
In numerology, those who are not considered lucky are even numbers, especially 3 and 7. Therefore, when drawing a ticket, try to take this into account. Do not take the second, fourth or any other even ticket from the edge. Even numbers have negative energy; for particularly sensitive individuals, they can even block information that was previously stored securely in memory. Rely on your intuition, always take the ticket that you liked the first time.

In order to get the ticket you need, you need to not only know that you will get exactly it. Imagine that you have already got the right one, repeat to yourself more often: “I have such and such a ticket.” If you know it, then before drawing out the ticket, try to vividly and clearly imagine the desired number.

This method is not very reliable, but occasionally it works (especially if you or your group passes first). It is quite possible that the examiner will simply lay everything out without bothering to mix the tickets. Some originals may arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. If you know that such an act can be expected from a person, try to take a risk. Perhaps luck will smile on you!

You can hope for luck, or you can use a little trick, but for this you will need the help of your comrades. Those who know the subject well (or have good knowledge) enter the classroom first. When pulling out a ticket, your friend must discreetly look at the questions in one of the tickets lying on the table and somehow mark it (fold the corner). After that, he writes you an SMS in which he tells you what questions are contained in the folded ticket. You immediately refresh your memory of the necessary information and confidently go to the exam. This method is good if you are able to retell any of the exam questions with understanding, because starting from scratch, something that you do not understand at all is quite difficult.

An exam is not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of strength. Successful passing The exam determines a lot: whether you will be accepted into college, whether you will be drafted into the army, whether you will be hired... That is why it is so important not to fail the exam. How to properly prepare for an exam, how to cope with anxiety, how to behave with a teacher?


Make a preparation plan. At least roughly distribute what you will have to learn and on what day. Consider your strengths wisely.

Review the material you have covered from time to time. It makes sense to set aside time in your plan to review specific topics.

If problems are expected on the exam, review the basic principles of problem solving on the given topics.

When you pull out a ticket, say a little rhyme to yourself: “The glass is it.” If you don’t know this little rhyme, say another one that comes to your mind. The counting table should be for elimination, the remaining ticket is the “lucky” one. However, this method is unlikely to work if you have 60 pieces of paper with question numbers in front of you. In this case, you will take an unacceptably long time to choose the right ticket, and this, you see, may cause some confusion on the part of the teacher and the examination office.

Glue luck to your hands. In order to stick something, including luck, you need to at least be sticky yourself. One of the student traditions says: prunes are the best adhesive. When leaving home, take prunes with you and rub your hands with them. When you choose a ticket, luck will stick to your hands, and you yourself will feel which ticket is better to take.

Choose a ticket according to your account. Almost all people have their favorite number. It will bring you good luck. Count the tickets and choose the one that matches the lucky number. If you are not sure about your number or it is over a hundred, do not be discouraged. Among students, there are common lucky numbers, such as 3,5,9 and even 13. Some teachers give an “excellent” to a student who draws the 13th ticket without asking him.

Please note

Don't rely only on luck. Material learned - best way pass the exam.

Useful advice

Don't talk about what signs you use so as not to scare away your luck.


  • which exams to choose

An exam is a test that every student goes through several times a year. Without exams, studying at university is impossible, and yet this is a serious barrier that is by no means easy to overcome. It is not possible to learn everything, and often on the decisive day the student’s hand draws the very ticket for which knowledge is equal to zero.


To get the right ticket in the exam, you need to have a number of abilities. Firstly, intuition. She hasn’t interfered in life at all, let alone exams. Try to rely on your “sixth” a couple of times: when you enter the classroom, pull out the piece of paper that your eye immediately falls on.

Of course, in order to rely on such a flighty lady as intuition, it is better to enlist the support of knowledge - knowledge of where which ticket is. Often examiners do not pay much attention to this: the ticket numbers show through the paper or the tickets are in a certain sequence. You just need to take into account two points: firstly, often the questions on the tickets do not coincide with the questions that were on your list, and secondly, you need to catch the moment when the teacher comes out to note this very sequence or see the numbers and wording of the questions.

Try another maneuver. Be the last to answer and ask everyone who handed in which tickets are already collected in a pile on the edge of the teacher’s table, and choose from those that are left lying around, neatly laid out in a row. But be careful: often, when there are not enough questions, examiners take tickets directly from the same pile and again put them into the knowledge lottery. Therefore, you will need dexterity and intuition in any case.

It is better to find out in advance from those who have already dealt with one or another examiner how students choose tickets during the exam. It is unlikely that you have a chance to peek if the teacher allows you to take out a thin piece of paper from the pile that he holds in his hands, or if he hands out questions himself, without the hassle of cutting out tickets.

There is another way, but you will have even less chance of resorting to it. It happens that a teacher starts several students at once, and everything happens in a cramped classroom, and the examiner does not have the opportunity to keep track of everyone. Then - ! - turn over several pieces of paper and choose the one that is dearer to you. "Sleight of hand and no fraud!" (c) But if you find yourself... you will be in trouble.

As you can see, the listed methods gravitate towards such ephemeral abilities as dexterity, intuition, attentiveness... Not everyone has them, and those who are gifted sometimes do not know how to use the gift they have received. Of course, both one, and the other, and the third can be developed, but this will take more than one year of study, and what if you need everything at once?.. Therefore, the most faithful and the simplest way pulling out the right ticket is good stuff. Then any ticket will be (at least more or less) necessary and successful.


  • how to answer a ticket in an exam

An exam is always quite stressful for nervous system pupil or student, therefore during the preparation period it is recommended to follow the general advice given by psychologists and experienced teachers.

Undesirable actions on the eve of the exam

You should not drink alcohol while preparing for exams. Of course, this is quite difficult in student companies, but, nevertheless, it is worth remembering that alcohol consumed on the eve of an exam worsens well-being, reduces performance and the ability to think clearly and quickly, which is often much more important than knowledge.

Before an exam, it is better not to study all night, trying to remember the maximum amount of material. Firstly, this is still impossible and will only create an unnecessary jumble of unrelated facts in your head. Secondly, during sleep, not only somatic cells (body cells) rest and restore, but also nerve cells, serving for the transmission and accumulation of information. Well-functioning brain cells allow a person to easily and quickly respond to stressful circumstances. A person who has had enough sleep, even without sufficient knowledge to pass the exam, will more easily navigate the situation and find a logical answer, while someone who has not rested the day before can often get confused when meeting with the examiner, even knowing the answer to the question.

Undesirable actions right before the exam

You should not go to the exam in uncomfortable things - tight, causing discomfort, distracting from the main thing. For schoolchildren, the classic “white top, black bottom” may well be their favorite pair of pants and a cozy white sweater. Favorite and comfortable things will provide psychological comfort and self-confidence. For the same purposes, psychologists advise coming to exams and interviews with a talisman or favorite toy.

Don't forget the importance of food. And we’re not just talking about food before the exam, but also about nutrition in the pre-exam week: for better work the body needs to eat a lot of food containing potassium, vegetable proteins (fish, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate). On the day of the exam, you should have breakfast - not a heavy one, but so that you don’t think about food right while answering questions.

Before the exam, it is not recommended to “work yourself up” psychologically. It is better for schoolchildren to go to the exam without parents and relatives, as they often add nervousness to the situation. It is best to arrive at school or university in advance to have time to get used to the atmosphere and calm down a little.

Right before entering a classroom, you should move a little (walk quickly, for example). Adrenaline, released when a person is under stress, requires release - otherwise stress will manifest itself in the form of tremors, trembling of the voice and other unpleasant symptoms that worsen the exam.

At the end of any training course It's time to demonstrate your knowledge. With responsibility comes fear. This happens because most people begin to imagine the worst possible outcome, and it is this attitude towards the matter that leads to failure in the exam.

Special breathing exercises help to get rid of anxiety. Sit in a position that makes you feel comfortable. Inhale slowly, then hold your breath. Low oxygen supply will slow down the release of adrenaline into the blood. You will remain calm despite the current stress situation.

You should not overeat before going to the exam. If too much food enters the body, then all the energy will be spent on digesting it. This may make you feel tired or just want to sleep. It is best to snack on fruit or drink green tea.

The cheat sheets are especially worth noting. Of course, it is highly not recommended to cheat on an exam, but if you are haunted by the fear of failure, then it is worth preparing a small cheat sheet on those topics that cause difficulty. While copying the material onto a secret piece of paper, a situation of rote memorization will involuntarily arise, which will make the cheat sheet unnecessary in the exam.

If you are a believer, then pray or go to church for a service before the exam. This will give a good emotional mood for a positive result, and will also help overcome panic fear. If you are not religious, then you can use a personal talisman that will bring you good luck in difficult times and help relieve psychological stress.

It is necessary not to get hung up on memorization, take time for a walk or play sports. This will help you absorb the previously read material and give your brain a break from the monotonous absorption of information. You should get as much sleep as possible before the exam. You shouldn’t sit until late at night and repeat formulas, definitions, theorems, etc. like a mantra. At some point the brain will refuse to perceive information, and in this case time will pass for nothing.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

If you come across a ticket to a question you don’t know the answer to, then you should say everything that comes to mind, but at the same time build a logical chain. Thus, the teacher will evaluate the minimum of your knowledge and will be able to give a satisfactory grade.

Want to draw a ticket of luck? I practice these simple 10 steps every night. And all my dreams come true!

How to draw your ticket of luck?

So that luck does not leave me, every day before going to bed I perform a certain ritual, which I call: “Ticket of Luck.” There are certainly others effective techniques and meditations on money, but this is the one that sets me up for good luck¹.

Psychotraining technique “Ticket of Fortune”. Settlement for wealth and prosperity

1. Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and count from 10 to 1. You need to enter a light trance state².

2. Now imagine in your imagination a store with lottery tickets on the counter. Imagine that the entire counter is covered with tickets. One of them is your ticket to good luck. Lay out the tickets so that they are all visible. Ready?

3. Take your time! Turn your head back! Imagine that your angel is standing behind you! There is a kind smile on his face. He will help you find exactly your ticket of luck.

4. Imagine that an angel is holding a little sun in his hands. He gives it to you. Throw the sun over your head.

5. Imagine how a ray falls from the sun directly onto the table. This ray is aimed at one lottery ticket - this is your ticket of luck! Take it. Don't be afraid to make mistakes! You will do everything right!

6. Now look at the angel again. He hands you a blue receipt with a smile. It shows the ticket number. Opposite is your first and last name!

7. Now imagine a cash register. In it you need to cash in your ticket of luck. Fill in the blanks - indicate your first and last name. In a separate space, write how you use your ticket. For example, you really want to go on vacation, but you don’t have enough money. Write the following: “Cash in your luck to get money for a vacation.” Enter the number and sign.

8. When everything is filled out, give the receipt to the cashier, she will give you a receipt. Save it - this is a guarantee that your ticket will definitely be used for your needs.

9. Thank the cashier and the angel. He will bless you and give you the sun again. Now it will always be with you. It will help you make the right decisions and help you tune in to wealth and prosperity.

10. Count to 10 and open your eyes. If you performed psychotraining before bedtime, then after its completion you can fall asleep. Don't worry about anything anymore. Your ticket of fortune will soon be cashed in the real world.

The session is a test that no student can avoid. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to properly prepare for a knowledge test. How to get the right ticket in the exam? The recommendations given in the article will help you cope with this task and get an “A”, even if you have to take a subject you don’t like.

How to get the right ticket in the exam: method No. 1

Not all students study diligently throughout the semester. However, absolutely everyone has to take the exam. How to get the right ticket in the exam if you don’t have enough time to learn everything? There are several options for solving this problem.

It is great if the student has the opportunity to find out in advance how the teacher lays out the exam papers. Often teachers do this in order (first, second, third, and so on). In this case, finding “yours” is very easy.

Method No. 2

How to get the right ticket in the exam if you didn’t manage to study all the material? Method No. 2 can be recommended to students who are not embarrassed by the prospect of being one of the last to pass. It is also necessary to have good relationships with other classmates, as their help will be required.

What exactly is the second method? Each student who has already passed the exam tells the student his ticket number when leaving the classroom. Gradually, the number of remaining options is reduced to a minimum, which allows you to stock up on the necessary cheat sheets in a timely manner or refresh your memory of the material.

How to get the required ticket in the exam using the second method? It should be borne in mind that it does not work in every case. If all the tickets drawn earlier are returned to the general stack, you will have to use another method.

Method No. 3

Visualization is a method that many students believe in. A few days before the exam, you should begin to imagine a successful scenario. In his imagination, the student should conjure up a picture of how he draws exactly the ticket that he managed to learn best.

How to increase the chances of a successful outcome and make visualization more effective? To do this, you need to say out loud the number of the desired ticket and the questions it contains. Of course this method Not suitable for everyone. Skeptics who do not believe in the power of visualization should prefer other methods.

Method number 4

How to get the right ticket in the exam? The tips above may not help everyone. Therefore, we cannot ignore the fourth way to get what you want, even if it is the most difficult.

Some teachers prefer to have several students taking an exam into the classroom at once. In this case, you should take advantage of the fact that the teacher is not able to keep track of everyone. If he is distracted for even a minute, students will have the opportunity to see the numbers of the tickets prepared for them. With proper luck, the student will be able to “choose” the appropriate one from them.

Perhaps this method is not only the most difficult, but also dangerous. The teacher can notice the student's manipulations.

Secrets of Numerology

How to get the right ticket in a history exam (biology, physics, chemistry, etc.)? Numerology can come to the aid of a student who has not prepared properly for the session.

Not everyone knows that even numbers carry negative energy. Susceptible people are strongly advised not to take a ticket that is second (fourth, sixth, eighth, etc.) in a row. This can lead to the student forgetting even the information that he managed to learn during the preparation process.

Odd numbers, on the contrary, are considered lucky in numerology. The numbers 3 and 7 are considered especially favorable; they bring people good luck. Many students prefer the 13th ticket.


How to get the right ticket in a university exam? Many students believe in the power of omens. One of them says that before testing your knowledge you should smear your hands with something sticky. For example, you can use jam or honey. In this case, the student will certainly draw the exact ticket that he managed to memorize.

Another sign states that you will be able to pass the test with honor if you hold on to the excellent student before entering the examination class. It's best to choose someone who just received a good grade.

There is a way to make the examiner let his guard down. To do this, you need to put the right shoe on the left foot, and vice versa.


Many students prefer to rely on talismans to attract good luck in exams. For example, you can take a nickel and put it in your left shoe. The sign states that metal stimulates certain points on the foot, and this has a positive influence on intuition.

A talisman representing a figurine of a snake or an owl can also help a student pass the exam successfully. From time immemorial they have been considered symbols of intelligence and wisdom.

Finally, you can take a thread and tie it on your left hand with nine knots. If you believe it, this ensures the concentration of positive energy. If there is no thread, you can replace it with a shoelace.


How to get the right ticket in the exam? Conspiracies should also not be discounted. The night before the exam, you should put it in your hand with the record book through the window. When waving your record book, you need to repeat several times: “Today I’m waving it, and tomorrow I’m handing it in.”

The following plot must be remembered immediately before the time comes to draw the ticket. You need to say to yourself: “Never mind that I know - come to me!” It is believed that this will help draw out exactly the ticket that will not cause difficulties for the student.

Self Confidence

Not every student believes in the power of conspiracies. However, even skeptics can increase their chances if they trust their own intuition. Knowing certain tricks will help you attract an easy task.

You shouldn't think twice before buying a ticket. It is best to focus on the piece of paper that immediately attracted the student’s attention. There is a high probability that the desired number is indicated on it.

There is another trick that is easy to resort to. You need to pull out the ticket with your “favorite” hand. It is also necessary to do this with a feeling of confidence and ease - the right mood attracts good luck.

Friendship with the teacher

How to get the right ticket in an English exam (literature, geography, mathematics, etc.)? There is a method that can hardly be called easy. Many teachers favor students who manage to be among their favorites during the exam. Such people can not only overestimate their favorites, but also offer them the easiest questions.

This method can hardly be called reliable. Even if a student manages to impress his teacher in advance, this does not guarantee any concessions during the exam. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that the teacher may be replaced by another person during the exam for one reason or another.

Useful tips

Passing exams is not always a predictable process.

Many students and schoolchildren are not confident in their abilities in exams, especially if this happens for the first time.

The exam session is one of the most stressful periods in the life of students. For this reason, many of them resort tomany signs that luck will be on their side .

Some of them may seem strange and ridiculous, but perhaps believing in them can help calm you down before an important event.

Here are a few popular signs that are designed to attract good luck in exams .

Signs before the exam

1. When the exams begin, it is recommended wear the same clothes and don't change eat it to attract good luck. It is believed that new things do not carry any useful information on exams.

2. Many people believe that before an exam you need to sleep on a textbook, notes or cheat sheet, which should be kept open under the pillow on the right page so that knowledge penetrates a person’s head and is better assimilated.

3. Before the exam, a schoolchild or student can also ask relatives or friends to scold him. It is believed to bring good luck. The stronger the curse words, the better. The only word to avoid is "fool".

4. If you are taking exams in Moscow, you can visit the Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station, where the statue is located bronze dog. Rubbing a dog's nose is believed to bring good luck in exams. It is not surprising that a crowd of students can always be seen at this place, and the nose itself has already been carefully polished.

5. On the last page in the upper right corner of the record book draw a house with a window and a pipe from which smoke comes. Moreover, the longer the smoke, the greater the chances of passing the session successfully. However, you should be careful that such arts do not invalidate your record.

6. To find out the ticket number, approach a pregnant woman and ask her to name any number within a certain range.

7. A small talisman can also come to help in exams. For this put five kopecks under the heel of shoes to get an excellent rating. It is believed that the metal stimulates areas of the foot that are responsible for brain activity, thereby increasing the chances of success.

Conspiracy to pass the exam

There is also a popular conspiracy attracting "freebies" in exams. To do this, the night before the exam, you need to open the window and, putting your record book out the window, shout: “Freebie, come!”, pointing to the desired field in the record book.

After this, the record book is closed so that the “freebie” does not disappear, and is placed under the pillow. You can even tie the notebook with a thread or secure it with a paperclip for good measure. In this case, you do not need to open the record book until the exam itself, but it is better if the examiner himself does this first.

Signs: what not to do before the exam

1. It is believed that on the eve of exams Do not wash your hair, cut your hair or nails, or shave, otherwise you will wash away or cut off all the knowledge. There is an opinion that when you wash your hair or get a haircut, you thereby disturb the order of thoughts in your head, which can affect the result.

2. You cannot leave textbooks and notes open. on the table, since all the knowledge gained can evaporate.

3. You should not learn the material while you are eating, watching TV or talking to someone, as the knowledge will not be consolidated.

4. You can't show your record book to other people before taking exams, otherwise you can jinx it.

5. No need to take out the trash on the eve of exams, otherwise you can throw away all your knowledge.

Bad omens before an exam

    No need to come home when you're out. If there is an urgent need for this, then before you go in, look in the mirror and stick out your tongue.

    If there's no exam on the way met a black cat, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder and knock on the wood or, if you have time, jump in front of her.

    If on the way to school or university you will be the first to meet if you are a man, you will be lucky, but if you are a woman, your luck may run out. If you meet a pregnant woman, it means good luck, and if you meet a policeman, homeless person or fireman, it means bad luck.

    If you step on a trapdoor on the way to an exam, you need to touch something with your hand to indicate failure.

Tips to do well in the exam

    On the day of the exam you need to get out of bed with your left foot, and it is also advisable to do other actions (brush your teeth, close the door, etc.) on the left side.

    You need to cross the threshold with your favorite foot, which usually brings good luck. In other sources, you also need to cross the threshold with your left foot.

    Having crossed the threshold, you can say the phrase: “God is ahead, I am behind” and cross yourself.

    You need to pull out the ticket with your left hand, standing on your left leg. This must be done discreetly so that the examiner does not think that you are relying only on luck.

    To get a good grade, enter the classroom immediately after the honors student, before holding his hand so that he can convey good luck to you.

    No need to think twice before pulling out a ticket, and pull out the one that your eye immediately fell on.

    When you pull the ticket, hold on to the piece of wood.

    You need to write with your favorite pen to keep your handwriting solid and to get a high grade.

    Girls who want to attract good luck in exams are recommended wear red underwear.

    Before entering the office, you can drop your record book in front of the threshold.

    Some people advise rub your hands with something sticky before an exam to attract a ticket you know.

    For luck you can tie a lace or thread on your left hand.

Everyone was once a student or schoolchild, and everyone was shuddered by the word exam. Some diligently crammed the topics and were always ready to answer any question, while others did not put much effort into their knowledge. But the fact remains that everyone without exception had to take the exams. And now, on the most important day, many people walk around in their heads with the question of how to get the right ticket in the exam. How to learn exactly what the teacher asks? Although the probability of getting hit is very small, you can follow some tips that will help you get away with it.

How to get the right ticket in the exam?

The best option to get a ticket that you know is to be one of the last to return. This method will work if all the tickets that have already been returned do not go into the reverse pile and when leaving, each of your classmates will tell you the ticket number. By crossing out the solved ones, the number of tickets will be reduced to a minimum, and you can look at the cheat sheet in advance.

You can try to find out on what principle the teacher lays out the tickets during the exam, since some do it in order, others put the difficult tickets further away from them, and the easy ones closer. Every little detail must be taken into account.

  1. It is worth paying attention to signs and advice. If they did not act, they would not pass from generation to generation.
  2. You need to take exactly the ticket that you liked right away, without hesitation or hesitation.
  3. The ticket must be taken with your favorite hand.
  4. You need to go to the exam with a feeling of ease and confidence, because such an attitude always leads to a positive result.

Well, to be honest, no tradition will help you pull out exactly the ticket that you learned, for example, from 40 others. In order to pass well