Mother Russia is rich in amazing places, visiting which you immediately feel the Motherland, or, so to speak, you begin to hear the call of your ancestors. The state is as if you are returning here after a long, tiring journey, and here, in these small provincial cities, everything seems to have frozen, and life flows as before, quietly, calmly and peacefully. One of these unique places was the town of Kadom (Ryazan region), located in picturesque places Moksha River. Most recently it celebrated its 800th anniversary.

History of the city of Kadoma

The village of Kadom was first mentioned in 1209. True, it was founded much earlier. It should be noted that the Moksha River is quite large, so the village of Kadom became a very important trade hub and defensive point at the beginning of the 13th century. The Ryazan region was then called the Ryazan Principality.

The origin of the city's name is not known for certain; there are many versions. One of them says that this word has Arabic roots “we walk” or “kodim”, which translates as “guard”. In the Middle Ages, this village was listed as an eastern fortpost conquered by the Slavs.

Here were defensive structures to repel the raids of the Tatars and Nogais. Some local settlers who belonged to the military class were called Cossacks. Their descendants still live in Kadoma. One of these is the priest of the Merciful Bogoroditsky Monastery, Father Mikhail, who contributes to the revival of the Cossacks in cadet school, where, along with other general educational and secular disciplines, the law of God and military training are studied.

The hills on which the town stands have their own mysterious and at the same time majestic history. The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord recently stood on one hill, so it received an identical name in honor of the temple - Transfiguration.

And in the middle of the 13th century, the entire Kadom area was under the Mongol-Tatar yoke. There is an opinion that in those ancient centuries the Orthodox and Muslim religions existed here quite peacefully. There were even known cases when Tatars became Christians. Ancient written sources point to the fact that in the first half of the 14th century, the Tatar prince Shirinsky Beklemish accepted faith in Christ. At baptism he received the name Michael, and in connection with this event, on one of the previously mentioned hills, he built a wooden church in honor and baptized his soldiers there. In the 18th century, a white stone temple was built on the same site. It is known that the prince’s grandson, Yuri Fedorovich, became a real brave warrior and was a participant in the Battle of Kulikovo, fought on the side of Prince Dimitri Donskoy and courageously fell in a terrible battle.

Gradually, Orthodoxy strengthened on Kadomian soil. In 1875, priest Ivan Kobyakov wrote down the words that Kadom is a truly Orthodox city, all its inhabitants are pious and zealous in prayer. Pilgrims who come to these places do not ignore another unique place - in the forests under the oak tree there is a healing spring called Panika. According to the legend of our great-grandfathers, there was a chapel here in honor of John the Baptist, where hermit elders came and served an all-night vigil at night, and in the morning they dispersed for solitary prayer.

Creation of a monastic monastery

In 1997, in the town of Kadoma, the women's Kadoma Holy Mercy Monastery of the Mother of God began to be restored. Its existence has been known since 1793. It all started with the fact that several girls from merchant and bourgeois families decided to become nuns and live according to church rules. To do this, they turned to the Ryazan Epiphany Monastery to Abbess Evgenia, so that she could find them a wise mentor. After a short time, the abbess sent them the psalm-reader’s daughter, Ekaterina Gorskaya, who had good spiritual and monastic experience. She was able to establish monastic life in the newly formed community according to the rules of the Sarov monastery, which the Sarov elders immediately began to care for. There is even a legend that the Monk Seraphim himself once visited their monastery.

Thanks to well-coordinated and skillful leadership and unanimity among the nuns, the community began to gradually develop. First, land and some buildings were donated to her, then real construction began. In 1857, a summer church was built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called “Merciful,” then the construction of a second church and other buildings began.


On November 25, 1868, the community received the status of a monastery, at which they formed church school and a home for orphan girls. Before the revolution, the monastery numbered 365 nuns, but in 1917 it was destroyed, the settlers were dispersed, the property was nationalized, and all the icons were burned.

Only in our days, by the grace of God and the labors of people, the monastery began to be rebuilt again. But the most important thing was that in Cyprus, in the Kykkos monastery, the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” was again painted especially for the Kadoma monastery. On Ryazan soil this event was greeted with great joy and celebrated with great celebration.

Kadom: monastery, Father Afanasy

The confessor and rector of the monastery, Archimandrite Afanasy, took part in the revival of the monastery, who invested a lot of his strength and work into it. This is another extraordinary personality for which Kadom has always been famous. Father Afanasy (Kultinov) is an archimandrite and a silver-haired monk who looks at everything positively and always trusts in the mercy of the Lord and the Mother of God.

Afanasy (or Anatoly to the world) was born in 1937 in the Ryazan region, in the village of Bolshoye Lyakhovo (Ermishinsky district). His mother spent all day busy with housework. The closest temple from them was 8 km away, in the village of Savvatme. Although the family almost never visited the temple due to the lack of opportunity to get there, and no one even prayed, they always retained faith in their souls.

As a child, the boy received instructions from his mother not to join any pioneer or Komsomol organizations. Tolik was not oppressed for this, probably because it was a remote village, and here this matter was not so strict.

The elder himself admitted that, be that as it may, the people of that time were still morally purer. And after the Great Patriotic War grief affected almost every family, people grieved and were compassionate towards others. Electricity was installed in their village only in 1956.

The Road of Life of Elder Athanasius

You can learn a lot of useful things from the memoirs of a wise old man who has seen a lot in his life and has a lot to learn from him. He helped many people cope with one or another life's difficulties and problems.

Over time, the eldership came, for which Kadom became famous. Father Afanasy is one of those people from different parts of Russia come to for advice and consolation. But more on that a little later.

When the war ended, he was 9 years old. In schools, due to lack of money for notebooks, many wrote on newspapers. There was also not enough money for shoes, so something like lasts was cut out of wood and tied with strings to old worn-out shoes.

The time was truly difficult and hungry; practically no one saw bread. Women collected sorrel and baked bread from potatoes, acorns and quinoa. However, the priest notes a paradox, which was that despite all this suffering, people were not particularly sick. It was probably all about the environment. Today's young people are much weaker than their parents and grandparents. Afanasy’s father’s mother, Zoya, lived for more than 90 years with a heart defect.

Joining the Church

When her son was 13 years old, she took him to the temple in Savvatma, then Aunt Mariamne began to introduce Anatoly to the church and introduced him to the elder - Father Jacob, who had one eye. One day, the Soviet authorities sent him into exile, but the guards, seeing the frail old man, sent him home. The future father Afanasy confessed and took communion with him for the first time, but told the priest that he would never drink vodka and wine. The elder was surprised by these words and added that perfect people can drink vodka, but imperfect people cannot drink a drop of it.

A little earlier, due to his thirst for knowledge of God, Anatoly almost ended up with annoying Baptists. However, God saved him, and he began going to the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas. First, Father Vasily (Romanov) served in this church, then Father Vladimir (Pravolyubov), and then the famous seer Father

All of them became his. While still in the world, he got married and mastered the profession of 2nd mate on the ship. But then he left this profession to become a priest.


Each of his spiritual children remembers what the pious priest told him when they met. Now it’s worth noting who Father Afanasy was. Kadom, reviews of which note that Afanasy now serves in the Merciful Bogoroditsky has become a real Orthodox Mecca of the Ryazan region.

But first the elder had to serve on Holy Mount Athos, from there he brought the Cross with reliquaries. He accepted monasticism when he was over 50 years old. This happened in the cell of the holy ascetic Silouan of Athos.

Father Afanasy leaves a very bright mark in people’s souls, you can always hear from him wise advice. Visitors immediately feel the kindness and God’s grace that comes from the perspicacious old man.

Perspicacious old man

Father is very smart and perspicacious, and getting to him is quite easy. He serves in the monastery almost every day and receives confessions. At the end of the service, he always takes out the Cross and applies it to the body and sore spots of his parishioners, then he anoints them with oil and talks. There are usually few people at services, since Kadom is not very crowded. Father Afanasy, however, is always fully armed, at any moment he is ready to listen to anyone who turns to him. He, like no one else, understands how difficult it is to live today to modern man in this wicked world, and that first of all we must always trust in the help of the Lord.

City of Kadom: Father Athanasius (the perspicacious). How to get to him

So who was and is Father Afanasy? Kadom, whose reviews are beyond praise among visitors, is also known for the fact that pilgrims visiting the Holy Mercy Monastery of the Mother of God speak enthusiastically about the state of mind that comes after a conversation with Father Athanasius. For all those who suffer, the perspicacious elder is a true spiritual father.

Almost everyone who visits Kadom speaks about this blessed state. Father Afanasy, good-natured and smiling, envelops every person as if with a gentle cloud. He is also distinguished by his ardent desire to ease people's burdens. He prays to God for everyone day and night.

Under no circumstances should you miss the opportunity to come to Kadom to see Athanasius with your own eyes and receive wise advice from this extraordinary man, who has chosen a very difficult path for himself and is purposefully walking along it to Eternity.


To get to the monastery for an appointment with the priest, the most correct way would be to contact any pilgrimage center in Ryazan. They will also be able to answer any questions regarding the trip to the Merciful Mother of God Monastery.

Kadom is a small town in the east of the Ryazan region, the most distant regional center from Ryazan, 264 kilometers of travel - much further than from Ryazan to Moscow. It is difficult to find in the Ryazan chronicles, although in age it is only slightly inferior to Ryazan - the east of the Ryazan region was part of the Tambov province for a long time, therefore its descriptions are lost in the local Mordovian-Tambov archives. To this day, historians and toponymists cannot objectively explain the meaning of the word “Kadom”, replacing the truth with a bunch of versions. So, in the language of the local Mordovian tribes, there was the word “kadon” - “abandoned, lost land.” According to another version, the word comes from the name of the Tatar khan Kadym. The third version brings to the name a certain Christian Vassa, who supposedly escaped from Mordovian captivity and built a cave on the banks of the Moksha - “like a house.”

Like Moscow and Rome, Kadom stands on hills, and they, unlike the ephemeral hillocks of Moscow, are truly impressive, growing as if from underground with steep slopes up to 25 meters high. There is a well-known scientific error associated with these hills. In 1977, they were declared protected with the status of “natural monuments” as glacial (moraine) hills. And only recently, Professor, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Vyacheslav Krivtsov clearly showed that the famous hills are sandy outcrops cut off by the ever-wandering loops of the Moksha River from “ big land" This is a kind of victim or the result of floods, because rivers change their course in the spring, at the peak of the living power of water. There are four such hills in total: in the direction from west to east - Kokuy, Bezymyanny, Kadomskaya Mountain and Preobrazhensky.

On Kokuy Hill, archaeologists discovered objects from the Bronze Age, and since 1935 there has been a cemetery here. According to legend, a certain Tatar khan lived on the Nameless Hill. For his secret connections with Crimean Khan the palace on the hill was burned, and later a wooden one was built here Orthodox church, which later also burned down, but from a lightning strike. Today, on the site of the Nameless Hill, there is a small hill: the sandy body of the hill was broken up for household needs, and then an asphalt road was built through it. In the very center of the city lies the most famous of the hills - Kadomskaya Mountain. From its flat top there is a wonderful view of Moksha, the temple with a bell tower and the monastery in the central square, a scattering of huts, the city market and the neighboring hills. Once upon a time there was a fort here, where the governor lived. Since then, military artifacts have been found at this site more than once: multi-pound chains, parts of arquebuses, cast iron cannonballs.

Preobrazhensky Hill, unlike the others, lies on the left bank of the Moksha, in the trans-river part of Kadoma. According to residents, the hill is shrouded in a whole network of legends. A certain Beklemish, the son of the Horde khan Bakhmet, suddenly became baptized in his declining years, and as a sign of his transfiguration, he built a wooden Church of the Transfiguration on a hill. Later, in 1735, a stone temple was built on the site of the wooden one. At one time, Peter I gave the church an icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which was decorated with pearls and gems. The temple served faithfully until the arrival Soviet power. In the 1930s, the church was looted, the bells were thrown away, and later an orphanage settled here. Today, the partially preserved buildings house the vocational school building.

Ryazan Kitezh-grad

The history of Kadoma is literally buried in a series of catastrophic floods. This city arose on the right bank of the Moksha in the dense Mordovian forests. The first written mention of the town dates back to 1209. The Nikon Chronicle states that a Ryazan military leader was killed in Kadoma. A few kilometers from modern Kadom lies the village of Old Kadom. Kadom originated here, but due to floods in the 16th century it was abandoned and moved to the sandy hills eight kilometers to the south. In 1426 Grand Duke Vasily the Dark gave Kadom “to feed” the Protasyev boyars. At the end of the 18th century, Kadom acquired special significance in the Tambov province. In terms of population, it surpassed the cities of Shatsk and Temnikov and acquired the status county town. There were 30 villages and 107 hamlets in the district. There were factories producing wine, cloth, leather, oil mills and sawmills. Kadom merchants traded timber and, interestingly, bread, and this despite the fact that agriculture, with the widespread development of scarce sandy soils, was never at its best. Here important role played by the favorable transport and geographical position of Kadoma in the lower reaches of the Moksha, which actually originates in the Penza region and flows along Nizhny Novgorod region and the territory of Mordovia and only then flows into the Ryazan region, where it gives its waters to the Oka. The length of Moksha is 656 kilometers, of which the Ryazan region accounts for only 134 of the lower, most fishy, ​​deep and water kilometers. Along Moksha, food products were brought to Kadom, among which bread was of particular value. In the same 18th century, according to legend, another “unprecedented” flood occurred, when in one night a river overflowing its banks washed away an entire street and the church that stood on it.

In the 19th century, Kadom acquired educational and medical institutions: a parish school was opened in 1839, and later a vocational school, a lace school and a girls' gymnasium appeared. In 1871 it appeared city ​​hospital, and then a city outpatient clinic - one of four in the Tambov province. In the 20th century, terrible floods occurred three times - in 1925, 1963 and 1994. In May 2012, a small hell erupted throughout Russia when the level in Moksha rose to a record 806 centimeters in history, and water covered three-quarters of the city’s area. Even at the beginning of July (two months after the end of the flood), there was water in the gardens of some Kadom residents. Some lucky people from higher places began planting potatoes. But now it is clear that this flood was only one in a series of similar ones that happened once every 30-50 years.

Residents of Kadom have always been called somyatniks, because Moksha has long been famous for catfish weighing several pounds. And the locals, as if in agreement, tell a story about an old woman. So, after the flood of half a century ago, the water left the houses of Kadom residents. One old woman, having decided to start farming and live better than before, climbed into the oven. But that was not the case: some sounds came from the darkness of the oven, and then a huge mustachioed head appeared in the light. The old woman, scared to death, was pumped out by force. The reason for all the troubles is simple - the city of Kadom arose on high hills, but, growing, descended into the floodplain, which at Moksha has two levels. In a normal year, water peacefully flows around the town, only filling the barns in places, forcing Kadomites to move the potatoes in advance to a drier, higher place. A long period of low floods sometimes stretches over the life of an entire generation, accustoming them to a quiet life. And they forget that they live in the floodplain of a river, which sooner or later will be under water.

The Greek term “oligarch,” popular in Russia, is applicable not only to federal businessmen. Oligarchy is not about scale at all, but about the merging of power and business. In the Russian outback you can find very interesting specimens.

The work is over

Kadom is one of the oldest settlements Ryazan region, founded in 1209. Four hours by car from Ryazan, a real “outback” even for Ryazan residents, not to mention Muscovites. In the entire Kadomsky district there are only about eight thousand residents - this is how many live in several multi-storey new buildings. It would seem that you can look for oligarchs anywhere, but not here. However, the region is not only the population, which, judging by what is described below, is of little interest to anyone. These are budget flows, land, real estate.

In 2008, the head of the district became the head of the Kadoma traffic police, a native of Sapozhok, Vasily Shchevyev. Of course, there were a lot of jokes about how traffic police habits could affect the work of the head of the district, but Shchevyev himself was not going to joke and immediately got down to business. He was elected from the A Just Russia party, which at that time was under the control of the current senator Igor Morozov. Later, the district charter was changed and direct elections were abolished.

At that time, several industrial enterprises and farms were operating in the area, two of them were large. However, a division into insiders and outsiders immediately began, which resulted in the fact that the “outsiders” simply could not work. With the help of what signs of attention it was possible to become “one of our own” for the ex-traffic cop, it was clear, but not everyone agreed to the conditions set.

In the former furniture workshops of Kadoma, for example, two successful enterprises operated, employing several dozen people. However, under Shchevyev, their rent is raised several times, after which they leave the area. They say that businessmen were required to have no less than a 51% share in their business.

Approximately the same story is happening with agricultural enterprises. Several farms collapsed completely. The largest since Soviet times were the collective farm “Name after 13 years of October” and “Red Wave”. Now the second of them operates on a small scale, the first has disappeared, and the remaining buildings are falling apart before our eyes.

The entire area is covered with overgrown fields, while in neighboring Ermishinsky, as they say in Kadoma, “they fight over the ravines.” In the Kadomsky district, 16.2 percent of arable land is cultivated, in Ermishinsky - more than 94%. This is Rosreestr data.

Misfortune helped

Kadom regularly experiences severe floods. In 2012, the regional center was literally flooded. After the flood there was a big scandal with the distribution of compensation to the victims. Residents claimed that among those who received increased compensation (10 and 50 thousand were allocated) somehow miraculously there were people associated with the district administration.

However, the state was generous not only with individual compensations. Moreover, this time the word “generosity” is used without any sarcasm. The small district was immediately allocated money for the construction of a new school, kindergarten and physical education and sports complex.

Visitors look at the Kadoma school with their mouths open.

It seems like you could fit the whole of Kadom into it. The school has 26 rooms. However, the school is far from full. All this gigantomania was needed only to absorb budget funds.

Such a colossus could only be placed outside the village. At the same time, schoolchildren have to travel along a broken-down road that has neither lighting nor sidewalks.

At the same time, Mr. Shchevyev, reporting on the expenditure of the allocated money, also spoke about road repairs.

But the most piquant story surrounding the construction of the school is connected with this quarry in the area of ​​​​the former livestock base of the former collective farm “Name of 13 Years of October”.

The whole Kadom was talking about this. The quarry was dug during the construction of the school, residents saw that the sand was transported from here. However, there is not a single license to develop a quarry in the Kadoma region; according to documents, the quarry was transported from somewhere far away, making good money by writing off the money allocated for sand. At the same time, naturally, no one checked the quality of Kadoma sand for construction, since, we repeat, the quarry did not undergo any control procedures.

The dug up and abandoned quarry not only serves as a monument to traffic police resourcefulness. It now also blocks residents’ path to the once most popular local beach.

Next to the school is a not so impressive, but also quite large physical education and sports complex called “Victoria”. Sometimes less than ten people visit this colossus a week...

By kindergarten among residents to local authorities one question - why can’t you think through the basic things when implementing such projects?

The kindergarten is located so that on one side there is a sawmill making noise all day long,

and on the other - a metal receiver.

By the way, one of the few enterprises operating in the area, along with the famous Kadomsky Veniz. Here, for example, they bring metal cut from the crumbling buildings of the former collective farm.

Well, it’s almost impossible to avoid proximity to abandoned buildings - they are everywhere here.

After the implementation of federal money, nothing is built in the region, everything just falls apart. At the same time, one of the largest in the administration is the capital construction department.

Vasily Shchepyev pays great attention to personnel policy. Administration is not only traditionally prestigious, but for a devastated area it is perhaps the only place in which one can count on a regular, relatively high salary.

To maintain corporate spirit, the district administration regularly holds “team-building events,” which have become the talk of the town. Every holiday “the whole of Kadom shakes,” say the locals, wondering why the local “elite” cannot walk a little more modestly or at least not in full view of the entire regional center. Almost no bureaucratic spree is complete without casualties; someone inevitably breaks something or is injured in a fight. A certain Mr. Loshchinin, who regularly receives wounds in these local battles, is considered the absolute champion and star of regional tales.

“Is he his friend? “He is his slave.”

However, the true hope and support of Vasily Shchevyev is not the administration employees, but this inconspicuous hard worker Vladimir Kiselev, the head of the Kiselyov Peasant Farm.

“Is he his friend?” we ask the locals. “He is his slave,” comes the answer, “he runs the farm, heats the bathhouse, opens beer, drives wild boars while hunting.” Vladimir Kiselev or “Kisel” is known throughout Kadom as Shchevyev’s faithful orderly, but according to documents he is a very successful businessman who bought and sold half the district in a few years. It was during those few years that Vasily Shchevyev headed the district.

It was the garages of UMP “DOZ” (the same former furniture workshops from which the entrepreneurs were expelled) that somehow became the property of the peasant farm Kiselyov from the municipality. They were then successfully resold.

Another inexplicable success of the Kiselev peasant farm. This commercial structure received land in the central square of ancient Kadoma next to the ancient merchant houses and the monastery. This mansion was built here, which was successfully sold to an energy sales company.

“There is nothing good on this lake”

The conflict between residents and the head of the district over access to Lake Scribe has been going on for many years. Previously, this was a place for summer milking of cows. Now there is a passage to the lake of Shchevyev’s estate: house, bathhouse, farm, garden area. All this was registered at the Kiselev peasant farm. Plot area – 121 thousand 821 sq.m.

Residents contacted the local prosecutor's office, which gave a very interesting answer: access to the water body cannot be considered blocked, since although the fence is in place, “there are gates that do not close with a locking device.”

Arriving at the place, the Vidsboku correspondent actually discovered an unsightly, unlocked gate.

However, none other than Mr. Kiselev immediately appeared.

The Kadoma “businessman” in work clothes immediately began to close the gate, saying when asked how to get to the lake that “there is nothing good on this lake.” He motivated the travel ban by saying that “my sheep will run out.”

During the eight years of Vasily Shchepyev’s reign, the district’s economy collapsed to the scale of the Kiselev peasant farm. Overgrown fields, abandoned buildings, people are looking for work in Ryazan and Moscow, deprived in their small homeland not only of work, but even access to water bodies.

Vidsboku will monitor the situation in the area and contact the prosecutor's office regarding the facts revealed.

Urban settlement Kadom - administrative center Kadomsky district, Ryazan region. The village is located on the banks of the Moksha River. Kadomsky district borders the Republic of Mordovia. Kadom was first mentioned in the Nikon Chronicle, which dates back to 1209. However, in the 15th century it was flooded due to the Moksha floods, and the residents had to leave their habitable place. After some time, a little to the south, on high sandy hills, saving residents from flooding, the Kadoma fortress appeared, which gave rise to the modern village. At the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th century, a monastery operated in Kadoma. By the end of the 19th century, more than 7 thousand residents already lived in the village. Initially, the district was located in the Tambov province, and since 1923 it became part of the Ryazan region.

Kadomsky district specializes in agriculture. In the Kadoma directory of organizations one can count almost 5 thousand farms of various properties, seven of which are agricultural enterprises, another eight are farms, and the rest are private households of the population. The list of Kadoma organizations consists mainly of small companies. The largest agricultural enterprise in the region is the agricultural enterprise (collective farm) “Red Wave”. The farms are mainly engaged in dairy farming and growing grains - rye, oats, wheat, barley.

There are several industrial enterprises in the area, but they are not large. Kadoma's Yellow Pages provides information about a wood processing plant, a dairy products processing plant, a clothing industry, and, of course, the Kadomsky Veniz production plant. Many Kadom enterprises are famous far beyond the region.

The Kadomsky district has long been known throughout Russia for its amazing works– hand embroidery. The history of the Kadomsky veniz began under Peter I, who brought to Russia the tradition of decorating his clothes with rich and beautiful Venetian and Brussels lace. But such decoration was very expensive, and the emperor ordered Russian craftswomen to learn this craft. This is how Kadom craftsmen and traditional handicrafts of this region appeared.

Since the Kadomsky district has a rich history, it is not surprising that there are many museums here that are ready to tell it to the guests of the region. On the map of Kadom you can see the Kadomsky Museum of Local Lore, the House-Museum of S.Ya. Batyshev, the Russian Izba Museum, Kadomsky district house Cultures and Kadoma Central Library. And for Orthodox residents there is the Demetrius Cathedral.

Kadom website, selling goods via the Internet. Allows users online, in their browser or through a mobile application, to create a purchase order, select a method of payment and delivery of the order, and pay for the order.

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