Concert script “From a long time ago...”
Video for the song “From a long time ago...”
Presenter: . The Motherland is the stars of the Kremlin
Homeland is forests and fields,
Homeland is the trill of a nightingale,
This is the Great Volga River.
The great Volga River has become one of the symbols of Russia. It seems that there is no more beautiful, picturesque and full-flowing river than the Volga - the mother of Russian rivers. No wonder it is sung in songs. But Volga is not only a beauty. From time immemorial, people called her respectfully, affectionately and respectfully Volga-Mother, Volga-nurse, worker
We dedicate our concert to the Great Russian River – the Volga.
1 Dance2 Bayan
The phonogram “From Far, Long Away...” plays.
Children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle. There are three children in the center, one child has a globe in his hands.
1. The globe, there is a country on it,
The city is in it, and there are houses in it,
House on one street
Inconspicuous, small
This house, country, land -
This is my homeland.
2. Our homeland is Russia,
Where are the clouds in the lakes,
Where are the young birches?
Dressed up in lace.
3. Russia is like a word from a song,
Birch young foliage,
All around are forests, fields and mountains,
Expanse, Russian soul.
4 song
The soundtrack of the song “The Volga River Flows” plays. Against the background of music, two children read an excerpt from B. Zakhoder’s poem 1st: -A river flows from afar
The river flows...The river flows...
It's so nice when the river
Both wide and deep.
2nd: -The river flows, the river flows,
Waters fields and cities,
Carries both boats and ships,
And the fish walk in the depths,
And the crayfish crawl at the bottom...
You are good, river, in the spring
Both in autumn and in the summer heat.
- Let's remember the summer,
Let's go to the river to sunbathe!
5 Dance
6 Bayan Presenter: Recently, in one of the articles in a tourist guide, the following statistical fact was discovered - it turns out that a third of the total population of Russia lives on the banks of the Volga and its numerous tributaries. That is, every third Russian by place of residence is from Volzhan. And this does not count those who were born on the Volga, but by the will of fate live far from it. How many people of different nationalities live on its banks: Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans.
7 song
8 dance
(Slide show)
The Volga River, the longest in Europe,
A small, unremarkable stream flows from a swamp overgrown with thick grass, surrounded by a dense mixed forest. This is the source of one of the greatest rivers in the world - the Volga. And therefore, in an unbroken chain, people come here to take a sip of water at the birthplace of the great river, to look with their own eyes at the tiny spring, over which a modest wooden chapel is erected.
The next issue of our program is
9 dance
Presentation (Image of the great Russian river Volga)
Presenter: - The land of Simbirsk is rich and famous in writers and artists. Many Russian artists painted pictures with Volga views.
This is how they entered the classics of Russian literature: Goncharov Ivan Alekseevich, Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich, Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich, Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich.
World-famous artists (our fellow countrymen) - Tropicin Azary Ivanovich, Khudyakov Vasily Grigorievich, Arkhangelsky Dmitry Ivanovich, Plastov Arkady Alexandrovich, Safronov Nikas
12. dance
Presenter: What a breadth, what a distance!.. Isn’t that why, isn’t that why the heart so greedily asks for freedom, And so it is tormented by sadness?!
So I would rush like a bird There - beyond the distant horizon, Where the gaze drowns in the abysses of the sky - Above the Volga, the queen of Russian rivers.
number 13
Presenter: We are Russians. We are the children of the Volga. For us, its slow waves are full of meaning, Heavy as boulders. Russia's love for it is imperishable, the whole soul of the Kuban and the Dnieper, the Neva and the Lena, and the Angara and the Yenisei are drawn to it. I love it all in the threads of light, all in the border of willow trees: But the Volga for Russia is Much more than a river.
14. number
Presenter - This concludes our concert. Thank you for your attention! See you again!

It seems to me that the Volga holiday is one of the most wonderful holidays! After all, despite the fact that there are a lot of rivers, rivulets and rivulets in Russia, the Volga River is special. She is a symbol of our country. It’s not for nothing that they call it Mother Volga.
“The broad-chested river stretches majestically; its waters flow silently, solemnly and leisurely"
(Maxim Gorky “Foma Gordeev”).

The Volga is the largest river not only in the European part of Russia, but throughout Europe.

Volga Day was first celebrated on May 20, 2009 in Nizhny Novgorod. Since then, the holiday has been celebrated every year and new cities have joined it - Volgograd, Astrakhan, Kazan, Samara, Yaroslavl...

The organizers really hope to draw the attention of the state, local authorities, public organizations and the population on the problems of our great river. The main thing is its pollution economic activity person. This includes the discharge of untreated water from industrial enterprises, the use of chemical fertilizers to increase the yield of farmland, which also ends up in the river, the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power stations, and much more.

The river is becoming shallow, its inhabitants are suffering from dirt and stagnation. Not long ago they showed the bottom of the river. It's so terrible there! Heaps of garbage, sunken rusty boats, and other water transport.

During Volga Day, environmental activities: volunteers clean the river banks, hold photo exhibitions, give lectures, and conduct seminars.

But, alas, all this is clearly not enough; care for the river is required at the state level. If this does not happen, then we may lose the pride of our country - the Volga.

But the history of the Volga begins in ancient times.

It is believed that the ancient Greek historian Herodotus was the first to mention the Volga in the 5th century BC. e., in his narrative about the campaign of the Persian king Darius I against the Scythians. Herodotus called the Volga Araxes.

Claudius Ptolemy and Ammianus Marcellinus at the beginning of our era called the Volga - Ra - “generous”.

Byzantine monk and chronicler Theophanes of Sigrian or Theophanes the Confessor, describing geographical names Northern Black Sea region, mentions “the greatest river flowing down from the ocean through the land of the Sarmatians and called Ατελ” - Atel - “river of rivers, great river.” In the Middle Ages it was known as Itil.

In the “Tale of Bygone Years” it is said: “From that Volokovo forest (Valdai Upland) the Volga will flow to the east and into the Khvalisskoye Sea (Caspian Sea).”

The Russian name Volga is Old Slavic - Vlga, according to scientists, it comes from the Proto-Slavic word volgly - vologa - moisture. The Tatars called the Volga Idel, and the Mordovians called Rau, the Finnish tribes who lived on the banks of the Volga called it “brilliant” and “bright”

According to legend, the Volga had several guardian spirits.

In ancient times, people believed that along the Volga one could swim to the Sun itself and even to Eternity. In those days, people did not know where the Volga began and formed a legend that it originated from the heavenly bushes where saints live and flowed down from the snow-white mountains.

Now we know almost everything about the Volga.

The Volga begins in the form of a small spring in the village of Volgo-Verkhovye, Tver region on the Valdai Hills at an altitude of 228 meters. The mouth of the river lies 28 meters below sea level. The Volga is a river of internal flow, that is, it does not flow into the world ocean.

Its length is 3694 kilometers. The maximum width of the Volga is 13 kilometers! The drainage basin area is 1.5 million square kilometers, that is, 8% of the territory of Russia. It extends from the Valdai and Central Russian Uplands in the west to the Urals in the east.

Almost the entire river is located in the European part of Russia. And only a small part of the Volga delta, outside the main river bed, is located on the territory of Kazakhstan. The part of Russian territory adjacent to the Volga is called the Volga region.

The Volga has about 200 tributaries, the left tributaries are more numerous and have more water than the right ones. After Kamyshin there are no significant tributaries.

The river system of its basin includes 151 thousand watercourses, their total length 574 thousand kilometers.

The main, feeding part of the Volga drainage area, from the source to the cities of Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan, is located in the forest zone, the middle part of the basin to the cities of Samara and Saratov is in the forest-steppe zone, the lower part is in the steppe zone to Volgograd, and to the south - in the semi-desert zone .

The Volga is divided into 3 parts: the upper Volga - from the source to the mouth of the Oka; middle Volga - from the confluence of the Oka to the mouth of the Kama; and the lower Volga - from the confluence of the Kama to the confluence with the Caspian Sea. Every day the Volga brings about 250 cubic kilometers of water to the Caspian Sea.

The Volga Delta, the largest river delta in Europe. It has about 500 branches, small rivers and channels.

Over the past hundred years, the Volga delta has increased almost 9 times due to a decrease in the level of the Caspian Sea.

The Astrakhan Nature Reserve is located in the Volga delta. This is simply an amazing and unique place. Unfortunately, I have not been to the reserve, I only read about it in a book, saw postcards with its views and films.

I remember how amazed I was in my adolescence when I learned that pink lotuses grew in our country. Siberian cranes live here - white cranes, white herons with lacy plumage, pink flamingos and pelicans.

And sturgeon fish live. Although I saw sturgeons in their natural form. During my childhood, they were caught in the Volga, sold at the market and delicious dishes were prepared from them. I still remember sturgeon soup and whole pans of fried caviar. But now this is long gone.

The main replenishment of water in the Volga occurs due to snowfall, rain, and groundwater. Flood occurs in April-June.

For example, in our city, water floods the entire beach, rising to the steps of the embankment. Vegetable gardens on the other side of the river also go under water, and from time to time villages located close to the river are also flooded.

The heaviest recorded floods were on the Volga in 1709, 1719, 1853, 1908 and 1926. The condition of the river was changed by artificial reservoirs, which became known as seas. In reservoirs, as well as at sea, in bad weather It's stormy, waves can rise up to one and a half meters.

Seagulls have become common inhabitants.

Due to rising waters during creation, swampy estuaries and backwaters appeared. The current in the river itself slowed down. A few years ago, at a short distance from the shore, yellow egg capsules bloomed, which live precisely in reservoirs with a quiet current... They are, of course, beautiful. But stagnation of water is not encouraging.

The Volga has always been considered a river rich in fish. IN pre-revolutionary Russia Sterlet, stellate sturgeon, beluga, and sturgeon were caught in it. Pike, burbot, ide, pike perch, perch, asp, crucian carp, burbot, white fish, carp, bream, catfish and perch, ruff, asp, roach, rudd were common inhabitants of the river.

Since ancient times, the Volga had great value like a trading river. It, with its large tributaries, is already VIII century connected trade routes between East and West. Along the Volga, the Arabs carried silver and other metals and fabrics. Furs, honey, wax from Russia.

In the 9th-10th centuries, trade centers on the Volga were the Khazar Itil at the mouth, the Bulgar Bulgar in the Middle Volga, the Russian Rostov, Suzdal, Murom in the Upper Volga region. In the 13th century, trade ties were interrupted due to the Mongol-Tatar invasion. As before, only cities in the upper Volga basin traded - Novgorod, Tver and the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'.

From the 15th century, the trade route began to recover; Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, and Astrakhan became the main centers of trade. The capture of Kazan and Astrakhan by Ivan the Terrible in the mid-16th century contributed to the unification of the entire Volga river system in the hands of Russia.

And already in the 17th century, the Volga trade began to flourish. New ones have appeared major centers– Samara, Saratov, Tsaritsyn.

Not just individual ships, but entire caravans began to sail along the Volga.

Although economic development in the 18th century, the lower Volga was still hampered by the low population of the land and the raids of nomads.

The uprisings of peasants and Cossacks under the leadership of S. T. Razin and E. I. Pugachev did not add optimism to merchants in the 17th-18th centuries.

Significant development of the Volga trade route occurred in the 19th century after the Mariinsky river system connected the Volga and Neva basins in 1808.

Many barge haulers worked on the Volga. Nekrasov wrote: “Go out to the Volga, whose groan is heard over the great Russian river? We call this groan a song, then the barge haulers walk with a towline.” And, of course, everyone knows Repin’s painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga.”

In 1820, a large river fleet appeared. Fish, bread, salt, and later oil and cotton were transported along the Volga.

In the 30s-80s of the last century, 8 hydroelectric power stations were built on the Volga, which are part of the Volga-Kama cascade. After the Great Patriotic War, the economic role of the Volga increased significantly.

There are 67 Russian cities on the banks of the Volga, of which four are millionaire cities: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd.

In the Volga region there are large forests, almost half of all agricultural land, including melon growing, horticulture and most of the industrial enterprises of our country.

The Volga-Ural region contains rich oil and gas deposits. Near Solikamsk – large deposits potassium salts. In the Lower Volga region there are lakes Baskunchak and Elton, from which table salt is extracted.

The Volga is connected to the Baltic Sea by the Volga-Baltic waterway, the Vyshnevolotsk and Tikhvin systems; with the White Sea - through the Severodvinsk system and through the White Sea-Baltic Canal; with the Azov and Black Seas - through the Volga-Don Canal.

The Volga was glorified and immortalized in their works by poets, composers, artists, and prose writers. And even foreign writers did not remain indifferent to our great river.

“Every country has its own national river. Russia has the Volga - the largest river in Europe, the queen of our rivers. And I hastened to bow to Her Majesty Volga!”
(Alexandre Dumas).

Kazakova S.A., Muchtukaeva T.N. music directors of MDOU No. 7, Zelenodolsk, RT

An event with children of senior preschool age dedicated to World Day clean water.


  • To develop skills in environmentally conscious behavior in nature, in particular while relaxing on the river.
  • Foster a love for the nature of your native land.

Equipment, material: globe, strip of blue fabric (river), river bank decorations, environmental signs, backpacks with garbage, toys.

Characters: Presenter (presenter), Living River (adult), vacationers (children) - the main characters of the scene

Children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle. There are three children in the center, one child is holding a globe.

1. The globe, there is a country on it,

The city is in it, and there are houses in it,

House on one street

Inconspicuous, small

This house, country, land -

This is my homeland.

2. Our homeland is Russia,

Where are the clouds in the lakes,

Where are the young birches?

Dressed up in lace.

3. Russia is like a word from a song,

Birch young foliage,

All around are forests, fields and mountains,

Expanse, Russian soul.

The song “My Russia” is performed. Music by G. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovyova

4. The Motherland is the stars of the Kremlin

Homeland is forests and fields,

Homeland is the trill of a nightingale,

This is the Great Volga River.

5. One of the symbols of Russia has become the great Volga River, which flows through our area.

The phonogram of the song “The Volga River Flows” plays. Against the background of music, two children read an excerpt from a poem by B. Zakhoder

A river flows from afar

The river flows...The river flows...

It's so nice when the river

Both wide and deep.

The river flows, the river flows

Waters fields and cities,

Carries both boats and ships,

And the fish walk in the depths,

And the crayfish crawl at the bottom...

You are good, river, in the spring

Both in autumn and in the summer heat.

Let's remember summer

Let's go, guys, to the river to sunbathe!

Cheerful music is playing, and decorations for the stage play “Rest on the River” based on the poem “Walk” by S. Mikhalkov are put on display.

Children come out in summer clothes with backpacks and toys.

A song about summer is performed at the choice of the music director.

Children sit on the bank of an imaginary river, pretend to make a fire, eat, play, and have fun. Then some of the children leave, leaving garbage behind. There is only one clean area left on the shore.

Four children appear (main characters). They walk along the shore, look for free space, and are indignant.

1. We arrived at the river

Spend Sunday

And a free place

You won't find it near the river!

2. They sit here and sit there,

They sunbathe and eat

They rest as they want

Hundreds of adults and children.

(approaches the place where the garbage is scattered)

3. We walked along the bank,

Found a new place

But they sat here before us too...

4. They burned bonfires, burned paper-

They also drank, they also ate,

They messed up and left!

(points to the only clean place)

5. This is a great place!

Spring water!

Wonderful view! Beautiful beach!

Unpack your luggage!

Only the main characters remained on the shore. They eat, play football, throw garbage. After the rest, they take their things and leave the garbage. They leave.


They swam, sunbathed,

They burned a fire, played football,

We had as much fun as we could!

We drank kvass, ate canned food,

Choral songs were sung...

We rested and left...

And they stayed in the clearing

By the extinguished fire

Two bottles they broke,

Two soggy rams

In short, a mountain of garbage

Music is playing. The main characters appear again with full backpacks and try to find a place to rest.

They approach the place where they recently vacationed and wonder why it is so dirty.

After wandering along the shore and not finding a place to rest, they are about to leave.

  1. We arrived at the river
  2. Spend Monday...
  3. Only a clean place...
  4. You can't find it near the river...

They leave, but the leader stops them:

Wait, guys! I know how to help you and the river. Let's call the guys (addresses the audience) and together we will clear the river bank of garbage.

Cheerful music sounds. Everyone - the presenter, the main characters, the audience - puts the trash in baskets. As soon as the shores become clear, the music changes to calm, majestic. The Living River appears.

River (addresses children): Thanks guys! I thought I would have to die among the garbage, but you saved me! Now I am clean and transparent again. Come visit me, I am not afraid of you, because you will not scatter garbage on my shores!

The main characters hang their heads guiltily. The river strokes their heads.

River: I don’t remember the evil, what happened, has passed... You also helped me, stay with us, we’ll be friends. I prepared a gift for all the guys.

The river brings out a tray with glasses of clean water and distributes it to the children.

Leading: Guys, let's thank the river for such a gift, because without clean water we cannot live.

Clean water is a wonderful gift! Unfortunately, there is less and less of it on Earth. We must take care of our rivers so that they are always transparent and clean. Thank you river!

All children: Thank you!

Leading: Dear river! The guys and I also prepared a gift for you!

Guys, let's give you our surprise.

Children give the River signs that indicate what is prohibited to do while relaxing on the river. The river places them along the blue strip of fabric (along the banks).

River: Thanks guys! Now everyone who comes to visit me will know how to behave, and I will remain clean and transparent.

Children come out:

We are adults and children

I am responsible to nature!

Let's take care of nature:

Land, forest, fields and water!

Nature has vibrant colors

And let her live without fear,

Let the animals and birds live

Let no one be afraid of man!

The song “This is for us!” is performed. Music by T. Popatenko, lyrics by M. Lapisova.

Scenario for the school-wide holiday "Volga Day".

Presenter 2 Good afternoon, dear guests

Presenter 1 Good afternoon, dear friends!

Presenter 2 We are pleased to welcome you to our school at the holiday dedicated to “Volga Day”.

Presenter 1

One of the greatest rivers on the globe, the Volga is a beloved symbol of Russia. Songs and poems have long been written about her, in which she was always famous as “Mother River”, “Mother Volga”.

Presenter 1

“The Volga River flows from afar for a long time,”
We have been singing since childhood since childhood.
And there is no huge river in my country,
So that people don’t dedicate poems to her!
Poems, delights, good songs
We can count hundreds!
Well, maybe not a hundred, maybe less...
It's time to start singing about rivers!

Presenter 2

We meet 9b grade student Anna Ovcharova with the song “The Volga River Flows.”

Presenter 1

The floor is given to the school director, an honorary worker general education Russian Federation.

Director's words

The floor is given to the head of the department for the administration of the city of Rybinsk _____________________________

Presenter 2

From afar - far away as if from a fairy tale
The river flows slowly - this is how we begin the story.
There is no end to it, it is wide and long
Since ancient times this river has been called the Volga!

Presenter 1

Proud and free, broad, beautiful.
Its power and strength have been sung for a long time.
The Volga has long been called mother - the nurse:
Without a river there will be no life, everything that moves will stop.

Presenter 2

I worked hard with the barge haulers, and later I wasn’t lazy
Down and up here and there the Volga moves ships.

Presenter 1

So, let's hit the road. Our first stop is at the source of the Volga.

I was lucky to be born
Russian amazing river!
And no matter how difficult the road is,
My steps are calm and light.
Thoughtfully, lightly, not on the run,
Stuck knee-deep in sedge,
I'll touch you with blessings
And I will keep this joy in my heart.
Most likely, from the stars far away
I can’t shout this to people:
I was lucky to be born at the headwaters...

Presenter 2

It is difficult to imagine that a nameless stream will turn into a mighty full-flowing river, ships and barges will float along it, its waters will fill fields and make the turbines of power plants rotate. Just as a person’s life begins in childhood, so our great Russian river in Valdai begins with a small spring. The first mentions of the Volga are found in the works of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. "Volga" means light. People call their homeland the Motherland, and the main river of our country is the Mother Volga. Without the Volga it is impossible to imagine our Motherland. How did it all begin?

And it was like this: a chapel in a swamp

And the ringing talk of an expert.
This is where the Mother Volga comes from,
Great Russian river.
The window of water is the beginning of itself,
And our faces were seen in the water.
Oh, if there is a divinity of the beginning,
It is here, undoubtedly, like nowhere else.
Yes, only here, where like the eyes of an owl,
Water lilies look through the years and centuries,
And the Volga begins in the chapel
The barely noticeable pulse of the spring.

Presenter 1

About ten kilometers from Lake Seliger, among a picturesque area dotted with mirror lakes and wooded hills, lies the village of Volgo-VerkhOvye on a hill. All around are vast swamps, the last remnant of overgrown and disappeared lakes. Wherever you look, there is moss, sedge, hummocks, impassable bogs everywhere, and only here and there among the green moss you can see silvery “windows” of water. The swamp was covered in places with dense forest. Birch and pine trees grew luxuriantly in the open air.

Presenter 2

Further, the Volga receives its first tributaries, the same tiny streams as itself, and passes the first lake - Maly VerkhIt. Its width increases by several centimeters; to cross here one ordinary step is not enough, but requires a jump. Another kilometer - the same dense, impenetrable forest, another new lake, new tributary streams, and the Volga becomes a river 10-12 steps wide and knee-deep. And then the Volga River becomes largest river our country.

Presenter 1

We welcome students of grade 5B with the dance “Wide River”.

Dance 5B class

Presenter 1

Its total length is 3530 kilometers. From Rzhev to Staritsa the banks of the Volga are steep and steep. And further to Tver it flows among the flat plains. A lot has been built on the Volga. The port of Tver has become a port of five seas.

Presenter 2
The Volga is a working river. The Volga and its tributaries have served as a convenient transport route for many centuries. The Volga Route brings together cities located on the river and promotes the development of economic ties.

Presenter 1

The Volga was blocked by giant dams of several hydroelectric power stations. Thanks to this, several reservoirs were formed: Kuibyshevskoye, Volgogradskoye, Saratovskoye, Rybinskoye and others. Volga energy goes to Moscow, the Urals and other places.

Presenter 2

Timber is floated along the Volga and oil is transported. Sand mining is underway along the banks. The Volga produces a lot of fish. In the river delta there is the famous Astrakhan Nature Reserve.

Presenter 1

Do you like to relax on the river? Did you take food with you? Where does the garbage go then? Did you take it home or leave it on the shore? Or maybe they threw it into the water?

Presenter 2

Everyone loves to relax on the river. But not everyone knows how to behave correctly, how to make sure that the river is not offended, so that it remains clean and loves children and adults.

Now we present to your attention a sketch by students of grade 4B about the attitude of people to nature (SCENE 4B)

Presenter 1

But not only rivers are now in danger: people heavily pollute forests, lakes, parks, and public gardens. Both adults and children need to know the rules of conduct while relaxing in nature. We must take care of nature, love it, and it will not remain in debt. The beauty of forests, clean air, clean rivers are necessary for people.

Presenter 2

In 2016, our school was awarded the status of municipal resource center environmental education of schoolchildren.

And now we want to show you a film about the work of our school in this direction.

Presenter 1

"Green Pioneers" is the first children's voluntary environmental movement within the framework of the environmental movement " Green Russia"with elements of counteracting destructive Western propaganda, nurturing love for the Motherland and reverent respect for the unique nature of the country.

In 2015, students of grade 4B became the first squad of Green Pioneers in our city.

Presenter 2

Today on our gala event 5B class students will join the ranks of green pioneers

The children took part in city and regional events - community cleanups, cleaning river banks, and the national project "Forest of Victory", planting personalized trees in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, preserving historical memory about the immortal feat of our people. Children are already familiar with environmental problems. 5 “B” students are fully aware of the importance of environmental issues, the value of nature, the full significance of their mission - to save people’s lives, as well as the resources of our Motherland, to protect forests, and to maintain cleanliness.

Presenter 1

The honorary right to be admitted into the ranks of the Green Pioneers of Russia is granted to _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Acceptance as a pioneer)

And I live young and loud,
And I will forever make noise and bloom,
As long as there is a Volga in the world,
As long as you, Russia, exist.

Evgeny Yevtushenko.

There are many majestic and deep-flowing rivers in our country. Each of them is beautiful in its own way and has certainly played the role of the people's nurse since ancient times. But only one “water highway” stands out against the background of the network of Russian rivers - this is the Mother Volga. It can be safely called not only a storehouse of life, but also a source of inspiration for creative people. As a sign of sincere respect for the river, a special holiday was established in 2008 on May 20 - Volga Day.

History of the Volga Day holiday

Celebrate significant event- Volga Day holiday - annually on May 20. The creation of the holiday was initiated by three large organizations: the International Social-Ecological Union, the Moscow representative office of the UNESCO Bureau and the commercial company Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia. Celebrating Volga Day began, as mentioned above, 6 years ago; the tradition started in Nizhny Novgorod. There, the celebration of this significant date was timed to coincide with the 10th international scientific and industrial forum “Great Rivers 2008”. Well, in 2009 and in subsequent years, a number of participants environmental action has expanded significantly: Astrakhan, Samara, Tatarstan, Volgograd - almost all Volga cities and regions - have joined it.

The organizers of the Volga Day holiday pursued a very transparent goal: to convey to the Russian public the importance of the role of the Volga in the domestic river system, for the life of the country's population. Challenges ahead significant date are global:

  • unite and direct efforts to preserve the river in this state and quality;
  • carry out environmental protection measures through which it is possible to ensure the stable functioning of the reservoir;
  • implementation of rehabilitation of those sections of the river that need restoration.

The development of the entire Volga region depends on how effective the measures taken by interested parties are. And there really are a lot of problems. One of the main ones: every year the tendency towards shallowing and pollution of the “water main” is increasing, thanks to active industrial human activity.

How is Volga Day celebrated in regions directly related to the mother of all rivers? First of all, the holiday takes place under the auspices of environmental conservation measures. These include:

  • cleanup days carried out to eliminate pollution coastal zone– including volunteers;
  • seminars, discussions, scientific conferences;
  • photo and painting exhibitions on this topic, as part of educational activities;
  • charity concerts;
  • fairs where craftsmen demonstrate the results of their creativity - mainly folk crafts.

In Samara, for example, on Volga Day, a round table with publicists and reporters from the Samara Union of Journalists, as well as representatives of regional authorities and environmental experts promises to become traditional. The purpose of the event is to find practical answers to pressing questions regarding future fate and the current state of Mother Volga.

History of the Volga River

The Volga traces its history back to the times of the ancient world. At least, it is precisely established that in the 5th century BC. Humanity already knew about this waterway. The first to mention the great Russian river in his treatises was the historian Herodotus from Ancient Greece. This was a story about how King Darius went to war against the Scythian tribes. In the document, the Volga was listed under the name Oar. Another author, Diodorus Siculus, who also lived BC, called the modern Volga Araxes - this is what researchers believe.

The beginning of the second millennium was marked by the fact that the term “Ra” (generous) or “Rav” (flow of water) was mainly used to identify the Russian river. The Arabs called Mother Volga “Atel” or, alternatively, “Itil” (river of rivers). The Russian name comes from the Proto-Slavic Vьlga (moisture). Taking into account the abundance of names of the waterway, we can draw the following conclusion: from the very beginning of its existence, it enjoyed enormous popularity and respect among mankind. The reason for this was the abundance of water and favorable geographical location. Each of you probably remembers the Volga route, which was the Volga in the distant past. In this capacity, the river was formed by the 8th century AD, playing the role of the largest trade route. In the 10th century, on the banks of the deep-water beauty, famous shopping centers, for example, the Bulgarian Bulgar, Itil, which belonged to the Khazars. It is impossible not to mention some Russian Volga cities: Murom, Suzdal, Tver, Novgorod. Over time, the role of the river as a trade route increased, as a result of which the number of cities on its coast increased. In the 16th – 17th centuries. the later famous Saratov, Samara and the future Volgograd - Tsaritsyn appeared. The Volga is also famous for what it was like in the 17th – 18th centuries. “arena” where Cossack riots and peasant uprisings took place.

The 19th century saw the progressive development of the “waterway” as a great trade route. The main events of that period: the functioning of the Burlatsky army, the creation river fleet. Civil war brought Mother Volga the vigilant control of the Bolsheviks, the Great Patriotic War- glory to Tsaritsyn, which in connection with the heroic defense was renamed Stalingrad. After the end of hostilities, the river developed exclusively in an economic direction, and also became the center of hydroelectric power stations and reservoirs.

The main river of the Volga region differs not only in beauty, but also in some geographical parameters from similar objects in Russia. So it is officially considered the largest among domestic natural “waterways” and the deepest European one. The river has other, no less important advantages. The length, or otherwise, the length of the Volga, is neither more nor less than 3530 km, according to other sources - 3694 km. 200 tributaries, 151 thousand watercourses - the great Russian river is rich in all this.

Traditionally, the Volga is divided into Lower, Middle and Upper. The Lower Volga is the deepest. This zone is located along the Volga Upland. This is the same section of the river where Volgograd, Samara, Saratov, Tolyatti stand, and where the famous Zhiguli Mountains and the Kuibyshev Reservoir are located. Tributaries of the lower Volga: Eruslan, Astrakhan, Samara.

Middle Volga: here it is still quite powerful. Feature The Volga in this section is the difference in its banks (the left is lower than the right). It is on the lower Volga that Cheboksary stands. Accordingly, the Cheboksary reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations are located right there. The Middle Volga has the following tributaries: Vetluga, Oka, Sviyaga, Sura.

Finally, the Upper Volga is practically the zone where the river originates. Geographically, the launch site is located in the Tver region. In addition to Tver itself, not the Upper Volga, there are the cities of Rzhev, Dubna, Rybinsk, Uglich, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, etc. Even if you do not live near the Volga, on May 20 remember the great Russian river, because it is a symbol of our country!