Pechnikova Albina Anatolyevna, literature teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “Zaikovskaya Secondary School No. 1”
Job title: Fantastic tale "Space Rescuers"
We bring to your attention the author's fairy tale about the cosmic expanses of the Universe. When creating works, I try to write in different thematic areas. The fantastic tale will tell about how the heroes find themselves in the future of 3691 and help earthlings return to their planet. Fairytale story maybe useful for teachers literature, teachers - organizers, class teachers school community in preparing and conducting theatrical performances for Cosmonautics Day for school-age children.
Target: Development creativity students.
1) teach children to perceive the real and unreal world through the prism of imagination and fantasy;
2) instill an interest in books and a desire to write good fantastic tales;
3) develop oral speech children and acting.

Fantastic tale "Space Rescuers"

It was an ordinary morning, which foreshadowed a completely unusual day... It was August 21, 3691. I was 13 years old. I was in the 7th grade and assumed that this particular year would be the unluckiest of my life. And, unfortunately, I turned out to be right. After the water procedures, as usual, I began setting up my wrist teleporter to get to school. It was black with orange stripes and a wide strap covered in graffiti of the same color. In addition to the teleporter, it had a clock, a TV, a cellular hologram, and a lot of other new technology. And so I chose my destination, pressed the “start” button, and everything would have been fine if not for one unforeseen circumstance. My school was located on Gidronskaya Street, but last night they decided to rename this street to Dremerskaya, since the previous name lasted more than 600 years. Therefore, I teleported to a non-existent object, and I was simply thrown out into the MCC - an intergalactic space civilization (over the past 1000 years we have managed to make friends with some aliens). I wanted to go back home, but, as luck would have it, my teleport was discharged due to high magnetism.
All that remained was to find Ronits, Zidoks or people to ask them for help. I walked straight down the corridor and came to a fork in two exactly the same ones. Wandering for a long time in this “cosmic” labyrinth, I suddenly heard cautious steps. Having discovered this, I accelerated. The steps also became more frequent. Around the corner I saw Seryozha. He studied in the 5th grade and, as it turned out, also “ended up at the wrong address.”

- Hello! What do we do? – I asked.
“I don’t know myself,” answered Gray.
- Now there are at least two of us! It won't be so scary. We need to find someone.
- Clearly understood! But everyone is still sleeping. For them, morning will come only in 3 hours.
- This is problem. Then let's look for something to eat, I haven't eaten anything since the morning.
We went looking for food, and after half an hour of useless wandering, we returned to the same place.

“We should have gone right,” I said.
“Well, if that’s the case, let’s go, trying isn’t torture,” Gray answered.
To the right was a blue corridor with red lights along the edges. At the end of it there was some kind of door. We easily opened it by lowering the red lever. There was a cabin with two windows and chairs, a touch panel and a daily supply of food. After breakfast, we wanted to go, but the doors did not open. I started pressing all the buttons, and then the cabin we were in disconnected from the MCC and went out into open space. It became clear that this was an emergency “boat”. We didn’t know how to control it, so in a panic we began to look for all sorts of means of communication to inform someone about our problem. But, unfortunately, we had nothing but discharged wrist teleporters.

Outside, the cold stars shone with a blue shine. Red, yellow, orange dust rushed throughout the Universe. We despaired and thought that now we would fly in space forever! And suddenly...
- What's happened!? What's the matter!? – Seryozha shouted loudly.
- Don't know. We may have encountered something!
I managed to notice a certain black funnel in the porthole, which was spinning so quickly that I even felt dizzy.
- Hole! Black! – I shouted.

We woke up lying on the yellow earth. Above us stood a red sun in a green sky. It was unusually easy to breathe, and in order to get full lungs of air, you had to take a small breath.
- Well, where are we? – I asked.
“Do you think there is life here?” muttered Gray.
- This needs to be checked.
- Shall we go to that lake over there and see what the water is like? If it is fresh, it will be great! Moreover, we found very little water in the cabin. The water was greenish-pink in color. It tasted no different from regular drinking water, except that it was a little bitter. Soon we heard some sounds. We came closer and saw creatures very similar to people. The skin was almost the same color, but with a gray-blue tint.

-Oh, people! – Seryoga exclaimed.
-Quiet! What if they are evil!? They'll eat it inadvertently...
We did not immediately leave our shelter, overpowering our fear, we walked a little and immediately felt someone’s intense, tenacious gaze on us. We felt awkward, then we raised our hands and said:
- We've come with peace!
It seemed that they did not understand us, but it was worth a try. All the “UFOs” (as I jokingly called the inhabitants of this planet) immediately surrounded us and took us to some building. It was white with blue stripes and a red roof.
“Yad mi tseop,” said one of them. At first we didn’t understand anything, but then it dawned on us that this was the same Russian language, only “upside down.” In a vessel that looked like a flask, we were given some kind of liquid. It was green and very similar to semolina porridge with large lumps.
“Ugh, what disgusting!” Gray frowned.
It tasted like cucumber with kiwi and peas, but we had to eat it." hellish mixture", since there was no other food!
- We're s-e-li. “Ym il-e-op!!!” I said carefully.
No one responded. We went outside, and there was the same deathly silence. Suddenly, from the window of some building, shouts were heard: “Etidokhu, setchyarp eertsyb!!!”
- Why do we need to hide!? – I asked.
And then a strange spaceship appeared in the sky in the form of a huge pencil or rocket. Our ears were blocked, fear pressed our feet to the yellow earth!

- Oh God, what is this!?
- Let's run quickly before this bandura crushes us!
We rushed headlong towards the building from which the screams were heard. The spaceship slowly landed, and astrons began to emerge from it one after another. Then we watched for a long time as they brought out earthlings in chains and glowing hand teleporters.
- They are kind! How could they?!!
It became clear to us that no one was going to release the prisoners. The Astracts turned out to be cunning, evil and merciless! We had to act decisively and quickly! I took command upon myself; although Sergei was a boy, he was clearly a timid person. Noticing the hologram and the teleport, I quietly reached them and quietly hid them under my clothes. When the Astracts were distracted by refueling their bodies, Gray and I slowly created holograms of the prisoners, and transported the real earthlings to the ship. It’s good that we were taught hologists and management at school spaceships various modifications. I had an A, so I easily coped with the controls of the spacecraft.

If you look up on a clear, cloudless night, you will see a magnificent picture of the starry sky. Thousands of flickering multi-colored lights form fancy shapes, captivating the eye. In ancient times, people believed that these were burning lanterns mounted on a crystal firmament. Today we all know that these are not lanterns, but stars. What are stars? Why are they shining and how far are they from us? How are stars born and how long do they live? This and much more is our story.

To understand what a star is, just look at our Sun. Yes, yes, our Sun is a star! But how can this be? - you ask. “After all, the Sun is big and hot, and the stars are so small and don’t provide any warmth at all.” The whole secret is in the distance. The sun is practically “nearby” - only about 150 million kilometers, and the stars are so far away that scientists do not even use the concept of “kilometers” to measure the distance to the stars. They came up with a special unit of measurement called the “light year.” ABOUT light year We'll tell you a little later, but for now...

Why are stars colored? Hot and cold stars
The stars we observe vary in both color and brightness. The brightness of a star depends both on its mass and on its distance. And the color of the glow depends on the temperature on its surface. The coolest stars are red. And the hottest ones have a bluish tint. White and blue stars are the hottest, their temperatures are higher than the temperature of the Sun. Our star, the Sun, belongs to the class of yellow stars.

How many stars are there in the sky?
It is almost impossible to calculate even approximately the number of stars in the part of the Universe known to us. Scientists can only say that there may be about 150 billion stars in our Galaxy, which is called the Milky Way. But there are other galaxies! But people know much more accurately the number of stars that can be seen from the surface of the Earth with the naked eye. There are about 4.5 thousand such stars.

How are stars born?
If the stars light up, does that mean someone needs it? In the endless outer space There are always molecules of the simplest substance in the Universe - hydrogen. Somewhere there is less hydrogen, somewhere more. Under the influence of mutual attractive forces, hydrogen molecules are attracted to each other. These attraction processes can last for a very long time - millions and even billions of years. But sooner or later, the hydrogen molecules are attracted so close to each other that a gas cloud forms. With further attraction, the temperature in the center of such a cloud begins to rise. Another millions of years will pass, and the temperature in the gas cloud may rise so much that a thermonuclear fusion reaction will begin - hydrogen will begin to turn into helium and a new star will appear in the sky. Any star is a hot ball of gas.

The lifespan of stars varies significantly. Scientists have found that the greater the mass of a newborn star, the shorter its lifespan. The lifespan of a star can range from hundreds of millions of years to billions of years.

Light year
A light year is the distance covered in a year by a beam of light traveling at a speed of 300 thousand kilometers per second. And there are 31,536,000 seconds in a year! So, from the closest star to us, called Proxima Centauri, a beam of light travels for more than four years (4.22 light years)! This star is 270 thousand times farther from us than the Sun. And the rest of the stars are much further away - tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of light years from us. This is why stars appear so small to us. And even in the most powerful telescope, unlike planets, they are always visible as dots.

What is a "constellation"?
Since ancient times, people have looked at the stars and seen in the bizarre figures that form groups of bright stars, images of animals and mythical heroes. Such figures in the sky began to be called constellations. And, although in the sky the stars included by people in this or that constellation are visually close to each other, in outer space these stars can be located at a considerable distance from each other. The most famous constellations are Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. The fact is that in the constellation Ursa Minor included polar Star, which the north pole of our planet Earth points to. And knowing how to find the North Star in the sky, any traveler and navigator will be able to determine where north is and navigate the area.

Some stars, at the end of their lives, suddenly begin to glow thousands and millions of times brighter than usual, and eject huge masses of matter into the surrounding space. It is commonly said that a supernova explosion occurs. The glow of the supernova gradually fades and eventually only a luminous cloud remains in the place of such a star. A similar supernova explosion was observed by ancient astronomers in the Near and Far East July 4, 1054. The decay of this supernova lasted 21 months. Now in the place of this star there is the Crab Nebula, known to many astronomy lovers.

The birth, life and decay of stars is studied by the science of astronomy. Love astronomy, study it - and your life will be filled with new meaning!

Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in the sky? Or maybe they wanted to count them? The starry sky is a big mystery that has long attracted adults and children with unusual bright lights and interesting phenomena. But it turns out that the way we see it is just a beautiful wrapper, but in fact there is a whole starry world with its own stories, adventures and others interesting events. Which ones exactly? Our fairy tale about the Bear and the North Star will tell about this. So make yourself comfortable.

An unusual star world or a fairy tale about the North Star and its friends

Since ancient times, many small bright stars have lived in the sky, which are perhaps the most beautiful creatures worldwide. Their shining clothes are a real opportunity for pride, because they even attract people - strange creatures living on one of the planets. Why strange? Yes, because the stars could not understand their way of life: they were always in a hurry somewhere, not even knowing the way, exposing themselves to the danger of getting lost, rarely thinking about what the world really is like and what their purpose is. Worries, worries and worries. This is how their life passed on one of the most picturesque planets in the Universe.
It was completely incomprehensible to the small bright stars how they could live like this, because, unlike people, they were never in a hurry, they lived measuredly and constantly thought about the lofty things - the meaning of life, heavenly harmony and the incredible beauty of the Universe. Most of all they were interested and fascinated by the unusual laws that governed their world, which was called Cosmos. Comets, meteorites and entire systems of planets rushed through it at incredible speed, and their routes were so precise and harmonious that they did not collide with each other. This was the essence of celestial harmony - a very well-thought-out system of rules and laws that all celestial bodies strictly adhered to.
In their free time from thinking, the stars rejoiced in their outfits, sang star songs and even did a star dance. True, it was very different from what people understood by dance. The reason for this is simple - the stars were forbidden to move from place to place, so their movements were extremely limited. The little beauties were surprised by this, but they never became indignant or protested, realizing that this was one of the rules of heavenly harmony. In general, the habit of being indignant is also inherent only in people.

Once, during such entertainment, the North Star, the brightest star in the sky, began to talk about people:
- Look, they got lost again.
- Who? - asked one of her friends.
- Yes, sailors! We swam in the wrong direction. Well, how can you go on the road without understanding the cardinal directions at all?
“Indeed,” another heavenly beauty picked up her conversation, “the Chumaks are lost.” They will have to look for salt for a long time, if they find it at all.
“And if they find it, they’ll get lost again on the way home,” Polar Star laughed loudly and suddenly fell silent. She felt it was wrong to laugh at people who lived so far below. Good for them, the stars. From above you can really see everything perfectly. But is it really as easy to live without pointers?
The North Star was not only the brightest, but also very kind and smart. So she instantly came up with an interesting idea:
- What if we become signposts for people? We will show them the way. We still can’t move away from each other, so it will be easy for people to remember our individual groups and navigate in space. And for a better understanding, we will now quickly draw a map of the starry sky.
- Great idea! — one of her closest neighbors supported Polar Star. “And I also suggest that we come up with names for our groups.” For example, Mizar, Mirak and their friends look very much like a bear to me. Why don't they call it that?
- Hmm, you look like a little bear to me! - Mizar laughed.

- Ursa Major and Ursa Minor! - Polar Star summed up, - in my opinion, it sounds great. The fairy tale about the North Star and Ursa Minor is a good name for a new and interesting story.
- Polar Star, maybe you’ll fantasize about your adventures later, but now let’s finish what we started? - Mizar interrupted her thoughts.
- Yes, sure! We need to draw a map to help people.
This is how individual constellations were formed in the starry sky, and for a long time people have become accustomed to finding their way around them. Therefore, if you don’t know something, don’t forget to raise your head to the sky from time to time. Little bright beauties are always ready to help.

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MOU Travninskaya secondary school Dovolensky district, Novosibirsk region

Literary and poetry competition "Sunny Country"
Nomination: Real or fictional stories

One family had no children. The couple lost all hope and resigned themselves to their fate. They understood that only a miracle could help them. But they were too old to believe in miracles.
One late evening, the couple saw a falling star in the sky. They had one desire for both of them - to become parents. That's what they wished for.
And soon our heroes heard a child’s heart-rending cry. It seemed that the child was crying right under the windows of the house. Opening the doors, they saw a little girl. She amazed with her extraordinary beauty. The man took the girl in his arms and, feeling a surge of tenderness, entered the house. The woman looked around the yard, but did not notice anyone or anything. Entering the house, she beckoned the child to her. The girl looked up at her. The eyes were blue, like the Universe itself. A sweet face was framed by golden hair. Warmth radiated from the child. And our heroes were also struck by the fact that the girl seemed to emit a flickering light, like a star. Well, how can you not love such a child?!
The couple fell in love with the girl at first sight and raised her as their own daughter. They gave her a name - Ariel. She grew up in affection and love. Every year, parents discovered more and more new abilities and possibilities of the child. But sometimes they noticed strange things about her and considered it a quirk. Ariel spoke to the stars. She told her parents that the stars were calling her to them. She really wants to go to the stars, but she cannot leave Earth until she grows up. The woman was very worried after such conversations with her daughter, and the man chuckled. He was a very practical person and did not believe in any miracles. Although he admitted that the very appearance of the girl was a miracle. But he explained it in his own way: “For our long-suffering, we were rewarded by God or providence. But we deserve it. My daughter is happy with us, why does she need to go somewhere?”
Time passed, the girl grew up. But her desire to go into space only grew stronger over the years. When she thought about this, her skin glowed with a flickering light. One day Ariel realized that the air was for her like water for the inhabitants water depths. She easily kicked off the ground with her feet and soared high into the sky. The parents were stunned and scared. And they also realized that now nothing would keep their beloved girl on Earth, next to them. How heavy their hearts became for both of them. A man and a woman would not mind at all if their daughter remained an ordinary person.
The time has come for separation. Ariel grew stronger, became more comfortable in the air, and the stars inexorably called to her. She promised her parents not to forget and to visit. And again she easily pushed off the Earth with her feet and quickly flew upward. Her golden hair fluttered like flames. Ariel quickly left the earth's atmosphere and found herself in airless space. There, far in space, she felt only a pleasant lightness. There was no usual earthly breathing, but she lived! She was at home! And it seemed to her that the stars were whispering friendly words. From somewhere outside, a voice or something like a voice was heard, telling her that she was a Child of the Cosmos! This news gave me strength. Ariel was overwhelmed with delight. She could move freely from star to star, from one Galaxy to another. And when she got tired, she could sit down on some passing asteroid or meteorite. Stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae, shimmering with pink, blue, green light, and even all the colors of the rainbow, stunned and delighted the small but fearless girl. Only the mysterious black “holes” did not Ariel approach. She knew there was danger there!
Our little, fragile girl remembered that she was raised on the wonderful blue planet Earth. She is used to considering the Earth her home. Ariel often visited her parents, telling them about what she saw and heard there, far from Earth. The parents fell in love with their daughter even more. They looked forward to her unexpected returns and were frightened by her unexpected departures.
One day, while walking far in space, Ariel met aliens. They were short, their skin was gray, covered with large folds. Huge green eyes angrily examined the girl from under the brow ridges. They understood perfectly well who they met on their way, they knew that the cosmos gave the girl strength. Therefore, they invited her to join them. We shared our plans. And the most immediate plans were the destruction of planet Earth. Ariel refused without hesitation. She decided to save at all costs home planet. The stars gave the fearless girl an unusually durable and beautiful star shield. The sun gave her fiery power.
There were countless aliens. They simultaneously turned towards the Earth. A green light streamed from their eyes, bringing death to the planet. Ariel created a star shield around herself and repelled the alien attack. Having gathered in his hand a powerful fire ball, the child of the Cosmos destroyed the uninvited evil “guests” with one blow.
The gray creatures were destroyed, and the small planet glowed blue under the rays of the sun. The poor girl gave all her strength to save native home, loved and dear people to her, and turned into the brightest star in our entire Galaxy. It still shines brightly and provocatively in the mysterious night sky. With its radiance, the star makes people’s souls purer and lures them into the starry distances.

Starry sky... Enchanting, alluring, twinkling with thousands of lights, bottomless and endless, so close and at the same time so distant... Not the one that is illuminated by the night city or street lamps, but the one that is far from civilization, such that cosmic darkness is visible . To do this, you don’t have to go to the mountains or the steppe. It is enough to go ten kilometers from settlement and retire, for example, in a river valley or in a clearing surrounded at some distance by forest.

First Most of the photos are clickable, to enlarge them, click on the picture:
1. Summer sky of the Astronomical City; 2. Starry sky in the mountains.

For me the starry sky from early childhood was the most important mystery and at the same time the most sacred dream. I loved to lie for a long time on a haystack near my village house and admire this endless, shimmering beauty. And dream... That it would be nice to have the capabilities of an astronaut and fly into space at superluminal speed on a ship in order to get close and touch the magic of the most unusual cosmic worlds. With these thoughts, being inside the visualized, vivid images of the space traveler, I often fell asleep in my bed. As a child, I found a map and learned all the constellations in the sky.

The most beloved and desired films for me as a child were science fiction films. space theme. During their showing, I mentally disappeared from my space and was there, in cosmic worlds, together with the heroes of the films. It's a pity that back then (70s) these films were very rare on television (only a couple of times a year). I remember what a strong emotional surge I received during my first viewing of color space science fiction in the city cinema when I became a university student. The library in the village school was weak; there were no books on space science fiction. I remember the emotional shock I received when in the 9th grade the teacher brought a voluminous collection fantastic stories and stories. I read until the morning. The next book was “The Hour of the Bull” by Ivan Efremov...

Among my classmates, school friends and children's circle, there was no one who was so keen and delighted with the starry sky. It seemed strange to me then. Now it’s clear why. After all, space is one of the channels here on Earth that forces us to ask questions - who am I, where am I from, where am I, why am I. And if a person is not ready to seek and receive answers to these questions due to young age soul, or due to a lack of experience and knowledge recorded in his spiritual memory, then he does not have a strong craving and powerful delight from contemplating the starry distances. I will say more, after passing the “line” of spiritual transformation, when a person from talking about love becomes spiritually loving, when answers to the above-mentioned sacred questions are received, the delight and pleasure from being under the starry sky and contemplating the constellations only intensifies...

Stars. I have already written in detail about one star, the most important one for us. The Sun is a small, calm, single star of spectral class G (G2V - “yellow dwarf”), one of 200 - 300 billion in our galaxy. An ordinary star, not distinguished by anything special. There are a majority of them. Therefore, with regard to the structure of stars, they glow and life, then there is no point in repeating. It is worth noting here what is characteristic of other stars and stellar systems, but not characteristic of the Sun.

The photo is clickable, to enlarge it, click on the image:
1. Pleiades; 2. Witch in the light of the stars.

With the naked eye, about 3,000 stars are visible in the sky in each hemisphere (northern and southern), about 6,000 in total. Powerful ground-based telescopes can increase this figure millions of times.

1. Star clusters in NGC 1313; 2. Star cluster M34; 3. M39 - open cluster in Cygnus; 4. Kemble Cascade.

There are so many stars in our galaxy that only about 0.01% of their number is included in catalogs. The rest have not yet been identified or counted. Most famous stars- Polaris, Sirius, Vega, Aldebaran, Arcturus, Rigel, Mizar, Algol and others. According to the established tradition, supported by astronomers, only about 300 bright stars have their own names. There are no officially assigned names for the stars. In this regard, star naming certificates issued by some organizations are a private initiative and are not recognized by the International Astronomical Union.

The first photo is clickable, to enlarge it, click on the image:
1. Constellations Draco and Ursa Minor; 2. Constellation Ursa Major.

More ancient people bright stars mentally connected with lines and received geometric figures or patterns - constellations- called names. For example, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Orion, Cassiopeia, Sagittarius, Lyra, Cygnus, Andromeda, Pegasus, etc. As a rule, the names of the constellations were consonant with the characters of myths and legends. Thus, constellations are fairly large, conventionally defined areas celestial sphere, each of which contains several bright stars that are clearly visible to the naked eye. Later, star atlases appeared, based on constellations, accompanied by beautiful drawings of mythical characters. In them the stars were indicated by letters Greek alphabet in descending order of their brightness: α is the brightest star in the constellation, β is the second brightest, etc. The stars included in a constellation are not necessarily close to each other in space.

1. Constellation Orion in the sky; 2. Constellation Orion on the star map.

It seems that the stars in the sky are close to each other. In fact distances between them are huge even by cosmic standards. The closest star to Earth (not counting the Sun) is Proxima Centauri. It is located 4.2 light years (or 39 trillion km = 3.9 x 10 13 km) from solar system(1 light year is the distance that light travels in outer space in one year). The brightness of a star in the sky is related not only to its distance from the Earth, but also to the size of the star itself and its luminosity.

Stars differ from each other in many ways. First of all, by blossom. The stars are blue, white-blue, white, yellow-white, yellow, orange and red. The color of a star depends on the temperature of its surface. The hottest stars are blue (up to 60,000 ° Kelvin on the surface), the coldest are red (2000 - 3500 ° K). In general, it is very difficult to determine the color of faint stars with the naked eye, whereas in photographs it is easily visible. The color of stars is much easier to determine when observing through a telescope. It should also be kept in mind that observers perceive color differently: some eyes are more sensitive to blue rays and have difficulty distinguishing red stars, or vice versa.

The second distinguishing feature is brightness star, which is rated at stellar magnitudes. Thus, a star that is perceived by the eye as a star of the first magnitude is almost twice as bright as a star of the second magnitude, which in turn is the same number of times brighter than a star of the third magnitude, etc. Stars up to 6th magnitude are visible to the naked eye. A first magnitude star is exactly 100 times brighter than a sixth magnitude star. It is customary that the brightest stars have negative values stellar magnitudes.

1. The star Betelgeuse, visible through the Hubble telescope; 2. The mottled surface of the star Betelgeuse.

The third distinguishing feature is size stars. Here the ratio between the smallest and largest reaches even greater values. The picture on the left shows comparative sizes The Sun (small dot on the left, below) with the blue star LBV 1906-20.

Another picture on the left, if you click on it, will reveal a large picture that clearly shows the sizes of the stars in comparison. And below are two videos where this comparison of the Earth and the Sun with other stars is even more impressive.

These videos can be downloaded from YOUTUBE at And

Masses stars vary within much more modest limits and most range from 0.07 to 100-150 solar masses. There are heavier ones, but such massive stars are very rare. Stars vary greatly in density. Among them there are those whose cubic centimeter of substance outweighs a large loaded ocean ship. For example, the density of a substance white dwarf one million times the density of water. And a neutron star, which is only a few kilometers in size, has a density of matter 280 trillion times greater than the density of water. The matter of other stars is so discharged that its density in the surface layers is less than the density of the vacuum that is achievable in earthly laboratory conditions.

The following are distinguished: types of stars: brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, red giants, variables, Wolf-Rayet and T Tauri stars, novae, supernovae and neutron stars. You can read more about this in the materials, links to which are given at the end of the text.

Photos are clickable, to enlarge them, click on the image:
1. M13 - a huge globular star cluster; 2. Millions of stars in Omega Centauri.

By number of stars, connected in a group, there are single and multiple (double, triple and higher multiplicity) star systems. If a system contains more than ten stars, it is called a star cluster. Our Sun is a single star. Double (multiple) stars are very common in the galaxy (more than 70% of stars). For example, the brightest star visually observed in the sky, Sirius, is double (next to it, a white dwarf also rotates around a single gravitational center).

Different types of stars undergo different evolution. Its main stages are as follows: birth, life on the main sequence, the final stage and death of the star. Stars are born from gas and dust clouds when gravitational compression and heating of matter occurs to temperatures that trigger thermonuclear processes. Star formation regions are usually identified by the presence of massive, hot and bright (young) stars. When I end my life, depending on the class, ordinary stars either turn into white dwarfs, neutron stars or pulsars, or fade out and become invisible (“black” dwarfs), or explode as supernovae, or turn into black holes.