Liliya Balyaeva Nikolaevna
Educational and educational complex as a means of teaching children the basics of the Tatar language for Russian-speaking children and Russian for Tatar-speaking children

Speech at the teachers' meeting topic:

"UMK - how a means of teaching children the basics of the Tatar language for Russian-speaking and Russian for Tatar-speaking children».

Modernization Russian education made constructive changes to the system preschool education. To replace traditional methods of organization pedagogical process Preschool educational institutions have come to the technologies of personality-oriented interaction between teachers and children, the expedient organization of developmental environment, project-activity and competency-based approaches to the organization of pedagogical work.

By resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic Tatarstan from 30.12.2010 No. 1174 “On approval of the Strategy for the development of education in the Republic Tatarstan for 2010-2015. G. "Kilchk", as part of the implementation of priority activities of the Strategy, by creative groups created by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic Tatarstan, educational and methodological kits have been developed for teaching children two state languages in preschool educational institutions Republic Tatarstan.

In connection with new approaches in teaching children state languages in preschool educational institutions of the republic, creative groups of the cities of Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny were developed:

1 set - each teaching Russian to Tatar-speaking children"We are studying Russian language» , creative group under the leadership of Gaffarova Sabili Mullanurovna;

2 sets - each teaching Russian-speaking children Tatar language « Tatarcha sylshbez» - "We speak Tatar» , creative group led by Zifa Mirkhatovna Zaripova, R. G. Kidryacheva;

3 set - each teaching Tatar-speaking children their native language"Tugan teld sylshbez", creative group under the leadership of Khazratova Fairuza Vakilevna, Zaripova Zifa Mirkhatovna;

4 set – for children preparatory school groups "Mktpkch yashtgelr Leafbass: avazlarny uynatyp" (For Tatar-speaking children) author Shaekhova Rezeda Kamilevna, manual “One is a word, two is a word” (entertaining teaching the Tatar language) author Shaekhova Rezeda Kamilevna.

Slide show.

Innovation of educational and methodological kits in addressing the practice of orientation, multimedia, learning through games, fairy tales, cartoons. Main the purpose of educational and methodological kits is the formation of correct oral native speech children preschool age.

The main task of mastering educational and methodological kits is teaching children speak correctly and beautifully (formation grammatical structure speech, phonetic and lexical levels language system, development of coherent speech).

Slide show. (which is included in the teaching materials)

IN middle group-67 ,senior-107, preparatory group-167 words. (slide show).

In our kindergarten works UMK program. UMK is not only the use verbal methods, and Also practical work in individual notebooks. Audio CDs are used in the work (cartoons, musical fairy tales, audio lessons on Tatar language for each age group).

An exhibition of visual material was held, showing ways to use games to reinforce the material covered.

Consultation for parents "Teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking children"

The positive impact of bilingualism on the development of memory, the ability to understand, analyze and discuss language phenomena, intelligence, reaction speed, mathematical skills and logic is undeniable. Bilingual children learn well and master abstract science, literature, and foreign languages. How younger child, the greater his chances of mastering a second language to the maximum extent possible and with natural pronunciation.

In the conditions of the new language situation in the republic, the formation of a person occurs under the influence of two national cultures, traditions, two systems of ethical norms of speech and non-speech behavior. Considering age characteristics children, and guided by the State Standard for Education and Upbringing, classes are held in the garden to study the Tatar language with Russian-speaking children. The lesson notes contain the following tasks:

*increase in children vocabulary;

*children’s participation in dialogues, development of children’s memory and imagination;

*to arouse children's interest in the Tatar language;

*instill in children a love for native land, to its nature and respect for it;

*introduce historical monuments and sights of the city of Kazan, etc.

This technique was developed specifically for children - a lightweight version, in game form. They will teach spoken language. There is a norm - by the first grade a child should know 167 Tatar words. According to the program developers, this will be enough to immerse the child in language environment and began studying the Tatar language as an adult - at school.

In the middle group We are working on the project “Minem Oem” (“My Home”), which includes following topics: “Gailә”, “Ashamlyklar”, “Uenchyklar”, “Sannar”, “Kabatlau”. In the classroom information is used communication technologies, situation games, visual materials, audio recordings, cartoons based on fairy tales of Tatar writers. Children also complete tasks on workbooks.

The game is an effective and accessible form of activity when teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds.

In the senior and preparatory group knowledge on topics is expanded and deepened. Projects in senior groups are called “Uyny-uyny үsәbez” (“Growing up while playing”), in preparatory groups they are called “Without inde khazer zurlar-maktәpkә ilta yullar” (“Soon to school”). Children develop skills:

* distinguish between speech in Tatar and native languages;

* understand speech in the Tatar language within the topics studied;

* ask questions;

* express a request, desire, need, need for something;

* retell short texts;

* compose a story based on the picture and observations;

* tell a poem, counting rhymes, sing songs, fairy tales.

The younger the child, the greater his chances of mastering a second language to the maximum extent possible and with natural pronunciation.

Good educational results appear only when the efforts of teachers and parents are coordinated.

Good educational results appear only when the efforts of teachers and parents are coordinated. The parents of our preschool educational institution have a positive influence on their children’s desire to learn a second language. After the survey, it turned out:

In the middle group, all parents know that there are two official languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan, but only one family speaks two official languages. languages. A consultation was held: “Creating favorable conditions for learning a second state language.”

IN senior group parents want their children to communicate with people of other nationalities as equals. A consultation was held: “Cultivating love and respect for people of other nationalities.”

In the preparatory group, parents reported their respect for their native land of Kazan. A consultation was held: “Introducing children to their Native Land.”

Language learning is systematic, goal-oriented process development cognitive abilities children, their assimilation of a system of basic knowledge about the environment and the corresponding vocabulary, the formation of speech skills.

We will consider only some effective forms and methods of teaching the Tatar language. Educators use different shapes and methods depending on the intended goals and assigned tasks. They also take into account the age characteristics of children.

A teaching method is a set of techniques and ways of organizing cognitive activity children, interaction between teacher and students. The language teaching method is implemented in the unity of purposeful activities of the teacher and children, movement towards the assimilation of knowledge, mastery of the relevant speech skills and skills provided for by the content of training.

Form of training - the external side of the organization of children's cognitive activity, carried out according to the established order, in a certain mode. There are a huge variety of forms of training. Tatar language educators select and apply those forms of teaching that are effective in solving the assigned tasks.

The main forms of teaching the Tatar language in preschool institutions are: training in everyday life and in direct educational activities. Effective form- training during GCD, in which certain tasks are solved speech development in preschool childhood, in the most favorable period of language acquisition.

The main goal of educational activities for teaching the Tatar language is the formation of correct oral speech in children. Development of oral speech, mastery of elementary forms colloquial speech, the formation of speech skills and abilities does not occur spontaneously, but under the guidance of a teacher. A child in everyday life (while walking, dressing, washing, organized play activity and in other typical situations) does not pay attention to certain linguistic phenomena, speech patterns and does not follow them. During NOD, children fix their attention on them, which become the subject of his awareness. Educational activities help compensate for the lack of communication between parents and children.

Educators carry out educational activities in a group form. Group learning is entertaining and effective, because language situations are practiced through dialogues and games, and thus the language barrier is overcome. The teacher creates an atmosphere of relaxed communication in the group and the children speak the Tatar language, listen to the speech of others and mutual influence of speech on each other occurs.

It is known that each child has an individual speed of perception of information, so some require more time and effort to master the material. In such cases, educators resort to individual form training. Educational activities in this form can be recommended in cases of fear of communication, fear of mistakes and misunderstandings. This form of training is an excellent opportunity to effectively master the Tatar language.

One of the most important forms learning is a game. Play is the leading activity of preschool children. It is also a method of teaching the Tatar language. During the game, children, without noticing it, acquire certain vocabulary, master language skills, speech skills, and thus the children develop the foundations of communicative competence. They learn to correctly pronounce words, construct a coherent statement, consolidate and activate Tatar vocabulary.

One of effective methods learning - the use of information and communication technologies, that is, the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication. The use of this method in teaching the Tatar language contributes to the individualization of learning and motivation speech activity. Children are interested in material using ICT. During educational activities for teaching the Tatar language, we show children cartoons in given language, animated stories and listen to audio recordings. Thus, we immerse children in the country of the Tatar language. They very quickly grasp the semantic basis of the language and quickly begin to speak themselves. The presence of a native speaker contributes to the successful learning of the material. Children also learn some phrases. For teaching the Tatar language, ICT serves as the “raw material”, on the basis of which we compose our presentations, slide films, and carry out our educational projects, thereby creating numerous options and methods of work that will help diversify and improve educational activities.

Currently, a separate place in educational DOW process allocated to computer educational games. Educational activities using computer games very interesting for preschoolers. Interactive didactic games promote comprehensive development creative personality child. The child develops: perception, hand-eye coordination, imaginative thinking; cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention; the ability to build an action plan, accept and complete a task.

The teacher’s questions to the child are of great importance in teaching a child a language, but this method not appreciated by practice. When the teacher asks a question, the child thinks, understands and selects the appropriate word from his vocabulary. In this way, we train the child in mastering the language. Experience shows that skillfully and on time questions asked change abruptly in better side child’s language: choosing the right word, logic of speech. Instructions that force the child to perform a specific action based on a word are also an excellent method for solving many program problems, in particular for clarifying and activating the child’s vocabulary. Conversation is a rich method applicable to most aspects of a child's language development. Children's storytelling, in particular retelling, is successfully used to develop coherent speech and activate vocabulary.

As stated earlier, language teaching methods are varied. The teacher should use their diversity in order to solve the tasks in the most accessible and interesting way for the child. The choice of methods is determined by the age of the children and the tasks set to be solved. It is necessary to structure the teaching of the Tatar language in such a way as to train children in speech skills and abilities in order to form their first basic knowledge about the environment.

2. Plan for working with children.











Direct educational activities on the new educational complex:

Situation modeling;

Game activities (role-playing, didactic, etc.);

Learning songs, poems;

Watching cartoons based on the new teaching materials;

Completing assignments on workbooks

“Tatarcha soylәshәbez” according to the teaching materials;

Dramatizing fairy tales using teaching materials;

Leisure and entertainment:

Carrying out Tatar national holidays(Sөmbelә, Nәүrүz, Sabantuy);

Poetry competition dedicated to the work of G. Tukay;

Drawing competition based on the works of G. Tukay;

Participation in city competitions:

Dedicated to the work of poets and writers (G. Tukay, M. Jalil, etc.),

Participation in remote All-Russian competitions, Olympiads, Internet tournaments.


Carrying out diagnostics with newly admitted children in order to identify the level of proficiency in their native language;

Conducting diagnostics of the level of mastery of state languages ​​of the Republic of Tajikistan by preschoolers;

Carrying out corrective work.

Individual work:

Working with gifted children;

Preparing children for competitions

Organization of targeted walks, excursions along the city streets and to museums.

Participation in autumn, winter, spring matinees held at preschool educational institutions (reading poems, round dances, songs and games).

During the year

During the year

During the year

During the year

September, October

October, January, April

During the year

During the year

During the year

During the year

Teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking children in a preschool educational institution.

The positive impact of bilingualism on the development of memory, the ability to understand, analyze and discuss language phenomena, intelligence, reaction speed, mathematical skills and logic is undeniable. Bilingual children do well academically and are better able to master abstract science, literature, and foreign languages. The younger the child, the greater his chances of mastering a second language to the maximum extent possible and with natural pronunciation.

In the conditions of the new language situation in the republic, the formation of a person occurs under the influence of two national cultures, traditions, two systems of ethical norms of speech and non-speech behavior. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, and guided by the State Standard for Education and Upbringing, classes are held in the kindergarten to study the Tatar language with Russian-speaking children. The GCD notes pose the following tasks:

*increasing children's vocabulary;

*children’s participation in dialogues, development of children’s memory and imagination;

*to arouse children's interest in the Tatar language;

*instill in children a love for their native land, its nature and respect for it;

*introduce historical monuments and sights of Nizhnekamsk, etc.

This technique was developed specifically for children - a lightweight version, in a playful form. They will learn spoken language. There is a norm - by the first grade a child should know 167 Tatar words. According to the program developers, this will be enough to immerse the child in the language environment and begin learning the Tatar language as an adult - at school.

In the middle group we are working on the project “Minem Oem” (“My Home”), which includes the following topics: “Gailә”, “Ashamlyklar”, “Uenchyklar”, “Sannar”, “Kabatlau”. The classes use information and communication technologies, situation games, visual materials, audio recordings, and cartoons based on fairy tales of Tatar writers. Children also complete tasks on workbooks.

The game is an effective and accessible form of activity in teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds.

In the senior and preparatory groups, knowledge on topics is expanded and deepened. Projects in senior groups are called “Uyny-uyny үsәbez” (“Growing up while playing”), in preparatory groups they are called “Without inde khazer zurlar-maktәpkә ilta yullar” (“Soon to school”). Children develop skills:

* distinguish between speech in Tatar and native languages;

* understand speech in the Tatar language within the topics studied;

* ask questions;

* express a request, desire, need, need for something;

* retell short texts;

* compose a story based on the picture and observations;

* tell a poem, counting rhymes, sing songs, fairy tales.

The younger the child, the greater his chances of mastering a second language to the maximum extent possible and with natural pronunciation.

Good educational results appear only when the efforts of teachers and parents are coordinated.