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Latest reviews of Perm State National Research University

Elena Shiriy 11:40 07/09/2013

2005 is the year of the beginning of my student life, a period of freedom, fun and carefree. Before receiving a letter in the mail about my admission to the university, it seemed to me that it was difficult to enroll. But, during my studies, and indeed now, I tell everyone that it was not difficult for me to enter. It was in 2005 that my specialty “German” language was recruited additional group payers, so the competition was low. My university is one of the leading...

Sergey Isachenko 10:34 05/23/2013

I came here to study in 2008 and completed my studies until the last 5th year. I will graduate from university as a specialist in “journalism”. Graduates of this university are highly valued in Perm and the Perm region. I studied part-time and did not visit the walls often educational institution. What I want to say right away. IN winter time it is very cold in the building because the building is very old and needs to be repaired. But this is only in my building; in others everything is fine in winter. The inside of my building was cracked, painted and in poor condition...

General information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education"Perm State National research university»

Branches of Perm State National Research University

Colleges of Perm State National Research University

  • College Perm State National Research University


No. 02208 valid indefinitely from 06/16/2016


No. 02195 valid from 08/22/2016

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Perm State National Research University

Indicator2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)5 6 5 6 6 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study67.75 67.9 66.94 67.76 65.54 69.32
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget73.8 73.33 72.51 73.18 72.07 74.24
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis62.65 63.44 62.85 62.39 59.35 64.01
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students47.84 48.51 48.33 47.93 50.06 47.99
Number of students12075 12038 11679 10930 10871 10948
Full-time department8336 8283 8303 7719 7847 7679
Part-time department117 141 162 381 227 423
Correspondence department3622 3614 3214 2830 2797 2846
All data

    Perm State University- Perm, GSP, st. Bukireva, 15. Psychology, social work. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2002. P. 473) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ...

    Perm State University named after. A.M. Gorky- opened in 1916 as a department. Petrograd University. In 1917 it was transformed into a university. The first rector prof. K.D.Pokrovsky. Fur functions as part of the unta. mat., physical, chemical, geol., biological, geogr., history, philol., legal science, 64... ...

    Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (PGPU) Founded 1919 Rector A.K. Kolesnikov ... Wikipedia

    - (PSTU) Year of foundation... Wikipedia

    Perm State Pedagogical University (PGPU) Year of foundation 1919 Rector A.K. Kolesnikov Location ... Wikipedia

    - (Higher School of Economics) International name State University Higher School of Economics ... Wikipedia

    Perm State Pedagogical University- Perm, GSP 327, st. Sibirskaya, 24. Psychology, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology primary education, social pedagogy, speech therapy, special preschool pedagogy and psychology, valeology. (Bim Bad B.M.... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Perm State Technical University- Perm, Komsomolsky Avenue, 29a. Vocational training. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 473) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Perm State Technical University- (until 1992 Perm Polytechnic Institute), formed in 1960 on the basis of Perm. mountain, evening machine building Institute of Tov and Technology f ta Perm. state un ta. First rector prof. M.N.Dedyukin. The unit contains 10 ft., regional intersectoral center. retraining of personnel... ... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Ural state university(meanings). Ural State University (Ural State University) ... Wikipedia


  • Phenomenology of rational will, V. N. Zheleznyak. The book examines one of the most key and mysterious provisions of classical rationalism - the identity of the intellect and the “ability of desire.” Synthesis of thinking or will in “pure reason”...
  • Metaphysics of will in direct and reverse perspective, V. N. Zheleznyak. The great thinkers of the 20th century, who tried to revive metaphysics from oblivion, were critical of the old rationalism and its theory of knowledge. Creating their ontological constructions, they...
  • Russian Soviet literature of the period of the Great Patriotic War. Method and hero, S. Ya. Fradkina. IN textbook examines the evolution of the method of Soviet literature during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. The first chapter of the manual is “Some problems in studying the history of socialist...

Perm State National Research University is opening a hotline for information support for employees and students on issues of coronavirus infection and the transition to distance learning technologies at the university. Now by calling 258-00-18 you can find out which multimedia resources are suitable for use, how to structure an online lecture, in what formats to organize a knowledge test, and get answers to other questions related to distance learning. In addition, operators hotline will provide information on measures taken to counter the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Perm University.

From March 19, Perm University switched to distance learning. We asked teachers from several faculties what tools they use in their work. All interlocutors note that there is no universal solution: each educational direction requires an individual set of multimedia tools.

Associate Professor of the Department of Botany and Plant Genetics of Perm State National Research University Yulia Vasilyeva held basic research genetic resources of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb). The results make it possible not only to give a comprehensive description and assess the state of the population gene pools of the species, but also to develop recommendations for the conservation and rational use larch genetic resources in the Urals and other regions of the country.

From March 19, Perm State National Research University switches to distance learning. The period from March 16 to 18 is a preparatory period, during which each faculty will determine and clarify work plans in educational areas. During this time, students are exempt from attending the university.

Polina Kozyakova, a student of the Faculty of History and Political Science of Perm State National Research University, reconstructed the social and political system population of the Glyadenov culture, who lived on the left tributaries of the Kama in the vicinity of Perm, and found out that the social structure of the society of the ancient Permians was a complex chiefdom, that is, a tribal system with an established hierarchy, headed by a leader.

On Saturday, March 14, one of the major events Faculty of Philology - “Miss Philologist 2020”. For the 6th time, the girls will compete for the title of the most charming and talented philologist.

Students of the Faculty of Law and Geography of Perm University received letters of gratitude from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Perm region for participation in the regional value-oriented program “On the Hero’s Path”. The project is aimed at the rehabilitation of minors who are in conflict with the law, the environment and themselves.

Regional branch of the Union of Gardeners of Russia, which operates in Perm on the basis Botanical Garden Perm State National Research University and Perm State Agricultural Technological University signed an agreement on business cooperation and partnership.

At Perm University on March 13 and 14, experts will discuss the symbolic role of anniversaries: their social and political aspects.

In this issue read: - Olympiad week at the Faculty of Law: opinions and results; - career guidance: introducing students of the specialty “Forensic Science” to their future profession; - the experience of colleagues: stories of the chairmen of the SSS of law faculties about their organization and ongoing projects.