The Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers is celebrated annually on February 15. On the eve of the 29th anniversary of the withdrawal Soviet troops from Afghanistan, veterans - “Afghans” honored the memory of fallen internationalist soldiers in Donetsk.

“Stingy Men”, Afghan songs and memories of those for whom the first battle was the last...

The rally took place in the park named after. Lenin Komsomol, at the monument to internationalist soldiers, a memorial meeting was held, at which soldiers remembered their fallen comrades.

And today, many “Afghans” continue to defend the state. DPR Defense Minister Vladimir Kononov thanked the soldiers for their invaluable military experience, which helped the young Republic withstand the onslaught of the enemy.

Dear internationalist warriors, what happened during the Afghan war showed that you fulfilled your duty with honor and dignity. Your combat experience made it possible for us to hold back the evil spirits that came to our land. A low bow to you and a huge thank you! – Vladimir Kononov addressed the “Afghans”.

Thousands of residents of the Republic came to honor the memory of “those who did not return from the battle.” Afghanistan veterans from Donbass cities temporarily controlled by Kyiv also arrived in Donetsk.

Hello, dear brothers. Our people are present at the rally today comrades in arms from cities Donetsk region temporarily controlled by Ukraine. The Afghan war is becoming history. But we will tell the younger generation about our service, military brotherhood, heroic deeds and our fallen comrades,” Vladimir Savelov, chairman of the Union of Afghan Veterans of the DPR, told his comrades.

The ten-year war claimed the lives of more than 10 thousand Soviet soldiers. For the “Afghans,” the day the last column of Soviet troops crossed the Afghan-Soviet border forever became special.

The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan is a great holiday for us. Today we have gathered to remember our military service and honor the memory of our fallen comrades. “I’m happy that I can communicate with my comrades who came from the cities of the Donetsk region, temporarily controlled by Ukraine,” Dmitry Ogilets, chairman of the Makeevka branch of the Union of Afghan Veterans of the DPR, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Among those present at the rally were the wives of Afghan war veterans. During the minute of silence for the victims, many women cried.

I met my husband after he returned from Afghanistan. I'm very proud of him. He often remembers the dead and rejoices at any opportunity to meet his comrades,” said the wife of an Afghan veteran, Lyudmila.

Friends of the fallen “Afghans” came to honor the memory of the fallen. - Many of my comrades were in Afghanistan. Some of them, unfortunately, died. My close friend Oleg Sirotin was seriously wounded, miraculously survived and returned home,” said former soldier Anna Nikolaevna.

The longest day of the year in our calendar is forever marked as the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. On June 22, 76 years ago, the Great Patriotic War began. In Russia, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who defended the world from fascism took to the streets that night to remember at dawn that very tragic moment in the country’s history.

“Today at four o’clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders Soviet Union" On June 22, 1941, announcer Levitan repeated this mournful appeal nine times on the radio. On Thursday night at four in the morning it sounded again from loudspeakers across the country. 76 years are already behind us, but these words bring tears to many eyes even now.

“This memory probably remained at the genetic level, because it is truly a day of sorrow. I'm glad that Moscow, and in others too major cities, today at dawn people remember this day,” said Vitaly Chebotkevich, a participant in the commemorative event.

In Belarusian Brest, which was the first to take the blow fascist army, at 15 minutes past five, thousands of people lined up at the memorial. Not just descendants. Although few, the defenders of the Brest Fortress are still alive, such as Pyotr Kotelnikov. In 1941, the veteran was only 12 years old. But he will never forget those terrible days when schoolchildren stood up to arms, replacing exhausted and fallen soldiers.

“When he collapsed, we came up and helped, took a rifle and looked: a fascist appeared, and when we ourselves shot, and when they woke him up, they lifted him up and he shot,” says Pyotr Kotelnikov, a participant in the defense of the Brest Fortress.

Storm at dawn defensive lines- reconstruction of that very first battle for the Brest Fortress. Here, on the border with Poland, on the anniversary of the start of the war, a convoy of armored vehicles came from Moscow - a motor rally on the Road of Courage using restored equipment from the 50s - five days on the road.

Near Samara, the townspeople marched in an immortal regiment with photographs of their warring ancestors. Hundreds of balloons were released into the sky in memory of the victims of the war.

At this time, on the Crimean embankment in Moscow, despite the wind, the flames of the lamps flared up. 1418 candles, each of them is a day of war.

“I will set it to the date of June 30, because on June 30, 1943, my grandfather died in the Smolensk region,” says a participant in the action.

In the afternoon, memory candles continued to be lit, according to tradition, in the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill at the memorial in memory of the millions of dead and missing from 1941-1945. The event is in its thirteenth year, and each time thousands of people take part in it.

The fire was lit at night in the Yelokhovsky Cathedral, brought here to the Memory Watch, and is now moving from candle to candle.

At noon, according to tradition, to the Tomb Unknown Soldier the president arrived. Soldiers of the Honor Guard company carry out a wreath of fir branches and red carnations. Vladimir Putin straightens the ribbons, and then bows his head, paying tribute to the memory of those who fell in the battles of the Great Patriotic War.

The heavy rain did not change the protocol of commemorative events. Three companies of the Honor Guard battalion traditionally marched through the Alexander Garden. The President laid scarlet carnations at each of the memorials of the hero cities and towns military glory.

Flowers and candles were still carried in the darkness to Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd.

“I found my great-grandfather. He went through the entire war, from beginning to end,” shares participant Vasilisa Popova.

“I remember my grandfather, who died near Kharkov,” says protest participant Stepan Gogolev.

“And we, the young people, almost all went to the military registration and enlistment offices. And there was no time for studying, and no time for school,” recalls Great Patriotic War veteran Alexander Zgibnev.

To convey this memory, which no textbook can contain, Volgograd police officers every year on significant days great war They bring children to the main heights of Russia.

“They probably share a piece of their patriotism, their love for their homeland, their faith in better life, into the future, passed on to our generation, to another generation. And that’s why there are so many young people here,” notes protest participant and police officer Vladimir Evsigneev.

Young people at night on the embankment in Sevastopol. At three o'clock in the morning, dozens of people launched paper boats from the Grafskaya pier. The pre-war tradition of graduates acquired a completely different meaning after fascist bombers hit the city on the night of June 22, 1941.

“We must always remember the horror that once began. All four of my great-grandfathers participated in the war in one way or another, some in the ranks of the partisans, some directly at the front, one of my great-grandfathers did not live eight days before the Victory,” said a participant in the action.

In St. Petersburg, even when the sun was already shining brightly over the memorial to the heroic defenders of Leningrad, no one put out the fiery inscription: “1941. We remember."

On February 15, a memorial meeting was held dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Veterans, parents and widows of those killed, representatives of public organizations and youth associations came to the memorial to combat veterans in the park of the 50th anniversary of the USSR to honor the memory of internationalist soldiers.

First Vice-Governor - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region Sergei Balykin noted that this year memorable date is filled with a special meaning: 30 years ago the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was completed.

– For a whole decade, our guys participated in an international mission. This is the generation of defenders of the Fatherland who risked their lives in the service of the Motherland. Not everyone was destined to return home. And those who survived were left with unhealed wounds in their hearts. Throughout their lives, Afghan veterans carried unbroken pride and bright memories of their comrades in arms. Thank you, dear Afghan soldiers, for your honor and dignity. “A low bow to the families of the fallen soldiers and officers who are steadfastly enduring this cruel test of fate,” emphasized Sergei Balykin. – I thank everyone who is here at these moments, at the monument to the Orenburg residents who died in local wars and military conflicts. May the history and memory of the exploits of our people live forever in every heart and in every home. Peace and goodness to our native Orenburg and all of Russia.

Participant in combat operations in Afghanistan, chairman of the Orenburg regional branch of the All-Russian public organization veterans of the “Combat Brotherhood”, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region Nadyr Ibragimov noted that in the history of Russia there are many heroic and tragic pages. In the memory of grandfathers and great-grandfathers are the events of the Great Patriotic War, and in the memory of fathers and older brothers are other wars and local conflicts.

– The names of those who remained forever in the Afghan land, the names of sons, brothers, friends who did not return from combat missions and forced marches will never be forgotten. With pride and gratitude we preserve the memory of the exploits of the soldiers who passed through the fire of war in Afghanistan with honor and dignity,” Nadyr Ibragimov emphasized.

The head of the city of Orenburg, Dmitry Kulagin, emphasized that Orenburg residents sacredly preserve the memory of the events of the Afghan war.

– Today is a special date: an anniversary, mournful, solemn and bright date. The more time passes, the more clearly the feat of our army, our people is highlighted. We must say thank you to all those who performed military and national duty in the Republic of Afghanistan. To everyone who ensured the military operation. And we must bow our heads to the memory of those who did not return from Afghanistan,” said Dmitry Kulagin.

The mother of Hero of the Soviet Union Vyacheslav Alexandrov, Raisa Alexandrova, also addressed the participants of the memorial rally.

– Guys, you are a wonderful example for young people with your heroism and courage. Know that you are our modern legends. We will always remember and know what you suffered. Therefore, be healthy, prosperity to you, and peaceful skies above our heads,” said Raisa Alexandrova.

The rally participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the fallen internationalist soldiers.

February 15 at Russian Federation they remember not only veterans of the war in Afghanistan, but also compatriots who took part in more than 30 wars and armed conflicts outside the country. Since the end of World War II, more than 1.5 million Russians have taken part in military operations abroad, 25 thousand of them gave their lives in the line of duty.

In combat operations on territory 16 foreign countries Over 18 thousand of our fellow countrymen took part. The names of 430 Orenburg residents who gave their lives in hot spots, carrying out the tasks of the Motherland, are immortalized on granite pylons in Orenburg.

In their hometowns and villages, streets and schools are named after the victims. They are immortalized on memorial plaques installed on the facades of buildings educational organizations, where today at the same time, with the participation of soldiers of the Orenburg garrison, flowers are laid.

MOSCOW, September 19 – RIA Novosti. State Duma deputies on Wednesday at a plenary session observed a minute of silence in memory of the Russian military killed in the Il-20 crash in Syria.

“Dear Vyacheslav Viktorovich (Volodin), dear comrades, colleagues. As it became known, yesterday a large group of our military personnel died while performing their official duty on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. I propose to honor their memory with a minute of silence,” said a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Countermeasures corruption Nikolay Ryzhak (SR) during the plenary session.

Parliamentarians supported the proposal and stood in honor of the memory of the victims.

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that on September 17, at about 23.00 Moscow time, contact was lost with a Russian Il-20 aircraft returning to the Khmeimim airbase, which was located 35 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast. According to the department, around the same time, four Israeli F-16 fighter jets attacked Syrian targets in Latakia. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, under the cover of a Russian plane, Israeli pilots exposed it to Syrian air defenses; the Il-20 was shot down by an S-200 missile. 15 Russian servicemen were killed.

The Russian Ministry of Defense noted that Israeli planes deliberately created a dangerous situation in the Latakia area; aviation controls could not help but see the Il-20 as it was landing. At the same time, Israel did not warn the command of the Russian group of troops in Syria about the planned operation in the Latakia region. The Russian military department regards Israel's provocative actions as hostile and reserves the right to take adequate response actions.

After the incident, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would take retaliatory actions, which would be aimed, first of all, at additionally ensuring the security of its military and facilities in the Syrian Arab Republic. According to the head of state, these will be steps that everyone will notice. On the same day, in a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Putin said that the operations of the Israeli Air Force in Syria were being undertaken in violation of the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic, and in this case the Russian-Israeli agreements on the prevention of dangerous incidents were not observed. He called on the Israeli prime minister not to allow situations like the one that led to the Il-20 crash to continue.

Netanyahu, in a conversation with Putin, expressed his readiness to provide Russia with all the information necessary to investigate the Il-20 crash, and also called for continued coordination of the military of the two countries in Syria. At the same time, he held the SAR responsible for the plane crash.

On February 15, on the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland, a solemn meeting was held in Belozersk at the monument to military glory - the Infantry Fighting Vehicle, erected in honor of internationalist soldiers.

Despite the fair frost, a lot of people gathered for this important event: schoolchildren, students and their teachers, veterans, working youth, representatives of the district administration, the public, and Afghan soldiers. There were songs about Afghanistan, about the army, and the bright sun was shining. The atmosphere was lively, many came with branches of red carnations.

The event was opened by the presenter, specialist of the House of Culture A.V. Vasilyeva and, briefly telling the background of Remembrance Day, previously known as the Day of the Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Afghanistan, announced: “The Anthem of Russia is playing.”

Then the floor was given to the head of the district, E.V. Shashkin. Evgeniy Vladimirovich congratulated his fellow countrymen on the national holiday and said: “We are greatly indebted to those who, with dignity and honor, sometimes at the cost of their lives, carried out the orders of the Motherland outside its territory. Our compatriots selflessly solved international problems in Afghanistan and showed courage during military operations and in other “hot” spots. We are proud to be on guard Russian state there are real patriots of their Fatherland, ready to represent the interests of the country where circumstances require - in combat or in the civilian field. Therefore, the establishment of a Day of Remembrance for Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland is, of course, very important and necessary.” He reminded those gathered that the Belozersk land had always been famous for its heroes; during the war in Afghanistan, the Shol boy Alexey Foteev died on February 23... We remember him. We will also remember the Russian military pilot Roman Filippov, who died heroically on February 3 of this year in Syria.” Evgeniy Vladimirovich called for respect for our compatriots, all those who fulfilled their military duty outside their homeland.

“We recognize those who served in hot spots not only by the order stripes on civilian clothes... We recognize them by their calm, firm faces,” the presenter addressed the rally participants. “These are people you can always rely on. Everyone would like to have such friends. It was very true that someone noted that human life measured not by duration, but by what fills it. Everyone who, without sparing their lives, fulfilled their military duty, before whose eyes fellow soldiers died, who returned home and who remained on the battlefields - they all accomplished a feat!” Then Arina gave the floor to greet V.N. Fomin, a participant in combat operations in Afghanistan. In his speech, Vladimir Nikolaevich wished that military events would become a thing of the past, and in turn recalled people such as G.A. Kochurov, who, through their personal example of service to the Fatherland, instilled patriotism in young people, and wrote a book about Afghanistan. V.N. Fomin also thanked cultural and educational workers for preserving the memory of internationalist soldiers; he said special thanks to the Center for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care and their director S.I. Neronova for organizing warm meetings of Afghan soldiers within the walls Center.

In memory of fallen soldiers Having fulfilled their international duty with honor, a minute of silence was declared. Fireworks were fired and flowers were laid at the foot of the monument. And those gathered took photographs as a souvenir of this unforgettable Day of Military Glory.

Tatiana Gavrilova