When a person is described as secretive, this characteristic often takes on a negative formulation. But is a secretive person as bad as people think?

In fact, secrecy is not the worst character trait. Read about its advantages and disadvantages below.


Secrecy is the reluctance to share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions with others. The ability to experience everything within yourself. If an individual is secretive, this is a real treasure, on the one hand. After all, it’s impossible to extract unnecessary words from him using pincers. It’s not scary to go on reconnaissance missions like this.

Only such a person has a very difficult time. Why? Now let's look at this issue.

The Virtues of Stealth

A secretive person is a person who knows how to keep his face. A storm breaks out in his soul, but he looks absolutely calm. And not a single muscle on your face will twitch.

The main advantages of this character trait:

  • You can trust these people with everything. And rest assured, they won’t give up.
  • A secretive friend will never complain about how bad his life is.
  • In any, even extraordinary situation, a person maintains steely self-control.
  • As a rule, secretive people are smart and insightful. They do not waste themselves on the external, they are concentrated on the internal.

Disadvantages of Stealth

On the one hand, this is a very good feature. But on the other hand, its owners have a very hard time:

  • Such a person does not know how to drain emotions. He accumulates all the negativity within himself, unable to throw it out.
  • Secrecy is often intertwined with shyness. These people are afraid to say something again. They live in their "shell".
  • Due to the lack of emotions, others do not understand what a person is experiencing.
  • It is difficult to communicate with such a person. It looks like an impregnable wall, behind which it is unknown what lies.

Good or bad?

To summarize, let's ask ourselves a question. Is secrecy good or bad? It all depends on the situation. Sometimes the ability to keep face and remain silent is extremely necessary. And sometimes more vivid emotions are required than cold equanimity.

Each quality has its own advantages and disadvantages. We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of secrecy above.


That's what secrecy is. And a secretive comrade is a special type of person. You must select the keys for it carefully. And the main thing is not to break the keyhole when selecting.

In fact, secrecy is neither good nor bad. It's just a character trait that some people have. Some people have excessive emotionality that frightens others. And others are too restrained, which can also cause bewilderment.

You never really know anything about them. Well, at best general outline– where a person lives, what kind of work he does... You learn about marital status, changes in status, going abroad by chance. If you find out at all. Such people can communicate with you for a long time, but at the same time tell almost nothing about themselves. What makes them do this?

I have an acquaintance with whom we have been in contact for ten years. True, mostly remotely. During this time, we discussed many topics, from politics to literature, but information about the life of Victor himself had to be pulled out literally with pincers. Only recently did I find out that he lost his parents early, and his personal life is a taboo... I still don’t know for sure whether he was married or who he lives with now... As soon as you ask an “inconvenient” question, Victor ends the conversation or translates him on another topic, or even irritably reports that he “doesn’t want to talk about it.” At the same time, he knows everything about me - who I live with, who I meet...

I was once told a story about a woman who hid from her friends that... They found out about this “after the fact” and were very offended by her...

However, not everyone is inclined to talk about the upcoming changes in their family status. I had a friend from school, quite close. In any case, we communicated more or less regularly. One day, a few years after graduating from school, I called her and found out that she had gotten married. Moreover, before that there were no hints that she was dating someone... Some time passed and she told me that she had given birth to a child. But we met during her pregnancy, and she didn’t say a word! I also learned about her divorce from strangers...

Another friend first let everyone in on the vicissitudes of her relationships with men. As a result, she was already preparing for the wedding, when suddenly everything ended abruptly. It turned out that three weeks before the wedding there was a disagreement, Masha invited the groom to live separately, he went to his parents and... did not return.

A few years later, Masha went abroad for permanent residence. Once on Skype she mentioned that a friend should come to her. I didn’t even know that she met someone there. Then Maria reported on LiveJournal that they had moved in together. And another four months later - that they got married... Masha told about the fact that she was expecting a child only three months before his birth. Please note: we were actively communicating with her on Skype all this time!

And yet - what is the reason for secrecy?

Most often, people hide the circumstances of their lives because they do not want them to be discussed. Not everyone likes having their bones washed, even from a distance. In addition, a person who has information about you often has the opportunity to harm you and interfere with the execution of your plans.

Many are also afraid to talk about their plans for the future, “so as not to be jinxed.” For example, as a rule, they are not told until half term. They don’t always share information about the upcoming marriage, since the wedding can easily be upset, as happened to my friend. Not everyone talks about changes in their personal lives, or about starting to date someone.

It is not recommended to talk about plans related to work or business. They are afraid that they will envy them or wish them harm, and thus “spoil them.” There are also those who consider the saying “A riddle is never rich” to be true.

I judge by myself: every time I imagined in every detail new job, project or relationship with some man, I was in for a bummer... Parapsychologists believe that by “living” the desired situation, we seem to “realize” it on a subtle level, and this option “closes.” Therefore, it is useful, in a sense, to live for today - in any case, not to be too emotional about your plans, not to “make plans” for the future, but to adapt to the present situation.

However, there is another reason why people. They don't trust you because they don't know how you will use the information you receive. The same person can be quite frank with some people, but remain closed with others, even if they seem to be connected by friendship... But more often than not, such an individual does not open up with anyone. Usually this is the behavior of those who have already been burned once, told someone all the “ins and outs” and got a bad result.

Should you be offended by secretive people? It depends on what situations. If this is a friend who is afraid that you will “ruin” her personal happiness, that’s one thing. But if you are dating a man and don’t even know his last name (as was the case with one of my friends), and he is silent, like a partisan, about his past and marital status, then this is already a reason to be wary. It is possible that he has something to hide. So don't hesitate to ask questions. Avoids answering? Better look for another option!

The need for an occult blood test is great value in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Read on to learn how to conduct research.

The appearance of such a problem as occult blood in the stool can speak volumes. For example, that bleeding began in the gastrointestinal tract and tumor processes began to develop. The blood itself can be either open or hidden. Moreover, hidden blood in feces can be detected either under a microscope or using special chemical reactions.

Recent studies confirm that most of the tumors and inflammations that occur in the intestines can cause bleeding. Moreover, in the initial stages, it will be very difficult to determine the cause of the disease, since small portions of blood particles, such as red blood cells and hemoglobin, are simply destroyed by digestive enzymes, becoming almost invisible.

In the body of an adult, the appearance of occult blood in the feces may indicate that polyps have appeared in the intestines and complex inflammatory processes are occurring. It will help determine the onset of the ulcerative process. Diverticulosis develops, which is a kind of pockets in the intestines. In some cases, a positive reaction may indicate the onset of Crohn's disease. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis may develop.

It is for this reason that a fecal occult blood test will be necessary in cases where an accurate diagnosis of the presence of bleeding occurring in the gastrointestinal tract is required. It got its name from the procedure for identifying even the smallest particles of blood when studying stool analysis.

The study itself will allow you to obtain reliable information at the first suspicion of bleeding. The main difficulty is that a small amount of blood in a sample taken is very difficult to detect. The thing is that hidden blood does not change the volume, consistency, or color of stool. It is for this reason that analysis can only be carried out using special technologies.

Hence, if violations occur during preparation, as well as if the test material is collected incorrectly, false-positive reactions can be detected that can misrepresent the diagnosis. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to preparing for the study. Moreover, regardless of whether it is an adult or a child.

Carrying out an analysis to detect hidden blood in the feces makes it possible to detect the presence of hemoglobin and red blood cells, even in cases where it is not possible to do this through visual observation, as well as during microscopic examinations.

Most often, to identify the cause of the disease, the sample will look for the presence of hemoglobin. During the study, a special reagent is added to the stool, which interacts with hemoglobin. At the same time, it demonstrates active chemical reactions.

Using this technique, it is possible, even with a small stool sample, to search for and identify hidden blood, thereby determining the reason why and where the hemorrhage occurred. This will allow you to prescribe and carry out successful treatment in the future.

We can say that various negative tendencies of a person (for example, drinking, smoking, gossiping, bragging, etc.) are a kind of substitutes for the good qualities that the person previously had

Hidden tendencies and inclinations of a person

Negative qualities of a person contain, oddly enough, positive tendencies, which are their basis, root, and if these positive tendencies are developed, this leads to a harmonious and happy life.

A person is fundamentally good, and any existing bad traits character are not his true nature. In other words, the original positive aspirations and inclinations of a person are influenced by various circumstances of the material world ( environment) can be distorted, transforming over time into negative qualities. And this transformation, of course, is reversible.

We can say that various negative tendencies of a person (for example, drinking, smoking, gossiping, bragging, etc.) are a kind of substitutes for the good qualities that the person previously had.

In this article we will look at some negative character traits along with the positive tendencies they contain, which will allow us to analyze ourselves (and others), identify our good tendencies and aspirations, and then develop them, and thus improve our lives.

Any negative trend listed below is an incorrect use of soul energy, which, naturally, causes no less negative consequences. However, there is no need to fight bad qualities, they do not need to be suppressed, you just need to change the direction of your efforts. You can’t just stop the flow of energy, but it can be redirected where we need it. This is similar to how it is impossible to stop a river, no matter what dam we build, but we can turn the river into another channel that we need. Often a person tries to fight negative character traits, suppressing them in himself, and for a while this may work, but then the dam breaks, which brings even more destruction. Therefore, there is only one reasonable solution - to transform the energy, change the vector of movement, and this article will help you understand how to do this.

Interpretation of human qualities and hidden tendencies


This is a hidden tendency (desire, craving, inclination) towards wisdom, which involves diving into the depths of a problem in order to solve it. In a state of intoxication, a person craves communication (will you be the third?), because proper communication is a solvent of problems (but not in a drunken state). Having found an interlocutor, he establishes the foundation for communication (do you respect me?) and begins to pour out what is sore. Of course, in this state the problems cannot be solved, since alcoholism is only a crude surrogate of wisdom and philosophy. This is a distorted desire to communicate with wise people, a substitute for such communication. Change the direction of effort a little and a person can reach heights in philosophy and become a sage.


Tendency to be honest. A person who smokes is usually quite honest with himself, so he feels discomfort when he does not do the right thing, and this makes him want to smoke (to relieve tension). This bad habit occurs in people who tend to evaluate the correctness of their actions, but do not know how to tune in or meditate. Smoking cigarettes is a substitute for meditation. With a little effort in the right direction, a person can achieve success in meditation and learn all the secrets of the universe.


A distorted manifestation of personalism. The egoist is focused on himself - on his own interests, desires and pleasures. He sees his difference from others and, after a little analysis, can realize that each person is a unique individual, with a unique worldview, set of desires and interests. Having understood this, a person can easily build relationships that will benefit everyone, including himself. Egoism is the hidden tendency to be a teacher (in the field of personalism), but in order to become one, you need to transform this negative quality by communicating with those who are devoid of egoism.


Indicates a penchant for spiritual leadership. A person gets angry when he doesn't like stupid behavior. But he needs to properly analyze and understand what is actually reasonable and what is stupid. If anger is channeled in the right direction (at one's own stupidity), it can be beneficial because it encourages one to study wisdom. This quality (anger) is the opposite of the desire to save people from degradation and self-destruction.


This is a distorted restraint and humility. When a person does not consider himself worthy of someone else's care and attention (whether realizing it or not), he avoids responding to the care shown by someone. He feels that he is not yet ready for such a personal relationship, since he cannot give anything in return, and he is embarrassed to “borrow” because of his selfishness (unwillingness to give). Such a person lacks understanding and happiness, but his ingratitude can be transformed into true humility through association in the society of personalists. Humility is the most important spiritual quality of a person, leading to true happiness, but now few people correctly understand the true positive meaning of this term, interpreting it completely incorrectly.


Indicates the hidden tendency of the follower - the ideal student who desires to have the same qualities of character as his teacher. When we envy something that is not really worth envying, our life becomes worse, not better. By choosing the right object of envy and changing the vector of our actions, we will be able to progress (get success in spiritual practice), and then this quality will transform into a positive one, which will change our life for the better.


Distorted aspiration for spiritual enrichment. Having slightly transformed this quality, a person will become greedy for the study of wisdom and communication with intelligent spiritual people. The best kind of enrichment is to accumulate in the mind the sayings of great sages and saints, because such positive greed allows us to progress spiritually, for which the human form of life was created. Ordinary material greed is a substitute for the desire to learn and accumulate wisdom.


It is the tendency to inspire others by igniting their desire to achieve the same. A braggart in the future can become an ideal preacher or inspirer, you just need to choose a worthy field of activity. For example, if such a person realizes his quality in the spiritual sphere, he can become a real spiritual leader, followed by others, which will bring enormous benefit to all humanity.


Hidden desire to help people (spiritual healing). Such a person subconsciously knows that material things tie a person to this world of suffering and sorrow. Being deprived of valuable things makes us think that we don't really own anything in this world; The thief proves this fact by his actions, although in our time this approach is ineffective. By changing the vector of his efforts, a thief can learn to eliminate people's attachment to things and gain the ability to inspire healthy image life and renunciation of unnecessary things. He can become a successful preacher, showing by his example that happiness does not come from money, and that simple life(without excesses) elevates our consciousness and brings true joy - spiritual happiness, which is inaccessible to materialists.

Cunning (as a negative quality)

The hidden tendency to care for others. Cunning is the opposite of parental love and the ability to properly educate. It is very favorable to use cunning to genuinely care about others (then this is a positive quality), but if a person is cunning for the sake of receiving own benefit, it inevitably degrades.


A very interesting hidden tendency of mindfulness that can bring many benefits and change one's destiny if cultivated. The critic notices the smallest details that are not visible to others, and if he turns his attention to the positive aspects of a phenomenon or situation, he will also see many things that are inaccessible to others. Such people can become great discoverers and even geniuses. They can solve problems that others cannot, find a way out of dead-end situations and see global perspectives. You just need to shift the focus of your attention.


This is the tendency to endure. Lazy man endures inconvenience or lack of some benefits, just to avoid doing some “extra” actions. By transforming this character trait into a positive one, a person will continue his business (or his path), despite hardships, and will definitely achieve what he wants.


A distorted display of generosity. All that is needed to transform this quality is to figure out what, to whom and when to sacrifice so that it benefits everyone. Wastefulness brings no real benefit to anyone because it is an unwise act. But if you show generosity in the right place, in right time And worthy people, it will greatly benefit everyone, including the person donating.


This quality indicates a tendency towards cleanliness, external and internal. Cleanliness is a necessary condition for a happy (spiritual) life. Deep down, a person understands that cleanliness is closely related to happiness, but may not yet realize that if there is no spirituality, then cleanliness in itself will not make him completely happy. A squeamish person seeks spirituality based on secondary signs, rejecting everything unclean. He reaches out to the light of knowledge, avoiding the darkness of ignorance, preferring the positive to the negative. By communicating with spiritual people, a person ensures the transformation of disgust into legibility. Thanks to this, his life is cleansed of everything unclean and unnecessary, and the person begins to understand what it means to be happy.


Indicates a tendency to protect, but now this tendency is distortedly manifested as attempts at self-defense (protection of one’s selfish interests). Rudeness is the opposite of patronage, and if you choose a worthy object of protection, this quality undergoes a transformation and becomes positive and useful.


At the heart of this quality is the forgotten ability to distinguish truth from illusion, soul from body, spiritual from material. A person who himself has led a double life (in any of its manifestations) can understand that every person would like to be good, but often life forces one to play by different rules. Such a vision makes a person tolerant and understanding, able to easily understand the depth of various psychological problems and help solve them. Such people, having transformed hypocrisy into thoughtfulness and harmony, become good psychologists and consultants. We need to learn to find a balance between spiritual and material, between different spheres of activity, between external and internal, which will make our life harmonious and positive.

Treason and betrayal

These negative qualities point to an underlying ability to easily give up the worst for the better. Giving up the bad for the good is a fundamental principle of human development. Intelligent people abandon the dirty for the pure, the negative for the positive, stupidity and ignorance for the sake of gaining knowledge and wisdom. From the outside it may look like betrayal and treason, however reasonable people Those who refuse what is harmful for the sake of what is useful will not be guided by the opinions of those who are below their level of development. However, one should try not to spoil the relationship by giving up one thing for the other if the relationship can be preserved to benefit others. The art of human development lies in giving up nonsense in such a way as not to offend those who are not yet ready to follow our example. Treason and betrayal are the opposite of positive qualities - determination and determination.

Thirst for fame

This is the hidden urge to be effective. Famous person, covered with glory, attracts masses of people who copy his words and actions. People tend to imitate celebrities. The only question is what qualities does such a social leader have, because thanks to him, people’s destinies change - for the better or for the worse, and he will receive “his percentage” of this contribution to society, according to the law of karma. If such a person has good qualities, then it is very effective way improve the life of society as a whole.

How to transform your qualities

The secret of transformation is very simple: you need to communicate more with people who have the qualities that you lack. In other words, have more contact with those who have strong positive tendencies. It’s not for nothing that they say “whoever you get along with, you’ll gain from”: under the influence of a positive environment, our own negative qualities are transformed into the original positive ones. In addition, we should try to avoid communicating with people who display negative qualities, as this has the opposite effect - we become infected with negativity and adopt a bad character.

What to do if in our environment there is no the right people, but we don’t want to look for them, we don’t have time, we’re afraid, embarrassed, etc.? There is a way out - you need to listen to their lectures, watch their videos, read their books or attend their seminars. Of course, live communication is preferable, but if it is not there, then the listed options will also do. The transformation of qualities occurs in those moments when we come into contact with the corresponding qualities of another person or people, regardless of whether we are aware of it or even have no idea what is happening and how. Just by socializing more good people, we begin to notice how our internal transformation occurs, how positive tendencies are revived in our hearts, how our character changes. Moreover, we are beginning to understand highest goal and go to her.

More details about qualities and trends can be heard in the lectures of Vyacheslav Olegovich Ruzov, on which this article is based. Listen also to other equally interesting Vedic lectures on various areas life, and may your own life invariably transform for the better!

See tricky... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. secretive secret, disguised, veiled, camouflaged; unsociable, uncommunicative, uncommunicative,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

See Secret, secretive... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

SECRET, hide, etc. see hide. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. V.I. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

SECRET, oh, oh; ten, tna. Avoiding frankness, not telling others about himself. S. person. Act covertly (adv.). | noun secrecy, and, female Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

secretive- secretive, brief. f. secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive; compare Art. more secretive... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

secretive- ▲implicit intentional secrecy. secretive intentionally implicit; closed to outsiders (# actions). secrecy. hidden (#alarm). secretly. secret (# door). hidden. hidden. | secretly. secretly. secret. game of hide and seek [blind man's buff] ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Adj. 1. Hiding one’s feelings, moods, thoughts. Ott. Characteristic of such a person, characteristic of him. 2. Hidden from anyone's sight, someone's eyes. Ott. Not revealing, not manifesting itself; secret. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T.F... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

Secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive, secretive,... ... Word forms

secretive- secretive; briefly form ten, tna... Russian spelling dictionary

secretive- cr.f. hidden/ten, hidden/tna, hidden/tno, hidden/tny; more hidden... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language


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