One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Research results must be analyzed with MICROSCOPIC accuracy.

The answer was written in DIPLOMATIC terms.

He constantly violated DIPLOMATIC etiquette by speaking to ambassadors without taking into account the requirements of speech behavior.

The editor-in-chief's speech turned out to be unexpectedly HARD.

The article turned out to be quite IRONIC and caused a lively discussion.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

An error was made in the sentence. He constantly violated diplomatic etiquette by talking to ambassadors without taking into account the requirements of speech behavior.

DIPLOMATIC etiquette is the etiquette characteristic of a diplomat. The context implies DIPLOMATIC etiquette.

Answer: diplomatic.

Answer: diplomatic

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Rule: Task 5. Using paronyms

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but differ (partially or completely) in meaning.

Sometimes in our speech there are words that sound similar, but have different shades of meaning or are completely different in semantics. Among lexical errors caused by ignorance of the exact meaning of a word, the most common are errors associated with non-delimitation or confusion of paronyms.

The linguistic term “paronym”, Greek in origin, literally means “same name”: Greek. para- identical, onyma- Name.

Paronyms can be called both words of the same root and similar in sound, which, despite all their similarity, still differ in shades of meaning or denote different realities of reality.

“Analysis of the performance of task 5 showed that the difficulty for 40% of subjects is not only recognizing an error made when using paronyms, but also selecting a paronym appropriate to the context for editing an example with an error, which reveals the narrowness vocabulary examinees." To help students select paronym words, a “Dictionary of Paronyms” is published annually. It is not for nothing that it is called a “dictionary”, since “Dictionaries” contain thousands of paronymous words. Minimum included in the dictionary will be used in CMMs, but learning paronyms for task 5 is not an end in itself. This knowledge will allow you to avoid numerous speech errors in written works.

Please note that the RESHUEGE assignments contain assignments from previous years, and they contain words not from this list.

Write the word in the form required in the sentence. This requirement is based on the fact that the rules for filling out forms indicate: if the short answer should be a word missing in a certain sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should stand in a sentence. Dictionary Unified State Exam paronyms. Russian language. 2019 FIPI.

Subscription - subscriber

Artistic - artistic

Poor - distressed

Unresponsive - irresponsible

Swampy - swampy

Grateful - grateful

Charitable - beneficial

Former - former

Inhale - sigh

Age-old - eternal

Great - majestic

replenish - replenish - fill - fill - overfill - replenish

Hostile - hostile

Choosing - choosing

Benefit - profitability

Issue - release - transfer - distribution

Payment - payment - payment - payment

Pay - pay - pay - repay - pay

Grow - grow - grow

Growing - growing - growing

High - high-rise

Guaranteed - guaranteed

Harmonic - harmonious

Clay - clay

Annual - annual - annual

Pride - pride

Humanism - humanity

Humanistic - humanitarian - humane

Binary - double - dual - double - doubled - doubled

Effective - valid - effective

Busy - businesslike - efficient - efficient

Democratic - democratic

Dictation - dictate

Diplomat - diplomat

Diplomatic - diplomatic

Long - long

Kind - kind

Confidential - trusting

Rainy - rainy

Dramatic - dramatic

Friendly - friendly - friendly

Single - the only one

Desired - desirable

Cruel - tough

Life - worldly

Housing - residential

fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off

Lower - lower - lower

Pay - pay

Fill - fill - overflow

Filled - filled - overflowing

Initiator - instigator

Bestial - brutal

Sound - sonorous

Visual - spectator

Inventive - inventive

Informative - informational - information - awareness

Ironic - ironic

Artificial - artificial

Executive - performing

Outgoing - outgoing

Rocky - stony

Comfortable - comfortable

Equestrian - horse

Chunky - root - root

Bone - bone

Colorful - dyeing - dyed

Lacquered - lacquered

Ice - icy

Wooded - forest

Personal - personal

Microscopic - microscopic

Ice cream - freezing - frosty

put on - put on

Availability - cash

Reminder - mention

Ignorant - ignoramus

Intolerable - impatient - intolerant

Unsuccessful - unlucky

Accused - Accused

Snippet - excerpt

To embrace - to embrace

limit - limit - limit

Call - response

Organic - organic

Selective - qualifying

Deviation - evasion

deviate - evade

Distinguish - differentiate

Difference - difference

Memorable - memorable

Endure - endure

Buying - buying - buying

Populist - popular

Honorable - respectful - honorable

Practical - practical

Provide - submit

Representative - representative

Recognized - grateful

Productive - grocery

Productive - production - productivity

Enlightening - enlightened

Journalistic - journalistic

Shy - scared

Irritability - irritability

Rhythmic - rhythmic

Romantic - romantic

Secretive - hidden

Vocabulary - verbal

Resistance - resistance

Neighboring - neighborly

Comparable - comparative

Stage - scenic

Technical - technical

Lucky - lucky

Humiliated - humiliating

Actual - factual

Predatory - predatory

Royal - royal - reigning

Whole - whole - whole

Economic - economical - economical

Aesthetic - aesthetic

Ethical - ethical

Effective - spectacular

Efficiency - effectiveness

DIPLOMATIC. Relating to diplomacy (meaning: activities to implement the foreign international policy of the state) and to diplomats. Diplomatic: corps, personnel, immunity, protocol; ~th mission, position, service; ~th post, rank; ~ these relationships, channels; ~th note, politeness, subtlety. When some of his peers served in the administrative and diplomatic departments, and others defended fortresses from enemies, Boris diligently comprehended the secrets of palace intrigue. R. Skrynnikov. Boris Godunov. He [Stefan Batory] constantly violated diplomatic etiquette, spoke to ambassadors wearing a hat, and pointedly invited Ivan IV’s enemy, Prince Kurbsky, to the reception of ambassadors. B.Florya. New information about Grozny and Kurbsky.
DIPLOMATIC. Dexterous, skillfully and subtly acting; subtly calculated. Synonyms: evasive, courteous. Diplomatic: person, refusal, action, approach to business; ~ behavior, performance; ~th speech. “I’m not saying this on my own behalf: this is how the old people taught us,” the subtly diplomatic Makridy Safronich said softly and smoothly. N. Zlatovratsky. Foundations. Compare: diplomatic move - a move related to diplomatic activity; a diplomatic move is a subtly calculated, evasive move.

See more words in "

Tests KIM 5 Unified State Exam 2015 according to the Dictionary of Paronyms 2014

1 option

5-1. FALSE Correct it.

A wife is not a mitten: you can’t shake a white hand off.

The family's annual income was meager.

The payment for mistakes made seemed too high to Ivanov.

The deadline for PAYMENT of personal income tax on payments for vacation coincides with the deadline for PAYMENT of income tax from wages.

Masha, with such a clear and GRATEFUL face, went to meet Kister halfway that his heart began to beat with joy.

5-2.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the error and write the word correctly.

It was proposed to DEMOT Colonel Petrov for numerous violations.

The instigators of the fight were quickly identified.

STONE soil is unsuitable for farming.

It was decided to BLOCK the river with a dam to prevent flooding of the village.

SEND a courier on an errand to headquarters.

5-3.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the error and write the word correctly.

At first, the dust rolled up in pellets turned into liquid mud, which was kneaded by the wheels, the tremors became less, and muddy streams flowed along the CLAYY ruts.

All machines issuing SUBSCRIPTIONS for train passengers are marked with special posters.

The skiers left the hunting lodge and involuntarily closed their eyes from the UNBEARABLE brilliance that filled the clearing.

The girl's hair, DYED bright red, immediately caught the eye.

5-4.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the error and write the word correctly.

He is a complete IGNORANT: he has never read a book in his life.

Schumacher's letter did not reach its intended destination: the ADDRESSEE, unable to bear the difficult conditions of sailing on the packet boat "St. Paul", fell ill with scurvy and died.

DISCIPLINARY arrest is applied to a military personnel only in exceptional cases and only for a gross offense committed by him.

He felt like an unhappy, LONELY person: no one was interested in him, no one came to visit him during his illness.

WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the error and write the word correctly.

I returned from visiting, and after the cozy apartment I had just left, my den seemed especially UNATTICABLE to me.

It was a beautiful face, young, PROUD and open.

For some reason, technologists HAVE halved the amount of waste gases.

They say that star rain prophesies happiness...

Pyotr Ivanovich often REJECTED from paying taxes, and paid considerable fines for this.

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

Most people do not bother themselves with choosing the most appropriate word in everyday speech.

In their dark, gloomy depths, a single RAIN drop glittered.

I, of course, avoided making the acquaintance from the very beginning, and he himself became bored with me from the very first time.

BINARY stars are very common objects.

A MEMORABLE interlocutor recalled all the sins of the young man.

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

The World Peace Front can and will certainly become a great, EFFECTIVE force.

In the silence of the night, a SINGLE shot rang out, alarming the residents of the area.

The steppe COVERED the village from all sides, as if protecting it from the invasion of strangers.

The suspect in the case was found INNOCENT and acquitted.

It is necessary to submit cash to the bank on time.

Option 2

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

He [Stefan Batory] constantly violated DIPLOMATIC etiquette, talked to the ambassadors wearing a hat, and pointedly invited Ivan IV’s enemy, Prince Kurbsky, to the reception of the ambassadors.

It is necessary to endorse INPUT documents on time.

Two friends were walking in the evening and having a serious conversation with each other.

There was a noticeable DIFFERENCE between the painting and the photograph: the first gave rise to certain thoughts and feelings, the second copied the landscape.

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

He is wearing a GOOD short fur coat, made of soft Romanov sheepskin, and good boots.

The music salon presented a huge SELECTION of discs with recordings of famous performers and aspiring singers.

In the midst of this terrible field, where everything was trampled upon by death, a LONELY white birch tree stood and quietly glowed in the twilight.

Don't ask the old one, ask the EXPERIENCED one.

Students must PAY their residence hall bills on time.

WRONG used

error and write the word correctly.

Short heavy SIGHTS with a wet wheeze escaped from Yegor's chest, his face was covered with fine sweat.

A calm, TRUSTING relationship was established between them.

The discovery turned out to be SUCCESSFUL, and primarily because it largely determined its uniqueness.

The girl was WAITING for him, standing at the gate.

5-4. One of the sentences below uses INCORRECTLY

mistake and write the word correctly

Try to DIFFERENCE who is your friend and who is your enemy! You can't be distinguished!

The success of your enterprise is very PROBLEMATIC.

THE ORIGINERS of the riot were punished first.

His EFFECTIVE appearance at the reception did not go unnoticed.

The crow clearly PRINTED footprints in the snow, they seemed like some kind of signs.

5-5.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the error and write the word correctly.

In the dark, gloomy thicket of currant leaves, a single RAIN drop glittered.

He was characterized by complete indifference to everything rough and LIFE.

On long autumn evenings the owner did not leave the room and sat by the window in his constant robe, with an ETERNAL pipe in his teeth.

For great services to the state, the artist was PRESENTED for a government award.

On Tuesday there was a DISTRIBUTION of warrants for new apartments.

5-6.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the error and write the word correctly.

The old man silently grabbed his neck with his senile, HARD hands, like a vice...

This MAJESTIC architectural ensemble combines the traditions of ancient Russian architecture and modern architectural trends.

Attempts to DOWNLOAD the importance of the new book were unsuccessful: it was read with pleasure.

CENTRAL state - a state in which political and economic unification around strong central government.

A strong HIGH wind blew at night.

5-7.In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the error and write the word correctly.

BUTTER cream for the cake can be made for future use.

From grief and tears over these years, Natalya Kirillovna HAS GONE OLDER.

HORSE RIDING is something that many of us dream about from childhood and throughout our lives.

This room had three windows facing the street and was FENCED in half with a low screen.

His former fear returned to him with a vengeance

Option 3

5-1. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

In order to increase HUMILIATED self-esteem, you need to work hard and for a long time on yourself, to completely change your consciousness.

SPARKLING Muscat is produced in Russia, USA, Bulgaria, Hungary, but Italy is still the trendsetter

People with extensive PRODUCTION experience, like Nazarov, were very much needed.

Calcium deficiency can be COMPLETED, first of all, by dairy products.

And ETERNAL battle, we only dream of peace

5-2. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

Even ancient scientists found MENTIONS of black wolves. Z

The love was not real, ARTIFICIAL, but it seemed to me then that it was real.

The fight lasted for so many years to have felony charges dropped against INNOCENT person?

An incident similar to this happened last year.

I wish this notorious TRANSITIONAL age would end soon!

5-3. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

My cup of patience is overflowing.

Marina was as lively as a cat and quickly recovered from the beating.

Falling stars, or rather meteorites, entering the earth's atmosphere, burn up in it and create an IMPRESSIVE celestial phenomenon for the observer.

She always held herself unusually straight, and this gave her, with her beauty and tall stature, a kind of regal appearance.

The steep SANDY shore was a favorite meeting place for the youth of the village

5-4. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

DIFFICULT Swallowing is one of the signs of many diseases.

A wife is not a mitten: you can’t shake off a white handle

I was DIRECTED to him as a person who would help resolve this issue.

To deceive the cunning beast, FISHERS have created a wide variety of baits.

5-5. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

An impressionable child should not be told scary stories at night.

TIPS of clouds were rushing across the sky.

He is a brave, experienced, DISCIPLINED fighter.

We were preparing the name Bogdan for the boy - a very courageous, strong and SOUND name.

MANOR'S lands were given to the peasants.

5-6. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

He did not yet have full control of his left hand, but it had lost its EVIL bluish color and was incomparably warmer.

The ancient castle is FENCED with a moat.

The LANGUAGE barrier is, first of all, a psychological illness.

The tyranny of the landowners, especially the last owner of the village, Sergei Vasilyevich, extended to all aspects of the life of the peasants, including personal life.

Konovalov was PRESENTED to the Order of the Red Star

5-7. In one of the sentences below WRONG used

OUTGOING document - a document created at a given enterprise and sent to the addressee, a copy of which, as a rule, remains on file.

It was a CRUEL and unfair reproach against me

He saw PRINTED fingers on the glass, left by a careless visitor.

CALLS to the sentries interspersed with the noise of keys.

The employee submits an application to the employer for PROVISION of study leave and attaches to the application a certificate of summons from the organization carrying out educational activities.

Option 4

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

    Ukraine has chosen a representative for Eurovision 2014

Kunachestvo is an ANCIENT custom of the peoples of the North Caucasus.

Corporate trainings on EFFECTIVE management are recommended for managers, top management and middle managers.

No thought could be read on these STONEY faces.

If you have not HUMILIATED yourself, nothing can humiliate you?

    A more COMFORTABLE temperature for a person is 21–23 degrees.

There was impenetrable darkness all around.

For the lining of the overcoat they chose calico, but it was so GOOD and dense that, according to Petrovich, it was even better than silk.

Old man Tsybukin does not keep money with him because he cannot distinguish real from counterfeit.

Who is he, a “problem” child?

    On an old-fashioned HORSE hair sofa lay a boy of about fourteen.

Hay in a stack is a FITIOUS wintering for livestock.

Judas prolongs the time in the most vicious way, little by little sipping from the glass.

He was the most passionate FISHER I've ever met.

    A FISHING trawler is a commercial fishing vessel designed to operate fishing trawls.

The question of power is the ROOT question of any revolution.

You seem to be a smart and experienced person, just figure out for yourself the ADVANTAGE OF our neighborhood.

The grate in this tier was so low that it was impossible to lean on it, and the LIMITED space did not allow for a run-up.

He really liked these old ones Hourglass, as if showing the flow of leisurely life in the village.

    Yura raised the model as high above his head as possible, trying to avoid the DANGEROUS turn.

I'm so glad to see you! - he said, patting his legs to shake off the snow from them.

HIGHLIGHTING is the use of a different font style when printing text for some fragment of it in order to focus the reader’s attention on this fragment.

Along with songs, filled with the same life content, folk dances were born - COLORED and varied, like the folk life.

VERBAL skirmishes between rivals became more and more frequent.

    Kondratiev needed more accurate data on the PRESENCE of forest planting material in the area.

WE SENT the required amount by postal transfer

I combed my hair, WEARED a black woolen dress, a black scarf, a white collar and sleeves.

He was an ignoramus, he didn’t read anything.

COMPARATIVE analysis is a powerful and versatile tool that expands the possibilities of understanding and describing political processes and changes in any country

    At times he experienced wild, kind of ANIMAL fear.

How can I help but love you, such a beautiful, INNOCENT creature!

Father noticed Gleb’s minor misdeeds and reprimanded him every time at dinner.

He was constantly immersed in work, and no one saw him Idle.

The directory presents all GLASS factories.

Option 5

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly

    Many looked at this freethinking of Vlasich as an INNOCENT and harmless eccentricity.

From the church there was a view of the entire village, the beautiful river, and the IMMENSE fields that occupied the entire horizon.

The PAINTED floor sparkled.

Petya was wearing a city HOLIDAY suit, from which he had grown a lot over the summer.

After a HUGE lunch, Paris seems more fun and welcoming

First of all, his impenetrable appearance, his hair-covered face, and his blind eyes were striking.

Latugin pulled out from the cuff of his overcoat four tickets for guests to the Bolshoi Theater, to the TOP tier.

Here underground tanks were created to store chemical waste in them for ETERNAL times.

With the death of Ivan the Terrible’s middle son, Fyodor, the ROYAL family of Rurikovich, who ruled Russia from 862 to 1598, came to an end.

    "Yuzyo!" - she screamed, - she clasped his neck with her hands, pressed her blushing cold face to his face and laughed and cried.

People coming from distant countries looked at the FORMER luxury that once reigned here princely power.

I look out the window at the RAINY street.

People with a harmoniously INTEGRAL character retain their own value system in all difficult circumstances of life.

    Employees of the PROBLEMATIC explosion safety laboratory began to carry out scientific activity long before the official founding of the university.

I will have to take measures to DEFEND my honor.

There were three liters of water in the pan.

The law requires DIVILITATION of municipal property objects between specific legal entities.

ROOT celery is grown as seedlings in moist soil. .

    You need to completely take away your wife’s freedom and LIMIT her circle of acquaintances to people well known to you.

Sharks are extraordinarily life-giving.

Ostap Grigorievich began to fill the bag with the best, SELECTED apples.

The living room of a small apartment at first glance seems cozy and COMFORTABLE, upholstered furniture, dressing table, elegant round tables in the corners.

The CENTRIST bloc does not yet have a leader and is in dire need of one.

    He spoke calmly, deliberately, CHOSING his expressions carefully.

The old woman Arina ran up to the window and wanted to grab Morok right by the beard, but he evaded.

Pearly blue dragonflies unfurl their long GLASS wings with a crash.

When treating the patient, the most EFFECTIVE ways treatment

    So, EFFECTIVENESS and stage presence are necessary conditions for opera.

The theater hall was FILLED to capacity.

One could tell how he became a faulty SUBSCRIBER of the library of the Philosophical Institute and the college library.

This applied to everyone, regardless of rank.

LANGUAGE BARRIER is a phrase used figuratively and denoting difficulties in communication between people associated with the speakers’ belonging to different language groups.

Option 6

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    Despite frequent REMINDERS from the gendarmes to hand over my notebooks as quickly as possible, I hesitated.

A famous person, respectable, and picked up many signs of EXCELLENCE.

From grief and tears over the years, Natalya Kirillovna has become OUTDATED.

I find that the natives here are PRACTICAL people, preferring useful things to various trinkets.

RESISTANCE of materials (in everyday life - resistance) - part of the mechanics of deformable solid, which examines methods of engineering calculations of structures for strength.

    I turned out to be an intelligent and memorable student, that’s why he studied with me.

Princess Kuragina, a massive, once beautiful, REPRESENTATIVE woman, sat in the master's seat.

IN Russian Empire The highest emergency judicial body was the SUPREME criminal court.

The journalist said that Sanin’s article caused numerous RESPONSE and that even a request came from the Arctic Institute about the author.

I will be extremely, very, infinitely grateful to you.

    The Russian Imperial House, now safely REIGNING in Russia, occupied Russian throne by virtue of the election held on February 21, 1613 Zemsky Sobor to the kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

In a computer, it is used to present information. BINARY coding.

Opening the eyes of society to our social needs and ills is, of course, a REPRESENTATIVE goal.

A truly artistic comedy can never be OUT OF DATE.

A PRACTICAL person is a person who knows how to competently use all possible tools and methods to achieve a goal.

    An impatient person can be brought to tears by vileness.

TRANSITIONAL age is a time of serious changes not only for teenagers, but also for their parents.

Today we will make CRAFTS from pine cones.

Bathe, feed with SELECTED grain. Pushkin (horse).

    I offered the actual PERPETUAL MOTOR, the drawing and idea of ​​which were published in the magazine.

During these days, you must definitely have time to bake a SAND pie with blueberries.

Leopard seals usually lead a solitary lifestyle; it is not for nothing that they are called hermits.

Arkady cast an APPRECIATIVE glance at Katya.

Sometimes REAL life stories about love can give you serious thought and touch you to the depths of your soul.

    His wife was a doughy, CRYING woman.

The gifts were only half effective; she became more affectionate, more trusting - and that’s all.

He was trying to COMPLETE his education and asked several people to study some subjects with him.

The horse suddenly began to wriggle like a snake and rush around different sides, trying to SHAKE the rider off.

He was considered a very enterprising and BUSINESS person.

    The safety of company secrets depends 80 percent on the correct SELECTION of personnel.

We tried to create our online store in such a way that, first of all, it would be COMFORTABLE for you to make purchases there.

This ended the simple, matter-of-fact and MEMORABLE speech.

In our reckless flight we abandoned everything

Potential investors continue to WAIT for the right moment to invest money, assessing the most promising directions investments.

Option 7

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

Anisim was sent to prison for counterfeiting and selling counterfeit money. Chekhov, In the ravine.

The life SELECTION of a person is a responsible and serious matter, but at the same time, there is something surprisingly interesting and exciting in it.

Pyotr Ivanovich laughed loudly with his special SOUNDING laugh.

A piercing HIGH wind was blowing.

    Grandfather and grandmother sadly remembered the PAST, as an irrevocable happiness.

In my work I describe the relationship of a PROBLEM child with school and family.

Various accessories of the men's toilet were also PLACED on the table in the greatest order.

In corporate culture, the ANNUAL report has long become not only evidence of the company’s stability and high professional level.

Her love was UNRETURNING, sacrificial.

    Zhukovsky kindly INTRODUCED to him one of the rooms of his apartment, empty after his wife’s departure.

And the luxurious leaves and the SOUNDING stream began to dry out from the sultry rays. This type of aircraft is OBSOLETE.

Evdokia Petrovna looks for her darling daughter with her warm blue eyes.

The envelope read: “ADDRESSEE has left”

    A DIPLOMATIC person knows how to defend his interests and dignity without insulting or humiliating another,

When the barracks were closed, the doctor’s wife suggested that Matryona Ivanovna place her at school and PROTECT her from her husband.

Drunk workers walked around the mine with an accordion. Vanka, who always walked ahead, was a GRATEFUL lead singer.

The view from the roof was IMPRESSIVE: the city stretched for many kilometers, shone with lights, made noise, and moved.

EXTRACTION method full square binomial from quadratic trinomial is the basis of the algorithm for solving equations of the second degree, and is also used to simplify cumbersome algebraic expressions.

    Vasya complained that his jaw was aching and prophesied bad weather.

Some LIFE habits and inclinations now, when he was at war, hindered him, others helped him.

Almost everyone probably knows that children do not have a LANGUAGE barrier.

Everyone laughed at him and said that he was an ill-mannered IGNORANT and an uncouth blockhead who was unfamiliar with the most simple rules decent behavior.

A calm TRUST relationship was established between them.

    LINGUAL surface of the tooth - the surface adjacent to the tongue.

All QUALIFYING competitions are held within the time limits indicated on the calendar.

During times of great social change occurs active enrichment VERBAL composition of the language.

Coming to the shore of the Oka, he tiredly sat down on a SANDY cliff.

Mironov experienced some kind of enduring ANIMAL fear.

    He now settled with the deaf Antipas, subsisting on carpentry.

The father rebelled against the despotic power of his grandfather, and the grandfather could not come to terms with his father’s daring RESISTANCE.

They fenced off the baggage car and placed two piglets there.

Masha, with such a clear and GRATEFUL face, went forward to meet him that his heart began to beat with joy.

The patient's breathing was heavy, intermittent, DIFFICULT.

Option 8

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    Any two quantities of the same kind are COMPARATIVE: they are either equal, or one is less (more) than the other.

Speaking about an actor, it is impossible to distinguish between his character traits and his creative personality.

Yazykov expressed his judgments very directly and RELENTLESSLY, without sparing the pride of others.

Protsenko drew up a report with his own hand and ordered it to be PRINTED on a typewriter.

    This ended the simple, matter-of-fact and MEMORIBLE speech.

EVIDENCE from any official orders of the commanding officer, of course, did not take place.

In her opinion, Zakhar was the main ORDER and culprit in everything. He got Grishka into all the bad deeds.

Zolotukhina, who was generally LUCKY in her undertakings, was lucky this time too.

In the silence of the night, a SINGLE shot suddenly sounded.

    Among the enthusiastic praises to Vladimir there are only two MENTIONS of dark sides him, and then in highest degree skillfully covered.

These exercises help more rational use of inhaled oxygen - after all, for every INHALE we spend energy.

She had a THINKING character, and she annoyed me all the time with her whims and tears.

A company of soldiers was sent to take him dead or ALIVE.

The Malaysian Airlines plane that crashed on July 17 over the territory of Ukraine deviated 14 km from its flight path.

    At first, I, as a director, could not create a COMPLETE ensemble, general harmony in Chekhov's play.

People flocked there large number, despite it being a WEEKDAY day.

For a few moments, out of stubbornness, he still rushed forward in the IMMENSE fog.

He will be held criminally responsible for FORGING documents!

On the wall opposite the windows, exhibition boards with permanent and temporary information are PLACED.

    The fire that started on Kupecheskaya Street spread to the Zarechnaya part and engulfed a good half of the city.

In my opinion, there are TWO kinds of duties: duties to

others and responsibilities to oneself.

Mountain glaciers are DANGEROUS with their cracks.

Coming to the shore of the Oka, he tiredly sat down on a SAND cliff.

The best cars of the REPRESENTATIVE class were presented at the exhibition.

    “I, Agafya Semyonovna Vetrova, a resident of the village of Okayomova, inform the village Council that in the event of my death, I leave my little house with all its furnishings to my grandson Vasily Vetrov, a glass master.”

After a YEAR'S absence, he [I. A. Krylov] made another attempt to return to the capital.

The steamer was passing through the most DANGEROUS section of the route.

I have noticed more than once that you fish in these waters. Apparently you are a poor FISHERMAN?

    Bersenev fenced off his bed with screens

How fragile is earthly beauty and how fragile and TRANSITIONAL is glory.

The shooters threw the reins around the horses' necks and LET them choose the road themselves.

A court in Cambodia will decide tomorrow the issue of extraditing businessman Sergei Polonsky to Russia.

COMPARABLE are concepts that have certain characteristics that allow these concepts to be compared with each other.

Option 9

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    He was especially RESPECTIVE towards the owner and tried to please him in everything.

In the impenetrable darkness the village slept.

He once SENT some necessary paper instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk.

Eh, Peter, what a VOCABULARY war broke out over lunch today, brother.

To be deeply grateful to smb. I will be extremely, very, infinitely grateful to you.

    With GREAT difficulty we got out of the forest.

How does the director think to increase the EFFICIENCY of using the fleet?

But PRACTICAL Greek and Turkish traders quickly figured out the dubiousness of this “currency” and soon, to our chagrin, recognized it as completely worthless.

Small, curly, STOCK plants delighted gardeners.

He was a RECOGNIZED leader of our small company.

    The body's resistance to disease is extremely important during a flu epidemic.

They say that star rain prophesies happiness.

He stopped at a RESPECTIVE distance from the dangerous beast.

The handsome old man behaved with behavior befitting the occasion.

It was a very skillful FAKE antique.

    A modern SOUND film cannot replace for us all the charm of the old silent film.

The army command post was located in dugouts and trenches.

Fireweed seeds obtained from ARTIFICIAL pollination gave first shoots

It was hard to admit that I was once again mistaken in my CHOICE,

    The round roof of the greenhouse could be seen from behind a clump of WEEPING birches.

It is necessary to immediately take the most decisive measures to overcome enemy RESISTANCE.

In the event of loss of wheel traction due to the formation of a “water wedge”, the driver must REDUCE speed.

CHOOSE better apples.

I’ll write something to REJECT suspicion.

    Water poured into the boiler from invisible pipes and quickly FILLED it.

They assured that she helped her father in his cheating crafts.

The wine sparkles in the sun, thick, OILY.

Mass RECRUITMENT of personnel is carried out in the conditions of opening a new enterprise.

I reasoned incoherently, and not thoughts flashed through my mind, but only SNAPs of thoughts.

    The figurine of the dancer was EXCELLENTLY carved from wood.

He FILLED the young Red Army man's kettle with fatty, rich soup.

Well, you LEAVE me to decide my affairs myself and know what to read and what not to...

The results of the competition will be announced at the end of the year. The winners are entitled to cash grants and a TRANSIENT Banner.

You should find the DIFFERENCES between two images of children

Option 10

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    The channel was already lined with STONE slabs.

Making a decision, making a CHOICE from several alternative options is a task that we have to solve constantly

Nastya's impatient joyful anticipation gave way to anxiety, despair, and shame.

Startsev was PROVIDED with Ekaterina Ivanovna, an eighteen-year-old girl.

LIMITED resources are relative.

    The choice of EXECUTIVE class cars today is large.

This treaty contradicts the ROOT interests of all Arab peoples.

How to LOWER Voltage DC?

Along the way, grandfather sold and bought leather, wool, and wax with a BENEFIT for himself.

The situation in the apartment was UNSOLVED.

    He remembered very well that on the plate lay a large, ruddy potato, WHOLE, and half a second.

At the Millerovo station, Grigory was PROVIDED with a regular cart.

Sergei Vasilievich was ELECTED to full members Academy of Sciences.

I read, while forgetting myself, EXTRACTS of northern poems.

Winter has covered the fields with snow.

    The board confirmed the landlady's story to him, ADDING it with details.

Versilov PROVIDED Tatyana Pavlovna, the midshipman, and the cook.

Now the Japanese can no longer subject this trade to the same restrictions that are subject to relations with the Dutch.

By praising him, I thereby HUMILIATED myself in front of him.

Suddenly there was an unpleasant, one might say, EVIL laughter.

    She was considered a rich bride, and many MARRIED her for themselves or for their sons.

There was a difficult check of CASH ahead with trips to different parts of the county.

He was an EVIL, cold and mocking man.

WAITING for the ferry, they both lay down in the shade.

Once you take a sip of this water, you want to fall again and again to this wonderful LIFE-LIFE source; look at your mirror image.

    It’s clear even from his suit that Vikhrev’s business is bad: his Swedish jacket is cracked and rusty, his dirty travel underwear is in a very POOR state, his boots are thin.

And how irritated he was when inappropriately zealous “guardians” tried to DISCOVER him from living life.

WE EXPECT decisive action from you.

Not quickly, but in time she DODGED his blow.

It was urgently necessary to REPLENISH food supplies.

    On the first day school life Thomas singled out two boys from among them who immediately seemed more interesting to him than the others.

The silver bracelet GRAPED my wrist.

"United Russia" joined the CENTRAL Democratic International (CDI), which unites about 120 parties around the world.

Despite the frequent MEMORIES of the gendarmes to hand over my notebooks as quickly as possible, I hesitated.

The kittens FIT in the basket.

Option 11

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    AN IMPRESSIVE result of the current season of excavations in Crimea was named at a meeting to sum up the results of the work archaeological expeditions Scythian gold found in the crypts of Ust-Alminsky.

The river SEPARATES the hay meadow from the arable land.

This time the old man was in uniform, with a star, so when we met he behaved with SIMILAR grandeur.

The day before, the long-awaited qualifying match of the national football championship took place.

Learn to DODGE blows.

    The whole novel is very drawn out; it would FIT quite comfortably in one part.

Foma took with him from the old man a DOUBLE feeling: he liked Shchurov and at the same time was disgusted.

The thought that he could lose Anatoly was unbearable for Fyodor Vasilyevich.

The worker in the black OIL cap shouted angrily.

The user gets the opportunity to play the PLAY machine online without registration, just for fun.

    They crowd towards the waters and, bending down, look into them, and do not look enough, and do not ENJOY their bright appearance.

The lady stopped chewing, shook off the crumbs, and bowed her head.

The unexpected insult and pain FILLED the cup of patience.

For your feat I WILL present you with a medal.

It was proposed to DOWNLOAD his rank.

    Here, near a thick elm tree, there was a bench carved into a huge SOLID stone, around which ivy curled and field jasmine and rose hips grew.

It got dark - we moved to our original positions.

Happy MEMORIES, bright and joyful images of childhood help us, adults, in difficult moments of life.

IN THE DICTIONARY composition German language included words from Latin, French, Italian, English and some other languages.

Too trusting people often become the target of various kinds of scammers and deceivers.

    The grandfather came in with a pile of dirty and wet HORSE harness.

Please FILL OUT the form in block letters using a pen with black or blue ink.

The path is FENCED with rosehip bushes.

A rapid increase in the number of microbes and a simultaneous weakening of the body's RESISTANCE leads to the occurrence of diseases.

Tropical RAIN forests are a source of wood, food, genetic, medical materials, and minerals.

    The war SHAKED the masses, awakened them to unheard of horrors and suffering.

It was getting chilly. Alyosha wore a jacket, Kovbysh wore his father’s jacket.

Fulfilling such an ordinary request [writing a letter] MADE IT DIFFICULT for the old people.

Vladimir Pchelintsev in September 1941 became one of the ORIGINS of the sniper movement on the Leningrad Front.

    Try to REPLENISH your food supply from local resources.

Traders WAITED, anticipating higher prices.

It was as if nature wanted to sharply DELIMIT the coastal area here from the Iman River basin.

Ilya Leontievich was annoyed with this whole story and could not find in himself either SUCH peace or spiritual silence.

CHOICE in life is a responsible and serious matter, but at the same time, there is something surprisingly interesting and exciting about it.

Option 12

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    In moments of financial crisis, I freely draw from his wallet, and he is never in a hurry to repay the debt.

There are a lot of EVIL people everywhere, but you won’t find good ones soon.

It turned out that those who drink 5-6 small cups of tea a day have a much higher body RESISTANCE to disease than those who prefer other drinks.

The standard for PRESENTING the area of ​​residential premises under a social tenancy agreement is the minimum size of the area of ​​​​living premises.

As I remember the PAST, I look forward more boldly.

    The silent Pavel Streltsov always asked Tiunov about something of PRACTICAL importance.

Fireweed seeds obtained from ARTIFICIAL pollination have given their first shoots.

What was going on in this PROUD and unhappy soul?

PASSING the ball is one of the most important and most technically complex elements basketball, the most important element in a point guard's game.

The darkness around was IMMENSE.

    OILSEEDS are plants cultivated to produce fatty oils.

An active volcano is a volcano that periodically erupts at the present time or within the memory of mankind.

This room had three windows facing the street and was FENCED with a low screen in half.

FULL and prosperous, they did not feel any desire for change.

The pedestrian was CAUGHT: before crossing the road, he carefully looked around.

    The command proposed to reward him with a military badge for his military excellence.

On the “Consciousness” collective farm, agronomist Ivashev, when treating, LOWERED germination with an overly concentrated formaldehyde solution.

An eagle swam high above the CLAY cliff of the river.

The unexpected insult and pain overflowed the cup of patience in the soul of the old man.

Our plan subsequently underwent changes.

    He did not yet have full control of his left hand, but it had lost its EVIL bluish color and was incomparably warmer.

All the female relatives READ him in military service, men's - to civilian.

We were introduced and I liked this INTRODUCTION ceremony.

This type of aircraft is OBSOLETE.

    Father noticed Gleb’s small ACTIONS and made comments to him every time at dinner.

Already under the son of the Terrible, Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, PLAYING cards significant quantities came to Russia among other European goods.

Rostov, from the time of his loss, decided that he would PAY this debt to his parents in five years.

SEPARATION of the bay will create a new salt lake of extraordinary size.

According to the functional content of types of labor, labor is distinguished between PRODUCTIVE and unproductive labor.

    A steam boat was WAITING for us near the pier.

White made profitable exchanges, won the opponent's weak DOUBLED pawn and slowly realized the advantage.

The entire estate is BURNED from the world by a wooden fence in the style of a front garden.

Stopping sometimes, he listened to the dull noise of frozen branches and distinguished once or twice a yelp.

The boy experienced incomparable pleasure from the wonderful landscape that suddenly opened up before him.

Option 13

In one of the sentences below WRONG used

mistake and write the word correctly.

    In the event of an attack on the center, we place the CENTRAL battery on this hill and, under its cover, pull together the left flank.

In the GAMING rooms, around the green tables, the same familiar figures were crowded.

In the second half of the night the wind began to subside a little, but the rain came with DOUBLE force.

We suffered a lot of grief. We endured hunger and cold.

After a YEAR break, Einstein became a student at the Swiss Cantonal School.

    Most small cinemas could not PAY utilities and taxes for the month.

Those gathered in a warm atmosphere discussed creative path And best works masters, while emphasizing their RECOGNIZED talent.

The incident I told you is a REAL fact that happened not far from my village.

There was another favorite in prison - a red and fat kitten, a small, playful animal spoiled by everyone.

LUCKY people are often called people who have found themselves in life-threatening situations many times and come out of them safely.

    In the form of PRODUCTION in a capitalist society, any labor appears that is directly exchanged for capital and produces profit.

GLASS grains of raindrops rolled down Rita's jacket, which was shiny with moisture.

In one night he AGED several years.

The defeats of the TSAR's troops revealed to the broadest masses of the people the rottenness of tsarism.

At the end of the program, your guests will be treated to a SPECTACULAR spectacle: the plane will fly over the airfield at an ultra-low altitude of 15-20 meters.

    Moscow of that time was the center to which all non-serving LOCAL Russian nobility gravitated.

There are several types of repeated and COMPARATIVE studies.

A CONFIDENT tone and simplicity create harmony in his communication with readers.

Now he intended to PROVIDE Vorontsov's order about Hadji Murat from a disadvantageous perspective.

He became bolder and began to gradually lower the nose of the pterosaur, but this experiment almost led to a disastrous result.

    The approach to solving this problem, unfortunately, is OUTDATED.

When REMINDED about his daughter, the shoemaker's jokes and smiles disappeared.

His OFFENSES were pure and noble.

AN OLD, sick man climbs the stairs to the fifth floor.

Admiring the MAJESTIC slimness solar system, Newton called it “a most graceful conjunction of the Sun, planets and comets.”

    Parents argued for a long time about how to create COMFORTABLE conditions for the baby.

DIPLOMATIC immunity - special rights and advantages granted to foreign diplomats on the territory of those states in which they are located to carry out their mission.

The success of this business is very PROBLEMATIC.

You won't find an Idle piece of land in the field.

This article provides instructions on how to configure SINGLE spacing settings for both lines and paragraphs.

    He was a smart, DISCIPLINED student.

Many Russian historians absolutely rightly consider Ivan III to be the PIONEER of construction Russian state

The ravine, filled with RAINY waters, surpassed the Terek itself in its ferocity.

Avoid the IGNORANT who thinks he is a scientist.

TO FILL the gaps in knowledge of the requirements of military and general civil etiquette, the course of cultural studies, which is studied at the Department of Humanities and social sciences.

Answers from 1 to 4 options

1 option

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

shake it off























Answers from 5 to 8 options

Option 5

Option 6

Option 7

Option 8


got old





















Answers from options 9 to 12

Option 9

Option 10

Option 11


Option 13































One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

Research results must be analyzed with MICROSCOPIC accuracy.

The answer was written in DIPLOMATIC terms.

He constantly violated DIPLOMATIC etiquette by speaking to ambassadors without taking into account the requirements of speech behavior.

The editor-in-chief's speech turned out to be unexpectedly HARD.

The article turned out to be quite IRONIC and caused a lively discussion.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

An error was made in the sentence. He constantly violated diplomatic etiquette by talking to ambassadors without taking into account the requirements of speech behavior.

DIPLOMATIC etiquette is the etiquette characteristic of a diplomat. The context implies DIPLOMATIC etiquette.

Answer: diplomatic.

Answer: diplomatic

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Rule: Task 5. Using paronyms

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but differ (partially or completely) in meaning.

Sometimes in our speech there are words that sound similar, but have different shades of meaning or are completely different in semantics. Among lexical errors caused by ignorance of the exact meaning of a word, the most common are errors associated with non-delimitation or confusion of paronyms.

The linguistic term “paronym”, Greek in origin, literally means “same name”: Greek. para- identical, onyma- Name.

Paronyms can be called both words of the same root and similar in sound, which, despite all their similarity, still differ in shades of meaning or denote different realities of reality.

“Analysis of the performance of task 5 showed that the difficulty for 40% of examinees is not only recognizing an error made when using paronyms, but also selecting a context-appropriate paronym for editing an example with an error, which reveals the narrowness of the examinees’ vocabulary.” To help students select paronym words, a “Dictionary of Paronyms” is published annually. It is not for nothing that it is called a “dictionary”, since “Dictionaries” contain thousands of paronymous words. Minimum included in the dictionary will be used in CMMs, but learning paronyms for task 5 is not an end in itself. This knowledge will allow you to avoid numerous speech errors in written work.

Please note that the RESHUEGE assignments contain assignments from previous years, and they contain words not from this list.

Write the word in the form required in the sentence. This requirement is based on the fact that the rules for filling out forms indicate: if the short answer should be a word missing in a certain sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should stand in a sentence. Dictionary of Unified State Examination paronyms. Russian language. 2019 FIPI.

Subscription - subscriber

Artistic - artistic

Poor - distressed

Unresponsive - irresponsible

Swampy - swampy

Grateful - grateful

Charitable - beneficial

Former - former

Inhale - sigh

Age-old - eternal

Great - majestic

replenish - replenish - fill - fill - overfill - replenish

Hostile - hostile

Choosing - choosing

Benefit - profitability

Issue - release - transfer - distribution

Payment - payment - payment - payment

Pay - pay - pay - repay - pay

Grow - grow - grow

Growing - growing - growing

High - high-rise

Guaranteed - guaranteed

Harmonic - harmonious

Clay - clay

Annual - annual - annual

Pride - pride

Humanism - humanity

Humanistic - humanitarian - humane

Binary - double - dual - double - doubled - doubled

Effective - valid - effective

Busy - businesslike - efficient - efficient

Democratic - democratic

Dictation - dictate

Diplomat - diplomat

Diplomatic - diplomatic

Long - long

Kind - kind

Confidential - trusting

Rainy - rainy

Dramatic - dramatic

Friendly - friendly - friendly

Single - the only one

Desired - desirable

Cruel - tough

Life - worldly

Housing - residential

fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off

Lower - lower - lower

Pay - pay

Fill - fill - overflow

Filled - filled - overflowing

Initiator - instigator

Bestial - brutal

Sound - sonorous

Visual - spectator

Inventive - inventive

Informative - informational - information - awareness

Ironic - ironic

Artificial - artificial

Executive - performing

Outgoing - outgoing

Rocky - stony

Comfortable - comfortable

Equestrian - horse

Chunky - root - root

Bone - bone

Colorful - dyeing - dyed

Lacquered - lacquered

Ice - icy

Wooded - forest

Personal - personal

Microscopic - microscopic

Ice cream - freezing - frosty

put on - put on

Availability - cash

Reminder - mention

Ignorant - ignoramus

Intolerable - impatient - intolerant

Unsuccessful - unlucky

Accused - Accused

Snippet - excerpt

To embrace - to embrace

limit - limit - limit

Call - response

Organic - organic

Selective - qualifying

Deviation - evasion

deviate - evade

Distinguish - differentiate

Difference - difference

Memorable - memorable

Endure - endure

Buying - buying - buying

Populist - popular

Honorable - respectful - honorable

Practical - practical

Provide - submit

Representative - representative

Recognized - grateful

Productive - grocery

Productive - production - productivity

Enlightening - enlightened

Journalistic - journalistic

Shy - scared

Irritability - irritability

Rhythmic - rhythmic

Romantic - romantic

Secretive - hidden

Vocabulary - verbal

Resistance - resistance

Neighboring - neighborly

Comparable - comparative

Stage - scenic

Technical - technical

Lucky - lucky

Humiliated - humiliating

Actual - factual

Predatory - predatory

Royal - royal - reigning

Whole - whole - whole

Economic - economical - economical

Aesthetic - aesthetic

Ethical - ethical

Effective - spectacular

Efficiency - effectiveness