Software mission

New city # new obstacles, new opponents. For many years now, Master Dragon has been wandering around the world in search of worthy opponents. All the secrets of the ancient mastery of the Kung Fu style are hidden in his head. Until now, no one has been able to defeat him. And on his way he encounters another town where disorder and chaos reign. This is how the first episode of the game Kung Fu Panda begins.

Kung Fu Panda walkthrough

The first goals that are set for us will be: to find 10 missing heirlooms of # family vases and defeat one worthy opponent. The first vase is waiting for us on the bridge. There is nothing complicated here # break the barriers and take the vase. Then we go back and run under the bridge. The most important thing in the game, a rare coin, awaits us there. With its help, you can discover new abilities and special techniques. Let's run further. Here the first battle awaits us. A gang of wild boars are chasing a poor rabbit. How can we not help here? We quickly scatter the enemies and rush forward. We run into the courtyard of the house, where we listen to our father’s praise and scatter another pack of enemies. We break all the boxes in which two vases we need so much are hidden. With the last pig we break the old gate and rush forward. Here we defeat a bunch of enemies terrorizing local residents and take the vase. But it turns out that this path is closed. We'll have to go back.

We take the first turn to the left, take the vase, to which you need to jump from the boxes, break the boxes themselves (they also contain a vase) and run along the log to the other side. Here we roll down a steep cliff, collecting as many coins as possible. Then, when we land on the ground, we'll go back a little. We climb onto the stone blocks and jump onto open area land. Another mysterious coin awaits us here. And here is a new opponent, an old boar with a big mace. We knock him down, scatter the little pigs, but are in no hurry to move forward. On the right edge of the boxes there is another vase. We enter the house, which turns out to be a local tavern. But even here the nasty pigs won’t let you rest. Be careful. Try not to let yourself be surrounded, as there will be few pies that restore life. At the end there will be so many enemies that they will simply surround the main character, and Poe makes a mega jump. Having broken through the roof of the building, you tumble and fly to the main final boss.

The boss is an overgrown boar # owns a super sword that the hero must get. Main advice: hit with a strong blow as often as possible, running back only when the boss makes a #yule#. Before you kill the boss, break all the boxes. They contain the last unassembled vases. At the end we see a cutscene in which the giant leopard Tai Luna appears, and at this Panda Po finishes dreaming, and we complete the first level.

Walkthrough of Kung Fu Panda
Dragon Warrior Tournament

PO decided to visit big city, to see with my own eyes the famous Tournament of Dragon Warriors, but while I was getting there, evening came and the main gates of the city were closed. We break all the boxes and tents, collect coins and go to the side door. It also turns out to be closed. We jump onto the trampoline and fly over the wall. We run through a bunch of old vans and out into the open. And what do we see? Nasty boars are tormenting a city-dweller rabbit. We scatter the enemies and free the prisoner. This turns out to be the first resident saved. We will have to save four more. The rabbit we rescued tells us that the path is littered with bags of candy, and that it can be cleared with the help of a ballista. Well, let's listen to the advice. We get into a car that looks like a scorpion and destroy all the blue bags that are within the affected radius. Behind one of them there will be a mysterious coin. We get off the ballista and run to the cleared path. With the help of mountain ledges we get to an open area with ledges.

There we save the second citizen and take the first fireworks out of 16. We get into the ballista again and destroy all the blue bags. We jump along the red ledges, collect two more fireworks and climb through the gap in the wall. Here we are saving the third garage resident. Don't forget to break the boxes and take coins.

Let's go to the bridge. Here we take the fourth fireworks. And suddenly the bridge cannot support our weight, and Poe falls! Flying over the ravine, main character ends up on a training obstacle course. We quickly run through all the traps, save the fourth citizen and, with the help of a ballista, destroy the bags of candy again. We climb onto the stone ledge, and from it we move to the other ledges. We quickly jump over three traps, but are in no hurry to jump onto the roof of the neighboring building. We fall into the courtyard. Here we save the last townsman and jump on the trampoline! Hooray. Another secret coin has been taken. We jump from the trampoline onto the red ledge in the wall and move to the roof of the house. New traps await us here. We run under the knives and jump from the roof into the yard. Don't forget to take two fireworks (one is hidden under a wooden ledge). The last obstacle is a large trap in the form of a crocodile head. We jump inside and break #croco#'s jaw.

We kill large number boars with hatchets and take the last fireworks in the boxes (5 pieces). But here is another failure. The internal gates are also closed. But an idea comes to Po's head - attach fireworks to a chair and fly over the wall, but for now the story takes us to the Big Dragon Tournament itself, where Tigress undergoes her test # a fight with a large wooden monster Juggernaut with a bull's head, four axes and a mace instead of a tail. The monster makes a circle, kneading the space in front of it with axes, and clearing the road behind with its tail. The main advice: run from the monster in a distant circle so that the monster’s side is opposite you, and when it stops, quickly run up and hit it in the chest. And when the combinations of blows begin, try to have time to press everything that is shown. These are the combinations:

Space, space, 4, 5, 6, space.
Space, 5, 6, 4, 6, space.
5, 4, 6, space, 5, 4

That's it. The monster is defeated. It's time to announce the dragon master! This honorary right belongs to the old tortoise Oogway. And then Po appears from the sky! Oogway immediately points to the main character and calls him a great dragon master sent by heaven. And we jump to the third level.

P.S. After the second level, I advise you to upgrade Po's health by 2 points, fast attack by 2 points and powerful attack by 1.

to be continued...

Song Po

After launch, we start in the role of Po (if difficulties arise, you can use codes for the game Kung Fu Panda). We go forward, simultaneously receiving tips on the game (healing with khinkali, collecting enemy chi, collecting coins). After watching the cutscene, we deal with the three enemies and talk with our father. He gives us a scroll from which we learn how to put together strikes into combos. We fight off several enemies, break the blockage of jugs and continue to move forward. Almost immediately after the blockage, we turn right and then run along the thin wall. Now we have to move a la kolobok. As soon as we stop rolling, we’ll watch a short cut-scene and begin to fight off the advancing enemies. Having finished with the enemies on the street, we go into the building and after a short scene we again begin to defend ourselves from the enemies. At the end of the mess in the building, we watch another cut-scene and begin to slide down, which leads us to another pack of enemies on the street. Having dealt with the little things, we encounter the first boss (tactic - do not approach when he is spinning.). After the victory, we see a cutscene with Tai Lung and then our hero wakes up.

Dragon Warrior Tournament

We watch a scene from a cartoon as Poe finishes climbing the stairs and the doors close in front of him. We go left and jump on the trampoline, then follow the path of coins and save the bunny. In gratitude, he teaches us how to shoot from a ballista. We destroy the bags with its help and move to the next ballista, near which the bunny was attacked again, along the way we begin to collect fireworks on the advice of our father. Saving the big-eared one and freeing him new way We start jumping along the ledges. Having climbed over the wall, we save the third hare. We run to the bridge, it collapses and after a short “rolling” we watch a short cut-scene. We begin to move along the obstacle course to the next ballista and the last big-eared one. Having cleared the path, we fight off the oncoming enemies and continue to parkour. Having climbed up, we move along a new obstacle course. At the end of the strip we find a chair to which we need to attach 10 fireworks, but first we have to deal with the enemies, attach the rockets to the chair and watch a cut-scene. We take control of the Tigress and fight the boss - Invincible. The tactic is to run until the target on the bull’s chest comes out, then we go through a simple QTE, repeat three times, and as a result we watch a video, at the end of which Po becomes a dragon warrior.

Zero level

We watch a scene in the training room. It is necessary to break six mannequins to open the path to the next room. Now we need to destroy the mannequins using special techniques, after a short training we will be given two minutes to damage thirty-two mannequins, upon completion the door to the third room opens. After watching the cut-scene, we get an additional task - to destroy the mannequins in the room in less than one and a half minutes (Tigress's record). Next is a similar room, this time two minutes (Monkey's record). Another room and the record of another master, Viper, in three minutes. Having completed the third room, watch the video.

Palace defense

After the video, we begin to play for Master Crane. During the flight, it is necessary to avoid thunderclouds and shoot down vultures. Having reached Jade Palace watch the cut-scene. We start the game as Po, we need to protect twelve treasures and waves. For the first and third waves, it is most convenient to run to the gate (a little ahead and to the right) and stand near it to punish the thieves. We destroy the second and fourth waves in the hall itself, as enemies arrive. Next we head into the passage to the left of the entrance gate of the palace. Having reached a dead end, we see open hatch doors in the ceiling, after closing them we return to the main hall, where we encounter the sixth wave, it is similar to the second and fourth. Seventh - strong opponents in the hall. The eighth is a mixture of weak and strong enemies. Now we go to the right passage near the main entrance, where we close the doors of another hatch. We return to the main hall and fight with the next portion of enemies. Next we meet the tenth wave of opponents, consisting of enemies fighting with you and thieves trying to steal treasures. The eleventh wave is similar to the tenth. Having finished with the enemies, we watch a short cut-scene and are faced with the moment to beat ourselves. Having defeated the villain, watch the cut-scene.

Lake of Tears

After watching the video, we get control of Po and begin to look for eggs in the creek, you need to collect a dozen eggs. You can move through the swamp only by jumping on water lilies and boards. Having collected all the eggs in an accessible part of the swamp, we move to an island of land and see how a crocodile attacks a turtle, we save it, together with its friend nearby, and they become a “support” for jumping onto the water, there are four such turtles in total. Having reached the next landmass, we save a couple more turtles. One will open the way further into the swamps, the second will stand at the stone where another egg lies. Having collected all the eggs, we move to “Oogway in a Skirt” and after a short cut-scene we begin to ride the turtle. Having sailed on her back to land, we receive the task of saving her grandson. We find the baby next to the queen of crocodiles. After the cut-scene, we get control of Master Crane and begin to evade the crocodile’s attacks. Having escaped from the scoundrel, we hand the grandson over to his grandmother.

Wudang Temple

We watch a short video and as a result we get Po into our control. We receive a task - to save the kung fu relics from the Gorilla and his army. Having reached the neighboring island, we learn that the enemies will continuously climb a rope attached to a grappling hook, there are twenty-four of them in total. Throwing a bomb at the stone, we open the stairs and climb to the next island. We watch the video and as a result, the Gorilla begins to throw stones at us. The path to the enemy lies through a minefield. Having crossed the field, we cross the bridge, after which it is destroyed, and we receive the task - to save at least five of the seven relics. To gain access to them, you need to throw bombs at them. Having collected the required number of relics, we go to Temple of Prosperity to Shifu, but Gorilla breaks the bridge and they have to find a way around it. We get Shifu in control. Our goal is to stop the gorillas from breaking the temple columns. Saved Temple We watch a short cut-scene and begin to roll after the Gorilla in the role of Po. Having caught up with the villain, we enter into a fight with him. The tactic is to get rid of the grappling hooks to stop the influx of gorilla assistants, then grab the bombs and throw them at the Gorilla. By repeating three times we gain the upper hand over the enemy.

Treacherous Waters

We watch the video and as a result we receive the task of saving the island from the crocoband, we need to save all the inhabitants of the island. Jumping on the water lilies we get to small pieces of land and rescue four ducks from captivity. Having pulled the poor fellows out of captivity, we look for Shifu. As soon as we get to it, watch a short cutscene. We begin rafting in a boat on the river.

Rescue at Wudan Temple

We watch the video in which Tai Lung defeated The Fierce Five. We perform a small QTE for master Mantis and Viper. Afterwards we get control of Shifu and two tasks - to save The Fierce Five and sixteen inhabitants. We beat the enemies, after which we learn to jump onto the clouds and continue to explore the islands in search of residents and members Fives. We meet Master Crane first. After meeting him, we jump on the clouds and get to the next island. Clearing out the enemies, we get to a small courtyard, inside which we free Masters Viper and Mantis from captivity. Continuing to exterminate enemies, we get to the masters Monkey and Tigress.

Wolf Moon

After watching the video, we begin the game for Poe. Learning to jump on beams. Having descended to the ground, we receive a task - to save the villagers. Having freed the four, we approach the river and watch a cut-scene in which two wolves cut down a tree and create a bridge for us. Having dealt with the enemies, we cross the river. And we continue to jump on the beams and save residents, then we cut down the tree to create a crossing. On the next bank we rescue the last captured residents and continue our journey along the beams. Thus, we climb onto a small hill and watch a cutscene in which the Wu Sisters appear. The boss fight begins. Tactics - we wait until they stop spinning and fall to their knees, after which we knock out all three one by one. As a reward we get a card.

Mystery of the Sands

We watch a video in which we see how Oogway instructs Po on the path of learning mastery. After which, in the role of Poe, we roll down the hill and receive the task of finding four moonstones. To do this, we climb the small slides and roll down from them onto the larger ones. As soon as we get the fourth stone, we watch a cut-scene in which Tai Lung will push us into the opened secret passage to the arena. To stop the flow of enemies, you need to break eight locks over the passages, to do this you need to throw bombs at them. Having finished with the enemies and passages, watch the short final video.


At the end of the video, we begin to play for Shifu, we need to prevent his wolves from destroying fourteen artifacts. Having defeated quite a few wolves, we watch a cut-scene in which Tai Lung effectively appears, and the boss fight begins. The tactic is the following - hide behind the columns while he scatters stones, or hold a block, after which QTE will begin, after three times Tai Lung will break his way up, we chase him! We begin the battle with his henchmen - the wolves. After defeating them, Tai Lung will begin to alternate throwing single stones with throwing a pile of stones, we wait all this behind the statue, after which we perform the QTE again, upon its completion the enemies will come out again, then the situation will repeat, in total you need to complete the QTE three times, after which Tai Lung will run away again , let's follow him! We have to dodge stones thrown at us, after which we wait for the QTE to begin, and having successfully completed it, watch the video.

The Purpose of a Warrior

We watch a video in which we find out the secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup. After which Poe’s father is kidnapped and we, in his role, rush to dad’s extravagance. We extinguish fires by throwing barrels of water at them. Along the way, we receive the task of saving the villagers. Having saved several residents and got rid of some of the fires, we approach the rubble and after a short cut-scene we encounter the boss - Bull. The tactic is to block his attacks, waiting for an opportune moment, and then simply hit back, or throw barrels of water at him. Having defeated the enemy, we undermine the next blockage, after which we run to the cannon with fireworks and begin to shoot from it at the advancing enemies. Having crossed to the other side, we join Master Monkey. We start the game with a Monkey, we need to get rid of the archers blocking Po’s further path. Having dealt with the obstacle, we again get Po under our control and follow the path laid by the Monkey. After a short cut-scene, we deal with a squad of opponents, then a previously defeated bull appears, the tactics are similar. After losing all health, you must complete a QTE, as a result, we will completely get rid of this enemy.

The last battle

After a short video, we begin to roll down the steps in the role of Po, grappling with Tai Lung, stopping at the first platform, we begin a fight, the tactic is to hold the block, as soon as it is set up, hit. After losing about a third of our HP, we roll down again, after which we have a fight with his henchmen, which ultimately leads to a QTE, then we fight again with Tai Lung, who is already at full health. The tactics are similar to the initial one, but you can quickly win this part if Tai Lung jumps off the roof. Next, we watch how one of the wolves steals our scroll and begins to chase him. After defeating the villain, we take the scroll and watch a cut-scene in which Tai Lung takes the scroll, after which we fight the wolves again. Having defeated them all, we begin a fight with Tai Lung, the tactics are still the same - hold the block when he stands up to hit, you can also throw barrels of water at him. When the enemy's health runs out, a cutscene will appear in which we have to perform a finger grab through a QTE. After defeating the boss, watch the final video and credits. On this walkthrough of the game Kung Fu Panda ends.

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