Galich district, Galich district Ansi
Galich district- administrative-territorial unit as part of the Kostroma governorate and Kostroma province, which existed in 1727-1929. The county town is Galich.
  • 1 Geography
  • 2 History
  • 3 Administrative divisions
  • 4 Population
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Literature
  • 7 Links


The district was located in the central part of the Kostroma province. The area of ​​the county was 4,157.7 versts² (4,732 km²) in 1897, 5,226 km² in 1926.


Galician district has been known since pre-Petrine times. its composition included Parfenyevskaya, Unzhenskaya, Chukhloma siege-volosts. In 1708, the Galician district was abolished, and the city of Galich with the surrounding lands went to the Moscow province. In 1719, when the provinces were divided into provinces, the city of Galich became the center of the Galician province of the Arkhangelsk province. In 1727, the district was restored as part of the Galician province.

In 1778, the district was assigned to the Kostroma governorate, which in 1796 was transformed into the Kostroma province.

Until 1917, the district had large estates of the children of boyars and nobles (for example, the Scriabins, Michurins, Kadnikovs, Shanskys, Astafievs, Shipovs).

By the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of October 8, 1928 “On the zoning of the Kostroma province”, the Galichsky district was formed from most of the Galich district. On January 14, 1929, the Kostroma province was abolished, the Galichsky district became part of the Kostroma district of the Ivanovo Industrial Region.

Administrative division

In 1913, there were 24 volosts in the county:

  • Bogchinskaya,
  • Bykovskaya (center - Stepanovo village),
  • Vatomanovskaya,
  • Voznesenskaya,
  • Voskresenskaya (center - Gotovtsevo village),
  • Govenovskaya,
  • Danilkovskaya,
  • Durtsovskaya (center - Paninskaya village),
  • Zamerskaya (center - Troitskaya-Mikhali village),
  • Igodovskaya,
  • Kostomskaya,
  • Kotelskaya (center - Tolikhova village),
  • Kurnovskaya (center - Toropova village),
  • Nagatinskaya,
  • Novographskaya,
  • Prechistenskaya (center - Neverova village),
  • Ryleevskaya (center - Kharitonov’s estate),
  • Svinyinskaya (center - Bolotova village),
  • Seletskaya,
  • Stretenskaya (center - Ostretsov’s estate),
  • Fominskaya 1st,
  • Fominskaya 2nd,
  • Kholmovskaya,
  • Yakhnobolskaya.

In 1926, there were 10 volosts in the county:

  • Zaozernaya (center - Troitsa-Oleshi village),
  • Igodovskaya,
  • Kostomskaya,
  • Kotelskaya (center - Sigontino village),
  • Kurnovskaya (center - Antropovo village),
  • Prechistenskaya (center - Palkino village),
  • Suburban (center - Galich),
  • Sretenskaya (center - Ostretsovo estate),
  • Kholmovskaya (center - Pronino village),
  • Yakhnobolskaya (center - Korolyatino estate).


According to the 1897 census, 107,609 people lived in the county. including Russians - 99.7%. The county town of Galich had a population of 6,237 people.

According to the results of the All-Union Population Census of 1926, the population of the county was 142,051 people, of which 8,875 were urban (the city of Galich).


  1. 1 2 3 The first general census of the Russian Empire in 1897. Archived from the original source on August 28, 2011.
  2. 1 2 All-Union Population Census of 1926. Archived from the original source on April 17, 2012.
  3. Volost, stanitsa, village, commune boards and administrations, as well as police stations throughout Russia with the designation of their location. - Kiev: Publishing House of L. M. Fish, 1913.


  • The ancient city of Galich, Kostroma province / Collected and compiled by S. Sytin. Moscow, 1905, p. 9.


  • Galich, district town of Kostroma province // Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
  • Old maps of Galich district

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia


Galich district- an administrative-territorial unit within the Kostroma governorate and the Kostroma province, which existed in -1929. The county town is Galich.


The district was located in the central part of the Kostroma province. The area of ​​the county was 4,157.7 versts² (4,732 km²) in 1897, 5,226 km² in 1926.


Galician district has been known since pre-Petrine times. It included Parfenyevskaya, Unzhenskaya, Chukhloma siege-volosts. In 1708, the Galician district was abolished, and the city of Galich with the surrounding lands went to the Moscow province. In 1719, when the provinces were divided into provinces, the city of Galich became the center of the Galician province of the Arkhangelsk city province. In 1727, the district was restored as part of the Galician province.

Until 1917, the district had large estates of the children of boyars and nobles (for example, the Scriabins, Michurins, Kadnikovs, Shanskys, Astafievs, Shipovs).

By the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of October 8, 1928 “On the zoning of the Kostroma province”, the Galichsky district was formed from most of the Galich district. On January 14, 1929, the Kostroma province was abolished, the Galichsky district became part of the Kostroma district of the Ivanovo Industrial Region.

Administrative division

  • Bogchinskaya,
  • Bykovskaya (center - Stepanovo village),
  • Vatomanovskaya,
  • Voznesenskaya,
  • Voskresenskaya (center - Gotovtsevo village),
  • Govenovskaya,
  • Danilkovskaya,
  • Durtsovskaya (center - Paninskaya village),
  • Zamerskaya (center - Troitskaya-Mikhali village),
  • Igodovskaya,
  • Kostomskaya,
  • Kotelskaya (center - Tolikhova village),
  • Kurnovskaya (center - Toropova village),
  • Nagatinskaya,
  • Novographskaya,
  • Prechistenskaya (center - Neverova village),
  • Ryleevskaya (center - Kharitonov’s estate),
  • Svinyinskaya (center - Bolotova village),
  • Seletskaya,
  • Stretenskaya (center - Ostretsov’s estate),
  • Fominskaya 1st,
  • Fominskaya 2nd,
  • Kholmovskaya,
  • Yakhnobolskaya.

In 1926, there were 10 volosts in the county:

  • Zaozernaya (center - Troitsa-Oleshi village),
  • Igodovskaya,
  • Kostomskaya,
  • Kotelskaya (center - Sigontino village),
  • Kurnovskaya (center - Antropovo village),
  • Prechistenskaya (center - Palkino village),
  • Suburban (center - Galich),
  • Sretenskaya (center - Ostretsovo estate),
  • Kholmovskaya (center - Pronino village),
  • Yakhnobolskaya (center - Korolyatino estate).


According to the 1897 census, 107,609 people lived in the county. Including Russians - 99.7%. The county town of Galich had a population of 6,237 people.

According to the results of the All-Union Population Census of 1926, the population of the county was 142,051 people, of which 8,875 were urban (the city of Galich).

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  • The ancient city of Galich, Kostroma province / Collected and compiled by S. Sytin. Moscow, 1905, p. 9.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing the Galich district

- Well, what do you think about this? - asked Pierre, - why are you silent?
– What do I think? I listened to you. “It’s all true,” said Prince Andrei. “But you say: join our brotherhood, and we will show you the purpose of life and the purpose of man, and the laws that govern the world.” Who are we, people? Why do you know everything? Why am I the only one who doesn’t see what you see? You see the kingdom of goodness and truth on earth, but I don’t see it.
Pierre interrupted him. – Do you believe in a future life? – he asked.
- To the future life? – Prince Andrei repeated, but Pierre did not give him time to answer and took this repetition as a denial, especially since he knew Prince Andrei’s previous atheistic beliefs.
– You say that you cannot see the kingdom of goodness and truth on earth. And I have not seen him and he cannot be seen if we look at our life as the end of everything. On earth, precisely on this earth (Pierre pointed in the field), there is no truth - everything is lies and evil; but in the world, in the whole world, there is a kingdom of truth, and we are now children of the earth, and forever children of the whole world. Don't I feel in my soul that I am part of this huge, harmonious whole. Don’t I feel that I am in this huge countless number of beings in which the Divinity is manifested - the highest power, as you like - that I constitute one link, one step from lower beings to higher ones. If I see, clearly see this staircase that leads from a plant to a person, then why should I assume that this staircase breaks with me, and does not lead further and further. I feel that not only can I not disappear, just as nothing disappears in the world, but that I will always be and always have been. I feel that besides me there are spirits living above me and that there is truth in this world.
“Yes, this is Herder’s teaching,” said Prince Andrei, “but that, my soul, is not what convinces me, but life and death, that’s what convinces me.” What is convincing is that you see a being dear to you, who is connected with you, before whom you were guilty and hoped to justify yourself (Prince Andrei’s voice trembled and turned away) and suddenly this creature suffers, is tormented and ceases to be... Why? It cannot be that there is no answer! And I believe that he is... That’s what convinces, that’s what convinced me,” said Prince Andrei.
“Well, yes, well,” said Pierre, “isn’t that what I’m saying!”
- No. I’m only saying that it’s not arguments that convince you of the need for a future life, but when you walk in life hand in hand with a person, and suddenly this person disappears out there into nowhere, and you yourself stop in front of this abyss and look into it. And, I looked...
- Well then! Do you know what is there and that there is someone? There is - future life. Someone is God.
Prince Andrei did not answer. The carriage and horses had long been taken to the other side and had already been laid down, and the sun had already disappeared halfway, and the evening frost covered the puddles near the ferry with stars, and Pierre and Andrey, to the surprise of the footmen, coachmen and carriers, were still standing on the ferry and talking.
– If there is God and there is a future life, then there is truth, there is virtue; and man's highest happiness consists in striving to achieve them. We must live, we must love, we must believe, said Pierre, that we do not live now only on this piece of land, but have lived and will live forever there in everything (he pointed to the sky). Prince Andrey stood with his elbows on the railing of the ferry and, listening to Pierre, without taking his eyes off, looked at the red reflection of the sun on the blue flood. Pierre fell silent. It was completely silent. The ferry had landed long ago, and only the waves of the current hit the bottom of the ferry with a faint sound. It seemed to Prince Andrei that this rinsing of the waves was saying to Pierre’s words: “true, believe it.”
Prince Andrei sighed and with a radiant, childish, tender gaze looked into Pierre’s flushed, enthusiastic, but increasingly timid face in front of his superior friend.
- Yes, if only it were so! - he said. “However, let’s go sit down,” added Prince Andrei, and as he got off the ferry, he looked at the sky that Pierre pointed out to him, and for the first time, after Austerlitz, he saw that high, eternal sky that he had seen lying on the Field of Austerlitz, and something that had long fallen asleep, something that was best in him, suddenly woke up joyfully and youthfully in his soul. This feeling disappeared as soon as Prince Andrei returned to the usual conditions of life, but he knew that this feeling, which he did not know how to develop, lived in him. The meeting with Pierre was for Prince Andrei an era that began, although in appearance the same, but in inner world his new life.

Story Russian Empire very interesting. Kostroma province of that time: what do we know about it? What monuments remained after wars and defeats? The city of Kostroma was a significant settlement for the Russian state. The transformation accelerated economic and cultural growth. The architecture of those times still adorns historical cities.


The Kostroma province is located in the European part of the Russian Empire. Its borders: from the west it borders on Yaroslavl; in the south - from Vladimirskaya and Nizhny Novgorod. Northern neighbor - Vologda; eastern - Vyatskaya.


The Kostroma province was formed in 1719. It was renamed the viceroyalty by 1778. It included 12 counties. The area occupied by the Kostroma province was almost 84 thousand square kilometers. By 1926, the number of counties was reduced to 7. It was liquidated, like the rest of the provinces, in 1929. Subsequently it began to be called a region.

Administrative division

Counties of the Kostroma province that were part of it:

  1. Buysky.
  2. Vetluzhsky district.
  3. Galichsky.
  4. Varnavinsky.
  5. Kineshemsky.
  6. Kologrivsky.
  7. Kostroma.
  8. Makarievsky.
  9. Nerekhtsky.
  10. Soligalichsky is the largest and most developed.
  11. Chukhlomsky.
  12. Yurievetsky.

Coat of arms

Initially it was made in the form of a shield, divided into four equal parts. The first part depicts a silver cross, the second and fourth are made in gold, and the fourth part has a crescent moon turned upside down. This coat of arms was abolished in 1878 and a new one was adopted, depicting the imperial crown, a Varangian ship and oak leaves tied with St. Andrew's ribbon.


The Kostroma province included many territorial objects. Of these, 12 were counties. How were they different?

Buysky district was located in the western part. Its area was almost 3 thousand square miles. It was formed thanks to the administrative reform of Catherine II. Consisted of 17 volosts. It was inhabited by more than 70 thousand people.

Varnavinsky district was formed in 1778. It included 21 volosts. The district town was Varnavin. Based on the 1897 census data, the population was more than 120 thousand people. Abolished in 1923.

Vetluzhsky district bordered on Vyatka and its area was more than 15 thousand square kilometers. Consisted of 21 volosts. About 120 thousand people lived in the territory.

The Galich district existed from 1727 to 1929. It was located in the central part of the province. It contained large estates of boyars and nobles. It consisted of 24 volosts with a total population of more than 100 thousand people.

Kineshma district, whose area was 4433 square versts, was divided into two halves by the Volga River. Consisted of 23 volosts. The county town is Kineshma.

Kologrivsky was located in the northern part. There were 27 volosts in its area. The population, which was 99% Russian, amounted to more than 130 thousand people.

Makaryevsky district of Kostroma province had an area of ​​more than 10 thousand square miles. It consisted of 27 volosts and two provincial towns: Kady and Unzha.

The Kostroma district appeared within the province by 1778. It consisted of 21 volosts and one provincial town of Sudislavl.

Nerekhta district is located in the southwest. Its area was about 3.5 thousand square miles. On its territory there were 37 volosts and one city - Plyos.

If you answer the question about Which district of the Kostroma province included the most settlements, then Soligalichsky definitely wins. It also differed from the rest by the presence of 69 factories and factories.

Chukhloma district is located in the north of the province. Consisted of 12 volosts. He is known from during the Chukhloma siege.

Yurievetsky was assigned to the province in 1778. Consisted of 23 volosts and the city of Lukh. Abolished in January 1929.

Kostroma city

It was located on the banks of the Volga River. Kostroma was founded in the 7th century. The city center has still preserved some of the architecture of the 18th-19th centuries. It has the official status of a historical city. It is the center of the textile industry.

The woodworking and food industry. Also, Kostroma, in addition to linen products, is known for jewelry, because on its territory there are several factories for the production of jewelry from precious metals.

If we talk about religion, then with the most representative was and remains the Kostroma diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate,founded back in 1744.

To plunge into understand what K was like Ostroma province, just visit the main cities. The architecture will transport visitors to past times.

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Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia


Galich district- an administrative-territorial unit within the Kostroma governorate and the Kostroma province, which existed in -1929. The county town is Galich.


The district was located in the central part of the Kostroma province. The area of ​​the county was 4,157.7 versts² (4,732 km²) in 1897, 5,226 km² in 1926.


Galician district has been known since pre-Petrine times. It included Parfenyevskaya, Unzhenskaya, Chukhloma siege-volosts. In 1708, the Galician district was abolished, and the city of Galich with the surrounding lands went to the Moscow province. In 1719, when the provinces were divided into provinces, the city of Galich became the center of the Galician province of the Arkhangelsk city province. In 1727, the district was restored as part of the Galician province.

Until 1917, the district had large estates of the children of boyars and nobles (for example, the Scriabins, Michurins, Kadnikovs, Shanskys, Astafievs, Shipovs).

By the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of October 8, 1928 “On the zoning of the Kostroma province”, the Galichsky district was formed from most of the Galich district. On January 14, 1929, the Kostroma province was abolished, the Galichsky district became part of the Kostroma district of the Ivanovo Industrial Region.

Administrative division

  • Bogchinskaya,
  • Bykovskaya (center - Stepanovo village),
  • Vatomanovskaya,
  • Voznesenskaya,
  • Voskresenskaya (center - Gotovtsevo village),
  • Govenovskaya,
  • Danilkovskaya,
  • Durtsovskaya (center - Paninskaya village),
  • Zamerskaya (center - Troitskaya-Mikhali village),
  • Igodovskaya,
  • Kostomskaya,
  • Kotelskaya (center - Tolikhova village),
  • Kurnovskaya (center - Toropova village),
  • Nagatinskaya,
  • Novographskaya,
  • Prechistenskaya (center - Neverova village),
  • Ryleevskaya (center - Kharitonov’s estate),
  • Svinyinskaya (center - Bolotova village),
  • Seletskaya,
  • Stretenskaya (center - Ostretsov’s estate),
  • Fominskaya 1st,
  • Fominskaya 2nd,
  • Kholmovskaya,
  • Yakhnobolskaya.

In 1926, there were 10 volosts in the county:

  • Zaozernaya (center - Troitsa-Oleshi village),
  • Igodovskaya,
  • Kostomskaya,
  • Kotelskaya (center - Sigontino village),
  • Kurnovskaya (center - Antropovo village),
  • Prechistenskaya (center - Palkino village),
  • Suburban (center - Galich),
  • Sretenskaya (center - Ostretsovo estate),
  • Kholmovskaya (center - Pronino village),
  • Yakhnobolskaya (center - Korolyatino estate).


According to the 1897 census, 107,609 people lived in the county. Including Russians - 99.7%. The county town of Galich had a population of 6,237 people.

According to the results of the All-Union Population Census of 1926, the population of the county was 142,051 people, of which 8,875 were urban (the city of Galich).

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  • The ancient city of Galich, Kostroma province / Collected and compiled by S. Sytin. Moscow, 1905, p. 9.


  • Galich, district town of Kostroma province // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing the Galich district

The little one shook her head negatively:
“No, you need help,” and she continued to carefully examine us with her strange slanted eyes.
- Us? – Stella was surprised. – What do we need it for?..
The girl opened her miniature palms, and on them... two amazingly bright purple crystals sparkled with a golden flame.
- Here! - and suddenly touching our foreheads with her fingertips, she laughed loudly - the crystals disappeared...
It was very similar to how my “star” miracle friends once gave me a “green crystal”. But that was them. And this was just a tiny girl... and not at all like us, people...
- Well, now it’s good! – she said contentedly and, no longer paying attention to us, walked on...
We looked after her in a daze and, unable to understand anything, continued to stand like a pillar, digesting what had happened. Stella, as always, was the first to come to her senses and shouted:
- Girl, wait, what is this? What should we do about this?! Well, just wait!!!
But the little man, without turning around, only waved his fragile palm at us and calmly continued on his way, very soon completely disappearing into a sea of ​​lush green, unearthly grass... above which now only a light cloud fluttered a transparent purple fog...
- Well, what was that? – Stella said, as if asking herself.
I didn’t feel anything bad yet and, having calmed down a little after the “gift” that unexpectedly fell, I said.
– Let’s not think about it for now, and we’ll see later...
We decided on this.
The joyful green field disappeared somewhere, replaced this time by a completely deserted, cold-icy desert, in which, on a single stone, the only person there was sitting... He was clearly very upset about something, but, at the same time, seemed very warm and friendly. Long gray hair fell in wavy strands over her shoulders, framing a face worn out over the years with a silver halo. It seemed that he did not see where he was, did not feel what he was sitting on, and in general, did not pay any attention to the reality around him...
- Hello, sad man! – Having approached enough to start a conversation, Stella quietly greeted.
The man raised his eyes - they turned out to be blue and clear, like the earthly sky.
- What do you want, little ones? What have you lost here?.. – the “hermit” asked detachedly.
- Why are you sitting here alone, and there is no one with you? – Stella asked sympathetically. - And the place is so creepy...
It was clear that the man did not want to communicate at all, but Stella’s warm voice left him no choice - he had to answer...
“I haven’t needed anyone for many, many years.” “This doesn’t make any sense,” his sad, gentle voice muttered.
“Then what are you doing here alone?” – the baby did not let up, and I was afraid that we would seem too intrusive to him, and he would simply ask us to leave him alone.
But Stella had a real talent for making anyone, even the most silent person, talk... Therefore, amusingly tilting her cute red head to the side, and, clearly not intending to give up, she continued:
- Why don’t you need anyone? Does this happen?
“As it happens, little one...” the man sighed heavily. - It just happens... I’ve lived my whole life in vain - who do I need now?..
Then I slowly began to understand something... And having collected myself, I carefully asked:
– Everything was revealed to you when you came here, right?
The man jumped up in surprise and, fixing his now piercing gaze on me, sharply asked:
“What do you know about this, little one?.. What can you know about this?...” he slouched even more, as if the weight that had fallen on him was unbearable. – All my life I have struggled with the incomprehensible, all my life I have been looking for an answer... and I did not find it. And when I came here, everything turned out to be so simple!.. So my whole life was wasted...
- Well, then everything is fine if you have already found out everything!.. And now you can look for something else again - there is also a lot of incomprehensible here! – the delighted Stella “calmed” the stranger. -What is your name, sad man?
- Fabius, honey. Do you know the girl who gave you this crystal?
Stella and I jumped in unison in surprise and, now together, grabbed poor Fabius with a “death grip”...
– Oh, please tell us who she is!!! – Stella immediately squealed. – We definitely need to know this! Well, absolutely, absolutely definitely! This happened to us!!! This happened!.. And now we absolutely don’t know what to do about it... – the words flew from her mouth like a machine-gun burst and it was impossible to stop her even for a minute, until she herself, completely out of breath, stopped.

ENE material

Galich, district town of Kostroma province


There is no exact information about the time of the founding of Galich, known under the name G. Meryansky, in contrast to G. Chervensky. The first news about G. in the chronicles is found under the city, when the Tatars, after taking the city of Vladimir, “captured cities even as far as Galich Mersky.” At the end of the second quarter of the XIII century. G. became an independent inheritance, and its first prince was Konstantin Yaroslavich. Probably, the Galician inheritance, in addition to the city of G. and the adjacent region, also included the city of Dmitrov, with its villages and hamlets. Konstantin was succeeded in Georgia by his son David, David by his brother Vasily, and the latter by Fyodor Davidovich (d.). In Donskoy's will, G. is named “the purchase of his grandfather,” that is, Ivan Kalita, and assigned to the possession of his son Yuri. According to the Nikon Chronicle, the last G. prince Dimitri Ivanovich was expelled from G. in the city, and then G.'s inheritance was annexed to the Moscow principality. Under the supreme power of the Moscow prince G., the inheritance given to Yuri Dmitrievich consisted, in addition to G., of the cities of Zvenigorod, Ruza, Sukhodol, Vyshegorod, etc. From Yuri G. passed to Dmitry the Red, and from him to Dmitry Shemyaka. In the city, after the battle of G., Grand Duke Vasily II left his governors in G., and from then on G. was no longer separated from Moscow possessions. At the beginning of the 15th century. G. suffered three times from a pestilence and was especially severe in the city. In the city G. withstood a four-week siege of the Kazan Tatars. Throughout the 16th century, G. was the center of trade for the entire Kostroma region; From it furs, mainly squirrels and ermines, went to Europe and Asia, and bread and fruits went into Russia. In the city of G. it became part of the Arkhangelsk province, in the city it was made provincial town the same province, in the city - the district city of Kostroma governorate, later renamed Kostroma province.