Polyakov Dmitry Fedorovich - Legendary Scout of the Soviet Union. He went away from an artilleryman to an experienced stabysta. At the age of 65, being retired, he was arrested and sentenced to execution for twenty-five-year-old cooperation with the US government.

Carier start

About the childhood of this person a little known. He is a native of Ukraine. His father was an accountant. After graduating from the Polyakov school, Dmitry entered the first artillery school. In 1941 he went to the front. He served as a platoon commander on the West and for two years of war became the battery commander. In 1943 he received the rank of officer for successful military operations and excellent service was awarded a large number of medals and orders. In 1945, he decided to enter the FRUNZE Academy's Depositor. Then he graduated from the Courses of the General Staff and was enrolled in the state of the GRU.

Work in the USA

Almost immediately after the end of training and drawing up the necessary legend of Poles Dmitry was sent to New York as an employee of the UN Soviet mission. His true occupation was the cover and placement of illegal immigrants (agents) in the United States. The first mission of the resident was successful, and in 1959, he again goes to the United States as an employee of the UN military headquarters. In the second mission, military intelligence entrusted to Polyakov duties of the deputy resident. The Soviet agent performed his work perfectly, clearly followed the instructions, mined the required data, coordinated his intelligence officer.

In November 1961, Polyakov Dmitry continued to work in the New York Agency GRU. At this time, flu was raging in the states. His younger son picked up the virus, the disease gave complication on the heart. To save the child, an expensive operation was required. An experienced stabilist requested the leadership of material assistance, he was denied money in the money, and the child died.

Cooperation with FBI and CIA

After interrogations of witnesses, American spy colleagues and his closest entourage became clear that the Polyakov was aimed to be aware. After the divorce of the village of Stalin and the beginning of the "Khrushchev" thawed, the scout was turned off in the new leadership, believed that the Stalinist ideals, those for which he fought at the fronts of the Great Patriotic, was finally lost. The Moscow Tip is mired in corruption and political games. Polyakov Dmitry felt that he lost faith in the political benchmarks of his country and her leaders. The death of the Son became the catalyst that accelerated the events. The angry and broken Soviet agent contacted a high-ranking American officer and offered his services.

The leadership of the FBI perceived the betrayal of such an experienced intelligence officer from the USSR gift of fate, and did not lose. Polekov Dmitry has established a connection with the FBI recruiter establishing contacts with traitors from GRU and KGB. The Soviet agent received the pseudonym Tophamet.

In 1962, the head of the CIA appealed to President Kennedy with a request to transfer the most valuable "CROT" at the disposal of his department. Poles began working on the CIA and received the call sign Bourbon. Central control considered it with his "diamond."

For almost 25 years of cooperation with foreign special services, the Soviet traitor managed to send 25 boxes of documents and photo reports in the United States. Such a number counted the American "Colleagues" of the spy after its exposure. Polyakov Dmitry inflicted damage calculated in hundreds of millions of dollars. He handed out information about the development of secret weapons in the Union, thanks to His Reagan began to more closely control the sale of his military technologies, which the USSR pledged and improved. According to his press, 19 Soviet residents were destroyed, 7 counterparties and more than 1,500 people of ordinary headquarters of GRU who worked abroad.

Over the years, Polyakov managed to work in the USA, Burma, India and Moscow. Since 1961, he has constantly collaborated with the CIA and FBI. After retirement, the traitor did not stop the activity: he worked as secretary of the partner, he had access to the personal affairs of illegal immigrants in the United States and willingly "shared" this information.


In 1974, the Soviet officer of intelligence received an increase. From that time, General Polyakov Dmitry Fedorovich had full access to secret materials, diplomatic relations, developments and plans of his government.

Surprisingly, the first suspicions of Polyakova fell back in 1978, but his crystal clear reputation, an excellent track record and a patron, in the face of General Isotova played a role - the investigations did not hold. Experienced Bourbon for a long time was charged on the bottom, but, finally, the axis in Moscow, reiterated the Western colleagues about the readiness to cooperate.

In 1985, Polyakov Dmitry was revealed by the American "mole" by Olridge Ames. All military intelligence of the Union was in a state of shock: such a high-ranking spy has not yet exposed. In 1986, the talented resident was arrested and sentenced to deprivation of titles and shooting. In 1988, the sentence was carried out.

About the general Dmitry Polyakov, director of the CIA James Nulen said that from all the agents recruited the agents, he was a precious diamond in the crown. 25 years old Poles supplied Washington with most valuable information, and it practically paralyzed the work of the Soviet special services.

He passed secret staff documents, scientific developments, armament data, USSR strategic plans and even Military Thought magazines. His efforts in the United States were arrested two dozen Soviet intelligence and more than 140 recruited agents.

The FBI recruited Dmitry Polyakova in the fall of 1961, subsequently the Bureau transferred it to the CIA Office, where he was listed until 1987.


A future traitor was born in Ukraine, fought volunteer at the front and was rewarded with the orders of the Patriotic War and the Red Star. In 1943 he was transferred to military exploration. After the war, he finished the Academy of Frunze and was sent to the service in the GRU.

Poles was above the average height of a strong and severe person. Delicious calm and restraint. An important feature of his character was a secrecy that manifested itself in both work and private life. The general was fond of hunting and joinery. His own hands built a cottage and made her furniture in which a lot of caches arranged.

Dmitry Polyakov was a resident in the USA, India and Burma. After receiving the title of Major General, sent to Moscow, where he headed the reconnaissance faculty of the Military Diplomatic Academy, and later the Faculty of Military Academy of the Soviet Army. After resigning, he worked in managing the staff of GRU and had direct access to personal affairs of employees.

The motives of betrayal and recruitment of Polyakova

At the interrogation of Polyakov, he said that he went to cooperate with a potential enemy because of the desire to help democracy to stop the onslaught of Khrushchev military doctrine. The actual impetus is the performance of Khrushchev in France and the United States in which he said that the Soviet people make rockets like sausages on the conveyor and ready to "go to America".

However, researchers are confident that the death of the newborn son Dmitry Fedorovich became a real occasion.

During the service of Polyakova in the US, his three-month son fell ill with a difficult disease. The treatment required 400 thousand dollars, which did not have a Soviet citizen. The request to the Center for Assistance remained unanswered, and the child died. Motherland was deaf to the one who sacrifices life for her, and Polekov decided that nothing else should she.

During the second business trip to the United States through its channels in the American Military Mission, Polyakov went out to General O'Nealie, who brought him with the FBI agents.

Sly Fox in the service of the CIA

The FBI and the CIA gave their spy a lot of nickname - Bourbon, Topchet, Donald, spectrum, but the most suitable name for him would become tricky foxes. Dexterity, mind, professional flair, photographic memory helped Polyakov for many years to be out of suspicion. Especially hit the Americans strong excerpt of the spy, it was impossible to read on his face. Soviet investigators were noted. Poles himself destroyed the evidence and installed the places of Moscow caches.

The Americans supplied their best spy with appliances not worse than cinema james Bond. For information transfer, a miniature device "Brest" was used.

Secret data was loaded to the device, and after activation, only 2.6 seconds were transferred to the nearest receiver. The operation was carried out by Polyakov during his trip to the trolleybus past the US Embassy. Once the transmission was selected by Soviet radio players, but to find out where the signal came from, they could not.

Samples of conspiracy texts, the addresses in the United States, ciphers, postal connections were kept in the handling of spinning, presented by the Spy First Secretary of the US Embassy. When the Poles were in the states, encrypted messages in the New York Times newspaper were used to communicate with it for photographing documents, small disguised cameras were used.

The Americans themselves treated their spy with deep respect and considered him a teacher. The agents listened to the recommendations of Polyakov, who believed that the CIA and FBI often actually actually, and therefore predictably for Soviet specials.

Arrest and investigation in the case of the traitor

Polyakova's trail to go out for leakage from the United States. Information about the "diamond in the crown" was mined by Spies KGB Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanessen. After collecting evidence, counterintelligents came to the "Crow" and were amazed by those who he was. At this time, the Honored General quit the age and became a real legend of GRU.

Professional flair did not lend Polyakova, and he would charge on the bottom, taking contacts with the Americans. Chekistam, through linden information, managed to provoke a traitor, and he issued himself by contacting the FBI.

On July 7, 1986, Dmitry Polyakova was arrested at a meeting of reconnaissance veterans. The spy actively collaborated with the investigation and expected that he was exchanged, but the court sentenced the traitor to the shooting.

In May of the same year, Ronald Reagan asked Gorbakov at the meeting of the Presidents of the USSR and the USA, Ronald Reagan. Mikhail Sergeevich wanted to respect the overseas colleague and agreed expected, but it was too late. On March 15, 1988, General Ggorod Dmitry Polyakova and American intelligence officers shot.

On the The background of the hysteria around the poisoning of the former colonel GRU Sergei Skriply

many managed to forget about the character of this story, and that
he was far from the first traitor in the ranks of the intelligence officers.

Idea and vengery

In the summer of 1986, Alpha fighters in Moscow detained the employee of GRA General Major General retired Dmitry Polyakova.

The general went to the Military Diplomatic Academy for the graduation future
scouts. It turned out that Frontovik Poles 25 years spied on
americans. Even after the resignation, he merged Washington dossier acting
employees GRU.

The most striking that the traitor of the Poles was not for the sake of money, nobody

he was not blackmailed - he himself offered his services. In the interrogation spoke
what is ideological reasons: he was not suitable for the Khrushchev thaw, in
the time of which "Stalinist ideals" was drunk. But still in the first place
there was a revenge.

Cylinder agent

In November 1961, Polyakov worked in the New York Residency GRU. His

the youngest son after a cold received a complication on the heart. Save a child
could an expensive operation - $ 400 at that time were
crazy money. Polyakov refused to material assistance in Gro
the boy died. Literally the next day, the Soviet resident went
offer your services to Americans. At first he worked a little on the FBI,
but already in 1962 he became a CIA agent with a pseudonym cylinder.

Poles still in 1961 passed 47 scouts of the GRU and the KGB who operated on

America. Not spared and illegal gro. Gave gaskets on officers
intelligence, which you can try to recruit. In -1962-m pointed to
soviet diplomats and postprams in the United States, which caused by intelligence. In summer
no matter how he did not come back to Moscow and received a new appointment -
supervised the activities of the GRU in New York and Washing Tone.
Imagine what activity turned the traitor with such
powers?! Even photographs of the telephone directory went to America
General Staff USSR and GRU!

For 20 years of work on Americans Poles merged them thousands

documents in which the technical characteristics of the most
secret Soviet weapons. Since his career was associated not only
with the United States, but also with Asia, India, then the CIA got data from illegal salons and
uSSR agents and in this region. Information Polyakova in China helped
americans in the early 70s "cut the window" in the PRC. Already having resigned in
1981, Major General continued to benefit the CIA. Went
several illegal immigrants who were in the United States under the guise of immigrants.
After retirement, Polyakov began to work freely in management
frames GRU and gained access to the personal affairs of all employees ...

Reagan not savage

For the first time, General was suspected in the late 70s, and then after
the US media intentionally merged hints on his spyware. W.
american scouts and politicians were their games. In the GRU refused
believe that one of the most honored generals of military intelligence can
be a traitor. Nevertheless, the Counterintelligence of the USSR brought this thing to the end.
The information on the cylinder was given to those who collaborated with the KGB of the USSR Aldrich Ames. (CIA) and Robert Hanssen (FBI).

On November 27, 1987, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR Polyakov was
sentenced to shooting. The verdict was carried out on March 15, 1988.
Information about this was not distributed, so in May, the US President Ronald Reagan. During negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachevsuggested to exchange Polyakov on any arrested intelligence officer.

The victim of the traitor general was not only people. In 1991, when

Poles was already shot, the Americans during the war in Persian
gulf successfully used the information stolen name, destroying Iraqi
anti-tank missiles of Soviet production.

photo: Youtube.com / Dmitry Poles in the courtroom.

Greedy and lucky

But Dr. Science Vladimir Potashovu President Reagan, on the contrary, managed to help a great help - he went safely in the 90s to America.

In the history of the US intelligence, there is exactly the chapter on Kazus Potashov - scientist

managed to offer himself as a spy to the very minister of defense Harold Brown..
In 1976, Vladimir Potashov worked as a translator Brown, which then
he arrived in Moscow as the GSC commission of the United States. Shortly after the visit, Potashov came
invitation to visit the United States. In 1981, the Institute of the United States and Canada Academy of Sciences of the USSR
sent senior scientist department of military political problems
in the long-term business trip to Washington to negotiate on limitation
strategic arms.

Shocked minister

Harold Brown by that time was already minister. He found his mission

completed and reconciled Russian to his adjutant. However, Potashova
this alignment did not suit. Having imagined the moment, he grabbed the minister under
lococcus and whispered in the ear: "Mr. Minister, I ask you to arrange me
private meeting with the officer of the CIA. " Obaldev from such arrogance, Brown
the meeting arranged. So there was a recruitment of the agent of the medium.

In the first meeting with the curator, the scientist demanded to open in his name

bank account. And in the CIA understood, for which thread you can pull it
agent. The timing of the trip was pressed, in Langley organized for the medium
accelerated Azam Training Course: Encryption and Deciphering, Tines
radio transmission, etc. Thanks to the medium, Americans have learned many blanks
Moscow at the negotiations between the United States and the USSR on nuclear weapons of the average
range. In 1983, the medium advised the CIA by position Yury Andropova on the
another round of disarmament negotiations. True secret analytics
gone overseas. From him in Washington found out about the creation in the structure
Ministry of Defense of the USSR command of the military-cosmic forces. And at the same time
reported the reasons for the launch of the Soviet Space Ship
reusable use. Potashov's reports not only helped
US to build relations with the USSR in the 80s, but later to some extent
contributed to making decisions on the expansion of NATO east and output from
Contract for pro.

Handbook issued

Called the medium on his greed. Getting a chest payment, traitor

stopped in all serious: young mistresses he gave fur coats and
decorations, rudders for all the cereal institutions of the capital, etc. Agent
i wanted to get more money for my services. He did not come up with nothing
smarter how to steal from the Cabinet director of your institute directory
government communications. But it did not work out to ripped: he was all
only "for official use" and Washington did not interest. And here
potashkov counterintelligers are interested. Scientist arrested in 1986

Medium, which caused the country damage calculated in billions

dollars, should have been, of course, shoot, but fantastically
lucky. Ronald Reagan, who was visiting Moscow during
unofficial dinner hinted: "Mr. Gorbachev, espionage is a war
without corpses, isn't it? " President of the USSR Hashem understood: a scientist received 13
years of which only served 6. In the 92nd Potashov released
amnesty. He immediately received a passport and departed over the ocean. In the USA
gave a guide from the government as a "face victim as a result
cooperation with the CIA. "

Wikipedia material - free encyclopedia

Dmitry Fedorovich Polyakov

US spy, former Major General (lieutenant-general?) GRU

Awards and Prizes:

The Order of the Patriotic War and the Red Star; In 1988, deprived of all state awards

Dmitry Fedorovich Polyakov (1921-1988) - the former Major General (according to other Lieutenant General) of the General Intelligence Department (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR, was shot by the court sentence for espionage in favor of the United States (in 1988 by the court sentence Lained military ranks and all state awards).

Dmitry Fedorovich Polyakov was born in 1921 in Ukraine. After graduating from high school in 1939 he entered the Artillery School. A participant in the Great Patriotic War, fought on Karelian and Western fronts. For courage and heroism awarded the orders of the Patriotic War and the Red Star.

In the post-war years he graduated from the Frunze Academy, the Courses of the General Staff and was sent to the main intelligence management. From May 1951 to July 1956, in the rank of lieutenant colonel, he worked in the United States under the cover of the officer's post for instructions under the Office of the USSR in the UN Military Staff Committee. In those years, Polyakova, a son was born, who in three months fell ill with a difficult illness. To save the child, a challenging operation was needed at a cost of 400 dollars.
Polyakova missing money was missing, and he turned to the material assistance to the resident of the GRU Major General I. A. Sklyarov. He made a request to the center, but the guide was refused in this request. The Americans, in turn, were offered Polyakov to operate the Son in the New York Clinic "in exchange for some services" of the United States.
Polekov refused, and son soon died.

In 1959, he returned to New York in the rank of colonel under the cover of the post of the Secretariat of the USSR Representative Office at the UN Military Staff Committee (the real position is the deputy resident of the GRU in illegal work in the United States).

On November 8, 1961, on his own initiative, the cooperation of the FBI was proposed, named the first meeting of the siphels who worked in Soviet bankruptcies in the United States at the first meeting. Later explained his act ideological disagreement with the political regime in the USSR. At one of the interrogations, he stated that he wanted to "help Western democracy to avoid the onslaught of the Khrushchev military and foreign policy doctrine." FBI assigned D. F. Polyakov operational alias "Tophet" ("Cylinder"). At the second meeting with Fabeerer November 26, 1961, 47 names of the Soviet intelligence officers of the GRU and the KGB, who worked at the time in the United States. At a meeting, on December 19, 1961, the data on the illegal governments and officers supported with them the connection. At the meeting, on January 24, 1962, American Agents of GRU, the rest of the Soviet illegals, which he was silent at the previous meeting, who worked with them from the New York Residency of the GRU, gave a tip on some officers for their possible recruitment. At the meeting on March 29, 1962, I identified the photographs of Soviet diplomats and employees of Soviet missions in the United States, shown by the FBI agents known to him by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the KGB. At the last meeting, on June 7, 1962 issued illegal Macy (Captain Gro Maria Dmitrievna Dobrovna) and transferred the FBI to the re-secret document "GRU. Introduction to the organization and conduct of secret work ", later included in the TRB training manual for the preparation of counterintelligencers as a separate section. He agreed to cooperate in Moscow already with the CIA of the United States, where he was assigned the operational alias "Bourbon". On June 9, 1962, Colonel D. F. Polyakov sailed from the shores of the United States on the steamer "Queen Elizabeth".

Soon after returning to Moscow, Polyakov was appointed senior officer of the 3rd management of GRU. He was instructed from the standpoint of the Center to oversee the activities of GRU in New York and Washington. It was planned to a third business trip to the United States to the post of senior assistant military attache at the USSR Embassy in Washington. In Moscow, there are several offended operations in Moscow, transferring secret information to the CIA (in particular, the telephone directories of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR and GRU). After mentioning the name of Polyakova in the Los Angeles Times newspaper, in the report on the judicial process over the governments issued to them, the continued use of Polyakova in the American line was considered to be considered. Poles was translated into the management of GRU, which was engaged in intelligence in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In 1965, he was appointed to the post of military attache at the USSR Embassy (resident of GRU) in Burma. In August 1969, he returned to Moscow, where in December was appointed acting chief of the direction, which was engaged in the organization of exploration in the PRC and the training of illegal immigrants to throw into this country. Then became the chief of this direction.

In 1973, he was directed as a resident to India, in 1974 he received the title of Major General. In October 1976, returned to Moscow, where he was appointed head of the third reconnaissance faculty of VDA, remaining in the approved list of appointment reserve for the post of military attache and resident of GRU. In mid-December 1979, he again went to India to the former post of military attache at the USSR Embassy (Senior Operational Chief of GRU General Staff in Bombay and Delhi, responsible for strategic military intelligence in the South-Eastern Region).

In 1980, he retired as a state of health. After retirement care, General Polyakov began working free in the managing staff of GRU, having access to the personal affairs of all employees.

He was arrested on July 7, 1986. On November 27, 1987, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR was sentenced to shooting. The verdict was carried out on March 15, 1988. Official information about the verdict and its execution appeared in the Soviet press only in 1990. And in May 1988, President of the United States Ronald Reagan during negotiations with M. S. Gorbachev voiced the proposal of the American side to pardon D. Polyakov, or exchange Soviet intelligence officers arrested in the United States, but the request was late.

According to the main version, the reason for the exposure of Polyakova was the information of the then employee of the CIA Aldrich Ames or the FBI employee Robert Hansens, who collaborated with the KGB of the USSR.

According to the information available in open sources during cooperation, the CIA transferred information about the nineteen Soviet intelligence officers operating in Western countries, about a hundred fifty foreigners who collaborated with the USSR intelligence services and about 1500 existing employees of the USSR intelligence officers. In total - 25 boxes of secret documents in the period from 1961 to 1986.

Issued Poles and Strategic Secrets. Because of his information, the United States has learned about the contradictions between the CPSU and PDAs. He also issued the secrets of Pturov, which helped the US Army during the operation of the "Storm in the Desert" successfully counteract the anti-tank manageable reactive projectiles, which were in service with Iraqis.

The information transferred to Polyakov was priceless, and the damage caused to the Soviet Union was calculated by many billion dollars.

The motives of betrayal Polyakova did not fully figure out. Money was not the main reason. During work on the CIA "Bourbon" received less than 100 thousand dollars - a funny amount for a superagent. The Americans believed that he was disappointed in Soviet mode. A flock for Polyakova was the settlement of the village of Stalin, whom he idol. The Poles himself said on the investigation the following: "At the heart of my betrayal, I lay down as my desire somewhere openly express my views and doubts and the qualities of my character - a constant desire for the work on the risk. And the more danger, the more interesting my life became ... I used to walk along the knife's edge and did not think of myself another life. "

How many rollers should nor ...

A natural question arises, how did Polekov managed a quarter of a century to work on the CIA and remain unpacked? Numerous failures of illegal immigrants abroad have intensified the activities of the KGB counterintelligence. Colonel O. Penkovsky, Colonel P. Popov, issued the CIA of Soviet illegals in Western European countries, was shot by Colonel O. Penkovsky, Colonel P. Popov, who issued the CIA of Soviet illegals in Western European countries. Poles turned out to be smarter, he was thoroughly aware of the methods and receptions,
The KGB used to identify the opponent's agent, and for a long time was out of suspicion. In Moscow, to support communication with the Americans, he used only contactless ways - special containers made in the form of a piece of bricks that left in advance places. To give a signal about the tablemark of the cache, Poles, driving on the trolleybus past the US Embassy in Moscow, referred to the miniature transmitter, hidden in his pocket. This technical novelty, in the West it was called "Brest", threw a huge amount of information in an instant, which went to the American residency.
The KGB radioperehvat service spotted these radio signals, but they could not be decrypted.

Meanwhile, the circle suspected in the treacherous staff Gru was gradually pressed. The very careful analysis was subjected to the work of all the integrated and agents arrested by Americans. In the end, it became clear that only one person, Major General Polyakov, could know and betray them. It is possible that in the exposure of Polyakov, a high-ranking officer of the CIA, Oldridge Ames, and Robert Hansen - analyst of the Soviet department of the FBI played its role.
By the way, both subsequently were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Dmitry Polyakov - American Intelligence Brilliant

Major General (according to some reports, Lieutenant General) of the General Intelligence Department (GRU) of the USSR Ministry of Defense Dmitry Polyakov 25 years worked for the CIA and actually paralyzed the work of Soviet intelligence in the US direction. Polyakov issued 19 Soviet intelligence officers, more than 150 agents from among foreign citizens, revealed belonging to GRU and KGB about 1,500 existing intelligence officers. The former head of the CIA James Woolsey recognized that "from all secret Agents of the United States, Poles, was a precious stone in the crown."

At the end of 1986 Polyakova arrested. During the search, the funds, ciplots and other spyware equipment were discovered at its Moscow apartment. "Bourbon" did not unlocked, he went to cooperation with the investigation, hoping for condescension. The wife and adult sons of Polyakova passed as witnesses, as they did not know and did not guessed about his spy activities. In the GRU at this time, the stars were filled with a pursuit of employees whose negligence and the chatter skillfully used "Bourbon". Many were retired or fired. In early 1988, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced Polyakova D. F. for treason to the homeland and espionage to shooting with confiscation of property. The sentence was carried out on March 15, 1988. This ended the life path of one of the largest traitors in the history of Soviet intelligence.

Alexander Ostrovsky

№ 26, 2011. Publication date: 07/01/2011

RG-RB.DE\u003e index.php ...

To take a suspicion of Polyakova, two Soviet employees of the UN Secretariat were arrested on espionage charges. And then the FBI stated that they issued a falcon. And only after many years the truth truth. The fatal role was played by Poles in the life of the Corwedman of Mary of the Good. This beautiful, elegant woman contained a fashionable cosmetic salon in New York. Its clients were worst of many high-ranking persons, including seafarers of an underwater atomic fleet.
The merit of the kind in prevention (namely, it was the main task of military intelligence) of a sudden nuclear strike on the Soviet Union is undoubted. When Fabeerer came to arrest her, Mary committed suicide, having thrown away from the window of a high-rise building. After some time, the Poles reported to the center that the Americans were recruited, who were reliably covered it. For many years, the brave intelligence was considered a reprimand.

The times of the Cold War are straightened from our days. This is now the revealed agent of Russian special services Anna Chapman, operating in America, together with the nine hundred and its colleagues, was exchanged at four Russian citizens accused of espionage, and became the heroine of glossy magazines and television programs. And then the fate of many scouts issued by Polesov turned out to be tragic. Some of them died or gained large prison terms, some were transferred.

Exceptionally valuable Soviet intelligence agents working in South Africa were Spouses Dieter Felix Gerhardt, Ruth Johr (Dieter Felix Gerhardt, Ruth Johr) who were friends with the President of the President of Peter Botha (Pieter Willem Botha). The director, the Navy South Africa, should be awarded the title of counter-admiral, he had access to the NATO Super Secret Naval Base, carrying out control over Soviet ships and aircraft. When the CIA according to Polyakova, Gerhardt arrested and presented the data of his Moscow dossier, he confessed in espionage. The scouts sentenced to life imprisonment and released only in 1992 on the personal request of B. N. Yeltsin. Subsequently, being the head of the invisofacult of the Military Diplomatic Academy, the Poles will give the lists of his listeners to Americans. Already being retired, "Bourbon" - this pseudonym was assigned to the CIA - it remained to work in the GU as secretary of the part of the department. According to the current practice, the illegal scouts remained on the garment at work. According to their accounts, the general and calculated the intelligence implemented intelligence.
Does it experienced regret by issuing his former colleagues? It is unlikely, espionage and morality are incompatible things.

The task of this article is to find out how a rather long retribution is laid out to the Thaler General of Polyakov in his full name code.

Watch pre-"Logical" about the fate of man. "

Consider the full name code tables. \\ If on your screen will be offset numbers and letters, put an image to match the scale.

16 31 43 75 86 101 104 109 122 132 151 168 178 188 209 216 221 236 253 268 271 281 305
P o l i k about in d m and t r and y f o d o r o v and h
305 289 274 262 230 219 204 201 196 183 173 154 137 127 117 96 89 84 69 52 37 34 24

5 18 28 47 64 74 84 105 112 117 132 149 164 167 177 201 217 232 244 276 287 302 305
D m and t r and y f o d o r o v and h p o l i k o in
305 300 287 277 258 241 231 221 200 193 188 173 156 141 138 128 104 88 73 61 29 18 3

Polyakov Dmitry Fedorovich \u003d 305 \u003d 132-departure from life + 173-shot to emphasis.

305 \u003d 52-killed + 253-to-head shots from Nagan.

305 \u003d 122-life Obrah \\ Achno \\ + 183 Life was cut off.

183 - 122 \u003d 61 \u003d Palf.

305 \u003d 172- (64-execution + 108-execution) + 133-act retribution.

305 \u003d 178- (76-retribution + 102-shot) + 127-shots.

305 \u003d 216- (137-dore + 79-per execution) + 89-killed.

305 \u003d 216- (152-doomed on ... + 64-execution) + 89-killed.

305 \u003d 104-killed + 201- (154-shot + 47-died, slaughter).

201 - 104 \u003d 97 \u003d verdict.

305 \u003d 221- (67-executed + 154-shot) + 84-terminal.

221 - 84 \u003d 137 \u003d Doomed.

We will decrypt individual columns:

132 \u003d leaving life
183 \u003d 89-killed + 94 peril

183 - 132 \u003d 51 \u003d killed.

178 \u003d 76-Retribution + 102-shot
137 \u003d Doomed

178 - 137 \u003d 41 \u003d inanimate.

168 \u003d shot from Nagan
154 \u003d Shot

253 \u003d Intentional murder in ...
69 \u003d head

253 - 69 \u003d 184 \u003d death penalty.

177 \u003d 108-Shot + 69-End
138 \u003d dying

74 \u003d Spring
241 \u003d 64-execution + 108-shooting + 69-end

105 \u003d 42-brain + 63-death
221 \u003d penetrating injury

221 - 105 \u003d 116 \u003d 64-execution + 52-killed \u003d shown \\ b.

117 \u003d shots \\ and \\
193 \u003d 66 killing + 127-shots

193 - 117 \u003d 76 \u003d Retribution.

221 \u003d 132-Care from life + 89-killed
89 \u003d Killed

132 \u003d leaving life
183 \u003d 132-Care from life + 51-killed

164 \u003d shot fired
156 \u003d deprived of life

Date code execution: 03/15/1988. This \u003d 15 + 03 + 19 + 88 \u003d 125 \u003d 56-execution + 69-end.

305 \u003d 125 + 180- (76-retribution + 104-killed).

The full date of execution code \u003d 202-fifteenth of March + 107- \\ 19 + 88 \\ - \\ Code of the year execution \\ \u003d 309.

309 \u003d sentenced to execution \u003d 201-lethal outcome + 108-execution.

The number of the number of years of life \u003d 177-sixty + 97-six \u003d 274.

274 \u003d 154-shot + 120th end of life.

305 \u003d 274-sixty six + 31-act, cm \\ ery \\.

Major General (according to some reports, Lieutenant General) of the General Intelligence Department (GRU) of the USSR Ministry of Defense Dmitry Polyakov 25 years worked for the CIA and actually paralyzed the work of Soviet intelligence in the US direction. Polyakov issued 19 Soviet intelligence officers, more than 150 agents from among foreign citizens, revealed belonging to GRU and KGB about 1,500 existing intelligence officers. The former head of the CIA James Woolsey recognized that "from all secret Agents of the United States, Poles, was a precious stone in the crown."

In May 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev and US President Ronald Reagan (Ronald Reagan) signed an agreement on the liquidation of medium and low-range missiles in Europe, which committed to a nuclear confrontation and announced the beginning of the new era. The leaders of the two countries were in a raised mood, and suddenly Reagan turned to Gorbachev with an unexpected proposal - to pardon or exchange for one of the arrested Soviet agents of the former GRU Dmitry Polyakova. However, his request somewhat late, by that time the traitor's general was already shot. Who was this man, the question of which was decided at the level of the leaders of two great powers?

Frontovik, scout ... Traitor

Dmitry Fedorovich Polyakov was born in 1921 in Ukraine in the family of a rural librarian. After graduation, he entered the Kiev Artillery School. During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded a platoon, was a battery commander, an officer of artillery intelligence officer. He fought on the West and Karelian fronts, was injured. Awarded the orders of the Patriotic War and the Red Star. After the end of the war, Polyakov graduated from the Depologent of the Academy to them. Frunze, the Courses of the General Staff and was sent to work in the GRU.

In the early fifties, Poles was sent to New York under the cover of the post of an employee of the UN Soviet Mission. He was instructed by a responsible task - the agent provision of intelligence officers. The work of the energetic officer was successful, but a tragic event occurred in his personal life. Heavy influenza gave complication on his heart to his three-year-old son. A difficult operation was carried out, but it was not possible to re-money in the diplomatic mission, and the child died. Poles was in despair. Apparently, this event and served as the basis for the FBI to show interest to it.

At that time, the US intelligence agencies conducted the Cortchip operation - "Watching", directed against Soviet citizens working in America. They created their recruitment formula - MICE. Its name is formed by the first letters of the words Money, Ideology, Compromise, EGO, which in Russian sounds like this: money, ideological considerations, compromising, self-conceit. It was a sophisticated system, but Polyakova to recruit was not easy. He did not drink, did not change his wife, did not show much interest in money. It seemed to find an approach to it impossible. But in 1961, during his second business trip to the United States, a completely unexpected event occurred - Poles himself offered his FBI services.

Then he was already a colonel and represented the USSR in the Committee of Headquarters of the Headquarters for the UN, being simultaneously deputy resident of illegal intelligence. The Americans arranged an inspection of the initiative (so in the intelligence call people going to recruit without additional pressure). And he, to win the trust of new owners, issued three employees of the Soviet military intelligence officers who worked in the United States. With spouses Sokolov Gru tied high hopes. They passed a long process of legalization, but they were arrested, not even time to start work.

To take a suspicion of Polyakova, two Soviet employees of the UN Secretariat were arrested on espionage charges. And then the FBI stated that they issued a falcon. And only after many years the truth truth. The fatal role was played by Poles in the life of the Corwedman of Mary of the Good. This beautiful, elegant woman contained a fashionable cosmetic salon in New York. Its clients were worst of many high-ranking persons, including seafarers of an underwater atomic fleet. The merit of the kind in prevention (namely, it was the main task of military intelligence) of a sudden nuclear strike on the Soviet Union is undoubted. When Fabeerer came to arrest her, Mary committed suicide, having thrown away from the window of a high-rise building. After some time, the Poles reported to the center that the Americans were recruited, who were reliably covered it. For many years, the brave intelligence was considered a reprimand.

The times of the Cold War are straightened from our days. This is now the revealed agent of Russian special services Anna Chapman, operating in America, together with the nine hundred and its colleagues, was exchanged at four Russian citizens accused of espionage, and became the heroine of glossy magazines and television programs. And then the fate of many scouts issued by Polesov turned out to be tragic. Some of them died or gained large prison terms, some were transferred.

Exceptionally valuable Soviet intelligence agents working in South Africa were Spouses Dieter Felix Gerhardt, Ruth Johr (Dieter Felix Gerhardt, Ruth Johr) who were friends with the President of the President of Peter Botha (Pieter Willem Botha). The director, the Navy South Africa, should be awarded the title of counter-admiral, he had access to the NATO Super Secret Naval Base, carrying out control over Soviet ships and aircraft. When the CIA according to Polyakova, Gerhardt arrested and presented the data of his Moscow dossier, he confessed in espionage. The scouts sentenced to life imprisonment and released only in 1992 on the personal request of B. N. Yeltsin. Subsequently, being the head of the invisofacult of the Military Diplomatic Academy, the Poles will give the lists of his listeners to Americans. Already being retired, "Bourbon" - this pseudonym was assigned to the CIA - it remained to work in the GU as secretary of the part of the department. According to the current practice, the illegal scouts remained on the garment at work. According to their accounts, the general and calculated the intelligence implemented intelligence. Does it experienced regret by issuing his former colleagues? It is unlikely, espionage and morality are incompatible things.

But we ran a little forward, there was still a lot of "feats" on the account of Polyakova.

General Shores and priceless information for the CIA

In 1966, Polyakov was sent to Burma by the head of the Radioerekhvat Center in Rangune. Upon his return to the USSR, he was appointed by the chief of the Chinese department, and in 1970 he was sent to India by the military attache and the resident of the GRU. Being abroad, he is almost openly meeting with Americans as candidates for recruitment. The volume of the transmitted Pole information was so large that the CIA created a special department for its processing. He issued the names of four American officers recruited by Soviet intelligence, transferred data on the personal part of the GRU in the countries of Southeast Asia and the methods of their preparation, information about the newest rocket systems. Polyakov managed to make photocopies of documents testifying to the deep discrepancy between China's positions and the USSR. This information allowed the United States to establish relations with China in 1972.

Poles did everything possible to convince GRU management in his exceptional abilities. For this, the CIA regularly passed "Bourbon" some secret materials, and substituted two Americans, whom he supposedly recruited. The Poles walked a good companion, he distributed various baubles, brought from abroad, and the chief of the personnel department of GRA Lieutenant-General Izotov was presented with a silver service. Povrovik and did not suspect that this is a gift from American intelligence.

The efforts of Polyakov did not disappear in a gift, in 1974 he receives the title of Major General. His work on American intelligence becomes even more efficient. Bourbon transfers the American special services to the list of military technologies, which were purchased or mined in the West exploration, recharges them more than a hundred releases of the military-theoretical journal "Military Thought", reports information on the new weapons of the USSR, in particular on anti-tank missiles. It helped the Americans to destroy the Iraq soldiers sold by the Soviet Union during the Persian Gulf War. The information transferred to Polyakov was priceless, and the damage caused to the Soviet Union was calculated by many billion dollars.

The motives of betrayal Polyakova did not fully figure out. Money was not the main reason. During work on the CIA "Bourbon" received less than 100 thousand dollars - a funny amount for a superagent. The Americans believed that he was disappointed in Soviet mode. A flock for Polyakova was the settlement of the village of Stalin, whom he idol. The Poles himself said on the investigation the following: "At the heart of my betrayal, I lay down as my desire somewhere openly express my views and doubts and the qualities of my character - a constant desire for the work on the risk. And the more danger, the more interesting my life became ... I used to walk along the knife's edge and did not think of myself another life. "

How many rollers should nor ...

A natural question arises, how did Polekov managed a quarter of a century to work on the CIA and remain unpacked? Numerous failures of illegal immigrants abroad have intensified the activities of the KGB counterintelligence. Colonel O. Penkovsky, Colonel P. Popov, issued the CIA of Soviet illegals in Western European countries, was shot by Colonel O. Penkovsky, Colonel P. Popov, who issued the CIA of Soviet illegals in Western European countries. Poles turned out to be smarter, he was thoroughly aware of the methods and receptions used by the KGB on the identification of the enemy agent, and for a long time was out of suspicion. In Moscow, to support communication with the Americans, he used only contactless ways - special containers made in the form of a piece of bricks that left in advance places. To give a signal about the tablemark of the cache, Poles, driving on the trolleybus past the US Embassy in Moscow, referred to the miniature transmitter, hidden in his pocket. This technical novelty, in the West it was called "Brest", in an instant threw a huge amount of information that came to the American residency. The KGB radioperehvat service spotted these radio signals, but they could not be decrypted.

Meanwhile, the circle suspected in the treacherous staff Gru was gradually pressed. The very careful analysis was subjected to the work of all the integrated and agents arrested by Americans. In the end, it became clear that only one person, Major General Polyakov, could know and betray them. It is possible that in the exposure of Polyakov, a high-ranking officer of the CIA, Oldridge Ames, and Robert Hansen - analyst of the Soviet department of the FBI played its role. By the way, both subsequently were sentenced to life imprisonment.

At the end of 1986 Polyakova arrested. During the search, the funds, ciplots and other spyware equipment were discovered at its Moscow apartment. "Bourbon" did not unlocked, he went to cooperation with the investigation, hoping for condescension. The wife and adult sons of Polyakova passed as witnesses, as they did not know and did not guessed about his spy activities. In the GRU at this time, the stars were filled with a pursuit of employees whose negligence and the chatter skillfully used "Bourbon". Many were retired or fired. In early 1988, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced Polyakova D. F. for treason to the homeland and espionage to shooting with confiscation of property. The sentence was carried out on March 15, 1988. This ended the life path of one of the largest traitors in the history of Soviet intelligence.