Mill with stand

“Mills on trestles, the so-called German mills, appeared until the middle of the 16th century. the only ones known. Strong storms could overturn such a mill along with its frame. In the middle of the 16th century, a Fleming found a way to make this overturning of the mill impossible. In the mill, he made only the roof movable, and in order to turn the wings in the wind, it was necessary to turn only the roof, while the mill building itself was firmly fixed to the ground.”(K. Marx. “Machines: the application of natural forces and science”).

The weight of the gantry mill was limited due to the fact that it had to be turned by hand. Therefore, its productivity was limited. The improved mills were called tent.

Modern methods of generating electricity from wind energy

Modern wind generators operate at wind speeds from 3-4 m/s to 25 m/s.

The most widely used design in the world is the design of a wind generator with three blades and a horizontal axis of rotation, although in some places two-bladed ones are also found. There have been attempts to build wind generators of the so-called orthogonal design, that is, with a vertical axis of rotation. They are believed to have the advantage of a very low wind speed required to start the wind generator. the main problem such generators - a braking mechanism. Due to this and some other technical problems, orthogonal wind turbines have not gained practical acceptance in the wind energy industry.

The most promising places for producing energy from wind are considered coastal zones. In the sea, at a distance of 10-12 km from the coast (and sometimes further), offshore wind farms are built. Wind turbine towers are installed on foundations made of piles driven to a depth of up to 30 meters.

Other types of underwater foundations, as well as floating foundations, can be used. The first floating wind turbine prototype was built by H Technologies BV in December 2007. The 80 kW wind generator is installed on a floating platform 10.6 nautical miles off the coast of Southern Italy in a sea area 108 meters deep.

Use of wind energy

In 2007, 61% of installed wind power plants were concentrated in Europe, in North America 20%, Asia 17%.

A country 2005, MW 2006, MW 2007, MW 2008 MW.
USA 9149 11603 16818 25170
Germany 18428 20622 22247 23903
Spain 10028 11615 15145 16754
China 1260 2405 6050 12210
India 4430 6270 7580 9645
Italy 1718 2123 2726 3736
Great Britain 1353 1962 2389 3241
France 757 1567 2454 3404
Denmark 3122 3136 3125 3180
Portugal 1022 1716 2150 2862
Canada 683 1451 1846 2369
Netherlands 1224 1558 1746 2225
Japan 1040 1394 1538 1880
Australia 579 817 817,3 1306
Sweden 510 571 788 1021
Ireland 496 746 805 1002
Austria 819 965 982 995
Greece 573 746 871 985
Norway 270 325 333 428
Brazil 29 237 247,1 341
Belgium 167,4 194 287 -
Poland 73 153 276 472
Türkiye 20,1 50 146 433
Egypt 145 230 310 365
Czech 29,5 54 116 -
Finland 82 86 110 -
Ukraine 77,3 86 89 -
Bulgaria 14 36 70 -
Hungary 17,5 61 65 -
Iran 23 48 66 85
Estonia 33 32 58 -
Lithuania 7 48 50 -
Luxembourg 35,3 35 35 -
Argentina 26,8 27,8 29 29
Latvia 27 27 27 -
Russia 14 15,5 16,5 -

Table: Total installed capacities, MW, by country, 2005-2007 Data from the European Wind Energy Association and GWEC.

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 forecast 2010 forecast
7475 9663 13696 18039 24320 31164 39290 47686 59004 73904 93849 120791 140000 170000

Table: Total installed capacity, MW, and WWEA forecast until 2010.

In 2007, more than 20% of Denmark's electricity came from wind energy.

Wind power in Russia

The technical potential of Russian wind energy is estimated at over 50,000 billion kWh/year. The economic potential is approximately 260 billion kWh/year, that is, about 30 percent of electricity production by all power plants in Russia.

The installed capacity of wind power plants in the country as of 2006 is about 15 MW.

One of the largest wind power plants in Russia (5.1 MW) is located near the village of Kulikovo, Zelenograd district, Kaliningrad region. Its average annual output is about 6 million kWh.

A successful example of realizing the capabilities of wind turbines in difficult climatic conditions is the wind-diesel power plant at Cape Set-Navolok.

Construction of the Offshore Wind Park with a capacity of 50 MW has begun in the Kaliningrad region. In 2007, this project was frozen.

As an example of realizing the potential of the Azov Sea territories, one can point out the Novoazov wind farm, operating in 2007 with a capacity of 20.4 MW, installed on the Ukrainian coast of the Taganrog Bay.

The “Wind Energy Development Program of RAO UES of Russia” is being implemented. At the first stage (-), work began on the creation of multifunctional energy complexes(IEC) based on wind generators and internal combustion engines. At the second stage, a prototype MET will be created in the village of Tiksi - wind generators with a capacity of 3 MW and internal combustion engines. In connection with the liquidation of RAO UES of Russia, all projects related to wind energy were transferred to the company RusHydro. At the end of 2008, RusHydro began searching for promising sites for the construction of wind power plants.


The reserves of wind energy are more than a hundred times greater than the hydropower reserves of all the rivers on the planet.

The European Union has set a goal: by 2010, to install 40 thousand MW of wind generators, and by 2020 - 180 thousand MW.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that by 2030 the demand for wind power will be 4,800 gigawatts.

Economics of Wind Energy

Wind turbine blades at a construction site.

Fuel economy

Wind generators consume virtually no fossil fuels. The operation of a 1 MW wind generator over 20 years of operation allows saving approximately 29 thousand tons of coal or 92 thousand barrels of oil.

Cost of electricity

The cost of electricity produced by wind generators depends on the wind speed.

For comparison: the cost of electricity produced at US coal-fired power plants is 4.5-6 cents/kWh. The average cost of electricity in China is 4 cents/kWh.

When the installed wind generation capacity doubles, the cost of electricity produced falls by 15%. It is expected that the cost will further decrease by 35-40% by the end of the year. In the early 80s, the cost of wind electricity in the USA was $0.38.

According to Global Wind Energy Council estimates, by 2050, global wind energy will reduce annual CO 2 emissions by 1.5 billion tons.


Wind power plants produce two types of noise:

  • mechanical noise (noise from mechanical and electrical components)
  • aerodynamic noise (noise from the interaction of the wind flow with the blades of the installation)
Noise source Noise level, dB
Pain threshold of human hearing 120
The noise of jet engine turbines at a distance of 250 m 105
Noise from a jackhammer at 7m 95
Noise from a truck at a speed of 48 km/h at a distance of 100 m 65
Background noise in the office 60
Noise from a passenger car at a speed of 64 km/h 55
Noise from a wind turbine 350 m away 35-45
Background noise at night in the village 20-40

In the immediate vicinity of the wind generator at the axis of the wind wheel, the noise level of a sufficiently large wind turbine can exceed 100 dB.

An example of such design miscalculations is the Grovian wind generator. Because of high level noise, the installation worked for about 100 hours and was dismantled.

Laws passed in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark limit noise levels from operating wind turbines power plant up to 45 dB during the day and up to 35 dB at night. The minimum distance from the installation to residential buildings is 300 m.

Visual impact

The visual impact of wind turbines is a subjective factor. For improvement aesthetic appearance Many large companies employ professional designers for wind turbines. Landscape architects are involved in visual justification of new projects.

A review by Danish firm AKF estimated the cost of noise and visual impacts from wind turbines to be less than €0.0012 per kWh. The review was based on interviews with 342 people living near wind farms. Residents were asked how much they would pay to get rid of wind turbines.

Land use

Turbines occupy only 1% of the entire wind farm area. 99% of the farm area can be farmed agriculture or other activities



Department of Environmental Engineering and Safety

vital activity

Report on the topic:

“Alternative energy sources: Wind”

Completed by: Deminsky Nikolay Vyacheslavovich

Checked by: Khudoshina Marina Yurievna

Wind power - a branch of energy specializing in the use of wind energy - the kinetic energy of air masses in the atmosphere. Wind energy is classified as a renewable form of energy, as it is a consequence of the activity of the sun. Wind energy is a rapidly growing industry, and at the end of 2008 the total installed capacity of all wind turbines was 120 gigawatts, having increased sixfold since 2000.

Wind energy comes with the sun

Wind energy is actually a form of solar energy, as the heat from the sun causes winds. Solar radiation heats the entire surface of the Earth, but unevenly and at different rates.

Different types of surfaces—sand, water, rock, and different types of soil—absorb, store, reflect, and release heat at different rates, and the Earth becomes generally warmer during the day and cooler at night.

As a result, the air above the Earth's surface also heats and cools at different rates. Hot air rises, lowering the atmospheric pressure near the Earth's surface, which attracts cooler air to replace it. We call this movement of air wind.

Wind energy is fickle

When air moves, causing wind, it has kinetic energy - energy that is created every time a mass is set in motion. If the right technology is used, the kinetic energy of the wind can be captured and converted into other forms of energy such as electricity and mechanical energy. This is wind energy.

Just as the most ancient windmills in Persia, China and Europe used wind power to pump water or grind grain, today's point-of-use wind turbines and multi-turbine wind farms use wind power to generate clean, renewable energy to power homes and businesses.

Wind energy is clean and renewable

Wind energy is considered an important component of any long-term energy strategy, as it is generated using a natural and virtually inexhaustible source of energy - wind. This is in stark contrast to traditional fossil fuel power plants.

Wind energy is also clean; it does not pollute the air, soil and water. This is an important difference between wind power and some other renewable energy sources, such as nuclear power, which produce huge amounts of difficult-to-manage waste.

Wind energy sometimes conflicts with other priorities

One of the obstacles to increasing the use of wind energy around the world is that wind farms must be located over large tracts of land or along the coast to most effectively capture the wind.

The use of these areas for wind energy generation sometimes conflicts with other priorities, such as agriculture, urban planning or beautiful sea views from expensive houses located in prime areas.

Future growth in wind energy consumption

Priorities will change as the need for clean and renewable energy grows and the search for alternatives to limited supplies of oil, coal and natural gas expands.

And as the cost of wind energy falls due to improvements in technology and improvements in power generation technologies, this form of energy will become increasingly relevant as a major source of electrical and mechanical power.

Wind power in Russia

The technical potential of Russian wind energy is estimated at over 50,000 billion kWh/year. The economic potential is approximately 260 billion kWh/year, that is, about 30 percent of electricity production by all power plants in Russia.

The installed capacity of wind power plants in the country as of 2006 is about 15 MW.

One of the largest wind power plants in Russia (5.1 MW) is located near the village of Kulikovo, Zelenograd district, Kaliningrad region. Its average annual output is about 6 million kWh.

In Chukotka, the Anadyrskaya wind farm operates with a capacity of 2.5 MW (10 wind turbines of 250 kW each) with an average annual output of more than 3 million kWh; an internal combustion engine is installed parallel to the station, generating 30% of the installation’s energy.

Also, large wind power plants are located near the village of Tyupkildy in the Tuymazinsky district of the Republic. Bashkortostan (2.2 MW).

In Kalmykia, 20 km from Elista, there is a Kalmyk wind farm site with a planned capacity of 22 MW and an annual output of 53 million kWh; in 2006, one Rainbow installation with a capacity of 1 MW and a production of 3 to 5 million kWh was installed on the site.

In the Komi Republic, near Vorkuta, the Zapolyarnaya VDPP with a capacity of 3 MW is being built. As of 2006, there are 6 units of 250 kW each with a total capacity of 1.5 MW.

A wind farm with a capacity of 1.2 MW operates on Bering Island in the Commander Islands.

In 1996 in the Tsimlyansky district Rostov region Markinskaya wind farm with a capacity of 0.3 MW was installed.

A 0.2 MW installation operates in Murmansk.

A successful example of realizing the capabilities of wind turbines in difficult climatic conditions is the wind-diesel power plant at Cape Set-Navolok, Kola Peninsula, with a capacity of up to 0.1 MW. In 2009, 17 kilometers from it, a survey of the parameters of the future wind farm operating in conjunction with the Kislogubskaya TPP began.

There are projects at different stages of development of the Leningradskaya wind farm 75 MW Leningrad region, Yeisk wind farm 72 MW Krasnodar region, Maritime MAC of Karelia, Sea VES, Primorsky VES 30 MW Primorsky Territory, Magadan VES 30 MW Magadan Region, Chui VES 24 MW Republic of Altai, Ust-Kamchatka VDES 16 MW Kamchatka region, Novikovo VES 10 MWs of the Komi Republic, Dagestan VES 6 MW Dagestan, Dagestan VES, Dagestan, Dagestan, Dagestan, Dagestan, Dagestan Anapa wind farm 5 MW Krasnodar region, Novorossiysk wind farm 5 MW Krasnodar region and Valaam wind farm 4 MW Karelia.

Construction of the Offshore Wind Park with a capacity of 50 MW has begun in the Kaliningrad region. In 2007, this project was frozen.

As an example of realizing the potential of the Azov Sea territories, one can point out the Novoazov wind farm, operating in 2007 with a capacity of 20.4 MW, installed on the Ukrainian coast of the Taganrog Bay.

The “Wind Energy Development Program of RAO UES of Russia” is being implemented. At the first stage (2003-2005), work began on the creation of multifunctional energy complexes (MEC) based on wind generators and internal combustion engines. At the second stage, a prototype MET will be created in the village of Tiksi - wind generators with a capacity of 3 MW and internal combustion engines. In connection with the liquidation of RAO UES of Russia, all projects related to wind energy were transferred to RusHydro. At the end of 2008, RusHydro began searching for promising sites for the construction of wind power plants.

Fuel economy

Wind generators consume virtually no fossil fuels. The operation of a 1 MW wind generator over 20 years of operation allows saving approximately 29 thousand tons of coal or 92 thousand barrels of oil.


1) Article by Larry West,

2) D. de Renzo, V.V. Zubarev Wind power. Moscow. Energoatomizdat, 1982

3) E. M. Fateev Issues of wind energy. Digest of articles. Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1959


Modern alternative energy source (wind)

M: State Publishing House of Agricultural Literature, 1948. - 544 pp. Contents.
Wind development.
Application of wind engines in agriculture.
Wind turbines.
Brief information from aerodynamics.
Air about its properties.
Continuity equation. Bernoulli's equation.
The concept of vortex motion.
Law of similarity. Similarity criteria.
Boundary layer and turbulence.
Basic concepts of experimental aerodynamics.
Coordinate axes and aerodynamic coefficients.
Determination of aerodynamic coefficients. Lilienthal's Polar.
Inductive drag of the wing.
Theorem of N. E. Zhukovsky on the lifting force of a wing.
Transition from one wingspan to another.
Wind turbine systems.
Classification of wind turbines according to the principle of their operation.
Advantages and disadvantages various systems wind turbines.
The theory of an ideal windmill.
Classic theory of an ideal windmill.
The theory of an ideal windmill by Prof. G. Kh. Sabinina.
Theory of a real windmill by Prof. G. X. Sabinina.
The work of elementary wind wheel blades. The first connection equation.
Second coupling equation.
The torque and power of the entire windmill.
Wind turbine losses.
Aerodynamic calculation of a wind wheel.
Calculation of wind wheel characteristics.
Espero profiles and their construction.
Experimental characteristics of wind turbines.
Method for obtaining experimental characteristics.
Aerodynamic characteristics of wind engines.
Experimental testing of the theory of wind turbines.
Experimental testing of wind turbines.
Tower equipment for testing wind turbines.
Correspondence between the characteristics of the wind turbine and its power.
Installing wind turbines in the wind.
Installed using the tail.
Installed with Windows.
Charters with the location of the wind wheel behind the tower.
Regulating the speed and power of wind turbines.
Regulation by moving the wind wheel out of the wind.
Regulation by reducing the surface of the wings.
Regulation by turning the blade or part of it around the swing axis.
Air brake regulation.
Wind turbine designs.
Multi-bladed wind turbines.
High-speed (small bladed) wind engines.
Wind turbine weights.
Calculation of wind turbines for strength.
Wind loads on wings and calculation of their strength.
Wind load on the tail and side shovel regulation.
Calculation of the wind turbine head.
Gyroscopic moment of the wind wheel.
Wind turbine towers.
Wind power plants.
Wind as a source of energy.
The concept of the origin of wind.
The main quantities characterizing wind from the energy side.
Wind energy.
Wind energy storage.
Characteristics of wind power units.
Performance characteristics of wind turbines and piston pumps.
Operation of wind turbines with centrifugal pumps.
Operation of wind turbines with millstones and agricultural machines.
Wind pump installations.
Wind pump installations for water supply.
Water tanks and water towers for wind pumps.
Typical designs of wind pump installations.
Experience in operating wind pumps for water supply in agriculture.
Wind irrigation installations.
Types of windmills.
Technical specifications windmills.
Increasing the power of old windmills.
new type of windmills.
Operational characteristics of windmills.
Wind power plants.
Types of generators for working with wind turbines and voltage regulators.
Wind charging units.
Wind power plants of small power.
Parallel operation of wind power plants in a common network with large thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants.
Experimental testing of VES operation in parallel to the network.
Powerful power plants for parallel operation in the network.
Brief information about foreign wind power plants.
Brief information on the installation, repair and care of wind turbines.
Installation of low power wind turbines from 1 to 15 hp. With.
About the care and repair of wind turbines.
Safety precautions during installation and maintenance of wind turbines.

E. M. Fateev.

1. Development of wind use
2. Application of wind turbines in agriculture

Chapter I. Brief information from aerodynamics

3. Air and its properties
4. Continuity equation. Bernoulli's equation
5 The concept of vortex motion

6. Viscosity

7. Law of similarity. Similarity criteria
8. Boundary layer and turbulence

Chapter II. Basic concepts of experimental aerodynamics

9. Coordinate axes and aerodynamic coefficients
10. Determination of aerodynamic coefficients. Lilienthal's Polar
11. Inductive drag of the wing
12. Theorem of N. E. Zhukovsky on the lifting force of the wing
13. Transition from one wingspan to another

Chapter III. Wind turbine systems

14. Classification of wind turbines according to the principle of their operation
15. Advantages and disadvantages of various wind turbine systems

Chapter IV. Ideal windmill theory

16. Classical theory of an ideal windmill
17. The theory of an ideal windmill prof. G. X. Sabinina

Chapter V. The theory of a real windmill prof. G. X. Sabinina

18. The work of elementary wind wheel blades. First connection equation
19. Second equation of connection
20. Torque and power of the entire windmill
21. Wind turbine losses
22. Aerodynamic calculation of the wind wheel
23. Calculation of wind wheel characteristics
24. Espero profiles and their construction

Chapter VI. Experimental characteristics of wind turbines

25. Method for obtaining experimental characteristics
26. Aerodynamic characteristics of wind engines
27. Experimental testing of the theory of wind turbines

Chapter VII. Experimental testing of wind turbines

28. Tower equipment for testing wind turbines
29. Correspondence between the characteristics of the wind turbine and its models

Chapter VIII. Installing wind turbines in the wind

30. Installation using a tail
31. Installed with Windows
32. Installed by placing the wind wheel behind the tower

Chapter IX. Regulating the speed and power of wind turbines

33. Regulation by moving the wind wheel out of the wind
34. Regulation by reducing the surface of the wings
35. Regulation by turning the blade or part of it around the swing axis
36. Air brake adjustment

Chapter X. Wind turbine designs

37. Multi-bladed wind turbines
38. High-speed (small-bladed) wind engines
39. Wind turbine weights

Chapter XI. Calculation of wind turbines for strength

40. Wind loads on wings and calculation of their strength
41. Wind load on tail and side shovel adjustment
42. Calculation of the wind turbine head
43. Gyroscopic moment of the wind wheel
44. Wind turbine towers

Chapter XII. Wind as a source of energy

45. The concept of the origin of wind
46. ​​Basic quantities characterizing wind from the energy side
47. Wind energy
48. Wind energy storage

Chapter XIII. Characteristics of wind power units

49. Performance characteristics of wind turbines and piston pumps
50. Operation of wind turbines with centrifugal pumps
51. Operation of wind turbines with millstones and agricultural machines

Chapter XIV. Wind pump installation

52. Wind pumping installations for water supply
53. Water tanks and water towers for wind pumping installations
54. Typical designs of wind pump installations
55. Experience in operating wind pumps for water supply in agriculture
56. Wind irrigation installations

Chapter XV. Windmills

57. Types of windmills
58. Technical characteristics of windmills
59. Increasing the power of old windmills
60. New type of windmills
61. Operational characteristics of windmills

Chapter XVI. Wind power plants

62. Types of generators for working with wind turbines and voltage regulators
63. Wind charging units
64. Low-power wind power plants
65. Parallel operation of wind power plants in a common network with large thermal stations and hydroelectric power stations
66. Experimental testing of wind farm operation in parallel to the network
67. Powerful power plants for parallel operation in the network.
68. Brief information about foreign wind power plants.

Chapter XVII. Brief information on installation, repair and care of wind turbines

69. Installation of low-power wind turbines from 1 to 15 hp. With
70. About the care and repair of wind turbines
71. Safety precautions during installation and maintenance of wind turbines

Other diplomas in Physics

t that the use of wind turbines is beneficial even in cases where wind farms operate around the clock. The main task of using wind turbines in rural areas (the village of Nekrasovka) is to save fuel for energy generation.

Whether it is profitable or unprofitable can be determined quite simply by answering the question: “How many years can it take to pay off the book value of a wind turbine (for example, AVE-250) due to the cost of saved fuel?” The standard payback period for the station is 6.7 years. For a year in the village Nekrasovka consumes 129,180 kWh. 1 kW of energy for enterprises currently amounts to 2.85 rubles. From this you can find the payback period:

Tokup = P/Pch, Pch = P - Z,

where: P is the profit of the enterprise without deducting the costs of purchasing a wind farm, Pch is the net profit of the enterprise, Z is the costs invested in the purchase of a wind farm (700 thousand rubles)

P = 6.7*129180*2.85 = 2466692 rubles

Pch = 2466692 - 900000 = 1566692 rub

Tokup = 2466692/1566692 = 1.6 years

We see that the payback period for investments in a power plant less than normal, which is 6.7 years, therefore, the purchase of this wind farm is effective. At the same time, a wind farm has a significant advantage over a thermal power plant due to the fact that capital costs are practically not “dead”, since the wind turbine begins to generate electricity 1 - 3 weeks after its delivery to the installation site.


In this course project, I looked at the design of a wind turbine for the village. Nekrasovka, for supply purposes necessary energy of this village.

I made the following calculations:

selection of the required generator

cable selection

payback period calculation

blade calculation

wind characteristics selected

In conclusion, I can say that the construction of a wind farm in this area is advisable. Due to the fact that we live in the north of Sakhalin, constant winds prevail here (and the wind is an inexhaustible source of energy and there is no harmful emissions V environment), and in the Okha region under consideration, except for thermal power plants, there are no alternative sources of electricity supply, then my project is appropriate for this area.


1. Bezrukikh P.P. Use of renewable energy sources in Russia // News bulletin"Renewable Energy". M.: Intersolarcenter, 1997. No. 1.