I recently read a little known book Katie Byron "Love what is". Strange that I had never heard of this book before. It is strange that this book is so unpopular.

I really liked the book. I learned a lot from there. And most importantly - A New Look on your life, on loved ones and on surrounding circumstances. Under the influence of "Love what is" I wrote an article "". But in general, the book is not about relationships. And about our perception of reality.

How often do we resist life? How often do we put some inadequate demands on the world?

Katie is sure that all the suffering is from our stories. We made up some kind of story for ourselves and passionately believe in it ... I will not describe Byron Katie's concept in detail, I still will not be able to tell it as clearly and truthfully as it is written in the book. In Katie Byron's Love What Is, the author teaches acceptance. Learn to accept life and the people around you as they are. The author makes it clear that our unwillingness to accept the world does not bring any benefit. It only brings stress. The author proves that a person who has learned to accept will not just lie on the couch and look at the ceiling. He will also continue to improve his life, but to do so without fear, without negativity and without constant stress... Katie Byron shows that you can accept everything. Even a terrible disease, rape or death loved one. Yes, it's hard ... But this is the only way to get rid of stress and continue to live on.

We got it into our heads that people should be honest, responsible, punctual... But people are what they are. And we will constantly suffer, wanting to see in real person our idea of ​​a person. We will constantly be annoyed when a person is late ... Even if he is late absolutely every day. Katie Byron recommends turning all claims to yourself. And accept reality.

Katie Byron's book Loving What Is is not just a theory. There is little theory in it, it is a practical book. Katie gives very clear and effective method . Katie teaches you how to work through your problems using just 4 questions... But I recommend that you master this method. It can dramatically change your life for the better!

Katie Byron teaches freedom. She calls to be released from their inner stories. Free yourself from claims, from illusions... To love what is. Enjoy what you have. No, that doesn't rule out some kind of progress... Read the book, you'll find the answers to all your questions there.

The book is written in the form of dialogues. Katie's dialogues with people who came for consultations. A wide variety of problems are dealt with here ... We can see ourselves behind some of the characters ... After all, in essence, we are all worried about the same thing.

Katie Byron's book Loving What You Have teaches you how to let go of worry. From all the stress. From all fears... She offers to sit down and do some work. What could be better?

Katie loves the truth very much. After reading her book, you will understand that most of our installations are not true ...

I propose to download "Love what is" here on this page.

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The book you hold in your hands can turn your life around or turn out to be an absolutely useless acquisition. What does it depend on? First of all, from you! From your perseverance, curiosity and desire to change something in yourself, in your life or in relationships with other people. A few years ago, this book became a worldwide bestseller. It has been translated into 16 languages ​​and published in more than 30 countries around the world.

The secret of its enormous popularity is that it allows every attentive reader to have at their disposal a specific, understandable and very effective "tool" for independent decision any life task. With its help, you will be able to "put the correct diagnosis and write out a healing prescription" to yourself even in the most "hopeless" situation. By following the recommendations in the book and performing the suggested exercises, you will gain a new perspective on many personal problems and will be able to quickly find the best ways to solve them.

Book Reviews

1. A few basic principles

2. Great denouement

3. Introduction to dialogues

4. Doing the Work for Couples and Family Life

5. Deepen research

6. Performing Work in relation to professional activity and money

7. Doing the Work in relation to self-condemnation

8. Doing Work with Children

9. Doing the Work on Core Beliefs

10. Doing the Work on any thought or situation

11. Doing the Work in relation to the body and addictions

12. Make friends with the worst thing that can happen.

13. Questions and answers

14. Work in your life


Independent performance of the Work

Book Reviews

"Oh my God! Where did this Byron Katie come from? She is completely genuine. Her Work amazingly effective. It is a simple, direct antidote to the suffering we needlessly create for ourselves. It does not ask us to believe in something, but offers a surprisingly effective and simple way to cut through the tangle of delusions that entangle us. It was only by reading the dialogues in Loving What Is that I was able to accept some things that I had never wanted to accept before. I stop torturing myself, as it happened before, when I was unconscious.

The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki

“Imagine if you could find an easy way to embrace your life with joy, stop arguing with reality, and achieve serenity in the midst of chaos. That is what the book "Loving What Is" suggests. It's nothing more, nothing less than a revolutionary way to live your life. The only question is, do you have the courage to accept it?

“The book “Love what is” is filled with real wisdom. Work Katie is a wonderful transformational practice for those interested in spiritual growth."

“Byron Katie's work is a great blessing to our planet. The root cause of suffering lies in identifying ourselves with the thoughts, with the "stories" that are constantly running through our mind. Work, like a sharpened sword, cuts through this illusion and allows you to know for yourself the timeless essence of your being. It radiates the joy, peace, and love of your natural state. The book Loving What Is gives you the key. You just have to use it."

Dedicated to Adam Joseph Lewis and Michael


The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you love what is.

Baruch Spinoza

When I first observed The Work, I realized that I was witnessing something truly remarkable. I have seen many people, very different in age and educational level, learn to examine their own thoughts - the thoughts that hurt them the most. This happened with the support of Byron Katie (everyone just calls her Katie), who, with her inherent love and insight, helped people find a way not only to solve painful problems, but also to a state of consciousness in which you can hear the answers to the deepest questions. .

This process had much in common with the classical texts of various spiritual traditions, the study and translation of which I devoted a significant part of my life. The basis of these traditions - and this is evident from works such as the Book of Job, the Tao Te Ching and the Bhagavad Gita - are intense questioning about life and death and the deep, joyful wisdom that comes in the form of an answer. It was this wisdom, it seemed to me, that filled the space from which Katie acted and where she directed people.

From my seat in the crowded room, I watched as five people, men and women, learned to gain freedom by exploring their thoughts that were causing them suffering. These were thoughts like "My husband betrayed me" or "My mother doesn't love me." Simply by asking the four questions and listening to the answers they found within themselves, these people opened their minds to insightful, inclusive, and life-transforming insights.

In forty-five minutes I saw the face of a man who had suffered for decades from anger and hostility towards his alcoholic father brighten and revive.

I saw how, by the end of the session, a light of understanding and acceptance was lit in a woman who could hardly speak, after learning that her tumor had metastasized.

Three of these five people had never exercised before. work, however, it was not noticed at all that this process was more difficult for them than for the other two, or that their awareness was less deep. They all began with the realization of a fundamental truth that is at the root of foundations and is usually invisible, from the fact that (in the words of the Greek philosopher Epictetus) we are not concerned with what is happening to us, but with our thoughts about it. As soon as they internalized this truth, their whole understanding changed.

People, until they experience work Byron Katie on her own is often thought to be too simple to be effective. But it is this simplicity that makes it so effective. In the two years since we first met Katie (now married), I have done many work with my thoughts, which I had not even been aware of before. And I have witnessed over a thousand people doing this publicly in workshops and meetings all over the United States and Europe. They performed work on a very wide range of issues, from serious illness, death of parents and children, sexual and psychological abuse, addictions, financial insecurity, professional and social difficulties to ordinary turmoil Everyday life. Every time I saw Work is rapidly and radically transforming the way people think about their problems. And as the thinking changed, the problems disappeared.

“Suffering is optional,” Katie says. When we experience stressful emotions, from simple discomfort to deep grief, anger or despair, we can be sure that our reaction is caused by a certain thought, whether we realize it or not. The way to get rid of stress is to explore the thoughts behind it. Anyone can do it themselves with paper and a pen.

The four questions used in work, which you will find in this introduction show exactly where our thoughts are not true for us. Through this process - Katie also calls it "research" - we discover that many of the concepts and judgments we believe in or take for granted often distort the reality. When we believe our thoughts and not what is actually true for us, we experience the emotional breakdown we call suffering. Suffering is a natural signal that warns us that we are in the grip of some thought. When we don't listen to it, we begin to accept suffering as an inevitable part of life. It is not right.

Work bears a striking resemblance to the Zen koans and dialogues of Socrates. But behind it is not worth any tradition - Eastern or Western. This is a purely American invention, an original approach, born in the head of an ordinary woman who had no intention of creating anything.

Here you can read books by Byron Katie online or download them for free. Books "I need your love - is it so?" and "Joy has a thousand names: I + Peace = Harmony" can also be listened to in audio format. The text formats of the books have been brought to a readable form, including the arrangement of footnotes, citations, sections, tables of contents, most of the recognition errors have also been corrected.

In 2009-2010, the Sofia publishing house released Byron Katie's best-selling books (the first 3 on the list) and since then they have not been reprinted, for several years these books have not been on sale in paper form. The 4th and 5th books on the list were not published in Russia, the translation of the books is amateurish.

Loving what is: Four questions that can change your life

This book is for a complete acquaintance with the Byron Katie method, it shows the Work in great detail and with examples. This book is a worldwide bestseller. It has been translated into 16 languages ​​and published in more than 30 countries around the world.

The secret of its enormous popularity is that it allows every attentive reader to get at their disposal a specific, understandable and very effective “tool” for independently solving any life problems. With its help, you will be able to "put the correct diagnosis and write out a healing prescription" to yourself even in the most "hopeless" situation. By following the recommendations in the book and performing the suggested exercises, you will gain a new perspective on many personal problems and will be able to quickly find the best ways to solve them.

I need your love - is it?

This book is devoted to only one topic - Love. Byron Katie highlighted this topic, since all people spend a huge amount of their strength and vitality to receive love, namely approval and recognition from the people around them. This search for love has gone so deep into us that sometimes we don't even notice it. In this book, Byron Katie shows how to apply the method to this topic, and also gives many exercises to help you see and realize your desire for the love of other people, trying to please them, to impress them.

When you finally examine your thoughts about love, you realize that the world is much kinder than you imagined, and there is no need to fall asleep in fear and wake up in anxiety. When you really start to look around you, it turns out that the world is full of love - and this love is limitless.

Joy has a thousand names: Me + Peace = Harmony

This book differs from the previous two, in which Byron Katie comments on passages from the Tao Te Ching. Her husband Stephen Mitchell chose fragments from an ancient Chinese manuscript written by Lao Tzu two and a half millennia ago about the most important issues that face a person: life and death, good and evil, love, work, self-satisfaction. Byron Katie expressed her vision on these timeless themes in her own original way.

Mind at home with yourself

(translation of the main part of the book without examples of the Work)

This book by Byron Katie was published in 2017. It is structured around the Diamond Sutra, one of the most profound ancient Buddhist texts. The text of the Diamond Sutra given in this book is not a literal translation of the sutra, it is an adapted version of the sutra, which was written by Byron Katie's husband, Stephen Mitchell.

Byron Katie comments on each chapter of the Diamond Sutra, giving personal examples from his life, thus the truths of the Diamond Sutra become more vivid and understandable. Byron Katie doesn't just describe the awakened mind here, she makes it possible to see and feel it in action. This book opens up a whole new perspective on life and death.

Mind at Home with Yourself is a book about generosity. About how we can be generous not only occasionally, but constantly, every day of our lives. How generosity can become as natural as breathing.


The book you hold in your hands can turn your life around or turn out to be an absolutely useless acquisition. What does it depend on? First of all, from you! From your perseverance, curiosity and desire to change something in yourself, in your life or in relationships with other people. A few years ago, this book became a worldwide bestseller. It has been translated into 16 languages ​​and published in more than 30 countries around the world.

The secret of its enormous popularity is that it allows every attentive reader to get at their disposal a specific, understandable and very effective “tool” for independently solving any life problems. With its help, you will be able to "put the correct diagnosis and write out a healing prescription" to yourself even in the most "hopeless" situation. By following the recommendations in the book and performing the suggested exercises, you will gain a new perspective on many personal problems and will be able to quickly find the best ways to solve them.

Book Reviews

1. A few basic principles

2. Great denouement

3. Introduction to dialogues

4. Doing the Work for Couples and Family Life

5. Deepen research

6. Performing the Work in relation to professional activity and money

7. Doing the Work in relation to self-condemnation

8. Doing Work with Children

9. Doing the Work on Core Beliefs

10. Doing the Work on any thought or situation

11. Doing the Work in relation to the body and addictions

12. Make friends with the worst thing that can happen.

13. Questions and answers

14. Work in your life


Independent performance of the Work

Book Reviews

"Oh my God! Where did this Byron Katie come from? She is completely genuine. Her Work amazingly effective. It is a simple, direct antidote to the suffering we needlessly create for ourselves. It does not ask us to believe in something, but offers a surprisingly effective and simple way to cut through the tangle of delusions that entangle us. It was only by reading the dialogues in Loving What Is that I was able to accept some things that I had never wanted to accept before. I stop torturing myself, as it happened before, when I was unconscious.

The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki

“Imagine if you could find an easy way to embrace your life with joy, stop arguing with reality, and achieve serenity in the midst of chaos. That is what the book "Loving What Is" suggests. It's nothing more, nothing less than a revolutionary way to live your life. The only question is, do you have the courage to accept it?

“The book “Love what is” is filled with real wisdom. Work Katie is a wonderful transformational practice for those interested in spiritual growth."

“Byron Katie's work is a great blessing to our planet. The root cause of suffering lies in identifying ourselves with the thoughts, with the "stories" that are constantly running through our mind. Work, like a sharpened sword, cuts through this illusion and allows you to know for yourself the timeless essence of your being. It radiates the joy, peace, and love of your natural state. The book Loving What Is gives you the key. You just have to use it."

Dedicated to Adam Joseph Lewis and Michael


The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you love what is.

Baruch Spinoza

When I first observed The Work, I realized that I was witnessing something truly remarkable. I have seen many people, very different in age and educational level, learn to examine their own thoughts - the thoughts that hurt them the most. This happened with the support of Byron Katie (everyone just calls her Katie), who, with her inherent love and insight, helped people find a way not only to solve painful problems, but also to a state of consciousness in which you can hear the answers to the deepest questions. .

This process had much in common with the classical texts of various spiritual traditions, the study and translation of which I devoted a significant part of my life. The basis of these traditions - and this is evident from works such as the Book of Job, the Tao Te Ching and the Bhagavad Gita - are intense questioning about life and death and the deep, joyful wisdom that comes in the form of an answer. It was this wisdom, it seemed to me, that filled the space from which Katie acted and where she directed people.

From my seat in the crowded room, I watched as five people, men and women, learned to gain freedom by exploring their thoughts that were causing them suffering. These were thoughts like "My husband betrayed me" or "My mother doesn't love me." Simply by asking the four questions and listening to the answers they found within themselves, these people opened their minds to insightful, inclusive, and life-transforming insights.

In forty-five minutes I saw the face of a man who had suffered for decades from anger and hostility towards his alcoholic father brighten and revive.

I saw how, by the end of the session, a light of understanding and acceptance was lit in a woman who could hardly speak, after learning that her tumor had metastasized.

Three of these five people had never exercised before. work, however, it was not noticed at all that this process was more difficult for them than for the other two, or that their awareness was less deep. They all began with the realization of a fundamental truth that is at the root of foundations and is usually invisible, from the fact that (in the words of the Greek philosopher Epictetus) we are not concerned with what is happening to us, but with our thoughts about it. As soon as they internalized this truth, their whole understanding changed.

People, until they experience work Byron Katie on her own is often thought to be too simple to be effective. But it is this simplicity that makes it so effective. In the two years since we first met Katie (now married), I have done many work with my thoughts, which I had not even been aware of before. And I have witnessed over a thousand people doing this publicly in workshops and meetings all over the United States and Europe. They performed work on a very wide range of issues, from serious illness, death of parents and children, sexual and psychological abuse, addictions, financial insecurity, professional and social difficulties, to the ordinary turmoil of everyday life. Every time I saw Work is rapidly and radically transforming the way people think about their problems. And as the thinking changed, the problems disappeared.