Every day the news weighs heavily on us - war, crisis, natural disasters, crime, terrorist attacks... And even the most desperate optimists often cannot resist the hackneyed phrase: “Stop the Earth - I’ll get off.” But among all this negativity, it’s not so rare to come across truly wonderful stories about selfless people with huge hearts. News about them makes you perk up and become convinced that everything is not so bad on our planet. You can remain a Human at any time.

We are publishing a fresh selection of good stories that will certainly inspire optimism in you.

1) An ex-policeman, risking his life, saved a baby from an accident

10) KP readers help a family where triplets were born

And, of course, we cannot help but note the kindness of our readers! As soon as we published a touching photo of young parents from Yaroslavl, who unexpectedly gave birth to three boys at once, we found people with big hearts who wanted to help. The fact is that the family already has two children. Plus three newborns. Total - five kids! Of course, the breadwinner (dad works as a simple mechanic) could use some help. Honestly, we are very pleased that our readers are so responsive!


11) The cat saved the baby

It's not just people who are compassionate. But also animals! People save them, and they save people. For example, on January 10, a touching story happened in Obninsk. There, the cat Murka warmed a two-month-old baby abandoned in the entrance. When I came to pick up the baby " Ambulance", Murka ran out to accompany her charge to the doctors' car... By the way, the baby was taken to one of the city hospitals in Obninsk. He is completely healthy, feels good, nothing threatens his life. The police are trying to find his parents.

12) The mongrel protected a 2-year-old boy

And this incident occurred in the Moscow region in mid-November. A mother was walking with her child in a stroller near the house when a huge dog rushed at them. And then, as if out of nowhere, a large red mongrel blocked the path of the aggressive dog. She closed the stroller with the baby and rushed at the dog. In this battle, the mongrel was wounded... But the grateful woman did not abandon her savior. She told his story online. Zoo defenders gave the dog to a private home for foster care and raised money for his treatment. Now Akima (that’s the hero’s name) is looking for a loving owner.


13) A homeless man bought food for the poor with money donated to him

Of course, there are many stories abroad that touch hearts. For example, at the end of December such a case occurred in California's Orange County. A video blogger gave a homeless man a hundred dollar bill. He was sure that he would buy drinks with this money. And he filmed what was happening on camera. But the blogger was wrong. The homeless man bought food for the entire amount. And then he went to the park and fed other homeless people. This act impressed the “experimenter” so much that he apologized to the homeless man for his “test.”

14) The waiter was left a tip of 11 thousand dollars

This story happened in early January in the American city of Phoenix (Arizona). A restaurant visitor left the waiter a tip of 11 thousand dollars. He wrote him two checks. The benefactor did not give his name. The only thing is that when paying the bill, I wrote on the check “In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

So that she could get home (the girl lost her bank card late at night). Dominique Garrison-Betson was greatly impressed by his generosity. The student decided to help the tramp. She shared this on her Facebook page touching story and organized a fundraiser. The fact is that the homeless man could not get a job because he did not have an address. In order to live in a normal apartment, you need to make a down payment, which he, of course, did not have. As a result, Dominique raised 12.5 thousand pounds on social networks. This is just enough for a compassionate tramp to get off the street and start a new life.

Yes, yes, good always comes back like a boomerang. Let's be more generous! This is good for everyone...

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In order to do good, you do not need any special abilities or great capabilities. All this is the work of the most ordinary people. Which means everyone can do this.

website invites you to learn about the brightest deeds from around the world committed this year. Let's do good together!

World boxing champion built 1,000 houses for poor Filipinos

Once upon a time, Manny Pacquiao was an ordinary Filipino boy from a poor family, but now he is the only boxer in the world to win the world championship in 8 weight categories. With his first large fee, he built houses for the residents of his home village of Tango. Today, a thousand houses have already been built with his money.

Syrian man stayed in abandoned Aleppo to take care of cats

Alaa Jaleel from Aleppo risked his life every day to provide food and shelter to those in need. And when people left the city, he stayed to take care of their pets. He has more than a hundred cats, including a kitten that one little girl left him when she left. “I said I would take care of him until she came back,” Ala says.

The teacher organized a "Gentlemen's Club" for boys from single-parent families

Raymond Nelson is a teacher in a South Carolina school. He had trouble dealing with the bullies in his class. So he bought jackets and ties and created a “Gentlemen’s Club”, where boys learn once a week what fathers usually tell their sons: how to tie ties, how to address elders and how to be polite to your mother, grandmother or sister. Nelson's strict dress code serves a purpose, because a man wearing a tuxedo wouldn't fight. “I understand that they behave badly not because they are bad, but because they simply lack attention and love,” says the teacher.

Danish woman rescues two-year-old Nigerian boy abandoned by his parents

Almost a year has passed since Danish woman Anja Ringgren Loven found an emaciated man on the street. two year old baby. She named him Hope. His own parents kicked the boy out of the house, considering him a “sorcerer.” Then he was a little over a year old, and he survived only thanks to handouts from passers-by. Anya took him to her shelter, which she shares with her husband, David Emmanuel Umem. 35 rescued children from one to 14 years old live there.

When Anya posted a photo with Hope on Facebook, users from all over the world began to transfer money to her. A total of $1 million was raised. Anya and her husband have plans for a large orphanage and a clinic for children. And Hope now does not at all resemble a “skeleton on legs.” This is a cheerful baby who, according to his adoptive mother, “enjoys life to the fullest.”

Runner sacrifices future medal to help injured rival

At the Olympics, in the 5,000-meter race, New Zealand runner Nikki Hambly faced American Abby D'Agostino. Nikki helped her opponent up, and then they ran together, supporting each other. Both athletes not only qualified for the finals, but were also awarded the Pierre de Coubertin medal for demonstrating nobility and the true spirit of sport during the Olympic Games.

Thousands of people supported the girl whose birthday no one came to

None of the invitees came to 18-year-old Hallee Sorenson's birthday party. Then her cousin Rebecca asked netizens to support Halle with a card with a few kind words. And something amazing happened - a post office in Maine was flooded with letters and postcards. In total, the girl received 10 thousand cards and gifts.

Schoolchildren repeated graduation ceremony for their classmate who was in a car accident

Scott Dunn was in a serious car accident just before his graduation. After waking up from his coma, Scott was terribly upset that he had missed such an important day. But as soon as the young man began to recover, the school principal called his parents and said: “We want to do something special for your son.” It turned out that Scott's classmates had prepared a personal graduation for him. The celebration, congratulatory speeches, and graduation outfits were repeated, but this time only one diploma was awarded. Scott was shocked to the core: “I have no words. It’s incredible to realize how many people actually care about me.”

A homeless Thai man received housing and a job in gratitude for his honest deed

A 44-year-old homeless Thai man named Waralop found a wallet at a metro station. Despite the fact that he had no money at all, and in his wallet there were 20 thousand baht ($580) and credit cards, he did not spend them on his needs, but took the find to the police. The owner of the wallet turned out to be 30-year-old factory owner Niity Pongkriangyos, who was amazed by the homeless man's honesty. He admitted that if he himself had found himself in such a situation, he would hardly have returned the wallet. In gratitude, Niiti provided Varalop with a service apartment and gave him work in his factory. Now the former homeless man earns 11 thousand baht ($317) a month and no longer sleeps in the subway.

In Altai, a fisherman rescued a drowning moose from an ice hole.

Barnaul resident Ivan Drachev was returning from fishing and noticed a moose that had fallen through the ice. On the third attempt, Ivan threw a rope lasso over its hoof and pulled the animal out. The elk was very cold and shivering, so we had to rub him. “It was funny when I sat down next to him, he put his muzzle on my knee and snorted. It seems like a cow, but it understands everything,” Ivan wrote on his blog.

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Simple and amazing stories of real heroes. Everyone should know their names.

History knows a huge number of people who performed outstanding deeds and discoveries, but at the same time went unnoticed.

website believes that many of them deserve fame and wide recognition. This article collects the stories of seven such heroes - they are all different, but each of them made life on planet Earth a little - or even a lot - better and happier.

Story from Konstantin Paustovsky

“It was the spring of 1912, before the exams, a meeting was organized in the garden. All the high school students in our class were called to it, except the Jews. The Jews were not supposed to know anything about this meeting.

At the meeting it was decided that best students Russians and Poles must get a B in at least one subject in the exams in order not to receive a gold medal. We decided to give all the gold medals to the Jews. Without these medals they were not accepted into the university.

We swore to keep this decision secret. To the credit of our class, we did not let it slip either then or later, when we were already university students. Now I am breaking this oath, because almost none of my comrades from the gymnasium are alive. Most of them died during big wars experienced by my generation. Only a few people survived."

A world without nuclear war

September 26, 1983 Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov was on duty at Serpukhov-15, a secret bunker near Moscow, and was busy monitoring the satellite system Soviet Union. Shortly after midnight, one of the satellites signaled to Moscow that the United States was launching 5 ballistic missiles at Russia. All responsibility at this moment fell on the forty-four-year-old lieutenant colonel: he needed to make a decision on how to respond to this signal.

The alarm came at a difficult time, relations between the USSR and America were strained, but Petrov decided that it was false and refused to take any retaliatory measures. Thus, he prevented a possible nuclear disaster- the signal actually turned out to be false.

Vasily Arkhipov, an officer in the Russian Navy, also once made a decision that saved the world. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, he prevented the launch of a nuclear torpedo. The Soviet submarine B-59 was surrounded near Cuba by eleven American destroyers and the aircraft carrier Randolph. Despite the fact that this took place in international waters, the Americans used depth charges against the boat to force it to the surface.

The submarine commander, Valentin Savitsky, prepared to launch a retaliatory atomic torpedo. However, the senior officer on board Arkhipov showed restraint, paid attention to the signals from the American ships and stopped Savitsky. The signal “Stop the provocation” was sent from the boat, after which the American military forces were withdrawn and the situation was somewhat defused.

The Man with the Golden Arm

At thirteen, Australian James Harrison underwent major breast surgery and urgently needed about 13 liters of donor blood. After the operation, he was in the hospital for three months. Realizing that donated blood saved his life, he made a promise to start donating blood as soon as he turned 18 years old.

As soon as Harrison reached the age required to donate blood, he immediately went to the Red Cross blood donation center. It was there that it turned out that his blood was unique in its own way, since its plasma contained special antibodies, thanks to which it was possible to prevent Rh conflict between a pregnant mother and her fetus. Without these antibodies, Rh conflict leads to a minimum of anemia and jaundice of the child, and a maximum of stillbirth.

When James was told what exactly was found in his blood, he asked only one question. He asked how often you can donate blood.
Since then, every three weeks, James Harrison comes to a medical center near his home and donates exactly 400 milliliters of blood. To date, he has already donated approximately 377 liters of blood.
Over the 56 years since his first donation, he has donated blood and its components almost 1,000 times and saved about 2,000,000 children and their young mothers.

Polish Schindler

Eugene Lazowski was a Polish doctor who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. Thanks to the discovery of his friend, Dr. Stanislav Matulewicz, Lazowski simulated an outbreak of typhus, a dangerous infectious disease. Matulevich discovered that a healthy person could be inoculated with certain bacteria, and then the test results for typhus would be positive, and the person himself would not experience any manifestations of the disease.

The Germans were afraid of typhus because it was highly contagious. At a time when Jews infected with typhus were routinely executed, Lazowski vaccinated the non-Jewish population in the neighborhoods surrounding the ghetto, near the town of Rozwadov. He knew that the Germans would be forced to refuse to approach the Jewish settlements, and they ended up simply quarantining the area. This saved approximately 8,000 Polish Jews from certain death in concentration camps.

The scientist who saved millions of lives

American biologist Maurice Ralph Hilleman created 36 vaccines during his life - more than any other scientist in the world. Of the fourteen vaccines that are now used everywhere, he invented 8, including measles, meningitis, chickenpox, hepatitis A and B.

In addition, Hilleman was the first person to determine how the influenza virus mutates. Almost single-handedly, he worked to create a vaccine that prevented the 1957 Asian flu outbreak from becoming a repeat of the 1918 Spanish pandemic, which killed 20 million people worldwide.

Immortal Cell Donor

African American Henrietta Lacks died of cancer in 1951 at the age of thirty-one. However, she became the donor of cellular material that allowed Dr. George Otto Gay to create history's first immortal line of human cells, known as the HeLa line. “Immortality” meant that these cells did not die after several divisions, which means they could be used for many medical experiments and research.

In 1954, a strain of HeLa cells was used by Jonas Sock to develop a vaccine against polio. In 1955, HeLa became the first human cells to be successfully cloned. The demand for these cells grew rapidly. They were put into mass production and sent to scientists around the world to study cancer, AIDS, the effects of radiation and other diseases. Scientists are now growing about 20 tons of Henrietta cells, and there are almost 11,000 patents related to them.

Inventor of the seat belt

July 10, 1962 Volvo Corporation employee Nils Bohlin Patented his invention - a three-point seat belt. It was the same system that is still used in cars today: it took Bohlin just under a year to create it, and it was first introduced on Volvo cars in 1959.

The corporation made the seat belt design free to other automakers, and it soon became a worldwide standard. According to recent studies, Bolin's invention saved about a million lives during its existence.

For last century many people have done extraordinary things. Some of them were noticed, others remained unnoticed. Not only the stars did such things, but also ordinary people just doing their job. We have collected 9 heroes who made the world a better place.

James Harrison

This Australian is a world-famous donor. This decision was influenced by breast surgery that Harrison underwent as a child. Then he needed 13 liters of blood, which saved his life. As a result, after reaching adulthood, he began donating 400 milliliters of blood every three weeks. For him, it turned out to be specific - it allowed him to prevent Rh conflict between mother and child. James came to the center about a thousand times and helped two million people.

Stanislav Petrov

A military man who was unknown to anyone in the Soviet Union. The story of his feat became known only after the collapse of the USSR. In 1983, he oversaw the missile defense system. Suddenly, a signal was received to launch five missiles from the United States. Petrov could have instantly launched a retaliatory strike, but did not dare. As he noted later, he was confused by the targeted attack. It was assumed that if nuclear war there will be a massive launch of missiles - so that the Union will no longer have anything to respond to.

For this reason, Petrov remained sitting and waiting. 10 minutes dragged on tediously, and only when they passed did it become clear that the system had failed. It was Stanislav Petrov who turned out to be the man who prevented the third nuclear war from starting.

Vasily Arkhipov

Arkhipov is a Soviet submarine officer who also happened to make a decision that prevented a conflict between the two superpowers. The year is 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis is around the corner. The B-59 submarine is in the waters near Cuba. Its location is calculated, the car is surrounded by eleven American destroyers and an aircraft carrier. Although the waters are neutral, the Americans are provoking and dropping depth charges, trying to force the Soviet submariners to surface. Captain of the second rank Valentin Savitsky is preparing to give the command for a return salvo. But Arkhipov shows restraint and dissuades the commander from taking a risky action, pointing to signals coming from American ships. The submariners give a response signal demanding an end to the provocations, the Americans retreat, and war is avoided.

Jackson against the war

The second person is a British general. In 1999, Russian paratroopers made a forced march on Pristina with the aim of capturing the point strategic purpose– Slatina airport. This object was of interest not only to Russia, but also to NATO - therefore, a tank column under the command of that same General Jackson approached from the other side. The British did not expect to meet the Russians - the operation was secret. NATO did not like this surprise at all, and the command in the person of General Wesley Clark gave Jackson the order to attack. The Briton decided not to risk his head for the sake of American interests and declared that he was not going to start a third world war.

Angelina Jolie

Jolie is responsible not only for the broken psyche of Brad Pitt, but also for many charitable projects in which she took part. Angelina is the UN Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees; for the last 15 years she has been actively funding charitable centers, and has visited many hot spots with a humanitarian mission - Kosovo, Pakistan, Jordan, Syria. Together with Pitt, Jolie created her own charitable foundation in 2006, which funds the Doctors Without Borders program.

Eugene Lazowski

The doctor who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. He managed to simulate an outbreak of typhus using a special vaccination, which made the test results positive, and the person himself did not experience any problems. The Pole cheated - the Jews were executed, so he vaccinated the non-Jewish population, but next to the Jewish ghetto. Because of this, the Germans simply closed such areas for quarantine, without risking getting closer to the “infected”.

Henrietta Lacks

An African-American woman who died very early - at only thirty-one years old. But she became a donor of material that helped George Otto Gay make human cells that did not die after several divisions. This is a valuable achievement for doctors - a strain of these cells was used to create a vaccine against polio. They are used to combat AIDS, cancer and other diseases. Scientists have already grown twenty tons of Henrietta's cells and continue to use them to fight various diseases.

Maurice Ralph Hilleman

American biologist, thanks to whom thirty-six diseases were defeated. No scientist in the world has yet been able to repeat this result. It was with his hands that eight vaccines were created that are used in all countries of the world - against chickenpox, meningitis, measles, hepatitis and other diseases. It was Hilleman who was the first person to figure out how the influenza virus mutates. Single-handedly, the legendary scientist worked on a vaccine that stopped the Asian flu outbreak in the middle of the last century from developing.

We all want to live in a kind, cultural and civilized world. A world in which our children can develop and be happy. But we are stuck in the fight against poverty, disease, crime, violence, pollution environment, ignorance and other problems.

Anyone can complain, cross their fingers and place the blame on someone who is bothering them today, but that is not enough to change the world. Only the most courageous and strong-willed can recognize the existing problems and take a step towards positive changes.

Actions done with a pure heart and care can have incredible power and influence both the people around us and the planet as a whole.

Here is a short list of 19 simple things you can do to make the world a kinder place:

1. Say hello to people you meet on the streets. 80% of them are generally good, good people.

2. Laugh and let those around you be infected by your fun. Laughter is contagious.

3. Hug with your loved ones.

4. Smile at the cashier, waiter, bartender, valet, etc., and ask them how they are doing.

5. Listen carefully to what people want to tell you, do not interrupt them.

6. Find something in the people you meet positive side and give a compliment.

7. Show the way to people who are lost.

8. Help a homeless animal that needs help.

9. Be patient, kind and respectful to people older than you.

10. Respect other people's property.

11. Hold the door for people who are carrying heavy things, pulling a stroller, or simply walking right behind you.

12. Prepare breakfast in bed or dinner for your loved one and he will do the same to you.

13. If you have unnecessary things, don't throw them away. Give it to special reception centers for people who really need it.

14. Behave civilly when driving: follow the rules and keep a safe distance between your car and the car in front, give way to pedestrians, motorists and other participants traffic. The person behind you may not approve of your actions, but remember that kindness starts with you!

15. Give up your seat in transport to someone who needs it.

16. Do not throw garbage on sidewalks and roads; find a trash can.

17. Respect your neighbors, don’t make noise after 11 pm.

18. Do not smoke in common areas: on stairs and landings, in elevators.

19. Do art in any form - draw, make sculptures, sketches, write, compose music, invent dance moves. Start and do it - it will add new colors to the world.

And remember, every action matters. Each person can make the world a little better and kinder than it is.