Imagine that you unexpectedly discovered the "time car" ... Do you really abandoned the possibility of at least one eye to take a look, what is going on, say, in 2153? To find out - whether cars fly there in the air, whether a person turned into an absolute lord of technology and elements, is there any wars or we all live in peace and harmony? Of course, these are all fantasies and sometimes it is sometimes difficult to say that tomorrow is waiting for us ... But there are such coughs that are not afraid to predict the future by year. Why there for years ... for hundreds of years ahead!

Scientific seams

Always a curious British company BBC (Air Force) decided to pose his loyal readers a question: "What will our world look like in 100 years?" People liked so much to fantasize the future, that the edition literally fell asleep with letters. But one thing is the fantasy of ordinary people, and quite another thing - that scientists think about this. Therefore, comment on the assumptions of readers asked for eminent futurologists Ian Pearson and Patrick Taper.

As you know, the main task of futurologists is the prediction of the future. But, unlike psychics, for this purpose they are not trying to contact space, but enjoy solely by the gifts of science and "steal" ideas from the world of science fiction ... Of course, some assumptions may seem to you too incredible, and in general you will be right . But still it should be recognized that sometimes the prediction of futurologists come true. A couple of hundred years ago no one would have believed that artificial conception is possible, and a person will be able to go into space. Moreover, even the usual mobile phone and Internet will pretty shocked residents of the XIX century.

Fantasy or reality?

The devotees of the BBC fans are confident that after a hundred years, all production will move ... to the bottom of the ocean! Thousands of farms under the thickness of water will produce all the necessary food, and in a unheard of scale.
Interestingly, futurologists have imbued with this idea. True, amended the fact that farms will be limited to the production of fish and algae, which will be used to produce fuel. Why produce artificially fish and algae, and even in the ocean, remains a mystery. Apparently, there will be an ecology of the case at all ...

According to another popular opinion, in the future, everything without exception will learn to transmit their thoughts at a distance. According to futurologists, it is quite possible. Even more, telepathy will become the same familiar thing as storage in computer networks of our thoughts!

It turns out that cloning caused by a large public resonance is only the first stage of biological experiments over a person. A century later, scientists will learn how to create perfect people with incredible intelligence, and the main thing, immortality, are confident interviewed.

Scientists assume that at first, only a significant extension of the average life expectancy is possible. But after a while, thanks to the possibility of communication of the human brain with a computer, immortality will also become affordable.

According to our circulatory system, special nanorobots will circulate, the main task of which is to repair the damaged cells of our organism.

Experts believe that this is quite possible, despite the fact that now nanorobot exists only in theory. Futurologist Reimond Kurzveyal went even further and suggested that by 2040, nanorobots will continue to use a person that our body will fully consist of these "little drugs". So everyone can change their appearance depending on the command set by nanorobot.

The times of shamanism have long passed, and yet many dream that humanity will be able to completely subjugate natural phenomena. Futurologists agree with this assumption only in part. They believe that people will be able to control the weather only in particularly critical situations, for example, when flooding or tornado. However, even with such possibilities, many would be glad. This is especially true for residents of high-risk regions, which often suffer from "whims" of nature.

Also, according to the respondents, in the future the attitude towards family values \u200b\u200bwill change, which is also important. In particular, in a hundred years, no one remembers that children can be done and not from the test tube. Researchers note that now more and more people are resorted to artificial fertilization.
In addition, science does not stand still and at the moment the embryo scan allows you to determine most of the genetic diseases. And after dozens of years, scientists will be able to select absolutely healthy embryos. Accordingly, using artificial fertilization, the risk of having a sick child will be zero.

Attitude towards the Institute of Marriage will also radically change, or rather, it will not be so much. Now newlyweds will make an annual contract confirming their marital status.

Futurologists believe that such a skill of events is quite likely, and in the first place it will be associated with a significant increase in the average duration.

Wange and did not dream

If you seem too incredible previous guesses, I hurry to delight you - the assumptions of the futurologists themselves will surprise you even more.

So, the researchers believe that already in a couple of years, special computers will enlone the light, which will have not only high power, but also some human abilities!

The cars will cease to be just a set of insensitive iron. Now they can argue, feel and even create! Already by 2018, on forecasts of experts, the computer will be able to scan its host and on the basis of this to determine his state of health. So, the queues in hospitals to the therapist will be reduced at least twice, which cannot but rejoice.

The feeling of taste will help the car to calculate the recipe for the perfect dish. Thanks to the developed hearing, the computer will be able to determine the cause of the child's crying and report the fragility of the design even before she collapses. And if you suddenly become lonely, the car will be able to sympathize and console.

On the other hand, great attention that is now paid to the technique, can lead to much more global changes than a speaking computer. And perhaps, such a situation can make it possible to pay out that fans of films about Robocop ...


Americans are serious people: they love all sorts of programs and reports. As an example, the Research Program "Heavenly Horizons" (Blue Horizons), on which scientists from different countries offer to the attention of the listeners their reports on future technologies.

At the next such meeting, experts from the US air troops demonstrated a visual video, talking about the trends towards the erasure of the faces between the car and man. In other words, they literally declared that people would soon resign the real cyborgs (simply speaking, man-like robots)!

Researchers believe that the first impetus for the emergence of cyborg society is the creation of chips with an artificial "brain", which completely imitates the work of the original. Recently, IBM has completed the calculations of the electronic brain model, which means that it is not far from the ERA's mountains in real independently thinking computers.

Further more ... and until the robot is almost impossible to distinguish from an ordinary person. Remember how in the film with Arnold Schwarznegher "Terminator"?
The motto of the material provided, scientists chose the gloomy quotation of Einstein: "Technological progress, as an ax in the hands of a pathological criminal." Not very positive, right? Especially if you consider that cyborgs will eventually be able to replace human labor with time and, as a result, there will be a mustache unemployment on the world of people.

At the very least, scientists from the Air Force are trying to predict possible methods of opposition that must minimize the negative effect and do not learn the next apocalypse. At the moment, the development of experts are under the edge "secret", and simple mortals are not available.

Light my mirror, tell me.

How will we look in 100 years? With the cyborg-neighbors, everything is clear, but will the person himself change? Experts on anatomy, thanks to which we now know how the distant descendants of a person are reasonable, are confident that during the evolution, the appearance of a modern man will suffer significant changes. Of course, this will happen in no one hundred years, but a thousand. But still...
Let's start with good news: average growth will increase I and will be from 1, 83 to 2.13 meters. On the other hand, the "intestine of a person will significantly decrease and will not need large quantities of fats and sucrose. Thus, a problem with obesity will be solved, "says Dr. Stemmer. So, high slender men, so adorable female half of the population, will meet more often. But the remaining changes in the human body are very dubious pleasure.

Our hands will hang out almost to your knees, and your fingers will become unnaturally long. Teeth are powered due to the fact that only soft food that does not require strong chewing will be included in our diet.

To some extent, we will resemble humanoids - big eyes and disproportionally small mouth. And, as a result, the main source of communication will be the expression of the face and the movement of the eyes. Here it's not to do without telepathy.

Futurologist Robin Mannings sincerely believes that women with appearance will be lucky. At least, all their drawbacks they can fix with special cosmetics, which can change their color, depending on the mood and experienced emotions.
Scientists did not miss and pretty spicy details. In their opinion, if the men's "fertility" will gradually shrink, as it happens now, then the sex glands will decrease in size ...

But most importantly, our brain will become less! And why? Yes, computers will be engaged in the main work on memorizing and processing information. Of course, perceive the forecasts of futurologists, as the truth in the last instance is not worth it. So, at the end of the 20s of the 20th century, they predicted the appearance of special seedlings from which they would grow at home, but as you know, nothing like this happened. "It is generally difficult to talk about these predictions as strictly scientific forecasts. When a scientist talks about the future, he puts his imagination into the course, "Gregory Benford protects his colleagues.

On the other hand, there are also positive examples. For example, Elvin Toffler wrote the book "Shock of the Future" in the 70s, which described that in the future news will be able to instantly travel around the world, one-sex marriages will appear, and violence will grow. Now we don't seem to all this with something amazing, but then everything was different. So, perhaps everything ...

Watkins's forecasts at the beginning of the twentieth century seemed strange and almost impossible, but considerable part of them was justified.

Futurologists Ian Pearson (IP) and Patrick Tucker (PT) comment on the assumptions about how the world will look in 100 years.

1. Thousands of farms will be operated in the oceans, which will produce food in unheard of scales.

Sea algae plantation

IP: Probability of 10 out of 10. We have to feed 10 billion people, and our planet does not have the resources for this. On such ocean farms, not only fish will be grown, but also algae, which will be used to obtain food and fuel.

Fri: This is quite possible. According to Denis Bushnell, the leading specialist of the NASA research center in Langley, seaweed, which will be genetically modified in order to absorb large volumes of nitrogen from the atmosphere, will free up to 68% of fresh water that humanity spends now in agriculture.

2. The transfer of thoughts to the distance will become a reality.

Scheme of transmission of electrical brain signals

IP: The probability of 10 out of 10. Telepathy will become one of the usual forms of increasing the functionality of the brain. The perception of thoughts and the transfer of them to the distance will be as habitual matter that storing thoughts in computer networks.

Fri: This is quite possible. Artificial telepathy now seems fantastic, but it is quite real, if under the transmission of thoughts to understand the transfer of electrical signals of the brain.

3. Thanks to the achievements of genetics, we will be able to create people with the highest level of intelligence with immortality.

Immortality. Engraving from the magazine "Spark". Bulgaria, 1891.

IP: Probability of 9 out of 10. The direct connection of the brain with a computer will give people immortality in the practical sense of the word, however, the gene modification will lead to a significant extension of life until the electronic immortality becomes available for everyone at a time price.

Fri: This is quite possible. The idea that the scientific breakthrough in genetics, biotechnologies and the development of artificial intelligence will expand the boundaries of the human mind and will allow us to significantly overcome death, sometimes called singularity.

4. We will learn to fully control the weather.

Powerful cumulative clouds

IP: Probability of 8 out of 10. Already now there are ways to deal with a tornado or rain challenge. Thanks to the study of the climate in recent years, due to fears for global warming, we are all better imagine the mechanisms of influence on the weather. Perhaps new methods of such an impact will be too expensive for everyday use, and they will be resorted only in critical circumstances.

Fri: This is quite possible. Such attempts are inevitable. Most American scientists support the federal program to study the methods of interference with the climate of our planet. These geo-engineering technologies are designed to neutralize the impact of a person on the climate.

5. Antarctica will lose the status of the protected area.


IP: Probability of 8 out of 10. The seduction of using this protected continent for mining mineral resources will be too strong. Humanity will go on this subject to the strictest observance of environmental norms.

Fri: This is quite possible. But before that, we will witness the development of the Arctic. In the coming decades, the struggle for control over the natural resources of the Arctic will be a major political problem for the northern countries and all mankind. In the case of a successful solution, the turn will come and Antarctica.

6. A single world currency will be introduced.

Classification of electronic money

IP: Probability of 8 out of 10. Already now we see electronic money that is used everywhere, and this trend will develop. It is possible that only a few regional physical currencies will remain for the middle of our century, plus the global e-currency. By the end of the century, it will become the only one.

SP: hardly. In fact, the trend in this area is directed in the opposite direction. The Internet makes it possible new forms of exchange of goods and services. Therefore, the number of different types of currency will increase rather.

7. A direct connection between the human brain and the computer will be installed.

Electric activity of the brain

IP: Probability of 10 out of 10. For many it will become a reality by 2050. By 2075, most residents of developed countries would use those or other computer amplifiers of brain functions.

8. Nanorobot will circulate in our bloodstream, engaged in the repair of cells and writing our thoughts.

Many nanorobots, theoretically "ready for work"

IP: probability 7 out of 10.

Fri: This is quite possible. So far, medical nanobots exist only in theory, but research in this area is developing very actively.

9. Thermonuclear synthesis will become a reality.

Model of the International Experimental Thermonuclear Reactor, ITER

IP: Probability of 10 out of 10. Thermonuclear power plants will appear to be 2045-2050, and for sure by 2100. Whether they will be the main source of energy for humanity is still unclear. It is likely that huge solar collectors and mining gas will be applied to this place.

10. California will become the first state that will come out of the United States.

IP: Probability of 8 out of 10. Already now there are signs that California will achieve exit from the Union of states and this trend can increase by the end of the century. This phenomenon is based on a huge difference in welfare between the states and in the reluctance of residents of richest states to finance poorer areas.

11. Space elevator will make space accessible to everyone.

Artistic fantasy: view of the space elevator, lifting goods from the ground to the orbital station, - "Space Port"

IP: Probability of 8 out of 10. The first space lifts will appear by the middle of the century and will be much cheaper than the usual ways to go to outer space. This will speed up the development of space and the development of space tourism, although, I doubt that the cost of their use will be massively accessible to people.

12. Artificial fertilization will completely replace natural.

Intracitoplasmic spermatozoa injection

PT: not far from the truth. Already, more and more people use new methods of fertilization. Genetic analysis and selection of fertilized embryos are increasingly used in specialized clinics. Already now scanning embryos allows you to determine about half of well-known genetic diseases. And in the upcoming ten years, scientists will learn to take almost 100% of full-fledged embryos.

IP: probability 5 out of 10.

13. The natural habitat of man and animals will be destroyed, and replaces and museums will come to her shift.

PT: not far from the truth. Our planet is located on the verge of a significant disappearance of species. Protection of biological diversity in the era of growing consumption of resources, overpopulation and environmental degradation will require victims, and often can occur at the expense of local, often poor, nations. Experts believe that the inclusion of the economic interests of residents of a number of areas in the struggle for the preservation of ecology should be a significant part of the environmental strategy.

IP: probability 2 out of 10.

14. Sovereign states will disappear, the global government will come to replace them.

PT: A good attempt, but hardly. On the contrary, the number of national states will increase. In the near future, wealthy citizens and rich corporations will strive to buy sections of the world's ocean to create their own island states in international waters.

IP: probability 2 out of 10.

15. War will be carried out exclusively by remote means.

IP: probability 5 out of 10.

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So, kaku believes that by 2030 a new type of contact lenses will appear in the world - they will be able to publish the Internet. Over the prototype of such a device, Professor Babak Parviz has already been operating from the University of Washington.

Various "spare parts" for human organisms should also appear. Today, the newest biotechnologies allow scientists without any problems to "grow" in laboratory conditions, new cartilage, noses, ears, blood vessels, heart valves, urinary bubbles, etc. Stem cells with a patient's DNA are dried on a gip-shaped plastic basis. When this cells add a catalyst, they begin to grow very quickly and multiply. So fresh fabrics appear first, and then the whole organs.

It is said that after 20 years the society will master telepathy capabilities. Today, scientists already have a special chip in the brain with paralyzed microcircuits, with which they can only manage to manage computers, write emails, play video games and use web browsers. Engineers from the Japanese company Honda have already learned how to create robots that are managed by patients with thoughts.

By 2070, scientists plan to return to the lives of many fauna representatives. For DNA samples, taken 25 years after the death of the animal, scientists were able to clone him in Brazil. The Neanderthal genome is already deciphered. And in scientific circles, seriously talking about the possible revival of this type of person. Why does this researchers, really, are completely incomprehensible, but human curiosity is truly immensely.

But that, beyond any doubts, scientists will develop, so these are technologies that will allow in the future to slow down our aging. Relevant experiments are already carried out on insects and some animals. It turns out that 30% of the extension of life is very simple: enough to reduce the consumption of calories by an average American or a European. In the future, it will be possible to prolong life with hundreds of technological methods.

But the most interesting thing is that by 2100 technology will appear "programmable matter" technologies. Everyone remembers Terminator-2 and the robot killer T-1000. This is about this and we are talking: materials will appear in the world, the form of which can program computers. Already created microchips in size with a pin head, which without problems can be rearranged by the effects of electrical discharges. They can take the form of a sheet of paper, then cups, then plates.

Scientists are also confident that cosmic technologies are also achieved. After a hundred years, we can fly to the stars on space ships, they say. It all starts with microcomputers "size from nail", which can be sent to millions throughout space. They will move in space at a speed close to the speed of light. Will look for an extraterrestrial mind and give him messages from earthlings, explore space. Then people will take advantage of the colonization of the star worlds.

After about a hundred years, mankind finally wakes cancer. It is known for certain that it is possible to prevent the disease and destroy it only in the early stages. In the future, our toileties will embed DNA chips that will be able to detect tumors at the most initial stage. Then in the organisms will run "cleaners" - special nano computers that will clean the body from cancer cells.

We are more and more. People on earth. And as is known, the increase in the number occurs in the exhibitor. That is, the further, the faster the population is growing. And the more people who become superfluous.

The growth of automation makes more and more people unnecessary. For example, the crew of the passenger aircraft 30 years ago consisted of 4-5 people, now from 2-3 people. There are already places where rail transport is controlled by a computer. Experiments on automatic car control are completed. The case goes to trial introduction. I think in 20-30 years, all transport will be fully automated, the profession of pilot, driver, the driver will disappear. Constrains the development of automation only one - the development of AI systems - artificial intelligence.

The development of medicine and the pension system reduce mortality and increase the life expectancy. People who do not produce anything becomes more.

Lack of large-scale hostilities. The last major war was over 60 years ago. Now the balance of forces in the world is such that only local conflicts are possible, in which several hundred thousand people are employed. What is incumbent in comparison with the total population of the Earth. Yes, and the loss of alive strength in the modern war is significantly lower than before.

The general trend is the following. The development of the state and society eliminates natural factors constraining the growth of the population of the Earth - illness and war. And at the same time makes more and more people unnecessary. Even in developed countries, employment becomes artificial - most of the jobs in public administration, marketing, finance can be destroyed without any consequences for society. Some countries begin to walk along this path, it is possible to live normally on the allowance and do nothing.

Wouldn't it be that in 100 years a thousand oligarchs will be with the help of robots to provide 100 billion people's population, which just have nothing to do? Or 1 billion will live in high-tech enclaves, and 99 billion lead an animal lifestyle.

Earth 2100.

The very idea that over the next century, the life, what we know it can end, will seem many very strange. Our civilization can collapse, leaving only traces of human existence. To change your future, you must first imagine it. It seems to be awesome, emergency and even impossible. But according to an ultra-modern scientific research, it is a very real opportunity. And if we continue to live as we live now, all this will definitely happen.

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A year ago, during his speech at Oxford University, Stephen Hoking said that humanity remained to live no more than 1000 years. But what can happen for this millennium? Are we doomed or will the bright future waiting for us? Let's try to make forecasts for the next one thousand years.

1. People will be able to live 1000 years

Many rich people are already investing significant funds in research research or even cessation of aging. It is possible that after a millennium, doctors can develop funds against each component affecting the aging of body tissues. Already, it is available for us to edit genes. Potentially they can help scientists control our genes and develop immunity to all diseases.

2. People will be able to move to other planets

It is possible that after 1000 years, our only chance for survival will be the creation of new colonies on other planets. Spacex, for example, is already building plans, the purpose of which is to turn humanity into cosmic civilization and create a self-sufficient settlement on Mars. Ilon Musk hopes to launch the first spacecraft by 2022 to get to Mars 2022.

3. All people will look equally

Dr. Kwan conducted an experiment, during which he made an assumption that after 100,000 years all people will be similar to each other. Distinctive features will be large nostrils and eyes, a large forehead, as well as darker skin. This scenario seems quite realistic, given that even modern scientists are trying to find a way to edit genomes, which would allow parents to choose the appearance of their children in the future.

4. Super-rapid intelligent computer systems will appear.

In 2014, the supercomputer was performed the most accurate modeling of the human brain today. After a thousand years, computers will be able to predict coincidences and exceed the computational velocity of the human brain, as well as instantly solve problems for which decades need modern computers.

In the new century, quantum computers will help us develop more efficient medicines and diagnoses, master space and manage vehicles. At the same time, quantum calculations can become a real threat to confidentiality and information security.

5. People turn into cyborgs

Machines are already helping people to improve eyesight and rumor. Modern scientists and engineers are trying to create bionic eyes that will be able to return sight to blind people. It is possible that in the XXXI century, merging with technologies will be the only opportunity to compete with artificial intelligence.

The combination of the human mind with a computer will lead to the creation of supercase, which can perform complex equations and the search on the Internet with the help of mental processes.

6. Mass extinction will occur

The last mass extinction led to the disappearance of dinosaurs from the face of the Earth. New studies show that the pace of extinction of species in the 20th century was 100 times higher than in normal conditions without the influence of man. Some scientists are confident that our civilization will be able to survive only under the condition of a gradual decline in the population of the planet.

7. People in all countries will speak in the same language.

The reason for the emergence of a universal language can be modernizing modern. Many linguists suggest that after 100 years, 90% of modern languages \u200b\u200bwill disappear as a result of migration, and the remaining will be simplified. However, the scenario of the Babylonian tower seems unlikely.

8. Buildings can be collected if necessary.

In the future, people are likely to create a virtual world around them, using the concept of useful fog. This idea was represented by Dr. Hollar. Useful fog is a polymorphic material consisting of trillion interconnected microscopic "robots", which can take any form.

9. Nanotechnology will solve the problem of energy and pollution

It can be hoped that in a thousand years with the help of nanotechnology, we will be able to refund damage caused by the environment, for example, to clean water and air from pollution, as well as use the energy of the Sun. With the help of new materials it will be possible to use new environmentally friendly and more efficient energy storage technologies.