The river, which has become a legend, which only the names of streets remind of, such as Kuznetsky Most, Samotechnaya, Trubnaya, Neglinnaya. I'm talking about Neglinka, which was hidden underground in the 19th century. I am a professional digger and invite you on a joint adventure. We will walk through the mesmerizing brick labyrinths of drains and pipes, through which the murky waters of the river flow in complete darkness.

Dungeon secrets

If you are not afraid to get wet, you are not afraid of pitch darkness and confined spaces, then welcome! I have been studying the undergrounds of Moscow for a long time and will gladly share what is inaccessible to ordinary residents of the capital. I will issue the necessary equipment, a personal flashlight and monitor safety along the entire route. After descending into the depths of Moscow, you can enjoy the views of Neglinka. The tour takes place in a small group, so everyone will be comfortable.

Route plan

Descent down the old brick collector 3 km long early XIX century, a visit to the collector in 1906 at the Catherine Garden, the “Pipe” collector, a concrete collector built in 1974-89 and the Schekotovsky tunnel.

It's important to know

Sorry, but the tour is only available to those who are over 18 years old, this is very strict. I do not recommend the descent for those who are claustrophobic. There is no transfer to the meeting point. For your safety, we may suspend ticket sales in bad weather conditions. The tour will only take place if at least two people have signed up for it. And it is held only in Russian, foreigners can invite an interpreter for free.

Excursion to the underground! Intrigued?

In fact, there is nothing terrifying and mystical, just a fascinating journey through the underworld of the Neglinka River with its tributaries, estuaries and ... secrets. A three-hour excursion will take you to another dimension and help you immerse yourself in a new world.

First, as it should be, you will undergo useful instructions and see how interesting it is to take a walk through the city underground, to explore those places that until now were accessible only to "diggers" - people who specialize in the study of underground communications. One of the surprises of the excursion route will be the descent to the "Gilyarovsky Trail". In addition, you will be able to inspect the abandoned sanitary sewer construction site.

The most interesting thing is that the excursion will be led by none other than a guide-digger with three years of experience. You will be shown the most Beautiful places Neglinka's underground world and will tell you that traveling through the dungeon can be very safe and very interesting.

All the necessary equipment for the trip will be given to you. Also, if you want to capture your best and colorful moments, you can order the services of a professional photographer for the group. Imagine you're a dungeon conqueror!

Don't forget to take your best photos as well, but keep in mind that it is very dark underground.

Damp and cold, sad and unattractive, this is not about this route.

Excursion in underground Moscow: trembling in the body "> Excursion in underground Moscow: trembling in the body" alt = "(! LANG: A river buried alive Excursion in underground Moscow: trembling in the body!}">

Blogger Enia Kulish (enia) managed to feel like a real digger and visit the undergrounds of Moscow, where a real river flows. Once, only a few initiates who knew the secret passages and exits could get into the Moscow underground. Now they organize excursions there for money

Moscow, a huge metropolis with a long history, is full of various legends ... And the underground river Neglinka is undoubtedly one of them.

The Neglinnaya River, or in the popular way Neglinka, is one of the main attractions of the city of Moscow, and stretches for 7.5 km. However, almost all of it flows underground and specially constructed pipes, which almost completely hides it from human eyes. Hundreds of thousands of people are currently walking along the street, not even suspecting that under their feet the real heritage of their ancestors is hidden, who took care of the favorable living of their descendants and concluded the strange river in a system of underground collectors.

In a quiet park in the very center of Moscow we change into strange waterproof clothes ... Having changed we head to the hatch. It's not far to go down, but all the same, we, clumsy, cause a certain hitch.

There she is! Legend!

We walk along the river bed ... The bottom of our tunnel is a concave brickwork. You can only walk along the very middle of it.

No more water than ankle-deep. The current is very small, but from the habit of walking on the water in heavy boots several sizes larger, when the leg, moreover, dangles freely inside, it is uncomfortable. The bottom of the collector is rather slippery, but exactly in the middle there is a forvator - a path trodden by dozens of predecessors. It is not so slippery to walk on it.

If it rains heavily or pours regularly for several days in a row,
then the water level rises to the ceiling and completely floods the tunnel

The atmosphere here, of course, is specific ... Although the feeling of a garbage dump, as one might think, does not arise. The water underfoot is by no means a dirty muddy color from the decors of gobies, candy wrappers and torn plastic bags, but quite clean, not much different in color from the rivers near Moscow, and even a spring in comparison with the Moscow River ...

When the pouring rain suddenly begins, the wells instantly fill up, and a huge mass of water rushes here. Such a wave easily tears down stairs, drags heavy hatches, etc.

Melon-melon ... Melon-melon ... Strange sounds are self-explanatory. These are cars passing through hatches located on the roadway. It is understandable, but unusual ... The conductor pays no attention to them ...

Here is an illegal insert ... - our guide comments. - Here's another one. But you see the soapy water has gone ... These are car washes ... We generally try to fight illegal insertions, but it's not easy ...

Anyone can come here now. It used to be that Neglinka was cool. We all actually met here and got to know each other. And now real diggers don't come here. Well, perhaps to hang out for old memory ... But this "patison" - the place of the main parties. Digger parties are held here. Sometimes people are packed under a hundred people.

A small nook with a branch tunnel and a reddish-rusty stream flowing out of it, in the understanding of an ordinary person, can hardly be called an excellent place for a party. But in the Digers' world, everything is different.

This is the oldest part of the collector. And the point of no return. It is called the "gate of death." If we go further, we won't be able to go back ... We'll have to climb 50 meters up ... And several steps below fall out of the wall ...

What time is it now? HOW??? It turns out we have been walking for many hours! The head no longer aches a little, but rather hurts from the smells, the darkness of the surrealism of what is happening ...

We still wander from hatch to hatch for some more ... One is closed, the other is dumb, the third is far away and there is no need to return to it ...

In the end, we went out into an open square in the very center of Moscow and, having changed our clothes at lightning speed, scattered in different directions ...

It was an interesting experience! I can't say whether I liked it, whether I would ever want to return there, or go underground by a different route ... but at least once, plunge into the Digger world is definitely worth it!

All the more so now, when advanced diggers take non-trivial excursions there, it is as easy as shelling pears to do it.

Or see them every day on the way to work, then this excursion is for you. I am a professional digger, I like to travel through dark tunnels near Moscow. There are a lot of interesting things here, which I will definitely tell you about (and these are not mutant rats). I will take you along the underground Neglinka River, which has long been hidden from Muscovites. We are investigating several reservoirs of the river. This tour is safe, I will give you everything you need.

A real adventure

The river, which has become a legend, which only the names of streets remind of, such as Kuznetsky Most, Samotechnaya, Trubnaya, Neglinnaya. I'm talking about Neglinka, which was hidden underground in the 19th century. I am a professional digger and invite you on a joint adventure. We will walk through the mesmerizing brick labyrinths of drains and pipes, through which the murky waters of the river flow in complete darkness.

Dungeon secrets

If you are not afraid to get wet, you are not afraid of pitch darkness and confined spaces, then welcome! I have been studying the undergrounds of Moscow for a long time and will gladly share what is inaccessible to ordinary residents of the capital. I will issue the necessary equipment, a personal flashlight and monitor safety along the entire route. After descending into the depths of Moscow, you can enjoy the views of Neglinka. The tour takes place in a small group, so everyone will be comfortable.

Route plan

Descent down the old brick collector 3 km long at the beginning of the 19th century, visiting the collector in 1906 near the Ekaterininsky Garden, the “Pipe” collector, the concrete collector built in 1974-89 and the Schekotovsky tunnel.

It's important to know

Sorry, but the tour is only available to those who are over 18 years old, this is very strict. I do not recommend the descent for those who are claustrophobic. There is no transfer to the meeting point. For your safety, we may suspend ticket sales in bad weather conditions. The tour will only take place if at least two people have signed up for it. And it is held only in Russian, foreigners can invite an interpreter for free.

MEGILLOTH HISTORY == - The Megilloth group was formed in Russia, Nalchik, in early 2006. But the foundation was laid back in 2004, when Frankie and Kamar met and decided to form an amateur Christian gothic rock band "The Occidental Pri". In 2005 it was decided to change the name, style of music, and get down to business more seriously. In 2006, rehearsals for a new group, Megilloth, began. At that time, it consisted of from 3 to 5 people, the style was a combination of gothic, death and thrash metal. At that time, it was the only extreme metal band in the city, as well as the only Christian band. A year later, it became clear that Frankie and Kamar had grown so creatively that there was no point in continuing to work with the rest of the members. Megilloth has evolved into a studio duo. In late 2007, the first official three-track demo "Anguish Inhabitants" was recorded at the Baptist Church studio. This recording was posted on the Internet, received a lot positive feedback and made the group famous in the world Christian metal underground. Megilloth gave a number of interviews and the songs were broadcast by several overseas radio stations. In the second half of 2008, Megilloth began recording their first full-length album at the best studio in Nalchik, IREN records. The drummer was Geert Klaucke of the Dutch bands Docile and Burial Earth. In the same year, the songs were included in 3 different collections of rock music, and the project itself took part in the major regional festival NalRock. In 2010 Megilloth signed a contract for the release of the album "It Was To Happen Once" with one of the leading Russian metal labels, RM records. The disc was designed by the famous artist Vladimir Smerdulak. The materials in the group and the album appeared in the leading music media in Russia, it became possible to buy the disc itself in many large music stores, and part of the album was sent to the United States. In addition to the CD format, in the CIS the album can be bought in MP3 at In the same year Kamar and then Frankie moved to Moscow for permanent residence. A large number of people expected Megilloth to take part in Called to Be First in February 2011, but this did not happen for a number of reasons. In March 2011, Kamar and Frankie ended their cooperation due to a number of disagreements. The rights to the name, logo and part of the intellectual property remained with Frankie, who is currently the only member of Megilloth. V this moment the project continues its activities and prepares new material due out in early 2012. The material will differ from the first album and will be mostly post-metal.