
The concept of the subject of labor

Periodization of the development of the subject of labor in domestic psychology

Periodization of the development of the subject of labor in foreign psychology


List of sources used


For many years, in domestic psychology, the problem of professional status, development, human activity as a professional was much paid to the problem of professional status. However, labor is one of the most important parties to human life. With the help of labor, a person decides not only material problems, but also questions of self-realization, personal growth, creativity, communications, knows their abilities and opportunities.

Unfortunately, for many years of professional self-determination, people far from psychology were engaged in growth. But it is psychology that allows you to find an answer to these questions.

B. M. Teplov wrote: "Psychology makes it possible to understand yourself ... And it is necessary to know yourself for self-education ... In order to consciously choose such a specialty, such a job in which you can bring the most benefit of the homeland and get the most satisfaction."

Over the past century, the understanding of a person's adaptation mechanism has changed. If initially in the system "subject - the object object" was put in the tasks of the selection of standard or "ideal" performers, but in stages to solve the task of adaptation began to find the searches for the patterns of professional career, professional self-determination, human life as a subject of labor.

In the range of objectives of the psychology of labor increasingly include the study of the laws of the functioning of the employee not only as an individual as an impersonal subject, but also as a person. An increasingly consistently denotes the vector of studies of a person as individuality - in the present yet in relation to individual professions. Currently, all psychologists recognize the problematic of the ways of becoming a person as a subject of labor as a professional.

In this paper, we tried to consider the concept of "labor entity", the main stages of the development of the subject of labor, the periodization of the development of the subject of labor in domestic and foreign psychology.

1. The concept of labor entity

The concept of "labor entity" emphasizes the role of a person as the initiator of activity, the naval, the Creator in his relationship to the opposing: objects of the subject and social environment, internal (mental) and the outside world. Such an understanding corresponds to the interpretation of the psyche as an active principle.

The activity of the mental mapping of reality finds an expression in the formation, building a person of his work:

· Action systems

· External and domestic funds

· Conditions

· Individual style

The mental mapping of reality is manifested in the fact that a person, possessing the characteristic sustainable internal conditions of activity (individuality), does not just follow the folding concrete circumstances, but converts:

· Circumstances

· Himself

· Your relationship with other people

· Entry of public life.

The object here is the "receiver" of the impacts (if it is a social object, then in turn, this is an object active), the subject is their initiator in the System "subject - object".

Any subject of labor, a professional, inherent individual features, so every person:

Seeks to maximize the use of its qualities affecting productivity;

In various ways, the qualities that impede achievements overcome;

It works with satisfaction, effectively, when the owned "handwriting" inherent in him is an individual style.

According to E.A. Climova, "The higher the skill, the professionalism of a person, the less it looks like other workers (also with a high level of skill)."

The condition for the effective impact of the subject to the object is the orientation of the first in the second (the property of the psyche, as is known - the display, modeling of the object). Therefore, one of the main directions of development in question - the acquisition by man and more accurate and wide cognitive focus is that it turns out in the role of a medium in relation to consciousness (nature, its own human body, society as an organization of people with its definite laws, artificial Habitat, including equipment, information flows). Thanks to speech and communicating with themselves, a person can use not only his personal experience, but also the experience of all mankind.

In the context of labor psychology, a particular importance is attached to the development of human orientation in the world of professions. One of the directions of human development as a subject of labor is the formation of a focus, in particular, labor, professional (development of interests in the world of labor, labor people, its goals and senses, instruments, means, processes, objects, results, to the system of labor posts in society , development of the need for productive socially valuable activities, relevant beliefs and other motives). Without the formation of the identity of the individual, the conditions for the absorption of knowledge, skills, skills are not created.

Another direction of human development as a subject of labor is the assimilation of publicly generated methods of action and use of guns, activities (including domestic funds, and the means of intervuro interaction are verbal and non-verbal).

Evgeny Alexandrovich Klimov delineates some other directions of human development as a subject of labor:

The formation of a system of sustainable personal qualities creating the possibility of successful performance "Here we mean here that in psychology is denoted as abilities (first of all the functionality in the field of activity and self-regulation)."

The formation of an individual activity (improvement of knowledge of the subject of labor about themselves and the formation of individually peculiar ways to solve typical life tasks, taking into account not only external, but also internal conditions.

2. Periodization of the development of the subject of labor in domestic psychology

There are various periodization of human development as a subject of labor. One of the most famous in domestic psychology is the periodization proposed by E.A. Klimyov.


1. The stage of the pre-war (from birth to 3 years), when the functions of perception, movement, speech, the simplest rules of behavior and moral estimates occur, which become the basis for the further development and admission of person to work.

2. The stage of the game (from 3 to 6-8 years), when the child is developing "the main meanings of human activity, as well as acquaintance with specific professions (playing the chauffeur, doctor, seller, teachers, etc.). According to D.B. Elkonina "Game is a child of labor" and the very emergence of the children's story-role-playing game happened when the child could already directly master the work of adults when the historical separation and complication of labor occurred.

3. The stage of mastering educational activities (from 6-8 to 11-12 years), when the functions of self-control, self-analysis, the ability to plan their activities, and the like are developing intensively. It is especially important when a child independently plans its time when performing a homework, overcoming the desire to take a walk and relax after school.

4. Stage of the optation of "options" (conscious preparation for "life", to work, planning, designing a professional life path; from Lat. "Optatio" - desire, election).

Period of option (from 11-12 to 14-18 years). This stage of preparing for life, to work, conscious and responsible planning and choosing a professional path; Accordingly, a person who is in a situation of professional self-determination is called a latter. The paradoxality of this stage is that in the situation of "latter" may well be an adult, for example, unemployed.

The latter stage is completed with the execution of its mental neoplasm in the structure of a subject of activity (in his self-consciousness): a realistic idea of \u200b\u200bsome reference professional community, in which it includes in perspective.

Development during the period of professional training and further formation of a professional

5. The Adept Stage is a vocational training that most school graduates take place. The age period covered by the training stage in different cases is a segment of time from 15-18 to 16-23 years.

6. Stage of adaptant - entry into the profession after completing vocational training, which is continuing from several months to 2-3 years.

7. Stage of the International - Entrance, and the profession as a full-fledged colleague that can work consistently at the normal level. This stage, which E.A. Klimimov says: "The subject entered the profession is quite definitely, both in self-consciousness and in the minds of others."

8. The Master Stage - the worker is able to solve both simple and most difficult professional tasks. It is characteristic or special qualities, or universalism, wide orientation in the professional field, perhaps it combines the first and second. The labor entity gained its defined individual activity. It usually has formal qualifications.

Biological age can affect the amount of energy, the potential of the employee, which is effectively compensated by organizational skills, experience and professional qualities.

10. The stage of the mentor is the highest level of work of any specialist. The authoritative master of his case in any profession acquires like-minded people, adopting experiences, imitative, followers, students (regardless of the relevant official status). The worker becomes not just a great professional in his area, but also a teacher who can convey his experience to students. Thus, the highest level of development of any specialist is a pedagogical level.

A.K.Markova allocates the following levels of professionalism:

doprofessionalism (man works, but does not have a complete set of the qualities of the real professional);

professionalism (professional person, i.e. works consistently and performs everything that is required of it);

superprofessionalism (creativity, personal development, what is called "acme" - the peak of professional achievements);

non-professionalism, pseudoprofessionalism (externally enough active activity, but at the same time a person either produces a "marriage" in work, or degrading itself as a person);

afterprofhesionalism (a person may be a "professional in the past", "Ex-Professional", and may be the adviser, a teacher, a mentor for other specialists).

A.K.Markova allocates more specific stages of the development of the profession:

1) adaptation of a person to the profession;

2) self-actualization of a person in the profession (adaptation to the profession - "Development of an individual professional norm", "Planks" of self-realization, which in the future the employee is trying to raise);

3) Human harmonization with a profession (close to the level of "skill" - according to E.A. Klimov);

4) Transformation, enrichment by man of his profession. This is the level of creativity;

5) the stage of mastering free possession of several professions. The specialist goes beyond the formal activity and increasingly becoming the fact that E.A. Klimov calls "Mentor";

6) the stage of creative self-determination itself as a person. He suggests that a professional in his work seeks to realize his main life idea and finds for this opportunity and strength.

According to A.K.Markova, the fourth, the fifth and sixth are the steps of super professionalism.

3. Periodization of the development of the subject of labor in foreign psychology

In the West, the periodization of the American psychologist Donald Sewire, which includes the following steps:

Stage growth (from birth to 14 years old) when the development of basic interests and abilities occurs.

The stage of studying its forces and aspirations is the testing of its forces in various types of labor and training activities (from 15 to 25).

Trial step (25-30 years). Man "Tries" himself as a full-fledged specialist who can "compete" with more experienced employees.

Stage stabilization (from 30 to 44 years old) - approval of yourself as a reliable and prosperous specialist. Ensures further vocational education and hardening its position in society.

Stage of maintaining, preserving the achieved positions (from 45 to 64 years). A person at this stage seeks to create a sustainable professional and social status.

The stage of the decline, care, reducing professional and social activity (from 65 years or more).

Differences in classifications of different authors are explained not only by the mismatch of theoretical and methodological views, but also the peculiarities of the socio-economic and spiritual development of society, since in modern Western society, not only the life expectancy is increasing, but also the period of childhood and the period of adolescence are extended. Society gives teenagers time to choose a profession, to get more serious education and in order to deal with the meanings of their future professional activities.

So, for example, a Dutch psychologist B. Lillukhud age from 21 to 28 years old, the so-called "twenties", calls the first phase of adulthood. "A young man wants to express himself in various situations to thus explore himself and his abilities ... The worst thing that can happen to a person in this phase of his life, this is the need for ten years to fulfill the same work, without the opportunity to explore This is something new, "says B. Lillhud.

And Adler believed that in childhood the child is formed by the "Life Plan" (as the main direction of its future life). At first it is a very simple plan (rather lifestyle). Later, a "lifestyle" is formed (as a rough version, which "is gradually drawn up in a connected scheme.") By 5-6 years, the child is formed by "life-style". If you work with the child "with the mind", then after 5-6 years it will be able to change and improve its life style. But if you do not work, then his idea of \u200b\u200bthe future life can be "stuck" in its development.

According to E. Burn, still in childhood the foundations for "life scenarios" are laid, which already in adult life is quite difficult to overcome. These scenarios often do not allow a person to live really interesting and extraordinary, i.e. His own life, forcing him to "play" in other people's games.

When considering the lines of human development, the distorts of various lines (components) of this development are often found. It is known, for example, that very quickly a person matures as an organism (physical component), it is quite quickly seizing the intellectual component, but it is much more difficult to deal with the moral, civil component. Immoral professional is especially dangerous. Professionals have such bias often form professional crises and professional degradation.


The concept of labor entity is a fundamental category of psychology. This category reflects the ability of a person to act consciously, actively, purposefully, based on the mental reflection of the objective world.

The subject of labor can be a concrete person or social group. In order to become a subject of labor necessary

Achieving a high level of development of abilities and other professionally important personal qualities

Adequate reflection of labor object

Satisfaction with labor

Development of self-regulation system

The assimilation of social and developed ways of activity

Development of self-assessment skills, sense of self-assertion and self-esteem.

Labor activity is not a simple consequence of the calendar age of a developing person. It arises and develops as some system quality of a person in a certain human environment. This general pattern begins to be discovered in the preschool ontogenesis of man as a subject of labor.

There are various periodization of human development as a subject of labor. The most popular in domestic psychology is the periodization proposed by E.A. Klimyov, which consists of 10 stages. In the West one of the most famous is the periodization of the American psychologist Donald Supper.

Differences in classifications of different authors are explained not only by the mismatch of theoretical and methodological views, but also the peculiarities of the socio-economic and spiritual development of society, since in modern Western society, not only the life expectancy is increasing, but also the period of childhood and the period of adolescence are extended.

List of sources used

1. Adler. Understand the nature of man. St. Petersburg., 1997.

2. Klimov E. A. Introduction to the psychology of labor. M., 1998.

3. Klimov E. A. Psychology Professional. - M., 1996.

4. Markova A. K. Psychology of professionalism. M., 1996.

5. Velikov E. Yu. Psychology of Labor and Human Dignity. M., 2001.

6. Heat B. M. Psychology. Tutorial for high school. M., 1953.

7. Podchok V. A. Modern psychology of labor. SPb., 2005.

8. Erickson E. Childhood and society. St. Petersburg., 2000.

9. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of the game. M., 1978.

Labor subject First of all separate man. And not just a person, but personal person.

The distinctive features of the person person as a subject of labor are:

1. Self-awareness. The person's person, as a subject of labor, is aware of himself, first of all, a creature, endowed with a certain bodily constitution, identifies himself with his physical bodily appearance in a specific concept of "I". At the same time, in this consciousness, a person reflects in one degree or another and characteristic of him psychological features and features. At the same time, he opposes his "I" to other people, distinguishes itself as a personality from their environment.

2. Individuality - Sustainable peculiarity owned by this personality mental processes, states and properties Both in the specific features of their content and in the methods and forms of manifestation. All mental phenomena personality as subject individual.

3. Self-regulation - The ability to consciously manage its mental world due to the requirements of the social environment or the conditions of work performed. The manual does not mechanically adapt to the environment in response to its irritation. He is a conscious participant of the medium, selectively perceiving its impact, evaluating and processing them and managing his behavior.

4. Activity. Personality is always active in its surrounding social and natural environment. Activity transforms A person as a subject of labor in person. In activity manifest Personality.

5. Relationship with the social environment. A person as a labor entity is almost always available in certain relationships and relations with the people around him and the society as a whole (family, household, production and labor, rational, class, ideological, etc.). These bonds and relationships are inevitably reflected in its various behaviors and activities, determine the true essence of a person. It cannot be understood if we consider a person as a separate creature, isolated (abstractly) from society.

There are many human personality classifications as labor subit .

So, one of them, summarizing the views of the ancient philosophers, proposes to judge the personality of the working person of 5 manifestations:

1. Health and strength.

2. By adjacent, mastering practical skills and skills.

3. By mind, wisdom, understanding of life.

4. According to kindness, morality, degree of humanity.

5. On the beauty, the development of taste, aesthetic feelings.

The characteristic of the subject of labor could look like this in this case: strong, diligent, wise, kind and beautiful.

In the very first textbook on the psychology of labor, N.D.levitov believes that the subject of labor implements itself in mental processes, mental cosnias and individual psychological features of the personality of the worker person .

In the interpretation of P.A.Rudik (sports psychologist) personality as a subject of labor is manifested in the originality of it mental processes, states and properties.

KK Platonov (about the psychology system. - M.: Thought. 1972. - P. 125 -128) proposed to classify the identity of the labor subsoge in four substructures:

1. The first substructure comes focus, relationships and moral traits . She is socially determined and formed upbringing . Platonov called it personality Substructure.

2. The second substructure includes knowledge, skills, skills and habits acquired in personal experience by learning , but already with noticeable influence and biologically conditioned personality properties. This is the preparedness or exercise experience.

3. The third substructure covers individual features of individual mental processes. The role of biological conditionality is visible in them even more clearly. But this substructure formed exercise . Briefly can be called substructure forms of reflection.

The exercise (according to Platonov) is the formation of mental processes based on them and the properties of the personality within the substructure of reflection forms. It relies on training and without it is impossible. Essence of the exercise is setting feedback with the result of repetition , knowledge of the latter, and thus the result of the exercise.

4. The fourth substructure is united the properties of temperament (typological properties of the person), the sex and age properties of the personality and its pathological (organic) changes . They are formed (converted) training. Briefly this substructure can be called biologically conditioned substructure.

Workout (according to Platonov) - this is the formation of the properties of the personality entering into its biologically conditioned substructure; It is the basis of all other, more complex types of formation. Essence of her B. simple repetition of actions in which it is manifested and this personality property is formed. In this generality of this type of formation of the psyche and personality with training as a way of forming the properties of the body, for example, with muscle training, bundles in the process of morning charging or therapeutic physical education, breathing training under pressure at the pilot, etc. A simple repetition is a moisture, cavity. They cannot either form, nor develop the skill, but can fix the already formed. To form skill, training should be supplemented with exercise and learning.

Using the word "subject", we emphasize the role of a person as the initiator of activity, the prison, the Creator in its attitude towards the objects of subject and social environment, internal (mental) and the outside world. Such an understanding corresponds to the interpretation of the psyche as an active principle. The active construction of a person of his work activity is its goals, systems of action, external and domestic funds, conditions, individual style - a private expression of the overall property of the activity of mental displacement of reality. It is actively and manifested in the fact that a person, characterizing some of the sustainable internal conditions of activity (unique in each individual case, the qualitative certainty of personal characteristics - individuality), not just follows the folding coincidence. He converts these circumstances, and himself, and its relationship with other people, and these people, and the construction of public life. The object is the "receiver" of the impacts, (and if it is a social object, a person, then, in turn, this object is active), the subject is their initiator with the system "subject-object". It is unnecessar than to say that the process of mental design of the course of this impact and its results is preceded by the active impact on the object. It is necessary to specifically create, let it seemed to be "unnecessary" with a purely technological, industrial point of view, the conditions for the person-performer would still have the possibility of some independent efforts of thought, searches and finds. Attitude towards man as a subject of labor implies a respectful attitude, in particular, to its persistent individual characteristics.

Satisfaction from labor is an extremely important characteristic of the activities of the subject. Everyone works with satisfaction and good only when she developed his "handwriting" - an individual style in work and when this style does not prevent him from implementing himself, "be yourself". Before a person becomes a subject of employment, the multi-year, multi-stage process of its bodily and spiritual development.

An important condition for the effective impact of the subject to the object is the orientation of the first in the second (the most important property of the psyche, as is known - the display, modeling of the object). Therefore, one of the main directions of development in question - the acquisition by a person has an increasingly accurate and wide cognitive orientability in what is in the role of "medium" in relation to consciousness (nature, its own human body, society as the organization of people with its specific laws , standards, artificial habitat, including equipment, information flows). At the same time, as is well known, thanks to speech and communicating with itself, a person can use not only his personal experience, but also the experience of all mankind.

In the context of the psychology of labor, the development of human orientation in the world of professions (starting from the formation of the ideas of preschoolers about the work of adults, ending with the development of the most complicated modern external means of activity as conditions of higher professional skill, professionalism and, therefore, the highest value of this person for society). This is simultaneously a kind of knowledge about phenomena of public life, i.e. The light of the worldview.

Man is a self-regulating system. The most important mental regulators of his activity - needs, interests, ideals, - in a word, the direction of the individual. This is also a peculiar display of effectiveness, providing not situational, and strategic (oversitative) activity. We note another direction of human development as a subject of labor - the formation of a focus, in particular, labor, professional. Without the formation of the identity orientation, the internal conditions are not created for the assimilation of knowledge, skills, skills (not to mention that the beliefs relating to the area of \u200b\u200blabor are included in the system-forming units of the world's worldview). (nine)

One of the directions of human development as a subject of labor is to assimilate and improve (as its own acquisitions) of socially developed ways of action and use of guns, activities (including internal means and means of interpersonal interaction - verbal and non-verbal).

And orientation in the medium, and the functionality of the identity, and the executive operations suggest the development of some psychological qualities, abilities. In connection with said one of the directions of human development as a subject of labor - the formation of a system of sustainable personal qualities creating the possibility of successful performance of activities, i.e. abilities.

An important direction of the development of a person as a subject of labor is to improve his knowledge of itself and the formation of individually peculiar ways to solve typical life tasks, taking into account not only external, but also internal, unique for each conditions - the formation of an individual work style.

The subject of labor is characterized by the presence of a specific structure.

The "section" characteristic of the structure of the subject of labor at every given moment of its development can be represented as the levels of its possible consideration: the level of acts, i.e. Holistic activities in unity with all components of the personality, the level of action, the level of macroelements and the level of microelements of actions. Consider the designated structure more.

Act is a holistic work cycle characterized by a complete psychological structure (a conscious anticipation of socially valuable results, the consciousness of the obligation of achieving a socially fixed purpose, a conscious choice, the use, improvement, or awareness of intermediary production dependencies, relations ("living" and emitted), including a number of intermediate purposes subordinated to some more or less promising goal. Act - a category is primarily subjective: it is determined by the hierarchy of the goals, the features of the mental prospects that the person speaks. This level includes the following main components: general human abilities (activity, self-regulation); general Orientation in the subjective picture of the world, worldview, life goals, ideals, value ideas, professional personal plans; character as a system of human relations to different parties of reality; orientation in a specific life situation - its mapping in the form of mental samples of each level; orientation in the field of direct activity; Consciousness of his "I", its capabilities, states in a real situation; volitional qualities, abilities that ensure the execution of ideas; special abilities, motives of activity; overall working capacity, features of somatic and neuropsychic health.

Actions - a set of processes of cognition and execution directed (due to motivation) to achieve the nearest conscious goal. Action - a category subjective; It is determined by the dynamics of immediate goals. Making the same thing, different people can perform different systems of action and their different number. The main components of the level under consideration: the ability to build adequate "logic of things" representation of the target; the ability of arbitrary regulation of motives, elements of action, acts of attention, orientation, control; The ability to assimilate and implement certain performing operations on a motor or sensory perceptual (sensual), or intellectual (disturbed), or socio-communicative levels, as well as at the level of self-assessment of their states and self-regulation of them.

Macroelectric levels of action: the ability to display validity on sensory, perceptual and representative levels; The ability to implement executive acts in the cognitive, executive and practical level, the level of self-assessment and self-regulation of the parameters of the action ("accelerate the pace", "strengthen the pressure", etc.).

The level of microelements of action is the level of important, but low-cost, unconscious and escorting from arbitrary regulation of features, cognitive and executive actions, processes of motivation of actions (changes at the level of microintervalues \u200b\u200bof time, microspheres of movements, tremor). Here we are facing both natural and with acquired regulatory mechanisms that ensure the physiological balance of functions inside the body, automatic self-regulation.

In principle, human activity can be described as a system of consistently performed actions. But sometimes some actions are performed in parallel, i.e. At the same time. The same action person can perform in different ways. The choice of method depends on the results of the preceding action and specific conditions of activity. In the process of activity, one way or another manifests the creative abilities of a person.

All this creates difficulties to use the formal description methods. All variety of actions can be reduced to four types: subject-practical, objective mental, iconic-practical and identification-mental actions.

As the basis of a person as a subject of labor and management increases with the integrated automation of production. A person is responsible for the effective work of the entire technical system and the error allowed by them can lead in some cases to very difficult consequences. The study and design of such systems have created the necessary prerequisites for the unification of technical disciplines and sciences about the person and his work activity, led to the emergence of new research tasks. First, these are tasks associated with the description of human characteristics as a component of an automated system. We are talking about the processes of perception of information, memory, decision-making, research of movements and other effector processes, problems of motivation, readiness for activities, stress, collective activity of operators. From the point of view of ensuring the efficiency of human activity, such factors such as fatigue, monotony of operations, perceptual and intellectual load, working conditions, physical environmental factors, biomechanical and physiological factors have important. First, these are the tasks of designing new activities related mainly to ensuring the interaction of a person and machine. These funds include visual and hearing indicators, controls, special ECM input systems, new tools and appliances. Thirdly, these are systemic tasks associated with the distribution of functions between the operator and the machine, with the organization of the workflow, as well as the tasks of training, training and selection of operators.

Ergonomics is engaged in a comprehensive study and design of employment in order to optimize guns, conditions and the labor process, as well as professional skills. Its subject is labor activity, and the object of research - the system "is a man - a weapon of labor - the subject of labor is a production environment." Ergonomics refers to those sciences that can be distinguished by the subject and a specific combination of methods used in them. She largely uses research methods that have developed in psychology, physiology and labor hygiene. The problem is to coordinate various methodological techniques in solving a particular ergonomic problem, in subsequent generalization and synthesizing the results obtained with their help. In some cases, this process leads to the creation of new research methods in ergonomics other than the methods of those disciplines to which it originated. Term "ergonomics" (Greek. Ergon - work + Nomus - the law) was adopted in England in 1949, when a group of English scientists laid the beginning of the organization of an ergonomic research society. In the USSR, in the 20s, the term "ergology" was proposed, and the English term is currently accepted. In some countries, this scientific discipline has other names: in the USA - "study of human factors", in Germany - "Anthropotechnics", etc.

Ergonomics, one way or another, is associated with all sciences, the subject of the study of which is a person as a subject of labor, knowledge and communication. The nearest psychology industry is an engineering psychology, whose task is to study and design external funds and internal ways of working out operators. Ergonomics cannot abstract from the problems of the relationship between the individual with the conditions, the process and instruments of labor, which are the subject of studying the psychology of labor. It is closely connected with the physiology of labor, which is a special section of physiology devoted to the study of changes in the functional state of the human body under the influence of its work activity and the physiological substantiation of the scientific organization of its employment process that promotes long-term maintenance of human performance at a high level. Ergonomics uses labor hygiene data, which is a section of hygiene that studies the impact of the production environment and work on the human body and developing sanitary and hygienic measures to create healthy working conditions.

Ergonomics by nature is engaged in the prevention of labor protection, under which the complex of legal, organizational, technical, economic and sanitary and hygienic measures aimed at ensuring the safety of labor and the preservation of the health of working ones is implied. The ergonomic approach to learning work does not duplicate studies conducted in the field of psychology, physiology and occupational hygiene, but relies on them and complement them. An integrated approach, characteristic of ergonomics, allows to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the labor process and thereby revealing the wide possibilities of its improvement. It is this side of ergonomic research that is a particular value for the scientific organization of labor, in which the practical implementation of specific measures is preceded by a thorough scientific analysis of labor processes and the conditions for their implementation, and the practical measures themselves are based on the achievements of modern science and best practices.

Ergonomics also solves a number of problems set in system engineering: Evaluation of the reliability, accuracy and stability of the operator's work, the study of the influence of psychological tension, fatigue, emotional factors and features of the nervous organization of the operator on the effectiveness of its activities in the system "man-machine", the study of adaptive and Creative human capabilities. In practical terms, the problem of the relationship of ergonomics and system equipment is the problem of organizing a comprehensive and professional accounting of ergonomic factors at various stages of creating systems (design, manufacturing, testing, implementation) and their operation. Ergonomics cannot effectively solve problems facing it out of close ties with industrial sociology and social psychology and other public sciences. Outside these ties, ergonomics cannot be fully developed, nor correctly predict the social effect from the introduction of the recommendations developed by it. This group of sciences in a certain respect is mediated by the relationship of ergonomics with the economy. The introduction of the results of ergonomic studies in practice gives a tangible socio-economic effect. Both domestic and foreign experience in introducing ergonomic requirements indicates that leads to a significant increase in productivity. In this case, competent accounting of the human factor is not a one-time source of increase, but a constant reserve for an increase in the efficiency of social production.

The psycho-physiological essence and structure of labor activities from the standpoint of ergonomics. Labor activity is considered as the process of transformation of information and energy occurring in the system "man - a labor instrument - the subject of labor - the environment." Consequently, ergonomic research recommendations should be based on the clarification of the patterns of mental and physiological processes underlying certain types of work, with the subject of labor and the surrounding physicochemical and psychological environment. In recent years, many new ideas arose due to the consideration of employment as a process of human interaction with machine and more complex management systems. Some of these ideas are constructive in the sense of transition from qualitative to structurally quantitative ideas in the development of theory of activity. A significant contribution to the understanding of the psychophysiological content of labor activities was made by research on the physiology of labor.

Activities are the realization of the personality properties of a person. These properties also have a certain structure considered in the theories of personality. The environment and the activity itself can lead to a change in the state of the person. The process of duration is regulated not only by internal, but also by external factors, which include the interacting subject (or team) and the subject of labor itself. The interacting component of the activity can also be an instrument of labor if it relates to the class of automatic devices. In a more formalized form, labor activity can be represented as a dynamic structure that transformation of information and energy. A working person has a labor goal, i.e. The subjective model of the state of the object of labor in which it is necessary to translate this subject from the initial state through labor - information and energy impacts. These impacts can be carried out directly on the subject of labor or through an intermediate device - a labor instrument. At the same time, a person perceives information through signals from the object of labor, an intermediate device and medium. The purpose of the work in humans is formed on the basis of motives, needs, installations (its or received from the outside).

In the context of the formation of new mechanisms for economic-oriented market economies, industrial enterprises need to work in a new way, believed to the laws and demands of the market, mastering the new type of economic behavior, adapting all parties to production activities to the changing situation. In this regard, the contribution of each employee to the final results of the enterprise increases. One of the main tasks for enterprises of various forms of ownership is to search for effective ways to manage labor, ensuring the intensification of the human factor.

The decisive causal factor in the performance of people is their motivation. Motivational aspects of labor management were widely used in countries with a developed market economy. In our country, the concept of motivation of labor in an economic sense appeared relatively recently due to democratization of production. Previously, it was used mainly in industrial economic sociology, pedagogy, psychology. This was explained by a number of reasons. First, economic sciences did not seek to analyze the relationship of their items with the named sciences, and, secondly, in a purely economic sense, until recently, the concept "motivation" Replaced with a concept "Stimulating". This trial of understanding the motivational process led to the orientation for short-term economic goals, to achieve a momentum profit. This destroyably acted at the motivational personality of the employee, did not make an interest in its own development, self-improvement, and after all, this system today is the most important reserve for improving production efficiency.

Labor motivation is the process of stimulating a separate performer or group of people to activities aimed at achieving the objectives of the Organization, to productive implementation of decisions or planned work.

This definition shows the close relationship of the management and individual-psychological content of motivation based on the circumstance that the management of the social system and man, unlike the management of technical systems, contains in itself, as the necessary element, negotiate the chains of the object and the management entity. Its result will be the labor behavior of the control object and ultimately certain results of labor activity.

R. Owenand A. Smith considered money the only motivating factor. According to their interpretation, people are purely economic beings that work only for obtaining funds needed for the acquisition of food, clothes, dwellings and so on.

Modern motivation theories based on the results of psychological research prove that the true reasons that prompted the person to give work all the forces are extremely complex and diverse. According to some scientists, the human action is determined by its needs. The holding of another position proceeds from the fact that human behavior is also the function of its perception and expectations.

When considering motivation, focus on factors that force a person to act and strengthen its actions. The main ones are: needs, interests, motifs and incentives.

Needs You can not directly observe or measure them, you can only judge by the behavior of people. Allocate primary and secondary needs. Primary in nature are physiological: a person can not do without food, water, clothes, dwellings, relaxation, and the like. Secondary are produced during the knowledge and acquisition of life experience, that is, the psychological need for attachment, respect, success.

Needs can be satisfied with the remuneration, giving a person that he considers valuable for himself. But in the concept of "value", different people invest unequal meaning, and, therefore, their estimates of remuneration differ. For example, a wealthy person may consider several hours of recreation in a family circle more significant for himself than the money he will receive for overtime for the benefit of the organization. For working in a scientific institution, respect for colleagues and interesting work may be more valuable, and not the material benefits that he would receive, fulfilling the duties, say, the seller in the prestigious supermarket.

"Internal" remuneration Man gets from work, feeling the significance of his work, experiencing a sense of a certain team, satisfying from communicating friendly relations with colleagues.

"External" remuneration is a salary, promotion, the symbols of service status and prestige.

The motivational process can be presented in the form of the following one after the other stages: awareness of the employee of its needs as a preference system, the choice of the best way to obtain a certain type of remuneration, making a decision on its implementation; implementation; obtaining remuneration; Satisfying the need. Motivation based on motivation core will be exposed to a certain way on the interests of the participants of the employment process to achieve the best performance results.

To manage work based on motivation, such prerequisites are needed as to identify the inconsistencies and the interests of the employee, taking into account its personal and professional abilities, the definition of motivational capabilities and alternatives in the team and for a particular person. It is necessary to fully use the personal goals of the participants of the employment process and the goal of the organization.

No external targets set people in the intensification of their efforts until they turn into his "internal" target and further in its "internal" plan of action. Therefore, for ultimate success, the coincidence of the goals of the employee and the enterprise is of great importance.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to create a mechanism for motivating labor efficiency. Under this implies a combination of methods and techniques of impact on employees from the enterprise management system that encourages them to certain behavior in the labor process to achieve the objectives of the organization based on the need to meet personal needs.

Consider ways to improve labor motivation. They are combined in five relative to independent directions:

· Material stimulation.

· Improving the quality of labor.

· Improving the organization of labor.

· Involvement personnel in the management process.

· Non-monetary stimulation.

The first direction reflects the role of the motivational mechanism of remuneration in the system of increasing labor productivity. It includes the improvement of the wage system as elements, providing the opportunity to participate in the property and profit of the enterprise.

Of course, a major role is given to the motivational mechanism of remuneration, but the continuous increase in the level of remuneration does not contribute to both the maintenance of labor activity at the proper level and the growth of labor productivity. The use of this method can be useful to achieve short-term lifts of labor productivity. Ultimately, a certain imposition is occurring or addictive to this type of impact. Unilateral impact on workers only with cash can not lead to a durable labor productivity.

Although the work in our country, in contrast to the highly developed countries, is currently being considered, mainly only as a means of earnings, it can be assumed that the need for money will grow to a certain limit depending on the standard of living, after which the money will become the condition of normal psychological states, preserving human dignity. In this case, other groups of needs associated with the need for creativity, achieve success and others can perform as dominant. For the head, the ability to recognize the needs of employees is very important. The need for a lower level should be satisfied before the need of the next level becomes a more significant factor determining human behavior.

Needs are constantly changing, so it is impossible to expect that the motivation that worked once will be effective and in the future. With the development of the personality, the possibilities are expanding, the need for self-expression. Thus, the process of motivation by meeting the needs is infinite.

The next direction of improving motivation is to improve the organization of labor - contains the setting of objectives, expanding labor functions, labor enrichment, production rotation, the use of flexible graphs, improving working conditions.

The setting of goals suggests that the correct goal through the formation of the orientation for its achievement serves as a motivating means for the employee.

The expansion of labor functions implies the introduction of diversity to the work of personnel, that is, an increase in the number of operations performed by one employee. As a result, the working cycle is extended by each employee, the intensity of labor is growing. Application of this method is advisable in the event of an admission of workers and their own desire to expand their circle of activity, otherwise this can lead to a sharp resistance from employees.

The enrichment of labor implies the provision of a person of such work, which would have given the opportunity for growth, creativity, responsibilities, self-actualization, including some functions of planning and quality control in its responsibilities, and sometimes related products. This method is advisable to apply in the field of labor of engineering and technical workers.

For massive working professions, it is best to use production rotation, which involves alternating the types of work and production operations, when the workers during the day are periodically exchanged by workplaces, which is characteristic mainly for the brigade form of labor organization.

Improving working conditions is the most acute problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the significance of working conditions as one of the most important needs of a person increases. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies unfavorable conditions of the work environment. Working conditions, speaking not only by the need, but also a motive encouraging to work with a certain return can be simultaneously a factor and consequence of certain productivity and its effectiveness.

Another side of this problem should be distinguished - low labor culture of workers themselves. Working in unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions for a long time, a person does not know how, and it does not want to correctly organize his workplace. Recently, Japanese performance management methods have become introduced at our advanced enterprises as an experiment, one of which is an increase in production culture. Compliance with the five principles of work is one of the elements of labor morality.

· Eliminate unnecessary items in workplaces.

· Play and store the necessary items.

· Constantly maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace.

· Permanent readiness of the workplace to work.

· Understand the discipline and follow the principles listed.

The status of the workplace is estimated daily when checking the cooking assessment in accordance with its contents to the specified rules. Workers are directly interested in constant maintaining in good condition of their place, since in this case it increases by 10% the tariff part of its earnings. The use of such a system allows to increase the level of production culture and contributes to the growth of labor productivity.

In the practice of American firms "Ford", "General Motors" and other methods of motivation and humanization of labor are used. Many of them are associated with material promotion. The so-called analytical wage systems are used, whose feature is a differential assessment in the degree of complexity of work, taking into account the qualifications of performers, physical efforts, working conditions and others. At the same time, the variable part of the wages, which acts as a reward for improving the quality of products, the growth of labor productivity, the savings of raw materials reaches 1/3 of the salary. Various forms of participation of workers in the distribution of profits are used. To solve production problems, quality mugs and joint commissioners of workers and administrations are formed, make decisions on the material promotion of workers depending on the contribution, including in increasing labor productivity.

Material encouragement is practiced in various types. A large distribution in British firms received encouragement in the form of gifts. So, in the company "British Telecom" awards with valuable gifts and tourist tickets. The award procedure is carried out in accordance with the successes achieved: at workplaces, in public events and celebrations. This allows you to popularize achievements in the field of improving the efficiency of its quality, which previously remained unnoticed.

The employee motivation system used by industrial firms by promoting them in service can be reduced to rotation, taking into account personal qualities and work experience. The first is more often used in US enterprises, the second is characteristic of Japan.

One of the forms of motivation that has been widespread use in the practice of foreign and domestic enterprises has become an introduction flexible work schedules.In state institutions of the County of Oxfordshire (United Kingdom) in the early 1990s, a new form of labor organization, which gives employees a significant degree of freedom - the ability to work both in the workplace and at home, depending on the specific duties of the employee and agreement between it And his leader. In some cases, the number of hours carried out in the institution is negotiated in advance. Specific clocks for collecting all employees of the units for sharing information can be assigned, familiarization with new tasks. Such a regime is recommended and leaders. Thus, the contract of the head of the accounting of one of the institutions involves the following work time distribution: 75% (30 hours per week) - in the institution, 25% (10 hours per week) - at home. The head of the accounting of the house basically works on the computer, checks the digital data of financial documents, and in the institution participates in meetings and is engaged in other work requiring contact with employees.

Work that is performed only at home at the computer is called teleboat. The main drawback is isolation, however, for some categories of workers, besides burdensome family responsibilities, it is preferable to such a form of labor organization.

The experiment was justified by expectations and was picked up by other companies. British Telecom predicts that by the year 2000, about 15% of the workforce will be occupied by the telebot. If this forecast is justified with a colossal effect: the number of cars on the roads will be reduced by 1.6 million units, and gasoline will be burned at 7.5 billion liters less, the firms will save 20 thousand pounds of sterling (about 33 thousand dollars) per year on each An employee, and the staff themselves will be on average to save 750 pounds per year on gasoline and road expenditures.

One of the effective methods of motivation is the creation of self-governing groups. As an example, you can refer to the experience of the American company "Digital Equipment", where such groups are formed in the management of general accounting and reporting included in one of the 5 financial activities management centers. Groups independently solve issues of job planning, admission to the work of new employees, holding meetings, coordination with other departments. Group members alternately participate in the meetings of companies managers.

In the West there are many theories of labor motivation. For example, theory D. Mak-Keelanda Makes focus on the needs of the highest level: power, success, involvement. Different people can dominate the same or other of them. Power-oriented people show themselves as frank and energetic individuals seeking to defend their point of view, not afraid of conflict and confrontation. Under certain conditions, high-level managers grow.

People who prevail the need for success is usually not inclined to risk, are able to take responsibility for themselves. In such people, the organization should provide a greater degree of independence and the opportunity to bring the case to the end.

Motivation on the basis of the need for involvement is characteristic of people interested in the development of personal connections, the establishment of friendly relations, helping each other. Such employees should be attracted to work, which will give them the opportunity to communicate.

Famous scientist in the field of leadership D. Mac. Gregor, highlighting two basic principles of influence on the behavior of people, formulated "Theory X" and "Theory Y".

"Theory X" - This is an authoritarian type of management, leading to direct regulation and hard control. According to this theory, people initially do not like to work, so they should be forced, control, direct, threaten the punishment to force to work to achieve the objectives of the organization. Middle man prefers to led them, he avoids responsibility.

"Theory Y" Founded on democratic principles of delegation of powers, enriching the content of work, improvement of relationships, recognizing that the motivation of people defines a complex set of psychological needs and expectations. The democratic leader believes that the work of a person, the natural state, and the "external control" is not the main and not the only means of exposure, the employee can carry out self-control, strive for responsibility, is inclined to self-education and ingenuity.

Remuneration is a motivating factor only if it is directly related to the outcome of labor. Employees should be convinced of the presence of a sustainable connection between the material remuneration received and labor productivity. In wages, there must be a component depending on the results achieved.

For the Russian mentality, the desire for collective work, recognition and respect for colleagues and so on. Today, when, due to the difficult economic situation, it is difficult to highly labor, special attention should be paid to intangible incentive, creating a flexible system of benefits for workers, humanized work, including:

· Recognize the value of the employee for the organization, to provide him with creative freedom,

· Apply labor enrichment programs and personnel rotation;

· Use a sliding schedule, an incomplete working week, the ability to work both in the workplace and at home;

· Installing workers discount on products manufactured by the company in which they work;

· Provide tools for recreation and leisure, provide free tracks, issue a loan for the purchase of housing, garden plot, cars and so on.

We will try to formulate the motivating factors of the organization of labor that lead to the satisfaction of the needs of the highest levels.

In its workplace, everyone wants to show what he is capable of and what it means for others, therefore recognition of the results of the specific employee, the provision of the opportunity to make decisions on issues related to its competence, to advise other employees.

At workplaces should be formulated the worldview of a single team: it is impossible to destroy the emerging informal groups if they do not apply real damage to the purposes of the organization.

Almost everyone has its own point of view on how to improve their work. Relying on the interested support for the leadership, without fear of sanctions, it is necessary to organize work so that the employee does not miss the desire to realize their plans.

Therefore, in what form, at what speed and how, employees receive information, they estimate their real significance in the eyes of the manual, so it is impossible to make decisions regarding changes in the work of employees without their knowledge, even if the changes are positive, and also make it difficult to access the necessary information. Information about the quality of the work of the employee must be operational, large-scale and timely.

The employee needs to provide the highest possible degree of self-control.

Most people seek to acquire new knowledge during the work. Therefore, it is so important to provide subordinates to learn, encourage and develop their creative abilities.

Everyone is striving for success. Success is a realized goal, to achieve which the employee has attached maximum effort. Success without recognition leads to disappointment, kills the initiative. This will not happen if subordinates who have succeeded, delegate additional rights and powers, to promote them on the service staircase.

The main motives of mining strikes at the present stage of their development are non-payment of earned money. Let's try to trace the whole path of money from the government to miners and back.

The state is calculated with miners through the Treasury, which has been existing as a separate service under the Ministry of Finance. In addition, the separation of the Treasury is in every city and the area, so the calculations with budgetary organizations go far faster - the stateless money does not hang for six months in commercial banks. All funds released by the Coal Industry budget are distributed to the associations of OJSC Rosugol, and lists the amounts of the local sections of the Treasury, after the development of funds, according to the discharge of Rosügog. Head of the Treasury Department for the Kemerovo Region Gregory Skripal It claims that the state paid all the money to the miners, but where then salaries? It is possible to answer this question in this question only sobering in the subtleties of the economic situation in our country. On the one hand, the government pays miners money for state orders, folding the obligations of payment on industry and urban orders. And, on the other, the city and industry cannot pay miners, since their main customer is the state. And because Not some others cannot pay taxes, then the "enchanted circle" is obtained.

And, if employees of other industries (teachers, physicians) can somehow find additional work, then miners, due to a number of reasons, among which and the working conditions, and the geographical position of the mines do not have such an opportunity.

As well as in the motives of the strike movement, it is possible to allocate the dynamics of requirements. If in 1991-1992 strikes were mainly political, then economic requirements prevailed in 1995-1996

So, when analyzing the requirements of strikers in 1991-92. Immediately rushes in the eye latitude of the spectrum put forward conditions, and these requirements have come out far beyond the scope of narrow-professional. In accordance with its reference, the requirements were divided into a universal (society) and local (social group or socio-territorial community) levels. So in 1991-1992, miner strikes were a reaction to the extremely low rates of economic reform.

Interestingly, the total level of economic and social requirements in relative values \u200b\u200bin the "revolutionary" 1991-1992 is approximately equal to the level of stable 1995-1996.

Being by nature with its mathematical (digital), statistical data is better to submit in the form of tables and schemes, relying on which this problem will be considered in subsequent chapters. The figures should not be taken as absolutely objective, since there is still no strictly formulated methodology for learning strikes. There is no tough separation of political, economic and other requirements.

Relative values

Absolute values


1. Kapiton E. Sociology of the XX century - Rostov-on-Don, 1996.

2. Komarova N. Motivation of labor and improving the efficiency of work. Man and work, 1997 №10.

3. Mirskaya M.I., Dicareva A.L. Sociology of labor. M., 1995.

4. Sociology of sociology. History and technology. M., 1996.

  • D impacts of perfumes, demons penetrating into the body of a person
  • Gt; 3. Features of the investigation of the murders associated with the disappearance of a person
  • I Development of a system of student self-government in the process of integrating educational, scientific and innovative activities of the university

  • The so-called "labor market" is, as emphasized by E.A. Klimov is not a free manipulation market with soulless objects. Each person in a situation of choice or a change of profession, in a situation where he must master the new unusual business, is a conscious subject of choice [Klimov, 1996, p. 103]. The subject (from lat. Subjectum is subjectable) - a person who has consciousness and will, capable of acting purposefully. Using the word "subject", emphasize the role of man as an initiator of activity. The subject of professional activity may be a separate person (or a group of people called a collective labor entity), which is the source of knowledge and transformation of reality. Therefore, individualized and group professionalism is distinguished. In addition, in relation to social communities, uniting professionals and professional teams, we can talk about professionalism (or the absence of such) social community. The subject is characterized by the active construction of his work activity - its goals, systems of action, external and domestic funds, conditions, individual style, etc.

    However, not every person manifests itself as a subject of activity, self-improvement, development, just as not any group can become a collective subject. There is a natural question: What kind of person is considered to be subject?

    Understanding of man as subject activities (according to B.G.Nanyev) includes three main components: 1) consciousness as a reflection of reality; 2) activities as a conversion of reality; 3) creativity as creating something new and original. Thus, the subject of activity is considered as an integral concept in which the synthesis of the requirements of activity and opportunities, aspirations, abilities, personality activity is carried out.

    Comparing the characteristics of the subject with previously discussed in paragraph 1.1 by the subject, tasks and means of engineering activities, we see that the engineer for determining and in essence is obliged to manifest itself as a subject of activity. And a person with a diploma engineer, but working on the principle - "I shifted a shift, and what will happen tomorrow, I don't care," or "I have a boss, let him for everything and answers", avoiding responsibility and initiatives - does not exhibit its subjectivity . The forecast of the development of such a specialist as a professional is difficult to call optimistic.

    The most important condition for the effective impact of the subject to the object is the orientation of the first (subject) in the second (in the object). Therefore, the most important direction of the development of the subject is a person acquiring an increasingly accurate and broad orientation in the form of an environment in relation to it (technical reality, social medium, information flows, etc.).

    Considering the properties of a person as a subject not only activities, but also a life path in general, psychologists associate them with the presence of a contradiction between personality (its motives, abilities, needs) and the requirements imposed on it society- Two reality that do not correspond to each other. Active, purposeful personality, which can be considered as a subject of life - allows This is a contradiction, striving to find a consensus optimal for its own "I". Permissions of the specified contradiction is possible in two ways. The first way - sacrificing freedom, individuality in favor fixtures (adaptation) of a person to the requirements of society. Second way - choosing independence and sacrificing social approval, benefits, etc. The character, the acuteness of this contradiction and the method of its permissions depend naturally, and on how much the rights of the individual are recognized, and on how much the person is endowed with the Reflex of Freedom, the individuality, talent.

    The inability, the failure of a person in resolving the contradiction between the properties of the individual and the requirements of society lead to degradation, destruction, identification deformities. If the identity loses the subject position (independently and actively fit into the system of society), then it breaks to be and subject to life and becomes object manipulation. If man optimally decides. This is a contradiction occurs personal development In the sense of its improvement, maturity, manifestations of its subject qualities.

    Based on the above, we will continue to proceed from the following definition: subject - This is a person who independently produces a way to solve the contradiction between the properties of the individual and the requirements of society, and the method produced by it is characterized by the constructiveness of solving the existing contradiction.

    Considering a person as subject of life path, initiator activity, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavsaya allocates two main forms of activity - initiative and a responsibility [Abulkhanova, 1991].

    Responsibility is defined as a task that the person has been set in carrying out activities - to keep at the level of a certain quality of its implementation that responds with the claims of the individual for a certain time and in the presence of unforeseen difficulties. Responsibility is voluntary, i.e. internally adopted, implementation of rules, requirements, etc.

    Initiative - the ability of a person to independent active actions characterizes the property of the personality keep oneself as a subject own life. Otherwise, - with insufficient development of this property, - the person turns into a passive observer. Initiative is a person's property to be discovered by external requirements, implementing its activity in intellectual or practical spheres. It is expressed in certain justionThe proposals with which a person stands.

    Highlight three main reasons for the lack of initiative:

    1) not the formation of this personality quality on early stages of life path. (The reasons here can be different, including a shortage of communication with the mother in early childhood, dependent, the overwhelming position in the family, etc.). In this case, the employee does not show The initiative, therefore, doubts its possibility organizationally and to implement it.

    2) Influence of socio-psychological conditions. The person herself suppressed the initiative at the stage of her occurrence, in advance knowing that she will not be accepted and approved surrounding. (Reasons - including in such an organization of school groups, which prescribes it to members: "Do not supervise!". Thus, the group blocks the initiative of individual members). As a result, the worker present Its initiative, assuming that the socio-psychological environment will not support it.

    3) Lack of necessary skills and skills individuals (organizational abilities, social and psychological qualities, abilities to implement the initiative) at a high degree of it responsibility. In this case, the employee is in advance blocks His initiative as a result internal personal contradictions. One of them turns out to be a contradiction between manifestation of initiative and sense of responsibility: The desire to exercise the initiative is suppressed by consciousness of responsibility for its implementation. "Damocles sword", expressed in the form of a well-known statement: "The initiative is punishable for its implementation."

    If the employee seeks to implement his initiative, without taking responsibilityThe external requirements are perceived as forced, unexpected. This leads to the emotional discomfort of the person, to dissatisfaction activities and in the end - to the loss of initiatives. Increased initiative to lack of responsibility Its consequences indicate a low self-control, identity infantality.

    Thus, manifestation initiatives and responsibility are the necessary conditions of professionalism. The indicator of responsibility is that a person is counting on its strength, acts in accordance with the requirements for itself, i.e. Regardless of external control. Responsibility is Voluntary adoption, so it becomes the basis for nominating initiatives.

    Executive The employee will do exactly as much as he is entrusted as prescribed by the instruction. He can miss a very important link, referring to the fact that it was not indicated in the instructions or disposal of the head. Responsible The person takes the solution of the task as a whole, and not individual links. He knows what he does, and foresees the consequences of his actions. He does not need control, you can rely on it. It should also be borne in mind that small control inherent in bureaucratic structures destroys personal responsibility.

    In the socio-psychological plan talking about the feeling of subjectivity. A developed sense of subjectivity allows a person to be the owner of his fate.

    Thus, the property of the subjectivity of the individual, as well as the awareness of the person of its subjectivity is a prerequisite for the formation and development of a professional. At the same time, the awareness of its subjectivity, individuality, uniqueness naturally requires the recognition of these qualities and in another person. Understand that it is hidden behind the so-called "human factor", do not cut the "one comb", and see the creative personality in his colleagues and subordinates, help to show it in activities - the task of the leaders of any rank. It is not by chance that experts on the psychology of management from Germany lead as an epigraph of their book of their book: "To lead - it means to give employees to success and self-realization" and convincingly show the correctness of words: "Be humane - it brings profit" [Siegert, Lang, 1990].

    There is a point of view according to which the oscillations observed at different stages in assessing the importance of the "subjective factor" in the respective ideological and social installations, ultimately contribute to evolution homo Sapiens.. At the same time focus on primate personality and individuality is usually done at the moments of historical crisis Socium, when the task of searching for new ways to develop society becomes especially important [Mitkin, 1997].

    Individual style of activity of the subject of labor. The term "individual activity style" (ISD) is used to understand the relationship of objective requirements of the activities and property properties. Depending on the objective requirements of activity, the same personality properties are expressed in different styles. Individual activity style (in labor, teaching, sports) is a characteristic system of skills, techniques, methods to solve a problem of a particular activity, providing more or less successful implementation.

    E.A. Klimov, the individual style of activity of the emerging professional, is "a relatively sustainable individual-peculiar organization of activity (primarily its techniques and methods), as a result of a person's efforts on the best achievement of goals in these external and internal conditions" [Klimov, 1997, p. 90]. Speaking about "relative sustainability", the author meant that the style can change, adjust.

    A complex of individual characteristics of a person can only partially meet the requirements of any type of activity. Therefore, a person, consciously or spontaneously mobilizes its valuable quality for this type of quality, at the same time compensates or somehow overcomes those that impede the achievement of the goal. As a result, an individual activity style is created - a unique version of the works typical of this person in typical conditions for it.

    In the professionic literature, the point of view is widely represented by the C.M. Gurevich, according to which three types of professions are distinguished:

    I. Professions, where every healthy person can achieve socially acceptable effective activities;

    II. Professions in which not every person can achieve the desired effect;

    III. Professions, which, in their essence, suggest the achievements of the highest steps of skill.

    Professions of type III impose specific requirements for individual characteristics of a person who can be due to genetically due to in some cases. Most of the professions does not impose such strict requirements for a subject of activity (I type) or allow us to use the inclusion of compensation mechanisms, the development of ISD, adjust the lack of certain professionally important qualities (II type of professions). The indicated concept on the following prerequisites is based on:

    1) there are persistent, practically uncompretable psychological qualities, meaningful to the success of activities;

    2) different ways are possible, but equivalent in the final version of the device to the conditions of professional activity;

    3) there are ample opportunities to overcome the weak severity of individual abilities due to their exercise or compensation through other abilities or ways of work;

    4) the formation of abilities must be conducted, taking into account the individual identity of the person.

    Thus, the ISD can be considered as a method of adapting carriers of various individual-typological qualities to the conditions of work. For example, when changing the requirements for the rate of activity, a person with a movable type of nervous system successfully solves the task through the use of its termination, the ability to easily speed up the actions and move from one state to another. In the same objective conditions, an inert type man uses completely different means. It can get rid of himself from the need to respond quickly to signals due to prudency, increased attention to preventive measures. In the process of its work, a tendency to systematically is developed, thoroughness in work, etc.

    Individual style of activity of any individual cannot be accepted for the universal, "perfect sample". The imposition of it "in the order of exchange of experience" by another (for example, an inert performer to encourage working in the style of mobile) can lead to the fact that the tasks of activity will be impracticable for him.

    The attitude of the head of any level to subordinate as a subject of work implies a respectful attitude towards him, in particular to its persistent individual characteristics [Klimov, 1997, p. 161-162].

    There are people fast and even meature, but there are cautious and slow, inclined to painstaking work. There are those that perform the finest and difficult work if they do not interfere with the hindrance here, for example, just the frequent appearance of the "bosses" nearby), and at the same time they are rapidly lost, demobilizes if they are starting to rush or even stand They have "above the soul", "okay" near their workplace.

    Everyone, as emphasizes E.A. Klimov, inclined to "play on those strings that have" [Klimov, 1997, p. 161], - Maximum uses its valuable qualities (leading to the success of activities) and in many ways overcomes the quality that prevented this success.

    For example, "alive", mobile person in monotonous, boring for him The work begins to artificially "merge" (sings, dresses, makes it seemingly extra movement), otherwise it pulls him to sleep. And, on the contrary, a slower person is more likely than the instruction requires, makes control inspections of the equipment. But this is important for him: he gains confidence, freeing himself from concerns that the need for "jerks" will arise in the work with which it is difficult to cope (in contrast to a person's man who does not make it difficult for the "Avraial" regimen to correct admitted strata) .

    All this refers to mental reality, and it is impossible to not be considered with it. Moreover, it is noticed that the higher the level of skill, the professionalism of the person, the less it looks like other workers (also with a high level of skill). It is necessary to respect in the employee of his "Crank", and not try to erase it, break for some uniformity.

    The most important prerequisite for the formation of ISD in the process of learning professional activity is to find the optimal relationship between the general requirements for the formation of skills and skills and manifestation of individual differences in the student. The following embodiments of this condition are possible:

    1) addition to the general instructions of all learning instructions that are allowed to navigate the task, individualized recommendations;

    2) individualization of control over the activities of the student;

    3) individualization of tasks issued by trainees.

    Communicating a paragraph about a person as a subject of life and labor, we recall that we all live in society, and society is, first of all, the "doers" community is of something useful. And it is the productive work that acts as the basis of the life of a healthy society. Labor, not a market that is only a form of organization of production and exchange. From a humanistic point of view, economic freedom is not anarchy or permissiveness, not criminal lawlessness. On the contrary, it is a mutual responsibility of each other, it is loyalty to debt, it is tolerance, decency, focus on cooperation. Without compliance with these elementary principles, it is impossible to gain freedom - in creativity, in self-realization itself as a person. As it is impossible to become a professional in the highest sense of the word, not having professional worldview, professional ideals, professional dignity, respect for their colleagues.

    In conclusion, once again focusing the attention of future specialists on the fact that the only guarantee of progressive professional development is the activity of the person himself.