A huge methane bubble is the secret of the Bermuda Triangle, says Australian David May.

Ships and planes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle not because they fall into a time hole or are abducted by aliens. The reason lies in natural phenomenon, in a huge bubble of methane rising from the ocean floor to the surface. This giant gas bubble absorbs objects that happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Economic News writes about uncovering the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, according to a study published in Physics, conducted by Professor Joseph Monaghan, based on the assumption of Australian David May from Monash University in Melbourne.

Methane bubble

In the region known as Bermuda Triangle, large methane bubbles form at the bottom of the ocean, which, rising to the surface, absorb sea ships and aircraft. Scientists note that there are many such places on the planet, but since the main public attention is focused on the mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, the emphasis was placed on it.

Having carried out geodesy of the bottom in the Bermuda region, scientists discovered a large number of methane hydrates at sites of ancient volcanic eruptions. Through natural cracks in seabed methane bubbles rise to the surface, after which an explosion often occurs.

Even without an explosion, ships and boats drawn into the methane bubble lose speed and sink to the bottom. In certain cases, methane bubbles can also “knock down” airliners. There are several options. This could be the failure of the plane's engines, after which it crashes and floods, or the plane becomes a victim of the explosion of a giant methane bubble. Eyewitnesses could clarify the situation, but all passengers of ships and planes lost in the Bermuda Triangle disappear without a trace or do not remember anything about what happened to them.


Scientists decided to move from words to action and built a large tank of water to test the hypothesis of objects being absorbed by gas bubbles.

The result shocked scientists - all their computer simulations were confirmed during physical tests. Tests showed that when a methane bubble captured a ship, when the ship found itself between the center of the bubble and its outer edge, it began to sink. If the ship did not sink, being not in the center, but next to the floating gas bubble, then after the expansion of the bubble, all the people on board the sea vessels, according to scientists, would still not survive - they would simply suffocate in this methane cloud. Another danger is the ignition of methane. It is not possible to survive after an explosion of such a quantity of gas.

During tests, scientists discovered the following picture: a huge methane bubble floats to the surface, creating a sphere of water that rises sharply. At the same time, the ship seems to slide off the sphere, but an explosion occurs of such force that a powerful jet stream in a split second pulls the ship to the bottom, crushing it into fragments.

However, scientists do not know what the emergence of a giant methane bubble from the depths of the sea actually looks like, because simulating such a situation is extremely difficult and very unsafe.

Other versions

Other versions of the Bermuda Triangle mystery include wandering waves, infrasound, time holes and the machinations of aliens, say experts from the Science News department of the Stock Leader publication.

Some scientists do not rule out that “wandering waves” may arise in the ocean, reaching a height of 30 meters or more, which can easily sink sea vessels. However, this assumption does not explain the disappearance of aircraft flying at an altitude of much more than 30 meters.

There is also a popular version about infrasound, which can be generated in certain areas of the planet. A person cannot hear this sound, but it has a detrimental effect on him. Certain frequencies can cause panic and disorientation, and memory loss. As for the versions about aliens and time holes, then, as they say, the name speaks for itself.

Bermuda Triangle

Like everything mysterious and unknown, the theme of the Bermuda Triangle is actively used in cinema, printing and other similar activities, bringing authors decent or obscenely large fees. Over the past ten years alone, more than ten television and feature films, basic storyline which was the Bermuda Triangle.

This area Atlantic Ocean also acquired the name "Devil's Triangle" He has already accounted for more than 100 missing ships and aircraft. Any technique that gets caught in this mystical circuit causes navigation problems, sometimes taking thousands of human lives with it into the unknown.

The Devil's Triangle first attracted attention after an article by Vincent Gaddison. It was dedicated to the disappearance of 5 huge Aveger torpedo bombers with an experienced crew, and subsequently the disappearance of an aircraft sent in search of a sea convoy. This happened more than 70 years ago. And from that time on "Bermuda Triangle" has consumed more than one thousand lives. Both small and large ships have gone missing in its waters. In 1963, he was responsible for the cargo ship Marine Sulfur Queen. A sea giant more than 100 meters long will disappear without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle.

On the world map, the Devil's Triangle is located between the shores of Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. By connecting 3 points with segments, an equilateral triangle appears on the map.

Recent studies have shown that at the bottom of this area there are previously unknown objects that strongly resemble pyramids. Moreover, the bottom of the “Dead Sea” is absolutely smooth and has no marine vegetation or depressions on its surface. Unknown objects are probably of unearthly origin, because the technologies with which such structures can be built are unknown to humanity.

There are quite a few hypotheses describing these anomalies, but none is fully confirmed. Here are the main ones:

Huge methane bubbles. Huge methane bubbles burst from cracks in the Atlantic Ocean to the surface. The gas rushes into the sky, and the unfilled volume remaining in the place of the bubble creates a funnel that absorbs everything around it.

Sargasso Sea. It is located in the east of the Bermuda Triangle and is surrounded on all sides by strong currents: the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic, Canary and North Passat. Together, these currents create a closed Roundabout Circulation, which is the cause of all troubles.

These hypotheses only explain the disappearance sea ​​vessels, but the question of the disappearance of the planes remains open.

Pyramids. These strange structures at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle are a haven for aliens. Proponents of this theory came to such conclusions due to the huge number of unidentified luminous objects rising from the depths.

The investigation and study of the “devil sea” continues. And many more different theories will be put forward by scientists and ordinary people. In the meantime, we can only guess and hope that someday the Bermuda Triangle will reveal all its secrets.

On October 21, 2003, Reuters, many other newspapers and the Internet commented on the message that Australian scientists, based on natural observations and physical experiments, substantiated the reasons for the unusual disappearance of ships as a consequence of the breakthrough of giant methane bubbles from the seabed.

While doing mathematical modeling of this problem, a few years ago I came to a conclusion repeated by Australian scientists, verifying the version of Japanese scientists (1970-1980) using a mathematical model.

Methane is an odorless gas that is hardened by enormous pressure at the depths of the seabed. Ice-like methane deposits can break down and turn into gas, creating bubbles on the surface. Locational surveys of the ocean floor in the North Sea, between England and continental Europe, have revealed large amounts of methane hydrates and volatile gas emission sites, May and Monaghan write in their report in the American Journal of Physics.

This message prompted benchmarking the results of physical and mathematical research into the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, published in the Canadian Russian-language press (Montrecal) back in April 1999 and then detailed, from March 2001 to April 2002, in the history of the disappearance of the crew of the Mary Celeste.

New research by Australian scientists has revealed the presence of shipwrecks near the center of one particularly large eruption of gas bubbles, now known as the "Witches Hole".

May and Monaghan note that no one has ever seen giant gas bubbles bursting from the seabed. No one knows, they say, how likely it is for bottom bubbles caused by methane deposits to break off.

In order to study this phenomenon, they created a physical model with which they can observe the dynamics of the movement of a gas bubble arising under the ship. To do this, they poured water between the vertical glass walls of the tank, placed an acrylic model of the ship and released methane from a cylinder installed at its bottom. It turned out that when the radius of gas bubbles rising to the surface of the tank is equal to or greater than the length of the model, it goes to the bottom.

One might believe that the concept of “modeling” used by scientists reflects the process of formation and accumulation of gases, i.e. creating a gas accumulator, which, exploding under certain conditions, leads to the rise of a dispersed column of gas in the water column. However, the authors claim to have created a “big bubble model.” The question arises: isn’t the model in the form of a “small” bubble in an aquarium or tank the same bubble? The point is not just a bubble, as such, but a bubble that exists and breaks through a vault, perhaps a solid one, formed on a variety of specific natural conditions, determined by resonant interactions with environment, destroying the bubble, turning it into countless small, but also bubbles! Therefore, the conditions formulated by May and Monaghan for the floating and drowning of a ship model in a tank may be correct, but the transfer of the results obtained to the conditions for the safety of a ship sailing in the ocean, when a naturally forming bubble breaks through to the surface, does not seem convincing enough. The statement of safe removal, defined as “sufficient from the bubble,” without specifying the measure, is as vague as it is trivial. Discussions about the safety of a ship located in the center of an explosion or between some vaguely defined “stagnation point” and the boundaries of a “low pressure area” do not explain anything, especially since the authors contradict themselves, claiming that near the center of the eruption there are gas bubbles and in At the epicenter of one of the most powerful explosions, the remains of sunken ships were found.

The authors are absolutely right, however, that no one knows how likely large methane deposit bubbles are to break off. But in asserting this, they forget that this probability, being a dependence on many conditions, primarily related to the dynamics of the resonant frequencies of the “bubble-vault-medium” oscillatory system, cannot be determined by physical experiment in a reservoir. In a physical experiment, it is simply impossible to satisfy the requirements of the similarity theory when reproducing the process of the emergence and development of a bottom bubble. An assessment of such a probability, with one error or another, can be made only theoretically, by mathematical modeling equations for the dynamics of the process of formation and formation of a gas accumulator, taking into account certain local conditions that satisfy the unity of the set of relations connecting these conditions.

Let us assume, as can be understood from the published materials, that this physical model corresponds to a “small”, solid gas bubble (at least the size of a ship), reaching water surface without destruction and not forming a dispersed column of gases. This model contradicts the physics of the phenomena accompanying the breakthrough of the roof of a gas accumulator, which is formed under natural conditions of bottom pressures at the depths of the World Ocean, although the entry of a ship into such a “conditional” bubble is an unconditional factor in its drowning (but not its disappearance without a trace). It is doubtful, however, that if a gas accumulator breaks, solid gas bubbles with dimensions corresponding to modern ships can rise without destruction.

In the “reservoir” model used by Australian scientists, a bubble is formed due to the tension forces of the boundary layer separating the gaseous medium from the water one. In a bottom bubble that forms under natural conditions, this layer, forming an arch, is strengthened by centuries-old sedimentary materials. Some of these materials form its hard skeleton, associated with rocks of the hard bottom or sedimentary layer. The physical model also does not reproduce the turbulence of deep currents in any way, the fluid pressure in the model reservoir does not correspond to the real pressure at the depths of the ocean and, therefore, the system of dynamic interactions “bubble-vault-environment” does not correspond to the real one and does not ensure the unity of relations in it .

Moreover, it seems that such a system is unlikely to be amenable to physical modeling and the conclusions drawn by the authors seem realistic only for modeling conditions. It also remains unclear to what extent the requirements of the theory of similarity - the doctrine of the conditions of similarity - have been met. physical phenomena, based on the doctrine of dimensions physical quantities, which is the basis of physical modeling. From the examination of the experiment described by Australian scientists, it is not possible to assess even the closeness of the model to natural system“bubble-vault-environment” and the unity of connections in it. This model only allowed us to visually trace the general similarity of processes, and does not in any way reflect the entire set of interactions in the prototype of the modeled system. This does not allow us to assess the quality of modeling the mechanisms of ship sinking. Other options for the interaction of the environment and the object of influence - determining the instantaneous destruction of the hull, the disappearance of the crew while the vessel is intact, as can be seen from the message - were not considered at all. Neither Japanese nor Australian scientists analyzed the generated, daughter mechanisms accompanying the explosion of a gas accumulator and the interaction of the ship with the environment at the moment of its dispersed cloud leaving the water column.

A comparison of the methods and results of the Japanese experiment of sinking a ship, identification of the hypothesis with mathematical models and its partial verification using the situational “black box” method shows that the factors established by Japanese scientists in the physical experiment are confirmed and clarified by mathematical model. It was the Japanese version, formulated in relation to phenomena observed in the waters of the maximum depths of the World Ocean - the Mariana Trench (length 1340 km, depth 11022 m), that was revised using mathematical models. The results of this audit were reported back in 1999 by the Canadian press. The research of Australian scientists is nothing more than a repetition of the Japanese experiment.

In contrast to Japanese and Australian scientists, with illustrations using specific examples and taking into account specific conditions, we described in detail not only the causes and mechanisms of the disappearance of ships and their crews, identified on a mathematical model, but carefully analyzed the consequences of these mechanisms - the aftereffect stages. These stages are different and are formed by the mechanisms of explosions of gas accumulators of different nature. Determining the results of the ship’s interaction with the environment, and determining the consequences - the disappearance or sinking of ships ( aircraft), caught in the zone where a dispersed cloud emerges, or the disappearance of crews while preserving the vessel, these mechanisms were reflected in the structure and composition of the model corresponding to the process of generation and accumulation of a gas accumulator. Consideration of precisely these mechanisms made it possible to understand the reasons for the disappearance of ship crews, with the actual complete preservation of the latter. This required substantive specification, which was implemented on event information reflecting the phenomena that occurred on the Mary Celeste. The available information on this event turned out to be sufficient to solve the problem and draw parallels between the mechanisms of interaction between the objective components of the situation, its participants and the environment itself. The dynamics of such interaction, leaving a trace in the form of a set of signs observed on the Celeste, interpreted in the logic of the situational model of the phenomenon, made it possible to interpret in a new way the origins of the appearance of each of the signs in real world hypotheses.

If we talk about methane - the main component of the gas bubble - the killer of ships, then it is a natural, easily explosive gas that hardens at a temperature of -182 ° C. Between -182°C and -164°C, methane is a liquid (with a density of 0.47 g/cc), boiling and turning into gas at a temperature of minus 164°C. At high bottom pressures, the transition of methane to a solid state is achieved at a temperature close to zero. Literary sources indicate that its hydrated forms can also be found at shallow depths, in areas of continental shelves. In diagenesis - a set of processes of transformation of loose bottom sediments, they form fossils on the ocean floor - in various zones of gas bubbles, causing the creation and accumulation of huge reservoirs - gas accumulators - in bottom sediments.

A detailed description of the phenomena associated with explosions of gas batteries is currently published on the website http://www.port-folio.org/archive.htm of the Portfolio almanac.

Yakov Gelfandbein

The Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis is a place where people disappear, ships and planes disappear, navigation instruments fail, and almost no one ever finds the crashed. This hostile, mystical, ominous country for humans instills such great horror in the hearts of people that they often simply refuse to talk about it.

Many pilots and sailors have no other alternative but to constantly plow the water/air spaces of this mysterious territory - a considerable stream of tourists and vacationers rushes to the area, surrounded on three sides by fashionable resorts. Therefore, it is simply impossible and will not work to isolate the Bermuda Triangle from the world around it. And, although most ships pass this zone without any problems, no one is immune from the fact that one day they may not return.

Few people knew about the existence of such a mysterious and amazing phenomenon called the Bermuda Triangle a hundred years ago. This mystery of the Bermuda Triangle began to actively occupy people's minds and force them to put forward various hypotheses and theories in the 70s. last century, when Charles Berlitz published a book in which he extremely interestingly and fascinatingly described the stories of the most mysterious and mystical disappearances in this region. After this, journalists picked up the story, developed the theme, and the history of the Bermuda Triangle began. Everyone began to worry about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle and the place where the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis is located.

Is this wonderful place or the missing Atlantis located in the Atlantic Ocean near the coast North America– between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. It is located in two climatic zones at once: the upper part, the larger part in the subtropics, the lower part in the tropics. If these points are connected to each other by three lines, the map will show a large triangular figure, the total area of ​​which is about 4 million square kilometers.

This triangle is quite arbitrary, since ships also disappear outside its borders - and if you mark on the map all the coordinates of disappearances, flying and floating Vehicle, then most likely it will turn out to be a rhombus.

The term itself is unofficial; its author is considered to be Vincent Gaddis, who in the 60s. last century published an article entitled “The Bermuda Triangle is the lair of the devil (death).” The note did not cause any particular stir, but the phrase stuck and reliably entered into everyday life.

Terrain features and possible causes of crashes

U knowledgeable people The fact that ships often crash here is not particularly surprising: this region is not easy to navigate - there are many shallows, a huge number of fast water and air currents, cyclones often form and hurricanes rage.


What does the Bermuda Triangle hide underwater? The bottom topography in this area is interesting and varied, although there is nothing ordinary about it and has been studied quite well, since some time ago they spent time here various studies and drilling to find oil and other minerals.

Scientists have determined that the Bermuda Triangle or the lost Atlantis contains mainly sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor, the layer thickness of which is from 1 to 2 km, and it itself looks like this:

  1. Deep-sea plains of oceanic basins – 35%;
  2. Shelf with shoals – 25%;
  3. Slope and foot of the continent – ​​18%;
  4. Plateau – 15%;
  5. Deep ocean trenches - 5% (the deepest places of the Atlantic Ocean are located here, as well as its maximum depth - 8742 m, recorded in the Puerto Rican Trench);
  6. Deep straits – 2%;
  7. Seamounts – 0.3% (six in total).

Water currents. Gulf Stream

Almost the entire western part of the Bermuda Triangle is crossed by the Gulf Stream, so the air temperature here is usually 10°C higher than in the rest of the territory of this mysterious anomaly. Because of this, in places where atmospheric fronts of different temperatures collide, you can often see fog, which often amazes the minds of overly impressionable travelers.

The Gulf Stream itself is a very fast current, the speed of which often reaches ten kilometers per hour (it should be noted that many modern transoceanic ships move not much faster - from 13 to 30 km/h). An extremely fast flow of water can easily slow down or increase the movement of a ship (here it all depends on which direction it is sailing). It is not surprising that ships of weaker power in earlier times easily went off course and were carried completely in the wrong direction, as a result of which they crashed and disappeared forever in the oceanic abyss.

Other movements

In addition to the Gulf Stream, strong but irregular currents constantly appear in the Bermuda Triangle area, the appearance or direction of which is almost never predictable. They are formed mainly under the influence of tidal waves in shallow water and their speed is as high as that of the Gulf Stream - about 10 km/h.

As a result of their occurrence, whirlpools often form, causing trouble for small ships with weak engines. It is not surprising that if in former times a sailing ship got here, it would not be easy for it to get out of the whirlwind, and under particularly unfavorable circumstances, one might even say impossible.

Water shafts

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, hurricanes often form with wind speeds of about 120 m/s, which also generate fast currents whose speed is equal to the speed of the Gulf Stream. They, creating huge waves, rush along the surface of the Atlantic Ocean until they hit the coral reefs at great speed, breaking a ship if it had the misfortune of being in the path of giant waves.

In the east of the Bermuda Triangle is the Sargasso Sea - a sea without shores, surrounded on all sides instead of land by strong currents of the Atlantic Ocean - the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic, North Passat and Canary.

Outwardly, it seems that its waters are motionless, the currents are weak and inconspicuous, while the water here is constantly moving, since the water streams, pouring into it from all sides, rotate sea ​​water clockwise.

Another remarkable thing about the Sargasso Sea is the huge amount of algae in it (contrary to popular belief, there are also areas with completely clear water here). When in former times ships drifted here for some reason, they became entangled in dense sea plants and, falling into a whirlpool, albeit slowly, they were no longer able to get out.

Movement of air masses

Because this area lies in the trade winds, extremely strong winds constantly blow over the Bermuda Triangle. Stormy days are not uncommon here (according to various weather services, there are about eighty stormy days here a year - that is, once every four days the weather here is terrible and disgusting.

Here is another explanation for why missing ships and planes were discovered in the past. Nowadays, almost all captains are informed by meteorologists exactly when bad weather will happen. Previously, due to a lack of information, during terrible storms, many sea vessels found their final refuge in this area.

In addition to trade winds, cyclones feel comfortable here, the air masses of which, creating whirlwinds and tornadoes, rush at a speed of 30-50 km/h.

They are extremely dangerous because, raising warm water upward, they turn it into huge columns of water (often their height reaches 30 meters), with an unpredictable trajectory and crazy speed. A small ship in such a situation has practically no chance of surviving, a large one will most likely stay afloat, but is unlikely to come out of trouble undamaged.

Infrasound signals

Experts call another reason for the huge number of disasters the ability of the ocean to produce infrasound signals that cause panic among the crew, because of which people can even throw themselves overboard. The sound of this frequency affects not only waterfowl, but also aircraft.

Researchers assign an important role in this process to hurricanes, storm winds and high waves. When the wind begins to hit the crests of the waves, a low-frequency wave is created that almost immediately rushes forward and signals the approach of a strong storm. While moving, she catches up with a sailing ship, hits the sides of the ship, then goes down into the cabins.

Once in a confined space, the infrasound wave begins to put psychological pressure on the people there, causing panic and nightmare visions, and having seen their worst nightmares, people lose control of themselves and jump overboard in despair. The ship completely leaves life, it is left without control and begins to drift until it is found (which may take more than a decade).

Infrasound waves act on aircraft somewhat differently. An infrasound wave hits an airplane flying over the Bermuda Triangle, which, as in the previous case, begins to put psychological pressure on the pilots, as a result of which they stop realizing what they are doing, especially since at this moment phantoms begin to appear in front of them. Then either the pilot will crash, or will be able to take the ship out of the zone that poses a danger to him, or the autopilot will save him.

Gas bubbles: methane Researchers are constantly putting forward Interesting Facts

After some time, for one reason or another, certain processes begin to occur in methane (for example, their appearance can cause a weak earthquake) - and it forms a bubble, which, rising to the top, bursts at the surface of the water. When this happens, the gas escapes into the air, and a funnel forms in the place of the former bubble.

Sometimes the ship passes over the bubble without problems, sometimes it breaks through it and crashes. In reality, no one has ever seen the effects of methane bubbles on ships; some researchers claim that a huge number of ships go missing precisely for this reason.

When the ship hits the crest of one of the waves, the ship begins to descend - and then the water under the ship suddenly bursts, disappears - and it falls into empty space, after which the waters close - and water rushes into it. At this time, there was no one to save the ship - when the water disappeared, concentrated methane gas was released, instantly killing the entire crew, and the ship sank and ended up on the ocean floor forever.

The authors of this hypothesis are convinced that this theory also explains the reasons for the presence of ships in this area with dead sailors, on whose bodies no damage was found. Most likely, the ship, when the bubble burst, was far enough away that something threatened it, but the gas reached the people.

As for airplanes, methane can have a detrimental effect on them. Basically, this happens when methane that rises into the air gets into the fuel, explodes, and the plane falls down, after which, falling into a whirlpool, it disappears forever in the ocean depths.

Magnetic anomalies

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, magnetic anomalies also often occur, confusing all navigational equipment of ships. They are unstable, and appear mainly when tectonic plates diverge as much as possible.

As a result, unstable electric fields And magnetic disturbances, negatively affecting a person’s psychological state, changing instrument readings and neutralizing radio communications.

Hypotheses for the disappearance of ships

The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle never cease to interest the human mind. Why it is here that ships crash and disappear, journalists and lovers of everything unknown put forward many more theories and assumptions.

Some believe that interruptions in navigation instruments are caused by Atlantis, namely its crystals, which were previously located precisely on the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. Despite the fact that from ancient civilization Only pitiful crumbs of information have reached us; these crystals operate to this day and send signals from the depths of the ocean floor that cause interruptions in navigation instruments.

Another interesting theory is the hypothesis that the Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis contains portals leading to other dimensions (both in space and time). Some are even sure that it was through them that aliens penetrated onto Earth in order to kidnap people and ships.

Warfare or piracy - many believe (even if this is not proven) that the loss modern ships is directly related to these two reasons, especially since such cases have happened more than once before.

Human error - ordinary disorientation in space and incorrect interpretation of instrument indicators - may also well be the cause of the death of the ship.

Is there a secret? Have all the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle been revealed? Despite the hype around the Bermuda Triangle, scientists say that in reality this territory is no different, and a large number of accidents are associated mainly with difficult to navigate natural conditions