Connecting homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence using conjunctions. cm. homogeneous members sentences, compound sentences. Wed : non-union connection.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what UNION CONNECTION is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CONNECTION in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    - see link...
  • CONNECTION in the Encyclopedia Galactica of Science Fiction Literature:
    Venturi opened a small drawer and took out a silver mirror disk with a series of small levers. By raising or lowering these levers, he...
  • CONNECTION in the Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    and information services (networking and technology) are one of the leading industries in Japan. It is this branch of industrial economy that is one...
    FAX - see FAX...
  • CONNECTION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • CONNECTION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    central publishing house in the system of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for publishing, printing and book trade. Located in Moscow. Beginning...
  • CONNECTION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (chemical) see Chemical structure or...
  • CONNECTION in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • CONNECTION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1) transmission and reception of information using various technical means (postal communications, telecommunications, etc.). 2) Industry national economy, providing...
  • CONNECTION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -and, about connection, in connection and in connection, g. 1. (in connection). A relationship of mutual dependence, conditionality, commonality between something. ...
    transmission and reception of information using various tech. funds. In accordance with the nature of the means used, S. is divided into postal (see ...
  • CONNECTION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (philosophy), the interdependence of the existence of phenomena separated in space and time. S. are classified according to objects of knowledge, according to forms of determinism (unambiguous, probabilistic ...
  • CONNECTION in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, connection, …
  • CONNECTION in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -and, about sv"yazi, in sv"yazi, w. 1) A relationship of mutual dependence, conditionality, community between someone. or smth. Connection between theory and practice. ...
  • CONNECTION in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • CONNECTION in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary.
  • CONNECTION in the Thesaurus of the Russian language.
  • CONNECTION in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    clutch, connecting link. Cohesion of thoughts, concepts - association of ideas. See conjunction || influential...
  • CONNECTION in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • CONNECTION in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • CONNECTION in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    connection, …
  • CONNECTION in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    connection, …
  • CONNECTION in the Spelling Dictionary:
    connection, …
  • CONNECTION in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Part building structure, connecting its main elements Spec connection, a message with someone, something, as well as the means that make it possible to communicate, communicate ...
  • CONNECTION in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    1) transmission and reception of information using various technical means. In accordance with the nature of the means of communication used, it is divided into postal ...
  • CONNECTION in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    connection, about connection, in connection and (to be with someone) in connection, w. 1. That which connects, connects something. with something; ...
  • CONNECTION in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    and. 1) a) Mutual relations between someone, something. b) Community, mutual understanding, internal unity. 2) a) Communication with someone. b) Love...
  • CONNECTION in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • CONNECTION in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. 1. Mutual relationship between someone or something. Ott. Community, mutual understanding, internal unity. 2. Communication with someone. Ott. Love relationships, cohabitation. ...
  • ERFURT CONVENTION OF 1808 in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Union Convention of 1808 secret, between Russia and France. Developed during negotiations between Alexander I and Napoleon I in Erfurt (15...
  • CHEMICAL BOND in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    bond, mutual attraction of atoms leading to the formation of molecules and crystals. It is customary to say that in a molecule or in a crystal between neighboring ...
  • POTSDAM ALLIANCE CONVENTION 1805 in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Allied Convention of 1805, between Russia and Prussia. Signed in Potsdam on October 22 (November 3) on the part of Russia by Prince A. ...
  • PONDICHERY (UNION TERRITORY OF INDIA) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Puttucherry, Union Territory of India. Area 0.5 thousand km2. Population 0.5 million people. (1971). Administrative center- Pondicherry city. ...
    Data: 2009-07-29 Time: 14:13:17 Navigation Topic = NATO War against Yugoslavia Wikipedia = NATO War against Yugoslavia Wikimedia Commons = Kosovo ...
  • UNION in the One-Volume Large Legal Dictionary:
    1) public education with a single supreme (central) authority, consisting of several united states (for example, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) or self-governing colonies ...
  • UNION in the Big Legal Dictionary:
    - 1> state entity with a single supreme (central) authority, consisting of several united states (for example, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) or self-governing ...
  • YUGOSLAVIA in the Directory of Countries of the World:
    FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA (FRY) A state on the Balkan Peninsula, consisting of two republics of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - Serbia and ...
  • CROATIA in the Directory of Countries of the World.
  • KAZAKHSTAN in the Directory of Countries of the World:
    REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN State in Central Asia. In the north it borders with Russia, in the east - with China, in the south - with ...
  • AZERBAIJAN in the Directory of Countries of the World:
    SKY REPUBLIC State in the Transcaucasian region in western Asia. In the north it borders with Russia, in the north-west - with Georgia, on ...
  • YUGOSLAVIA in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Jugoslavija) Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a state in southern Europe, mostly on the Balkan Peninsula, in the Danube basin; in the southwest it is washed by the Adriatic...
  • UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Soviet Socialist Republic, Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian Radyanska Socialistichna Respublika), Ukraine (Ukraine). I. General information The Ukrainian SSR was founded on December 25, 1917. With the creation...
  • USSR. INTRODUCTION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    National-state structure and population of the USSR, union and autonomous republics (as of January 1, 1976) Union and autonomous republics Territory,…
  • PETROPAVLOVSK DEFENSE 1854 in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    defense 1854, heroic defense of Petropavlovsk (now Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) August 18-24 (August 30 - September 5) during Crimean War 1853-56. P....
  • MALAYSIA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:

c) causal conjunctions. Since, because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, in view of the fact that, because, in connection with the fact that, due to the fact that, etc.;

d) alliance of investigation. So;

e) comparative conjunctions. As, as if, as if, exactly, likewise, etc.;

f) conditional conjunctions. If, if, if, if only, once, etc.;

g) concessional alliances. Although, let it be, let it be, despite the fact that, etc.;

h) target alliances. In order to, in order to, then in order to, etc.

investigation union see subordinating conjunctions (in the article union).

union connection. Connecting homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence using conjunctions. See homogeneous parts of the sentence, complex sentence. Wed: non-union connection.

allied subordination see allied subordination (in the article subordination of sentences),

allied word. Significant word serving as a means of communication subordinate clause with the main one and simultaneously performing the function of a member of the sentence. The role of allied words is relative pronouns who, what, which, whose, which, how many and pronominal adverbs where, where, from where, how, when, why, why, why, etc. Cf. homonymous conjunction that and the conjunction word that, the conjunction when and the conjunction word when, the conjunction as and the conjunction word how. I thought that Konovalov had changed from a wandering life (Gorky) (which is a conjunction). - Everything that Evgeniy still knew, he had no time to tell me (Pushkin) (which is a conjunction word as an addition). Grigory smelled of sadness and desolation when, through the fallen gate, he entered the estate’s courtyard overgrown with swan, (Sholokhov) (when - union). - I had to sit, write, listen to stupid or rude remarks and wait for me to be fired (Ch. e x o v) (when is a conjunctive word in the role of a time adverbial). Krainev raised his head and saw a column of cars (Popov) drive through the open gate (as a conjunction close in meaning to the conjunction that is used to draw attention to the action referred to in the subordinate clause). - Everyone watched them unfold. and planes come in from the rear (Fedin) (kak - a conjunctive word with the meaning “how” and in the role of circumstance of the course of action).

special vocabulary. Words and phrases that name objects and concepts related to various areas labor activity person, and are not commonly used. Special vocabulary includes terms and professionalisms.

spirants. Same as fricative consonants.

spontaneous(Latin spontaneus - spontaneous). Independent, unconditional, free. Spontaneous sound changes (not determined by the position of the sound).

way of verb action. Lexico-grammatical category of the verb, interacting with the category of aspect and expressing those meanings that are associated with the process of action (any moment of its implementation, intensity of manifestation, internal division, etc.). The main meanings associated with expressing the mode of verb action are as follows:

4) the meaning of inception in perfective verbs formed using prefixes WHO; vz; for-, for-. To ignite, to flare up, to wave, to scream, to stride, to thunder, to run, to blow;

2) the meaning of limiting action in time, in the fullness of its manifestation in perfective verbs formed with the prefix By- or several consoles. Lie down, dream, cry, swim, jump, whistle, sit, stand, trample, make noise, hold, think;

3) the meaning of effectiveness (completeness of action, completion of process, exhaustion of action) for perfective verbs formed with prefixes about-, from-, y-, from-. Sleep (all night), sit (pants), lie down (arm), load, warm up, have dinner, make noise, get tired, get cold, get wet, wound, cripple, dry up, write up (all the paper);

4) the distributive meaning of perfective verbs with prefixes re-, over- and several attachments. Whitewash, chop, bite, break, wash, spoil, throw, bite, close, open;

5) the value of the intensity of the onset of action for perfective verbs formed using a suffix -Well-.. To thunder, to gush, to laugh;


§ 2090. A word form (alone or with word forms extending it) can be introduced into a sentence using a subordinating conjunction, together with which it forms a conjunction: comparative (with conjunctions How, as if, as if, exactly) or a revolution formed by a conjunction How in meaning (as) .

Comparative phrase formed by a noun in the form im. etc., performs as part of simple sentence defining function under the following conditions.

1) If in this proposal With the removal of this turnover, the information integrity will be violated: Here red cloak, flying by, Here female voice How string(Block); His spouse - Mashenka - cheerful talker With eyes How cherries, was dressed bright(Gorky); Was He clumsy, short, With hands as if rake(magazine).

2) If this phrase refers to an adjective and through it to a noun, characterizing both the object and its attribute at the same time: Katyusha, beaming smile And black, How wet currant, eyes, flew to him towards(L. Tolstoy).

For other cases of using the comparative conjunction, see § -.


§. Union how(And than) serves to express gradational comparison, i.e. comparison according to the ratio of what is being measured: pear sweeter, how apple; whiter, how snow; more cold, how Always. When comparative, a word form with a conjunction how(And than) takes the position of the complementary form: On dark sky started flicker stars, And Weird, to me it seemed, What They much higher, how at us on north(Lerm.); Here was lighter, how V field(Czech.); She was, confused more more, how I(Kataev); Aspen more combines With northern grayish sky, than With blazing azure heaven(Soloukh.).

Note. The comparative position can be occupied by pronominal words like other (otherwise), another (By-to another), in which the gradational relation gives way to a broader relation of difference: Life on others planets Maybe turn out to be significantly other, how on Earth(magazine).

In such constructions the dependent part with the conjunction how(And than) cannot open sentences.

§. Union How And (equals How And, So same How And) expresses the relations of equation ((equally) , (in equally)); he connects parallel terms based on their identical relationship to the predicate: Mushroom pickers, How And fishermen, Not love unnecessary noise And conversations((mushroom pickers don’t like it and fishermen don’t like it)). Unlike How comparative, union How And indicates similarity, similarity of objects not in their essence (although this similarity is not excluded), but in their relation to the same action, sign, event. Union How And expresses a subordinating relationship, determining the dependent position of the word form it introduces, but the element And introduces the meaning of the connection and brings the relationships expressed by the union closer to the coordinating ones (cf.: A equals And, How... So And): On war trees, How And People, have each my fate(Sholokh.); Human obviously was afraid be late, equals How And Skutarevsky(Leon.); Captain Enakiev, So same How And his soldiers, With first glance fell in love boy(Kataev). Union How And often relates a particular situation to a general one: He, How And All former military, Not knew how dress By-fashionable(L. Tolstoy); How And in all village, V home Not was neither vote, neither sound(Lipatov).


§. A word form that is in a subordinating connection with another word form can also be connected to this latter using a coordinating conjunction: I his I know, And for a long time; Us was coming short-lived, But (A All-after all) parting. Alliances are possible here And, But, Yes, less often A, and also close to coordinating conjunction Although. All of them can appear in various combinations, representing a more or less close unity. Along with conjunctions, words like even, only, especially. Dividing and explanatory conjunctions are not used in these constructions (except be That), gradational.

The conjunctive connection is superimposed on the connection of word forms, preserving the meaning of this connection and adding its own meaning - connective, adversative, concessive. This construction is built primarily on the basis of weak subordinating connections, but is not excluded for strong connections. The dependent word form often follows the conjunction ( Case moves, But slowly), but may also precede it ( Case slowly, But moves).

The conjunction connection is superimposed on the connection of word forms various types: subordinating (1) or characteristic only of a sentence (2): 1) Hero our time exactly portrait, But Not one person(Lerm.); I I'm writing, But trifles(Czech.). 2) She Same coming With him, But already light, straight, free from humiliating alarms(Leon.); Here And Now imprisoned vegetable gardens, Yes Not All: three families starred more With autumn, having separated By different cities(Spread). Such communication can be bidirectional: To me sell men oats, Yes really hurt bad(Czech.; bad oats And sell bad); Eyes, Although And surrounded brown shadow, shone proudly And inexorably(Lerm.; eyes, surrounded shadow And shone, surrounded shadow).

Superimposed on the connection of word forms, the conjunction expresses the relationship not only between the object and its attribute ( short-lived, But parting) or between an action and its sign ( I know, And for a long time), but also between whole situations: Father leaves, But more Not soon((father is leaving), (this departure will not happen soon)). In this case, the conjunction introduces a word form that plays the role of a second rheme; compare: I I'll be back Not soon(rheme - Not soon) And I I'll be back, But Not soon(first rhema - I'll be back, second - Not soon).

A dependent word form may refer not to the predicate, but to another member of the sentence: For Nastya arrived one lady, Same which-That neighbor G-on Totsky By estate, But already V another, distant provinces, And took Nastya With yourself(Adv.); Death Napoleon upset his, But He Not despaired V restoration Although And crippled, But All-after all kingdoms Polish(L. Tolstoy); Meeting With Tanya, Yes more V such day, meaning fast end wars, appeared to him deep significant(Kazakevich). The dependent part of a sentence introduced by a conjunction often includes lexical indicators of modality and tense, such as Necessarily, Always, Now, already, more, again, Maybe, Seems, vice versa.

§. The combination of subordination given in word connections and composition given in a conjunction determines the syntactic specificity of the conjunction part: it is formally dependent, although the relations between the parts are identical to the relations in composition. In constructions with coordinating connections of subordinate word forms, the following relationships are possible.

1) Connective with shades of addition, expansion, aggravation (conjunctions And, And besides, And To that same, And even, even And Not only, Yes, Yes more): [Famusov:] Fell, Yes So, What a little back of the head Not knocked me down(Mushroom.); Housekeeper, By extreme least, Not shaves beards, A this, against Togo, shaved, And, it seemed, enough rarely(Gogol); Well So know, What I I'm getting married, And Now really certainly(Adv.); Through two points passes straight, And besides only one(textbook); We ready, And for a long time, sit down for table negotiations(gas.).

2) Adversatives with a restrictive connotation (conjunctions But, But Not, But All-after all, But All same, But already, But Now, But only, But at this; Yes, Yes Not, Yes really, Yes only, Yes And That, And That, however, Although would, only): IN That time was more groom Her spouse, But involuntarily(Fluff.); They drinking - however Not water, walking few(Lerm.); Now I only Want be loved ones, And That Very few(Lerm.); Insarov sat down, But Not on sofa, A on floor, at her legs(Turg.); AND So Very rarely, But It happens And With person(Priv.); From fog were heard vote, But already more remote(Paust.); Expensive at the cost, But learned live one(A. Kron).

3) Concessive with a restrictive or compensatory connotation ( Although [And], at least [And], Although And... But, at least And... A, let ... But, let, let him, But Truth, But but, at least would [And]... Yes [but], Truth, A, A All-after all, All equals): Traits her, Although incorrect, could like it(Turg.); But Pierre, Although And reluctantly, insisted on volume, What thought fair(L. Tolstoy); Wet infantry IN full gusto curses swamp, Not dreams O friend - At least would death, Yes on dry(Tward.); Strange, V like this city, A nowhere to go go(Hermann); Always wiser let bitter, But knowledge, How timid ignorance hint(Evtush.); Going rain, Truth, small(colloquial speech).

4) Explanatory-inclusive (clarifying and highlighting) ( For example, especially, V peculiarities, V in particular, in every case, main way, more often total, A especially, And V in particular, And V peculiarities): He became read, All more By-English(Turg.); Yours presence, especially Today, For me necessary(Adv.); Money will do, A especially V Taganrog(Czech.).

In addition to conjunctions, indicators of connections when subordinating word forms can be introductory words and phrases ( obviously, likely, Maybe be, To luckily, perhaps, Certainly), adverbs such as partly, sometimes, Sometimes, Always, sometimes, at first, already, more: Few-little by little she learned on him look, at first from under his brows, askance, And All was sad(Lerm.); Speaks, note brought, - should be, from sick(Turg.); Face her All more was burning, Maybe be And indignation(Adv.).

The constructions discussed in §, which contain the characteristics of both simple and complex sentences, in the chapters on complex sentence are not derived from the system of a complex sentence and are described within its corresponding types.

UNION COMMUNICATION. Such a connection between individual words and phrases, which is expressed by conjunctions (see), for example, table and chair; I bought two pencils and a box of pens; the door opened and Marya Pavlovna entered; or rain, or snow, or will, or No; in the old But clean dress; That the sun will hide That shines too brightly; the prisoner turned pale When he was clicked; he didn't come because his father died; dad says What he will buy me a horse, etc.

  • - signed between Prussia and Russia on November 3. in Potsdam after the surrender of the Austrians. army near Ulm. To P. s. Austria joined...
  • - joint activities of bodies of the Union State and bodies state power member states, reflecting the political, social and economic interests of the union state,...

    Glossary of emergency terms

  • - whale revolutionary organization created by Sun Yat-sen in 1905. See Tongmenghoi...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - connection of two or more circuits using a common magnetic flux. See Law of Induction...

    Marine dictionary

  • - Pondicherry, Puttucherry, union territory of India. Area 0.5 thousand km2. Population 0.5 million people. . The administrative center is the city of Pondicherry...
  • - between Russia and Prussia. Signed in Potsdam on October 22 on the part of Russia by Prince A. A. Czartoryski, on the part of Prussia by the state and cabinet minister Baron K. A. Hardenberg...

    Big Soviet encyclopedia

  • - Chinese revolutionary organization created by Sun Yat-sen in 1905; see Tongmenhui...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - in the USSR, a sovereign national Soviet socialist state, voluntarily united for the purpose of mutual assistance in the field of economic, political and defense with others...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - secret, between Russia and France. Developed during negotiations between Alexander I and Napoleon I in Erfurt...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - between Russia and France, confirmed the Treaty of Tilsit in 1807. Napoleon I recognized Russia’s rights to Finland, Moldavia and Wallachia...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Connection of homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence using conjunctions. see homogeneous parts of the sentence, complex sentence...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - HF communication,...

    Together. Separately. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - HF-sv"...
  • - KV-sv"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • Dictionary of synonyms

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 connection...

    Dictionary of synonyms

"Union connection" in books

Chapter Nine. Union Army

From the book Fifty Years in Service author Ignatiev Alexey Alekseevich

Novgorod - sovereign union community

From the book Course of Russian History (Lectures I-XXXII) author Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

Novgorod - a sovereign union community Novgorod did not have its own permanent princes. In theory, the common property of the princely family, owned in turn by its senior representatives, the grand dukes, but in reality it became nobody's property. Choosing princes arbitrarily on terms of hire and food,

Allied diplomacy

From Book One World War author Utkin Anatoly Ivanovich

Allied diplomacy On the evening of January 19, 1915, the Germans carried out their first Zeppelin raid against Britain. The war acquired certain contours in the air, on land, at sea and under water. Strange as it may seem to consider this now, but by the spring of 1915, optimism prevailed in the West.

Union cavalry

From the book Army of Alexander the Great author Sekunda Nick

Allied cavalry Greek cities - participants in the League of Corinth - were obliged to supply reinforcements to the expeditionary army in the form of contingents of cavalry and infantry. However, obviously, not all of these states had their own cavalry. Diodorus speaks of the presence in the army

Allied conference in Sparta (432 BC).

From the book Volume 1. Diplomacy from ancient times to 1872. author Potemkin Vladimir Petrovich

Allied conference in Sparta (432 BC). After this, the Corinthians, Potidaeans and Perdiccas sent embassies to Sparta demanding the immediate convening of an all-union meeting (syllogos) regarding Athens’ violation of the treaty of 445. This protest was supported by

Allied diplomacy

From the book Forgotten Tragedy. Russia in the First World War author Utkin Anatoly Ivanovich

Allied diplomacy On the evening of January 19, 1915, the Germans carried out their first Zeppelin raid against Britain. The war acquired certain contours in the air, on land, at sea and under water. Strange as it may seem to see this now, but by the spring of 1915, optimism prevailed in the West.

Union intervention and white politicians


Allied intervention and white politicians Allied intervention was both a great success and an enormous political burden for white politicians and the military. Back in the spring of 1918, many opponents of the Bolsheviks seemed to be looking forward to nothing so impatiently as intervention

Allied intervention and the White Army

From the book Provincial “counter-revolution” [White movement and civil war in the Russian North] author Novikova Lyudmila Gennadievna

Allied intervention and white army The dissatisfaction and opposition to the intervention, quite clearly evident among northern politicians and the public, was perhaps nowhere more obvious than in the White Army. Conflicts between white officers and allies escalated

Union Territory of Chandigarh (Chandigarh, 238 km north of Delhi) Telephone code (STD) - 172chandigarhtourism.gov.incitco.nic.in Population - about 0.9 million people. (2001) Territory - 100 km2 Main languages ​​- Hindi, Punjabi, English. Airport - 11 km south of the city center. Flights to Delhi daily.Railway

Operation Allied Force

From the book Great War author

Operation Allied Force Operation Allied Force is military operation NATO bloc against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from March 24 to June 10, 1999. NATO invaded Yugoslavia before that. In 1995, NATO aircraft carried out heavy air strikes on

Operation Allied Force

From the book Tomorrow there will be war author Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Operation Allied Force Operation Allied Force was a NATO military operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from March 24 to June 10, 1999. NATO had invaded Yugoslavia before that. In 1995, NATO aircraft carried out strong air strikes against the Serbs for the first time

Allied communication

Allied communication

UNION COMMUNICATION. Such a connection between individual words and phrases, which is expressed by conjunctions (see), for example, table and chair; I bought two pencils and a box of pens; the door opened and Marya Pavlovna entered; or rain, or snow, or will, or No; in the old But clean dress; That the sun will hide That shines too brightly; the prisoner turned pale When he was clicked; he didn't come because his father died; dad says What he will buy me a horse, etc.

N.D. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925

See what “Union connection” is in other dictionaries:

    Allied communication- UNION COMMUNICATION. Such a connection between individual words and phrases, which is expressed by conjunctions (see), for example, table and chair; I bought two pencils and a box of pens; the door opened and Marya Pavlovna entered; Either it will rain, or it will snow, or it will... Dictionary of literary terms

    Connecting homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence using conjunctions. see homogeneous parts of the sentence, complex sentence. cf: non-union connection...

    allied connection- Such a connection between individual words and phrases, which is expressed by conjunctions (see), for example, table and chair; I bought two pencils and a box of pens; the door opened and Marya Pavlovna entered; Either it’s raining or it’s snowing, it’s either going to happen or it’s not;… … Grammar dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms

    Connection of homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence without the help of conjunctions, through one intonation. see homogeneous members of the sentence, non-union complex sentence. cf.: union connection... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    syntactic connection of parts of a complex sentence, formalized by conjunctions and in a non-union way- In general, non-union is characteristic of colloquial and aphoristic artistic speech. Particularly characteristic of them (and at the same time uncharacteristic of scientific and business styles) non-union complex sentences of time (I’ll study - I’ll go to work), reasons... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    UNION, ah, husband. 1. Close unity, connection of classes, groups, individuals. S. democratic forces. 2. Association, agreement for what n. common goals. Military village Conclude with. 3. State association. Australian s. S. cantons (in... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

    Gagauz language. Belongs to the southwestern (Oghuz) group of Turkic languages. Distributed in southern regions Moldova and Ukraine (formerly Bessarabia), in the North Caucasus, partly in Kazakhstan and Central Asia; outside the USSR in the north... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Not to be confused with the Ainyan language. Ainu language Self-name: アイヌ イタク, Aynu itak (Ainu itak) Countries ... Wikipedia

    Stylistic paradigmatics- is a set of multi-level units that make up the stylistic resources of the language and provide the speaker with the opportunity to choose to carry out an act of communication in accordance with the goals of communication and the whole complex of extralinguistic... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    Ainu language- (Ainu) one of the languages ​​of East Asia, the family ties of which are not clear. It was distributed over most of the Japanese Islands (Hokkaido Island and the eastern part of Honshu Island), in the southern part of Sakhalin Island, on the Kuril Islands, on... ... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary