Russia in the 17th century was in the conditions of strengthening the importance of the labor of the serf population, the completion of the formation of a nationwide single market, and the geographical specialization of territories. Zemsky cathedrals were no longer given such great importance, like before. The prerequisites for the development of an absolute monarchy were formed.

However, Russia in the 17th century is still "rebellious". Large-scale popular performances often take place.

The external political development of Russia in the 17th century began with state intervention in Thirty Years' War.

Historians conditionally divide this century into two stages. At the first stage, Russia in the 17th century, first of all, overcame Time of Troubles. At the second stage, the preconditions for carrying out the Petrine reforms began to take shape.

The newly elected Tsar Mikhail Romanov suited all social strata. But it should be noted that the real power was in the hands of his father - Metropolitan Filaret - for quite a long time. Russia in the 17th century had to overcome the consequences of the Time of Troubles. This task was entrusted to the king.

For the implementation of central administration, a system of orders was used, while in the field, elected elders were replaced by governors from the center. The basis of the army consisted of nobles. For their service, they received land allotments along with the peasants. But, due to the flight of the latter during the Time of Troubles, the estates were not particularly valuable. The government, having increased the term of the search for fugitives, transfers cases on investigation to the Rogue Order. From that moment, the flight of a peasant from the estate was equal to a criminal offense.

In the middle of the century there was a need to systematize existing laws. For this, a special commission was convened. As a result, in 1649, the final arrangement of serfdom was adopted. Thus, the search for fugitives became indefinite, the state of a serf became hereditary. In addition, some articles strengthened royal power. Thus, the estate-representative monarchy became absolute. Absolutism relied on the peasant community and the nobility.

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the Zemsky Sobor ceases to meet, loses its significance. The tsar allocates especially trusted persons (the near Duma), but makes decisions independently.

Industrial development is characterized by the emergence of manufactories, the division of labor. Machines are used in production. Hired labor is also used (workers were mainly from black-eared and serf peasants).

The government made attempts to modernize the country by the middle of the century. Modernization refers to changes in various fields life aimed at strengthening absolutism and serfdom. The transformations were supposed to strengthen the tax and military-technical development of the state. Such were the changes in the social, economic, spiritual and domestic political sphere that characterize the 17th century.

Russia during this century was able to expand its territories. So, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich annexed Ukraine (Little Russia) to the state. At that time, the Zaporozhye Cossacks, led by Khmelnytsky, rebelled in Ukraine. The uprising turned into people's war. Fearing subsequent military battles with the Turks and Poles, the rebels asked for help from Russia. It was annexed in 1653. This provoked a war with fighting ended with the recognition of the accession of Little Russia. In addition, Russia received back Smolensk, and in 1686 - Kyiv.

Failure befell the Russian state in the Russian-Swedish war, as well as in But, along with this, the East Siberian territories were annexed, an exit was made to Pacific Ocean and established a border with China.

Late 17th - early 18th centuries turning point in the history of the Russian state. The restoration of the country after the Time of Troubles proceeded slowly and not always successfully, but by the end of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, Russia became a completely new type of state. Changes in the economy, politics, and the position of the peasants prepared society for the abrupt and controversial reforms of Peter I. The entry of the Russian Empire into the world foreign policy arena was due to successful wars and the improvement of the production sector. At the same time, large-scale changes were observed in culture, spiritual and religious spheres.

  • - Peasant war within the Russian state led by the Cossack Stepan Razin. Description of hostilities, background, causes, goals, consequences, historical meaning.
  • - During the Smolensk War, Russia tried to change the terms of the Deulino truce, but it did not have enough strength to implement the plan. There was also a positive moment: Poland henceforth abandoned plans to seize the Russian throne.
  • - The failures of Russia in the Smolensk War, which was an attempt to return the territories lost in the Time of Troubles, turned into an exaltation of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne and legitimized Russia's right to independence.
  • - The article highlights the problems of the Bakhchisarai peace treaty, concluded in 1681, following the results of the next Russian-Turkish war. At the same time, the issues raised concern not only the conditions of peace, but also its consequences.
  • - War with Sweden 1610-1617. became one of the most unsuccessful military campaigns in the history of pre-Petrine Russia, its result was the loss of access to the Baltic Sea.
  • - The Commonwealth, under the terms of the truce, received vast territories, Vladislav retained the title of "Russian Tsar", but expansion into Russian lands was stopped.
  • - Historical events, which were the prerequisites for the beginning of peace negotiations between the Russian kingdom and Sweden. Description of the meeting of representatives of the powers in the village of Stolbovo and the signing of a peace agreement. The terms of the contract and its significance for both parties.
  • - "Time of Troubles" and the policy of the first Romanovs in personalities. Outstanding political, spiritual and military figures of the 17th century and their role in building a new Russian state.
  • - The 17th century became the time for the formation of estates in the Russian state. There was a hierarchical system, including the clergy. The role of the influence of the church on the state is growing. The first attempts were made to limit the spiritual power and subordinate it to the secular one.
  • - Characteristics of all classes of Russian society, which were formed by the beginning of the 17th century. What duties and rights did each category have. The degree of responsibility of the boyars, as the highest nobility of society.
  • - Bundle Russian society 17th century was typical for a feudal state: the burden of paying taxes lay on the peasant class and partly on the townsman, and all power was concentrated in the feudal lords.
  • - Yermak's Siberian raid and subsequent events marked the beginning of the most important stage in the formation of a huge world empire. Brilliant victories of the Yermak squad and its tragic fate opened a new page in the history of the Fatherland.
  • - In the "rebellious age" the government new Russia tried to prevent the emergence of another "Time of Troubles" by organizing new taxes and increased control over the population.
  • - Russia has long needed serious changes. In part, the country was ready for the emergence of a young, enterprising and active leader. With the advent of Peter I to power, reforms were carried out that affected almost all spheres of life. Monarchy was replaced by absolutism.
  • - Culture and art in the 17th century become more worldly, moving away from religion and the church, the clergy try to resist this trend to the last.
  • - The truce of the end of the XVII-XVIII centuries, concluded by Russia with the countries participating in the conflicts: Turkey, Sweden, Persia and Prussia. Names and dates of signing official documents peace, terms of treaties, territorial changes Russian Empire.
  • - The Time of Troubles greatly affected the development of the state's economy. Primitive technology did not allow to develop a lot of land. Relations with the outside world remained undeveloped. There was a process of accumulation of resources, both monetary and natural.
  • - Displays the social division of society into estates in the 17th century. This is the time when they tried to instill the foundations of the Western European estate system in Russian life. The main task of dividing Russian society into estates was, of course, the strengthening of feudal-serf relations.
  • - Russia on the world stage in the period 1630-1690s. Military conflicts, their causes and outcomes, signed ceasefire documents. Schematic representation of the Petrine reforms, their characteristics, goals and consequences. The state collegiums established by Peter and their competences.
  • - Description of the reasons for the discontent of the people in the middle of the XVII century. Information about the main uprisings that took place in the period from 1648 to 1676. Indication of the place of action, the course of events and their final result.
  • - Development Western Europe regarding the evolution of Russia in the 17th century gave rise in the latter to the consciousness of the need for great changes. The introduction of European achievements in Russia preceded the dashing "Petrine era".
  • - In the middle of the XVII century there was a split in the church. The reason was the confrontation of different points of view on old things. Nikon and Avvakum acted differently, but this equally harmed the state. What became the cornerstone and how did it affect Rus'?
  • - Patriarchal relations in families before the Christian and Christian era, the main features, pros and cons of patriarchal families, the patriarchy of the XXI century and its difference from families ancient Russian state IX-XIII centuries.
  • - The basis of the economy of the monasteries was land ownership. Orthodoxy in the 17th century remained the main religious and spiritual basis of society, and the church was the most important institution feudal society. She defined different sides life, starting from the state ideology and ending with family life.
  • - Supporters of Patriarch Nikon believed that church services should be held according to Greek originals, while the other side, led by Archpriest Avvakum, supported ancient Russian church books. The reforms of Patriarch Nikon led to the split of the church. The struggle with the Old Believers still did not lead to large-scale religious wars.
  • - In the middle of the 17th century, Russia entered into a protracted war with the Commonwealth for the annexation of Ukraine. At this time, Polish magnates and gentry began to settle on Ukrainian lands. Taxes and duties grew, the civilian population and the Cossacks were oppressed. As a result of this, the Cossacks submitted a letter to the Russian sovereign with a request to transfer to Russian citizenship.
  • - The main task of the Council Code of 1649 was the structuring and amendment, and sometimes the replacement of pre-existing legislative acts. We are talking about the status of the peasants, who occupied the lowest rung of the legal ladder, and the townspeople - one might say a new estate, which was strengthened on a feudal basis.
  • - In the second half of the 17th century, the principle of a class-representative monarchy became obsolete in Russia and absolutism developed. This led to the loss of the influence of the Zemsky Sobors and the Boyar Duma, as well as the subordination of the church to the state.
  • - In the 17th century, merchants became travelers, service people who explored Siberia and Far East in search of new economic opportunities, ambassadors who go on a diplomatic mission to other countries.
  • - Orders played the role of a binding foundation of statehood in difficult periods in the history of Russia. The system of command administration of the 17th century created the prerequisites for the successful development of the country in subsequent centuries.
  • - one of the most important events The 17th century was the war waged by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich with the Commonwealth. Its result was a peace treaty, according to which the original Russian lands, including the entire Left Bank, went to Russia. This happened on the basis of the Andrusovo truce. What other agreements marked that era?
  • - The era of the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov is associated with the strengthening of the power of the Zemsky Sobors and the introduction of the voivodship method of government. Started its birth Russian army. There was also an external enemy, which became the Commonwealth. Information about the personality and role in the history of Tsar Filaret.

Why is the 17th century called the "rebellious" century? The name comes from the word "revolt". Indeed, the 17th century in Rus' is “replete” with riots, peasant and urban uprisings.

General characteristics of the 17th century

Each new age brings new order". The 17th century in Russia is not an exception. During this, according to contemporaries, "troubled" period in Rus', the following events took place:

  • The end of the reign of the Rurik dynasty: after the death of Ivan the Terrible, two of his sons, Fedor and Dmitry, claimed the throne. The young Tsarevich Dmitry died in 1591, and in 1598 the "feeble-minded" Fyodor died;
  • The reign of "unborn" sovereigns: Boris Godunov, False Dmitry, Vasily Shuisky;
  • In 1613, a new tsar, Mikhail Romanov, was elected at the Zemsky Sobor. From this moment begins the era of the reign of the Romanov dynasty;
  • In 1645, after the death of Mikhail Fedorovich, his son, Alexei Mikhailovich, rises to the throne, who was nicknamed "the quietest king" for his gentle character and kindness;
  • The end of the 17th century is characterized by a real "leapfrog" of succession to the throne: after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich, his eldest son Fyodor ascended the throne. But after six years of reign, he dies. The heirs Ivan and Peter were minors, and in fact the control of a large state passes to their older sister, Sophia;
  • After a series of uprisings, famine and turbulent years of the reign of "unborn" kings, the reign of the first Romanovs is marked by relative "calm": there were practically no wars, moderate transformations were carried out inside the country;
  • During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the church, previously independent, began to obey the state and pay taxes;
  • The events of the 17th century also include the reform of Patriarch Nikon, which introduced changes in the conduct of church rites, led to a split in the Orthodox Church, the emergence of the Old Believers movement and, in the future, the brutal suppression of dissent;
  • The dominant position was occupied by the feudal system. At the same time, the first rudiments of capitalism appeared;
  • Serfdom was formalized: peasants were the property of the landowner, which could be sold, bought and inherited;
  • Strengthening the role of the nobility: the nobleman could not be deprived of the estate;
  • The urban population was recognized as a special estate: on the one hand, it was independent, and on the other hand, it was attached to the cities (townspeople) and forced to pay a “tax” - monetary and in-kind duties;
  • Increase in direct taxes;
  • Restriction of Cossack liberty;
  • In 1649, the Council Code was published - the main set of laws that applies to all industries and areas government controlled from the economy to the state system;
  • The country's economy is based on agriculture;
  • Development of new territories in Siberia, the Volga region and on the southern borders of the state.

Rice. 1. Red Square in the second half of the 17th century in the painting by Vasnetsov

Riots of the "rebellious age"

All the events of the 17th century briefly listed above led to a deterioration in the economic and social situation of the Russian population, and as a result, to a massive increase in discontent.

Internal contradictions, frequent change of power, "adventurous" innovations, impoverishment of the population, hunger, economic backwardness are the main reasons for the growing "fermentation" among the townspeople and the rural population.

Below, everything was constantly smoldering, and only a spark was needed to kindle a big fire - popular movements. However, each rebellion needed its own spark - a specific reason. The following table presents the largest uprisings of the “rebellious age” in Russia, describing the main reason, indicating the date, participants in the movement, outlining the course of the uprising and summing up.

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Rice. 2. Copper coins of the 17th century

Table "Rebellious Age"



Salt riot in Moscow

main reason - an increase in the salt tax on the initiative of Boris Morozov in 1646. As a result of the decree, the price of this irreplaceable product increases several times, and as a result, a decrease in salting of fish and hunger;

Main contributors - townspeople, who were later joined by archers and nobles, dissatisfied with the abuse of royal entourage;

The outbreak occurred at a time when Alexei Mikhailovich was returning from pilgrimage. The crowd stopped the tsar's carriage and demanded the resignation of the tsar's associates. In order to calm the people, the tsar promised to sort it out, but at that moment the unexpected happened - the courtiers accompanying the sovereign hit several people with whips, which provoked a rebellion. The rebellious people broke into the Kremlin. The main royal confidants were torn to pieces by the crowd - Pleshcheev, Trakhaniotov, clerk Nazaria. Boyar Morozov managed to be saved.

Eventually the salaries of the archers were increased, judges were replaced, the price of salt was lowered, and the township reform was carried out.

Unrest in Novgorod and Pskov

main reason - Sending bread to Sweden to pay off the debts of the government, which threatened with famine;

Main contributors - Metropolitan clerk Ivan Zheglov and shoemaker Elisha Grigoriev, nicknamed the Fox, who were the leaders of the rebels in Novgorod; market clerk Tomilka Vasiliev, archers Porfiry Koza and Iov Kopyto in Pskov.

Unrest began in Pskov, and two weeks later rolled over to Novgorod. However, doubts arose among the leaders of the uprising, they failed to organize the defense of the cities and continued to hope for the arrival and help of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

As a result The rebellion was crushed and its instigators executed.

Copper riot in Moscow

main reason - the introduction of copper money at the price of silver, as a result of which the production of unsupported copper coins increased, food prices rose, peasants refused to sell their products for copper, famine set in the city and there was a surge in counterfeiting;

Main contributors - peasants of suburban villages, artisans, butchers;

A militant crowd of many thousands headed for the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye, demanding to extradite all the same tsarist confidants-traitors. After threats, the king ordered the archers and soldiers who came to the rescue to curb the rebels. As a result, about 7 thousand people were killed, 150 were hanged, and the rest were exiled to Siberia.

Eventually , despite the massacre, copper coins were still withdrawn from circulation.

Rebellion of Stepan Razin


main reason The uprising was the social stratification of the Don Cossacks into the "house-loving" - who acquired property thanks to the Russian Tsar and served him, and into the "goofy" (blame) - who had recently arrived and hunted by robbery. The latter hated nobles and boyars.

Senka Razin - Don Cossack and leader of the uprising.

The first campaigns of Stepan Razin- these are mainly attacks on caravans of ships with one goal - robbery. They were not of a social nature, except that the prisoners taken by him from ordinary peasants and workers were granted freedom. However, later successful campaigns turned Razin's small band of robbers into an army of about 7,000 people. The nature of the campaigns also changed: with the conquest of Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara, the ambitions of the Cossack chieftain also increased. He announced that his army was supported by the allegedly surviving Tsarevich Alexei, the disgraced Patriarch Nikon, and he himself was the defender of the common people, intending to spread the Cossack orders throughout Rus'.

However, he was soon defeated in Simbirsk, and subsequently the rebellion was brutally suppressed, and Razin himself was executed.

Streltsy rebellion or "Khovanshchina"

Can't single out one reason for the uprising . On the one hand - the dissatisfaction of the archers with the abuses of their superiors and the delay in salaries. On the other hand, there is a struggle between two clans - the Miloslavskys and the Naryshkins. The fact is that after the death of Fyodor Alekseevich, two young princes claimed the throne - Ivan and Peter, behind whom respectively stood the Miloslavskys with Princess Sophia, and the Naryshkins. At the Zemsky Sobor, it was decided to transfer the government into the hands of Peter. However, the opposing side took advantage of the dissatisfaction of the Moscow archers and with their help, supporting their demands, "pushed through" a compromise solution - to put two brothers in the kingdom at once under the regency of Princess Sophia.

Main contributors - Moscow archers led by princes Khovansky;

Streltsy and common people captured the Kremlin. During the uprising, the queen's brother Athanasius Naryshkin, famous boyars, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky were killed. Tsarevna Sofya, in gratitude for the help to Tsarevich Ivan, granted the archers the property of the murdered boyars and promised to pay salaries for 40 years. However, this did not pacify the rebels, and she became a hostage to their growing ambitions: Khovansky claimed an independent role and the overthrow of the Romanovs. As a result, he was captured and executed along with his son. The archers found themselves without a leader and were forced to surrender to the mercy of the princess;

Eventually Sophia ruled for 7 years, and a new loyal ruler was appointed as the head of Streltsy - Shaklovity.

A common feature of all the riots of the 17th century in Russia was spontaneity and pronounced tsarist illusions. In other words, the "rebels" and their leaders did not think and did not take any action against the king. On the contrary, they believed in his absolute power and infallibility, and believed that the autocrat did not know what his subjects were doing - boyars, duma people, landowners, governors.

Rice. 3. Portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

All popular uprisings, except for the Streltsy rebellion, took place during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, paradoxically nicknamed the Quietest.

What have we learned?

The 17th century in the history of Russia, studied in the 10th grade, was remembered for the "abundance" of popular uprisings and riots. About what kind of century it was, with whom the popular movements are connected - with what names, the reign of which kings and which cities on the map of Russia, the detailed table “The Rebellious Age” tells.

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F. M. Dostoevsky

The Rebellious Age is the name given to the 17th century in Russian history. Most often it is said that the name of the century is associated with a large number of uprisings and riots at that time. But this is only one side of the coin. The other side lies in the rebellious display of the church and social classes.


The reasons why the Rebellious Age became possible:

  1. Increasing taxes. The state after the Time of Troubles tried by all means to attract money to the treasury.
  2. Strengthening of serfdom and completion of the process of enslavement of peasants.
  3. Wars. At this time, there were wars within the country (Trouble), as well as confrontation mainly with Poland and Sweden. The people are tired of wars, which, as you know, deplete society (demographically, financially).
  4. Church split. Almost everything changed in the church way, so it is natural ordinary people didn't like it. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the authorities persecuted the Old Believers.

Popular uprisings

The 17th century is called "Rebellious" largely because of the popular movements (riots and uprisings), which arose with great regularity and were distinguished by their scope. In the Rebellious Age, there were 6 major uprisings (one is called the peasant war) and a huge number of small uprisings that cannot even be counted. The main popular movements of that era are presented in the table below.

Table: Popular movements in the Rebellious, 17th century
Event and date Regions Covered Consequences
Salt riot. 1648. Moscow, Voronezh, Kursk, Kozlov The Council Code of 1649 was adopted.
The rebels killed many boyars.
Urban uprisings of 1650 Novgorod and Pskov The uprising was put down tsarist army. Order restored.
Copper Riot. 1662. Moscow The state stopped minting copper money.
The Rebellion of V. R. Mustache. 1666. Don The shooting of the rebels.
Razin's uprising. 1667 - 1671 Don, Volga region The uprising was crushed by the tsarist army. Razin is executed.
Solovetsky uprising. 1667-1671 Solovetsky Monastery Exacerbation of contradictions between the church and the Old Believers. Persecution of the Old Believers.

Please note - to suppress most of the uprisings, regular army. And not small units, but the most combat ones. It is believed that if there are 2-3 large popular unrest in a century, then there is a problem in the country. In the 17th century in Russia there were 6 major riots and more than a dozen smaller ones, and they all happened a little more than 20 years(1648-1671), which speaks of critical point popular patience, which was overcome at that time. Do not forget also that Russia, by the beginning of all these movements, had just overcome the Time of Troubles, which also overlaps with the 17th century.

Popular performances of the 17th century clearly show that the country needed changes. The old order had become obsolete, and something new was needed. As a result, at the beginning of the 18th century, the mood of Russian society and the desires of Peter 1 coincided - large-scale reforms began in Russia.

Uprising map

Map of popular uprisings in Russia in the 17th century.

International conflicts

One of the reasons for popular dissatisfaction with power and position in the country was wars. Russia in the 17th century waged the following international wars:

  1. Russo-Swedish War (1656-1661)
  2. Russian-Turkish war (1677-1681)

Church in the 17th century

Separately, it should be noted that the Rebellious Age refers not only to popular performances, but also to church life. There, too, a serious crisis was brewing, culminating in a church schism. It is also called the Nikon reform.

In fairness, it should be noted that the need for church reforms in Russia in the 17th century is objectively overdue. But the methods of their implementation left much to be desired. In a certain sense, Nikon was very similar to Peter 1. Nikon reworked Orthodox Church in the Greek way, and Peter remade Russia itself in the Dutch way. But the main thing that these people have in common is that they very easily broke with the past. And these breaks went with such an inflection that Russia recovered spiritually and physically for a very long time after Nikon and after Peter 1.

The rebellious age almost completely changed the Russian church: customs, rituals, icons, books, and so on changed. Imagine how much it affected people. Even today, if the church decides to completely change its rites, this will lead to popular unrest. In the 17th century, when people were more pious, this caused an inevitable and inescapable reaction from the population.

At the beginning of the 17th century, Muscovite Rus entered a period of the most severe systemic crisis, which threatened the collapse of the Muscovite state. This went down in history under the name of the Time of Troubles. (1603-1643)

Causes of the Time of Troubles

1. Dynastic crisis (Fyodor Ioannovich died in 1598). There is no legitimate king. In 1598, Boris Godunov was elected tsar.

2. Weakening central government generally. This took place as a result of the policy of Ivan IV.

3. The taxable (taxable) population was under great pressure from both the landlords and the state, hunger led to mass discontent, riots and robberies.

4. By the beginning of the century, the Cossacks had become a significant force. They were dissatisfied with the attempts of the state to subjugate their land, to impose taxes.

5. Intervention foreign states. Poland, Sweden, England tried to dismember the Muscovite state.

The main stages of the turmoil

  1. 1603(1598) - 1606 dynastic crisis. Appearance of False Dmitry I.
  2. 1606-1610. social crisis. It covered all segments of the population. A new tsar was appointed - Vasily Shuisky.

1606-1607 peasant war under the command of Bolotnikov.

False Dmitry II "Tushino Thief".

Seven boyars were in power - "seven boyars".

The Swedes captured the Baltic, Novgorod lands. Poles are southern lands.

  1. 1610-1613 National Liberty.

1611 - the first militia in Ryazan.

1612 - Novgorod, the second militia. Kozma Minin

February 1613 - Zemsky Sobor decided to elect a new Tsar Mikhail Romanov.

1. Economic disaster.

2. As a result of the Polish intervention, Chernihiv and Smolensk region, Sweden took over the Baltic states.

3. There was a weakening of the role and influence of the nobility and the developed boyars.

4. At the same time, the Muscovite kingdom defended its independence and began restoration.

In 1649, the Council Code was adopted - a new set of laws. It finally enserfed the peasants, St. George's Day was canceled. The peasant himself and his property became the property of the feudal lord.

Final enslavement the peasants tied the landowners even more to the state, since only it provided and preserved the use of free labor. Corvee economy becomes the basis of the country's economy.

This code recognized the lifelong right of the nobles to their estate, provided that the sons would serve the state. Thus, there was a union of two forms of ownership - estates and estates.

At the same time, handicraft production was gradually being improved, and the specialization of artisans was increasing. The craft is mostly seasonal.

The city of the 16th century was mainly agricultural in appearance and differed from European cities.

The first manufactories appeared. Manufactory production was based on the division of labor (manual). By the end of the 17th century there were about 20 of them.

Trade is developing. In 1667, a new trade charter was introduced, and Russian merchants received benefits in the market. A 10% duty on imported goods was introduced. A single Russian market is emerging, mainly in wholesale trade. The development of foreign trade was hampered by the lack of convenient sea ​​routes. In domestic trade only the tops of society were served. The bulk of the population lived on subsistence farming.

In the 17th century, Russia was a class-representative monarchy (the interests of the estates were expressed). Cathedral code 1649 consolidated the class organization. The rights and obligations of all groups of estates in relation to the state were determined.

Along with the nobility, a service class was formed - according to the fatherland and according to recruitment. The position of the boyars and nobles increasingly depends not on the nobility of the family, but on the position held.

Peasants: privately owned - 67%, monastic - 9%, state - 11%.

The monastic peasants lived on the lands of the monasteries and paid taxes to the monastery.

The urban population (townspeople) also paid taxes and was enslaved (it was forbidden to move to other cities).

In the state system in the second half of the 17th century, there was an increase in the absolutist tendencies of power.

1. The Council Code of 1649 equated the crime against the monarch with the crime against the Motherland.

2. There is a fading activity of Zemsky Sobors. In 1653 (? 5) there was the last meeting of the Zemsky Sobor in full force. Until the beginning of the 80s, it was assembled in a reduced composition. After 83 years is not going to.

3. The role of the Boyar Duma is changing, there is an increase in the number of boyars. The tsar singles out the "near" Duma.

4. There is a development of the order system - the growth of the bureaucracy. Governors rule locally - they are appointed from the center, they serve the king, independence from local authorities not left.

5. In the second half of the 17th century, the final subordination of the church to the state takes place. In 1653, Patriarch Nikon carried out a reform concerning the external side of religion (?). There was a split and the Old Believer movement. The Church has lost its most faithful part - it has weakened.

The boyars in the 17th century moved from opposition to cooperation with the monarch.

Social problems

17th century - "rebellious" century.

Peasant War - Bolotnikov.

1618 - salt riot

1662 copper riot

1669-70 - a new peasant war - Stepan Razin. Suppressed.

In the 17th century foreign policy characterized by the desire to return the lost lands. Clash with Sweden in 1617. Stolbovsky peace - part of the Novgorod lands, the Baltic states - passed to Sweden.

In 1618, a military clash with Poland - the Deulino agreement for 14 years, Poland retained control of the Smolensk and Chernihiv lands.

1632-34 years - new war with Poland. The Polish king renounced his claims to the Russian throne.

In the same years, an active struggle of the Ukrainian people for liberation from Polish rule began.

In 1648-49, the Ukrainians managed to win a tactical victory over Poland, to achieve autonomy for the right-bank Ukraine. The Commonwealth starts a war with Ukraine. Hetman B. Khmelnitsky turns to Russia for help but is refused.

In 1653, the Zemsky Sobor positively resolved the issue of Ukraine joining Russia.

In 1654, the Pereyaslav Rada also positively resolved the issue of unification with Russia.

1654-1667 - war with Poland.

1667 - Andrusovo truce.

1686 - the "Eternal Peace" was signed, according to which Eastern Ukraine and Kyiv are part of Russia. In general, this decision saved Ukraine from being enslaved by Turkey, and eastern Ukraine from being conquered by Poland.

The nature of economic, political and social development prepared the transformations carried out in the first quarter of the 18th century by Peter the Great.