I have in my hands a book by G. N. Sytin “Divine Healing Rejuvenating Attitudes”, Volume I ed. "These". Circulation 50 thousand copies.

Let's try, dear reader, without being deceived by the title, to delve into the essence of this next "healing" work before using it as a therapeutic aid.

Many people look at the table of contents before starting to read voluminous works (and this book has almost 413 pages). We will do the same. The table of contents here is also truly “divine”. After useful advice, occupying an incomplete page, - 40 subsequent chapters have the beginning of the words: "divine", "divine" or "divine". Here and "divine rejuvenation of the head", and "divine revival of a woman's youth", and "divine protection of the heart", and "divine healing from sciatica" and even "divine mood for the birth of a son" (for a man). There are many other "divine" titles for healing, rejuvenation, strengthening and more. The settings are intended for almost all organs and systems of the human body and, probably, according to the author, should be used for almost all occasions.

Here is a small excerpt from the introductory recommendations: “Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others to read. This is how you like it (that is, the enticing freedom of choice. - note by the author). While listening, you can also do something around the house. But it’s better if you try not to be distracted and concentrate.”

Having learned helpful tips the author of the book, let's turn the page for a specific acquaintance with the first of the moods. The title here is: Divine Attitudes to overcome the difficulties of assimilation of moods. Let's read the beginning of the mood in full:

“The life-giving Divine newborn life pours into my head. Enormous Divine power pours into my head. (Poor head! What would have happened to it in reality if even a fraction of that “Colossal Divine Power” in question had flowed into it, if the ascetics of holiness fell on their faces at her very approach. - Note by the author). Colossal Divine energy of rapid creation - rapid development pours into my head. The head is born more and more energetic - more and more strong (it turns out that the head can be born with the help of Sytin's "Divine mood"!?). Every minute the head is born more energetic - more and more strong. And then something other than a powerful ego-statement begins in the text: “I can overcome all the difficulties in working on myself at any moment” ... “I know this for sure as a real fact” ... “I can always - at any time completely turn off outside world and fully concentrate on mastering the mood "..." I can always start working on myself "etc.

“Divine cosmic energy is pouring into my head with a constant, continuous stream. Day and night - the energy of the head increases around the clock - the energy of the head increases sharply - the strength of the head increases sharply ”(Presumably, the author means the strength of the brain processes, and not the physical organ. - Note by the author).

And a few more short quotes from this mood: “A huge, colossal force, the life-giving Divine newborn life, at the behest of the Lord God, pours into my head. At the command of the Savior, holy Divine power is pouring into my head in a constant stream” (Finally, it becomes clear why the moods are called “Divine,” for the Savior Himself commands that “huge, colossal force, life-giving Divine newborn life” flow into the heads of the followers of the Sytin system. - note auth.). But this is not yet the climax. Then the true self-creation and renewal of the whole nature begins:

“I am born all over again as a newborn-whole” ... “The newborn colossal Divine number of hairs on the head is constantly being restored. Instead of lost teeth, new unusually strong snow-white teeth are constantly born ”(I wonder how many snow-white teeth were born from the creator of moods? - note by the author).

“My whole body is constantly restoring the newborn Divine wholeness,” etc. “At the command of the Savior himself, I can do everything,” says Sytin’s attitude. I always - at any time I can add energy, I can turn to the Lord God for help and ask the Lord God for energy. And I will immediately feel how an additional energy of life is pouring into me ”(All these incoming energies are usually of a created, and not truly divine, character, as the self-deluded believe. - note. Aut.). “If I do not have enough energy, I can turn to the Mother of God for help - and they will always help me,” the mood broadcasts self-confidently. And he concludes with even more boastful words: “The Lord God Himself always helps me maintain the primordial Divine indestructible health. I am born divinely - healthy - indestructibly healthy.

Now let's take a break from the "divine" quotes and ask ourselves the question: is there any point in further reading this book, especially studying, memorizing, using it even as a psychotherapeutic tool, if further it all consists of a similar surrogate of bravura gibberish that have only claims to divinity and maniacal requests to satisfy their ambitious human opinions?

I would not like to dwell on lexical constructions. Many of them, in my opinion, to put it mildly, are far from perfect and could hardly even appear in the Russian press at all in morally worthy times, when the literary purity of the Russian language was valued and due high demands were made on grammar.

The question arises: “Is it necessary (and is it possible?) in general for an Orthodox person who has genuine saving holy texts in the form of prayers compiled by the saints of God and commanded to people by the Savior Himself (the Lord’s prayer “Our Father”), to resort to dubious attitudes for help, only claiming their divinity?

Georgy Sytin's moods are devoid of the spirit of humility, contrition, repentance, glorification of the Lord. Even petitions in them have the character of demonic pride, exaltation, self-indulgence.

These attitudes are false in essence, because they contain only what is desired, but in reality no infusion of Divine forces is carried out and that global recovery, temptingly promised by the book, does not occur. There is only a typical self-delusion, and sometimes voluntary demonic intercourse, spiritual self-narcotization (“charm”).

“Divine attitudes” are in fact anti-divine, for they direct people into a false channel, distracting them from true prayers for the salvation of the soul and bodily healing.
The holy fathers of the Eastern Church themselves were afraid of the poison of heresy and lies, and strongly advised all Orthodox Christians to approach the reading of books with the greatest intelligibility.

So, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov wrote: “Do not be seduced by the loud title of the book ... do not be seduced either by the magnificent edition, or by the painting, by the strength, beauty of the style, or by the fact that the writer is like a saint, as if he has proved his holiness by numerous miracles.

False teaching does not stop at any fiction, or at any deceit, in order to give its fables the appearance of truth, and it is all the more convenient to poison the soul with them ... ".

Much, if not all of the above, can also be attributed to the book by G.K. Sytin "Divine healing rejuvenating moods."

Nevyarovich V.K. Miraculous healings. Voronezh, 1998

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Healing Attitudes

Healing Attitudes
Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Real life extension
Healing Attitudes is a unique collection of the most popular and effective creative thoughts created by Georgy Nikolayevich Sytin, a recognized scientist whose phenomenal gift and knowledge made it possible to expand the boundaries of understanding human capabilities and lay the scientific foundations of medicine of the future.

Creative thoughts for various occasions: to strengthen the body's defenses, improve the heart and digestive system, enhance vision and hearing, develop will and abilities - supplemented by a special chapter "New Attunements", which includes creative thoughts from new series effective attitudes "Healing from old age."

Assimilation of attitudes does not require special training.

For a wide range of readers.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Healing Attitudes

Appeal of Academician Georgy Sytin to all readers

Every day the number of readers is increasing, complaining of headaches, poor health, decreased performance after using moods allegedly performed by Academician Sytin.

These complaints are due to the fact that readers listened to moods in the background of music taken from the Internet. In these cases, the nervous system is destroyed by two tempos simultaneously acting - thoughts and music. Even composers say that it is impossible to create a tempo of music that matches the tempo of thought of Academician Sytin! And many years ago, astronauts were forbidden to work with moods in the background of music.

Dear readers! You can use the moods in the personal performance of the academician, which you can be provided with in the Center for Psychological Support of a Person and in its Moscow branch. Beware of fakes! Take care of your health!

Publisher's Preface

Few of us think about the time in which our lives take place.

I am deeply convinced that we live in times of global change.

Of course, for our everyday life these changes are rarely seen.

Deep down, each of us often experiences mood swings and incomprehensible anxiety.

We live in a time when it is difficult to rely on anything.

Former ideas and values ​​leave people's hearts. New ones imperceptibly begin to appear - but they are still too weak. Spiritual vacuum makes many callous and changeable.

Fortunately, at the same time there are people who have exceptional spiritual power. Their attitude and energy ignite our hearts, inspiring us to search for lost values, make efforts and experience our own life fully and joyfully.

Our eyes begin to look at the world differently, the heart experiences a rebirth - we begin to think and act purely, simply and beautifully.

With sincere warmth I want to introduce you to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin.

Immediately, from the first telephone conversation, I realized that a close and rare person was talking to me. Warmth and sincerity slowly and joyfully poured into my soul. I can’t say that “everything is bad” in my life, but this sincere conversation made a strong impression on me. Today it is enough for me to remember the voice of Georgy Nikolaevich to feel cheerful and happy.

I sincerely hope that the Real Life Extension series prepared by our publishing house will become your reliable assistant in everyday life.

Publisher Petr Lisovsky

I dedicate to Anastasia, who inspired me to create these moods.

Georgy Sytin

God created man in his own image and likeness physical body, endowed him with creative thoughts about himself, which have a materializing power, the possibilities of which are endless.

Creative thoughts about oneself are stronger than omnipotent fate, stronger than all the elements of nature.

G. N. Sytin

In this book, I offer the reader healing moods created by me on the basis of the thoughts expressed by Anastasia. I, like many of you, have read Vladimir Megre's books about Anastasia, a young woman with extraordinary abilities, living in the remote taiga in complete harmony with Nature. Anastasia reminded people that a person is created in the image and likeness of God and, therefore, is endowed with Divine abilities that he can discover in himself by purifying his thoughts, constantly developing bright feelings.

Clairvoyance, telepathy, direct influence of thought on the structure of matter, and much more is available to man. But now, probably, the main thing is to understand that a person has the ability to become healthy. Unfortunately, at present, most people suffer from various diseases, which, of course, they want to get rid of. For this purpose, I created my healing moods. They helped restore health to thousands of patients, and not only in our country (in particular, my mood for German published in Germany).

Anastasia's extraordinary thoughts simply lit up me. They helped me develop mindsets that have incredible healing power (for example, healing a stomach ulcer in one night, an acute inflammation of the pancreas in three days).

Educational Medicine

Today's medicine does not set the task of completely restoring health in every disease. And a person does not set himself such a task. Therefore, we are all today witnessing how in every person, more and more new diseases are superimposed on health disorders that have not been completely cured, there are more and more of them, they accelerate aging. In the fight against them, vital forces are expended, they become less and less. In the end, the person dies prematurely.

In order to change this picture and increase the life expectancy of a person, it is always necessary to achieve a complete restoration of health with each disease. If a person sets himself such a task, then, as experience shows, completely different neuro-brain and spiritual mechanisms are included in the struggle for health, which are capable of completely restoring health. It is clear that for this a person must be involved in active work over yourself in order to fully recover. Medicine should teach a person to correctly set the task for a complete recovery, teach him how to work on himself and guide a person until his full recovery.

The physician must be given appropriate training to be able to do this work.

This book will enable each reader to work on himself in order to fully heal from stress and depression.

To speed up recovery, a person must constantly tune himself to speed up recovery, to slow down aging. It is absolutely impossible to do this with the help of drugs without the participation of the person himself. Therefore, a person must be convinced that he himself can successfully accelerate recovery, slow down aging and increase the duration of his life.

But for this, medicine must teach a person to take care of their own health, strive to lead healthy lifestyle life, think of yourself as a healthy person. The thought of man about himself creates the body, both healthy and sick.

Modern medicine tries to study and treat a person in isolation from his thoughts. Such medicine has no scientific basis. It is necessary to create educational medicine. The one who prescribes the treatment must be an educator, a specialist in the field of temperament, character, abilities, will, self-education and the entire spiritual sphere of a person, and not only in the field of the structure of the physical body.

Educational medicine gives a person ready-made thoughts that eliminate the disorders that have arisen in the body and restore health. Man must take these thoughts into his consciousness and make them his knowledge. This knowledge of oneself will create a healthy body.

Educational medicine teaches a person to think of himself as healthy in each specific case of health impairment. Obviously, medicine should educate a person, develop him and teach him methods of self-improvement in case of illness and aging.

And this means that all real medicine should be educative and developing.

The new medicine is based on the successful half-century practice of educative medicine, which is reflected in 60 published books in five million copies. This practice has covered all areas of modern medicine.

On behalf of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Razumov N.A. organized a review of my ten-volume work at the Center headed by him. A positive review with a recommendation of its publication by the Medicina publishing house was sent to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and to the author.

The unusually high efficiency of educative medicine is obviously due to the fact that it is scientifically substantiated and therefore very promising. The method of educative medicine received a positive assessment at the Institute of Traditional Methods of Treatment, at the Cardiology Center, and also passed very successfully clinical trials at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian. The Institute of Biophysics recommended its use in the treatment of exposed people. Director of the Research Institute of Normal Physiology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Sudakov K. V. expressed the opinion that "the widespread use of this method will lead to the improvement of large contingents of the Russian population."

The method of educative medicine is highly valued in Russian Academy education. Academician of the Russian Academy of Education G. N. Filonov wrote in his review: “The method of prof. G. N. Sytin must be made available to the entire population of Russia.” For this method in the Russian Academy of Education, the author was awarded academic degree the doctors pedagogical sciences, in Munich the author was elected an academician of the International Academy of Sciences, in Brussels they established International University Georgy Sytin, with offices in Moscow and New York, was appointed Vice President of the World Distributed University.

The method of educative medicine was used by the author himself.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. set up.

Creative thoughts about yourself are stronger than the almighty

Fate, stronger than all the elements of nature

G. N. Sytin

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin was born on August 30, 1921 in the small Kyrgyz town of Osh.
The years have no power over the desires and possibilities of this amazing Russian Scientist.

Positions and scientific titles of G.N. Sytin:

“After flying into space, I had a severe disorder nervous system and all medicine could not help me. Then I went to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin on Ladoga lake where he worked on an expedition with astronauts. And Sytin healed me in one day in the presence of Vitaly Nikolaevich Kolesov, the head of the support group of the Cosmonaut Training Center.
For many years I have been following the achievements of the doctor - Academician Sytin. It is obvious to me that what he does cannot be done either by entire institutes, or by the Academy of Sciences, or by the entire world medicine. Sytin's mood and his work cannot be measured by any scientific degrees and titles, by any awards. What he does is incomprehensible. He stands, as it were, above all titles and awards, above all world science.
The future of world medicine lies on the path to achieving what Sytin is doing today. Medicine can be proud if, even in a hundred years, it approaches the results that this genius creates every day.

Vitaly Mikhailovich Zholobov,
Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR
The hero of the USSR

Gift from Academician Georgy Sytin
to every inhabitant of the planet Earth:
healing thoughts from all diseases,
old age and death
I am the Spirit of God, the mighty Spirit, the gigantic, the omnipotent Spirit, I gather and direct from subtle world, from space, from the entire Universe constantly-continuously - around the clock vital forces, vital energies of growth, development-improvement, rebirth of the young internal structure of the Soul and Body, created by My Heavenly Father, passionately and ardently beloved GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, I create a giant Divine newborn charge of vitality, life energies and fill with this charge all brain cells, all brain mechanisms, spiritual and brain centers of will, all organs and mechanisms of the physical body, increase my capabilities millions of times: I become millions of times spiritually stronger, the ability to teleport to other planets to other galaxies is born , my working capacity increases millions of times - I can for days on end with gigantic energy perform the Divine Self-Transformation of me into a young beautiful young man - the Son of the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE and live a young healthy energetic joyful happy Divine life in complete spiritual comfort, in complete health, in the complete well-being of a thousand years, - during the entire given world cycle, how people live on the big planets in all the billions of galaxies of the Big Universe.

Sytin's mood:
My heavenly Father, the Lord God Almighty, dearly beloved, informs me that my soul is immortal, eternally young, kind, angelic, cheerful, playful, playful, absolutely carefree, eternally Divinely healthy, eternally untouched by disease, time, or life, feeling love in me is amplified a million times. I love God with great Divine love, I love with great Divine love all of God's beautiful white light, I love with great Divine love the entire Universe, the beautiful Earth created by God.
I feel with the brightness of lightning: love becomes brighter, stronger, light Divine feelings intensify. I love people, children, my family with great Divine love.
Light feelings intensify, become brighter and brighter, in the soul all thoughts are Divinely pure. I love my physical body with great Divine love. In the rays of my great Divine love, the physical body revives, flourishes, revives an energetic young life. All internal organs come to life, flourish, live a young, energetic, joyful life.
I am a cheerful, cheerful, energetic person.
Every moment I love all of God's white light, I enjoy life every moment. I live happier, happier, happier, everything is fine in my life.
I live Divinely free, in full contentment.
With great Divine love, I heal the physical body.
Great Divine love and pure thoughts create impenetrable protection of the soul and body from all the harmful influences of people, weather and climate. My excellent health and cheerful mood are indestructibly persistent.
I live cheerfully, joyfully, happily.
(This attitude is good to always have with you, place it above your desk, remember and repeat from time to time so that it is always in your soul).

About the SOEVUS method
The SOEVUS method (the method of verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of a person's state) gives results that far exceed everything previously known in this area.

So, at the Institute of Normal Physiology named after the Russian physiologist, Academician Pyotr Kuzmich Anokhin of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, in the presence of Academician Konstantin Viktorovich Sudakov, as a result of applying this method for ten minutes, a long-term stable tachycardia with a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute was removed from an employee at the age of 28 years. The control electrocardiogram was taken by senior researcher V.V. Sinichkin. After the verbal-figurative impact, the pulse rate decreased to normal (72 beats per minute), which remains to this day.

Note: Petr Kuzmich Anokhin (1898-1974) - Russian physiologist, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1966) and the Academy of Medical Sciences (1945). Fundamental works on neurophysiology - mechanisms conditioned reflex and internal inhibition, ontogenesis of the nervous system, etc. Studied the activity of the whole organism on the basis of the theory developed by him functional systems(since 1935), which contributed to the development systems approach in biology and cybernetics. Lenin Prize (1972).

In another case, in polyclinic No. 1 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the presence of the head L.N. Pokrovskaya in a patient surgeon (68 years old), the method was applied for 30 minutes, after which the extrasystole, which had not been treatable before, disappeared. A normal pulse has been observed to date.

There are many such examples. At the same time, the wide possibilities of the Sytin tuning method are scientifically substantiated.

The human brain stores the entire process of his healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method uses precisely this phenomenon, and extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are based mainly on it.

To improve and improve the activity of any diseased or weakened organ, the SOEVUS method normalizes the control of the organ by the nervous system, flushes it with a rapid flow of blood and provides it with good nutrition and oxygen, pours energy and strength into it. All this is done with the right setting. In the SOEVUS method, such settings are available for all organs and systems of the body.

Over the past two decades, domestic and foreign physiologists have experimentally shown that the impulses of the second signaling system caused by the word come from the cerebral cortex to the brain. internal environment body and rebuild the vital activity of tissues, internal organs for a long time. This explains the great stability of the healthy vital activity of the organism, caused by the assimilation of the settings of the SOEVUS method. Studies have shown that the results of one thirty-minute session with a patient are recorded by devices for a month or more.

For example, in the two cases cited, a positive result was achieved after the impact of the main fragment of the mindset on healing the heart: “A healthy newborn youth flows into my heart (in the second case, youth), my heart is completely renewed, my heart is new, a newborn, untouched heart is born.”

So, in people of mature age, for facial rejuvenation, the following fragment of the mood for young life is used: “Newborn youth flows into my face, my face is completely renewed, my new face is born newborn-young, primordial-fresh, newborn youth is born in my face.”

Using the SOEVUS method, one can also achieve the restoration of the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood: “The life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, the hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn thick, newborn healthy. Beautiful natural dye fills my hair.

It is useful to assimilate such fragments against the background of the influence of the general mood on young life, which contributes to the restoration and strengthening of all physiological functions of the body and, thus, the elimination of their various disorders both in young and old age.

The construction of Sytin's moods is such that they form vivid images of health, youth, strength, indefatigability and beauty in a person, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate strong-willed efforts in order to manage the state.

Managing the state by this method stimulates the life position, activates the personality, develops the willpower of a person. Many tasks of healing and rejuvenation of a person can be solved only on the basis of his active life position, on the management of his condition for the sake of personal and social goals. In turn, state management ensures high performance, and in combination with self-education of an active life position, purposefulness and strong will, it ensures high labor productivity.

The SOEVUS method does not require any preliminary special preparation for its application. Attunements can be assimilated without any restrictions at the age of 16 years and older. Only a special attitude to overcome nighttime urinary incontinence is designed for children.

In essence, Sytin's healing attitudes are a method of psycho-correction of somatic structures: in case of gastric ulcer, the restoration of the mucosa does not proceed by scarring, as usual, but by epithelization, so that after healing, there are no traces on the mucosa, etc.

This method passed repeated checks in various organizations on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Health. According to the results of clinical trials, the SOEVUS method is recommended for implementation in the practice of psychotherapists. You can find scientific conclusions about the method on the website http://www.sitin.by/ or www.sytin-gn.ru

Using this method, Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin cures schizophrenia, Minier's disease, nervous tics and other diseases that are difficult to get rid of by conventional treatment.

Some moods are written in two versions so that a person can choose the most suitable for himself.

Healing method settings cannot be edited. When translating into another language, it is very important to preserve the author's punctuation marks.

For ease of use and assimilation, the texts of moods can be read to yourself, spoken aloud or listened to in sound recordings at any time of the day.

Each of us needs to have a complete set of moods in the text.

In order to prevent the disease and reorganize the body for a long life, it is necessary to accustom people to assimilate attitudes as quickly as possible. early age. The entire system of upbringing and education in the country should help the new generations in this. It is useful to systematically transmit the most important attitudes on the radio, on television, print in newspapers, for example, the mood for stability in life, for a healthy lifestyle, for a long life, and others.

The efficiency of the SOEVUS method is high. It gives excellent results in the development of all abilities of a person, in increasing his creative activity, in study, self-education, science, art and production.

Over time, the SOEVUS method will be applied in all spheres of human life.

Sad, but, alas, subordinate to the world order news: Academician G.N. Sytin died.

In the summer, Georgy Nikolayevich fell ill due to hectic work activity.

As a result of the accumulated fatigue, the digestive system failed. All other organs and systems worked stably, in accordance with the mood.

Until the last, there was hope that the doctor would cope with this ailment and would soon return to work. And he fought. Struggled for several months. But age is age.

At the age of 25-30, it was possible to overcome illnesses, to cure oneself with the help of attitudes from the most severe wounds received at the front.

It was possible to maintain efficiency, health and vigor at a deep retirement age, at 60-70-80-90 years old!
What can I say, just a few months before his death, the 95-year-old academician held the most interesting, gathering a lot of listeners. He spent energetically, not at all tired for several hours.

And this was possible thanks to the mood, thanks to the author's own method of healing and rejuvenation.

But alas, 95 years and 3 months have become the limit of an independently extended life cycle.

However, on own example GN Sytin proved that his method works! With the help of attunements, it is possible to maintain the health of the physical body. It is possible to slow down the aging process. It is possible to maintain cheerfulness, vigor and ability to work throughout the entire life cycle given to us, which can be increased independently!

Let me remind you that G.N. Sytin, until the age of 95, did NOT work for only 4 months before his death. All the rest of the years he worked! He worked for the benefit of mankind, with incredible ability to work.

About 10,000 created moods became the result of G.N. Sytin's work. Moods from all diseases and for all occasions. Attitudes for the body and for the soul.

The academician made a huge contribution to the development of a drug-free method of treating patients.

Donated to the administration of President V.V. Putin, as well as to the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as gratuitous assistance to Russia and the army, all of his 60 books psychological help man, healing from all known disorders of health.

G.N. Sytin created the medicine of the future. As yet the future. His method works, but humanity is not yet ready to accept and spread the method of healing with attunements everywhere.

Pharmacists and doctors earn huge sums on people's diseases by selling us their services and medicines. This category absolutely does not need a method of self-healing.

Therefore, there was a constant persecution of the academician, stuffing of false information and efforts not to notice, to push, to remove his method.

So far, humanity is not ready to accept the method of Academician G.N. Sytin.

As long as wars continue in the world and as long as the thirst for commercial gain prevails, humanity has no time to think about spiritual, non-material values, which are attitudes.

Wars kill before the released life cycle of the physical body. The need for attitudes that prolong life and give health to a warring humanity automatically disappears.

I have already mentioned pharmacists and doctors. They are enraged by the method of drugless self-healing. It nullifies the commercial component of their business.

Thus, it remains to be seen that in the future humanity will overcome the base instincts to kill and profit. In the future, he will be engaged in spiritual development.

That's when people will remember the old man G.N. Sytin. They will put him on a par with Newton, Mendeleev, Korolev and the like.

In the meantime, let us pay due respect to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin, who has left us, and say a big THANK YOU to him in farewell for his contribution to our recovery and life extension!

Eternal memory to him ... Condolences to his wife and children.

P.S. What's next?

The attitudes of GN Sytin saved me from further spiritual and physical self-destruction. Saved, cured, revived and turned the mind to self-creation.

Being engaged in moods, I was reborn and grew spiritually, I became ready to contribute to the decision global problems humanity for health and life extension.

Contribution in the form of promotion and possibly development of the method of G.N. Sytin. As a result, this site was created.

All of the above will continue to be given free of charge.

Interested, write a message to .

All long, healthy and happy life!

The SOEVUS method (Verbal-Figurative Emotional-Volitional Control of the State or the method of psycho-correction) gives results that far exceed everything previously known in this area.

So, at the Institute of Normal Physiology. acad. PC. Anokhin of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR in the presence of Academician K.V. Sudakov, as a result of applying this method for ten minutes, a long-term stable tachycardia with a pulse rate of 120 beats per minute was removed from an employee (28 years old). The control electrocardiogram was taken by Art. n. With. V.V. Sinichkin. After the verbal-figurative impact, the pulse rate decreased to normal (72 beats per minute), which remains to this day.

In another case, in Polyclinic No. 1 of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in the presence of the head L.N. Pokrovskaya in a patient surgeon (68 years old), the method was applied for 30 minutes, after which the extrasystole, which had not been treatable before, disappeared. A normal pulse has been observed to date. There are many such examples. At the same time, the wide possibilities of the SOEVUS method are scientifically substantiated. The human brain stores the entire process of his healthy and diseased development. The SOEVUS method uses precisely this phenomenon, and extraordinary psychosomatic changes in people are based mainly on it. To improve and improve the activity of any diseased or weakened organ, the SOEVUS method normalizes the control of the organ by the nervous system, flushes it with a rapid flow of blood and provides it with good nutrition and oxygen, pours energy and strength into it. All this is done with the right setting. In the SOEVUS method, such settings are available for all organs and systems of the body.

Over the past two decades, domestic and foreign physiologists have experimentally shown that the impulses of the second signal system caused by the word come from the cerebral cortex to the internal environment of the body and rebuild the vital activity of tissues and internal organs for a long time. This explains the great stability of the healthy vital activity of the organism, caused by the assimilation of the settings of the SOEVUS method. As our studies have shown, the results of one thirty-minute session with the patient are recorded by devices for a month or more.

For example, in the two cases cited, a positive result was achieved after the impact of the main fragment of the mindset on healing the heart: "A healthy newborn youth flows into my heart (in the second case - youth), my heart is completely renewed, my new heart is born a newborn-young, untouched heart ". So, in people of mature age, for facial rejuvenation, the following fragment of the mood for a young life is used: "Newborn youth flows into my face, my face is completely renewed, my new face is born newborn-young, primordial-fresh, newborn youth is born in my face."

Using the SOEVUS method, one can also achieve the restoration of the natural color of gray hair in old age, for which it is enough to assimilate a fragment of the mood: "The life-giving newborn life flows into my hair, the hair is completely renewed, new hair is born, newborn-thick, newborn-healthy. Beautiful natural dye fills my hair." It is useful to assimilate such fragments against the background of the influence of the general mood on young life, which contributes to the restoration and strengthening of all physiological functions of the body and, thus, the elimination of their various disorders both in young and old age.

The settings of the SOEVUS method are made up of positive statements, for example: "I have a healthy strong heart." In the moods, negative expressions such as: "I do not have a sick heart, my heart does not hurt" are not allowed, since they are harmful and only increase the disease with the words "sick", "hurts". In the settings of the method, the so-called inverse form is used: "I suppress all doubts that I have a healthy strong heart." Suppression of doubts promotes assimilation of mood.

The construction of moods is such that they form in a person vivid images of health, youth, strength, indefatigability and beauty, enhance positive feelings, such as the joy of life, and stimulate volitional efforts in order to manage the state.

State management according to the SOEVUS method stimulates a life position, activates a personality, develops a person's volitional efforts. Many tasks of healing and rejuvenation of a person can be solved only on the basis of his active life position, on the management of his condition for the sake of personal and social goals. In turn, state management ensures high performance, and in combination with self-education of an active life position, purposefulness and strong will, it ensures high labor productivity.

The SOEVUS method does not require any preliminary special preparation for its application. Attunements can be assimilated without any restrictions at the age of 16 years and older. Only a special attitude to overcome nighttime urinary incontinence is designed for children.
In its essence, the SOEVUS method is a method of psycho-correction of somatic structures: in case of gastric ulcer, the restoration of the mucosa does not proceed by scarring, as usual, but by epithelialization, and after healing, no traces remain on the mucosa; at the onset of menopause, menstruation is restored in women, for example, three years after they stop (the author has no observations for long periods), and in men, sexual function is restored even twelve years after its extinction, and appearance the face and the whole body are changed, gray hair is restored to its natural color, etc.
This method was repeatedly tested in various organizations on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Health. According to the results of clinical trials, the SOEVUS method is recommended for implementation in the practice of psychotherapists.

With the help of the SOEVUS method, the author cures schizophrenia, Minier's disease, nervous tics and other diseases that are difficult to treat. The SOEVUS method opens a new era of highly effective medicine without a knife and drugs. But most importantly: the method opens up ways for humanity to rejuvenate and have a long, healthy, happy life. The author is convinced that the life expectancy of a person will increase many times over, and that is why the second version of the mood for longevity is written in such a way that people begin to get used to this idea.

Some moods are written in two versions so that a person can choose the most suitable one.

The healing settings of the SOEVUS method cannot be edited. When translating into another language, it is very important to preserve the author's punctuation marks. Any editing reduces the effectiveness of their impact, which has been repeatedly tested in practice.

For ease of use and assimilation, the texts of moods can be read to yourself, spoken aloud or listened to in sound recordings at any time of the day.

In order to prevent diseases and rebuild the body for a long life, it is necessary to accustom people to assimilate attitudes as early as possible. The entire system of upbringing and education in the country should help the new generations in this. It is useful to systematically transmit the most important attitudes on the radio, on television, print in newspapers, for example, attitudes towards sustainability in life, a healthy lifestyle, long life, and others.

The efficiency of the SOEVUS method is high. It gives excellent results in the development of all human abilities, in increasing his creative activity in study, self-education, science, art, and production. To do this, the book provides the appropriate settings.

Over time, the SOEVUS method will find application in all spheres of human life.

1) Particularly emotional natures may experience slight dizziness during the first sessions; in this case, it is recommended to take a break for 5 minutes.

2) After several sessions of applying the method, in some cases, there is an exacerbation of the disease, fever, dizziness, nausea. This is due to the fact that various salts and slags, deposited in the body for many years, leave the tissues and enter the bloodstream, gradually leaving naturally. The process of slag extraction lasts about three days; at the same time, it is recommended to even increase the number of sessions.

3) Often the effect of healing is observed already at the first use of the method. In this case, it is recommended to continue sessions for at least a week, because. with a single application, the possibility of the return of symptoms of the disease is not excluded.

4) In the absence of a pronounced effect after a month of using the therapy of the SOEVUS method, it is recommended to use the texts "To overcome neurasthenia", "On the stability of the nervous system", "To improve the head", because malaise is not caused by a specific disease of certain organs, but by a general disease of the nervous system. As practice has shown, the use of the above texts helps to cure a whole bunch of diseases.

5) When using the method, any drug therapy is allowed (the dose of psychotropic drugs should be reduced by at least 25-50%). It should be remembered that any use of drugs increases the slagging of the body.

6) In severe and threatening conditions, an abrupt cessation of drug therapy is strictly prohibited; reduce the dose of drugs to produce in proportion to the improvement of the condition.