Veselina Cherdantseva, call sign "Vasya" - sniper, commander of a special unit of a sabotage and reconnaissance group in the Donbass. I was lucky enough to interview her yesterday at the St. Petersburg Museum of Novorossiya.

She came to the war as a volunteer the summer before last, in May 2014. She is 27 years old, originally from Siberia:

- Where are you from?

“I was born in Siberia, on Lake Baikal. But her parents: her mother is from St. Petersburg, and her father is a military man, and it so happened that he picked her up and took her to Siberia. I am a Cossack myself. Donskaya on her father's side."

I arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday. Take a break, catch your breath after intense months in Donbass:

« ...When you feel morally overwhelmed, as you are now, you need to rest. I hope that this trip to St. Petersburg will help me relax, as my nerves are strained.
I already feel that it’s hard, although again I arrived and left my boys and children there, and I don’t know how they are. And this throwing is constant. It used to be good; in January I came to St. Petersburg with all the fighters. And it’s like in your hometown, and the fighters are nearby, and friends are right there

- Is your group subordinate to the DPR, LPR?

No, she doesn't answer to anyone

- Does it work on its own?

Yes, we go out separately when they ask us for help to complete a specific task.

- If it's not a secret what's included combat missions? Yours and your unit.

Well, actually, completing any given task. Either kidnap someone, or eliminate someone, or eliminate something. Sabotage, reconnaissance...

- That is, the entire segment of sabotage work?

Well, yes, my guys work with all types of weapons. That is, we do not have a separate machine gunner or sniper, everyone is a machine gunner and a sniper. We can perform any task.

-How did it happen that you went to participate in this war? For what reasons and how did this happen?

For ideological reasons. I was raised in the spirit of patriotism, in love for my country and my land. And there they offend people, kill women and children. So I decided to make some contribution. I could no longer sit and calmly watch the news. Well, at the same time, see with your own eyes: the news lies, they don’t lie. See everything for yourself.

- And how: do they lie or not?

Partly. Some are shown, some are not. I'll tell you this: they lie not because they want to change something; they don't want to show the population certain brutal things that happen there. That is, they don’t even lie, they even soften things up.

- Do they even soften it?

Yes, yes.

- How did your family, friends and relatives react to your decision?

Well, here are the parents, they... No one was surprised at all. When I called my mother and said that I was going to Slavyansk, she was not surprised. And the father said: “I thought that you had been planning this for a long time.” That is, he already knew that sooner or later I would go there.

- Was it difficult to get there, how did it happen? How did you find people who also defended this position?

Well, this is how I remember, I wrote hysterically on the Internet about whether women were taken into the militia... I couldn’t find a way out. Not like now. No phone numbers, nothing. Or get up and drive at random. But it so happened that I realized that sitting in St. Petersburg, I couldn’t solve anything, I had to somehow move closer.

And I first came to Moscow. I stayed there for a week and just happened to meet a man on the street who told me how to go. And, moreover, he said that “after all, you need help, come tomorrow at 7 am to such and such a place. With things."
I come... They put me in a car and took me to the Lugansk People's Republic. And I was driving like that and thinking “oh, take it easy”!.. I didn’t expect it.
He said that he would unload the load, I looked, and there were 13 people there with me. And they took us there.

- Was there any initial combat training on site?

There was... But it was still in the process of fighting. They bombed constantly. You train for a day and fight for a week.
There was preparation, but... more moral preparation was needed, which was not there at that time, and at first it was all scary and hard to worry about. Now, of course, it’s simpler.

- How many business trips have you had to Donbass?

I didn't even count. From time to time I come for a month or a month and a half, and sometimes for 2 days. Well, 13 business trips exactly. My longest business trip was 2 months. Then the injury. Then I stopped by - I was there for a month and a half. Then I left and visited for 2-3 days, completed the task and returned.

- What is the current situation in Donbass, what is happening there now?

Now, of course, it’s calmer. But it depends... on the place. If artillery worked somewhere, then it is still working there. Most of it now is a battle of reconnaissance groups. They do it quietly, stir things up and the like. I know that those Ukrainians who are next to us: they shoot, but reluctantly. And those who are further away from the combat zone: they train, walk, and have fun. And many don’t particularly care that the war is going on; they are completely relaxed.

- So we can say that the conflict is now frozen?

Not really, someone just got tired of it and it became calmer. On the contrary: it’s all about exhaling before the heavy stuff. That is, the calm before the storm.

- That is, a new used...

Yes, there will be a new wave. Everyone thinks it will be here by winter any minute. Just like last year, when December-January was hot.

- What do civilians and militia lack in Donbass now? What are the most important problems?

The militia has winter uniforms, maskhalats, and everything in this vein. Even my ankle boots are all torn already. In this regard.

And for peaceful people, food, work, money. But now it’s better, a lot has been improved. People are already returning home little by little (refugees).

- Now we have the final questions. What is your hobby? How do you relax and unwind?

Well, I still go to training, train at home, read books on ballistics and military topics. And from the “mirnyak” I write and draw poetry.
I can meet friends, sit in a bar, take a walk. I try not to be alone, I start loading alone. To be distracted, the psyche is not ironclad. And when you feel morally overwhelmed, as you are now, you need to rest. I hope that this trip to St. Petersburg will help me relax, as my nerves are strained.

- Where do you see yourself in a peaceful life, when this war ends?

An instructor. There are plans to leave for contract service.

- There?

No, in Russian army. There are options and proposals. Think about pensions, housing... You need to get married, find a husband, have children - well, that’s everyday life. When it will be calmer. But I won’t be able to completely go into peace.

- Don't see yourself in this?

Yes, I will serve under a contract. Take care of family and home.

- How do you see a solution to the conflict in Donbass? For peace to come?

Recognition of Novorossiya - 100%. But there are two options here - let’s say there was an independent republic within Ukraine or within Russia (meaning national republics, like ours Chechnya, Tatarstan and others). Novorossiya, however, does not particularly want to remain part of Ukraine, and it is necessary for Russia to already make a decision and influence the situation.

- Within the same boundaries?

In general, yes, but in theory it would be necessary to Donetsk region, if DPR. Because, for example, I have guys from Mariupol, and they will be offended that the DPR is recognized, and Mariupol will remain part of Ukraine. This is wrong.

- Many people from the territory controlled by the Kyiv government left to fight for the militia?

Quite a lot, yes. There are also those who fought on one side, and then they came over to our side. Their eyes were opened. It happens that when they are captured, their opinion also changes.

Last question. If a person wants to help the militia with something, what should he do? Maybe pass it on through the Novorossiya Museum?

Well, yes, there are personal numbers, accounts, and it is optimal to transfer things and the rest through the Museum of Novorossiya. Moreover, I know some people here, so to speak, the guys will help.

The example of Veselina Cherdantseva proves that being a pretty and young girl, you can be a full-fledged “combat unit”, a real patriot, capable of commanding a group and instilling terror in your enemies.

The new star of Novorossiya was the 26-year-old girl Veselina Cherdantseva, who left St. Petersburg to fight in Donbass for peace and protect local residents. Her idol is Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who during the Great Patriotic War killed more than 300 fascists. And she would gladly see the pilot Nadya Savchenko in prison or on next world, writes Wyborcza.

The girl sniper “Vasya” is the new star of Novorossiya. “I shoot so as to kill immediately, so that no one suffers”, she says. Her story has everything you need to create a military myth: childhood in Siberia, military training and a thriving company that she closed in order to devote herself to what is most important to her - fighting for good in her homeland and peace in Donbass. Veselina Cherdantseva is presented as the hero of the self-proclaimed Novorossiya, writes Gazeta Wyborcza.

“In the photographs that she publishes on the Internet, you can see a smiling red-haired girl sitting on horseback. This is what older photos look like. In the latest ones, Veselina Cherdantseva poses with a carbine. On the sleeve of the jacket there is an emblem with the inscription "Polite people"."- notes the Polish publication. This is how fighters who are not officially part of any of the Crimea have been called state armies. These are soldiers who go to Ukraine “on vacation,” or people like Cherdantseva, who left everything and came from Russia to protect the residents of Donbass.

“Vasya” is Cherdantseva’s pseudonym in the Donbass. She is 26 years old. Russian. She was born and lived for a long time in Siberia. She comes from a family with Cossack and military traditions. It was obvious for her to join the cadet corps after finishing 9th grade. missile forces strategic purpose. “We were still children, we were not taught the real military service, but we assembled and disassembled the machine guns and went to the training ground", says Veselina.

She admits it was her father's idea. “I couldn't refuse him. All my life I saw my father in military uniform, and I was always drawn to epaulets. As a child, when asked what I wanted to become, I answered that I would be a Cossack horse... I wanted, at least to some extent, to be with the army.”, she says. When she was a girl, she also played with dolls, but in a different way than her friends: she put the toys on tanks and led the attack, Wyborcza emphasizes.

Veselina Cherdantseva has not fought before, although she admits that similar proposals came to her. The Syrians approached the woman who was a good shooter. “There were proposals on their part. People came, tried to talk, put pressure on me, even tried to threaten me, but I refused. I don’t fight for money, I love my Motherland and my land. They offered 5 thousand dollars for one or two weeks of struggle.", she says.

She didn’t come to Donbass for money either. She previously managed a stud farm, then went to St. Petersburg, where she opened sports school, in which, by the way, they taught how to use a knife. “I closed the company, sold everything and came here. The decision to come here was made in March after watching material about the shelling of two buses carrying children, and when I saw blood spattering.", explains the sniper.

Veselina Cherdantseva is a sniper and commandant of one of the units. She commands 15 soldiers. In war, authority is developed in battle. Cherdantseva herself admits that a woman in the army must prove from the very beginning that she deserves respect. “It already starts at school - if necessary, you can punch them in the face. Essentially, a battle buddy has no gender. They don’t force you to peep while standing, but in other respects we are equal.”, she assures.

“Vasya” does not hide the fact that women fighting in war are usually more cruel than their comrades. “But this applies primarily to men. Female snipers often aim to hit the groin. However, they are reluctant to kill other women, shooting them last. After all, these girls on the other side, even if they are enemies, should not be here at all. They must give birth to children and cook pies. Sometimes we detained people who were 17-19 years old. They became snipers, but it’s clear that they are still stupid. We let them go", she explains.

However, Veselina has no mercy for people like pilot Nadya Savchenko, detained in Russia. “People like her should be either in prison or in the next world,”- assures sniper “Vasya”. She is surprised that Nadya allowed herself to be caught. “Apparently she didn’t have enough time to commit suicide,” she suggests. She herself prefers death to captivity. “It’s better to die standing than to live life on your knees”“, she quotes a saying that is often repeated by Russian soldiers and criminals, the Polish publication notes.

“If I feel sorry for anyone, it’s the Ukrainian conscripts. May God grant them that I don’t get caught by them. These guys were forced to fight. But these battalions are “Aidars”, “Azovs”, “Pravoseks”, “National Guards”... I will have no doubts, and my hand will not even shake.”, - “Vasya” talks with passion about the murder of Ukrainian fascists.

In this she takes an example from the famous sniper Soviet army Lyudmila Pavlichenko. “She fought during the Great Patriotic War, saved people’s lives, brought them out from under fire and killed more than 300 fascists“, she says enthusiastically about her idol. It is not known whether she ever thought about which side of the conflict her idol would fight on today, because Pavlichenko is a native of central Ukraine, Wyborcza notes.

Vasya also has plans for the future. She would gladly exchange sleeping quarters at the base and shooting for a quiet life in Russia. She would like to have children. “I’ll even knit socks for them. But only when there is peace on my land.", she says. At the same time, she assures that she will never leave the army. “Maybe I’ll start organizing some classes, patriotic camps for young people. Young people should be involved in something", she adds.

Cherdantseva does not dream of being killed, but the main rule is not to look this person in the eyes. “You cannot allow yourself to show anger or revenge, then you lose your humanity. War is, of course, blood and corpses, but you always need to respect the enemy. That's why I never shoot any man in the groin. I always shoot in such a way as to kill him immediately, so that he doesn’t suffer.”, - the Polish publication Gazeta Wyborcza summarizes the words of sniper Vasya.

moskwasadowa:An amateur killer with a brain steeped in Bolshevik mythology is a true homo sovieticus. Turn her into a stuffed animal and display her in a museum.

paulhandyman:Bury it in a hole six meters deep under the fence and fill it with a ton of chalk.

ppabisiak:She will organize patriotic camps... Polite little green man. I wish this bitch that when the guys from Azov catch her, she too will not be tortured and her honor will not be insulted.

zieniewicz1:In fact, her words make sense. If I went to war, I would have a similar philosophy. However, it is a product of propaganda. And the nightmares will come later, after the war and not immediately. There is voluntary consent to kill another person. But the development of spiritual life excludes murder as such. War degrades human values.

ffstv:A sniper who wants peace on earth must first kill 300 people.

prince albert:What does propaganda do to people...

warszawa54321:It's a pity for our Russian Slavic brothers, who could be wonderful people. An oligarchic system of government, which has a propaganda apparatus at its disposal, will destroy any nation. Let's rejoice in Poland.

andy180812:A heroic woman, good and determined.

ndris:Ukraine has the right to self-determination. Why should Novorossiya be denied such a right? The girl is fighting for what is right.

source Gazeta Wyborcza Poland Europe tags

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Interview with a brother fighting in the ranks of the Donetsk People's Republic.

A native of Bratsk, Veselina Cherdantseva, is fighting in the ranks of the militia of the Donetsk People's Republic. Not long ago, the Zvezda TV channel, with the modest participation of the Gorod TV company, talked about an unusual volunteer who went to the south-east of Ukraine to help the militia and had already been seriously wounded. Now Veselina has almost fully recovered and is again on the front line. The site's correspondent contacted the girl and talked to her about what is happening now in the southeast, when the war will end, and why a Siberian woman needs to fight in Ukraine.

Veselina, how long have you been on the territory of the DPR and where did the decision to go there come from?

I've been here since the end of April. I decided to help escort humanitarian supplies to the territory of south-eastern Ukraine. I don’t watch TV, but I regularly monitored the news on the Internet. I decided that the people in the southeast were right and joined the ranks of the militia. By the way, I had friends who went to Maidan, supported that policy and still support it. I stopped communicating with them.

Have you ever taken part in hostilities?

I have fighting happen all the time. In what terms: when we accompany cargo, one way or another we are fired upon. Many times we were ambushed, and so on. So I was in battles.

Was it scary?

The first time it's not scary at all. It's like jumping with a parachute. The first time is not scary, because you don’t understand anything. The second time is already scary. With each fight you begin to understand more clearly what can happen, and then it becomes a little scary. But this is such fear... not panic. Just calm down and complete the task.

You said that you are constantly under fire. Have you already gotten used to it?

Naturally. For example, you are sleeping, and there are constant bombs nearby. We once arrived at the place of deployment at night. I fell into the greenery, into the grass, and fell asleep. The mortars were firing next to me, but I didn’t even hear: I was sleeping peacefully. The guys didn’t wake me up: I could hear the mortars working somewhere nearby, but they weren’t targeting us.

As far as we know, you have already been seriously injured? How are you feeling now?

Yes, I’m already running normally. A fragment was left in my hand. It took a long time for the fragments to come out of my leg. She walked with a cane and limped. But I was also shell-shocked. The hardest thing now after the concussion is frequent headaches and sometimes I forget something. But I’m slowly coming to my senses.

What happened, tell us in more detail.

We were carrying humanitarian cargo and were ambushed not far from the Assumption post. This, in my opinion, is 3 kilometers from the Russian border. There was a fortified area there. We drove in a column of cars. And the commander and I saw a checkpoint with a Ukrainian flag. Empty. There were machine guns, but there was no one at all, we didn’t see anyone. We stopped, and then a firefight began - it turned out that the enemy was nearby, in the bushes. The battle has begun. Usually a battle doesn’t last long, but here we had a battle for two or three hours. Then we heard that mortars had started firing at us, and we began to retreat. I received shrapnel wounds from a mortar shot: in the leg, arm and neck. When we retreated to the Russian border, we realized that we were surrounded: on one side there were machine gunners, on the other side mortars were working, on the third side there were armored personnel carriers. We went into the only corridor, and we were just lucky there: there were “Pravosek” dugouts, but, fortunately, there was no one there. Either they pulled up to that empty checkpoint or something... but we got through.

Besides you, are there any other girls at the front?

There are actually girls. I saw them, but didn’t really communicate. There are girls who came with their husbands, there is a woman who fights with her son. That is, it turns out, mother and son. But there are not many girls and women. The girls who are there help, coordinate, and provide informational assistance. And to take part in hostilities... There are few of them, but they exist.

For the last few years you have lived in St. Petersburg, where you worked as a knife fighting instructor. Are your skills useful now?

Well, only in terms of physical training. There is no close combat here. A knife is needed to disguise yourself or cut sausage (laughs).

What about firearms, friends?

Well, yes, I’m good friends (laughs). I learned in the process.

Where did your love for weapons come from? It doesn’t seem like a woman’s business to fight.

This is from childhood, in fact, because my father is a military man. I looked at him constantly. I was drawn to all of this. As a child, I loved watching war films and reading books about the war. At school, during literature classes, they assigned books about the war, and I literally read them avidly. I really liked them.

What shocked you when you arrived in the Donetsk Republic?

The only thing that shocked me and still shocks me is the senselessness of this war. That is, of course, it makes sense for the militias. But I don’t understand the Ukrainians who support Maidan, I can’t understand their politics, their ideology.

How long do you plan to stay there in the ranks of the militia?

Until the end. Until the bitter end.

How soon will it come, in your opinion?

If it doesn’t come soon, then it seems to me that all this could drag on for two or three years.

And you will be there for two or three years?

Of course yes. But I want this war to end as soon as possible. I’m so used to my guys, to my comrades in arms, that I want us all to stay alive and be together in civilian life. I don't want to part with them.

By the way, tell us a little about your comrades in arms. Who are they, where are they from? And what are they fighting for?

We have a whole international gathering here. Of course, we have a lot of Ukrainians here. These are usually miners. The most combative. Such tough Ukrainian guys. We have guys from Chechnya and Ossetia, we have our Serb brothers. And they are, in fact, driven by one thing: to help the Russians. Because Serbs, for example, treat Russians very well. From time immemorial we have helped each other. Each of those who came here understands that if this whole wave is not stopped now, the wave will definitely spread to Russia. This applies to everyone: those who live in Russia, and those who live in a country that is friends with Russia, with Russians. And Chechens also come here as volunteers. Moreover, they are one of the kindest and sympathetic people with whom I am currently communicating.

What is the attitude of the militias to our country, to Putin?

We are not particularly concerned with politics here. The only thing that unites everyone here is love for their land. The militias understand that we have one Motherland. And, accordingly, they have a good attitude towards Russia and want to be together with Russia. We are part of one people. Or rather, we are one people.

Tell me, are you afraid of death?

I think every person is afraid of death. I am no longer afraid of not seeing my friends. I'm more afraid for other people than for myself.

During the time you were at war, did your view of some things change?

Changed. Not dramatically. But a lot has changed. The values ​​have become a little different. This is natural when you are under threat of death. You look at people differently and, of course, above all, you look at human communication differently. In war there are no people who lie: either he is an enemy or he is a friend. Here I became convinced that in some of my views towards people I was wrong.

Photo from the site\Veselin Cherdantseva

Veselina Cherdantseva, call sign “Vasya”, is a sniper, commander of a special unit of a sabotage and reconnaissance group in the Donbass. I was lucky enough to interview her yesterday at the St. Petersburg Museum of Novorossiya.

She came to the war as a volunteer the summer before last, in May 2014. She is 27 years old, originally from Siberia:
Where are you from?

“I was born in Siberia, on Lake Baikal. But her parents: her mother is from St. Petersburg, and her father is a military man, and it so happened that he picked her up and took her to Siberia. I am a Cossack myself. Donskaya on her father's side."

I arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday. Take a break, catch your breath after intense months in Donbass:

« ...When you feel morally overwhelmed, as you are now, you need to rest. I hope that this trip to St. Petersburg will help me relax, as my nerves are strained.
I already feel that it’s hard, although again I arrived and left my boys and children there, and I don’t know how they are. And this throwing is constant. It used to be good; in January I came to St. Petersburg with all the fighters. And it’s like in your hometown, and the fighters are nearby, and friends are right there

Is your group subordinate to the DPR, LPR?

No, she doesn't answer to anyone

Does it work on its own?

Yes, we go out separately when they ask us for help to complete a specific task.

If it's not a secret, what is included in combat missions? Yours and your unit.

Well, actually, completing any given task. Either kidnap someone, or eliminate someone, or eliminate something. Sabotage, reconnaissance...

That is, the entire segment of sabotage work?

Well, yes, my guys work with all types of weapons. That is, we do not have a separate machine gunner or sniper, everyone is a machine gunner and a sniper. We can perform any task.

How did it happen that you went to participate in this war? For what reasons and how did this happen?

For ideological reasons. I was raised in the spirit of patriotism, in love for my country and my land. And there they offend people, kill women and children. So I decided to make some contribution. I could no longer sit and calmly watch the news. Well, at the same time, see with your own eyes: the news lies, they don’t lie. See everything for yourself.

And how: do they lie or not?

Partly. Some are shown, some are not. I'll tell you this: they lie not because they want to change something; they don't want to show the population certain brutal things that happen there. That is, they don’t even lie, they even soften things up.

Do they even soften it?

Yes, yes.

How did your family, friends and relatives react to your decision?

Well, here are the parents, they... No one was surprised at all. When I called my mother and said that I was going to Slavyansk, she was not surprised. And the father said: “I thought that you had been planning this for a long time.” That is, he already knew that sooner or later I would go there.

Was it difficult to get there, how did it happen? How did you find people who also defended this position?

Well, this is how I remember, I wrote hysterically on the Internet about whether women were taken into the militia... I couldn’t find a way out. Not like now. No phone numbers, nothing. Or get up and drive at random. But it so happened that I realized that sitting in St. Petersburg, I couldn’t solve anything, I had to somehow move closer.

And I first came to Moscow. I stayed there for a week and just happened to meet a man on the street who told me how to go. And, moreover, he said that “after all, you need help, come tomorrow at 7 am to such and such a place. With things."
I come... They put me in a car and took me to the Lugansk People's Republic. And I was driving like that and thinking “oh, take it easy”!.. I didn’t expect it.
He said that he would unload the load, I looked, and there were 13 people there with me. And they took us there.

Was there any initial combat training on site?

There was... But it was still in the process of fighting. They bombed constantly. You train for a day and fight for a week.
There was preparation, but... more moral preparation was needed, which was not there at that time, and at first it was all scary and hard to worry about. Now, of course, it’s simpler.

How many business trips have you had to Donbass?

I didn't even count. From time to time I come for a month or a month and a half, and sometimes for 2 days. Well, 13 business trips exactly. My longest business trip was 2 months. Then the injury. Then I stopped by – I was there for a month and a half. Then I left and visited for 2-3 days, completed the task and returned. What is the current situation in Donbass, what is happening there now?

Now, of course, it’s calmer. But it depends... on the place. If artillery worked somewhere, then it is still working there. Most of it now is a battle of reconnaissance groups. They do it quietly, stir things up and the like. I know that those Ukrainians who are next to us: they shoot, but reluctantly. And those who are further away from the combat zone: they train, walk, and have fun. And many don’t particularly care that the war is going on; they are completely relaxed.
So we can say that the conflict is now frozen?

Not really, someone just got tired of it and it became calmer. On the contrary: it’s all about exhaling before the heavy stuff. That is, the calm before the storm.

That is, a new used...

Yes, there will be a new wave. Everyone thinks it will be here by winter any minute. Just like last year, when December-January was hot.

What do civilians and militia lack in Donbass now? What are the most important problems?

The militia has winter uniforms, maskhalats, and everything in this vein. Even my ankle boots are all torn already. In this regard.

And for peaceful people, food, work, money. But now it’s better, a lot has been improved. People are already returning home little by little (refugees).

Now we have the final questions. What is your hobby? How do you relax and unwind?

Well, I still go to training, train at home, read books on ballistics and military topics. And from the “mirnyak” I write and draw poetry.
I can meet friends, sit in a bar, take a walk. I try not to be alone, I start loading alone. To be distracted, the psyche is not ironclad. And when you feel morally overwhelmed, as you are now, you need to rest. I hope that this trip to St. Petersburg will help me relax, as my nerves are strained.

Where do you see yourself in a peaceful life, when this war ends?

An instructor. There are plans to leave for contract service.


No, to the Russian army. There are options and proposals. Think about pensions, housing... You need to get married, find a husband, have children - well, that’s everyday life. When it will be calmer. But I won’t be able to completely go into peace.

Don't see yourself in this?

Yes, I will serve under a contract. Take care of family and home.

How do you see a solution to the conflict in Donbass? For peace to come?

Recognition of Novorossiya – 100%. But there are two options here - let’s say there was an independent republic within Ukraine or within Russia (meaning national republics, like ours Chechnya, Tatarstan and others). Novorossiya, however, does not particularly want to remain part of Ukraine, and it is necessary for Russia to already make a decision and influence the situation.

Within the same boundaries?

In general, yes, but in theory it would be necessary the entire Donetsk region, if the DPR. Because, for example, I have guys from Mariupol, and they will be offended that the DPR is recognized, and Mariupol will remain part of Ukraine. This is wrong.

Many people from the territory controlled by the Kyiv government left to fight for the militia?

Quite a lot, yes. There are also those who fought on one side, and then they came over to our side. Their eyes were opened. It happens that when they are captured, their opinion also changes.– Last question. If a person wants to help the militia with something, what should he do? Maybe pass it on through the Novorossiya Museum?

Well, yes, there are personal numbers, accounts, and it is optimal to transfer things and the rest through the Museum of Novorossiya. Moreover, I know some people here, so to speak, the guys will help. The example of Veselina Cherdantseva proves that being a pretty and young girl, you can be a full-fledged “combat unit”, a real patriot, capable of commanding a group and instilling terror in your enemies.

Many people are disappearing in Donbass. There are unidentified corpses on both sides of the front line. There are prisoners of war. And there are peaceful people who were captured. Finding a missing person is difficult, usually impossible. Tatyana, the sister of volunteer Alexei Mayorov from Novorossiysk, accomplished this impossible. A URA.Ru correspondent also helped the relatives in the search for the missing militia fighter. All the details of the shocking story are in our investigation.
“I went to guard the pipeline”
We met Tatyana Lesenna in December - we accidentally crossed paths in the press center of the government of the Donetsk Republic. Tatyana came there hoping for help. The girls from the press service suggested contacts of the military in Gorlovka, where Tanya’s missing brother served, and most importantly, they suggested that she record a televised address.
The next day we met with Tatyana at home. In Donetsk, she and her mother stayed with a family: having learned about their misfortune, people invited them to stay for as long as needed completely free of charge. Over a cup of tea in the cramped Khrushchev kitchen, Tatyana told me about her brother. Alexey Mayorov completed his military service in the Airborne Forces. A peaceful profession - a car mechanic - was never useful: he worked as a security guard. I went to Novorossiya for the first time in July - I fought near Krasnodon for about a month, was wounded, and spent several weeks in a Rostov hospital. “He took everything very close to his heart, worried about children, pensioners, at home with tears in his eyes he talked about what was happening in Donbass,” Tatyana recalls. “We have him, you know, too fair, a lover of truth.”
The second time Alexey Mayorov volunteered for Novorossiya was in early October. He ended up in Gorlovka, in the unit of Bes (Bezler), in the Vympel detachment - with sniper Veselina Cherdantseva. “If I had known that he would go, I would not have let him go anywhere,” Tatyana curses herself. “He deceived us all the first time: he said that he went to Moscow or St. Petersburg to guard the pipeline under construction.”

A girl sniper, commander of a detachment of men, Vasya was a real TV star - Russian reporters made films and stories about her. She became the main character special project of Miguel Francis Santiago “Donetsk through the eyes of an American” on Russia Today. “On August 23, when both her legs were pierced, she led us out 15 kilometers through the fields from encirclement,” one of her subordinates says in this film about Vasya’s heroic exploits. Vasya appointed an experienced paratrooper, Musa (call sign Alexei Mayorov), as her deputy.

On the hook

“The last time Lesha called home was on October 23,” recalls Tatyana. - On November 19, his son turned one year old - he promised to come for the anniversary. In the first days of November, I began to sound the alarm: how is it possible that there has been no communication for more than a week? Fights are not fights... In Krasnodon there were also terrible fights, but once a day or two they always made themselves felt!” Tatyana got the phone number of the sniper Vasya - and that’s where the inconsistencies began. So, Veselina said that on October 22 Alexey went home. “I contacted a reporter in Moscow who was filming a story about them, and he said that the filming took place on October 23-24.” Vasya said different things to Lesha’s sister and mother, but they never managed to meet her: she always refused a personal meeting, allegedly for reasons of her own safety.
The version that Musa was killed and is in the possession of the Ukrainian military was also not confirmed: on the same day that we met with Tatyana, Ukrainian volunteers told us that they did not have the Russian Alexei Mayorov. There was still the option that the brother was in captivity, but most of all the relatives hoped that he, albeit wounded, but alive, was in Novorossiya.

Reliable information about Musa’s fate appeared a month later - the same video that Tanya recorded on Donetsk television went off. It went viral on social networks - there were people who knew what happened. They gave evidence and also told Tatyana about everything that had happened. In Novorossiysk, a pre-investigation check was ordered in connection with the disappearance of Alexei Mayorov, and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Donetsk People's Republic opened a criminal case into his premeditated murder.

It turned out that Alexey was killed on October 28, 2014. According to the fighters, Vasya and Lesha drank and argued all night. In the morning she said: “That’s it, you are no longer my deputy commander.” He replied: "Okay, I'm going home."

“About 6.30 in the morning he got into Maly’s car and asked: “Can you take me to the bus station in Makeevka?”,” one of the soldiers of the Vympel detachment told URA.Ru. - They left. Vasya jumped out, got into the car with her “personal security” (personal security - editor’s note) and rushed after him. When Maly’s car appeared, Vasya gave the order to shoot. “For defeat?” the fighter clarified. - “To kill!” The boys say: “Maly is riding there!” - “I said - to kill!” The fighter fired several times, but on top of the car.”

“Lesha and Maly reached the greenery (a forest plantation on both sides of the road), they heard they were being shot at,” Tatyana recounts. - They thought it was an ambush. Maloy says to Lesha: “Take the machine gun, shoot back!” (Lesha gave up his own before leaving!) We reached the checkpoint of the “Vostok” battalion. Then Vasya drives up with his personal car and takes them into the woods next to the checkpoint.”
“She said to him: ‘He raised his hands!’,” recalls a soldier from Veselina’s security. - He: “Vasya, let me go.” I’m going home to my son.” - “On your knees!” - “I won’t!” - “I said - on your knees!” And after that she fired a burst - it hit him in the shin and thigh. The boys and I go to him - he’s breathing. She went into the car. We jump up and say: “Vasya, he’s suffering there, let’s call an ambulance.” She says: “I’ll figure it out myself now.”

According to witnesses, Vasya simply wanted to scare Lesha - to shoot at the ground, but she was swayed. However, even after that machine gun burst, according to everyone, Musa could have been saved.

“She took the machine gun. She came up and shot Alexey three times in the head,” says Tatyana. “Then her “personal” took a shovel from that checkpoint and buried him.”

“We didn’t dig deep,” recalls guard Vasya. “They didn’t want to put it on my face at all.” After that we went to Makeevka, Vasya spent the whole day drinking there. She told us that she would report everything to her superiors herself.”

Why do you think this happened?

She drunkenly “caught a star”: “I am the commander, I am in charge!”

Why didn't you intervene and stop her?

It was directed by the Bes, and everyone knows and fears him. He respected her very much. And I and the boys were in her group not so long ago. And then - this is war: orders are not discussed, but carried out. How not to obey? To go against the commander - we ourselves would then be overthrown.


It was possible to dig up Musa’s body recently, when the exact burial place became known. The initial identification had to be carried out with the help of a camera: none of the relatives could enter the morgue corridor where the newly dug up decomposing corpse was placed. The face was not visible; it was possible to identify Alexei Mayorov only by the characteristic tattoos on his hands. But the next day, when the body had already been washed and prepared for shipment, Tatyana found the strength to look at her dead brother.
After seeing Tatyana off with the load-200, one of the militiamen, who knew Vasya closely, told me the story of the sniper. It so happened that he and his paratrooper friends hid it for a while. “We met her at the very end of November or early December,” says the fighter. - She asked for help: supposedly crests were hunting for her in Crimea (in fact, after the testimony of one of the militias, the police were ready to arrest Veselina - editor's note). We helped her, and she went to Moscow and then to St. Petersburg. And then our man saw the televised message. They began to contact the fighters who fought with her - there were inconsistencies between their stories and hers. Their brains began to turn on, many began to refuse to help her. After spending a little time in St. Petersburg, she went on vacation to Chechnya. After the PR campaign that Miguel Francis gave her through his film, she became something of a legend. In fact, no one knew about her affairs.

What kind of business?

Regarding the pressing of cars, some left-wing accounts. Allegedly, she took out some documents incriminating Bezler. And Lesha just wanted to meet him! In addition, she used the name of the unit "Vympel" - this is the center special purpose. Vympel does not operate in the Donbass; it has never been here.

But is she even a sniper?

Yes, what is it! Yes, she served in a military unit, but it concerned communications. Even on VKontakte she doesn’t have a single army photo.

After the militiaman’s story about Vasya, her entire mysteriously heroic eagle disappears.

She came up with the pseudonym “Veselina Cherdantseva”, her real name is Ksenia Vitalievna Shikalova, says the fighter. - During the Crimean events, I was in St. Petersburg, confused with the Nazis.

If you already knew everything about her, why didn’t you hand her over to the police?

We herded her, but we had no reason to detain her: who are we - investigators, police?

Why did she manage to fool everyone around her finger for so long?

And now it’s possible. Many boys are crazy about her. One day I managed to find her correspondence: she confesses her love to almost five people at the same time, and manipulates people. She loves to use men for her own purposes.

Major General of the DPR Army Bezler (his unit is now disbanded), who brought Veselina closer to him and appointed her squad commander, did not want to comment on the story of Musa’s death to URA.Ru. However, one can guess about his position: Igor Nikolaevich gave Alexei’s sister 15 thousand hryvnia to pay for the costs of the coffin and delivery of the body from Donetsk to Novorossiysk. He also helped the investigation find the machine gun from which Alexey was killed for a ballistic examination.
According to the latest information, Vasya is now at home - in Bratsk. Despite the testimony and the found corpse, despite the special report that was sent from Donetsk to the Russian investigative authorities, the pseudo-sniper has not yet been arrested. I managed to contact her through her VKontakte page: Vasya appears online almost every day. Here's what she wrote in response to an offer for an interview.

“I'm just wondering - does this all make sense? The accusation has already been made. The main thing is to justify yourself to your relatives, otherwise they won’t believe you. As for the rest... my family and friends know me and trust me. The testimony was given by an ex who now regularly threatens me. Why all this?

“Lesha was a distinguished paratrooper, worthy person, says the fighter. - He fought honestly, what more was needed? If the same scum had killed me (pah-pah-pah, of course), my friends would have been looking for me in the same way. And I suspect that the matter would not have reached any court... But this one - I don’t even know what to call her - must be judged.”

Based on materials: