Fox, not seeing Leo's life,
Meeting with him, she remained a little alive with passions.
Here, a few later, she again got a Lion,
But she didn't seem so scary to her.
And the third time later
The fox started up a conversation with Lev.
We are also afraid of something else,
So far we will not get accustomed to him.

Siskin and Dove

The siskin was slammed by the villainous trap:
The poor thing in it was torn and rushed,
And the young dove mocked him.
“I’m not ashamed,” he says, “in broad daylight
Got it!
Wouldn't lead me like this:
I can vouch for this boldly. "
An, you see, he immediately got entangled in the snare.
And business!
Don't laugh at someone else's trouble, Dove.

Wolf and Shepherds

Wolf walking close to the shepherd's yard
And seeing through the fence
That, having chosen the best ram in the herd,
Calmly Shepherds gut the lamb,
And the dogs lie quietly,
He said to himself, walking away in annoyance:
“Whatever noise you all make here, friends,
When would I do it! "

Waterfall and Stream

Boiling Falls, toppled off the cliffs
To the healing key with arrogance he said
(Which was barely visible under the mountain,
But he was famous for his healing power):
“Isn't it strange? You are so small, so poor in water,
Do you always have a lot of guests?
No wonder if someone comes to me to wonder;
Why are they coming to you? " - "To be treated", -
Brook murmured humbly.

Boy and Snake

Boy, thinking to catch an eel,
I grabbed the Snake and, looking out, from fear
He became as pale as his shirt.
Snake, calmly looking at the Boy:
“Listen,” he says, “if you won’t be smarter,
That insolence will not always pass easily to you.
This time, God will forgive; but beware ahead
And know who you are joking with! "

Sheep and Dogs

In some flock of the Sheep,
So that the Wolves could no longer disturb them,
The number of Dogs is supposed to be multiplied.
Well? So many of them have divorced, finally
That the Sheep are from the Wolves, it is true, they survived,
But the Dogs also need to eat.
First, the wool was removed from the Sheep,
And there, by lot, the skins flew from them,
And there were only five or six Sheep left,
And those Dogs ate.

Cock and pearl grain

Dung a bunch tearing
The rooster found a pearl grain
And he says: “Where is it?
What an empty thing!
Isn't it stupid that he is so highly valued?
And I would really be much more happy
Barley grain: it is not so visible at least,
Yes, satisfying.
The ignorant judge exactly like this:
What is the point they do not understand, then all they have is a trifle.


Over the side weary from the heat
The Big Cloud swept by;
Not a single drop of it refreshes it,
It rained heavily over the sea
And in her generosity she boasted before the Mountain,
“What? did good
Are you such generosity? -
Horus told her. -
And how it doesn't hurt to look at that!
When would you pour your rain on the fields,
You would have saved the region from hunger:
And in the sea without you, my friend, there is enough water. "

The Peasant and the Fox (Book Eight)

Fox once said to the Peasant:
"Tell me, my dear godfather,
Why did the horse deserve so much friendship from you,
What, I see, is she always with you?
In contentment you keep it in the hallway;
On the road, you are with her, and often with her in the field;
But of all the beasts
She is hardly more stupid than everyone. -
“Eh, gossip, power is not in the mind! -
The peasant answered. - All this is vanity.
My goal is not at all the same:
I need her to take me
Yes, to obey the whip. "

Fox and grapes

The hungry godfather Fox climbed into the garden;
In it the grapes brushed.
The gossip's eyes and teeth flared up;
And brushes are juicy, like yachons, burn;
The only trouble is that they hang high:
Otkol and no matter how she comes to them,
Even though the eye sees
Yes, the tooth is numb.
Having broken through an hour in vain,
She went and said with annoyance:
He looks good,
Yes, green - no ripe berries:
You will set your teeth on edge right away. "

Falcon and Worm

At the top of a tree, clinging to a branch,
The worm rocked on it.
Above the Worm Falcon, rushing through the air,
So he joked and mocked from a height:
“What kind of work you have not endured, poor thing!
What have arrived, that you have crawled so high?
What is your will and freedom?
And with a branch you bend wherever the weather tells. " -

“It's easy for you to joke, -
The worm responds - flying high,
Because you are strong and strong with wings;
But fate gave me the wrong dignity:
I'm at my height here
The only reason I hold on is that, fortunately, I am tenacious! "

Dog and Horse

Serving one peasant,
A Dog and a Horse are somehow reckoned with.
“Here,” says Barbos, “the big lady!
For me, if only you were completely driven out of the yard.
Great thing to haul or plow!
No one else can hear about your courage:
And can you be equal in what with me?
Neither day nor night I know no peace:
During the day, the herd under my supervision in the meadow,
And at night I guard the house. "
“Of course,” the Horse replied, “
Your speech is true;
However, if I had not plowed,
Then there was nothing for you here to guard. "

Mouse and Rat

“Neighbor, have you heard the good rumor? -
Running in, the Rat Mouse said, -
After all, the cat, they say, fell into the claws of a lion?
Here's a rest and it's time for us! "
“Do not rejoice, my light, -
The Rat speaks to her, -
And do not hope in an empty way!
If it reaches their claws,
Then, it is true, the lion cannot be alive:
There is no beast stronger than a cat! "

How many times have I seen, take note of it yourself:
When a coward is afraid of whom,
He thinks that
The whole world looks with his eyes.

Peasant and Rogue

A peasant, starting a house,
I bought a milk box and a cow at the fair
And with them through Dubrova
Quietly wandered home on a country road,
When suddenly the Rogue got caught.
The peasant's robber ripped off the sticky.
“Have mercy,” the Peasant will cry, “I am lost,
You completely killed me!
For a whole year I was going to buy a cow:
I waited for the day forcibly. "
"Good, do not cry at me, -
The Rogue said with a pity.
And really, because I can't milk a cow;
So be it
Take back the milk box. "

Frog and ox

The frog, seeing Vol in the meadow,
She started to catch up with him in her maternity:
She was envious.
And well, puff up, puff and puff up.
"Look, wah, what, shall I be with him?"
He says to a friend. "No, gossip, far away!" -
“Look how I am swelling wide now.
Well, how does it feel?
Have I replenished? " - "Almost nothing."
"Well, how now?" - "All the same." Puffed and puffed
And my entertainer ended on
That, not equal to the Ox,
With a strain, she burst and - died.

There is more than one such example in the world:
And is it any wonder when a philistine wants to live,
As an eminent citizen,
A small fry, like a nobleman?

Drafting, preface, notes and explanations

V.P. Anikina


S. Bordyug and N. Trepenok

Russian genius

Twenty-year-old Ivan Andreevich Krylov had his first fables. famous writer, published in 1788, without a signature, in the St. Petersburg magazine "Morning Hours". And the first book of fables was published years later - only in 1809. Not without success, having worked in different types creativity, Krylov realized that the genre of the fable is most successful for him. Fable has become almost an exclusive kind of his work. And soon the fame of a first-class author came to the writer.

The artistic gift of Krylov the fabulist was fully revealed when he combined his vast knowledge in the field of ancient and new European literatures with the realization that the type of creativity he chose by nature belongs to the genus of creativity in which folk morality is expressed. This morality, for example, is manifested in Russian fairy tales about animals, in proverbs, in teachings, - in general, in the peasant fables... In Russia, an intricate story has long been called fable... "Fables-fairy tales" are inseparable from the living conduct of a story-fiction, spiced with a joke, a teaching. For a long time this was not understood by many of Krylov's predecessors, who failed because they did not realize that the fable is inseparable from the spoken language.

Thus, a well-known hardworking philologist, a member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences, V.K. Long before Krylov, Tredyakovsky (1703-1768) published a retelling of several "Aesopian fables". Among them was the fable "The Wolf and the Crane". Its plot is the same as that of Krylov, but in the presentation of the fable, almost everything is alien to colloquial speech.

A sharp wolf choked on a bone on a certain day.
So that he was not able to howl, but became all in a stump.
For that he hired a crane at a price,
To extract the nose from the throat in a long time.

Tredyakovsky guessed that the fable story should be told in the folk way, and it was no accident that he introduced some colloquial words and expressions into his translation (although not without distortion): remained heavy, bookish.

Let us compare Krylov's fable with Tredyakovsky's translation:

That wolves are greedy, everyone knows:
Wolf, have eaten, never
Can't make out bones.
For one of them trouble came:
He almost choked on a bone.
Can't Wolf neither gasp nor sigh;
It came at least to stretch your legs!

The whole structure of presentation is light, elegant, understandable to any Russian person! This is our living speech. Krylov followed the intonation of the oral story, in the fable story there is not even a shadow of any kind of artificiality.

The famous scientist-philologist of the XX century Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov specially studied the language and style of Krylov's fables and noted dozens of them folk proverbs... The scientist gave a long list of proverbs and sayings that the fabulist used, called them "semantic braces", that is, connections that impart semantic unity to the presentation of a fable history. Here are some of them: "The family has its black sheep" ("An elephant in the voivodeship"), "Even though the eye sees, but the tooth is numb" ("The fox and the grapes"), "Poverty is not a vice" ("The farmer and the shoemaker"), "Out of the fire into the fire" ("Lady and two maids"), "Do not spit in the well - it will be useful to drink water" ("Lion and Mouse") and dozens of others. The fabulist relied on the designations and comparisons of animals and birds with people that are familiar in our language: the crow is a prophet, but greedy for flattery, the donkey is stubborn, the fox is cunning, the bear is strong but stupid, the hare is cowardly, the snake is dangerous, etc. And they act like people. The proverbs and sayings, sayings and allegorical words included in the fables were developed and clarified by Krylov.

Krylov's primacy among fabulists continues to this day. And in our time, his fables captivate readers. He is put on a par with the greatest artists of all times and peoples. No one is surprised that he is equated with the ancient Greek Aesop, with other world famous fabulists. But most of all he is appreciated in Russia as an artist who expressed common sense and the mind of our people.

V.P. Anikin

A Crow and a fox

How many times have they told the world
That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in his heart.
God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere;
Perched on a Crow spruce,
For breakfast, I was really getting ready,
Yes, she became thoughtful, and kept cheese in her mouth.
To that misfortune, Fox ran shortly;
Suddenly the cheesy spirit stopped Lisa:
The fox sees the cheese, - The fox is captivated by the cheese.
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He twirls his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow,
And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing:
“My dear, how lovely!
What a neck, what eyes!
Tell, really, fairy tales!
What pears! what a sock!
And surely there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, light, do not be ashamed! What if, sister,
With such beauty, and you are a craftswoman to sing,
After all, you would have had a king-bird! "
Veshchunina's head was dizzy with praise,
From joy in the goiter the breath stopped, -
And the fox's words are friendly
The crow croaked into the crow's throat:
The cheese fell out - there was a cheat with it.

Oak and Cane

With the Reed, Oak once entered the speech.
"Truly, you grumble in the right to nature",
He said: “A sparrow, and that one is hard for you.
A little breeze will ripple the water
You stagger, start to weaken
And so bend over lonely
What a pity to look at you.
While, along with the Caucasus, proudly,
It’s not only the sun that I obstruct the rays,
But, laughing at the whirlwinds and thunderstorms,
I stand firm and straight
As if shielded by an inviolable world.
Everything is like a storm to you - everything seems to me like a marshmallow.
Although you would grow in a circle,
The dense shade of my branches covered,
From bad weather I could be your protection;
But nature has given you a lot
The shores of the stormy Aeolian domain:
Of course, she has absolutely no zeal for you. " -
"You are very compassionate"
said Cane in response,
“However, do not crash: I don’t have so much thinness.
It is not for myself that I fear the whirlwinds;
Even though I bend, I don't break:
So storms do me little harm;
They threaten you almost no more!
It is true that their ferocity is still
Your fortress has not overcome
And from their blows you did not bow your face;
But - let's wait for the end! "
As soon as the Cane said that,
Suddenly rushes from the northern sides
And with hail, and with rain, noisy aquilon.
The oak is holding on, - Reed has fallen to the ground.
The wind is raging, he doubled his strength,
Roared and uprooted
The one who touched heaven with his head
And in the area of ​​shadows he rested with his heel.


The neighbor's neighbor called for a bite;
But there was another intent here:
The owner loved music
And he lured his neighbor to listen to the singers.
The fellows sang: some in the forest, some for firewood,
And who has that strength.
The guest's ears crackled,
And my head started spinning.
“Have mercy on me,” he said with surprise:
“What to admire here? Your choir
Shouting nonsense! " -
“That’s true,” replied the owner with affection:
“They fight a little;
But they don't take drunken ones in their mouths,
And all with excellent behavior. "
And I will say: for me it is better to drink,
Yes, it's a matter of understanding.

Crow and Chicken

When the Smolensk Prince,
Using art against insolence,
Vandals set a new network
And left Moscow for their destruction:
Then all the inhabitants, both small and large,
Without spending an hour, gathered
And they rose from the walls of Moscow,
Like a swarm of bees from a hive.
The crow from the roof is here for this whole alarm
Calmly, brushing his nose, he looks.
"And what are you, gossip, on the road?"
The Chicken shouts to her from the cart:
"After all, they say that at the doorstep
Our adversary. " -
"What does it matter to me?"
The prophet answered her: “I will stay here bravely.
Here are your sisters, as they wish;
But the Raven is neither fried nor boiled:
So it's not surprising for me to get along with guests,
And maybe you can still profit
Cheese, or a bone, or something.
Goodbye, crested, happy journey! "
The crow truly remained;
But, instead of all her gains,
How Smolensky began to starve guests -
She herself got into their soup.
So often a person is blind and stupid in calculations.
For happiness, you seem to be rushing on the heels:
And how can you really reckon with him -
Got caught like a crow in soup!


It often happens to us
And labor and wisdom to see there,
Where one has only to guess
It's easy to get down to business.
They brought a Casket from the master to someone.
The decoration, the cleanliness of the Casket threw himself into the eyes;
Well, every Casket admired the beautiful.
Here comes the sage into the Engineer's room.
Looking at the Casket,
he said: “A box with a secret,
So; he is without a lock;
And I undertake to open; yes, yes, I am sure of that;
Don't laugh so surreptitiously!
I will find the secret and I will reveal to you:
In Mechanics I am also worth something. "
Here he began to work on the Casket:
Turns it around from all sides
And breaks his head;
Now a carnation, then another, then a bracket shakes.
Here, looking at him, another
Shakes his head;
Those whisper, and they laugh among themselves.
In the ears, it just gives off:
"Not here, not like that, not there!" The mechanic is more torn.
Sweated, sweated; but finally tired
I lagged behind Casket
And how to open it, I did not guess in any way:
And the Casket just opened.

Frog and Ox

The frog, seeing Vol in the meadow,
She started to catch up with him in her maternity:
She was envious.
And well, puff up, puff and puff up.
"Look, wah, what, shall I be with him?"
He says to a friend. "No, gossip, far away!" -
“Look how I am swelling wide now.
Well, how does it feel?
Have I replenished? " - "Almost nothing." -
"Well, how now?" - "That's all."
Puffed and puffed
And my entertainer ended on
That, not equal to the Ox,
With a strain, she burst and - died.
There is more than one such example in the world:
And is it any wonder when a philistine wants to live,
As an eminent citizen,
And the fry is small, like a nobleman.

Wolf and Lamb

The strong is always to blame for the powerless:
We hear a lot of examples of that in History,
But we do not write History;
But about how they say in Fables.
On a hot day, the lamb went to the stream to drink;
And trouble must happen,
That a hungry Wolf was prowling around those places.
He sees the lamb, strives for prey;
But, to give the case, although a legal form and sense,
Shouts: "How dare you, impudent, with an unclean snout
It's pure to stir up the drink here
With sand and silt?
For such insolence
I'll rip your head off. " -
“When the lightest Wolf allows,
I dare to convey: what's down the stream
From the Grace of his steps I drink a hundred;
And he will deign to be angry in vain:
I can’t stir up his drinking in any way ”. -
“That's why I'm lying!
Waste! Have you ever heard such audacity in the world!
Yes, I remember that you are still in the last summer
Somehow he was rude to me here:
I have not forgotten this, buddy! " -
"Have mercy, I am not a year old yet",
The lamb speaks. "So that was your brother." -
"I have no brothers." - "So this is a godfather il swat
And, in a word, someone from your own family.
You yourself, your dogs and your shepherds,
You all want me bad
And if you can, then you always harm me:
But I will divorce you for their sins. " -
"Oh, what am I to blame?" - “Shut up! I'm tired of listening
Leisure for me to sort out your guilt, puppy!
You are to blame for the fact that I want to eat. "
He said and dragged the Lamb into the dark forest.


When to adopt wisely, then it is not a miracle
And to find the benefit from that;
And crazy to adopt,
And God forbid, how bad it is!
I will give an example of that from distant countries.
Who saw the Monkeys, they know
How eagerly they all take over.
So in Africa, where there are many Monkeys,
A whole flock of them sat
By the boughs, by the branches on a thick tree
And furtively looked at the catcher,
He rolled around like on the grass in nets.
Each friend here quietly confused a friend,
And everyone whispers to each other:
“Look at the daredevil;
There is really no end to his ideas:
It will somersault
It will unfold
Then all in a lump
He'll get away with it like that
That there are no arms or legs to be seen.
We are not craftswomen at all,
And this art is not to be seen in our country!
It would not be bad for us to adopt this.
He seemed to amuse himself rather;
Perhaps it will leave, then we will immediately ... ”Look,
He really left and left their nets.
“Well,” they say: “and we waste time?
Let's go try! "
The beauties are gone. For dear guests
Scattered below are many nets.
Well, in them they tumble, roll,
And wrap and curl;
Screaming, screaming - fun anywhere!
Yes, that's the trouble,
When, it came from the network to get out!
The owner, meanwhile, has erased
And, seeing that it's time, he goes to the guests with bags,
They, in order to run away,
Yes, no one could unravel:
And they took all of them with their hands.


The titmouse set off to the sea;
She boasted
That the sea wants to burn.
Immediately became glorified about that in the world speech.
Fear embraced the inhabitants of the Neptune capital;
Birds fly in flocks;
And animals from the woods come running to watch
How will the Ocean be, and is it hot to burn.
And even, they say, by hearing winged rumor,
Hunters haunt the feasts
From the first with spoons came to the shores,
To sip on fish soup so rich,
What kind of tax farmer and the most tedious
Didn't give the secretaries.
They crowd: everyone marvels at the miracle in advance,
He is silent and, staring at the sea, waits;
Only occasionally another whispers:
"It will boil, it will immediately catch fire!"
Not so: the sea does not burn.
Does it boil though? - and does not boil.
And how did the grandiose ventures end?
The titmouse swam away with shame;
Gave a tit of glory
But the sea did not light up.
It is good to speak to speech here,
But without touching anyone's face:
What a deed, without ending,
There is no need to boast.

A donkey

When Jupiter inhabited the universe
And the tribe led various creatures,
That and the Donkey then came to light.
But with intent, or, having things to do,
At such a busy time
The thunderbolt blundered:
And the Donkey spilled out almost like a squirrel small.
Almost no one noticed the donkey,
Even in arrogance, the Donkey was not inferior to anyone.
The donkey would like to be glorified:
But with what? having such growth,
And I'm ashamed to appear in the light.
Stuck to Jupiter My arrogant donkey
And he began to ask for more growth.
“Have mercy,” he says: “how can you take it down?
Lions, leopards and elephants are so honored everywhere;
Moreover, from the great to the smallest,
All the talk about them is only about them;
Why are you so dashing to the Donkeys,
That they have no honor,
And not a word about Donkeys?
And if I was just as tall as a calf,
Then I would be arrogant from the lions and from the leopards,
And the whole world would have spoken about me. "
That day, then again
My donkey sang to Zeus;
And before that he got bored
That finally the supplication of the donkey
Zeus obeyed:
And the Donkey became a great beast;
And besides that, he was given such a wild voice,
That my eared Hercules
The whole forest was scared.
“What kind of beast? what kind?
Tea, is he toothy? horns, tea, no number? "
Well, only the speeches went about the Donkey.
But how did it end? Not even a year has passed
How did everyone know who the Donkey is:
My donkey has entered the proverb with stupidity.
And the Donkey is already carrying water.
Highness is good in breed and rank;
But what comes in her when the soul is low?

Monkey and glasses

By old age, the monkey has become weak with eyes;
And she heard from people
That this evil is not yet such a big hand:
It is only worth getting the Glasses.
She got herself half a dozen glasses;
Twirls the Glasses this way and that:
Then he will press them to the crown, then he will string them on the tail,
He sniffs them, then licks them;
The glasses do not work in any way.
“Ugh, abyss! - she says: - and that fool,
Who listens to all human enemies:
Everything about the Glasses just lied to me;
And hair is useless in them. "
The monkey is here with vexation and sorrow
Oh the stone so grabbed them,
That only the spray sparkled.
Unfortunately, it happens to people:
No matter how useful a thing is, without knowing the price,
The ignorant about her is all the worse for the worse;
And if an ignoramus is more cognizant,
So he also drives her.


There was a people in ancient times, to the shame of earthly tribes.
Which hardened in hearts before,
That he armed himself against the gods.
Rebellious crowds, for a thousand banners,
Some with a bow, some with a sling, noisy, rush into the field.
Instigators, from daring heads,
To set fire to the bole among the people,
They shout that the judgment of heaven is both strict and stupid;
That the gods either sleep, or rule recklessly;
That it is time to teach them a lesson without ranks;
Which, however, is not difficult with stones from the nearby mountains
Throw into the sky at the gods
And sweep Olympus with arrows.
Confused by the audacity of madmen and blasphemy,
All Olympus approached Zeus with a prayer,
To avert trouble;
And even the whole council of the gods of those thoughts was,
Which, to the conviction of the rioters, is not bad
Show at least a small miracle:
Or a flood, or a thunder with a coward,
Or at least hit them with a stone rain.
"Let's wait"
Jupiter ryok: “and if they don’t humble themselves
And in a riot they will oppress, without fear of immortals,
They are executed from their deeds. "
Then with a noise in the air soared
The darkness of stones, a cloud of arrows from the godly troops,
But with a thousand deaths, both evil and inevitable,
Heads fell upon their own.
The fruits of unbelief are terrible;
And know, peoples, you,
That the imaginary sages of blasphemy are bold,
Than they arm you against the deity,
Your deadly hour is drawing near,
And all will turn into arrows of thunder.

Eagle and chickens

Wishing to completely admire a bright day,
The eagle flew in the sky
And walked there,
Where lightning will be born.
Finally descending from the cloudy heights,
The Tsar Bird sits down on the barn to rest.
Although this is an unenviable perch for the Eagle,
But the Kings have their quirks:
Perhaps he wanted to do honor to the barn,
Or was it not close, for him to sit in order,
No oak, no granite rock;
I don't know what the thought is, but just the Eagle
Didn't sit a lot
And then he flew to another barn.
Seeing that, a crested hen
He interprets this with his godfather:
“Why are the Eagles so honored?
Really for the flight, my dear neighbor?
Well, really, if I want to,
From barn to barn and I will fly.
Let's not go ahead such fools
To honor Orlov more noble than us.
They have neither legs nor eyes greater than ours;
You saw now
That from below they fly like chickens. "
The eagle replies, bored with nonsense:
“You're right, just not quite.
Eagles happen to descend below the chickens;
But chickens will never rise to the clouds! "
When you judge talents, -
Consider their weaknesses of labors do not waste in vain;
But, feeling that they are both strong and beautiful,
Be able to comprehend their different heights.

Krylov's fables are fascinating, interesting, written from the heart for children and adults. They are familiar to people of other countries and have been translated into more than fifty languages ​​of the world.
Today I decided to introduce you to some of the works (and help someone refresh them in memory) of our great fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov. These fables, which are practically not studied at school and are rarely included in the favorites.

Elephant in case

Once upon a time, the Elephant fell into the hands of Leo.
In a minute, rumor passed through the forests,
And as usual, let's go on guesswork,
How did the Elephant get into mercy?
He is either handsome or amusing;
What a trick, what a grip!
Beasts talk among themselves.
"Whenever, - says, twirling his tail, Fox, -
He had such a fluffy tail,
I would not be surprised. "-" Or, sister, -
The Bear said, - at least on the claws
It became random
Nobody would consider it extraordinary:
Yes, he is without claws, then we all know
But did he not enter the case with his fangs? "
Their Ox entered into their speech:
"Didn't they count them as horns?"
"So you don't know," said the Donkey,
Flapping his ears - what could he love
And in the know to achieve?
And I guessed so -
Without long ears, he would not have fallen into the mercy. "

Often we, although we do not notice,
We willingly magnify ourselves in others.

Wolf and cat

The wolf ran from the forest to the village,
Not visiting, but saving the stomach;
He trembled for his skin:
Hunters chased him and a pack of hounds.
He would be glad to sneak at the first gate here,
Yes, it's only grief
That all the gates are locked.
Here he sees my wolf on the fence
And he begs: "Vassenka, my friend! Tell me more quickly,
Which of the peasants is kinder here,
To hide me from my wicked enemies?
You hear the barking of dogs and the terrible sound of horns!
All this is after me. "-" Ask Stepan as soon as possible;
He is a kind man ", - Cat-Vaska says.
"That's right; yes, I stripped a ram from him." -
"Well, try at Demyan's." -
"I'm afraid that he is angry with me too:
I took the kid away from him. "
"Run, Trofim lives over there." -
"To Trofim? No, I am afraid to meet him:
He's been threatening me since spring for a lamb! "
"Well, it's bad! - But maybe Klim will cover you!" -
"Oh, Vasya, I killed his calf!" -
"What I see, godfather! You annoyed everyone in the village, -
Vaska said to the Wolf, -
What kind of protection did you promise yourself here?
No, our men are not so little use,
So that they save you to their misfortune.
And you are right - blame yourself:
What you have sown - that and reap. "


Squirrel served for Lev.
I don't know how and with what; but the point is only
That Belkin's service is pleasing to Leo;
And to please Leo, of course, is not a trinket.
For that, she was promised a whole cart of nuts.
Promised - meanwhile flies away all the time;
And my little squirrel often starves
And bares his teeth in front of Leo through tears.
He will look: in the forest, here and there, they flicker
Her girlfriends are up above;
She just blinks her eyes; and one
Nuts know themselves click and click.
But our little squirrel is only a step to the hazel,
Looks - it is impossible in any way;
At the service of Leo, she is sometimes called, then pushed.
Now Squirrel has finally become and old
And Leo was bored: it was time for her to retire.
Belka was resigned,
And sure enough, a whole cart of nuts was sent to her.
Glorious nuts, which the world has not seen;
All for selection: nut to nut - a miracle!
Only one thing is bad -
Belka hasn't had teeth for a long time.

The peasant had a Donkey,
And so he seemed to be quietly behaving,
That the peasant could not boast of them;
And so that he could not disappear in the forest -
A man put a bell on his neck.
My Donkey pouted: he began to take airs, be proud
(Of course, he heard about the orders),
And he thinks now he has become a big master;
But a new rank came out to the Donkey, poor thing, with juice
(That may not only serve as a lesson to Donkeys).
I must tell you in advance:
There was not much honor in the Donkey;
But before the call he was happy with everything:
Will it go into rye, into oats or into a vegetable garden, -
Eat your fill and come out quietly.
Now everything has gone differently:
Wherever my noble lord goes,
A new rank is ringing incessantly on the neck.
Looks: the owner, taking a club,
Drives now from the rye, now from the ridges of my cattle;
And there is a neighbor, in oats, I hear the sound of a bell,
The donkey rolls its sides with a stake.
Well, so that our poor nobleman
Withered until autumn
And the bones of the Donkey were only and the skin.

And among people in ranks
The same trouble with rogues: while the rank is small and poor,
Then the rogue is not so noticeable;
But an important rank on a rogue is like a bell:
The sound from it is both loud and distant.


Fox the builder

Some Lion was a great hunter of chickens;
However, they were poorly with him:
Yes, this is not a miracle!
Access to them was too free.
So they were stolen,
Then the chickens themselves disappeared.
To help this loss and sorrow
Leo decided to build a large chicken yard
And so grab it and settle it,
To completely discourage thieves,
And the chickens would have contentment and space in him.
Here Leo is informed that the Fox
A big craftswoman to build -
And the case is entrusted to her,
It has been successfully started and finished;
Fox attached to it
Everything: both diligence and skill.
We looked, saw: the structure is a feast for the eyes!
And besides, everything is there, whatever you ask here:
Food under the nose, perches are stuck everywhere,
There is a shelter from the cold and heat,
And secluded places for hens.
All glory to Lisanka and honor!
The rich is given her a reward
And immediately the command:
Transfer chickens to housewarming immediately.
But is there any benefit to change?
No: the courtyard seems to be strong too,
And the fence is dense and high -
And the chickens are getting less and less from hour to hour.
What a disaster, they could not think of it.
But Lev ordered to keep watch. Whom did they lie in wait for?
The same to Fox the villainess.
Although it is true that she brought the building together like this
So that no one bursts into it, in any way,
Yes, only left a loophole for myself.


Melnik's water has sucked out;
The trouble would not be great at first,
Whenever you put your hands on;
But by the way, eh? My miller does not think to grieve;
And the flow becomes stronger day by day:
Water beats as if from a bucket.
"Hey Miller, don't yawn! It's time,
It's time for you to grab your mind! "
And the Miller says: "It's far from trouble,
I do not need the sea,
And the mill has been rich in it all my life. "
He sleeps, and meanwhile
The water runs as if from a tub.
And then the trouble came at all:
The millstone has become, the mill does not serve.
My miller grabbed: he sighs and grieves,
And he thinks how to save water.
Here at the dam he, examining the leak,
I saw that chickens came to the river to drink.
"Unsuitable! - shouts, - crested, fools!
I don’t know where to get water even without you;
And you came here to finish her drink. "
And grab a piece of wood in them!
What kind of help did he make to himself?
Without chickens and without water, I went to my courtyard.

I have seen sometimes
That there are such gentlemen
(And this fable was made to them as a gift),
Which in a thousand is not a pity to litter with nonsense,
And they think to help the farm,
If the candles save the candle,
And happy for him with people to raise soda.
With such care is it a wonder that the house
Will it go upside down soon?


Seeing that the Peasant was carrying an ax,
"Darling, - the young tree said, -
Perhaps you cut down the forest around me,
I cannot grow alone:
I can't see the sun,
There is no space for my roots,
No freedom around me,
Such over me he deigned to weave vaults!
If it were not for him to grow a hindrance to me,
In a year I would become the beauty of this country,
And the whole valley would be covered with my shadow;
And now I am subtle, almost like a twig. "
The peasant took up the ax,
And the Tree, as a friend,
He rendered a service:
Around the Tree a large expanse was cleared;
But his triumph did not last long!
That tree bakes with the sun,
Now with hail, then with rain,
And the wind finally broke that Tree.
"Crazy!" The Snake told him here, "
Isn't your trouble from you?
When, hidden in the forest, you would grow,
Neither heat nor winds could harm you,
You would take care of the old trees;
And if once those trees were gone,
And their time would have passed
Then in your course you would have grown so much,
Strengthened and strengthened
That the current trouble would not have happened to you,
And maybe you could have withstood the storm! "

Once upon a time, in the old days,
Leo waged a long war with Leopard
For the contested forests, for the wilds, for the nativity scenes.
Judging by rights - they had a wrong disposition;
Yes, those who are strong in their rights are often blind.
They have their own charter for this:
Whoever prevails is right.
However, finally, it is not forever to fight -
And the claws will dull:
Heroes by rights decided to figure it out.
We intended to stop military affairs,
End all strife
Then, as usual, to conclude an eternal peace
Before the first quarrel.
“We will appoint as soon as possible
We are secretaries from ourselves -
Leopard offers to Leo - and how their minds will judge,
Let it be.
For example, I will define a Cat to that:
The animal is at least unsightly, but its conscience is clear;
And you appoint a Donkey: he is of a noble rank,
And, by the way, say here,
Where is he with you an enviable brute!
Believe me, as a friend: your entire council and court
His hooves are unlikely to stand.
Let's rely on the one
On what
With my Kitty he will arrange it. "
And the Leo thought Barca approved
Without a dispute,
But not the Donkey, he dressed up the fox
He is on his own for this analysis,
Saying to himself (apparently, he knew the light):
"Whom the enemy praises to us, in that, surely, there is no use."


The motley lion did not like sheep.
They simply would not be difficult for him to translate;
But that wouldn't be fair -
He wore a crown for the wrong in the woods,
To choke subjects, but give them reprisals;
And there is no patience to see a motley sheep!
How to sell them and preserve your glory in the world?
And now he calls to him
He and Fox for advice -
And reveals to them for the secret,
That, seeing a motley sheep, every time he
Eyes suffer all day
And that it will come to him to completely lose his eyes,
And how to help such a misfortune, he does not know at all.

“Omnipotent Leo! - said, frowning, Bear, -
What is there a lot of talk about?
We led without distant fees
Strangle the sheep. Who can feel sorry for them? "
The fox, seeing that the lion frowned,
He humbly says: “O king! Our good king!
You will surely forbid to drive this poor creature -
And you won't spill innocent blood.
I dare to say another advice:
Give the command to take the meadows to them,
Where would there be abundant food for the queens
And where to jump, run for the lambs.
And since we have a shortage of shepherds here,
Then command the sheep to graze the wolves.
I don’t know, somehow it seems to me
That their kind will be transferred by itself.
And in the meantime, let them be blissful,
And no matter what happens, you will be on the sidelines. "
The foxes' opinion in the council took strength
And it went so well that, finally,
Not only motley sheep there -
And there were few smooth ones.
What were the beasts' talk about this? -
That Leo would be good, but all villains are wolves.



Some kind of birder
In the spring I caught Solovyov in the groves.
The singers are seated in their cages and singing
At least it would be better if they wanted to walk in the woods:
When you are in prison before the songs, are you already here?
But there is nothing to do: they sing,
Some from grief, some from boredom.
One of them is poor Nightingale
I endured all the more pain:
He was separated from his girlfriend was his.
He is sicker of all in captivity.
Through tears from the cage, he looks into the field;
Years day and night;
However, he thinks: "Evil cannot be helped by sadness:
The madman cries only from misery
And the smart one is looking for funds,
How to help me with deeds;
And it seems that I can get rid of the trouble from my neck:
After all, we were not caught to eat,
The owner, I see, is a hunter to listen to songs.
So if I please him with my voice,
Perhaps I will earn a reward for myself,
And he ends my bondage. "
So reasoned - and my singer began:
And he praises the dawn of Vespers with a song,
And he meets the sunny sunrise with songs.
But what happened at last?
He only aggravated his evil lot.
Who sang badly, for those for a long time
The owner opened both the cells and the window
And he sent them all free;
And my poor Nightingale,
Than he sang more pleasant and gentle,
So they guarded him more closely.

He became famous for his unusual literary style. His fables, where instead of people, the participants are representatives of animals and insects, symbolizing certain human qualities and behavior, always have a meaning, a message. "The moral of this fable is this" - it became catchphrase fabulist.

List of Krylov's fables

Why we love Krylov's fables

Krylov's fables are familiar to every person, they are taught at school, read at their leisure, read by adults and children. The works of this author are suitable for any category of readers. The very sense of fables is to show and teach something by not boring moralizing, but interesting fairy tales. The main characters of Krylov are usually animals, the author, using their example, shows various situations and the way out of them. Fables teach you to be kind, honest, friendly. On the example of animal conversations, the essence of human qualities is revealed, vices are shown.

Take the most popular fables for example. "The Crow and the Fox" shows the bird's narcissism, how it shows and behaves, and how the fox flatters it. This makes us remember situations from life, because now there are a lot of people who are capable of anything in order to get what they want, of course, it is commendable to go to your goal, but if it does not harm others. So the fox in the fable did everything to get his cherished piece of cheese. This fable teaches you to be attentive to what you are told, and to the one who tells you this, not to trust and not come off unfamiliar.

The fable "Quartet" shows us the Donkey, the Goat, the Bear and the Monkey who have started to create a quartet, they all have neither skills nor hearing. this example state councils... But in the end, we can say that this work teaches an elementary understanding of the fact that work requires knowledge and skills.

"Pig under the Oak" In it, the author reveals to the reader such qualities as ignorance, laziness, selfishness and ingratitude. These traits are revealed thanks to the image of the Pig, for which the main thing in life is to eat and sleep, and in fact she does not even care where the acorns come from.

The main advantage of Krylov's fables is that their perception by a person is very easy, the lines are written in simple language, so they are easy to remember. Fables like many people and are still relevant today, because they are instructive in nature, teach honesty, work and help the weak.

The beauty of Krylov's fables.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov is the most famous fabulist in the whole world. Children get acquainted with his instructive and wise works in early childhood. Quite a few generations have grown and reared on Krylov's fables.

A little bit from the biography of Krylov.

The Krylov family lived in Tver. Father is not a rich man, an army captain. As a child, the young poet learned to write and read from his father, then studied French... Krylov studied little, but he read a lot and listened to common folk stories. And thanks to his self-development, he was one of the most educated people of his century. After the death of his father, as a teenager, he went with his family to St. Petersburg, where he entered the service.
After the army, he actively began his literary career. The playwright first made translations, wrote tragedies, but later his soul became addicted to the satirical genre of literature.

In 1844, the writer died of pneumonia; as a last gift to his friends and family, Krylov left a collection of fables. On the cover of each copy was engraved: "An offering in memory of Ivan Andreevich, at his request."

About Krylov's fables.

As mentioned above, Ivan Andreevich Krylov tried himself in various literary genres, before dwelling on fables. He gave his works "for judgment" to friends, among whom were such as Dmitriev, Lobanov. When Krylov brought Dmitriev a translation of La Fontaine's fables from French, he exclaimed: “This is your true family; you finally found it. "

Throughout his life, Ivan Andreevich published 236 fables. The poet also wrote satirical magazines. In all his humorous works, Krylov denounced the shortcomings of the Russian people, ridiculed human vices, and most importantly, he taught people moral and moral qualities.

Each of Krylov's fables has its own structure, most often two parts are distinguished: morality (at the beginning or at the end of the work) and the fable itself. Ivan Andreevich basically showed and ridiculed the problems of society through the prism of the example of the animal world. The main characters of the fables are all kinds of animals, birds and insects. The fabulist described life situations, in which the characters behaved inappropriately, then in morality Krylov lectured his readers, showing how to get out of these situations.

This is the beauty of Krylov's fables, he taught people of life, he explained the norms of morality and etiquette using the example of fairy tales.

The funniest fables


Three girls in the evening
Gathered to a friend's house:
Leafed through the catalog,
We drank cola, cognac.
Broken, dreamed,
Slowly we got loose ...

One girl says:
- "If I met the prince,
I would have him for all the things -
The kid gave birth!
But first - a fur coat, a wheelbarrow,
Well, and a dacha on Rublevka! "

Her friend answered:
- “It’s like you fell from an oak tree!
Nowadays princes are not honored,
It is necessary to graze the "daddy"!

So that the "beaver" is with gray hair,
Single so that or a widow,
To keep the bank solid,
To enter the elite club!

If I got this
Used to roll the feast up like a mountain!
So that in the evening my wife
And in the morning already a widow! "

The third girl got up:
- “So girls, no good!
And there will be no use in life
Without love, but by calculation!

Let not a prince of elite blood,
And not a solid "beaver"!
If only you believe and love
And he valued his family! "

Two friends were laughing
The third durra was called.
We sat and laughed ...
Well, and for the time being we parted.

Five years have passed since then,
How that conversation went.
And by the pike's command
Or fate is benevolent
Friends met again
Well, and stayed to chat.

The first girl says:
- “She wanted a prince, you fool!
There is a fur coat, there is a car,
There is also a dacha on Rublevka.
Only I am at the dacha
Like a gold cage!
No friends and no girlfriends
A crowd of guards around!
Day-day boredom
Gold in this cage! "

- "Yes-ah-ah," the second answered,
- If I once knew
What's the worst in the world
Be responsible for the life of a "beaver"!
He promised me mountains of gold
And slipped two contracts
Believe not believe
I'll cure out the door naked!
And now even like a wolf howl
God forbid me to become a widow! "

The third girl said:
- “Yes, you are not sweet, sisters!
My Vanyusha is not like that -
Hard-working and simple.
People are held in high esteem
Our son is growing up and our daughter.
We live in our own house
And we are doing business together!

Here it is, light in sight
Together with my daughter and son.
Well, friends, I have to go!
You, no fluff, no feather! "

She shook her hand to her husband,
She hugged her son and daughter,
She got into a white Mercedes
This is the end of the fairy tale!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Lesson for young offspring!
We remind you again and again:

A family of lions without too much fuss
The question was decided positively, it seems.
Since then, no poverty has been seen in the forest
(And hares, by the way, are not noticeable either).

Here friends met at the weekend.
Of course, the table was bursting with food.
There were so many drinks there,
Bacchus would have strangled himself with envy!
The hostess ate and drank a lot.
To guests, not forgetting, poured,
Well, and a dog, from the master's table
Leftovers, every now and then, served.
There was a dispute about this and that.
They laughed and joked a lot.
The conversation was carried on in a cheerful rhythm,
But, nevertheless, the heroine became a lot.
She went away to the bedchamber,
After her, the poodle vanished.
Her husband was pleasing friends all night long
And in the morning the picture appeared.
When, by dawn, the guests dispersed,
He sleepily wanted to snuggle up to his beloved,
And then the evil spirits in bed and appear
Without the need for that necessary.
In the place of the most lovable wife
Blackened with tail, hooves, horns
The nasty image of the wicked Satan
Cast down into hell long ago by the Gods.
A hand to the switch, a bright light
He opened his eyes to the bogus spouse.
There is no beloved on the bed at all
But he finds a girlfriend on the floor.
She sleeps like a dog on the rug,
And the poodle is on her bed.
Let the reader forgive me,
But who of all of them was that evening? !!
Master, rust like a gelding in a barn,
He retired resoundingly to another box.
And I call everyone who reads
In order to learn from mistakes.
The moral here is primitive and simple:
An, if a glorious holiday happened,
If you wet your mouth with nectar,
Make sure that you go too far not to be ashamed


The Hungry Wolf said to the Wolf:
- I miss the bird so much.
I will not refuse a lamb either.
His thigh is so appetizing!
- Calm down, - said the Wolf, -
Or have you forgotten that it is not good
Even children know about it
Dreaming of meat on a diet ?!
- I, dear, also know
But I just melt out of hunger.
There is a veil before the eyes.
Prey is often not visible.
And even if you can see something,
Can't catch up. That's a shame!
Health boomed, as in oblivion.
I'll have to stop my diet.
Though cholesterol is high,
I'm still a wolf, not a donkey.
Read, reader, this fable,
Before you go on a diet!


Jumping Dragonfly
I knew my business tightly:
I danced the whole repertoire,
Forget about the brakes.

She knows different styles
You must understand yourself
Instantly a dancer hyped up
On posters all over the country.

There is no respite on the tour,
There is no trace of the old days,
The notorious ant
The impresario is with her.

And the dragonfly tribe grows,
Having fun from the heart.
This is what it means in our time
"So go and dance!"


Once upon a time two loaves of sausage
Before we descend on the scales
We talked and quite frankly.
The Russian loaf behaved arrogantly!
"Do you know? - he said: after all, my parent-
Our native Russian producer,
Not that you were born abroad
Shining and smelling dude! "
"Maybe I'm a dude," answered in tune
Beautiful imported loaf
But look at yourself now.
In you, there is nothing Russian inside:
Spig was brought from Germany,
And the factory bought meat in Italy!
And so that the weight gain is felt,
A Spanish additive was poured into you.
Only a shell, like from Russia,
He does everything better, more beautiful.
But the shell is like a condom
Which will hide any negative.
And here I am an imported loaf.
Produced abroad.
But according to the same recipe,
Where there are no traces of Russian dope:
No soy, raw material substitutes.
Therefore, I look like a dude. "
It doesn't matter where the loaf is born.
It should be useful and tasty!
No need to use a condom-
The child must be healthy and beautiful!


Mice one fine evening
(I'm sorry for the stamp)
Vaska the cat invited to a meeting
Movements "Cats for Mice!"

Vaska the cat (current Vasily)
Introduced the block he created ...
(Apparently, he was not beaten much
For the fact that the fat was fired.)

I have been friends with mice since childhood! -
He said, licking his mustache,
-My slogan is all mice for dinner
Swiss, but free, cheese!

I solemnly give you my word, -
Then he licked his lips again,
- What about the prohibition of mousetraps
I will advance the law.

The mice squeaked: -Vaska - darling!
What eyes he has! -
Giving him unanimously
Sympathy and voices.

To thunderous applause
Vaska the cat said that he was glad
HAVE so intelligent
And a loyal electorate

Thinking: -And also delicious! -
He left with a mouse young ...

With the morality of this sad fable
Figure it out for yourself, my reader!


Once a very wise Greek,
hastily built a pie,
said there are no rivers in the world
in which there is no ford.
Said and lowered it into the water
its not cunning structure,
leaned on the oars with all the strength
trying to cope with the current.

Bystrina passed, before him
river calm - an oblique sandbank,
suddenly sees a miracle: no burbot,
not tench, not bream, not catfish, not perch.
Six paws, mustache, claws and tail,
well, definitely a tracked track,
but he will look, so he will cure the diarrhea
and back down like a cancer.
"Who are you?" - asked our brave Greek.
“Well, answer me soon,
I have passed a lot of rivers,
but I've never seen anything worse. "
Silent like a fish, only with its tail
the sand is quietly raking.
Our Greek wanted him with an oar,
then I thought: suddenly it will break!
And you won't pass by either,
so you can seem like a coward
and even the deadliest ruff
the Greek will be mocked.

And now the Greek fives
hid under the muddy water,
he'd be by the tail, but no, in the claw ...
The echo howled for a long time over the river !!!

This fable has only one thought:
don't crawl into the river with your hands,
what if there is a crocodile fish
or even worse - piranha!


Into one neglected forest
With thicket and swamp
The wolf came to settle
For wolf work.

Having painted over gray hair with resin,
And sprinkling the wool with nectar,
Gray comes to the boar,
Head of HR.

And straight to the point, they say, teeth
There is enough pokudov
I’m ready to work, you see
Specifically, in a wolf pack.

The boar grunted as if he was waiting
A different statement.
- Yes, you are a wolf, not a jackal? -
He sips indignantly.

What the hell is a jackal?
The applicant was taken aback.
- Well, consider that you missed
You're in our woods, buddy.

The boar smelled its back against the stump,
He squinted slyly:
- We have wolves full of staff
A brigade of jackals.

Jackals in the forest? .. Those times, -
The wolf mumbles in an obvious trance. -
Or maybe this ... you have
Others from vacancies?

I could be exactly like a fox
Catch mice and birds.
The boar laughs:
- Oh, okstis!
We no longer have chanterelles.

Instead of them, they live in the forest
Visiting hyenas.
Not like foxes plow here
Resignedly in three shifts.

So I would have gone to hares.
Let them teach me. -
The wolf is babbling. - It's a shame
But since the occasion fell out ...

The boar laughs:
-Wah, I'll die!
You obviously got drunk!
We have a kangaroo for a long time
Here they are jumping instead of hares.

So why should I die at all?
The wolf exclaimed in despair.
- Come on, where the bear sits,
Toptygin, your boss ?!

Medve-e-go! - grunted like a hum,
Boar. - Well, you and the swell.
They even forgot the word. a lion
We are now in the kingdom.

So where am I, boar? -
The wolf begs with a dull look.
The boar answered:
- He started the shaitan
Russian to you in the woods.

But only here we have now
Big changes -
Different fauna and beast
A new way of thinking.

We don't have a beaver in the river either.
But there are hippos
Sandpiper, typing water into its beak,
The swamp surrendered to the Flamingams.

Yes, I'll tell you, and myself
Warming up a chair for a boa constrictor.
So come on. Adieu. Salam.
Look for another place.


Amicably the fun rises,
A rash on the forest intrigue!
The wedding is walking with the whole forest, -
Toptygin is getting married today.
Glorious little wife
By the side, bear, playfully,
Strokes her gently with his paw, -
An irresistible diva.

All the inhabitants of the forest are happy, -
Happiness has come to their sanctuary!
Only there were connivors
Brought tar to the holiday.
The murmur went on quietly:
"Look, the spouse will be
Obviously a little clubfoot!
Judging by her lameness ... "

After the honeymoon
No consolation to the Tramp!
Everything walks. Thinks. Crazy!
I took everything too close.
Should it be otherwise, if they drip
Elks, foxes and wolves:
"Why did you take the clubfoot?
What, there was no softer withers? "

Toptygin washed down. Tormented.
Is there a handicap of the spouse?
It seems like he's trying to do the housework
As in family leisure.
She knits, washes and cooks.
There are no complaints about intimacy either.
But, all the same, clubfoot, -
If you take the qualification in the taiga ...

Well, disdain with ridicule
Animals are not going!
If hares are already drunk
They're talking about Clubfoot.
"Why, hitherto humbly I
Did you allow them to be insulted? "
Thought Trample, despicable
Changing feelings for revenge ...
There is a new churchyard in the reserve.
Today there is only one grave there.
Who said on that holiday
"About sweet clubfoot"?

And the number of disabled people has increased.
They do not have legs partially.
Mishkina's honor amused
Even if it is not entirely ethical.

As for Clubfoot, -
She became "Mrs. Forest".
She is now admired.
The press often writes about her.

There is no moral in history
There is no other background to it.
There are only moratoriums for now
Hyanya and reproaches!


Pied the egg
Huge, so six kilos
Sensation! For the first time in the world!
There was no such thing
Correspondents, journalists
From abroad publicists
And Guinness with his book
Wants to record in it.
They all rush to the chicken coop
And they ask for an interview to give them
Ready camera notebook:
-Tell us, Pied mother
How with the Rooster you could do so
Carry a giant egg?
-The secret, -im Kura says,
And languidly looks into the distance.
- Are you planning what you want to do next?
-Ah, if you all went away from here.
And at some distance the Rooster stands
And with a look he squints at everyone.
Correspondents are all to him
Questions are showered on the rooster
-Tell me how you could do it
Carry a giant egg?
-Secret, -through his teeth he cuts
And it looks very maliciously into the distance.
-What are your plans for the future?
-The dream does not give rest,
I would take karate lessons,
To give the Ostrich in the face.


One rooster found a great job:
He hired to serve in the henhouse,
To crow something in the morning
And wake the people up in time.
However, life is full of tragedies.
And soon in the house of the neighbors
A young rooster began to scream to a crow.
It was a shame to the old man.
And he began to crow early,
While the neighbor was still dozing.
But he did not wait long for revenge
And even earlier he screamed ...
The night was getting shorter.
They started singing so early
What is this singing to endure
The owners were out of urine.
In the end from the cock
There are only giblets left
But even the cat ate them.

The moral here is very little:
Everyone needs to know that success in life
Not crowing before everyone else.