“Native nature” is what surrounds us, wherever we are and wherever we go. She gives us strength, although many modern world they don’t notice it, but that’s not the point. In this essay I want to tell you what the words “native nature” mean to me personally.

First of all, I associate my native nature with Russia, but not as a state, but as a Fatherland. And you can’t identify nature native land just with birches and fields. No. It's something more. How huge is the concept of “native nature”, it’s every dewdrop in the morning, it’s thousands of springs, forests, flowers - and that’s not all.

Native nature is very different from someone else’s, and this can be easily understood by a person who loves the nature of his homeland. It is special, of course, not only because it is “its own”, but also because each country has separate territories, which, in turn, have a unique nature. It is the uniqueness of nature that makes it possible to remember it, study it, love it, and understand it.

This feature of nature ties a person to his native land, forms an invisible thread; such a connection, for example, was with Nikolai Rubtsov with his small homeland. When the poet was in a foreign country, he felt drawn back to this sky and nature. But it’s true that even the sky is special when it’s surrounded by its own, native nature.

There is one interesting point that is worth describing: the nature of the native land, that is, which is visually familiar to a person, calms him down in any situation, a justified question is how? An example of this is the flight of Belyaev and Leonov into space: it would seem, what does this story have to do with it? But in fact, it directly answers the question we posed. When the astronauts made an emergency landing, they ended up in the taiga. Of course, in the modern world one cannot particularly rejoice at such a fact, but for those great people it was happiness. They recognized their native nature and it made them happy, they were home. This fact allowed them to understand that they would be saved and to survive.

Although this is not the only example, there is one scientific fact - scientists have proven that nature gives a person peace of mind, helps him leave all problems and fills him with peace.

So it means that the truth is that native nature is not just the trees around, it is really more, it is our home. The main thing is to remember that he needs to be protected, to remember that he is special, there is nothing else like him and he will always attract us to him, wherever we find ourselves.

Essay on native nature

Our world is huge. There are so many extraordinarily beautiful places on earth that we have never been to. But the nature where we were born and spent our childhood is close to our hearts. This is our native nature.

We carry everything that surrounds us through the years with incredible trepidation in our souls. How wonderful it is to wake up at dawn, walk barefoot on the grass wet with dew and breathe in the fresh air. This start to the day will be remembered for a long time. In these moments we merge with nature. We feel more keenly how precious such moments are to us.

Each season gives its own special atmosphere.

In winter, we enjoy the cold morning, snow-covered fir trees, clean air in the pine forest. Nature gives you the opportunity to ride down an icy mountain, play in the snow, and admire the frosty patterns on the windows. This snow-whiteness is mesmerizing.

In spring, we observe how nature awakens from sleep: buds bloom on the trees, flowers begin to smell fragrant, the sun shines brighter.

Summer is a special time. We get to know nature better: we swim in rivers and lakes, pick mushrooms and berries, and just lie around on the green lawn.

Autumn circles us in leaf fall. We can walk along rustling colorful leaves, eat apples from our garden, and enjoy the first warm rains.

Our native nature is always with us, no matter what we do, a piece of it is nearby.

One has only to think about what riches she is endowed with. Majestic forests, fertile fields, deep rivers and their inhabitants - nature generously shares all this with us.

It fills life with bright colors, gives new emotions and impressions. Next to her, a person becomes kinder. And it is important for people to respond to her with kindness and love. We need to take care of what is around us - do not throw garbage, put out fires, do not kill rare animals and birds.

When a person lives in harmony and respect for his native nature, he will be happy.

Several interesting essays

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A story about the nature of my native land “My reserved land”

Kuleshova Ulyana Nikolaevna, 14 years old, 8th grade student at the State Budgetary Educational Institution- cadet school"Dyatkovo Cadet School named after Hero Soviet Union Kashina I.A.” Bryansk region
Supervisor: Zhidikina Oksana Mikhailovna, teacher of the State Budget Educational Institution - Cadet School “Dyatkovo Cadet School named after Hero of the Soviet Union I.A. Kashin” Bryansk region
Description of material: Dear guests and users of the Portal, I propose to get acquainted with the story about the nature of our native land. This material can be used by educators and teachers for conversations with children, schoolchildren in grades 5-8 on local history, extracurricular activities, and research.
Target: the formation of a sustainable interest in the surrounding world of one’s native land
- Expand students’ ideas about the nature of their native land;
- Develop skills in cognitive and research activities;
- Foster love and respect for nature

A story about the nature of my native land “My reserved land”

There is perhaps a more beautiful corner,
There are richer, wider edges,
Only for me from all my Russia
My Bryansk region is closer to my heart.

Ilya Shvets

Richness and diversity of fauna Bryansk region is explained by the fact that on its territory there are elements of various landscape-geographical zones: areas of taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, areas of forest-steppe landscape and the so-called cultural steppe.

The best place The habitat of animals is forest. There is an abundance of food, many convenient places to build homes, and dense thickets where you can reliably hide from enemies.
The Bryansk forest is an epic land, every Russian person has heard about it. The forest belt stretches in a wide strip across the entire Bryansk region along the left bank of the Desna River. The nature here is rich. She is unique. In order to preserve and restore the nature of the Bryansk Forest, the Russian Government in 1987 declared its southern part a nature reserve.
The Bryansk forests, with the diversity of the animal world, generous gifts of berries, mushrooms and pristine beauty, with the Bryansk Forest reserve, are rightfully considered the pearl of Russian nature.

Reserve "Bryansk Forest"(area 12.2 hectares) was formed on August 14, 1987 on the territory of the Trubchevsky and Suzemsky districts of the Bryansk region. It was created with the aim of preserving and restoring the natural complexes of the Bryansk forest. Since ancient times, the Bryansk Forest has been a famous place that was protected. It has survived many generations of people, keeping itself and its inhabitants almost intact. In 2001, the reserve in the Bryansk Forest, which had long been formed, received not only biosphere status from UNESCO, but also the status of the main site, the core of the reserve called “Nerusso-Desnyanskoye Polesie”.
The reserve and adjacent protected areas provide a life-saving shelter for many rare animals. Work is planned and ongoing to restore the numbers of the European bison, brown bear, and Russian muskrat. The badger is safe in the reserve, otters live on the reserved river Nerussa, and numerous streams and creeks are reclaimed by beavers. 6 species of birds listed in the Red Book live here. These are the black stork, short-tailed snake eagle, gray shrike, etc.
Bryansk forest– the only place in Europe where all 10 species of European woodpeckers are found:

Greater, Middle and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker

Syrian woodpecker

white-backed woodpecker

gray woodpecker

green woodpecker

three-toed woodpecker

and the verticheck.

About one of the inhabitants of the reserve - Middle Spotted Woodpecker I would like to tell you in more detail.

Its subspecies is listed in Red Book of Russia as declining in numbers. With the spread of agriculture, most of the oak forests that grew on fertile soils were cut down. Since then, their area has been steadily declining. Along with it, the habitat area of ​​the middle woodpecker, a species associated with oak forests, is shrinking. This occurrence is explained by the fact that it specializes in hunting openly living arthropods (insects, spiders, etc.). There are especially many of them in oak forests, which are characterized by high productivity. In winter, the most difficult period for birds, arthropods hide in numerous folds and cracks of oak bark. Here he finds them with the help of his dexterous, but not very strong beak. To get the required amount of food, the average woodpecker is forced to continuously move from one tree to another, rarely staying in one place.
In the Bryansk region, the largest populations of the middle woodpecker are known in the Nerusso-Desnyansky Polesie, Gavansky oak forests, Ramasukhsky and Krasnorozhsko-Zhiryatinsky forests. These areas are of key importance for the conservation of the species. The total number of the average woodpecker in the region is estimated at 650-900 pairs. This is about half the estimate of the entire Russian population. Therefore, the conservation of the Bryansk population should be considered one of the priority tasks for the protection of the woodpecker.
Reserve "Bryansk Forest" is not only a protected natural area, but also a research institution, a “laboratory in nature.”
The forest must be protected because it gives us clean air and generously shares its riches with us. Preserving the forest means ensuring conditions for life on Earth for the next generations of people. How can we avoid harming the forest? To do this, you need to remember the rules of conduct in the forest.
- In the forest, behave quietly and inconspicuously: look, listen and don’t make noise!
- Don't light a fire!
- Don’t destroy anthills and bird nests!
- Don’t break branches, don’t pick flowers, don’t knock over mushrooms!
-Do not take animals home, do not torture or kill them!
- Don't leave trash behind!

You are a Russian person
And I must love Russian forests,
Like your homeland, like the first day of spring.
Then everyone will say
Divine covenant of the forest country.
A. Borodulin

Our planet Earth is very large. Every corner of it is different. But every person has his own native nature. Even if there are the most beautiful places, then native nature cannot be compared with anything. This is everything that is around us and is not created by human hands. This is the nature of the Motherland, where everyone was born, raised and lives.

Many people sometimes do not notice the nature around them. But this is wrong; you need to constantly pay attention to it. It will help you retire from constant worries, distract yourself for a while and forget all the difficulties of life. Only those plants and trees can calm and energize those that grow near your home, city square, park or nearby forest. Because we are used to them, they become family to us.

It is very pleasant to listen to the rustling of birches and admire the barely green leaves that have blossomed. In the park, stroll along the alley where majestic oak trees grow. Even the smells of flowering plants seem familiar to us. How pleasant the aroma is: bird cherry, apple trees, lilacs and lilies of the valley. There is nothing more dear.

Nature is most noticeable outside the city, so it is imperative to travel outside its aisles for relaxation. Particularly pleasing is the wide field on which the golden ears of wheat, barley and rye turn yellow, and among them the cornflowers turn blue. And how beautiful a flowering meadow looks, on which clover, chamomile, and feather grass bloom. As soon as the breeze blows, the feather grass will begin to sway, reminiscent of the sea.

How native the strawberry meadow on the forest edge seems. It can be so red that you won’t know how to pick all the berries. When it comes, nature prepares for winter, everything around becomes colorful and bright. The leaves of maples are especially unusual; they are painted in a yellowish tone, but most often become crimson or completely multi-colored.

By autumn, the bird noise on the reservoirs gradually ceases. There are fewer and fewer waterfowl as they prepare for their long flight; warmer climes await them. Therefore, it is very sad to peer into the distance, at the trail. The wedge, the cranes flying and crowing in the heights, is especially saddening.

When we leave our home, at least to travel through time, to get acquainted with new sights, how pleasant it is to meet plants that grow in our native land. For example, white-trunked birches. I really want to run up to them and hug them like my dearest friends.

Every person must learn to appreciate everything that surrounds him, try to take care of his native nature, every tree, leaf and even blade of grass.

Essay on the topic “The nature of my land”

Completed by: Lena Burikova, 8th grade student

Place of study: MBOU Ozernaya Secondary School No. 9

Teacher: Safonova Olga Ivanovna

« Golden Khakassia, sunny land,

I fell in love with my native spaces forever,

The centuries-old taiga, your nut paradise,

Bogatyr Yenisei and Sayan Mountains…»

These are lines from a poem by the wonderful author D. Logachev, who wrote about the nature of his region. And indeed, Khakassia is a sunny land, the nature of which I have loved since childhood, and it is very dear to me. I proudly call this region my homeland.

Native nature for me is the landscape that we habitually see near our village. This forest, behind which lies the endless taiga, is located not far from our houses, filled with various sounds, hiding many secrets and mysteries, which it is ready to reveal not to everyone, but only to the most attentive and loving people. There is also a spacious steppe, green in the spring, and already fading and yellowing at the beginning of summer, with a spicy, intoxicating aroma of herbs, among which there are many ancient mysterious burial mounds. We are obliged to honor our steppe, since our ancestors rest on it, thanks to whom we learned about such a wonderful land, full of fertility.

The location of my homeland is also unusual in that it is located on the shore of a huge lake full of various species of fish. It is Black, and the village is named accordingly “Black Lake”. The Black River also originates from the lake, flowing into the mighty White Iyus. And now White Iyus merges with its twin - Black Iyus. Oh, how many legends there are about the creation of everything that is around us. The place where the river begins its life is very swampy, and reeds grow along the edge. Here you can often find green frogs, scoters and other waterfowl. If on a hot July day you decide to swim in our lake and, coming out of the water, look into the distance, your gaze will be drawn by the majestic Sayan Mountains with snow-capped peaks, stretching for hundreds of kilometers. Fresh air, the cry of seagulls, the sound of the surf from a light breeze make you hold your breath, endlessly admire and enjoy life. I can’t imagine my native nature without this lake, but whatever, it is my native nature. You understand that there is nothing more beautiful, more beloved than this place.

I really love the nature of my native land, my village - the place in which I was born and live. All my beauty native nature will go in my memory wherever I am. After all, there is nothing dearer, better and sweeter than the place where your home, memories, first knowledge of life are, and the best natural beauty in the world, in which everything is in harmony. Unfortunately, many people do not notice the beauty of their homeland, it seems to them that everything is gray and miserable, but you just need to open your soul and not chase the search for beauty, which will never be better anywhere than in the place where you were born and lived . Residents of a great country, with vast and rich expanses, let us give a piece of ourselves to preserve our native land! Let's protect it from ourselves, from our actions that lead to the destruction of beauty, created for our own pleasure!

An essay on the topic “Nature of the native land” is often asked to be written by elementary or high school. First of all, it's good exercise. It helps you learn how to formulate sentences and generally demonstrate your written speech. And secondly, this topic is considered one of the simplest. After all, it is unlikely that a student will have difficulty describing places that he has seen since childhood.


What should be the introduction of an essay whose theme is “The Nature of the Native Land”? There is no exact answer to this matter. The most important thing is that it accurately defines the topic of the essay. After all, the introduction is necessary in order to bring the reader up to date and prepare for familiarization with the main text. You can start something like this: “Our region is famous for its unique nature. She is unique. There are no such places anywhere else, anywhere in the world. Our region is known for its open spaces far beyond the country's borders; many people come here to admire the local beauty. And the locals are the most happy people because they were lucky to be born and raised here.”

Such an introduction would be a good start for an essay on the topic “The Nature of the Native Land.” And after that, you can proceed to the main part - the content.

Main part

A topic like “Nature of the Native Land” is good because it does not require any specific content. Only the direction is given - you need to talk about your homeland, about its vastness and beauty, and for the rest - complete freedom of creativity. Well, the best and most correct option would be a beautiful landscape description of those places that touched the soul of the author himself. This way it will be possible to convey the true mood and talk about it in such a way that a picture of this nature appears before the reader’s eyes. You could write something like this: “I live in a truly amazing place. Where many would like to live. Needless to say, most people dream of taking at least one glance at the expanses of my region, of visiting here at least once. After all, there is the sea, clean air, high mountains and simply stunning flora. It is very spacious and the sun shines most days of the year. And even when it gets cold or rains, something special begins to hover in the air. Wet asphalt, empty streets, raging sea - this is not such a slushy time that comes during cold times in other places. This is a special time for us.”

If you begin to express your thoughts in the main part in approximately this way, you will end up writing a very expressive essay.


Speaking about how to write an essay “Nature of one’s native land,” one cannot help but say a few words regarding the style being followed. As you can already understand, artistic description is important here. In this case, the author must wield words like an artist with a brush. Each sentence should reflect an imaginary picture like a mirror. But it's important not to overdo it. If beautiful words there will be too much, then it will be too much. It is necessary to correctly combine sentences with an artistic touch and ordinary ones. This is the only way to write an essay in which each paragraph is in harmony with each other.


“The Nature of the Native Land” is an essay that, in addition to the introduction and main part, must have a conclusion. What should it be like? Many people ask this question. Some have difficulty with the beginning, while others have difficulty with the last paragraph. Well, everything is simple here. You need to finish the essay with several meaningful phrases that could “put an end” to the text. You can write something like this: “My region is an amazing place. And each of us must take care of the nature that surrounds us. After all, she is as gorgeous as can be. And it’s very important to help her maintain her inspiring beauty.”