Considering how often films about global disasters appear, many are wondering: maybe it’s worth starting “just in case” to prepare for something terrible that could endanger the entire civilization. In fact, now you can take care of preparing the essentials.

1. Insurance

In fact, no one expects a fire, flood or major storm to happen, and that is why they neglect insurance. But in the event of a natural disaster, it will be very useful.

2. Food

General rule is that there should always be enough food in the house for each person for three days. At the same time, do not forget about fuel (after all, there may not be electricity or gas). It is also worth taking care of a stock of non-perishable products.

3. Light

Flashlights, extra batteries, solar chargers and flashlights, waterproof matches and candles. All this will come in handy when there is no light.

4. First aid kit

A first aid kit is a must-have in any home, and when selecting medications, the illnesses of all family members must be taken into account. It should also contain bandages, iodine and painkillers.

5. Basic first aid skills

Everyone needs to have basic CPR and basic first aid skills. This will ensure that in an unforeseen situation the person will not get confused and will be able to save the life of a loved one.

6. Know the location of local shelters and evacuation routes

If some kind of disaster occurs, it will be useful to know where the nearest shelter or bomb shelter is located. It is also worth checking in advance the evacuation routes, which were designed specifically taking into account the throughput large quantities people.

7. Diapers and wet wipes

Along with food, you need to have a supply of diapers and wet wipes for each person. However, they should last for at least 72 hours.

8. Solar cell phone charger

Even under normal conditions, it is not uncommon for power lines to be damaged due to strong winds or storms. If the electricity goes out for several days, the phone will not charge itself. And for those who think that in such a situation it will be possible, if necessary, to go to the store and buy a charger, it is worth imagining that a similar idea will come to the minds of hundreds, if not thousands of other people.

9. Tarpaulin, ropes and duct tape

These items can be used to seal broken windows, clean rooms, tie things up, cover holes in the roof, and collect rainwater. And if the situation is particularly critical, then in order to make a shelter.

10. Emergency heat source

Those who live in a country with cold winters should consider purchasing a heat source for their home. At the same time, if a fireplace or wood-burning stove is chosen, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning should be taken into account, i.e., consider a hood.

11. A good multitool or hunting knife

There are a million ways to use these things. They really are suitable for any occasion in life.

12. Emergency suitcase

The main purpose of an emergency kit is to contain everything you need to survive for 72 hours in the event of an evacuation. If someone doesn’t want to put things into a “survival backpack” themselves, then such a kit can be ordered on Amazon.

13. Gasoline

Your car should always have at least a quarter tank of fuel. After all, if a hurricane or forest fire is approaching, you simply won’t be able to get to a gas station.

14. Ability to hear an emergency alert

There are several ways to hear such an alert, with television, text alerts, and radio being the easiest. However, it is also worth considering the possibility of “being in touch” if the electricity suddenly goes out.

15. Water

Every person needs water and this is the thing that needs to be taken care of first. The minimum amount per person per day (for drinking, cooking and washing) is 4 liters. The minimum supply of water should be for three days.

An appeal from US President Barack Obama appeared on the official website of the White House, in which he declared September 2016 to be the month of preparation for global disasters. This announcement caused a mixed reaction among the American population. US citizens believe that with this announcement the president decided to prepare the country's population for a real global catastrophe without causing panic.

Moreover, recently German Chancellor Angela Merkel also appealed to citizens to have an emergency supply of water and food.

Here is the translation of the text of the appeal itself

Americans have been tested by trial and tragedy from our earliest days, but year after year, no matter the difficulty, we will persevere and move forward. Fifteen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, we think about our power when something threatens us.

Today, as Louisiana residents mourn the loss of loved ones and face massive damage caused by historic flooding, we are reminded of what Americans do in times like these...we see the power of love and community among neighbors who step up to help under extremely difficult conditions.

Preparing to meet the unknown challenges of tomorrow is our common task, and when faced with a crisis or disaster, we must do everything we can to prepare. During National Preparedness Month, we emphasize the importance of preparing ourselves and our communities to be resilient in the face of any emergency we may face.

While my Administration continues to do everything possible to keep the American people safe, it is every citizen's responsibility to be as prepared as possible. emergency situations. Whether in the form of natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, or terrible manifestations of evil such as terrorism, danger can arise in unexpected places and at any time.

Fortunately, there are many things individuals, families and communities can do to improve their preparedness. I encourage all Americans to take proactive steps to prepare for any situation that may arise:

Be prepared for emergency notification, check insurance, document valuables, create a plan for emergency communications and evacuation, and have a fully stocked emergency survival kit in the event of a global disaster.

And I call on the business community to prepare their employees, develop a business continuity plan, and participate in community planning to ensure our communities and the private sector remain strong in the face of an emergency. For information on how to better prepare for emergencies that are common in your area or to learn about resources that may be available to improve preparedness, visit or

In the face of unpredictable threats and risks, we are committed to improving access to information and raising awareness of the importance of precautions. Our nation's leaders must take time to review the 2016 National Preparedness Report and find ways to address the vulnerabilities it highlights. All Americans can play a role in achieving national preparedness goals to address the risks that affect them and participate in preparedness efforts throughout our country.

We continue to cooperate with government and local authorities, in the public and private sectors, so that communities in crisis are not left alone to face these dangers alone. In addition to coordinating relief and rapid response efforts, we are focused on supporting the needs of survivors investing in affected areas and helping them rebuild their communities to be better, stronger and more resilient. Federal agencies also work to share resources with the public, promote tools and technologies that can help during natural disasters, and prepare strategies.

We've launched America's Emergency Preparedness Month! Join forces and help us plan for emergencies and we must get everything done by September 30th, we encourage everyone to consider this a national day of action to spur preparedness efforts from coast to coast.

Disasters are becoming more frequent and severe as our climate changes, both urban and rural areas already feel catastrophic consequences, including drought and rising sea levels, more intense storms and fires, and more powerful hurricanes and heat waves. Climate change poses an immediate and lasting threat to our security and national security, and it is critical that we invest in infrastructure and integrate preparedness efforts in our communities to improve our ability to respond to and recover from the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events.

This month we pay tribute to the brave people who rush to the scene of a disaster for their dedication to our safety, no matter the risk. Let's recognize that each of us has a role to play in preparing for emergencies, helping those affected by disasters, and ensuring all of our people have the resources and knowledge they need to protect themselves. Together, we will remain strong and resilient no matter what comes our way.

Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do proclaim September 2016 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans to recognize the importance of preparedness and work together to increase our resilience and readiness.

An appeal from US President Barack Obama appeared on the official website of the White House, in which he announced September 2016 - month of preparation for global disasters. This announcement caused a mixed reaction among the American population... US citizens believe that with this announcement the president decided to prepare the country's population for an impending global catastrophe without causing panic.
Moreover, recently German Chancellor Angela Merkel also appealed to citizens to have a 10-day emergency supply of water and food...



Americans have been tested by trial and tragedy from our earliest days, but year after year, no matter the difficulty, we will persevere and move forward. Fifteen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, we think about our power when something threatens us.

Today, as Louisiana residents mourn the loss of loved ones and face massive damage caused by historic flooding, we are reminded of what Americans do in times like these...we see the power of love and community among neighbors who step up to help under extremely difficult conditions.

Preparing to face the unknown challenges of tomorrow is our shared responsibility, and when faced with a crisis or disaster, we must do everything we can to prepare. During National Preparedness Month, we emphasize the importance of preparing ourselves and our communities to be resilient in the face of any emergency we may face.

While my Administration continues to do everything possible to keep the American people safe, it is every citizen's responsibility to be as prepared as possible for emergencies. Whether in the form of natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, or terrible manifestations of evil such as terrorism, danger can arise in unexpected places and at any time.

Fortunately, there are many things individuals, families and communities can do to improve their preparedness. I encourage all Americans to take proactive steps to prepare for any situation that may arise:

Be prepared for emergency notification, check insurance, document valuables, create a plan for emergency communications and evacuation, and have a fully stocked emergency survival kit in case of a global disaster.

And I call on the business community to prepare their employees, develop a business continuity plan, and participate in community planning to ensure our communities and the private sector remain strong in the face of an emergency. For information on how to better prepare for emergencies that are common in your area or to learn about resources that may be available to improve preparedness, visit or

In the face of unpredictable threats and risks, we are committed to improving access to information and raising awareness of the importance of precautions. Our nation's leaders must take time to review the 2016 National Preparedness Report and find ways to address the vulnerabilities it highlights. All Americans can play a role in achieving national preparedness goals to address the risks that affect them and participate in preparedness efforts throughout our country.

We continue to collaborate with state and local authorities, across the public and private sectors, to ensure that communities in crisis are not left alone to face these dangers alone. In addition to coordinating relief and rapid response efforts, we are focused on supporting the needs of survivors investing in affected areas and helping them rebuild their communities to be better, stronger and more resilient. Federal agencies also work to share resources with the public, promote tools and technologies that can help during natural disasters, and prepare strategies.

We've launched America's Emergency Preparedness Month! Join forces and help us plan for emergencies, and we must do everything before September 30th, we encourage everyone to consider this a national day of action to spur preparedness efforts from coast to coast.

Disasters are becoming more frequent and severe as our climate changes, with both urban and rural areas already feeling catastrophic impacts, including drought and rising sea levels, more severe storms and fires, and more powerful hurricanes and heat waves. Climate change poses an immediate and lasting threat to our security and national security, and it is critical that we invest in infrastructure and integrate preparedness efforts for our communities to improve our ability to respond to and recover from the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events.

This month we pay tribute to the brave people who rush to the scene of a disaster for their dedication to our safety, no matter the risk. Let's recognize that each of us has a role to play in preparing for emergencies, helping those affected by disasters, and ensuring all of our people have the resources and knowledge they need to protect themselves. Together, we will remain strong and resilient no matter what comes our way.

Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do proclaim September 2016 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans to recognize the importance of preparedness and work together to increase our resilience and readiness.

Barack Obama.



Americans have been tested by trial and tragedy since our earliest days -- but year after year, no matter the hardship, we pull through and forge ahead. Fifteen years after the attacks of September 11, we reflect on our strength as a Nation when anything threatens us. Today, as the residents of Louisiana mourn the loss of loved ones and face tremendous damage caused by historic floods, we are reminded of what Americans do in times like these -- we see the power of love and community among neighbors who step up to help in extraordinarily difficult circumstances. Preparing ourselves to meet the unknown challenges of tomorrow is a duty we all share, and when confronted with crisis or calamity, we need to have done everything possible to prepare. During National Preparedness Month, we emphasize the importance of preparing ourselves and our communities to be resilient in the face of any emergency we may encounter.

Although my Administration continues doing everything we can to keep the American people safe, it is each citizen"s responsibility to be as prepared as possible for emergencies. Whether in the form of natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, or unspeakable acts of evil like terrorism , danger can arise at unexpected times and places. Fortunately, there are many things that individuals, families, and communities can do to improve their preparedness. I encourage all Americans to take proactive steps to prepare for any situation that may occur including signing up for local alerts, checking insurance coverage, documenting valuables, creating a plan for emergency communication and evacuation, and having a fully stocked disaster supply kit on hand. And I encourage those in the business community to prepare their employees, develop a business continuity plan, and engage in community-level planning to help ensure our communities and private sector remain strong when faced with an emergency. For information on how to better prepare for emergencies that are common in your area, or to learn about resources that may be available for increasing preparedness, visit or

In the face of unpredictable threats and hazards, we are committed to improving access to information and raising awareness of the importance of precautionary measures. Leaders across our country should take the time to review the 2016 National Preparedness Report and find ways to address the vulnerabilities it highlights. All Americans can play a role in fulfilling our National Preparedness Goal by addressing the risks that affect them and participating in preparedness activities across our Nation.

We continue to collaborate with State, local, and tribal partners, along with those in the public and private sectors, to ensure that communities in crisis do not have to face these dangers alone. In addition to coordinating relief efforts and providing rapid response, we have focused on supporting the needs of survivors, investing in affected neighborhoods, and helping them rebuild their communities to be better, stronger, and more resilient. Federal agencies are also working to share resources with the public, promote the tools and technologies that could help during disasters, and offer preparation strategies. We launched America"s PrepareAthon! to bring communities together and help them plan for emergencies, and on September 30, we encourage a national day of action to spur preparedness efforts from coast to coast.

Disasters have become more frequent and severe as our climate changes; both urban and rural areas are already feeling the devastating consequences, including severe droughts and higher sea levels, intense storms and wildfires, and more powerful hurricanes and heat waves. Climate change poses an imminent and lasting threat to our safety and national security, and it is critical that we invest in our infrastructure and integrate the preparedness efforts of our communities to improve our ability to respond to and recover from the effects of our changing climate and extreme weather events.

This month, we pay tribute to the courageous individuals who rush to the scene of disaster for their dedication to our safety and security, no matter the price. Let us recognize that each of us can do our part to prepare for emergencies, help those affected by disasters, and ensure all our people have the necessary resources and knowledge to protect themselves. Together, we will remain strong and resilient no matter what falls us.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 2016 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans to recognize the importance of preparedness and work together to enhance our resilience and readiness.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-first.

A new species of parasitic flatworm that lives in the blood of turtles has been named Baracktrema obamai in honor of US President Barack Obama.
Professor of biology at St. Mary's College in Indiana, Thomas Platt, the parasite resembles American President since he" long, thin and damn cool".

An appeal by US President Barack Obama appeared on the official website of the White House, in which he declared September 2016 to be the month of preparation for global disasters. This announcement caused a mixed reaction among the American population. Published on the web portal

US citizens believe that with this announcement the president decided to prepare the country's population for a real global catastrophe without causing panic. Moreover, recently German Chancellor Angela Merkel also appealed to citizens to have an emergency supply of water and food.

For the first time since World War II, German authorities recommended that citizens have a 10-day supply of food and a 5-day supply of water in case of a terrorist attack or national disaster. And also be ready to provide assistance to the armed forces. We are talking about regulating traffic, housing and providing fuel. The resumption of military conscription also became possible. The government of Angela Merkel has adopted a corresponding detailed plan.

Barack Obama declared September 2016 the month of preparing for global disasters?

Americans have been tested by trial and tragedy from our earliest days, but year after year, no matter the difficulty, we will persevere and move forward. Fifteen years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, we think about our power when something threatens us.

Today, as Louisiana residents mourn the loss of loved ones and face massive damage caused by historic flooding, we are reminded of what Americans do in times like these...we see the power of love and community among neighbors who step up to help under extremely difficult conditions.

Preparing to face the unknown challenges of tomorrow is our shared responsibility, and when faced with a crisis or disaster, we must do everything we can to prepare. During National Preparedness Month, we emphasize the importance of preparing ourselves and our communities to be resilient in the face of any emergency we may face.

While my Administration continues to do everything possible to keep the American people safe, it is every citizen's responsibility to be as prepared as possible for emergencies. Whether in the form of natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, or terrible manifestations of evil such as terrorism, danger can arise in unexpected places and at any time.

Fortunately, there are many things individuals, families and communities can do to improve their preparedness. I encourage all Americans to take proactive steps to prepare for any situation that may arise:

Be prepared for emergency notification, check insurance, document valuables, create a plan for emergency communications and evacuation, and have a fully stocked emergency survival kit in the event of a global disaster.

And I encourage the business community to prepare their employees, develop a business continuity plan, and participate in community planning to ensure our communities and the private sector remain strong in the face of an emergency. For information on how to better prepare for emergencies that are common in your area or to learn about resources that may be available to improve preparedness, visit

In the face of unpredictable threats and risks, we are committed to improving access to information and raising awareness of the importance of precautions. Our nation's leaders must take time to review the 2016 National Preparedness Report and find ways to address the vulnerabilities it highlights. All Americans can play a role in achieving national preparedness goals to address the risks that affect them and participate in preparedness efforts throughout our country.

We continue to collaborate with state and local authorities, across the public and private sectors, to ensure that communities in crisis are not left alone to face these dangers alone. In addition to coordinating relief and rapid response efforts, we are focused on supporting the needs of survivors investing in affected areas and helping them rebuild their communities to be better, stronger and more resilient. Federal agencies also work to share resources with the public, promote tools and technologies that can help during natural disasters, and prepare strategies.

We've launched America's Emergency Preparedness Month! Join forces and help us plan for emergencies and we must get everything done by September 30th, we encourage everyone to consider this a national day of action to spur preparedness efforts from coast to coast.

Disasters are becoming more frequent and severe as our climate changes, with both urban and rural areas already feeling catastrophic impacts, including drought and rising sea levels, more severe storms and fires, and more powerful hurricanes and heat waves. Climate change poses an immediate and lasting threat to our security and national security, and it is critical that we invest in infrastructure and integrate preparedness efforts for our communities to improve our ability to respond to and recover from the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events.

This month we pay tribute to the brave people who rush to the scene of a disaster for their dedication to our safety, no matter the risk. Let's recognize that each of us has a role to play in preparing for emergencies, helping those affected by disasters, and ensuring all of our people have the resources and knowledge they need to protect themselves. Together, we will remain strong and resilient no matter what comes our way.

Therefore, I, Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do proclaim September 2016 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all Americans to recognize the importance of preparedness and work together to increase our resilience and readiness.