“Drawings for slides” - Optional course “World of Multimedia Technologies”. Drawings on slides. C) you can transfer the drawing by grabbing the middle with the mouse. Inserting pictures onto a slide. Municipal educational institution average comprehensive school No. 5. 95% of information is perceived by a person through the organs of vision...

“Functions and their graphs” - 3. Tangent function. Trigonometric. The function is defined and continuous over the entire set of real numbers. Definition: Numeric function, given by the formula y = cos x, called cosine. 4.Cotangent function. At the point x = a the function may or may not exist. Definition 1. Let the function y = f(x) be defined on an interval.

"Functions of Several Variables" - Greatest and smallest value functions. Weierstrass's theorem. Internal and boundary points. Limit of a function of 2 variables. Function graph. Theorem. Continuity. Limited area. Open and closed areas. Derivatives of higher orders. Partial derivatives. Partial increments of a function of 2 variables.

“3D drawings on asphalt” - Kurt began creating his first works at the age of 16 in Santa Barbara, where he became addicted to street art. 3d drawings on asphalt. Kurt Wenner is one of the most famous street artists who draws 3D drawings on asphalt using regular crayons. USA. As a young man, Kurt Wenner worked as an illustrator for NASA, where he created initial images of future spacecraft.

“Topic Function” - If students work differently, then the teacher should work with them differently. It is necessary to find out not what the student does not know, but what he knows. Generalization. Synthesis. Unified State Exam results mathematics. Program elective course. Association. Educational and thematic plan (24 hours). Analogy. If a student surpasses a teacher, this is the teacher’s happiness.

Properties and graphs tasks quadratic function cause, as practice shows, serious difficulties. This is quite strange, because they study the quadratic function in the 8th grade, and then throughout the first quarter of the 9th grade they “torment” the properties of the parabola and build its graphs for various parameters.

This is due to the fact that when forcing students to construct parabolas, they practically do not devote time to “reading” the graphs, that is, they do not practice comprehending the information received from the picture. Apparently, it is assumed that, after constructing a dozen or two graphs, a smart student himself will discover and formulate the relationship between the coefficients in the formula and appearance graphic arts. In practice this does not work. For such a generalization, serious experience in mathematical mini-research is required, which most ninth-graders, of course, do not possess. Meanwhile, the State Inspectorate proposes to determine the signs of the coefficients using the schedule.

We will not demand the impossible from schoolchildren and will simply offer one of the algorithms for solving such problems.

So, a function of the form y = ax 2 + bx + c called quadratic, its graph is a parabola. As the name suggests, the main term is ax 2. That is A should not be equal to zero, the remaining coefficients ( b And With) can equal zero.

Let's see how the signs of its coefficients affect the appearance of a parabola.

The simplest dependence for the coefficient A. Most schoolchildren confidently answer: “if A> 0, then the branches of the parabola are directed upward, and if A < 0, - то вниз". Совершенно верно. Ниже приведен график квадратичной функции, у которой A > 0.

y = 0.5x 2 - 3x + 1

In this case A = 0,5

And now for A < 0:

y = - 0.5x2 - 3x + 1

In this case A = - 0,5

Impact of the coefficient With It's also pretty easy to follow. Let's imagine that we want to find the value of a function at a point X= 0. Substitute zero into the formula:

y = a 0 2 + b 0 + c = c. It turns out that y = c. That is With is the ordinate of the point of intersection of the parabola with the y-axis. Typically, this point is easy to find on the graph. And determine whether it lies above zero or below. That is With> 0 or With < 0.

With > 0:

y = x 2 + 4x + 3

With < 0

y = x 2 + 4x - 3

Accordingly, if With= 0, then the parabola will necessarily pass through the origin:

y = x 2 + 4x

More difficult with the parameter b. The point at which we will find it depends not only on b but also from A. This is the top of the parabola. Its abscissa (axis coordinate X) is found by the formula x in = - b/(2a). Thus, b = - 2ax in. That is, we proceed as follows: we find the vertex of the parabola on the graph, determine the sign of its abscissa, that is, we look to the right of zero ( x in> 0) or to the left ( x in < 0) она лежит.

However, that's not all. We also need to pay attention to the sign of the coefficient A. That is, look at where the branches of the parabola are directed. And only after that, according to the formula b = - 2ax in determine the sign b.

Let's look at an example:

The branches are directed upwards, which means A> 0, the parabola intersects the axis at below zero means With < 0, вершина параболы лежит правее нуля. Следовательно, x in> 0. So b = - 2ax in = -++ = -. b < 0. Окончательно имеем: A > 0, b < 0, With < 0.

Linear function called a function of the form y = kx + b, defined on the set of all real numbers. Here k– slope ( real number), b free member(real number), x– independent variable.

In the special case, if k = 0, we obtain a constant function y = b, the graph of which is a straight line parallel to the Ox axis passing through the point with coordinates (0; b).

If b = 0, then we get the function y = kx, which is direct proportionality.

bsegment length, which is cut off by a straight line along the Oy axis, counting from the origin.

Geometric meaning of the coefficient ktilt angle straight to the positive direction of the Ox axis, considered counterclockwise.

Properties of a linear function:

1) The domain of definition of a linear function is the entire real axis;

2) If k ≠ 0, then the range of values ​​of the linear function is the entire real axis. If k = 0, then the range of values ​​of the linear function consists of the number b;

3) Evenness and oddness of a linear function depend on the values ​​of the coefficients k And b.

a) b ≠ 0, k = 0, hence, y = b – even;

b) b = 0, k ≠ 0, hence y = kx – odd;

c) b ≠ 0, k ≠ 0, hence y = kx + b – function of general form;

d) b = 0, k = 0, hence y = 0 – both even and odd functions.

4) A linear function does not have the property of periodicity;

5) Intersection points with coordinate axes:

Ox: y = kx + b = 0, x = -b/k, hence (-b/k; 0)– point of intersection with the abscissa axis.

Oy: y = 0k + b = b, hence (0; b)– point of intersection with the ordinate axis.

Note: If b = 0 And k = 0, then the function y = 0 goes to zero for any value of the variable X. If b ≠ 0 And k = 0, then the function y = b does not vanish for any value of the variable X.

6) The intervals of constancy of sign depend on the coefficient k.

a) k > 0; kx + b > 0, kx > -b, x > -b/k.

y = kx + b– positive when x from (-b/k; +∞),

y = kx + b– negative when x from (-∞; -b/k).

b) k< 0; kx + b < 0, kx < -b, x < -b/k.

y = kx + b– positive when x from (-∞; -b/k),

y = kx + b– negative when x from (-b/k; +∞).

c) k = 0, b > 0; y = kx + b positive over the entire definition range,

k = 0, b< 0; y = kx + b negative throughout the entire range of definition.

7) The intervals of monotonicity of a linear function depend on the coefficient k.

k > 0, hence y = kx + b increases throughout the entire domain of definition,

k< 0 , hence y = kx + b decreases over the entire domain of definition.

8) The graph of a linear function is a straight line. To construct a straight line, it is enough to know two points. The position of the straight line on the coordinate plane depends on the values ​​of the coefficients k And b. Below is a table that clearly illustrates this.

A linear function is a function of the form y=kx+b, where x is the independent variable, k and b are any numbers.
The graph of a linear function is a straight line.

1. To build graph of a function, we need the coordinates of two points belonging to the graph of the function. To find them, you need to take two x values, substitute them into the function equation, and use them to calculate the corresponding y values.

For example, to plot the function y= x+2, it is convenient to take x=0 and x=3, then the ordinates of these points will be equal to y=2 and y=3. We get points A(0;2) and B(3;3). Let's connect them and get a graph of the function y= x+2:

2. In the formula y=kx+b, the number k is called the proportionality coefficient:
if k>0, then the function y=kx+b increases
if k
Coefficient b shows the displacement of the function graph along the OY axis:
if b>0, then the graph of the function y=kx+b is obtained from the graph of the function y=kx by shifting b units upward along the OY axis
if b
The figure below shows the graphs of the functions y=2x+3; y= ½ x+3; y=x+3

Note that in all these functions the coefficient k Above zero, and the functions are increasing. Moreover, the greater the value of k, the greater the angle of inclination of the straight line to the positive direction of the OX axis.

In all functions b=3 - and we see that all graphs intersect the OY axis at point (0;3)

Now consider the graphs of the functions y=-2x+3; y=- ½ x+3; y=-x+3

This time in all functions the coefficient k less than zero and functions are decreasing. Coefficient b=3, and the graphs, as in the previous case, intersect the OY axis at point (0;3)

Consider the graphs of the functions y=2x+3; y=2x; y=2x-3

Now in all function equations the coefficients k are equal to 2. And we got three parallel lines.

But the coefficients b are different, and these graphs intersect the OY axis at different points:
The graph of the function y=2x+3 (b=3) intersects the OY axis at point (0;3)
The graph of the function y=2x (b=0) intersects the OY axis at the point (0;0) - the origin.
The graph of the function y=2x-3 (b=-3) intersects the OY axis at point (0;-3)

So, if we know the signs of the coefficients k and b, then we can immediately imagine what the graph of the function y=kx+b looks like.
If k 0

If k>0 and b>0, then the graph of the function y=kx+b looks like:

If k>0 and b, then the graph of the function y=kx+b looks like:

If k, then the graph of the function y=kx+b looks like:

If k=0, then the function y=kx+b turns into the function y=b and its graph looks like:

The ordinates of all points on the graph of the function y=b are equal to b If b=0, then the graph of the function y=kx (direct proportionality) passes through the origin:

3. Let us separately note the graph of the equation x=a. The graph of this equation is a straight line parallel to the OY axis, all points of which have an abscissa x=a.

For example, the graph of the equation x=3 looks like this:
Attention! The equation x=a is not a function, so one value of the argument corresponds different meanings functions, which does not correspond to the definition of a function.

4. Condition for parallelism of two lines:

The graph of the function y=k 1 x+b 1 is parallel to the graph of the function y=k 2 x+b 2 if k 1 =k 2

5. The condition for two straight lines to be perpendicular:

The graph of the function y=k 1 x+b 1 is perpendicular to the graph of the function y=k 2 x+b 2 if k 1 *k 2 =-1 or k 1 =-1/k 2

6. Points of intersection of the graph of the function y=kx+b with the coordinate axes.

With OY axis. The abscissa of any point belonging to the OY axis is equal to zero. Therefore, to find the point of intersection with the OY axis, you need to substitute zero in the equation of the function instead of x. We get y=b. That is, the point of intersection with the OY axis has coordinates (0; b).

With OX axis: The ordinate of any point belonging to the OX axis is zero. Therefore, to find the point of intersection with the OX axis, you need to substitute zero in the equation of the function instead of y. We get 0=kx+b. Hence x=-b/k. That is, the point of intersection with the OX axis has coordinates (-b/k;0):

5. Monomial The product of numeric and alphabetic factors is called. Coefficient is called the numerical factor of a monomial.

6. To write a monomial in standard form, you need to: 1) Multiply the numerical factors and put their product in first place; 2) Multiply powers with on the same grounds and place the resulting product after the numerical factor.

7. A polynomial is called algebraic sum of several monomials.

8. To multiply a monomial by a polynomial, You need to multiply the monomial by each term of the polynomial and add the resulting products.

9. To multiply a polynomial by a polynomial, It is necessary to multiply each term of one polynomial by each term of another polynomial and add the resulting products.

10. Through any two points you can draw a straight line, and only one.

11. Two straight lines or have only one common point, or do not have common points.

12. Two geometric figures are called equal if they can be combined by overlapping.

13. The point on a segment that divides it in half, that is, into two equal segments, is called the midpoint of the segment.

14. A ray emanating from the vertex of an angle and dividing it into two equal angles, is called the angle bisector.

15. The rotated angle is 180°.

16. An angle is called right if it is equal to 90°.

17. An angle is called acute if it is less than 90°, i.e. less than a right angle.

18. An angle is called obtuse if it is more than 90°, but less than 180°, that is, more than a right angle, but less than a straight angle.

19. Two angles in which one side is common, and the other two are continuations of one another, are called adjacent.

20. The sum of adjacent angles is 180°.

21. Two angles are called vertical if the sides of one angle are continuations of the sides of the other.

22. Vertical angles are equal.

23. Two intersecting lines are called perpendicular (or mutually

perpendicular) if they form four right angles.

24. Two lines perpendicular to a third do not intersect.

25. Factor the polynomial- means to represent it as a product of several monomials and polynomials.

26. Methods of factoring a polynomial:

a) putting the common factor out of brackets,

b) use of abbreviated multiplication formulas,

c) method of grouping.

27.To factor a polynomial by taking the common factor out of brackets, you need:

a) find this common factor,

b) take it out of brackets,

c) divide each term of the polynomial by this factor and add the resulting results.

Signs of equality of triangles

1) If two sides and the angle between them of one triangle are respectively equal to two sides and the angle between them of another triangle, then such triangles are congruent.

2) If a side and two adjacent angles of one triangle are respectively equal to the side and two adjacent angles of another triangle, then such triangles are congruent.

3) If three sides of one triangle are respectively equal to three sides of another triangle, then such triangles are congruent.

Educational minimum

1. Factorization using abbreviated multiplication formulas:

a 2 – b 2 = (a – b) (a + b)

a 3 – b 3 = (a – b) (a 2 + ab + b 2)

a 3 + b 3 = (a + b) (a 2 – ab + b 2)

2. Abbreviated multiplication formulas:

(a + b) 2 =a 2 + 2ab + b 2

(a – b) 2 = a 2 – 2ab + b 2

(a + b) 3 =a 3 + 3a 2 b + 3ab 2 + b 3

(a – b) 3 = a 3 – 3a 2 b + 3ab 2 – b 3

3. The segment connecting the vertex of a triangle with the midpoint of the opposite side is called median triangle.

4. The perpendicular drawn from the vertex of a triangle to the line containing the opposite side is called height triangle.

5. IN isosceles triangle the angles at the base are equal.

6. In an isosceles triangle, the bisector drawn to the base is the median and altitude.

7. Circumference called geometric figure, consisting of all points of the plane located on given distance from this point.

8. A segment connecting the center with any point on the circle is called radius circle .

9. A segment connecting two points on a circle is called chord.

A chord passing through the center of a circle is called diameter

10. Direct proportionality y = kx , Where X – independent variable, To – a non-zero number ( To – proportionality coefficient).

11. Direct proportionality graph is a straight line passing through the origin of coordinates.

12. Linear function is a function that can be given by the formula y = kx + b , Where X – independent variable, To And b - some numbers.

13. Graph of a linear function- this is a straight line.

14 X – function argument (independent variable)

at – function value (dependent variable)

15. At b=0 the function takes the form y=kx, its graph passes through the origin.

At k=0 the function takes the form y=b, its graph is a horizontal line passing through the point ( 0;b).

Correspondence between the graphs of a linear function and the signs of the coefficients k and b

1. Two straight lines in a plane are called parallel, if they don't intersect.