
Constant stress and unpleasant moments lead to fatigue and irritation. In such a state, it is difficult to restrain yourself and not react to the barbs of acquaintances and the comments of colleagues. Yes, and jokes from friends are perceived differently. Accumulating irritation, a person explodes at any little thing: standing in a traffic jam, household noise, rudeness of the seller. Every person needs to let off steam. But often raising the tone, screaming and irritability spills over to the people closest to you. Then I become ashamed of my behavior, I am tormented by remorse, and I am overcome by thoughts of why I could not restrain myself. How to learn to react calmly to everything?

Nerve cells do not recover, everyone knows this. But, in reality, they do not care about their health and allow frequent outbursts of anger. By the way, it is necessary to throw out negative energy. The accumulation of negativity contributes to irritation and inappropriate behavior.

When faced with another unpleasant situation, we are unable to contain our emotions. We begin to get nervous, panic and waste. Then urgent resuscitation is required, and energy is expended. By exposing the body to such changes, we do not add health.

How to learn to react calmly to stressful situations?

Learn to react calmly life situations daily. It is important to break the irritation program and instill a new skill. For extra motivation, look at yourself in the mirror while negative emotions. The reflection will surprise you; instead of a sweet image, a face twisted with anger looks at you. This is the kind of person you will be remembered by others, your husband and children. Then smile at your reflection. Compare the two emotions and draw conclusions. Plus, don’t forget that stress and irritability add wrinkles, and laughter prolongs life. Make the right choices.

11 February 2014, 18:20

Greetings, dear readers! It’s not for nothing that they say that life is like a zebra: one stripe is light and the other is dark. So it is with you and me, sometimes pleasant and cheerful situations happen, and sometimes we find ourselves in bad stories. Let's talk about how to ignore negative people, what to do when you have to communicate with such a person and find out which soil is most favorable for negative energy.

When there's no choice

The easiest way to escape an unpleasant conversation is to get up and leave. But what to do when there is no way to avoid it? How to behave if a colleague is always in conflict at work?

They say the best defense is attack. In this case, a completely wrong strategy. The more you defend yourself and delve deeper into the conflict, the more negativity you will attract to yourself. Your angry reaction will only turn the person on more and make him more and more angry.

On the contrary, you should remain as calm and unemotional as possible. Try not to take the situation too seriously. Firstly, a person in an excited state can say a lot of things that don't really matter. Therefore, let the larger half pass you by. Try not to react to words that hurt you deeply.

Secondly, do not provoke him into an even greater emotional reaction. Your sarcastic smile or grin, retaliatory criticism, or attempt to calm him down may cause another outburst of negativity. Just listen to the person, if you don’t have the opportunity to leave, calmly say that you understand everything, but you need time to think it over.

I have an article that explains in detail how to behave with people who feel hatred or other similar emotions towards you: "".

Partly cloudy

Even in the southernmost regions, sunny weather does not last all year, sometimes clouds cover the sky and it starts to rain. All your life it will be impossible to surround yourself only with pleasant and kind people. Sooner or later you will come across a person who will try to bring negativity into your life. What can you do to minimize its impact on yourself?

Don't take things personally. This is the main and most powerful defense in such a situation. They may throw a lot of whining at you, get personal, and say very unpleasant and disgusting things. Let everything pass by.

You know yourself well enough to understand where the truth about you is and where the unnecessary emotions of a negative person are.

Think about why the person is so angry. One day I was sitting in line at the dentist. A woman came and immediately began to figure out who was sitting behind whom, why they weren’t letting her go forward, she started saying nasty things to everyone, and screamed a lot. She never made it into the office.

I wondered why a woman could behave this way. Maybe she has serious problems at work and she doesn’t know any other way out for her emotions. Or her husband is a drunken alcoholic, and her children are sluts, and she takes out her negativity on strangers in lines, public transport or store.

Don't try to guide a person on the right path. In emotional stress, a person does not take criticism or attempts to help him very well. He begins to get even angrier, sees your words as an attack and bristles more.

What attracts negativity

How to determine what attracted negative energy into your life and where it comes from? First, try to look at yourself from the outside. What is your approach to life? Do you often smile and enjoy little things? Or do you focus on the bad?

In many ways, the person himself has a bad attitude towards life, and thus... We have noticed that kind, open and smiling people are most often surrounded by people who are similar to them. And gloomy and angry comrades are surrounded by nasty and grumpy ones.

Therefore, learn to approach life with a slight note of cheerfulness. My article “” can help you with this. The more positive energy you give, the more you will receive in return. Boomerang effect.

If you have a negative opinion about a situation, try to reconsider it. For example, you have a bad attitude towards bright makeup on a girl. What if this makeup is needed for a fantasy shoot? Or you hate dogs. Think about the good they bring to other people.

I'm not asking you to start being nice. I suggest you get rid of internal negativity. Change it to neutral. The calmer you are about life, the less reason you will have to enter into conflict with a negative person.

The main thing is to be simpler, not to pay attention to bad words addressed to you, not to provoke a person and not to bully him even more. Broaden your horizons, try to think more broadly. Learn to treat evil people with mercy and compassion.

Where do you most often meet negative people? How are they trying to provoke you into conflict? What do you do to maintain your composure?

Look at the world with a smile and it will smile back at you more often.
All the best to you!

Each of us has moments in life when he is visited by thoughts of the following content: “This world is too terrible, too cruel, it is full evil people and those who want to hurt us just because they don’t like us.” Not every person is able to calmly assess the situation and not react in any way to what offends him and touches his heartstrings. It would seem at first glance that we have nowhere to hide from a negative attitude: we are not snails, turtles or oysters. We don't have protective shells, but we can do something... What exactly?

You were rude. What to do?

Well, first of all, don't be rude back. It's better to avoid this. If possible, get out of the uncomfortable zone: stop communicating with this person, go to another room or hang up the phone. If you continue the conversation in a raised tone, both you and he will be nervous.

Then, when you have calmed down, do a deep analysis of what happened. Why did this happen? What made the person show anger towards you? Just don’t engage in self-flagellation, or, conversely, go to the other extreme - blaming others for everything. If you are to blame for something, then the person has every reason to be angry with you, but you can discuss his complaints with him, try to fix everything, and come to an agreement.

Do not rush to evaluate what happened: you will do this only when you have weighed all the pros and cons. Of course, in different situations Both one and the other may be to blame, but do not think that the person who offended you with rude words is to blame for everything. Put yourself in his place and think: it is possible that it would be unpleasant for you to find yourself in a similar situation.

Why are you reacting to this?

It is important to ask yourself this question, because the reasons that are sometimes hidden behind it may greatly surprise you. Perhaps there is no negativity towards you, but you have stereotypes of perception that force you to interpret the actions of people in a given situation differently.

So, the reasons could be the following:

Understand one simple truth: people rarely wish us harm! Even if a person is wearing a sign that says “I am evil walking,” it is more of a way to get attention rather than a shocking confession. Negativity is caused by psychological attitudes and barriers that are installed in our minds on their own, even if you don’t understand it. However, it is your consciousness, and you can destroy these barriers.

If you expect something specific from a person, and he gives you something completely different, it means that you think that your expectations should always be met, and that your opinion stands above everyone else. This already looks like pride. Disputes do not give rise to truth, disputes give rise to negativity, so it is better to turn them into a discussion.

If the whole problem is in a person’s personality, do not find fault with him, but try to accept it. At least for the time when you feel that you are ready to explode from how wrong he is doing everything or not the way you are doing it, assess the situation calmly. Is he as guilty as you think, or are you exaggerating?

In general, the ability to remain cool is very important in a huge number of situations. Even if everything inside you is burning and bubbling, you don’t need to give vent to your emotions at the person who has been rude to you. It is better to release emotional tension in sports or physical labor. Yelling at people and ruining their mood will continue the chain reaction.

What then?

When analysis becomes a habit and you learn to understand what your mistake or fault is, you will be able to timely assess the degree of justice of the rude expressions expressed, and react to them not so much with negativity, but with wisdom.
Well, if this is not your fault and the person has no moral right to be rude to you, then you just have to raise an eyebrow and be surprised at his short-sightedness. If you remain silent, it will have an even greater effect than any harsh words in response. Especially if you show all your bewilderment in just one look, but you need to learn this.

However, be careful: you should not look at people with such disdain in cases where you do not want to hurt them. In general, you should be careful with your loved ones: you don’t want to lose them because of some nonsense committed by one of you two?

Remember that there are not many evil people, just some people will hurt you out of stupidity. This means that there is something about you that they do not understand or do not accept, but you, in turn, are not obliged to change just so that some stupid person will shut up. The most amazing thing is that your offender will be silent only when you stop paying attention to him. Lack of emotional reaction is the most unpleasant punishment for this kind of people.

1. Change your body language

Pay attention to your body when you are overwhelmed by negative emotions. Look at your face: the corners of your mouth are downturned, your forehead is furrowed. How do you hold your back? Are you slouching?

If your head is a breeding ground for negative thoughts, your body will behave accordingly. And when such thoughts become constant, it gets used to this situation. You've probably seen people with a mask of contempt or anger on their face, which persists in any situation.

This also applies in reverse side: a tense body position and a frowning face do not create better mood. This means that your first step to get rid of bad thoughts will be to change your posture and facial expression. Straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Feel where the tension has accumulated in your body, and relax, smile. Within a few moments you will feel that the emotional background is changing.

2. Discuss your feelings

Some people tell everyone about their problems and even relish it. Others keep everything to themselves until the last moment, and then have a nervous breakdown.

If you still have some negative emotions that won’t go away, try telling your loved ones about it. By putting words into words, you give your emotions form and see them in the right perspective. After the conversation, you will be surprised at how stupid it was to worry about the issue voiced, and the negativity will disappear.

3. Stop the flow of thoughts

If a thousand thoughts rush through your head in one minute, it is difficult to decide something for yourself and somehow control it. If you're stuck on the negative, try not thinking about anything at all for just one minute. By paying attention to what's going on in your head and what thoughts dominate there, you can change things.

4. Change the wording

It's amazing how a small change in wording can change the tone of an entire phrase or thought. Compare: “I’m going through a difficult period in my life, I have problems” and “I’m going through a period of changes in my life, I’m looking for better solutions.” The original data did not change, the problems were simply called changes. But who will say that this is not true?

5. Get creative

When you are bombarded with negative thoughts, you can spend some time being creative. It works just like talking, except you don't have to bother anyone with your problems. You can do anything: write prose or poetry, draw with a pencil or paints. , finally.

The release of emotions through creativity is a kind of art therapy that will not only provide relaxation, but also lift your spirits. Negative thoughts will pass through you, take shape and remain in it, not in your head.

6. Take a walk

It often seems that our own head is the only source of negativity. Most often this is true, but it also happens differently. If you are surrounded by toxic people, for example in a family where everyone is constantly fighting and blaming each other, or at work where everyone is on edge, half of the negativity may be due to their mood.

Unless you are a guru, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of difficult thoughts while in such an environment. Therefore, if possible, leave him to calm down. Go out for a walk or go somewhere: to an exhibition, to your favorite cafe, to the cinema - this will help you find.

7. Make a gratitude list

Sometimes we forget about all the good things in our lives. It seems that there is no way out and there is complete failure on all fronts. So, sitting in a cozy and warm apartment, having come from his favorite job, a person may think that his life is a cesspool, and he is a complete loser. And all because of a coincidence of minor troubles during the day or an unfinished project hanging over the soul.

To cope with this condition, write down all the good things in your life, what you stand for. For example: “I am grateful for my appearance and health,” “I am grateful for loving and beloved relatives,” “I am grateful for true friends.”

Look at the resulting list and see for yourself: minor troubles cannot outweigh this.