Sometimes when we hear a “sort of” word, we become interested in what it means and where its roots come from. Here it is useful to remember that the structure of any word is analyzed using two analyses: morphemic and word-formative. And here, analyzing a word by its composition online for free on the Internet can be a great help. But no matter what opportunities the World Wide Web gives us, we still need to know the basics for ourselves. Morphemic analysis is the selection of morphemes that make up a given word, that is, elementary particles. At the same time, when using morphemic analysis of a word online, remember that it is also an analysis of the word according to its composition online. We do it step by step:

We write out the word (without changing its form from the context) and determine the part of speech to which it belongs.

Celebrating the end. We simply decline the word and find it easily.

We find the basis.

Determine the root and list words with the same root.

Identify prefixes, suffixes, postfixes and select words with similar but different roots.

As you can see, you can sit on the word yourself and analyze it according to the above points or turn to the “Online Morpheme Analysis” option.

Online word-formation analysis is also available. In fact, it can also be provided:

Find the source of the word.

Indicate whether this word is derivative, indicating its stem.

Choose the initial word (that is, the one from which ours is derived).

We highlight the base of the word we are analyzing and word-forming suffixes, postfixes or prefixes.

Now you can determine the way in which a given word is formed.

Now that we know how to parse a word according to its composition and how to analyze word formation, we will indicate the differences between these two methods and some features, knowledge of which will be useful for their implementation:

1. In word formation, we analyze the word in initial form, and with morphemic - the word in the form in which it is in the text.

2. Compound words are already derivatives.

3. To find out whether this word is a derivative, it is enough to indicate its stem in the initial form.

4. When we see a prefix or suffix in the stem, the word is complex. (except for cases with prefixless verbs).

5. When the base form has one root, it is usually defined as non-derivative. This does not apply to the following cases: transition from any part of speech to another; the phenomenon of zero suffixation.

6. In a word, we can always identify its base, but the ending is in the parts of speech that change.

Thus, we looked at how you can study the structure of a word and determine its origin.

We are residents of Ukraine, and after my daughter got a new one at school subject - Russian language, there were problems with morphemic parsing. All the dictionaries were taken 10 years ago to my grandmother’s village to heat the stove, so I had to resort to the Internet. In the first query we were looking for the word . Now I regularly read the dictionary, even out of curiosity. Who would have thought that there were sites where information was organized as conveniently as yours. Now we can cope with parsing words by composition without any problems. Thanks for your hard work! Daria Vasilievna

I was most interested in old Russian words, or Ukrainian ones, which also have their own long history. It was surprising to me that the word has ancient roots, especially since it was used not only in Russian, but also in other languages. I would like to note that the more we know the history of words, the more we will know our history, and this is very interesting. My children are also interested in this and sometimes even advise me to watch something new and learn. NikitaN

Whenever I hear a long and incomprehensible word, I try to independently divide it into parts and understand how it is formed. If I can’t do it myself, I have to look in specialized literature, but often I can’t find the word I’m looking for there. I tried to find it on the Internet and this dictionary helped me a lot; there are words according to their composition online. You can very quickly find the word you are interested in and see full information about him. It’s very nice that definitions are posted here that will be useful to those who don’t know where to start. Margarita

From birth we are native speakers and as our vocabulary expands, we become curious about how certain words came about. Sometimes it is not possible to identify the stem of a word on your own and find out the derivational or morphemic composition of the word, then a detailed analysis of the word’s composition online comes to our aid. The solution to questions of interest can be found quite simply. Here we describe in great detail how to correctly parse a word, step-by-step instruction and the parsing rules are accessible even to children. This resource is a godsend for the curious. Svetlana

Analysis of Morphemes for parsing a word by composition is not so simple, despite the clearly provided algorithms. Quite complex grammatical nuances of the language often lead to erroneous or ambiguous parsing of modern parts of words. When identifying compound forms-morphemes: “prefix-root-suffix-ending”, their simple identification with parts of words similar to the given ones is not enough. Therefore, many students are unsure whether their analysis of the word according to its composition is correct. An online dictionary for free will help you eliminate doubts and improve your knowledge. Here are several reasons for the initially incorrect analysis: - analysis begins with the root - the category of the adjective, verb and verbal forms is incorrectly defined - the lexical-syntactic context is not taken into account - the discrepancy between the letter and letter-sound composition word forms.


My daughter has an excellent Russian teacher. She instilled in her children a love of language. And even I participate in the process of parsing words in a sentence. For us, this is a fun crossword puzzle and brain training. After completing all the points, we check the work using the online morpheme analysis option on the website. If my daughter does the task herself, without us, then she also uses this site for difficult words. And there are many of them in our language. For example, unchangeable words have no ending at all. And they can be determined only by clearly understanding which part of speech is given to us. Basically, these are adverbs. Or another category of unchangeable words. In it, difficulties arise with foreign indeclinable nouns. Children often make mistakes by attributing non-existent endings or suffixes to them. Valentina

The richness and boundlessness of the Russian language is amazing. The Russian language is very rich lexicon and there is a lot of mystery and unusualness in it. Morphemic analysis is very interesting to carry out, to find the original source of the word, and also to separate prefixes and suffixes, endings. In our modern times An online dictionary for analyzing words by composition for free can come to the rescue. An online dictionary is useful because, after parsing and if you doubt the correctness of the execution, you have the opportunity to check yourself by typing into the search engine “parsing a word according to its composition, online dictionary for free on the Internet.” It is quite difficult to parse words that came to us from another language or Old Slavonic words. Thanks to the online dictionary, everything becomes quite easy and simple. Elena Helen

Live and learn. My daughter goes to high school and periodically baffles my wife and me with her questions about the Russian language. Well, for example, with definitions like the null-morpheme unit. Okay, when you’re just trying to remember whether you had it when you were at school or not, and you look at its textbook to see what children are taught now. But it's worse when she brings homework and asks to check. This is where it gets fun: if she approved, but it turned out to be wrong, then it’s not her fault, but her parents’ for the bad grade. Moreover, authority suffers. So, in my old age, I have to climb through paper dictionaries, which never had any morpheme analysis. Thank you, slovoline, I found it on the Internet. Now I periodically use it in such delicate situations. Dmitriy

It’s not for nothing that Russian is recognized as one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn, along with Chinese. But alas, school knowledge is forgotten with age and with each passing year, the rules are increasingly erased from memory. And when you suddenly have to face the task of parsing a word or sentence, you look at the task in a stupor and feverishly try to systematize scraps of school knowledge, but nothing comes of it and you secretly, so that no one sees, write in the search engine to parse by composition of the word online. The Internet has greatly simplified daily life, but unfortunately, it kills the language. You have probably noticed more than once with bitterness how our children communicate online: hi, ok, bye, etc. And therefore, many thanks to the creators of such resources for their efforts. Anton80

Good afternoon. Please parse the word according to the composition of the SPOOK and if possible send it by email to I really need to ask it at school and no one can help Sergey P

The great Russian language is rich and complex. The depth of its morphemic structure is especially touching. We, adult Russian speakers, do not at all notice the natural complexities of word construction native speech. But if you can just imagine how difficult it can be for foreigners... Although we also had to learn at some point. Everyone was children. Very interesting and useful resource about the rules of morphemic parsing of words in the Russian language. zinaya-sad


We note the ending is written separately, but the site is good. The site is boring, work on it. The number of letters in writing the message is too many, make it smaller in case it will help someone. As I said, the site is good, but a lot of things are missing. Thank you for your attention and understanding Invisible.

Very good and correct site! I am simply delighted and proud of him! You have to keep it that way! Very useful, most importantly no errors! I recommend it to you and your children! I do not know him:(

Damn, better shut down your slop shop, I so often find complete nonsense in your work. Where have you, literate people, seen the “dancer” completely hit the root??? What word did it come from then, I wonder? yitsukeng

I tried this dictionary in practice. I can suggest modifying the logic of the service so that words completely typed in the input window are also accepted. Now, to perform morphemic analysis of a word after entering several letters, it must be selected from the list. If you type a word for parsing, despite its presence in the list, it is not caught in the dictionary and its parsing is not shown. Although this inconvenience is fully offset by the invaluable service that everyone receives using a service that provides word analysis by composition. The online dictionary has been developed taking into account almost all language nuances and will help both students improve their grades in Russian and test their knowledge. Self-control will not hurt, because Russian can surprise even experts. Daria Bilchik

I work with typesets of texts and online morpheme analysis, which I found on this site, helps me a lot in my work. How well do I know the Russian language, and sometimes I have to look into the dictionary in order to correctly compose texts in Russian. You can find the most complex phrases very simply and easily. I often test myself using this knowledge. I believe that this online dictionary is simply indispensable for both professionals and school students for learning the Russian language. I recommend it to my friends. Maxim Govorov

This dictionary is a good auxiliary tool. To find out a word by its composition online, this need arises when there are difficulties in parsing or doubts. Various speech morphemes are presented here, some are complex due to atypical word formation. Only the analysis of interjections or function words never raises questions, because they contain no auxiliary parts, only the root. Examples: if, but, when, hello, ah, etc. Kuznetsova Irina


I found so much information on this site. It is very helpful for studying grammar in detail, it is very easy to work with. The Russian language is very difficult to learn and a lot of new things have appeared recently. Sound helps me a lot literal parsing words that I found on this site for study. I study at the Faculty of Philology. Now my fellow students are already using it online dictionary m. olga gukol

The "Dictionary of Morphemic Analysis" is offered online. This is a dictionary of word analysis by composition. It contains an analysis of the morphemic structure of more than 2,300 words selected based on the search queries of our website visitors. The dictionary is constantly updated Tequila

Recently, my son’s school took a “Analysis of words by composition” in the Russian language, I had a chance to remember all my knowledge and delve into the Internet. I received a good hint on this site while studying the morphemic analysis of a word. Now the child began to figure out where the base of the word is, where the ending is, and where the root and prefix with suffix are. The most clear thing is that the word must be parsed in the form as it is written in the text, and then divided into parts of which it consists. DictionaryOnline

I study at the Faculty of Philology and this online dictionary was a godsend for me. Sound-letter parsing of words is very easy to use. Even a schoolchild can use such a dictionary, and the most important thing is that when using such a dictionary, knowledge is perfectly consolidated in memory. Now among my classmates it has become very popular to use this dictionary in independent tasks and on coursework. Angelina

Correctly identifying the morphemes of a word is not an easy science for anyone, but the reliability of the service is not absolute, since automatic analysis is subject to errors. As well as morphological analysis The online words of this service contain inaccuracies. For example, the special property of the verbs -give- and -is-, which are inflected differently from general type. These are nuances that are significant; this must be taken into account when using these dictionaries. Irina Leonidovna

Morphemic analysis of a word allows you to see all the constituent elements of the word. On the Internet I found this site, which contains a large number of dictionaries and interesting articles. This article very competently and popularly describes the algorithm for morphemic word parsing. An online service has also been proposed that will parse words into their component parts without human intervention. A very convenient service for lazy students. Catherine

I live in Ukraine and study at a Russian school. To write texts correctly, it is very important to be able to do morphemic analysis of words. Our Russian language teacher told us about the existence of an online dictionary and explained how to work with it. Now I do morphemic analysis of words online for free. This helps me in my studies. It is compiled very simply, the explanations are easy to understand. Great help in my learning process. Olga Vasilenko

There are a lot of such words in the Russian language. In my opinion, morphemic analysis of a word is an excellent way to understand where a particular word came from. Find out the root of the word and so on. For example, many culinary words come from French words, I heard about it. In addition, when it is possible to parse a word online, it is even easier. You don’t waste time on this, and you definitely won’t make mistakes. We try to use the service more often, and we really like it. Alexander

Morphemic analysis requires an in-depth study of the origins of words. They change over time, family ties are lost, and as a result there are many discrepancies between different authors of dictionaries. For this reason, morphemic analysis of words online cannot even theoretically claim absolute accuracy, based on only one word-forming dictionary. And word formation is the determining factor in identifying word-forming morphemes and stems. Irina Leonidovna

My friend and I have recently been studying at the philological faculty of our university. During the first session, during preparation coursework There was a problem with morphemics. Fortunately, our friends told us about the existence of this extraordinary online dictionary! Now the morphemic analysis of a word by composition has become an unusually easy task for us, and all coursework was completed perfectly! Now we recommend this site to all classmates. Igor Petrov

I now teach Russian in high school, and I have to turn to parsing very often to teach schoolchildren to write correctly. Now there are good opportunities to use this dictionary to do morphemic analysis of words online. This is very convenient for me and my students, because you can use it in the right situation due to its accessibility. Now any controversial issue can be sorted out using a dictionary. Stephanie.

The online version helps us a lot. Especially when we sit down to study or play some kind of game. I especially like to understand words according to their composition, although sometimes we make mistakes, but we learn from our mistakes. We often look here to make sure we are doing everything right. In addition, there are so many words in the Russian language that it could take years to sort them out. New words have also appeared that are not familiar, and understanding them is even more interesting. Eugene

In my work with my students at school, I now use the dictionary, which is located on this site, for more competent writing of the analysis of words by composition online - it is very convenient. The knowledge gained is easy to remember; such a dictionary contains a lot of information. Then it’s very convenient for me that this dictionary is very accessible, our school has the Internet and children can use it at any time. Victoria Vyacheslavovna

In modern everyday life there are many words that have lost their original roots. Therefore, the analysis of words by composition may not be based on etymology, which causes disagreements when identifying morphemes. This also explains the presence of ambiguous opinions about whether the concepts of cognate words and related ones are identical. For example, -bear- was formed from the combination of 2 roots -med- and -ved-. But now the words honey and vedat are not considered to have the same root. Irina Leonidovna

Online morphemic analysis will help you clearly determine which part of speech the selected word belongs to. After him without special labor it is possible to find the ending and separate it from the base for further analysis. This step will give us the opportunity to select the root by selecting words of the same root and subsequently find service morphemes - prefixes and suffixes, quickly and conveniently. DictionaryOnline

Isolating morphemes for students presents significant difficulties. Although there are affixes that are quite common. Analysis by composition is easier for students who have a clear understanding of the service word-forming parts. Schoolchildren should know the morphemes that are most common in the formation of new parts of speech from producers, what their lexical function is - the meaning that with their help is given to the resulting words. Irina Leonidovna

I have now become familiar with this site. Russian language teachers told me about it. For teaching the Russian language, the material on word analysis online, located here, is a great help in your work. It is very convenient to work with the dictionary; it is a great helper for spelling literacy. Now I will work with my students using this online dictionary. Now there is WI-FI at school and you can use this dictionary at work. Alexandra

I teach at a Russian school in Ukraine. I just became familiar with this site. I liked how easy and simple it is to use word analysis in this online reference book. The topic is very complex and important in writing literacy. Now I will definitely recommend it to my students, because now the Internet is everywhere and at any time you can use this dictionary when working on texts. Yulia Ivanichenko.

The Russian language is constantly being improved and it is necessary to constantly improve the level of knowledge. Friends told me about a dictionary where you can analyze words by composition online for free. I work with documents and having considered the capabilities of this dictionary, and most importantly its availability at any time, ease of use of the dictionary, I realized the advisability of using it in my work. Stanislav

It is impossible to competently express your thoughts in written or oral forms without knowledge of the rules of word formation. On this site, analyzing a word according to its composition online will allow you to quickly determine what, for example, the ending will be in a particular term, how to use the word in plural, compose Difficult words etc. Reduce the time it takes to create a text message and save nerve cells- this is a real help not only to schoolchildren, but also to students, teachers, linguists and many others. DictionaryOnline

Many people think that determining the stem by doing morphemic analysis is simple. Found the ending, the foundation remains. However, it is not easy to parse the composition of any part of speech because of the many nuances. They cause frequent errors. For example, formative suffixes -e-, -ee- and others involved in comparative degree adjectives: higher, stronger, bolder, heavier, etc. - have a peculiarity. They are not components of the base. Irina Leonidovna

I got acquainted with the analysis of words by composition online on this site. A lot has been collected useful information, which is logically summarized in this dictionary. The Russian language is constantly improving, so using such an online dictionary is necessary for me as someone who works with documents in my work. It’s very easy for me to work with him, everything is clear and easy to understand. Now I will definitely use this dictionary in my work. Oleg Vasiliev

Working in Ukraine, I deal with documentation that is certainly printed in Ukrainian, but the everyday language is Russian. Both Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​are actively developing. There is a great variety of words of foreign origin in the modern linguistic “arsenal”. When you meet a word for the first time, but you don’t immediately understand its meaning, it becomes necessary to analyze the word’s composition. And thanks to the information summarized on this site, it is extremely easy to remember the principles of this analysis. MariaMaria

Today, we don’t see any problems understanding words online, but the grammar needs to be improved. It's very hard to remember school curriculum, which we had many years ago. You have to look for online helpers so that there are no problems with parsing words and so on. Morphemic analysis of words is especially helpful; my wife and I forgot about this a long time ago. We continue to educate ourselves on the resource. Valery Chalov

In the article at the beginning of the site it is written not growing, but growing! It’s a shame... And why should the message be 150 characters long!?. The site is of course good, but there are some problems #Victor

The root morpheme has the most essential function. Analyzing the word according to its composition, it can be noted that the root, which serves as a common morpheme for all cognates, still has the property of being modified. This happens as a result of the alternation that has developed historically, among the types of which the replacement of a vowel (consonant) with a combination of two vowels (consonants) is especially complex: beat - fight (alternate -i- with -oi-), catch - catch (-v- with -vl- ). Irina Leonidovna

I often have to use an online dictionary in my work. My fellow teachers told me about it. My students had a hard time mastering the topic of morphemic analysis of a word, but without this knowledge of the issue it is difficult to teach them how to write correctly. Now I taught them to use word analysis online. It’s easy to do it on this site, they can figure it out and junior schoolchildren, very convenient to use. And mastery of the topic began to progress. Sergey Volkov

No matter how much you study the Russian language, sometimes there are times when you should consult a dictionary to find out the correct spelling. In this online dictionary, the analysis of words by composition is discussed in detail, here you can find all the answers to the question of correct spelling. Therefore, it is convenient and easy for me to use online dictionary, it is always at hand, compiled simply and the information presented in it is in an easily accessible form. Vataliy

To parse words according to their composition online, at first glance, everything is very simple, in fact, we can’t do without the help of your site, the main thing is to find the root of the word, and then everything is much more complicated, that’s why we turn to the site for help, now we only have homework on Only A's, morphemic analysis of words by composition is now not a problem for my son and me, homework is a pleasure to do now with a child. Natalia

There are components of words that differ from the rest - interfixes, which in their role are not significant and do not belong to classical morphemes. Their most famous type is connecting vowels between 2 roots. They occur when you analyze complex words by their composition online, for example, -airplane-. Here the connecting -o- is not included in any morpheme, but it enters the base without interrupting it. Kuznetsova Irina

You would first learn the rules of the Russian language, and then create the site (“grow” in the second line). Spelling of roots -rast-, -rasch- and -ros-: before letters and combinations -st- and -sch- it is written -a-, otherwise it is written -o-. Lenaproplvyaop

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Leave your request for the site, or describe the error you found in the article about Parsing by composition (morphemic)

1. Name the part of speech.

Determine whether a given word form changes or does not change.

2. Select ending(prove).

Change the word, set its meaning, indicate the method of expressing the ending (zero or materially expressed). Give examples of words with this ending.

3. Select the base.

Determine its composition and character: simple - complex, articulated - indivisible, discontinuous or continuous.

4. Highlight suffixes.

Establish their meaning, function (word-forming, form-building, fundamental, evaluation), method of expression. Give examples of 2-3 words with the same suffixes.

5. Select prefixes.

Establish their meaning and function. Give examples of 2-3 words with the same prefixes.

6. Select the root.

Select related words and forms with all allomorphs of the root, name these allomorphs. Specify alternation at the root. Determine whether the root is free or connected (prove).

7. Indicate whether there are changes in the morphemic composition of the word: in the composition of the root, prefix, suffix (simplification, re-elaboration, complication). Determine its cause.

Examples of morphemic analysis of words

Waited ( beforerailway Al Ø Xia )

  1. Verb, modifiable word.
  2. It rained A sir, waited And s . Null ending ( Ø ) indicates that the verb is in singular form. h. Examples of words with the same ending: showed Ø Xia, I laughed Ø Xia.
  3. The basis waited-Xia - simple, articulated, intermittent.
  4. Suffix - A- - stem, suffix - l- - formative (meaning of past tense verbs), postfix - Xia- - word-forming and formative. Examples of words with the same suffixes: coupe AlXia , friend AlXia .
  5. Console before- - word-formative, denotes an action completed. Examples of words with the same prefix: before was driving, before walked before flew.
  6. Root - railway - ; railway al - railway yet - O Jew fallen; -railway - //-railway "- //-Jew - - the root is free, because in modern Russian there is the word “waiting”, where the root is equal to the stem.
  7. Historical changes there is no word in the composition.

Ring ( colts O )

  1. Noun, modifiable word.
  2. Kolts A, rings ohm, about the rings e. Ending -O indicates that the noun cf. r., II class, in I. p. or V. p., in units. h. Examples of words with the same ending: apples O, clouds O .
  3. Base word colts- - simple, indivisible, continuous.
  4. Root rings - ; rings - rings - ring; rings - //rings- //ring "- is a free root, because in modern Russian there is the word “ring”, where the root is equal to the base.
  5. There are changes in the morphemic composition of the word; historically there were: count b ts O (related words were stake, well). Simplification. The reason is a change in the phonetic structure of the language as a result of the fall of reduced vowels and the loss of the motivated word.


Ø - zero ending, - And- ending, ** ** - the basis of the word, ** - suffix, Ø - zero suffix, *** - console, **** - root of the word: underpis chick Ø - underpis chick And .

Morphemic analysis of a word (analysis of a word by composition) begins with identifying the stem and formative morphemes - the ending and/or formative suffix (if any).
In this case, it is necessary to remember about j, which can be “hidden” in an iotated vowel letter after a vowel or separator. If it covers the base of the word, it must be entered (impression). If this is not done, you may make a mistake in the composition of the suffix or not notice the suffix in the word at all. So, for example, in the Russian language there is no suffix -ni-, but there is a suffix -ni]-: sing? - pe-ni]-e. The word under heaven contains the suffix -j-, which is not expressed at the literal level in any way: under-heaven-es-]-e.
After this, the stem of the word must be divided into the root(s) and word-forming morphemes (if any). To do this, the root is highlighted in the word as a common part related words, then what remains in the word is highlighted as a prefix (prefixes) and suffix (suffixes) in accordance with our ideas about whether there is such a suffix or such a prefix in the Russian language. But such an analysis may lead to errors; its procedure lacks validity. To avoid mistakes, morphemic parsing of the stem must be linked with word-formation parsing.
Morphemic analysis (analysis of a word by composition)
When analyzing a word morphemically (parsing a word by its composition), first the ending and formative suffix (if any) are highlighted in the word, and the stem is emphasized.
After this, the stem of the word is broken down into morphemes.
Two opposing approaches to the morphemic division of the stem are possible: formal-structural and formal-semantic.
The essence of formal-structural morphemic analysis is that the root is first identified as a common part of related words. Then, what goes to the root must be recognized by the student as a prefix (prefixes) in accordance with the student’s ideas about whether he has encountered similar elements in other words. Same with suffixes. In other words, the main thing in analysis is the effect of student recognition of morphemes, the external similarity of some parts of different words. And this can lead to massive errors, the reason for which is ignoring the fact that the morpheme is a significant linguistic unit.
Errors in determining the root of a word are associated with a failure to distinguish between the synchronic morphemic and historical (etymological) composition of the word. Errors in identifying prefixes and suffixes are associated with the algorithm of morphemic division - with the idea of ​​most students about a word as a string of morphemes that should be “identified” as already occurring in other words. The extreme expression of analysis of this kind is cases such as key (cf.: pilot), box (wallpaper). But even with a correctly defined root, one very often has to deal with an incorrect determination of the number and composition of prefixes and suffixes, if there are more than two of these morphemes in a word.
The formal-structural approach is contrasted with the formal-semantic approach (formal-semantic).
The main goal of this approach and the algorithm for morphemic parsing is the continuity of morphemic division and word-formation parsing. Many scientists and methodologists have written for many decades that this approach is appropriate and even the only possible.
The algorithm for morphemic parsing of the stem consists of constructing a word-formation chain “in reverse”: prefixes and suffixes are, as it were, “removed” from the word, and the root is highlighted last. When parsing, it is constantly necessary to correlate the meanings of the derivative and the meanings of its generator; the productive basis in modern Russian is the motivating basis. If there is no motivation relationship between the meaning of the derivative and the meaning of the generating (in our view) word, the generating word is chosen incorrectly.
Thus, the order of parsing the word according to its composition is as follows:
  1. highlight the ending, formative suffix (if they are in the word);
  2. highlight the stem of the word - part of the word without endings and formative suffixes;
  3. highlight a prefix and/or suffix at the base of a word through the construction of a word-formation chain;
  4. highlight the root in the word.
  1. carpentry
Sample reasoning:
carpenter - initial (infinitive) form of the verb - carpenter; the verb is in the past tense of the indicative mood, which is expressed by the formative suffix -l-, masculine singular, which is expressed by the zero ending (compare: carpenter-i).
The basis is carpentry.
The verb carpenter is formed from the noun carpenter and is motivated through it: carpenter - ‘to be a carpenter’; The difference between the base carpenter- and carpenter is the suffix -a-; the bases represent the alternation k/h.
Noun carpenter in modern language non-derivative, since it cannot be motivated through the word raft. Therefore, carpenter-/carpenter is the root.
Thus, the word form carpenter has a zero ending with the meaning of the masculine singular, a form-building suffix -l- with the meaning of the past tense of the indicative mood, a word-forming suffix -a- with the meaning of being what is named in the motivating basis, the root carpenter-. The basis of the word carpenter is.
"plotnicdl, which is “hidden” in the letter e, standing after the vowel. Consequently, this sound belongs to the base, closes it. The base of the word is dress[y’]-.
The word dressing is derived from the verb to dress: dressing - ‘the process of dressing; the same as dressing. The difference between the basis of dressing - and the verbal basis of dressing is the segment -ni[y’]-, which is a word-forming suffix.
The verb to dress is arbitrary from the verb to dress and has the meaning of the imperfect form. The means of word formation is the suffix -va-.
The verb to dress is underived, but in the language there are verbs raz-det, na deti with the same root, but with different prefixes, therefore, we are dealing with the associated root -de- and the prefix o-.
Thus, the word form dressing has the ending -e with the meaning of the nominative or accusative case of the singular, word-forming morphemes: the suffix -ni[y']- with the meaning of abstract action, the suffix -va- with the meaning of the imperfect form, the prefix o- and the associated root - de-. The basis of the word dressing is.
Sample written form:
dressing (noun)

The purpose of morphemic analysis(at school they call it parsing a word according to its composition) - identifying morphemic composition words. As a result of morphemic analysis, we determine which morphemes a word consists of, what their meaning and function are.

To conduct morphemic analysis, you need to divide a word into morphemes in a certain sequence. Analysis of the structure of a word must begin from the end of the word. First of all, having established that a word belongs to a certain part of speech, it is necessary to draw a conclusion about its changeability and immutability.

In modifiable words, we highlight the ending (materially expressed or zero) - the modifiable part of the word and the base. Immutable words do not have endings; therefore, their stem coincides with the word boundary.

Next, you need to determine the type of basis: derivative or non-derivative. If the stem is non-derivative, then it is equal to the root morpheme. By highlighting the root, we indicate its categorical meaning (attribute, action, etc.). If the stem is derivative, we find the generating stem and, by comparing them, we isolate the affix and indicate its meaning and function. Using the criterion of G.O. Vinokura, we select affixes until the generating base is non-derivative, that is, equal to the root. In other words, we establish a word-formation chain and gradually divide the word to the root.

In morphemic analysis, morphological phenomena are also indicated if they are observed in the composition of the word under consideration. At the end of the analysis, a graphic representation of the morphemic composition of the word is given.

It is important to remember that the division of words into morphemes should always be meaningful and justified. Having seen a familiar morpheme, one cannot mechanically divide the word into its component parts. So, if in the structure of verbs of indefinite form the element -th is an ending, then in a noun elbow it is part of the root, and in brightness- as part of a suffix.

In the practice of school and university teaching of word formation, it is difficult to identify the stem and ending in words ending in vowels e, e, yu, i, i. Being at the end of a word after vowel and after ъ And b, iotated vowels e, e, yu, i, and denote two sounds and can combine [j], which refers to the stem, and a vowel, which is the ending.

е – , at the end of the word after

yu – , vowel and after ъ and ь

For precise definition boundaries between the stem and the ending above the iotized letter, its sound meaning should be written down and the form in question should be compared with other forms of this word. Cm.:

lucky ,


lucky etc.

Comparing the forms, we find the common part lucky-, which is the basis, and the changeable parts of word forms -uh, -a, -y will be endings.

The forms of the present and future tenses of the verb are also analyzed, for example, Working . In the present tense form, verbs change according to persons and numbers: Working , working, working... working. Having expanded the iotated vowels, we compare the resulting forms:

work ,



workj-ut etc.

Part common to all forms workj- there is a basis, and -y– ending of a word form Working , since in other forms instead -y we find -esh, -ut etc.

The analysis of possessive adjectives like hunting, fox, since their phonetic appearance is similar to forms of adjectives like prickly, rare. The above adjectives end in the sound complex - th, but the boundaries between the base and the ending are different. Let's compare the forms of change according to the cases of those and other adjectives.

prickly, hunting

thorny-him, hunting-ego,

prickly, hunting emu,

prickly, hunting

prickly, hunting,

(o) prickly, hunting.

When changing an adjective barbed in all forms the common part stands out prickly-, which is the basis, the variable part -th there is an ending. In adjective forms hunting a common part huntingj-- the basis . In original form hunting the same base, only before the iot there is a vowel in place of the zero sound complete education -And -: hunting And th. Ending in word form hunting zero.

The result of morphemic analysis is as follows: prickly - prickly, huntinghunting- Thus, in forms like barbed sound complex -th is an ending, and in possessive adjectives like hunting it is part of the base, or to be more precise, -иj- (-j-) is a word-forming suffix indicating belonging to the one who is called the generating stem .

Order of morphemic analysis

  1. Determine the part of speech of the analyzed word.
  2. Determine whether a word is mutable or immutable. If it changes, give several word forms.
  3. Highlight the ending, characterize it by grammatical meaning and function.
  4. Select the basis, determine its type: derivative or non-derivative.
  5. By comparing the derivative and generating bases, i.e. using word-formation analysis, sequentially identify all morphemes from the end of the word.
  6. Characterize morphemes (root or affixal; bound or free roots; word-forming or form-building suffixes; materially expressed or zero morphemes; intermittent or continuous morphemes, etc.).
  7. Indicate morphonological phenomena, if they occur.
  8. Graphically depict the morphemic composition of a word using the following symbols: – prefix, – root, – suffix, postfix, – interfix, – inflection, – stem of the word.

Samples of morphemic analysis

But loneliness does not oppress, it is done freely; Nikitich, squinting, looked around - he knew: he was the sole and undivided master of this large white kingdom. (V. Shukshin)


  1. Noun.
  2. Variable part of speech. It changes according to cases (it does not change according to numbers, since loneliness is a Singularia tantum noun). Wed: loneliness, loneliness, loneliness.
  3. -O– ending, has a grammatical meaning I.p., singular. The ending function is inflectional.
  4. The basis loneliness– derivative.
  5. Producing basis – lonely+ -is-(suffix, has a word-formation meaning “abstract sign-state”, performs a word-forming function. In the process of word formation through -is- There is an alternation of phonemes: ˂k//h˃).
  6. One-+ -OK-(the suffix has a word-forming meaning “characterized by a feature called a motivating word.” The function of the suffix is ​​word-forming).
  7. Numeral one non-derivative.
  8. Root – one-. The categorical meaning of the root is quantitative, since at the top of the word-formation nest there is the numeral one. Free root.
  9. Graphic image morphemic composition of the word: loneliness.

There have been mowings here for a long time. (V. Shukshin)

Morphemic analysis shows which minimal significant parts ( morphemes) consists of the word being studied.

Note: In different educational complexes the approach to word analysis is different. To avoid problems, compare the parsing procedure outlined below with your textbook.

Analysis of words by composition It is advisable to start with the designation of the initial form, with the definition of the part of speech to which the word refers. After that:
- highlight the ending and formative suffix (if they are in the word),
- highlight the stem of the word - part of the word without endings and formative suffixes,
- highlight the prefix and / or suffix (suffixes) at the base of the word through the construction of a word-formation chain,
- highlight the root in the word.

For reference:
Ending - a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number and case (at least one of them!) and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences.

The basis - this is an obligatory element of the morphemic structure of a word, expressing lexical meaning words. All types of formative morphemes (ending, formative suffix) are not included in the stem of the word; the word-forming reflexive suffix - sya/-s (uch-l-a-s) is included in the stem.

Suffix - a significant part of a word that is found after the root (the exception is the suffix - sya (-s), which is found after the ending) and is usually used to form words.

Word-forming suffixes serve to form new words with the same root: write - write- tel, optics – optical esk-th.

TO formative suffixes include:

· suffixes of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs starting with –O, - E: -ee, - her, - e, - she, - eish, - aish: strong - strong -her, expensive - expensive e, obediently – obediently eish- e, high - tall -aysh-th;

· suffixes of past tense verbs in the indicative and conditional moods -l- and zero: affairs- l- affairs- l would, carry - carried - Ø would;

· suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb – ty, - ty(at school considered as graduation): lying down l-a – lying- t, pass- l-a – pass- you ;

· participle suffixes -ush-, - yush-, -ash-, - box-, - wsh-, - w-, - eat-, - im-, - om-, - nn-, - enn-, - t-: carried ushch-yy, game- yushch-yy, scream- asch-y, whistle- box-yy, read- Vsh-yy, grew- w-th, organize- eat-th, love- them-th, ved- ohm-th, see- nn-th, revealed enne-th, erased- T th;

· suffixes of gerunds -a-, - I-, -uchi-, - yuchi-, - v-, - lice-, - shi-: hear- A, come on I, will- teach, a game- Yuchi, lose- V, nadu- lice- sir, locked - shi-s.

Note: When assigning participles and gerunds to independent units speech, their suffixes are considered as word-forming (chanting, sung, chanting, chanting - are considered as different words, and not as a form of the verb to chant).

Suffixes can cause grammatical alternations in the root: mukh-a - mush-k-a

Console , or prefix- this is a significant part of the word, which is located before the root and serves to form new words.

Root - the main significant part of the word, which contains its main lexical meaning, the general part of the same root or related words. The root is the only required part of the word. There are no words without roots, while there are a significant number of words without prefixes, suffixes and without endings.

Parsing examples:


Some nouns have no ending, due to the fact that they do not change (coat, highway).

Stand out null endings:
1. im. p.un. h. nouns m.r. - garden-〙, snow-〙
2. im. p.un. h. nouns g. R. - joy-〙, mouse-〙;
3. kind p.m. including nouns of all genders: stocking-〙 (stockings), families-〙, (family), countries-〙 (countries).

Zero derivational suffix stands out:
1. g. R. them. p.un. including nouns formed from the corresponding adjectives: sin-Ø-〙 (cf. blue - blue, blue - sin-ev-a);
2. im. p.un. h.m.r. verbal nouns: run-Ø-〙 (cf. run - run, run - run-relative).

(y) window


Initial form window - a noun denoting a specific object;
ending -A (to the window - on the window - at the window) indicates gender. p. Wed. r., units h.;
the basis window;
window root -
(window, window), alternation possible window-, window-, window-



Initial form air - noun denoting substance;
ending -ohm (in the air - air - air) points to TV. p. husband r., units h.;
the basis air ;
root air - (air, air), alternation possible air-, air .



Initial form renaming - abstract verbal noun;
ending -Yu (renaming - renaming - renaming) indicates dates. p. Wed. r., units h.;
the basis renamed j;
renaming - naming - name - nominal - name;
suffix -nij -
forms nouns with the meaning of action;
suffix - ova - verb suffix meaning to carry out something;
suffix -en - suffix of an adjective with the meaning of a characteristic;
console re-
root -them -



Initial form cream - collective noun;
ending -am (cream - about cream - cream) indicates date. n., pl. h.;
cream - drain - drain - pour;
suffix -To - forms nouns denoting an object - the result of an action;
suffix - V - suffix of an imperfective verb;
console With- forms the perfect form of verbs;
root -whether- (pouring - pouring - pouring), alternation is possible -li-, - lj-, - lei- .


Endings No at the infinitive.

Stands out zero ending verbs have singular h.m.r. past vr. and conditional mood: did-〙 (would); at verbs in imperative mood, where the zero ending expresses the meaning of the singular: look-〙.

Most verbs have two or more modifications basics- infinitive and present tense (for verbs of the perfect form - future).

Null suffix stands out for singular verbs. h.m.r. past vr. and conditional mood: nes-Ø-〙 (cf. nes-l-a), coast-Ø-〙 (would)



Initial form offend - imperfective verb;
ending - no - indicates the present form of the verb. vr., 3 l., units. h.;
basis: offend - insult , offended - offensej ;
offends - offends - offense;
suffix - j - - suffix of present tense verbs.
suffix - A - - suffix of the verb stem of the imperfective form (cf. offend)
root offense - possible alternation -offense-, - offence-

got ready


Initial form going to - got ready - reflexive verb of the perfect form of the indicative mood;
the zero ending indicates the past tense form of the verb, singular. h., m.r.;
basis: gather - collecting (th) Xia ; will gather - collected (ut) Xia ; are going - collectj (ut) Xia; got ready - gathering (l) Xia ;
collected - took - take;
suffix - Xia - derivational suffix reflexive verbs;
suffix - l - - (knew - bathed) formative suffix of past tense verbs;
suffix - A- - suffix of the verb stem;
console with - has the meaning of unification;
root -br- (collected - will collect - gathered) alternation possible -bir-, -ber-, -br- .



Initial form rewrite - rewrite - verb of the perfect form of the imperative mood;
ending zero indicates a singular number;
the basis: rewrite_ ; rewrite - census ;
suffix -And- - derivational suffix of the imperative mood;
console re- in the meaning of “again”, “in a different way”;
root -pee- , possible alternation -piss-, -piss-



Initial form blush - infinitive (indefinite form of the verb);
graduation No, since the infinitive lacks signs of number, person, gender...;
the basis blush ;
blush - blush - red;
suffix -th - formative suffix of the indefinite form of the verb;
suffix -e- (word-formative) forms verbs with the meaning: to become someone, some;
console By- ;
root -red- ;


Some adjectives (beige, mini, raglan...), as well as comparative adjectives have no endings, since they do not change.

Zero ending stands out among short adjectives. p.un. h.m.r.: sad-〙; in them p.un. h.m.r. for possessive adjectives: sister-〙 (sister), fish-〙 (fish[b "y a]).

Form-building suffixes presented in degrees of comparison of the adjective are not included in the stem.

Suffixes adjectives help determine one or another category of adjectives, for example, - liv - suffix of qualitative adjectives (patient, annoying), - sk - suffix of relative adjectives (Pushkin style, sea), - ov-, - in-, - th - suffixes possessive adjectives: (fathers, Petin, bull).

highest (level)


Initial form high, highest - simple superlative adjective;
ending -his (to the highest - the highest - the highest) indicates m.r., unit. h., gen. P.;
the basis high ;
highest - high;
suffix -aysh- - simple formative suffix superlatives;
root high , possible alternation high, high .

urban (Street)


Initial form urban - relative adjective;
ending -and I (urban - urban) indicates the railway. r., units h., im. P.;
the basis of the city;
urban - city;
suffix -sk- - suffix of a relative adjective;
root city-

grandfatherly (home)


Possessive adjective initial form grandfathers ;
ending -th (grandfather - grandfather) indicates m.r., unit. h., tv. P.;
grandfather - grandfathers - grandfather;
suffix -ov- - suffix of a possessive adjective;
root grandfather-



Qualitative adjective in short form, initial form comfortable ;
zero the ending (convenient - convenient - convenient_) indicates units. n. short adjective (does not change by case);
convenient - convenient;
root convenient- alternation possible convenient - convenient

Ø - zero suffix
〙 - zero ending
With the suffixal method of word formation, the suffix can be not only materially expressed, but also zero (exit-Ø-〙, sin-Ø-〙, bully-Ø-a, passing-Ø-iy). This method is used in different parts speech.

Nouns are formed from – nouns: table → table- IR, – adjectives: blue → syn- ev-a, sin-Ø-〙, – verbs: run → run- rel-i, run-Ø-〙, – numerals: hundred → hundred- n-I, two → double- n-I, – adverb: together → message- Nick, why → why- chk-A.

Adjectives are formed from - adjectives: blue → syn- yenk-y, - nouns: autumn → autumn- n-y, - verbs: read → read- flax-y, - numerals: two → double- n-oh, - adverb: inside → inside- enne-y.

Pronouns are formed from pronouns - suffixes - that, - either, - any: someone, anyone, anyone.

Numeral - from the numerals: two → dv-adtsat, five → fifteen, two → dv-oj-e.

Verbs are formed from – verbs: re-read → re-read yva-th, wash → wash- Xia, – adjectives: red → red- e-t, visible → visible-e- t-Xia, – nouns: partisan → partisan-i- t, crowd → crowd-i- t-Xia, – numerals: two → dva-i-t (‘to divide in two’), – interjections: ah → ah-a- t.

Adverbs are formed from – nouns: winter → winter- Ouch, – adjectives: good → good- O, – numerals: three → tr- every day, – verbs: lie → lying A, – adverb: good → good- just a little, like → somehow.

Prepositions – from verbs: except- I← exclude.

Morphemic analysis (analysis of a word by composition) shows which minimal significant parts ( morphemes) consists of the word being studied.