Big landing ship"Ivan Gren" of project 11711 (according to NATO codification Ivan Gren) will soon become the most modern large landing craft in the composition Russian fleet.

The Ivan Gren BDK is designed for landing troops, transporting military equipment, as well as various equipment and cargo. In total, two ships of this project were laid down for the Russian Navy. The lead ship "Ivan Gren" is undergoing the final stage of state tests, the second large landing ship "Pyotr Morgunov" is preparing for launching. The Russian military abandoned the further construction of ships of this project in favor of creating even larger and more capacious ships of this class. At the end of December 2017, the general director of the Yantar Baltic shipyard, Eduard Efimov, told reporters that the large landing ship Ivan Gren had entered the final stage of state tests. Shortly before this, the newest Russian ship conducted his first firing and tested naval artillery in the Baltic Sea. It is worth noting that the Ivan Gren is a ship with a very difficult fate; it was laid down in Kaliningrad on December 23, 2004, but was launched only on May 18, 2012 and is still not included in the fleet. On initial stage

The assembly of the ship was seriously complicated by unstable financing and problems at the enterprise itself. At the same time, there is no doubt that they are waiting for a new ship in the fleet. Its introduction into the fleet will significantly expand the capabilities of the Russian Navy at sea and in remote regions of the planet. The ocean zone landing ship "Ivan Gren" of Project 11711 will be able to take on board up to 300 Marines

Large landing ships of Project 11711 are a further development of the Soviet large landing ships of Project 1171 “Tapir”. The design of the ships of the new project was carried out by the Nevsky Design Bureau. The hull of Project 1171 ships was not taken as a basis by chance; it has proven itself well over decades of service in the Soviet and then Russian fleet. At the same time, most of the structures have undergone significant changes as part of the implementation of the new project. The superstructure and interior of the landing ship were mainly redesigned.

During the construction of the large landing craft "Ivan Gren" the most modern technologies, especially aimed at reducing visibility through the use of modern technical solutions and materials. In addition, increased attention was paid to the accommodation conditions for the ship's crew and paratroopers. A gym, a dining room, as well as more comfortable cockpits and cabins appeared on board the BDK.

Loading of military equipment onto a ship can be done either independently along ramps or using cranes. Loading of cargo and equipment into the troop compartment can be carried out through a four-leaf cargo hatch located in the upper deck using a crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons. There are also two boat cranes on board for loading motor boats, lifeboats and equipment on board.

Among other things, the ship's cargo hatch can be used for ventilation, removing exhaust gases from operating equipment from the space below deck (troop compartment). Ventilation of the troop compartment is very important, as it allows the transported equipment to warm up the engines, which is very important in conditions low temperatures air. The exhaust gases of idling equipment quickly fill the landing hold, so ventilation through the upper cargo hatch is simply necessary, thanks to this the paratroopers will not be poisoned by the exhaust gases.

The main feature or “trick” of Project 11711 ships is the so-called non-contact method of landing troops on an unequipped coast.

To do this, engineering pontoons can be pushed out into the water from the open bow flaps, which, when coupled, form a bridge to the shore. This pontoon bridge is connected to the shore on which the landing is carried out, after which it is used to ferry heavy equipment and marines. This landing scheme allows you to maintain a distance between the landing craft and the shore, seriously reducing the risk of running aground.

The capabilities of the Ivan Gren BDK allow it to transport tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, army trucks or towed artillery by sea over a distance of up to 3.5 thousand nautical miles (at a speed of 16 knots). Military equipment is transported on the so-called tank deck. Equipment can be loaded on board different ways: by deck or portal crane, it can also drive on board the ship under its own power through the stern ramp.

In addition to military equipment, the BDK can transport various cargoes, including standard 20-foot sea containers. Standard 20-foot sea containers, among other things, can accommodate the Club-K missile system, which is a modification of the Caliber missile system. At the same time, it is unlikely that any missile systems will appear on board the Ivan Gren BDK, since countering enemy ships is not part of its direct tasks.

Light floating armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles can be launched into the sea directly from the stern and bow of the ship, they are able to reach the shore on their own. Landing is possible in sea conditions up to 4 points. Thanks to its range, the Ivan Gren has the ability to land remotely, it is able to patrol a certain region for a month, and its navigation autonomy is exactly 30 days.

The total displacement of the landing ship is 5,000 tons, length - 120 meters, width - 16.5 meters, draft - 3.6 meters. The heart of the Ivan Gren BDK are two 16-cylinder V-shaped diesel engines 10D49 with gas turbine supercharging with a power of 5200 hp. The power plant capabilities allow the ship to accelerate to a maximum speed of 18 knots. The ship's crew consists of 100 people.

The most modern BDKs in the Russian fleet before the advent of the Project 11711 ships were the Project 755 BDKs built in Poland. The Ivan Gren surpasses them in displacement - 5,000 tons versus 4,080 tons for Project 755 ships; in addition, the new Russian landing ship is 8 meters longer, 1.5 meters wider and sits 1.3 meters deeper in the water. Accordingly, its landing capabilities are higher.

As part of the work on the project and construction of the ship, its armament underwent changes. According to the initial design, one 76-mm AK-176M artillery mount, two Broadsword anti-aircraft artillery systems and two launchers of the A-215 Grad-M multiple launch rocket system were to appear on board the BDK. However, due to the fact that the concept of using the BDK of Project 11711 has undergone changes, as well as to save money and time for building the ship, in 2010 a decision was made to change the composition of the weapons, which today are of a purely defensive nature.

The armament of the BDK "Ivan Gren" is represented by one dual-automatic shipborne 30-mm automatic artillery mount AK-630M-2, two AK-630 mounts with a 5P-10-03 Laska radar fire control system, two 14.5-mm MTPU mounts Sting”, as well as the KT-308-04 “Prosvet-M” complex of fired passive jammers, this complex protects the ship from enemy missiles.

AK-630M-2 "Duet" is a modern dual-automatic 30-mm automatic artillery mount that provides an enormous rate of fire - up to 10,000 rounds per minute. Its main purpose is to provide missile defense for Navy ships in the near zone. First of all, it is designed to destroy anti-ship missiles and other types of guided weapons. The installation can also solve problems of destroying enemy aircraft, helicopters and UAVs, small surface and coastal targets. The effective firing range is 4000 meters.

The AK-630M-2 and AK-630 installations are built according to the scheme of a multi-barreled weapon (6 barrels each) with a rotating barrel block (the so-called Gatling scheme). The automation of Russian installations of this type operates using the energy of powder gases and, unlike foreign analogues (Phalanx CIWS and Goalkeeper), does not require external energy sources to rotate the barrel block. The AK-630M-2 “Duet” installation installed on the landing ship “Ivan Gren” was a further modernization of the AK-630M1-2 complex, from which it is visually distinguished by a turret that has received less radar signature.

In addition to rapid-fire artillery weapons, there are two large-caliber machine guns on board. This MTPU "Sting" - 14.5-mm naval pedestal machine gun mounts, which are designed to combat air, surface and coastal lightly armored targets. Large-caliber machine guns can effectively hit lightly armored targets at a range of up to 2000 meters and 1500 meters in height. To fire at air, surface and coastal targets, cartridges with the B-32 armor-piercing incendiary bullet, the BZT armor-piercing tracer bullet, and the MDZ instant-action incendiary bullet are used.

On the Internet and various media, one could come across statements that the new Russian large landing craft of Project 11711 are supposedly a kind of replacement for those built in France, but never transferred Russian Federation- universal landing dock ships of the Mistral type, but this is absolutely wrong. Firstly, the construction of the Ivan Gren BDK began long before the Ministry of Defense’s decision to purchase Mistrals from France, and secondly, the ships are difficult to compare even in their technical capabilities, mainly in size. It is incorrect to compare them due to the huge difference in displacement (more than 4 times), as well as the size of the aviation group (Mistrals can carry up to 16 light helicopters).

AK-630M-2 “Duet” - Russian shipborne dual-automatic 30 mm automatic artillery mount

It is more correct to compare the new Russian BDK Project 11711 with the Chinese ships Type 072-III (Yuting-II class), which are large tank landing ships that are the main landing craft in the naval forces China. With similar characteristics and sizes, Russian project It is advantageously distinguished by the presence of a full-fledged helicopter hangar on board.

Despite the fact that Russian naval sailors are not interested in the further acquisition of the Project 11711 BDK (information about this appeared in 2015), abandoning them in favor of larger ships of the new generation, it is too early to put an end to the future prospects of the Project 11711 BDK. Currently, the ship already has an export passport, so it can be promoted by Russia for export. This was reported by the Zvezda TV channel with reference to Sergei Vlasov, who is general director Nevsky Design Bureau. Judging by the official catalog of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), we are talking about project 11711E, which received a displacement increased to 6600 tons.

Larger landing craft that may appear in the Russian fleet in the future include: As part of the Army-2015 forum, a model of universal landing ships of the Priboy project with a displacement of more than 14 thousand tons and a capacity of up to 500 paratroopers, 20-30 tanks or 60 units of various types was presented for the first time military equipment. Among other things, these ships will be able to carry up to 8 Ka-27 or Ka-52K helicopters.

The large landing ship (LHD) of Project 11711 "Ivan Gren" became part of the 121st brigade of landing ships of the Kola Flotilla Northern Fleet. St. Andrew's flag was raised over the ship at Pribaltiysky shipyard"Yantar" in Kaliningrad. The long epic, which more than one sailor, sighing, called “opupea,” finally ended.

Large displacement ship

Project 11711 was born at the Nevsky Design Bureau back in the Soviet years. Happened in the nineties. The contract for construction at the Yantar plant was signed in 2004. It was supposed to go into operation in 2008. However…

"Ivan Gren." Photo:

However, the problem arose where it was not expected. As the sailors say with a grin, it was created by the fleet leadership itself. Today it is no longer clear what was primary - the lack of funding, because of which the command was looking through options for what could be built “cheaply and cheerfully”, or the uncertainty in understanding what the naval authorities wanted, which is why the money was sent for more clearly outlined “wants”. But, in any case, even after 6 years of construction, the drawings were shaken up and changed, trying to achieve something unclear, but above all - to reduce the cost. The terms of reference changed three times!

Of course - after all the shake-ups, “Ivan Gren” still cost a tidy sum of 5 billion rubles! But he didn’t have any tasks for that amount. If we make it harsh, then who and where should we parachute?

The answer to this question appeared only in 2015, when it was urgently necessary to organize a “Syrian Express” to deliver a wide variety of cargo to Syria for the fighting Aerospace Forces and two bases in this country. But there weren’t enough ships for this - they practically begged barges from the Turks.

In this sense, “Ivan Gren” was just right for the court. It can transport up to 300 paratroopers, up to 13 tanks or up to 36 armored vehicles of the main types, as well as towed artillery. Cruising range - up to 3.5 thousand nautical miles, speed - 16 knots. For landing on an unequipped coast, there are engineering pontoons that, interlocking, form a bridge from the ship to the shore. Landing is possible in sea conditions of up to 4 points.

Displacement - 5 thousand tons, length - 120 m, draft - 3.6 m. Engine power - 5200 hp. Crew - 100 people.

The armament is purely defensive: a 30-mm automatic artillery mount AK-630M-2 “Duet” with a rate of fire of up to 10,000 rounds per minute, two AK-630 mounts with a radar control system. This is mainly an anti-missile weapon, just like the KT-308-04 Prosvet-M complex - fired passive jammers. The same purpose is served by two 14.5-mm marine pedestal machine gun mounts MPTU "Sting" - although, of course, they can also fire at ground targets at a range of up to 2000 meters. There are two helicopters (or one Ka-52 type attack helicopter can be supplied).

Rise Ceremony Naval flag Russia on the large landing ship "Ivan Gren". Photo: Vitaly Nevar/TASS

Long awaited and...

According to evil tongues, the Ivan Gren was built so much that it became obsolete even before it was transferred to the fleet. This is precisely how skeptics explain the fact that the series, which was large when conceived (18 ships), was reduced to just two. And that’s only because there’s no way to cut the almost completed sister ship “Pyotr Morgunov” into needles! Although no one knows for sure when it will be delivered.

But the main thing is that it turned out that the Gren has serious problems with stability and reversing. And, according to experts, those same feverish alterations of the project are to blame for this.

And yet the same pessimists see behind this a much more alarming symptom - Russian shipbuilders have forgotten how to do big ships. Well, at least the military ones. And where does such skill come from if they haven’t been built for more than 20 years? And even then - after all, Project 11711 is based on Project 1171. This is the old Soviet large landing craft "Tapir", onto the hull of which everything that is now called "Ivan Gren" is built on.

In general, an unconditional holiday - and the commissioning of a new ship is always a holiday - is seasoned today with a fair amount of bitterness for many involved in the fleet. How much we have lost during the years of liberal timelessness! How much the economic experimenters have taken from us! How much we have lost - including an entire generation of shipbuilders!

And today, moreover, it turns out that the experiments are not over...




Two large landing ships (LDC) of Project 11711, the laying of which was announced by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on April 9, will be named “Vladimir Andreev” and “Vasily Trushin”. A source in the defense-industrial complex told TASS about this on Monday.
“By the decision of the customer, two new large landing ships of Project 11711, the laying of which was recently announced by the minister, will bear the names “Vladimir Andreev” and “Vasily Trushin,” the agency’s interlocutor said.
On April 9, at a conference call in the military department, the Minister of Defense announced that on April 23, two large landing ships of Project 11711 of the Ivan Gren type would be laid down at the Yantar shipyard (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, USC) in Kaliningrad. According to Shoigu, the new ships “are planned to be introduced into the Navy by 2025.”
Vladimir Andreev - Soviet admiral, participant of the Great Patriotic War. Since April 1943, he commanded the North Pacific military flotilla. He distinguished himself by the successful landing operation to capture South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in August-September 1945, carried out under his leadership.
Vasily Trushin - Soviet military leader, Major General, Hero Soviet Union. In August 1945, he distinguished himself during a successful landing operation to capture the city and the Japanese naval base of Seishin on the territory of what is now the DPRK. On September 14, 1945, for courage and heroism shown in battles with Japanese troops, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


The first expeditionary ship based on the Ivan Gren large landing ship is due to be built by 2024, but it needs to be redesigned. President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Alexey Rakhmanov told reporters about this on Wednesday at an expert meeting on the export potential of Russian shipbuilding products.
“We are in a hurry, we want to finish everything in 2024. But this is such a difficult story, because it will have to be redesigned,” Rakhmanov said, noting that we are talking specifically about the construction of an expeditionary ship based on the Ivan Gren.


In Kaliningrad, at the Yantar Baltic Shipyard (PSZ), a solemn ceremony of laying down two large landing ships (BDK) of Project 11711, named “Vladimir Andreev” and “Vasily Trushin”, took place.
IN ceremonial events, which took place in one of the boathouses of the shipbuilding enterprise, was attended by the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for Armaments, Vice Admiral Igor Mukhametshin, the Commander of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Alexander Nosatov, plant workers, representatives of the Russian Navy, the United Shipbuilding Corporation, the clergy and authorities of the Kaliningrad region.
Vice Admiral Igor Mukhametshin and Admiral Alexander Nosatov, to the sounds of a military orchestra, attached the foundation plates to sections of future ships.
Landing ships of Project 11711 are designed for landing troops, transporting equipment and equipment. They can accommodate 13 main tanks, 36 armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles, or 300 airborne troops. They are armed with six-barreled automatic cannons of 30 mm caliber. The length of the ship is 120 meters, width is 16.5. The lead ship Ivan Gren entered service with the Russian Navy in June 2018.
Vladimir Andreev - Soviet admiral, participant in the Great Patriotic War. He commanded the North Pacific military flotilla and conducted a successful landing operation to capture South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in August-September 1945.
Under the leadership of Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Vasily Trushin, the landing operation to capture the city and the Japanese naval base of Seishin in what is now the DPRK.
Press service of the Western Military District


Built ships

Large landing ships of project 11711- a series of two ships designed at the Nevsky Design Bureau and built for the Russian Navy at the Yantar Shipyard. Designed for transportation and landing of troops and military equipment.

History of creation

By the beginning of the 2000s, the Russian Navy had about 20 large landing ships of projects 1171 and 775 in service, most of which had a service life of more than 15 years and required replacement in the near future. According to the results scientific research and justifications that were optimal in the economic realities existing at that time for domestic fleet The large landing ship of Project 11711, proposed by the Nevsky Design Bureau, was recognized.


The design of the ship began according to the technical specifications of the Russian Navy in 1998. According to the original plan, it was planned to create a ship of small displacement, capable of crossing inland waterways. This requirement was removed by the Navy at the preliminary design stage with the simultaneous transfer of the ship to the class of large landing ships (LDC) with a displacement of more than 5,000 tons with the ability to transport a reinforced company Marine Corps with equipment, as well as basing on the ship two Ka-29 amphibious transport helicopters and giving it the ability to land equipment without approaching the coastal edge using pontoons transported on the ship. The technical specifications for the design were changed three times, the design took 6 years. The general designer of the project is A. Viglin, the chief designer is V. N. Suvorov.

Construction program

As of 2008, a series of five BDK Project 11711 units was announced in the Russian media. The Kommersant newspaper, citing a source in the Russian Ministry of Defense, reported on February 7, 2012 that the amended weapons development program until 2020 provides for the construction of six ships of the project. At the beginning of summer 2016, this figure dropped to two ships.

Description of design


Equipment is loaded onto a ship in two ways: independently using ramps, or using portal or deck cargo cranes through a four-leaf cargo hatch in the upper deck. These hatches also make it possible to ventilate the below-deck space when, immediately before leaving, the vehicle engines are idling and filling the troop compartment with exhaust gases. For loading and unloading operations in the area of ​​the cargo hatch there is a cargo crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons and two boat cranes for working with boats and motor boats (there are three of the latter on the ship - two large and one small).

Power plant and driving performance

home power plant The Project 11711 ship consists of two DRRA3700 units operating on fixed-pitch propellers. The DRRA3700 includes a sixteen-cylinder 10D49 diesel engine with a power of 3700 kW, a RRP6000 reverse gearbox (manufactured by Zvezda OJSC) and an electronic digital control system for the entire Purga-11 installation (manufactured by NPO Aurora). The installation also includes an interactive technical manual, which allows for training and training of personnel in the operation of the installation, and provides diagnostics of the operation of the engine and gearbox.

According to calculations, the ship's fuel reserves provide it with a cruising range of 3,500 miles at an economical speed. Autonomy - 30 days.

Auxiliary equipment

Shipboard diesel generators ADG-1000NK manufactured by UDMZ LLC are used as sources of electricity on Project 11711 ships.

Crew and habitability

Communications, detection and control


Artillery weapons

According to one of the “interim” technical projects, the artillery armament of the Ivan Gren BDK included the 100-mm A190 AU. On May 31, 2010, the RF Ministry of Defense, represented by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, adopted decision No. 704/4/NK/112-10 (volume 1, case sheets 96-99) to optimize the composition of the armament of the Project 11711 ship. By this decision, 100 were excluded from the ship’s artillery armament -mm AU A-190-01 and MS-73M. It was suggested that this was done at the suggestion of the construction plant, which did not fit into the money allocated under the State Defense Order. Three "Duet" AUs were left for the ship's self-defense.

Landing capabilities

Landing capacity - up to 36 armored personnel carriers or 13 main battle tanks (weighing up to 60 tons). Up to 300 fully equipped and armed paratroopers can also be carried on board.

Project 11711 ships implement the idea of ​​non-contact unloading of troops and equipment from a ship onto an unequipped or flat coast through the use of serial pontoon equipment. The ship carries in its hold a complex of serial pontoons, which are mounted in a pontoon bridge connecting the landing craft and the coast or are used as separate floating facilities.

The ship has a hangar and a runway for the permanent deployment of two Ka-29 helicopters.

Built ships

The lead large landing ship of Project 11711 was laid down on December 23, 2004. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the ship was given the name “Ivan Gren”.

Name Head No. Construction plant Bookmark Launching Raising the flag Note
Ivan Gren 01301

Gazeta.Ru was informed by two high-ranking sources that it is unlikely that the St. Andrew’s flag will be raised on the naval long-term construction ship, the large landing ship (LHD) Ivan Gren, in the near future due to identified serious design flaws.

The lead large landing ship of Project 11711 “Ivan Gren” was supposed to be transferred To the Navy Russia at the end of 2015, but this did not happen. became one of the enterprises that failed to fulfill the 2015 state defense order on time. The ship's delivery date was pushed back several times due to redesign and problems with project financing. According to a statement by the vice president, the Ivan Gren large landing ship is now planned to be delivered to second quarter of 2016. In turn, the general director of the Yantar Shipyard, Eduard Efimov, called the ship’s delivery date already third quarter of 2016 .

He noted that there have already been several similar operations “to cut up the hull.” It also previously reported that “much of the structure has undergone major changes.” In its reports, the department's press service emphasized that during the construction of the Ivan Gren landing craft, the most modern technologies are used to reduce visibility through the use of modern materials and technical solutions.

Information about shortcomings in the landing ship was also confirmed by a source in the Navy.

“The indicators for the electric magnetic field do not reach the indicators recorded in the technical specifications,” the source told Gazeta.Ru.

“As it turned out, this is a design flaw and a shortcoming that needs to be remade at the expense of the industry, at the expense of the design bureau and the plant. The ship needs to be put on a slipway and a large amount of work needs to be done.”

The Chairman of the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement, Captain First Rank Mikhail, explained to Gazeta.Ru that the magnetic field of a ship has certain indicators - acceptable indices magnetic field mean that the ship is less audible to stations detecting other ships. No less important is a low magnetic field for passing mine-hazardous directions.

"This is very serious problem. This is a landing ship, which means that against it coastal strip mines are deployed that react to the ship's expanded magnetic field.

If the magnetic field is small, it means that it is less vulnerable to mines while landing troops; the ship’s small magnetic field allows us to avoid waking up these dormant mines, each of which has the corresponding devices,” Nenashev explained to Gazeta.Ru.

The designer of the large landing craft "Ivan Gren" is from St. Petersburg - the project began to be developed in 1998. The ship received its name in honor of the Soviet scientist in the naval industry, Vice Admiral Ivan Ivanovich Gren. At first, there was talk of creating a small-displacement ship capable of crossing inland waterways, but the Navy changed the requirements for the project and transferred it to the class of large landing ships with the ability to transport a reinforced company of marines with equipment and disembark them on pontoons carried with them with a displacement of more than 5 thousand tons Due to several changes being made, the design took six years. The launch of the "" laid down in 2004 took place on May 18, 2012, the ship's readiness was 70%.

According to Mikhail Nenashev, the fleet needs ships of the Ivan Gren type because it is a new word in amphibious shipbuilding: it is designed for “over-the-horizon landing” of troops. In addition, thanks to the hydroacoustic systems it has, it can be used both as an anti-submarine defense ship and listen to the underwater situation.

Nenashev also noted that the crew of the BDK has already been formed, it is undergoing sea trials, and fine-tuning and technical improvements are natural, because the vessel was designed as the new kind landing forces.

It is assumed that the BDK of Project 11711, of which it was originally planned to build six pieces, but decided to limit it to two, will be equipped with universal shipboard artillery mounts AK-176M and AK-630M. It is planned to hit coastal targets from two ship-based installations of the A-215 Grad-M multiple launch rocket system with a range of about 20 km, and they should also cover the ship’s landing.

In the press, the Ivan Gren BDK is sometimes incorrectly called the “Russian Mistral”, due to the fact that it is supposed to be based on one Ka-27 search and rescue helicopter or Ka-29 transport and combat helicopter, as well as the ability to take on board up to 13 units of heavy equipment (tanks) or up to 36 infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers, as well as personnel air assault units. The second large landing ship of Project 11711, Petr Morgunov, was laid down at the Kaliningrad shipyard on June 11, 2015. According to the head of the Navy's shipbuilding department, Vladimir Tryapichnikov, this large landing ship is planned to be transferred to the fleet in 2018, after completion of construction and all stages of testing. As the former Commander-in-Chief of the Navy stated, by 2050 the composition of the Navy's landing ships will be completely renewed, this is taken into account in the shipbuilding program, the fleet is developing the appropriate technical requirements to industry.

Let us note that the Yantar Shipyard, part of the USC, also missed the deadline for the completion of two patrol ships with cruise missiles "Caliber" of project 11356 "Admiral Essen" and "Admiral Grigorovich".