9x^2+3x+1=(3x)^2+2*1/2*3x+1`. Add and subtract `(1/2)^2` to the resulting expression, we get


We will show how the method of isolating a perfect square from a quadratic trinomial is used to factorize a square trinomial.

Factor the quadratic trinomial 4 x 2 - 12 x + 5.

We select a perfect square from a quadratic trinomial: 2 x 2 - 2 · 2 x · 3 + 3 2 - 3 2 + 5 = 2 x - 3 2 - 4 = (2 x - 3) 2 - 2 2. Now we apply the formula a 2 - b 2 = (a - b) (a + b) , we get: (2 x - 3 - 2) (2 x - 3 + 2) = (2 x - 5) (2 x - 1 ) .

Factor the quadratic trinomial - 9 x 2 + 12 x + 5.

9 x 2 + 12 x + 5 = - 9 x 2 - 12 x + 5. Now we notice that 9 x 2 = 3 x 2, - 12 x = - 2 3 x 2.

We add the term 2 2 to the expression 9 x 2 - 12 x, we get:

3 x 2 - 2 3 x 2 + 2 2 - 2 2 + 5 = - 3 x - 2 2 - 4 + 5 = 3 x - 2 2 + 4 + 5 = - 3 x - 2 2 + 9 = 3 2 - 3 x - 2 2 .

We apply the formula for the difference of squares, we have:

9 x 2 + 12 x + 5 = 3 - 3 x - 2 3 + (3 x - 2) = (5 - 3 x) (3 x + 1) .

Factor the quadratic trinomial 3 x 2 - 14 x - 5 .

We cannot represent the expression 3 x 2 as the square of some expression, because we have not yet studied this in school. You will go through this later, and in Task No. 4 we will study square roots. Let's show how you can factor a given quadratic trinomial:

`3x^2-14x-5=3(x^2-14/3 x-5/3)=3(x^2-2*7/3 x+(7/3)^2-(7/3) ^2-5/3)=`

`=3((x-7/3)^2-49/9-5/3)=3((x-7/3)^2-64/9)=3((x-7/3)^ 2-8/3)^2)=`

`=3(x-7/3-8/3)(x-7/3+8/3)=3(x-5)(x+1/3)=(x-5)(3x+1) `.

We'll show you how to use the perfect square method to find the largest or smallest value of a quadratic trinomial.
Consider the quadratic trinomial x 2 - x + 3. Select a complete square:

`(x)^2-2*x*1/2+(1/2)^2-(1/2)^2+3=(x-1/2)^2+11/4`. Note that when `x=1/2` the value of the quadratic trinomial is `11/4`, and when `x!=1/2` a positive number is added to the value of `11/4`, so we get a number greater than `11/ 4`. Thus, smallest value quadratic trinomial is `11/4` and it is obtained when `x=1/2`.

Find the largest value of the quadratic trinomial - 16 2 + 8 x + 6.

We select a perfect square from a quadratic trinomial: - 16 x 2 + 8 x + 6 = - 4 x 2 - 2 4 x 1 + 1 - 1 + 6 = - 4 x - 1 2 - 1 + 6 = - 4 x - 1 2 + 7 .

When `x=1/4` the value of the quadratic trinomial is 7, and when `x!=1/4` a positive number is subtracted from the number 7, that is, we get a number less than 7. So the number 7 is highest value quadratic trinomial, and it is obtained when `x=1/4`.

Factor the numerator and denominator of the fraction `(x^2+2x-15)/(x^2-6x+9)` and reduce the fraction.

Note that the denominator of the fraction x 2 - 6 x + 9 = x - 3 2. Let's factorize the numerator of the fraction using the method of isolating a complete square from a square trinomial. x 2 + 2 x - 15 = x 2 + 2 x 1 + 1 - 1 - 15 = x + 1 2 - 16 = x + 1 2 - 4 2 = = (x + 1 + 4) (x + 1 - 4) = (x + 5) (x - 3) .

This fraction was reduced to the form `((x+5)(x-3))/(x-3)^2` after reduction by (x - 3) we get `(x+5)/(x-3)`.

Factor the polynomial x 4 - 13 x 2 + 36.

Let us apply the method of isolating a complete square to this polynomial. `x^4-13x^2+36=(x^2)^2-2*x^2*13/2+(13/2)^2-(13/2)^2+36=(x^ 2-13/2)^2-169/4+36=(x^2-13/2)^2-25/4=`

In this lesson, we will recall all previously studied methods of factoring a polynomial and consider examples of their application, in addition, we will study new method- method of identifying a complete square and learn how to apply it in solving various problems.

Subject:Factoring polynomials

Lesson:Factoring polynomials. Method for selecting a complete square. Combination of methods

Let us recall the basic methods of factoring a polynomial that were studied earlier:

The method of putting a common factor out of brackets, that is, a factor that is present in all terms of the polynomial. Let's look at an example:

Recall that a monomial is the product of powers and numbers. In our example, both terms have some common, identical elements.

So, let's take the common factor out of brackets:


Let us remind you that by multiplying the factor taken out by a parenthesis, you can check the correctness of the factor taken out.

Grouping method. It is not always possible to extract a common factor in a polynomial. In this case, you need to divide its members into groups in such a way that in each group you can take out a common factor and try to break it down so that after taking out the factors in the groups, a common factor appears in the entire expression, and you can continue the decomposition. Let's look at an example:

Let's group the first term with the fourth, the second with the fifth, and the third with the sixth:

Let's take out the common factors in the groups:

The expression now has a common factor. Let's take it out:

Application of abbreviated multiplication formulas. Let's look at an example:


Let's write the expression in detail:

Obviously, we have before us the formula for the squared difference, since it is the sum of the squares of two expressions and their double product is subtracted from it. Let's use the formula:

Today we will learn another method - the method of selecting a complete square. It is based on the formulas of the square of the sum and the square of the difference. Let's remind them:

Formula for the square of the sum (difference);

The peculiarity of these formulas is that they contain the squares of two expressions and their double product. Let's look at an example:

Let's write down the expression:

So, the first expression is , and the second is .

In order to create a formula for the square of a sum or difference, the double product of expressions is not enough. It needs to be added and subtracted:

Let's complete the square of the sum:

Let's transform the resulting expression:

Let's apply the formula for the difference of squares, recall that the difference of the squares of two expressions is the product of and the sum of their difference:

So, this method consists, first of all, in the fact that it is necessary to identify the expressions a and b that are in the square, that is, to determine which expressions’ squares are in in this example. After this, you need to check for the presence of a doubled product and if it is not there, then add and subtract it, this will not change the meaning of the example, but the polynomial can be factorized using the formulas for the square of the sum or difference and difference of squares, if possible.

Let's move on to solving examples.

Example 1 - factorize:

Let's find expressions that are squared:

Let us write down what their double product should be:

Let's add and subtract double the product:

Let's complete the square of the sum and give similar ones:

Let's write it using the difference of squares formula:

Example 2 - solve the equation:


On the left side of the equation is a trinomial. You need to factor it into factors. We use the squared difference formula:

We have the square of the first expression and the double product, the square of the second expression is missing, let’s add and subtract it:

Let's fold a complete square and give similar terms:

Let's apply the difference of squares formula:

So we have the equation

We know that a product is equal to zero only if at least one of the factors is equal to zero. Let's create the following equations based on this:

Let's solve the first equation:

Let's solve the second equation:

Answer: or


We proceed similarly to the previous example - select the square of the difference.