Programming the future using this technology will not cause difficulties even for beginners. The method allows you to program events not only for the day, but also for the week, month, year...

The previous article created a real sensation and a boom among our readers - we received a lot of letters of gratitude. Here are just a few of them:

“I feel joy from this article!! Thank you for posting."


“Super, I agree, I do the same from the inside.”

I decided to continue the much-in-demand topic of managing reality and today I will share another, dare I say it, unique technique for building your future using imaginary film.

What does this future programming technology give me?

Using this technique, I can program events not only for a few days in advance, but also for a week, a month, a year, 10 years - any period that my consciousness can cover.

Programming the future is a superpower that is available to every person.

The technique has been tested by me many times and gives amazing results in designing my future. All laid down programs will certainly be implemented.

Everything is done very simply!

Alpha (relaxed) or theta (sleepy)¹ states are great for this job.

Future programming technology

1. I can do this practice either sitting or lying down. This is not of fundamental importance. All you need to do is close your eyes (I can do it with my eyes open).

2. Then I think about the time frame within which I want to program or “build” something.

* For example, I chose seven days (a week), which means I imagine in my imagination an empty film strip with 7 frames (see figure).

This could be a symbol (appropriate in meaning for what I want), an emotion on my face (for example, joyful) or any picture at all (for example, a lot of money).

4. After this, I seem to stretch (imaginarily) from left to right (since the future is in the right sector, and the past in the left) the state I created and multiply this picture for each of the 7 frames of film.

* It turns out a film of 7 identical frames, each frame of which captures the state I need (for example, joyful) or a picture (the image of a pile of money).

If I want to get several different results this week, for example, money, love, success at work, and new knowledge, then I create (in several approaches) films with different frames for the same week.

Let me explain...

At the subconscious level, these films are superimposed on each other and synthesized into a single situational sequence, which ultimately results in a happy and successful week.

In the same way, I can “build” a whole month, or a longer period, for example, a year.

How to eliminate “dark shots” (bad days) on the film of our future?

When I load each frame of an imaginary film (for a certain period of time), in some areas (on some days) I feel negative areas or "dark frames".

In these areas of the “film” energy and work are very difficult or not at all; programming of the future seems to be slowing down.

What do I do in this case?

I either mentally flood this area with light (then the frame will fall easier), or I start all over again, and very quickly spread the frame I need over the entire film at once.

If again some “negative frame” gets in the way of the “building”, then I “build” everything again until the entire film is covered with the frames I need, and there are no more “dark frames” left.

Our behavior is entirely governed by desires and needs. In this regard, we are all like mechanical biomachines controlled by mental programs. Fulfillment of needs ensures our survival - we absorb food, sleep, relieve ourselves, and reproduce. The fulfillment of desires creates the very difference that distinguishes us from animals limited by needs. In this article, I do not plan to subject our psychophysiological mechanisms to a boring analysis. Here we’ll talk about the most interesting thing – how to fulfill your desires. Quite recently, I already wrote about the mechanical nature of all mental processes. Today I want to touch on a facet of the same process, but closer to our social life. What does it mean to be alive? Is “living” the opposite of mechanical, or are they facets of one phenomenon? A person is a living computer, whose actions are determined by a program... And for our wishes to come true, we simply need an appropriate program.

Clarity, Motivation and Success

Often our motives overlap, and we “choose” one thing or another only because the power of this program turned out to be more powerful. Here I want to remind you that human choice– this is an illusion – just the action of a mental program. Which program is stronger, such a choice occurs. The strength of the desire depends on how intense the program is passing through consciousness at the current moment.

You may object - after all, there are situations when the insides are overwhelmed negative emotions, but we gather our will into a fist and act wisely. However, such an example does not in any way contradict the idea of ​​mechanical choice controlled by a dominant program. Willpower is essentially an example of a strong program that prevails over weak ones. To demonstrate such will means to pass through consciousness a strong program, which, even with its low intensity but powerful vibration, is capable of eclipsing the action of hundreds of old programs. .

Will is high level understanding what you need is a high level of stimulation. It is vitally important to understand what you really want, and only then will you be able to achieve it, and if necessary, move mountains for it! The fulfillment of desires depends one hundred percent on how clearly you realize , whatever you want. The clearer you realize your own desire, the faster you move towards your dream!

Often understanding resembles some kind of vague sphere, and then it seems as if it is completely unclear how to act, the incentive is weak, and you can easily break down, tempted by extraneous distracting programs. All that is required for a clear revelation of understanding is to pay attention to it, stop your gaze on it, and then the understanding will unfold into a clear, clear thought, which will provide a powerful stimulus leading to real actions.

Clarity develops through and. Daily life under favorable conditions, when the mind is kept in good shape, it gives a gradual, sometimes chaotic development of these qualities. Clarity of consciousness is the best investment we can make in developing the quality of our own lives. Execution of what is planned depends on the level of clarity.


A computer program follows a strictly defined algorithm. When a programmer does not consider the meaning of all the functions of his program, it can glitch, freeze, or produce unexpected results. At some point, when the program contains so much data that the creator’s brain is simply not able to digest it, it may seem to the programmer that the program lives its own life... In everyday life, we are constantly faced with the influence of unconscious programs laid down from early childhood.

When there is no clarity about how exactly the various functions of the program are intertwined and interact, then there is no understanding of how what happened. Of course, no one really knows how the brain works. However, for our purposes it is not necessary to know the thousands of complexities of the structure of our own mind. To begin with, it is enough to make at least the assumption that the human mind is mechanical, it moves due to data, due to the programs that we carry out through ourselves. Our consciousness is a conductor of thousands of influences. The fulfillment of desires is the implementation of the programs embedded in us. In general, all personal effectiveness can be reduced to self-knowledge - to understanding your deepest desires and needs, eliminating inappropriate ones and reinforcing productive ones.


You are currently reading. You can kill time by reading, as most people do in search of impressions. The real benefit of reading is gaining new information, inspiration for practical actions, creation of necessary mental programs and destruction of useless ones. In any case, reading benefits only a truly attentive reader, in whose consciousness a program has been implanted that allows, before polemics and denial, to include an attempt to understand the meaning of each phrase, to let something new into oneself.

Inspiration for practical actions is self-programming. When reading gives you incentives, when you want to achieve the intended results, this is a consequence of positive self-programming. Reading can break down programs and create new ones that provide lasting stimuli that cause the mind and body to act on them.

Most of us most of the time perceive not reality, but our thoughts about it, so thoughts play a decisive role. Thoughts flow into attitudes about how to relate to objects external environment, and installations in long-term programs are personal. There is no clear boundary between thoughts, attitudes and long-term programs.

How is the program formed? For example, Vasya sees a thing that belongs to Anya, and he may have the idea to appropriate this thing. If Vasya is an inexperienced person, he is living for the first time, and he has little social programs, he is unlikely to think about the fact that theft is fraught with negative consequences. Vasya takes someone else’s thing, Anya comes, expresses her dissatisfaction, and Vasya has an attitude that perhaps it’s not worth taking Anya’s things without permission. In the future, Vasya can purchase the following program: “Anya and the other guys do not shy away from my presence, because they are not afraid that I will take their things without asking. They see that I can be trusted, so I try to be honest so that I can continue to communicate with them.”

Nobody can do otherwise

It is very important to understand this. No one can do otherwise... A person is not good or bad by definition. All this is a consequence of the interweaving of thousands of mental programs. All this is simply embedded in the psyche, which mechanically carries out the will of the programs through itself. Accusing a person is, in fact, tantamount to hitting a cabinet whose door is physical laws world, accidentally opened at the wrong time.

Since childhood, a huge number of irrational programs are laid into our minds about what the world should be like, how people should behave, what our person should be like. During consultations, I essentially identify the client’s destructive non-adaptive programs, which we jointly carefully analyze and de-energize. Sometimes the client has to admit that fulfilling certain desires is impractical. Such desires are leveled out with the understanding of their futility. Gaining clarity allows you to feel your own creative desires.

Our whole life is, in a way, a game of programs. We are the conductors of their interconnection, development and transformation. If you try to trace exactly how the mind works, you can understand very important things. To start doing something, it is necessary to understand and understand as deeply as possible that we need it, to give ourselves incentives. Gurdjieff was right, man is such a living machine. We are made up of programs and follow their influence, but at the same time we can consciously program ourselves. However, such self-programming can also be reduced to the influence of some programs on others.

Motivation is the force that motivates us to change the world when we really want it. Stimulus leads to action. The clearer you understand what you want, the faster life will take you towards your dream.

Programming reality through language:

If you've ever done programming, you know how computer languages ​​work. It’s not for nothing that they were called “languages” and not just “code”. For those who have never heard of programming languages, I’ll just give them a short definition from Wikipedia; those who want to can find the missing information independently:

Programming language formal sign system , intended for recordingcomputer programs . The programming language defines the setlexical , syntactic Andsemantic rules defining appearance programs and actions that the performer (computer) will perform under its control.
Since creation first programmable machines humanity has invented more than two and a half thousand programming languages ​​(including abstract and non-standard languages). Every year their number increases. Some languages ​​are used only by a small number of their own developers, while others become known to millions of people. Professional programmers sometimes use more than a dozen different types of software in their work. different languages programming.

Our reality, having the characteristics of a quantum computer*, is also determined by the programming language of thought forms and archetypes - - and its richness

*Reading on the topic:

/ / / /


Using a programming example, it is also worth mentioning the difference between subtle world, which is affected by our words and the physical reality in which they are reflected sooner or later:

Our material reality is “fixed”, it works according to the WYSIWYG principle (What you see is what you get - you get what you see), that is, for example, the world we touch cannot have 2 different meanings(object) at one point in space-time, this is how local laws work: one object per coordinate.

In thin (multidimensional) space everything is arranged differently; it consists of layers different frequencies, where not only individual entities, but also entire worlds can exist within each other according to the principle of nesting dolls, but not everyone will see their neighbor, because vibrational settings and senses are not synchronized. Therefore, the spoken words (encodings) will have different degrees influence on certain events, There is no template, there are only general principles.

From personal correspondence (the issue is controversial):

All Europeans and Americans have 26 bits in the linguistic database (1 bit = 1 letter of the alphabet). All Russians have 144 bits (letters) in the linguistic database, and each letter has spelling variants and variants of volumetric-planar reflection. That is, any information from European and American sources (in volume, in essence, in quality, etc.) is just pathetic baby talk, although beautiful and popular on the Internet = marketing and PR.

The structure of the world, the algorithm of its work, the layers are not arranged as described, not because the person is wrong, but because he, having a 26-bit system, simplified everything to the point of impossibility without drawing out the great dimensionality and complexity of the system, simplifying and simplifying everything to his level they gave (showed) him...

By distorting languages, we not only lose contact with our clan and home worlds, but also those that are pleasing to the sources of this distortion. How simpler language, the denser the reality of its bearer becomes, losing its multidimensionality, narrowing the range of coverage and impact on the world.

Q: If we wanted to decompress reality, would we need to use multidimensional language?
A: yes, this is one of the ways to allow draining various types entities, expressing themselves through language that others can understand

Spoken language today is the translation of original thought forms, images and archetypes into a special format, which is much more complex than telepathy (from the point of view of information transfer), and much more labor-intensive, but allows communication with other civilizations, the images of which are not always suitable for telepathic communication.
Reading in the topic: /

Previously, having access to figurative thinking and, through it, to, we could communicate with thousands of other civilizations, adapting our language to the reality in which we were. In other words, the language was not fixed by a rigid framework of rules, but flowed freely from one form to another, depending on needs. In many cases, language served as a “crutch” - an addition to telepathic communication, where direct transmission of images was difficult for one reason or another.

From the old one:

Q: Why is the language different today from yesterday? (if you compare languages, they really sound different)
A: I'm still integrating suitable sounds from different languages. There is a process of synthesis going on so that more beings will know. This is sailing through the fields, language structures humanity has undergone changes since we were here in our original form, there is a certain common language light, a certain pulsed field, which is flexibly structured for maximum understanding. This is so that people learn to listen with their hearts and remove language barriers. It doesn’t matter what a person says and in what form, the main thing is how his heart sounds in this speech. And here simple settings will be made, in game form Now the space is being scanned, this new language for communication is being synthesized. Sound more unique, look for your sound standard and build it in, so you will move faster to communicate with travelers of light who are coming and will come more to the planet and each sound differently. It may be funny and sound like gibberish, but it will be sincere, as if in flight. Language does not have a specific set of words; it has vibrations. There is a base and foundation. But this is being given now in order to remove boundaries.

Entire mountains of books can be transmitted telepathically in 1 second. On a universal scale, the entire Library of Alexandria can be downloaded into a sufficiently prepared consciousness in a micro-moment.

Languages ​​in their current reduced form are part of the hypnotic field of the earth matrix in which humanity finds itself, and have long been used in various human doctrines, for example, NLP. Neurolinguistic programming is also built only on language codes that copy the modeling of reality successful people, it does not imply any other energetic influence in the original version (but “craftsmen” often use it), because the latter is ALREADY hard-wired into the code words.

Magic with its spells is the next level of reality programming, but with the connection of energies and elements/spirits/demons, etc. Secret orders use ancient languages ​​(Latin, Sanskrit, etc.) for rituals and communication (it’s not for nothing that lawyers doctors and bankers also prefer to communicate with elements of ancient languages).

New adherents of various Masonic orders and sects, for example, often do not know what exactly they are saying during their initiation, but simply repeat unknown words indicated by the master. The oaths themselves usually have two or more meanings, they are pronounced in images and Masonic archetypes, that is, egregorial bindings dictated by the authorities of the lodge/order. In many cases, these words and phrases are permission to introduce the essence of a particular race that supervises the order.

Languages ​​are capable of formatting the consciousness of their speaker.

As was said earlier (and is generally known), the Russian language is much more vivid and eloquent, and English is optimal for conveying dry business information. This difference in the programming of the ego complex, which is responsible for translating mental images, among other reasons, gives rise to differences in the cultures of the West and the East.

Of course, language is not the only reason for this difference, but it is not for nothing that it is ingrained in the consciousness of people as one of the most striking moments of biblical doctrine. Divide and conquer 101.

Words and images to which they are attached can be compared to hyperlinks to space databases. By saying this or that word, we have the opportunity to connect to this or that server, run a program to execute a certain script, and download information. For example, information on treatment, navigation in space, working with elements and spirits, etc.

On topic:

Changing words is comparable to changing links on a website - by clicking on a familiar (but slightly changed) link, you are taken to a completely different server and often receive information that is far from what you requested, which distorts your perception and energy state.

The question arises: is it necessary to change the language back to a more multidimensional, energy-intensive one, as it was before?

Yes and no. It will be almost impossible to change it even within this generation, especially since it is not profitable for the system. On the other hand, this is not necessary, and here’s why: if previously all people were constantly in touch with their Spirit (higher aspects) and personal awareness was not needed, because information simply flowed in a stream, now we are developing this personal awareness in order to become that very stream ourselves, generate it ourselves, thereby creating our own reality!

Absence imaginative thinking in many ways makes it difficult to receive information from our mentors and teachers who are on the other side of the matrix veil, because they operate not so much with language as with mental images.

However, we are making huge strides in this direction and are acquiring more and more skills and information every year. You cannot solve a problem without understanding its essence, which is what many are doing now. Due to a lack of understanding of what happened on Earth and a curtain blocking the information flow, many of us were unable to adequately assess the situation and transfer it to earthly curators. Now all this is changing and the moment of a general leap in consciousness is approaching, which will allow a lot to change.
More on this in 6 days, join the general meditation on 02/02, it will be interesting, I promise)

And lastly: study foreign languages, ladies and gentlemen, they make us more multidimensional under existing conditions)


Library of Shadows

"Event programming"

I would like to note right away that I do not insist at all on the “magical” nature of this technique (rather, I’m even inclined towards the psychological... :-) - for me this is just an experimentally obtained technique that leads with sufficient probability to the desired result.. .

Point 1. "Tactical Situation"...

It is understood that such a technique will be used in conditions of a strictly “closed” stressful situation - i.e. such when, against the background of emotional and physical fatigue, tension, all ATTENTION, all current THOUGHTS and DESIRES are fixated on performing one single task... That is. “subjective future” (a person’s vision of his possible future) in this case exists only with a successful solution to this problem... Such fixation, in principle, can, of course, simply be “reset” - with some preparation - but even such a successful “reset” IMHO does not guarantee at all desired result... But at the same time, having gotten rid of such “isolation”, there are many more ways to achieve the task.

Thus, I am considering the option when the fixation is not deliberately removed and the conscious vision of the situation is determined by the scheme “either the chest is in the crosses, or the head is in the bushes” [(C) folk]

Point 2. "Artillery preparation"...

From the previous paragraph we have the following meager reserves - physical and psychological fatigue, at times even exhaustion; some nervous excitement (nervousness) and emotional “overwhelm” by current circumstances...

IMHO, what you should do first is to take a little break from the “here and now” situation, lift your spirits and make your emotional background at least a little more favorable. You can say “0.5 for three”, you can listen to music, watch a movie... You can spend time with a person you like - without discussing any “pressing” problems, but simply relaxing in each other’s company (for example, remembering the past, etc. ). If there are two pleasant people, you can use the already described option of “knocking it out”... In short, at least a couple of hours - but have fun like a horse and get distracted...

To put it simply, it is worth purely psychologically distancing yourself from the pressing situation... Depending on the specific circumstances, this may take from a couple of minutes to a couple of days (the “knuckle down” option with a violent continuation and subsequent forced sobering up)....

Point 3. “The tank was hit by a blank”... (C) Chigrakov...

After artillery preparation, it is necessary, before the feeling of “unimaginable lightness of being” evaporates, to enter the basic resource state... In general, it can be different, but in this case the state of “fatigue” is preferable... It is quite simple to cause it - usually everyone has vivid memories about 2-3 similar cases in the past, and often it’s enough just to remember them... If it doesn’t work out, then you can induce a similar resource state in several improvised ways (depending on the situation)...

I would like to highlight these methods separately, because... they are useful (IMHO) in themselves, and are applicable not only for these purposes...

Method 1. If possible, you can lie down in some deserted place with your back on some lawn or any place covered with not too tall thick grass... Lying on your back, spread your arms slightly to the sides (as you wish, the main thing is that did not interfere). At first, you can just look at the sky for 5-10 minutes - either watch the running clouds or the stars (depending on the time of day). This in itself already imposes a certain state.... You can - on a beautiful distant object - the setting sun, for example. In this case, you can select an object for “observation” according to the following criteria: the object is far enough away that it is impossible to understand “by eye” the distance to it and its size, etc.; the object must be dynamic; its size and dynamics are such that to observe it you do not need to strain your eyesight and clearly focus your vision at one point... You need to breathe as deeply and relaxed as possible - but within the limits where you do not need to specifically focus on this process... Most likely , the necessary breathing will be established in the process of “contemplation” by itself... You can “unobtrusively” listen to the surrounding “natural” sounds - this also helps to enter the desired state...

After 5-10 minutes of “preparatory” observation of the delights native nature, you can proceed to the next stage... Trying not to lose the sensation caused in the previous stage, you need to slowly close your eyes (without moving your vision to near focus)... Do not try to imagine something with your eyes closed - the ideal option would be a black void . In this case, you can “distract attention” from visual sensations for a while, focusing on the surrounding sounds... Now you need to gradually transfer your breathing to the next mode - inhale and exhale evenly, for 4-5 seconds; between inhalation and exhalation there is a pause of 1-1.5 seconds... It is better to inhale and exhale through the nose...

Gradually, over 3-4 minutes, breathing needs to be “intensified” - leaving the duration of inhalation and exhalation the same, increase their intensity (volume of air taken in) and the pause before exhalation (before inhalation, the pause remains constant - 1-1.5 seconds)... If necessary , so as not to deafen the silence with loud hissing, you can exhale through your mouth...

Then, lying motionless on the ground and “intensifying” your breathing, you need to create a feeling of “tipping over” your body. It’s as if you are falling down through the ground - first your head, then almost immediately your chest and lastly your legs... This sensation is best evoked during the period of inhalation and pause before exhalation... By the time of exhalation, the “fall,” on the contrary, gradually slows down. .. If everything works out, then 3-4 minutes of such “pendulum oscillations” will be enough... (It is important to “concentrate” precisely on such “bodily” sensations - falling, capsizing, and not be distracted by visual and auditory ones...) K At this moment, very specific sensations will appear - which, in general, were the purpose of this whole action...

Then, just as gradually, within 2-3 minutes, there is a “return” from this state... Breathing gradually returns to the original NATURAL rhythm and intensity, the “oscillations” gradually fade out - but weaken a little not completely, not to a state of complete rest. .. At this point, to make it easier, you can do this - hands clasped tightly (but not tightly, so that there is no strong sensation in the fingers) are placed under the crown of the head (thumbs are relaxed and converge towards the base of the spine, slightly pressing on it from the sides)... Now, concentrating on the sensations in your hands and head, you need to carefully “slow down” your head as it falls with your hands at each “oscillation” (your hands lie with the back of your hands on the ground, it is important to clearly feel it at the same time - its inviolability and immobility ).

All this must be done gradually, working through your kinesthetic sensations (i.e., bodily) in detail... One and a half to two minutes after completing the “incomplete stop” (at this time “residual vibrations” continue), you need to do 4-5 long and powerful (full chest) inhalation and exhalation (through the nose, the final exhalation can be through the mouth) and stand up sharply... Opening your eyes, WITHOUT FOCUSING YOUR VIEW AT ONE POINT, sharply “throw” your attention from internal sensations to external space, without snatching which - one fragment of it, and working with the entire field of vision and trying to “cover attention” to the entire visible space... The resulting (if, of course, it works out :-) “universal” resource state is suitable for our purposes on its own (although in the state of “fatigue” is also very easy to transform...)

Now, in addition to the immediate effect of this “exercise”, we get the following - if the concentration on sensations during the “exercise” was sufficient, then this state can be restored at almost any time... This is done as follows - standing on a flat, non-traumatic place, we spread our arms to the sides (the same way as we did while lying on the ground), take 5-7 deep, long inhalations and exhalations... Head at the same time, he leans back a little, the support is transferred from the full foot to the heels... 2-3 seconds after tilting the head, while inhaling, you need to lean back a little...

After another 2-3 seconds, the arms are moved to the top of the head and, as you exhale, the body weight is transferred from the heels to the full foot. After that you can sit down...

The main thing is not to be afraid of falling back. Therefore, it is better to stand with your back to the wall or to something soft... Because... falling on the back of your head to the ground - the prospect in this case is quite real...

This effect lasts for another 2-3 weeks after the “basic” training... The resulting state, as I said, is universal, and can be used, for example, for “throwing into Wasps and astrals” :-)

Method 2. I think I won’t be able to describe the second method here (due to lack of time and the difficulty of systematizing the method itself). I will only note that it does not require immobility during execution, but is performed “on the go” (for example, during a 15-20 minute walk along a “calm” and deserted route). Unlike method 1, concentration in this case is not directed “inside oneself”, not at one’s feelings, but, as it were, “outside” (the meaning of the method is precisely the gradual “dissolution” of attention and the “sense of one’s own Self” in the “External ")

Point 4. "Hey, go ahead, monkeys! Or are you going to live forever?"

(C) unknown sergeant, 1918.

The resulting resource state usually lasts 20-30 minutes (in principle, it’s enough even with a reserve). In general, if the previous point is completed correctly, then 75% of the work has already been done - you have gained access to the resources necessary to achieve the goal. In this case, only “internal” operational resources are used, which have been accumulated in at the moment(usually there are not too many of them - but these resources are replenished over time naturally “on their own”). In principle, this is not even bad, because... if something doesn’t work out, the losses will be small and easy to make up for.

So, first of all, when starting directly to “work on the situation,” you need to mentally “enter” the expected situation, the result of which needs to be “changed.” To begin with, it’s good to imagine the “environment” in detail - what the situation will look like, imagine how the voices will sound, etc. It is important that the situation in the imagination is not just a fragment of thought or a static picture, but is “alive”, “overgrown” with sound, visual and kinesthetic sensations. In this case, it is desirable to achieve “realism” of the constructed images at the level of real memories of recent events (by the way, it is convenient to build a picture of a “future” situation according to a template based on real memories; this way it is easier to maintain the dominance of sensory systems).

When constructing such a “picture of the future” in this case, it is important not to invest special emotions and personal attitudes into it; It is advisable to observe it “from the outside” (this resource state is just suitable for this).

Let the future "decisive" situation be presented clearly, believably and in detail. Let's assume that this situation has two outcomes - one favorable for you (that is, the one you actually need to achieve), the other unfavorable (which you would like to avoid). Based on these 2 possible outcomes, you need to mentally construct possible “storylines” of events. They are constructed as follows - for each line an imaginary sequence of events is created leading to a positive final result (preferably the “action time” of each storyline in this case, take no more than a few days, weeks at most). Those. For each outcome, you need to imagine a continuation that will ultimately turn out to be good. These storylines also need to be filled with detail and feeling - again, achieving (ideally) the verisimilitude of real-life memories. But in this case, one must no longer be detached from this imaginary situation, but, on the contrary, try to be “inside” the “storyline” and evaluate one’s attitude towards it for “truth.” It is important that the currently imaginary situation evokes a real and not an imaginary response. As a result, ideally, these two constructed storylines should evoke an almost equivalent attitude (preferably positive :-). It is precisely this same attitude towards both options that should be the result of this stage.

Note: it is possible that it will not be possible to immediately construct 2 “positive” lines. For example, in the event of an unfavorable continuation of the initial situation, it is simply impossible to plausibly imagine any subsequent POSITIVE events. (i.e., from the initial situation with this continuation, this event “immediately follows”, and you cannot convince yourself of something else). In this case, you will have to “accept” the most plausible event, even if it causes a negative attitude. There are two ways to neutralize this relationship:

1. “Add” this negative event to the second line, as if balancing it. After this, you can approach this event in the spirit of “what will happen, will not be avoided.” IMHO, although this option “worsens” both lines as a whole, the result does not change for the worse...

2. “Add” an event to the original situation and consider not the continuation of the situation itself, but the continuation of this negative event. Those. move the "starting point".

But, in general, these are the subtleties of the process... ;-)

So, the “plot branches” are constructed and the attitude towards them is determined. It is important to “fix” these relationships, i.e. remember, roughly speaking. Further, during operation, the resource state will no longer be required.

Then, during the time remaining before the actual onset of this situation, it is useful to “refine” these branches. Those. if during this time any key event (significant event, which causes a strong response and to which there is a clear long-defined relationship), then it needs to be “embedded” in both branches so that it is part of the “storyline” ...

Point 5. "Are you still boiling?"

And one last thing. At a moment immediately close to the initial decisive situation (10 minutes - 10 seconds before “time H”) you simply need to “activate” the desired option. It's done like this...

Again, the constructed situation and both storylines are “remembered” (precisely at the level of memories - the ideal level of realism of the imaginary situation), they are “reviewed” without much elaboration of details, focusing on YOUR attitude towards them (already worked out). Then, within 5-10 seconds, it artificially accumulates" nervous tension"(such tension happens, for example, during an exam, when you are waiting for a grade, etc. - in general, it’s understandable, I think...). After this, the tension is abruptly, jerkily released and one “picture” is snatched from the desired storyline ". It should be short, but very bright - like a flash.

That, in principle, is what “technology” is all about. If you get the desired result, good. If not, then a “plan B” has already been thought out in case of failure... :-)

P.S. Brief "general conclusions".

"Advantages of technology":

1. Quite easy to use, does not require a lot of time and special skills (I do not take into account the methods of entering the resource state - this is a separate point)

2. Costs are low and easily recoverable.

"Disadvantages of technology."

1. Very limited use internal resources. For “big” tasks they may simply not be enough.

2. With frequent or excessive use, resources can be taken not only from operational (easily replenished) but also from other internal, more critical ones. Resource consumption is very difficult to control. At a particular moment, it is problematic to determine which resources are being spent; Usually this can only be realized after a few hours or even days.

P.P.S. All of the above is nothing more than systematization personal experience the author and his subjective feelings. The author does not guarantee anything and does not accept claims of “ignorance of elementary truths”... :-)

Let's imagine a person who has some goal and wants to achieve it. The goal can be both material and intangible, for example, the development of certain skills or abilities - it doesn’t matter. For simplicity, a material example: a person wants to buy a refrigerator, but he has no money, and the old refrigerator is on the verge of breaking down. It is necessary to visualize this goal very clearly, to imagine the dimensions of the refrigerator, shelves, color, brand - in all details. A person must imagine where he has it, how he uses it every day, sometimes washes it, loads food, takes something from there, and so on.

If everything feels very smooth, feels normal, and there is an impression that this thing brings peace to a person, then the test will be passed. Checking is always based only on feelings, not logic. If any confusion arises, you don’t like the color of the refrigerator or its size, you need to adjust it so that it fits smoothly. If you feel like something is wrong, but you can’t understand the reason at a logical level, you need to change the goal, sometimes even abandon it completely. Because the goal can be imposed on you, and the mechanism of such imposition is very simple.

The egregor will influence events in such a way as to prevent the person from achieving the goal, this is beneficial for him: while the person strives for the goal, he spends a lot of energy on this path and constantly produces new energy, which is what the egregor needs. And the person himself will only suffer. A clear sign of the egregor’s work are regular failures: now one thing does not work, then another, then the person fails, then circumstances change dramatically, and so on. And no matter how much a person fights, no matter how hard he tries, nothing comes of it. The goal must be rechecked by feeling, no logic, under any circumstances. If everything is smooth, you are internally satisfied, calm - go ahead. If you perceive the goal too joyfully or feel some discomfort, then you need to make adjustments.

In the same way, when setting a goal, you need to check the maximum period by which it should be achieved. Still the same refrigerator - a person internally creates a question for himself: if I get this refrigerator in a year, and the current one practically doesn’t work anymore - how will it feel? Obviously, a year is too long. What if, say, in a week? Already better. In this way, the road to the goal is clarified and the maximum period for achieving it is determined. The same work with the skill, in the future the goals will be realized faster.

Next, you need to lay down images of the stages of achieving the goal, and always with the results of these stages. For example, to purchase a refrigerator, you need to lay down money and a method of purchase. If the purchase was large, a car, an apartment, a house, you also need documents on ownership, confirmation that you did not steal it. Accordingly, documents need to be pledged.

We pledge money as follows. Who prefers: on a current account, on a plastic card, in cash - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to be tied to the source of receipt, just imagine that they have already been received. Under no circumstances should you bet that you are earning them. In fact, the money is there; we need such an image. The same thing with documents: it is assumed that the document has already been issued to you, in the required form, everything is already in your hands. It doesn’t matter how or who designed them. The same is true for the purchasing method: either online or you go and choose it yourself. When all these images are created, there should be complete inner conviction that the refrigerator will be guaranteed. This is important: complete conviction, not dependent on anything.

We have seven main chakras, the same chakra has different names depending on the system, but the location can be seen on the Internet, there are enough pictures. Next, you need to visualize this state as something inside and throw it out into the surrounding space from yourself through the chakras. You can take turns from one chakra, or through all of them at once - this does not matter, because each person has both his energy field and his information field. We are original emitters.

Even if the goal is intangible, you will still have money, since developing a skill requires funding. In addition, there will be free time, so as not to depend on the load and not be buried under routine. And thirdly, what needs to be programmed is the source of information that you will receive. This could be either your acquaintances, perhaps even future acquaintances, or trainings, seminars, information in any form: books, videos, audio, and so on.