Title: Self-instruction manual of modern Chinese.

Here is a self-instruction manual for the Chinese language - one of the most common languages ​​in the world. The advantage of the Self-Teacher is the completeness of information and accessibility of presentation for beginners to study Chinese. With some effort, but in a reasonable amount of time, you will learn to have conversations on everyday topics and read simple Chinese texts, which will allow you to feel quite comfortable in the Chinese language environment.
The self-instruction manual is equipped with a language laboratory course.

The Chinese language self-instruction manual is intended for a wide range of readers. This publication has been developed as a guide for schoolchildren, students, teachers and others interested in beginning to study the Chinese language. The self-instruction manual consists of a theoretical part, conversational lessons and educational texts.
When learning any language, you need to pay special attention to pronunciation, Chinese is no exception. The main difficulty of Chinese pronunciation is the abundance of palatal and aspirated sounds, which are unusual for us, and the presence of tones. The Chinese language is very melodic, so the presence musical abilities and hearing greatly facilitates the process of mastering Chinese pronunciation, however, even in the absence of special musical talents, but subject to systematic study and listening to audio materials, it is quite possible to master Chinese phonetics. Another difficulty of the Chinese language is the hieroglyphic letter (“Chinese letter”), which is extremely difficult for people accustomed to alphabetic writing. The hieroglyphics section contains a table Chinese keys, the study and memorization of which is essential in order to learn to read and write in Chinese. One of the most the best ways memorization Chinese characters- these are calligraphy classes and the systematic writing of hieroglyphs and their individual elements (see the corresponding section).

Chinese phonetic alphabet
Changes in tones Hieroglyphics
Rules for writing hieroglyphs
Key Table Grammar
Parts of speech
Word order in a sentence
Grammatical constructions
Lesson 1. Greetings
Lesson 2. Getting to know each other
Lesson 3. Age. Family
Lesson 4. Study. Language
Lesson 5. Seasons. Weather
Lesson 6. Shopping. Shop
Lesson 7. In a restaurant. Food
Lesson 8. Clinic
Lesson 9. Sports
Lesson 10. At your leisure
Lesson 11. Traveling around China
Answers to exercises
EDUCATIONAL TEXTS with grammatical comments
Text I. Sincere Concern
Text 2. Shanhaiguan
Text 3. The Peasant and the Snake (parable)
Text 4. Da Yu controls the elements (parable)
Text 5. Excursion to Xiangshan
Text 6. Letter
Text 7. At a sports festival
Text 8. Yu Gong moves mountains (parable)
Text 9. Wallet
Text 10. An inconspicuous bird (parable)
Appendix No. 1
A quick overview of grammar
Grammar test
Answers to a grammar test
Appendix No. 2
Minimum dictionary
Appendix No. 3
Chinese syllable table
Correspondence table between Russian and Chinese transcriptions (according to Palladium)
Appendix No. 4
Table of hieroglyphic keys (radicals)
Appendix No. 5
Chinese calligraphy

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Hello. Today I want to discuss a topic that I think will be interesting for those who are learning or are just thinking about learning Chinese. I think the question of where to start learning Chinese worries many, so I decided to draw up a small plan of actions that should be followed at the initial stage of learning.

First - educational materials or books

My first book was " Beginner course Chinese language" Taken from Huang Shuying, which I bought in an online store. Naturally, before purchasing, I downloaded it from the Internet electronic version, but, to be honest, I quickly changed my mind and decided to purchase the paper version. Firstly, I like paper books more, and secondly, I noticed that it is easier for me to remember and assimilate material that was obtained from a regular book than from an electronic one.

Second, get to know the pronunciation.

Fourth – communication or feedback

In order to understand in which direction you are moving you need speaking practice, without it it is impossible to learn Chinese. Having learned a few words and expressions in English, we can be sure that if we pronounce them somewhere in an English-speaking country, in most cases we will be understood. With Chinese it’s the other way around. We can never be sure whether we have learned a particular Chinese word correctly until we pronounce it and receive feedback from a native speaker.

Naturally, not every one of us has the opportunity to go to China or Taiwan and learn the language there, but with the help of the Internet we can easily solve this issue. There are quite a lot of sites on the Internet that provide the opportunity to find people who are interested in language exchange. That is, you can quite easily find someone online who would teach you Chinese for free in exchange for your Russian. One of the most popular sites that provides this opportunity is italki.com.

P.S. Before you start studying, ask yourself the question: “Why or why do I want to learn Chinese?”

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Learn pinyin. This is a system for recording sounds in the Chinese language using Latin letters.

  • This system is very suitable for beginners to learn Chinese. This way, less time is spent studying traditional hieroglyphs. Using Pinyin, you can learn to read and write Chinese without using characters. There are a lot of materials and textbooks on Pinyin.
  • However, it should be noted that not all Latin letters can convey the true pronunciation. Therefore, you should learn Pinyin with the help of a teacher or appropriate video and audio materials.
  • Learn to read some Chinese characters. Despite the fact that it is not necessary to be able to read hieroglyphs, many students of this language still try to learn it in order to get to know Chinese culture better.

    • Learning hieroglyphs is not an easy task. To read a newspaper, you need to know about 2,000 thousand hieroglyphs - and this is just the beginning. In total, the Chinese language has more than 50,000 characters (many of which are not used today).
    • The main benefit of learning characters is that it will open the door to other languages, including Cantonese, Japanese and Korean. All of these languages ​​use a simplified form of Chinese characters in writing, but speech differs.
  • Learn to write hieroglyphs. If you have learned to read hieroglyphs, you will most likely want to learn how to write them. This is a complex skill that will require patience and creativity to master.

    • First, you will have to study the table of radicals. These are individual strokes from which a hieroglyph is formed. There are a total of 214 radicals in the Chinese language, some of which have meaning on their own, while others gain meaning when attached to other radicals.
    • It is important to consider the direction of the strokes when you write them. For example, from top to bottom, from left to right, and a horizontal stroke is written before a vertical one. If these rules are not followed, the hieroglyph will be written incorrectly.
  • Read texts in Chinese. If you want to improve your Chinese reading skills, you should spend 15 to 20 minutes a day on it.

    • To start, you can use children's books or textbooks (they are often published in Pinyin). You should also look for useful materials on the Internet.
    • Practice anytime, anywhere. Read labels and signs in Chinese. Ask for a menu in Chinese at a Chinese restaurant.
    • Having learned to read well, you can switch to newspapers (printed in hieroglyphs). In addition to improving your reading, you will become more familiar with the culture and society of the People's Republic of China.
  • Write something every day. To improve your writing skills, write Chinese characters or use Pinyin daily.

    • You can start a diary in which you write simple expressions in Chinese. For example, what is the weather like today, how are you feeling, or what are you doing. If there is nothing personal in the diary, you can ask a Chinese language teacher or just a Chinese friend to read it and point out mistakes.
    • You can find a friend on the Internet and correspond with him. Your correspondence may also be useful for him if he becomes interested in the Russian language. Ask your pen pal to correct mistakes in your letters and forward them back.
    • We also recommend making simple lists in Chinese. For example, lists of products to buy. Or put stickers around the house with the Chinese names of specific things.
  • The languages ​​of the peoples of the East are among the most difficult to understand. Those who decide to learn Chinese from scratch on their own will have to face difficulties, since there is nothing in common with the Russian language - they belong to different language families. But for someone who is burning with an idea and full of desire, nothing is impossible, especially since open access located large number books, websites and tutorials.

    What do those who want to learn Chinese from scratch need to know?

    It is advisable for every person who decides to devote his time to this language to become familiar with its structure and features. Theoretical or video materials in the form of an educational film are suitable for this purpose. The method of learning it differs little from any other language.

    According to the rules, mastering a new language is the implementation of all 4 types speech activity. Added to this is knowledge of grammar, which allows you to correctly construct sentences in oral speech. Those who decide to learn Chinese will have to deal with the following aspects of this language:
    • writing system;
    • phonetics;
    • grammar;
    • dialectology;
    • transcription scheme.

    It is important to focus on developing speaking skills - this is the key to mastering any language.


    First distinctive feature Chinese – absence and, therefore, letters. It uses hieroglyphs as writing. The difference between them is that each letter of the alphabet denotes a sound and is not a meaning-forming unit unless it is part of a syllable. Hieroglyphs initially did not represent sounds, but only displayed meaning.

    Their number in the Chinese language is immense - the latest editions of the dictionary contain about 90,000 characters. But this does not mean that you need to know them all: not all native speakers have such extensive knowledge. Residents of villages and suburbs know on average from 1500 to 2000, city employees - up to 3 thousand characters. It is enough for a beginner to own 1500-2000 for normal communication on everyday topics.


    The main aspect of the phonetic structure of the Chinese language is its tones. There are 4 main ones, the additional 5th is neutral. A special transcription, where words are written in Latin, helps to master pronunciation. But there is a difference in pronunciation between the original.

    A simple layman and a beginner in the Chinese language is generally surprised by the presence of a tone system and makes him doubt his abilities. Due to the similarity in pronunciation, a lot of homophones arose - words that sound identical. For an outsider and a beginner, all 4 intonations are no different by ear.

    Chinese tones:

    • 1st tone

    It is pronounced slowly and drawn out, the melody is high. Gives the impression that the sentence is unfinished.

    • 2nd tone

    Intonation during articulation rises from medium to high level, as in questioning or asking again.

    • 3rd tone

    First, the tonality of the phrase decreases, and then sharply rises to a medium level and resembles the emotion of bewilderment.

    • 4th tone

    The direction of intonation is falling, with notes of the imperative mood.

    • 5th, neutral tone

    It is pronounced easily and occurs at the end of words and unstressed vowels.

    If you plan to start learning Chinese, then it is advisable to pay special attention to the phonetic aspect: listen to live speech on recordings, find native speakers for communication, record yourself on a voice recorder and correct mistakes.


    There is little here that resembles the grammar of the Russian language; there are no conjugations, cases or moods. But the order of words in sentences is strictly determined and their places cannot be changed.

    Sometimes it is difficult to catch the difference in tenses, although there are only 2 of them. The invariability of words is compensated by a large number of affixes and function words, some of which change their affiliation with parts of speech.


    The existence of modified versions of one language within a country is normal. But in China it has taken such a turn that residents of remote areas can hardly understand each other’s speech. In the northern regions the language is similar, but in the south of the country each village has its own dialect.

    This situation is simplified a little by hieroglyphs, thanks to their semantic distinguishing function. Because of language problem, the state approved the official version of the language - Putonghua, created on the basis of the Beijing dialect.


    It is impossible to study a language at home without knowing the transcription - Pinyin. This system is accepted by all countries of the world and is official. All hieroglyphs with it are indicated in Latin letters, in some versions the tone is also written down and there is voice acting by native speakers. On initial stages it is impossible to do without it.

    How to learn Chinese from scratch on your own?

    If it is not possible to visit language courses, then it is quite possible to master the language at home. In order for the lessons to be effective, the following principles should be understood:

    Regularity of classes. It is advisable to contact your tongue every day or at least every other day. But this does not mean that you need to sit for 2-3 hours. To teach effectively new language A 60 minute lesson is enough. Important role plays diligence, perseverance on the way to your goal. Difficulties should not discourage you from learning.

    It is necessary to draw up a lesson plan. You should not try to learn everything quickly; it is not known how long the process will take in each case. You will be able to speak the language normally no sooner than in 1-2 years.

    For successful learning at home, textbooks and technical teaching aids are indispensable.

    Language self-teacher

    Previously, this concept meant only paper publications. But they are not enough for complete immersion in the sphere of the language, so it is advisable to use additional tutorials from the following groups:

    1. Video courses on Youtube and other portals.
    2. Websites dedicated to the Chinese language that provide freely accessible text information, exercises, and audio materials.
    3. Theoretical textbooks in Russian “Learning Chinese from scratch”, “Self-instruction manual for beginners”.

    You can also install applications on your phone and start classes at any time.

    Difficulties in learning

    For a Russian-speaking person, getting to know something new, different from native language, can be difficult. The first snag arises in understanding hieroglyphs.

    The second factor is pronunciation. If in another language incorrect pronunciation does not cause problems with understanding for a native speaker, then in Chinese everything is different - the interlocutor may simply understand the person incorrectly. A random change in intonation is a distortion of the meaning of the statement.

    Testing for beginners as a form of training

    This method of testing knowledge really helps students remember the material faster. Most tutorials contain testing after each topic covered. It allows you to test and develop the following skills:

    • recognition of hieroglyphs and their meaning;
    • memorization appearance signs;
    • distinguishing them by ear when supplementing the test with an audio recording.

    Those who have learned the basics of the language and have been studying it for at least 1 year recommend taking state exam in test form - HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi). It is designed for different levels of knowledge and has 6 difficulty options.

    Chinese for children

    Educate a child foreign languages With early age- the right decision, because their brain is developing and is open to new information. It is easier for them to understand and remember the correct pronunciation of hieroglyphs, their spelling and the principles of composing constructions. Classes should last as long as the child wants, no more than 30 minutes.

    The key factor is interest, which is fueled by the following forms of training:

    1. Game room - activities with cards, children's videos. Involved in the work imaginative thinking and memorization occurs faster.
    2. Self-instruction books that provide a minimum of information in a form that is interesting to the child.

    It is not necessary to send your children to school; you can study quite calmly at home. At this age, there is no need to force children to quickly understand a large amount of information.

    Programs to study

    With the development of technology, it has become easy to learn Chinese without going to school or doing long and difficult exercises from textbooks. Portable software comes to the rescue.

    It was originally launched as just a website in 2005. Gradually it began to expand and be filled with material, and mobile applications were created. There are a large number of audio and video recordings of Chinese speech, grammar lessons, dialogues with comments and explanations.

    ABCs of Chinese

    This service is designed for studying hieroglyphs using the card method, on which the outline of the sign is depicted on one side, and an explanation on the other. The peculiarity of this site is that the tasks are aimed at drawing attention to hidden images and unraveling the meaning with the help of them.


    Best free electronic dictionary for all operating systems. You can draw the hieroglyph yourself or find it in the list and the dictionary will display all the meanings and example sentences. For each sign, a drawing diagram is shown, which allows you to learn how to draw them correctly. The instant translation function from the camera works.


    Online dictionary with examples of words. An alternative to the Pleco service, only on a computer. Each hieroglyph is shown in context, which helps differentiate usage.


    This is analogous to ABCs of Chinese. Memorization material is provided on cards. The advantage is that the system analyzes the user's answers and determines those with the most errors. They are shown more often during the next lesson. IN personal account your own sets are created, and you can also add a picture to each hieroglyph - this makes recognition easier. The ideal Chinese learning system for beginners.

    Language Exchange

    This is a kind of chat between native speakers and those who are just learning. It’s easy to participate in it - just in the search bar on Facebook or another social network you need to enter “language exchange” and find interlocutors. You can find special services dedicated to live communication.

    TV shows and films

    This step is only suitable for those who have already learned the basics and can easily recognize speech by ear. Any talk shows, films, children's cartoons are suitable for viewing. It is not necessary to always understand all the phrases spoken; it is important to grasp the general meaning and accustom your hearing to speech.


    This is a web browser extension that allows you to translate words and phrases without copying them into a translator. This saves time and allows you to read articles, blogs, newspapers and use Chinese websites.


    After a detailed acquaintance with the system and features of the language, the question “How to learn Chinese?” no longer seems so complicated and confusing. It is important to give yourself motivation, plan your classes correctly and select material, which is abundant on the Internet. Learning to speak Chinese without attending courses is a matter of time.

    Chinese language tutorial

    This article will be useful to those who have decided to learn Chinese on their own and, accordingly, are looking for the best one for themselves. Chinese language tutorial for beginners. In fact, on the Internet you can find a lot of literature on the Chinese language for any level of knowledge. But this will probably confuse more than help. After all, those who are just starting to learn the language are unaware of many of the nuances and variety of methods for learning the Chinese language.

    I advise you to definitely look at various forums, where experienced students will tell you how to choose a Chinese language tutorial for beginners. I, in turn, want to tell you about several main and most popular publications.

    Practical course of the Chinese language by Kondrashevsky A.F.

    This Chinese language tutorial for beginners is considered almost the most popular in Russia. The fact is that the publication of this manual is regularly updated and improved in accordance with the latest requirements. The main objective of the textbook is to provide the student with basic knowledge. As for the content of this course, it consists mainly of texts and dialogues regarding everyday life and life in China. Thus, by studying this tutorial, you not only get basic knowledge Chinese language, but also general idea about the culture, traditions and even history of China.

    Kondrashevsky's textbook is written in a language that is easy and understandable even for a schoolchild. The basic rules of grammar and pronunciation are explained in a simple manner. Thanks to this manual, you can really master the basic knowledge on your own.

    It is known that in Chinese it is very important to learn to speak with the correct tone. Taking this into account, the author has prepared an audio disc that is included with each edition. Practical course Chinese language". The disc includes all the textbook materials, namely texts and dialogues, and was recorded exclusively by native speakers, so you don’t have to worry about the correct pronunciation.

    Self-instruction manual of the Chinese language for beginners by Kondrashevsky A.F. also contains basic hieroglyphs that are necessary in the first stages of language learning.

    Generally training manual it was compiled competently and for people, so I can confidently recommend it to you.

    “Basics of the Chinese language” by T.P. Zadoenko, H. Shuin

    As for me, this textbook is the second most popular Chinese language tutorial for beginners. This manual is written in a more strict language, some even consider it boring, but we are still doing serious business, so the textbook should be taken seriously. It contains materials on vocabulary, grammar, phonetics and, of course, hieroglyphs of the Chinese language in accordance with modern requirements. The highlight of the manual is the teaching of rhythm, which you will not find in any other textbook. Otherwise, the structure of the tutorial is very ordinary: the main course, at the end of which there is a dictionary, an index and answers to assignments.

    Milena Karpova “Chinese language self-teacher”

    First, I would like to say a few words about the author of this manual. Milena Karpova is a Chinese language tutor and author of many scientific works with vast experience. Taking this into account, her textbook came out convenient and understandable to everyone. All the material is simply chewed to the bone. Karpova's Chinese language tutorial for beginners also includes an audio CD, which she recorded herself. Each lesson in this textbook contains exercises, tasks and even recipes that allow you to use all types of memory and reduce the time spent studying the material.

    I would like to repeat once again that there is plenty of literature for learning the Chinese language on the Internet, therefore, when choosing a manual, rely on personal requirements and wishes regarding the presentation of material, disclosure and consolidation.